Gen_5:7..........and/seven years and begat sons and daughters And all/the 1/463
Gen_5:25.........and/seven years and begat Lamech/And 2/463
Gen_5:26......Lamech/seven hundred eighty/and 3/463
Gen_5:31........were/seven hundred seventy and seven/years 4/463
Gen_5:31.........and/seven years and he died/And 5/463
Gen_7:4..........yet/seven days and I/will... 6/463
Gen_7:10.......after/seven days that the waters/of 7/463
Gen_8:10.......other/seven days and again/he. 8/463
Gen_8:12.......other/seven days and sent/forth 9/463
Gen_8:14.........the/seven and twentieth day of the month was/the 10/463
Gen_11:21........and/seven years and begat sons and daughters And Serug/lived 11/463
Gen_21:28........set/seven ewe lambs of/the. 12/463
Gen_21:29......these/seven ewe lambs which/thou 13/463
Gen_21:30......these/seven ewe lambs shalt/thou 14/463
Gen_23:1.........and/seven and twenty years/old 15/463
Gen_25:17........and/seven years and he gave/up 16/463
Gen_29:18.......thee/seven years for Rachel thy/younger 17/463
Gen_29:20.....served/seven years for Rachel and/they 18/463
Gen_29:27........yet/seven other years And Jacob/did 19/463
Gen_29:30........yet/seven other years And when/the 20/463
Gen_31:23........him/seven days' journey and they/overtook 21/463
Gen_33:3......ground/seven times until/he... 22/463
Gen_41:2.......river/seven well favoured kine/and 23/463
Gen_41:3......behold/seven other kine came up after them out/of 24/463
Gen_41:4.........the/seven well favoured and/fat 25/463
Gen_41:5......behold/seven ears of/corn..... 26/463
Gen_41:6......behold/seven thin ears and/blasted 27/463
Gen_41:7.........the/seven thin ears devoured/the 28/463
Gen_41:7.........the/seven rank/and......... 29/463
Gen_41:18......river/seven kine/fatfleshed.. 30/463
Gen_41:19.....behold/seven other kine came up after them poor/and 31/463
Gen_41:20......first/seven fat/kine......... 32/463
Gen_41:22.....behold/seven ears came/up..... 33/463
Gen_41:23.....behold/seven ears withered/thin 34/463
Gen_41:24........the/seven good ears and/I.. 35/463
Gen_41:26........The/seven good kine/are.... 36/463
Gen_41:26........are/seven years and the seven good/ears 37/463
Gen_41:26........the/seven good ears are/seven 38/463
Gen_41:26........are/seven years the dream/is 39/463
Gen_41:27........the/seven thin and/ill..... 40/463
Gen_41:27........are/seven years and the seven empty/ears 41/463
Gen_41:27........the/seven empty/ears....... 42/463 years of famine This/is 43/463
Gen_41:29.......come/seven years of great/plenty 44/463
Gen_41:30.......them/seven years of famine and/all 45/463
Gen_41:34........the/seven plenteous years And/let 46/463
Gen_41:36........the/seven years of famine which/shall 47/463
Gen_41:47........the/seven plenteous years the/earth 48/463
Gen_41:48........the/seven years which/were. 49/463
Gen_41:53........the/seven years of plenteousness/that 50/463
Gen_41:54........the/seven years of dearth/began 51/463
Gen_46:25.......were/seven All/the.......... 52/463
Gen_47:28........and/seven years And the time/drew 53/463
Gen_50:10.....father/seven days And when/the 54/463
Exo_2:16.........had/seven daughters/and.... 55/463
Exo_6:16.........and/seven years The sons/of 56/463
Exo_6:20.........and/seven years And the sons/of 57/463
Exo_7:25.........And/seven days were fulfilled/after 58/463
Exo_12:15.......ever/Seven days shall ye/eat 59/463
Exo_12:19.......even/Seven days shall there/be 60/463
Exo_13:6.......month/Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread and/in 61/463
Exo_13:7.......eaten/seven days and there shall/no 62/463
Exo_22:30......sheep/seven days it/shall.... 63/463
Exo_23:15......bread/seven days as/I........ 64/463
Exo_25:37........the/seven lamps thereof/and 65/463
Exo_29:30.........on/seven days when/he..... 66/463
Exo_29:35.......thee/seven days shalt thou consecrate/them 67/463 days thou shalt make/an 68/463
Exo_34:18.......keep/Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread as/I 69/463
Exo_37:23........his/seven lamps and/his.... 70/463
Exo_38:24........and/seven hundred and thirty shekels/after 71/463
Exo_38:25...thousand/seven hundred and threescore and/fifteen 72/463
Exo_38:28...thousand/seven hundred seventy and five shekels/he 73/463
Lev_4:6........blood/seven times before the LORD before/the 74/463 times before the LORD even/before 75/463
Lev_8:11.......altar/seven times and anointed/the 76/463 days until/the... 77/463
Lev_8:33.........for/seven days shall he/consecrate 78/463
Lev_8:35.......night/seven days and keep/the 79/463
Lev_12:2.....unclean/seven days according to the days/of 80/463
Lev_13:4......plague/seven days And the priest shall look on/him 81/463
Lev_13:5..........up/seven days more And the priest shall look on him/again 82/463
Lev_13:21.........up/seven days And if/it... 83/463
Lev_13:26.........up/seven days And the priest shall look upon/him 84/463
Lev_13:31......scall/seven days And in the seventh/day 85/463
Lev_13:33......scall/seven days more And in/the 86/463
Lev_13:50.....plague/seven days And he/shall 87/463
Lev_13:54.........up/seven days more And the priest shall look on the/plague 88/463
Lev_14:7.....leprosy/seven times and shall/pronounce 89/463
Lev_14:8........tent/seven days But/it...... 90/463
Lev_14:16.....finger/seven times before the LORD And of/the 91/463
Lev_14:27.......hand/seven times before the LORD And the/priest 92/463 days And the priest shall come/again 93/463 times And he/shall 94/463
Lev_15:13....himself/seven days for/his..... 95/463
Lev_15:19......apart/seven days and whosoever/toucheth 96/463
Lev_15:24....unclean/seven days and all the/bed 97/463
Lev_15:28....herself/seven days and after that she/shall 98/463
Lev_16:14.....finger/seven times Then/shall. 99/463
Lev_16:19.....finger/seven times and cleanse/it 100/463 days under/the.. 101/463
Lev_23:6........LORD/seven days ye must/eat 102/463
Lev_23:8........LORD/seven days in the seventh/day 103/463
Lev_23:15...offering/seven sabbaths shall/be 104/463
Lev_23:18......bread/seven lambs without/blemish 105/463
Lev_23:34........for/seven days unto/the... 106/463
Lev_23:36....therein/Seven days ye shall/offer 107/463
Lev_23:39.......LORD/seven days on/the..... 108/463
Lev_23:40........God/seven days And ye shall keep/it 109/463
Lev_23:41.......LORD/seven days in the year/It 110/463
Lev_23:42.....booths/seven days all/that... 111/463
Lev_25:8......number/seven sabbaths of years unto/thee 112/463
Lev_25:8........thee/seven times seven/years 113/463
Lev_25:8.......times/seven years and the space/of 114/463
Lev_25:8.........the/seven sabbaths of years shall/be 115/463 times more for/your 116/463
Lev_26:21......bring/seven times more plagues/upon 117/463
Lev_26:24........yet/seven times for your sins And I/will 118/463 times for your sins And ye/shall 119/463
Num_1:31.........and/seven thousand and four hundred Of/the 120/463
Num_1:39.........and/seven hundred Of/the.. 121/463
Num_2:8..........and/seven thousand and four hundred All/that 122/463
Num_2:26.........and/seven hundred And those/that 123/463
Num_2:31.........and/seven thousand and six/hundred 124/463
Num_3:22........were/seven thousand and five hundred The/families 125/463
Num_4:36....thousand/seven hundred and fifty These/were 126/463
Num_8:2..........the/seven lamps shall/give 127/463
Num_12:14....ashamed/seven days let/her.... 128/463 days and after that let/her 129/463 days and the people/journeyed 130/463
Num_13:22......built/seven years before/Zoan 131/463
Num_16:49........and/seven hundred beside/them 132/463
Num_19:4congregation/seven times And one/shall 133/463
Num_19:11....unclean/seven days He/shall... 134/463
Num_19:14....unclean/seven days And every/open 135/463
Num_19:16....unclean/seven days And for/an. 136/463 altars and prepare me here seven oxen/and 137/463 oxen/and........ 138/463
Num_23:1.........and/seven rams And Balak did as Balaam had spoken/and 139/463
Num_23:4....prepared/seven altars and I/have 140/463
Num_23:14......built/seven altars and offered/a 141/463 altars and prepare me here seven bullocks/and 142/463 bullocks and seven rams And Balak/did 143/463
Num_23:29........and/seven rams And Balak did as Balaam had said/and 144/463
Num_26:7.........and/seven hundred and thirty And the sons/of 145/463
Num_26:34........and/seven hundred These/are 146/463
Num_26:51...thousand/seven hundred and thirty And the LORD/spake 147/463
Num_28:11........ram/seven lambs of the first year without spot/And 148/463
Num_28:17......feast/seven days shall unleavened/bread 149/463
Num_28:19........and/seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 150/463
Num_28:21........the/seven lambs And one goat/for 151/463
Num_28:24........the/seven days the/meat... 152/463
Num_28:27........ram/seven lambs of the first year And/their 153/463
Num_28:29........the/seven lambs And one kid of the goats to/make 154/463
Num_29:2.........and/seven lambs of the first year without blemish And/their 155/463
Num_29:4.........the/seven lambs And one kid of the goats for/a 156/463
Num_29:8.........and/seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 157/463
Num_29:10........the/seven lambs One/kid... 158/463
Num_29:12.......LORD/seven days And ye shall offer/a 159/463 bullocks two/rams 160/463
Num_29:36........ram/seven lambs of the first year without blemish Their/meat 161/463 days whosoever/hath 162/463
Num_31:36........and/seven and thirty/thousand 163/463
Num_31:43........and/seven thousand and five hundred sheep/And 164/463
Num_31:52...thousand/seven hundred and fifty shekels/For 165/463
Deu_7:1....Jebusites/seven nations greater/and 166/463
Deu_15:1.......every/seven years thou/shalt 167/463 days shalt thou eat/unleavened 168/463
Deu_16:4.......coast/seven days neither/shall 169/463
Deu_16:9.....therein/Seven weeks shalt/thou 170/463
Deu_16:9.........the/seven weeks from/such. 171/463
Deu_16:13tabernacles/seven days after/that. 172/463
Deu_16:15......gates/Seven days shalt thou keep/a 173/463
Deu_28:7........thee/seven ways The/LORD... 174/463
Deu_28:25.......flee/seven ways before/them 175/463
Deu_31:10......every/seven years in the/solemnity 176/463
Jos_6:4..........And/seven priests shall/bear 177/463
Jos_6:4..........ark/seven trumpets of rams' horns and/the 178/463 times and the priests/shall 179/463
Jos_6:6..........let/seven priests bear/seven 180/463
Jos_6:6.........bear/seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the LORD And/he 181/463
Jos_6:8..........the/seven priests bearing the/seven 182/463
Jos_6:8..........the/seven trumpets of rams' horns passed/on 183/463
Jos_6:13.........And/seven priests bearing seven/trumpets 184/463
Jos_6:13.....bearing/seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the LORD went/on 185/463
Jos_6:15......manner/seven times only/on... 186/463 times And it came to pass at the seventh time when/the 187/463
Jos_18:2......Israel/seven tribes/which.... 188/463
Jos_18:5........into/seven parts Judah/shall 189/463
Jos_18:6........into/seven parts and/bring. 190/463
Jos_18:9........into/seven parts in/a...... 191/463
Jdg_6:1.......Midian/seven years And the hand/of 192/463
Jdg_6:25..........of/seven years old and/throw 193/463
Jdg_8:26.........and/seven hundred shekels/of 194/463
Jdg_12:9......Israel/seven years Then/died. 195/463
Jdg_14:12........the/seven days of the feast and/find 196/463
Jdg_14:17........the/seven days while/their 197/463
Jdg_16:7........with/seven green withs that/were 198/463
Jdg_16:8.........her/seven green withs which/had 199/463
Jdg_16:13........the/seven locks of my/head 200/463
Jdg_16:19........the/seven locks of his/head 201/463
Jdg_20:15...numbered/seven hundred chosen men Among/all 202/463
Jdg_20:16.......were/seven hundred chosen men lefthanded/every 203/463
Rut_4:15........than/seven sons hath/born.. 204/463
1Sa_2:5.........born/seven and she/that.... 205/463
1Sa_6:1..Philistines/seven months And/the.. 206/463
1Sa_10:8...offerings/seven days shalt thou tarry/till 207/463 days' respite/that 208/463
1Sa_13:8.....tarried/seven days according to the set/time 209/463
1Sa_16:10.......made/seven of/his.......... 210/463
1Sa_31:13.....fasted/seven days Now/it..... 211/463
2Sa_2:11.........was/seven years and six months And Abner/the 212/463
2Sa_5:5........Judah/seven years and six months and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years over/all 213/463
2Sa_8:4..........and/seven hundred horsemen/and 214/463
2Sa_10:18.........of/seven hundred chariots/of 215/463
2Sa_21:6.........Let/seven men of his/sons. 216/463
2Sa_21:9.........all/seven together/and.... 217/463
2Sa_23:39........and/seven in/all.......... 218/463
2Sa_24:13......Shall/seven years of famine come/unto 219/463
1Ki_2:11.......years/seven years reigned he in Hebron and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem Then/sat 220/463
1Ki_6:6..........was/seven cubits broad/for 221/463
1Ki_6:38..........he/seven years in building/it 222/463
1Ki_7:17.....pillars/seven for the one/chapiter 223/463
1Ki_7:17.........and/seven for the other/chapiter 224/463
1Ki_8:65.........God/seven days and seven days/even 225/463
1Ki_8:65.........and/seven days even/fourteen 226/463
1Ki_11:3.........had/seven hundred wives/princesses 227/463
1Ki_16:15......reign/seven days in Tirzah/And 228/463
1Ki_18:43......again/seven times And it came to pass at the seventh time that/he 229/463 thousand in/Israel 230/463
1Ki_20:15......being/seven thousand And they/went 231/463
1Ki_20:29......other/seven days And so it/was 232/463
1Ki_20:30........and/seven thousand of/the. 233/463
2Ki_3:9...........of/seven days' journey and there/was 234/463
2Ki_3:26.........him/seven hundred men/that 235/463
2Ki_4:35.....sneezed/seven times and the child/opened 236/463
2Ki_5:10......Jordan/seven times and thy/flesh 237/463
2Ki_5:14.....himself/seven times in Jordan/according 238/463 years And the woman/arose 239/463
2Ki_8:2..Philistines/seven years And it/came 240/463
2Ki_8:3..........the/seven years' end/that. 241/463 years old was/Jehoash 242/463
2Ki_24:16.......even/seven thousand and craftsmen/and 243/463
2Ki_25:27........the/seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah in the twelfth month on/the 244/463
2Ki_25:27........the/seven and twentieth day of the month that/Evilmerodach 245/463
1Ch_3:4......reigned/seven years and six months and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years And/these 246/463
1Ch_3:24.......Anani/seven The sons/of..... 247/463
1Ch_5:13.......Heber/seven These/are....... 248/463
1Ch_5:18....thousand/seven hundred and threescore that/went 249/463
1Ch_7:5..........and/seven thousand The/sons 250/463
1Ch_9:13.........and/seven hundred and threescore very/able 251/463
1Ch_9:25.......after/seven days from/time.. 252/463
1Ch_10:12.....fasted/seven days So/Saul.... 253/463
1Ch_12:25........war/seven thousand and one/hundred 254/463
1Ch_12:27........and/seven hundred And Zadok/a 255/463
1Ch_12:34........and/seven thousand And of/the 256/463
1Ch_15:26....offered/seven bullocks and seven rams And David/was 257/463
1Ch_15:26........and/seven rams And David/was 258/463
1Ch_18:4.........and/seven thousand horsemen/and 259/463
1Ch_19:18....Syrians/seven thousand men which/fought 260/463
1Ch_26:30........and/seven hundred were/officers 261/463
1Ch_26:32........and/seven hundred chief/fathers 262/463
1Ch_29:4.........and/seven thousand talents/of 263/463
1Ch_29:27......years/seven years reigned he in Hebron and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem And/he 264/463
2Ch_7:8........feast/seven days and all Israel/with 265/463
2Ch_7:9........altar/seven days and the feast/seven 266/463
2Ch_7:9........feast/seven days And on the three/and 267/463
2Ch_13:9.........and/seven rams the/same... 268/463
2Ch_15:11....brought/seven hundred oxen/and 269/463
2Ch_15:11........and/seven thousand sheep And they/entered 270/463
2Ch_17:11.....flocks/seven thousand and seven hundred rams/and 271/463
2Ch_17:11........and/seven hundred rams/and 272/463
2Ch_17:11........and/seven thousand and seven hundred he/goats 273/463
2Ch_17:11........and/seven hundred he/goats 274/463
2Ch_24:1.........was/seven years old when/he 275/463
2Ch_26:13........and/seven thousand and five hundred that/made 276/463
2Ch_29:21....brought/seven bullocks and seven rams and seven/lambs 277/463
2Ch_29:21........and/seven rams and seven/lambs 278/463
2Ch_29:21........and/seven lambs and seven/he 279/463
2Ch_29:21........and/seven he/goats........ 280/463
2Ch_30:21......bread/seven days with great/gladness 281/463
2Ch_30:22......feast/seven days offering/peace 282/463
2Ch_30:23......other/seven days and they/kept 283/463
2Ch_30:23......other/seven days with gladness/For 284/463
2Ch_30:24........and/seven thousand sheep and the/princes 285/463
2Ch_35:17......bread/seven days And there was/no 286/463
Ezr_2:5.........Arah/seven hundred seventy and five The/children 287/463
Ezr_2:9.......Zaccai/seven hundred and threescore The children of Bani/six 288/463
Ezr_2:25.....Beeroth/seven hundred and forty/and 289/463
Ezr_2:33.........Ono/seven hundred twenty and five/The 290/463
Ezr_2:38.........and/seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 291/463
Ezr_2:65........were/seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and there/were 292/463
Ezr_2:65.........and/seven and there/were.. 293/463
Ezr_2:66........were/seven hundred thirty and six their mules two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five their/asses 294/463
Ezr_2:67....thousand/seven hundred and twenty And/some 295/463
Ezr_6:22.......bread/seven days with joy/for 296/463
Ezr_7:14.........his/seven counsellors/to.. 297/463
Ezr_8:35.........and/seven lambs twelve/he. 298/463
Neh_7:14......Zaccai/seven hundred and threescore The children of Binnui/six 299/463
Neh_7:18.........and/seven The children of Bigvai/two 300/463
Neh_7:19.........and/seven The children of Adin/six 301/463
Neh_7:29.....Beeroth/seven hundred forty and three/The 302/463
Neh_7:37.........Ono/seven hundred twenty and one/The 303/463
Neh_7:41.........and/seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 304/463
Neh_7:67........were/seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and they/had 305/463
Neh_7:67.........and/seven and they/had.... 306/463
Neh_7:68......horses/seven hundred thirty and six their mules two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five six/thousand 307/463
Neh_7:69....thousand/seven hundred and twenty asses/And 308/463
Neh_7:72.........and/seven priests' garments/So 309/463
Neh_8:18.......feast/seven days and on the eighth/day 310/463
Est_1:1..........and/seven and twenty provinces/That 311/463
Est_1:5........small/seven days in the court/of 312/463
Est_1:10.........the/seven chamberlains/that 313/463
Est_1:14.........the/seven princes/of...... 314/463
Est_2:9..........and/seven maidens/which... 315/463
Est_8:9..........and/seven provinces unto/every 316/463
Est_9:30.........and/seven provinces of/the 317/463
Job_1:2..........him/seven sons and three daughters His/substance 318/463
Job_1:3..........was/seven thousand sheep and three/thousand 319/463
Job_2:13......ground/seven days and seven nights/and 320/463
Job_2:13.........and/seven nights/and...... 321/463 there/shall..... 322/463 bullocks and seven rams and go/to 323/463
Job_42:8.........and/seven rams and go/to.. 324/463
Job_42:13.......also/seven sons and three daughters And/he 325/463
Psa_12:6....purified/seven times Thou/shalt 326/463 times a/day..... 327/463
Pro_6:16.........yea/seven are/an.......... 328/463
Pro_9:1..........her/seven pillars/She..... 329/463
Pro_24:16....falleth/seven times and riseth/up 330/463
Pro_26:16.......than/seven men that/can.... 331/463
Pro_26:25........are/seven abominations/in. 332/463 and also/to..... 333/463 women/shall..... 334/463
Isa_11:15........the/seven streams/and..... 335/463
Isa_30:26.........of/seven days in the day/that 336/463
Jer_15:9.......borne/seven languisheth/she. 337/463
Jer_34:14.........of/seven years let/ye.... 338/463
Jer_52:25........and/seven men of them/that 339/463
Jer_52:30.......Jews/seven hundred forty and five/persons 340/463
Jer_52:31........the/seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah in the twelfth month in/the 341/463
Eze_3:15........them/seven days And it/came 342/463
Eze_3:16..........of/seven days that the word/of 343/463
Eze_29:17........the/seven and twentieth year/in 344/463 years So/that... 345/463
Eze_39:12........And/seven months shall the/house 346/463
Eze_39:14.........of/seven months shall they/search 347/463 steps and/the... 348/463
Eze_40:26.......were/seven steps to/go..... 349/463
Eze_41:3........door/seven cubits So/he.... 350/463
Eze_43:25.......LORD/Seven days shalt thou prepare/every 351/463
Eze_43:26....blemish/Seven days shall they/purge 352/463
Eze_44:26........him/seven days And in the day/that 353/463
Eze_45:21.........of/seven days unleavened/bread 354/463
Eze_45:23........And/seven days of the feast he/shall 355/463
Eze_45:23.......LORD/seven bullocks and seven rams without/blemish 356/463
Eze_45:23........and/seven rams without/blemish 357/463
Eze_45:23........the/seven days and a/kid.. 358/463
Eze_45:25........the/seven days according to the sin/offering 359/463 times more than/it 360/463
Dan_4:16.........let/seven times pass over him This matter/is 361/463
Dan_4:23........till/seven times pass over him This is/the 362/463
Dan_4:25.........and/seven times shall pass over thee till/thou 363/463
Dan_4:32.........and/seven times shall pass over thee until/thou 364/463 weeks and/threescore 365/463
Amo_5:8..........the/seven stars and Orion/and 366/463
Mic_5:5..........him/seven shepherds/and... 367/463 eyes behold/I... 368/463
Zec_4:2..........his/seven lamps thereon/and 369/463
Zec_4:2..........and/seven pipes/to........ 370/463
Zec_4:2..........the/seven lamps which/are. 371/463
Zec_4:10.......those/seven they/are........ 372/463
Mat_12:45....himself/seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first Even/so 373/463
Mat_15:34.......said/Seven and a/few....... 374/463
Mat_15:36........the/seven loaves and the/fishes 375/463
Mat_15:37.......left/seven baskets full/And 376/463
Mat_16:10........the/seven loaves of/the... 377/463
Mat_18:21.......till/seven times Jesus/saith 378/463
Mat_18:22......Until/seven times but/Until. 379/463
Mat_18:22......times/seven Therefore/is.... 380/463 brethren and the first when/he 381/463
Mat_22:28........the/seven for they/all.... 382/463
Mar_8:5.........said/Seven And he commanded/the 383/463
Mar_8:6..........the/seven loaves and gave/thanks 384/463
Mar_8:8.........left/seven baskets And/they 385/463
Mar_8:20.........the/seven among/four...... 386/463
Mar_8:20........said/Seven And he said/unto 387/463
Mar_12:20.......were/seven brethren and the first took a wife and dying/left 388/463
Mar_12:22........the/seven had her and/left 389/463
Mar_12:23........the/seven had her to wife And Jesus answering said unto them Do/ye 390/463
Mar_16:9........cast/seven devils And she/went 391/463
Luk_2:36.....husband/seven years from/her.. 392/463
Luk_8:2.........went/seven devils And Joanna/the 393/463
Luk_11:26........him/seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first And/it 394/463
Luk_17:4........thee/seven times in a day and/seven 395/463
Luk_17:4.........and/seven times in a day turn/again 396/463
Luk_20:29..therefore/seven brethren and the first took a wife and died/without 397/463
Luk_20:31........the/seven also/and........ 398/463
Luk_20:33........for/seven had her to wife And Jesus answering said unto them The/children 399/463 men of honest/report 400/463
Act_13:19..destroyed/seven nations in/the.. 401/463
Act_19:14.......were/seven sons of/one..... 402/463
Act_20:6.......abode/seven days And upon/the 403/463
Act_21:4.......there/seven days who/said... 404/463
Act_21:8.........the/seven and abode/with.. 405/463
Act_21:27........the/seven days were almost/ended 406/463
Act_28:14.......them/seven days and so we/went 407/463
Rom_11:4......myself/seven thousand men who/have 408/463
Heb_11:30......about/seven days By/faith... 409/463
Rev_1:4..........the/seven churches which are in Asia Grace/be 410/463
Rev_1:4..........the/seven Spirits which/are 411/463
Rev_1:11.........the/seven churches which are in Asia unto/Ephesus 412/463
Rev_1:12.........saw/seven golden candlesticks And/in 413/463
Rev_1:13.........the/seven candlesticks one/like 414/463
Rev_1:16........hand/seven stars and out/of 415/463
Rev_1:20.........the/seven stars which/thou 416/463
Rev_1:20.........the/seven golden candlesticks The/seven 417/463
Rev_1:20.........The/seven stars are/the... 418/463
Rev_1:20.........the/seven churches and/the 419/463
Rev_1:20.........the/seven candlesticks which/thou 420/463
Rev_1:20.........the/seven churches Unto/the 421/463
Rev_2:1..........the/seven stars in/his.... 422/463
Rev_2:1..........the/seven golden candlesticks I/know 423/463
Rev_3:1..........the/seven Spirits of God and the/seven 424/463
Rev_3:1..........the/seven stars I/know.... 425/463
Rev_4:5.........were/seven lamps of/fire... 426/463
Rev_4:5..........the/seven Spirits of God And before/the 427/463
Rev_5:1.........with/seven seals And/I..... 428/463
Rev_5:5..........the/seven seals thereof/And 429/463
Rev_5:6.......having/seven horns/and....... 430/463
Rev_5:6..........and/seven eyes which/are.. 431/463
Rev_5:6..........the/seven Spirits of God sent/forth 432/463
Rev_8:2..........the/seven angels which stood/before 433/463
Rev_8:2........given/seven trumpets And/another 434/463
Rev_8:6..........the/seven angels which had the seven trumpets/prepared 435/463
Rev_8:6..........the/seven trumpets prepared/themselves 436/463
Rev_10:3.......cried/seven thunders uttered their/voices 437/463
Rev_10:4.........the/seven thunders had/uttered 438/463
Rev_10:4.........the/seven thunders uttered and/write 439/463 thousand and the/remnant 440/463
Rev_12:3......having/seven heads and ten horns and seven/crowns 441/463
Rev_12:3.........and/seven crowns/upon..... 442/463
Rev_13:1......having/seven heads and ten horns and upon/his 443/463
Rev_15:1..marvellous/seven angels having/the 444/463
Rev_15:1.........the/seven last plagues for/in 445/463
Rev_15:6.........the/seven angels came/out. 446/463
Rev_15:6.........the/seven plagues clothed/in 447/463
Rev_15:7.........the/seven angels seven/golden 448/463
Rev_15:7......angels/seven golden vials/full 449/463
Rev_15:8.........the/seven plagues of/the.. 450/463
Rev_15:8.........the/seven angels were/fulfilled 451/463
Rev_16:1.........the/seven angels Go/your.. 452/463
Rev_17:1.........the/seven angels which had the seven vials and/talked 453/463
Rev_17:1.........the/seven vials and/talked 454/463
Rev_17:3......having/seven heads and ten horns And the/woman 455/463
Rev_17:7.........the/seven heads and ten horns The/beast 456/463
Rev_17:9.........The/seven heads are/seven. 457/463
Rev_17:9.........are/seven mountains/on.... 458/463
Rev_17:10........are/seven kings/five...... 459/463
Rev_17:11........the/seven and goeth/into.. 460/463
Rev_21:9.........the/seven angels which had the seven vials full/of 461/463
Rev_21:9.........the/seven vials full/of... 462/463
Rev_21:9.........the/seven last plagues and/talked 463/463
Gen_4:15.........him/sevenfold And the/LORD.... 1/6
Gen_4:24.....avenged/sevenfold truly/Lamech.... 2/6
Gen_4:24.........and/sevenfold And Adam/knew... 3/6
Psa_79:12.neighbours/sevenfold into/their...... 4/6
Pro_6:31.....restore/sevenfold he/shall........ 5/6 as/the.......... 6/6 the male and his/female 1/2 the male and the/female 2/2
Gen_37:2.......being/seventeen years old/was.. 1/10
Gen_47:28......Egypt/seventeen years so/the... 2/10
Jdg_8:14.........and/seventeen men/And........ 3/10
1Ki_14:21....reigned/seventeen years in Jerusalem the city which the LORD did/choose 4/10
2Ki_13:1.....reigned/seventeen years And/he... 5/10
1Ch_7:11........were/seventeen thousand/and... 6/10
2Ch_12:13....reigned/seventeen years in Jerusalem the city which the LORD had/chosen 7/10
Ezr_2:39.........and/seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 8/10
Neh_7:42.........and/seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 9/10
Jer_32:9........even/seventeen shekels/of.... 10/10
Gen_7:11.........the/seventeenth day of the month the/same 1/6
Gen_8:4..........the/seventeenth day of the month upon/the 2/6
1Ki_22:51........the/seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat/king 3/6
2Ki_16:1.........the/seventeenth year of Pekah/the 4/6
1Ch_24:15........The/seventeenth to Hezir/the.. 5/6
1Ch_25:24........The/seventeenth to Joshbekashah/he 6/6
Gen_2:2..........the/seventh day God/ended... 1/120
Gen_2:2..........the/seventh day from all his work/which 2/120
Gen_2:3..........the/seventh day and sanctified/it 3/120
Gen_8:4..........the/seventh month on the seventeenth/day 4/120
Exo_12:15........the/seventh day that soul/shall 5/120
Exo_12:16........the/seventh day there shall be an/holy 6/120
Exo_13:6.........the/seventh day shall be a feast/to 7/120
Exo_16:26........the/seventh day which/is.... 8/120
Exo_16:27........the/seventh day for/to...... 9/120
Exo_16:29........the/seventh day So/the..... 10/120
Exo_16:30........the/seventh day And the/house 11/120
Exo_20:10........the/seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy/manservant 12/120
Exo_20:11........the/seventh day wherefore/the 13/120
Exo_21:2.........the/seventh he/shall....... 14/120
Exo_23:11........the/seventh year thou shalt let it/rest 15/120
Exo_23:12........the/seventh day thou shalt rest that/thine 16/120
Exo_24:16........the/seventh day he called/unto 17/120
Exo_31:15........the/seventh is/the......... 18/120
Exo_31:17........the/seventh day he rested/and 19/120
Exo_34:21........the/seventh day thou shalt rest in/earing 20/120
Exo_35:2.........the/seventh day there shall be to/you 21/120
Lev_13:5.........the/seventh day and behold if the plague in/his 22/120
Lev_13:6.........the/seventh day and behold if the plague be/somewhat 23/120
Lev_13:27........the/seventh day and if/it.. 24/120
Lev_13:32........the/seventh day the priest shall look on the plague/and 25/120
Lev_13:34........the/seventh day the priest shall look on the scall/and 26/120
Lev_13:51........the/seventh day if/the..... 27/120
Lev_14:9.........the/seventh day that he shall/shave 28/120
Lev_14:39........the/seventh day and shall/look 29/120
Lev_16:29........the/seventh month on the tenth/day 30/120
Lev_23:3.........the/seventh day is the sabbath of rest/an 31/120
Lev_23:8.........the/seventh day is an/holy. 32/120
Lev_23:16........the/seventh sabbath/shall.. 33/120
Lev_23:24........the/seventh month in the first/day 34/120
Lev_23:27.......this/seventh month there/shall 35/120
Lev_23:34.......this/seventh month shall/be. 36/120
Lev_23:39........the/seventh month when/ye.. 37/120
Lev_23:41........the/seventh month Ye shall dwell/in 38/120
Lev_25:4.........the/seventh year shall/be.. 39/120
Lev_25:9.........the/seventh month in the day/of 40/120
Lev_25:20........the/seventh year behold/we. 41/120
Num_6:9..........the/seventh day shall he/shave 42/120
Num_7:48.........the/seventh day Elishama/the 43/120
Num_19:12........the/seventh day he shall be/clean 44/120
Num_19:12........the/seventh day he shall not/be 45/120
Num_19:19........the/seventh day and on/the. 46/120
Num_19:19........the/seventh day he shall purify/himself 47/120
Num_28:25........the/seventh day ye shall have/an 48/120
Num_29:1.........the/seventh month on the first/day 49/120
Num_29:7........this/seventh month an/holy.. 50/120
Num_29:12........the/seventh month ye shall have/an 51/120
Num_29:32........the/seventh day seven/bullocks 52/120
Num_31:19........the/seventh day And purify/all 53/120
Num_31:24........the/seventh day and ye/shall 54/120
Deu_5:14.........the/seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor/thy 55/120
Deu_15:9.........The/seventh year the/year.. 56/120
Deu_15:12........the/seventh year thou shalt let him/go 57/120
Deu_16:8.........the/seventh day shall be a solemn/assembly 58/120
Jos_6:4..........the/seventh day ye shall compass/the 59/120
Jos_6:15.........the/seventh day that they rose/early 60/120
Jos_6:16.........the/seventh time when/the.. 61/120
Jos_19:40........the/seventh lot/came....... 62/120
Jdg_14:15........the/seventh day that they said/unto 63/120
Jdg_14:17........the/seventh day that he told/her 64/120
Jdg_14:18........the/seventh day before/the. 65/120
2Sa_12:18........the/seventh day that the/child 66/120
1Ki_8:2..........the/seventh month And all the elders of Israel came and the priests/took 67/120
1Ki_16:10........and/seventh year of Asa king of Judah and/reigned 68/120
1Ki_16:15........and/seventh year of Asa king of Judah did/Zimri 69/120
1Ki_18:44........the/seventh time that/he... 70/120
1Ki_20:29........the/seventh day the battle/was 71/120
2Ki_11:4.........the/seventh year Jehoiada sent/and 72/120
2Ki_12:1.........the/seventh year of Jehu/Jehoash 73/120
2Ki_13:10........and/seventh year of Joash/king 74/120
2Ki_15:1.........and/seventh year of Jeroboam/king 75/120
2Ki_18:9.........the/seventh year of Hoshea/son 76/120
2Ki_25:8.........the/seventh day of the month which/is 77/120
2Ki_25:25........the/seventh month that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama of the seed royal came/and 78/120
1Ch_2:15.........the/seventh Whose/sisters.. 79/120
1Ch_12:11........the/seventh Johanan/the.... 80/120
1Ch_24:10........The/seventh to Hakkoz/the.. 81/120
1Ch_25:14........The/seventh to Jesharelah/he 82/120
1Ch_26:3.........the/seventh Moreover/the... 83/120
1Ch_26:5.........the/seventh Peulthai/the... 84/120
1Ch_27:10........The/seventh captain/for.... 85/120
1Ch_27:10........the/seventh month was Helez/the 86/120
2Ch_5:3..........the/seventh month And all the elders of Israel came and the Levites/took 87/120
2Ch_7:10.........the/seventh month he/sent.. 88/120
2Ch_23:1.........the/seventh year Jehoiada strengthened/himself 89/120
2Ch_31:7.........the/seventh month And when/Hezekiah 90/120
Ezr_3:1..........the/seventh month was come/and 91/120
Ezr_3:6..........the/seventh month began/they 92/120
Ezr_7:7..........the/seventh year of Artaxerxes/the 93/120
Ezr_7:8..........the/seventh year of the/king 94/120
Neh_7:73.........the/seventh month came/the. 95/120
Neh_8:2..........the/seventh month And he/read 96/120
Neh_8:14.........the/seventh month And that/they 97/120
Neh_10:31........the/seventh year and/the... 98/120
Est_1:10.........the/seventh day when/the... 99/120
Est_2:16.........the/seventh year of his/reign 100/120
Jer_28:17........the/seventh month Now/these 101/120
Jer_41:1.........the/seventh month that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama of the seed royal and/the 102/120
Jer_52:28........the/seventh year three/thousand 103/120
Eze_20:1.........the/seventh year in/the... 104/120
Eze_30:20........the/seventh day of the month that/the 105/120
Eze_45:20........the/seventh day of the month for/every 106/120
Eze_45:25........the/seventh month in the fifteenth/day 107/120
Hag_2:1..........the/seventh month in the one/and 108/120
Zec_7:5..........and/seventh month even/those 109/120
Zec_8:19.........the/seventh and the/fast.. 110/120
Mat_22:26........the/seventh And last/of... 111/120
Joh_4:52.........the/seventh hour/the...... 112/120
Heb_4:4..........the/seventh day on/this... 113/120
Heb_4:4..........the/seventh day from all his works/And 114/120
Jud_1:14.........the/seventh from/Adam..... 115/120
Rev_8:1..........the/seventh seal/there.... 116/120
Rev_10:7.........the/seventh angel when/he. 117/120
Rev_11:15........the/seventh angel sounded/and 118/120
Rev_16:17........the/seventh angel poured/out 119/120
Rev_21:20........the/seventh chrysolyte/the 120/120
Gen_4:24......Lamech/seventy and sevenfold/And 1/61
Gen_5:12.......lived/seventy years and begat Mahalaleel/And 2/61
Gen_5:31.....hundred/seventy and seven years/and 3/61
Gen_11:26......lived/seventy years and begat Abram/Nahor 4/61
Gen_12:4.........was/seventy and five years/old 5/61
Exo_1:5.........were/seventy souls/for........ 6/61
Exo_24:1.........and/seventy of the elders of Israel and worship/ye 7/61
Exo_24:9.........and/seventy of the elders of Israel And they/saw 8/61
Exo_38:28....hundred/seventy and five shekels/he 9/61
Exo_38:29........was/seventy talents/and..... 10/61
Num_7:13..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them were/full 11/61
Num_7:19..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon/of 12/61
Num_7:25..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 13/61
Num_7:31..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 14/61
Num_7:37..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 15/61
Num_7:43..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 16/61
Num_7:49..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 17/61
Num_7:55..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 18/61
Num_7:61..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 19/61
Num_7:67..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 20/61
Num_7:73..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 21/61
Num_7:79..........of/seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 22/61
Num_7:85........bowl/seventy all/the......... 23/61 men of the elders of Israel/whom 24/61
Num_11:24........the/seventy men of the elders of the/people 25/61
Num_11:25........the/seventy elders/and...... 26/61
Num_31:32........and/seventy thousand and/five 27/61
Jdg_9:56.........his/seventy brethren/And.... 28/61
2Sa_24:15..Beersheba/seventy thousand men And when/the 29/61
2Ki_10:1.........had/seventy sons/in......... 30/61
2Ki_10:6.......being/seventy persons were/with 31/61
2Ki_10:7........slew/seventy persons and/put. 32/61
1Ch_21:14.....Israel/seventy thousand men And God/sent 33/61
Ezr_2:3......hundred/seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 34/61
Ezr_2:4......hundred/seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 35/61
Ezr_2:5......hundred/seventy and five The/children 36/61
Ezr_2:36.....hundred/seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 37/61
Ezr_2:40....Hodaviah/seventy and four The singers the children of Asaph an hundred twenty/and 38/61
Ezr_8:7..........him/seventy males And of/the 39/61
Ezr_8:14........them/seventy males And I/gathered 40/61
Ezr_8:35........rams/seventy and seven lambs/twelve 41/61
Neh_7:8......hundred/seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 42/61
Neh_7:9......hundred/seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 43/61
Neh_7:39.....hundred/seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 44/61
Neh_7:43.....Hodevah/seventy and four The singers the children of Asaph an hundred forty/and 45/61
Neh_11:19....hundred/seventy and two And/the. 46/61
Est_9:16........foes/seventy and five thousand/but 47/61
Isa_23:15..forgotten/seventy years according/to 48/61
Isa_23:15.........of/seventy years shall/Tyre 49/61
Isa_23:17.........of/seventy years that/the.. 50/61
Jer_25:11....Babylon/seventy years And it/shall 51/61
Jer_25:12.......when/seventy years are/accomplished 52/61
Jer_29:10......after/seventy years be/accomplished 53/61
Eze_8:11........them/seventy men of the ancients/of 54/61
Eze_41:12........was/seventy cubits/broad.... 55/61
Dan_9:2...accomplish/seventy years in/the.... 56/61 weeks/are....... 57/61
Zec_7:5........those/seventy years did/ye.... 58/61
Mat_18:22......Until/seventy times/seven..... 59/61
Luk_10:1.......other/seventy also/and........ 60/61
Luk_10:17........the/seventy returned/again.. 61/61
Exo_8:22........will/sever in/that............. 1/4
Exo_9:4........shall/sever between/the......... 2/4
Eze_39:14......shall/sever out/men............. 3/4
Mat_13:49........and/sever the/wicked.......... 4/4
Num_28:13..........a/several tenth deal of/flour 1/12
Num_28:21..........A/several tenth deal shalt/thou 2/12
Num_28:29..........A/several tenth deal unto/one 3/12
Num_29:10..........A/several tenth deal for/one 4/12
Num_29:15..........a/several tenth deal to/each 5/12
2Ki_15:5...........a/several house And/Jotham. 6/12
2Ch_11:12......every/several city he/put...... 7/12
2Ch_26:21..........a/several house being/a.... 8/12
2Ch_28:25......every/several city of/Judah.... 9/12
2Ch_31:19......every/several city the/men.... 10/12
Mat_25:15........his/several ability/and..... 11/12
Rev_21:21......every/several gate/was........ 12/12 1/1
Lev_20:26.......have/severed you/from.......... 1/3
Deu_4:41.......Moses/severed three/cities...... 2/3
Jdg_4:11.........had/severed himself/from...... 3/3
Rom_11:22........and/severity of/God........... 1/2
Rom_11:22.......fell/severity but/toward....... 2/2
