Gen_24:7.....shall/send his angel before/thee 1/234
Gen_24:12.....thee/send me good/speed...... 2/234
Gen_24:40.....will/send his angel with/thee 3/234
Gen_24:54.....said/Send me away unto/my.... 4/234
Gen_24:56......way/send me away that I may go to/my 5/234
Gen_27:45.....will/send and fetch thee/from 6/234
Gen_30:25....Laban/Send me away that I may go unto/mine 7/234
Gen_37:13.....will/send thee unto them And he/said 8/234
Gen_38:17.....will/send thee a kid/from.... 9/234
Gen_38:17.....thou/send it And/he......... 10/234
Gen_42:16...hither/Send one/of............ 11/234
Gen_43:4......wilt/send our/brother....... 12/234
Gen_43:5.......not/send him we/will....... 13/234
Gen_43:8....father/Send the lad/with...... 14/234
Gen_43:14......may/send away your/other... 15/234
Gen_45:5.......did/send me before/you..... 16/234
Exo_3:10......will/send thee unto Pharaoh/that 17/234
Exo_4:13......LORD/send I pray/thee....... 18/234
Exo_4:13......wilt/send And the/anger..... 19/234
Exo_7:2.........he/send the children/of... 20/234
Exo_8:21......will/send swarms/of......... 21/234
Exo_9:14......time/send all/my............ 22/234 therefore now/and. 23/234
Exo_12:33....might/send them out/of....... 24/234
Exo_23:20........I/send an Angel before thee to/keep 25/234
Exo_23:27.....will/send my fear/before.... 26/234
Exo_23:28.....will/send hornets/before.... 27/234
Exo_33:2......will/send an angel before thee and/I 28/234
Exo_33:12.....wilt/send with/me........... 29/234
Lev_16:21....shall/send him away/by....... 30/234
Lev_26:22.....also/send wild/beasts....... 31/234
Lev_26:25.....will/send the pestilence/among 32/234
Lev_26:36.....will/send a faintness/into.. 33/234
Num_13:2....saying/Send thou/men.......... 34/234 a man/every....... 35/234
Num_22:37earnestly/send unto thee to/call. 36/234 to the/war........ 37/234
Deu_1:22......will/send men before/us..... 38/234
Deu_7:20......will/send the hornet/among.. 39/234
Deu_11:15.....will/send grass/in.......... 40/234
Deu_19:12....shall/send and fetch him thence/and 41/234
Deu_24:1.......and/send her out/of........ 42/234
Deu_28:20....shall/send upon thee/cursing. 43/234
Deu_28:48....shall/send against thee/in... 44/234
Deu_32:24.....also/send the teeth/of...... 45/234
Jos_18:4......will/send them and they shall/rise 46/234
Jdg_13:8.....didst/send come/again........ 47/234
1Sa_5:11......said/Send away the ark of the God of Israel and/let 48/234
1Sa_6:2......shall/send it to/his......... 49/234 away the ark of the God of Israel send/it 50/234
1Sa_6:3.....Israel/send it not/empty...... 51/234
1Sa_6:8........and/send it away/that...... 52/234
1Sa_9:16......will/send thee a man/out.... 53/234
1Sa_9:26.......may/send thee away And/Saul 54/234
1Sa_11:3.......may/send messengers/unto... 55/234
1Sa_12:17....shall/send thunder/and....... 56/234
1Sa_16:1......will/send thee to Jesse/the. 57/234
1Sa_16:11....Jesse/Send and fetch him for/we 58/234
1Sa_16:19.....said/Send me David/thy...... 59/234
1Sa_20:12.....then/send not/unto.......... 60/234
1Sa_20:13......and/send thee away that/thou 61/234
1Sa_20:21.....will/send a lad/saying...... 62/234 and fetch him unto/me 63/234
1Sa_21:2.........I/send thee and what/I... 64/234
1Sa_25:25....didst/send Now therefore/my.. 65/234
2Sa_11:6....saying/Send me Uriah/the...... 66/234
2Sa_14:32......may/send thee to the king/to 67/234
2Sa_15:36....shall/send unto me every/thing 68/234
2Sa_17:16therefore/send quickly/and....... 69/234
1Ki_8:44.....shalt/send them and shall/pray 70/234
1Ki_18:1......will/send rain upon the/earth 71/234
1Ki_18:19therefore/send and gather/to..... 72/234
1Ki_20:6......will/send my servants/unto.. 73/234
1Ki_20:9.....didst/send for to/thy........ 74/234
1Ki_20:34.....will/send thee away with/this 75/234
2Ki_2:16.......not/send And when/they..... 76/234
2Ki_2:17......said/Send They/sent......... 77/234
2Ki_4:22......said/Send me I pray thee/one 78/234
2Ki_5:5.......will/send a letter/unto..... 79/234
2Ki_5:7.......doth/send unto me to/recover 80/234
2Ki_6:13.......may/send and fetch him And/it 81/234 and see/They...... 82/234
2Ki_9:17.......and/send to meet/them...... 83/234 against Judah/Rezin 84/234
2Ki_19:7......will/send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and shall/return 85/234 abroad/unto....... 86/234
2Ch_2:3......didst/send him cedars/to..... 87/234
2Ch_2:7........him/Send me now/therefore.. 88/234
2Ch_2:8....provide/Send me also/cedar..... 89/234
2Ch_2:15.......him/send unto his/servants. 90/234
2Ch_6:27.......and/send rain upon thy/land 91/234
2Ch_6:34.....shalt/send them and they pray/unto 92/234
2Ch_7:13.........I/send pestilence/among.. 93/234
2Ch_28:16.....Ahaz/send unto the/kings.... 94/234
2Ch_32:9...Assyria/send his servants/to... 95/234
Ezr_5:17......king/send his pleasure/to... 96/234
Neh_2:5...wouldest/send me unto/Judah..... 97/234 me and I/set...... 98/234
Neh_8:10.......and/send portions unto/them 99/234 portions and/to.. 100/234
Job_21:11.....They/send forth their/little 101/234
Job_38:35.....thou/send lightnings/that.. 102/234
Psa_20:2......thee/Send thee help/from... 103/234
Psa_43:3.........O/send out thy/light.... 104/234
Psa_57:3.....shall/send from/heaven...... 105/234
Psa_57:3.....shall/send forth his mercy/and 106/234
Psa_68:9.....didst/send a plentiful/rain. 107/234
Psa_68:33.....doth/send out his/voice.... 108/234
Psa_110:2....shall/send the rod/of....... 109/234
Psa_118:25....thee/send now prosperity/Blessed 110/234
Psa_144:7.....them/Send thine/hand....... 111/234
Pro_10:26.....that/send him The/fear..... 112/234
Pro_22:21.....that/send unto thee Rob/not 113/234
Pro_25:13.....that/send him for/he....... 114/234 forth a/stinking. 115/234
Isa_6:8..........I/send and who/will..... 116/234
Isa_6:8..........I/send me And he/said... 117/234
Isa_10:6......will/send him against/an... 118/234
Isa_10:16....hosts/send among his/fat.... 119/234 ye/the........... 120/234
Isa_19:20....shall/send them a/saviour... 121/234
Isa_32:20.....that/send forth thither/the 122/234
Isa_37:7......will/send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and return/to 123/234
Isa_57:9.....didst/send thy/messengers... 124/234
Isa_66:19.....will/send those/that....... 125/234
Jer_1:7......shall/send thee and whatsoever/I 126/234
Jer_2:10.......and/send unto Kedar/and... 127/234
Jer_8:17......will/send serpents/cockatrices 128/234
Jer_9:16......will/send a sword/after.... 129/234
Jer_9:17.......and/send for cunning/women 130/234
Jer_16:16.....will/send for many fishers/saith 131/234
Jer_16:16........I/send for many hunters/and 132/234
Jer_24:10.....will/send the sword the/famine 133/234
Jer_25:9......will/send and take all/the. 134/234
Jer_25:15........I/send thee to drink/it. 135/234
Jer_25:16.....will/send among them/Then.. 136/234
Jer_25:27.....will/send among you/And.... 137/234
Jer_27:3.......And/send them to/the...... 138/234
Jer_29:17.....will/send upon them the sword/the 139/234
Jer_29:31...saying/Send to all/them...... 140/234
Jer_42:5.....shall/send thee to us/Whether 141/234
Jer_42:6........we/send thee that/it..... 142/234
Jer_43:10.....will/send and take Nebuchadrezzar/the 143/234
Jer_48:12.....will/send unto him wanderers/that 144/234
Jer_49:37.....will/send the sword after/them 145/234
Jer_51:2......will/send unto Babylon/fanners 146/234
Eze_2:3..........I/send thee to the children/of 147/234 thee unto them and thou/shalt 148/234
Eze_5:16.....shall/send upon them the evil/arrows 149/234
Eze_5:16......will/send to destroy/you... 150/234
Eze_5:17.........I/send upon you/famine.. 151/234
Eze_7:3.......will/send mine/anger....... 152/234
Eze_14:13.....will/send famine/upon...... 153/234
Eze_14:19........I/send a pestilence/into 154/234
Eze_14:21........I/send my four/sore..... 155/234
Eze_28:23.....will/send into/her......... 156/234
Eze_39:6......will/send a fire on Magog/and 157/234
Hos_8:14......will/send a fire upon his/cities 158/234
Joe_2:19......will/send you corn/and..... 159/234
Amo_1:4.......will/send a fire into/the.. 160/234
Amo_1:7.......will/send a fire on the wall of Gaza/which 161/234
Amo_1:10......will/send a fire on the wall of Tyrus/which 162/234
Amo_1:12......will/send a fire upon Teman/which 163/234
Amo_2:2.......will/send a fire upon Moab/and 164/234
Amo_2:5.......will/send a fire upon Judah/and 165/234
Amo_8:11......will/send a famine/in...... 166/234
Mal_2:2.......even/send a curse/upon..... 167/234
Mal_3:1.......will/send my messenger and/he 168/234
Mal_4:5.......will/send you Elijah/the... 169/234
Mat_9:38......will/send forth labourers into his harvest And/when 170/234
Mat_10:16........I/send you forth as sheep/in 171/234 peace on/earth... 172/234 peace but/a...... 173/234
Mat_11:10........I/send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee Verily/I 174/234
Mat_12:20.......he/send forth judgment/unto 175/234
Mat_13:41....shall/send forth his angels/and 176/234
Mat_14:15.....past/send the multitude away that they may go into the villages/and 177/234
Mat_15:23...saying/Send her away/for..... 178/234
Mat_15:32......not/send them away fasting lest/they 179/234
Mat_21:3......will/send them All/this.... 180/234
Mat_23:34........I/send unto you prophets/and 181/234
Mat_24:31....shall/send his angels with/a 182/234
Mar_1:2..........I/send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee The/voice 183/234
Mar_3:14.....might/send them forth to/preach 184/234
Mar_5:10.......not/send them away out/of. 185/234
Mar_5:12....saying/Send us/into.......... 186/234 them forth by/two 187/234
Mar_6:36....passed/Send them away that/they 188/234
Mar_8:3..........I/send them away fasting to/their 189/234
Mar_11:3......will/send him hither/And... 190/234
Mar_12:13.....they/send unto him certain/of 191/234
Mar_13:27.......he/send his angels and/shall 192/234
Luk_7:27.........I/send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee For/I 193/234
Luk_9:12.......him/Send the multitude away that they may go into the towns/and 194/234
Luk_10:2.....would/send forth labourers into his harvest Go/your 195/234
Luk_10:3.........I/send you forth as lambs/among 196/234
Luk_11:49.....will/send them prophets/and 197/234 fire/on.......... 198/234
Luk_16:24......and/send Lazarus/that..... 199/234
Luk_16:27.wouldest/send him to my/father's 200/234
Luk_20:13.....will/send my beloved/son... 201/234
Luk_24:49........I/send the promise/of... 202/234
Joh_13:20........I/send receiveth/me..... 203/234
Joh_14:26.....will/send in/my............ 204/234
Joh_15:26.....will/send unto you from/the 205/234
Joh_16:7......will/send him unto/you..... 206/234
Joh_17:8.....didst/send me I pray for/them 207/234 I you/And........ 208/234
Act_3:20.....shall/send Jesus/Christ..... 209/234
Act_7:34......will/send thee into/Egypt.. 210/234
Act_7:35.......God/send to be/a.......... 211/234 men to Joppa and call for one/Simon 212/234 for thee/into.... 213/234
Act_10:32......God/Send therefore to/Joppa 214/234
Act_11:13......him/Send men to Joppa and call for Simon/whose 215/234 relief/unto...... 216/234 chosen men of/their 217/234
Act_15:23.brethren/send greeting/unto.... 218/234 chosen men unto/you 219/234
Act_22:21.....will/send thee far/hence... 220/234
Act_25:3.....would/send for him/to....... 221/234
Act_25:21....might/send him to Caesar/Then 222/234 him Of/whom...... 223/234 a prisoner/and... 224/234
Act_26:17........I/send thee To open/their 225/234
1Co_16:3.........I/send to bring/your.... 226/234 Timotheus/shortly 227/234 presently/so..... 228/234 to you/Epaphroditus 229/234
2Th_2:11.....shall/send them strong/delusion 230/234
Tit_3:12.....shall/send Artemas/unto..... 231/234
Jam_3:11..fountain/send forth at/the..... 232/234
Rev_1:11.......and/send it unto/the...... 233/234
Rev_11:10....shall/send gifts/one........ 234/234
Deu_15:13.....thou/sendest him out/free...... 1/6
Deu_15:18.....thou/sendest him away free/from 2/6
Jos_1:16......thou/sendest us/we............. 3/6
2Ki_1:6.......thou/sendest to/enquire........ 4/6
Job_14:20......and/sendest him away His/sons. 5/6
Psa_104:30....Thou/sendest forth/thy......... 6/6
Deu_24:3.......and/sendeth her/out.......... 1/15
1Ki_17:14.....LORD/sendeth rain upon/the.... 2/15
Job_5:10.......and/sendeth waters/upon...... 3/15
Job_12:15.......he/sendeth them/out......... 4/15
Psa_104:10......He/sendeth the/springs...... 5/15
Psa_147:15......He/sendeth forth his/commandment 6/15
Psa_147:18......He/sendeth out/his.......... 7/15
Pro_26:6......that/sendeth a/message........ 8/15
Son_1:12.spikenard/sendeth forth the/smell.. 9/15
Isa_18:2......That/sendeth ambassadors/by.. 10/15
Mat_5:45.......and/sendeth rain on/the..... 11/15
Mar_11:1........he/sendeth forth two of his disciples And saith unto them Go your/way 12/15
Mar_14:13.......he/sendeth forth two of his disciples and saith unto them Go ye/into 13/15
Luk_14:32.......he/sendeth an/ambassage.... 14/15
Act_23:26....Felix/sendeth greeting/This... 15/15 me/away.......... 1/14
2Ch_36:15......and/sending because/he....... 2/14
Est_9:19........of/sending portions one to another And Mordecai/wrote 3/14
Est_9:22........of/sending portions one to another and gifts/to 4/14 evil/angels...... 5/14
Isa_7:25.......the/sending forth/of......... 6/14
Jer_7:25.......and/sending them Yet/they.... 7/14
Jer_25:4.......and/sending them but ye have not hearkened nor/inclined 8/14
Jer_26:5.......and/sending them but ye have not hearkened Then/will 9/14
Jer_29:19......and/sending them but ye would/not 10/14
Jer_35:15......and/sending them saying Return/ye 11/14
Jer_44:4.......and/sending them saying Oh/do 12/14 his ambassadors/into 13/14
Rom_8:3........God/sending his own/Son..... 14/14
