1Ch_27:29..was/Shitrai/the............... 1/1
Isa_41:19..the/shittah/tree.............. 1/1
Exo_25:5...and/shittim wood Oil/for..... 1/32
Exo_25:10...of/shittim wood two cubits and a half shall/be 2/32
Exo_25:13...of/shittim wood and overlay them with gold And thou shalt put the/staves 3/32
Exo_25:23...of/shittim wood two cubits shall/be 4/32
Exo_25:28...of/shittim wood and overlay them with gold that/the 5/32
Exo_26:15...of/shittim wood standing up Ten/cubits 6/32
Exo_26:26...of/shittim wood five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the side/of 7/32
Exo_26:32...of/shittim wood overlaid/with 8/32
Exo_26:37...of/shittim wood and overlay them with gold and their/hooks 9/32
Exo_27:1....of/shittim wood five cubits long/and 10/32
Exo_27:6....of/shittim wood and overlay them with brass/And 11/32
Exo_30:1....of/shittim wood shalt/thou. 12/32
Exo_30:5....of/shittim wood and overlay them with gold And thou shalt put it/before 13/32
Exo_35:7...and/shittim wood And oil/for 14/32
Exo_35:24found/shittim wood for/any.... 15/32
Exo_36:20...of/shittim wood standing up The/length 16/32
Exo_36:31...of/shittim wood five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle/for 17/32
Exo_36:36...of/shittim wood and overlaid them with gold their/hooks 18/32
Exo_37:1....of/shittim wood two cubits and a half was/the 19/32
Exo_37:4....of/shittim wood and overlaid them with gold And he put/the 20/32
Exo_37:10...of/shittim wood two cubits was/the 21/32
Exo_37:15...of/shittim wood and overlaid them with gold to/bear 22/32
Exo_37:25...of/shittim wood the/length. 23/32
Exo_37:28...of/shittim wood and overlaid them with gold And he made/the 24/32
Exo_38:1....of/shittim wood five cubits was/the 25/32
Exo_38:6....of/shittim wood and overlaid them with brass/And 26/32
Num_25:1....in/Shittim and the/people.. 27/32
Deu_10:3....of/shittim wood and hewed/two 28/32
Jos_2:1.....of/Shittim two/men......... 29/32
Jos_3:1...from/Shittim and came/to..... 30/32
Joe_3:18....of/Shittim Egypt/shall..... 31/32
Mic_6:5...from/Shittim unto/Gilgal..... 32/32
