Gen_27:19......thee/sit and eat/of.......... 1/113 here And/wherefore.. 2/113
Jdg_5:10.......that/sit in judgment/and..... 3/113
Rut_3:18........she/Sit still my/daughter... 4/113
Rut_4:1.......aside/sit down here/And....... 5/113
Rut_4:2........said/Sit ye down/here........ 6/113
1Sa_9:22.......them/sit in the chiefest/place 7/113
1Sa_16:11.......not/sit down till/he........ 8/113 with the king/at.... 9/113
2Sa_19:8.......doth/sit in the gate And/all 10/113
1Ki_1:13......shall/sit upon my throne why/then 11/113
1Ki_1:17......shall/sit upon my throne And/now 12/113
1Ki_1:20......shall/sit on the throne of my lord the king after him Otherwise/it 13/113
1Ki_1:24......shall/sit upon my throne For he is/gone 14/113
1Ki_1:27.....should/sit on the throne of my lord the king after him Then/king 15/113
1Ki_1:30......shall/sit upon my throne in/my 16/113
1Ki_1:35........and/sit upon my throne for he shall/be 17/113 on my throne/this.. 18/113 on his throne as/it 19/113
1Ki_8:20........and/sit on the throne of Israel as/the 20/113 on the throne of Israel so/that 21/113
2Ki_7:3.........Why/sit we/here............ 22/113
2Ki_7:4..........we/sit still here/we...... 23/113
2Ki_10:30.....shall/sit on the throne of Israel But/Jehu 24/113
2Ki_15:12.....shall/sit on the throne of Israel unto/the 25/113
2Ki_18:27.....which/sit on the wall/that... 26/113 upon the throne of the kingdom/of 27/113 upon the throne of Israel/yet 28/113
Psa_26:5........not/sit with the wicked/I.. 29/113
Psa_69:12......that/sit in the gate speak/against 30/113 in darkness and in the shadow of death being/bound 31/113
Psa_110:1......Lord/Sit thou at/my......... 32/113
Psa_119:23......did/sit and speak/against.. 33/113 up/late............ 34/113
Psa_132:12.....also/sit upon thy/throne.... 35/113 in low/place....... 36/113
Isa_3:26......shall/sit upon the ground And in/that 37/113
Isa_14:13......will/sit also/upon.......... 38/113
Isa_16:5......shall/sit upon it/in......... 39/113 still Now/go....... 40/113
Isa_36:12......that/sit upon the wall/that. 41/113
Isa_42:7.......that/sit in darkness out/of. 42/113
Isa_47:1........and/sit in the dust/O...... 43/113
Isa_47:1....Babylon/sit on the ground/there 44/113
Isa_47:5.....Israel/Sit thou silent/and.... 45/113
Isa_47:8........not/sit as a widow/neither. 46/113 before it/Thus..... 47/113
Isa_52:2........and/sit down O/Jerusalem... 48/113
Jer_8:14.........we/sit still assemble/yourselves 49/113
Jer_13:13......that/sit upon David's/throne 50/113
Jer_13:18yourselves/sit down for/your...... 51/113 with them/to....... 52/113 upon the throne of the house/of 53/113
Jer_36:15.......him/Sit down now and/read.. 54/113 upon the throne of David/and 55/113
Jer_48:18.......and/sit in thirst/for...... 56/113 solitary/that...... 57/113
Lam_2:10.......Zion/sit upon the ground and keep/silence 58/113
Eze_26:16.....shall/sit upon the ground and shall/tremble 59/113
Eze_28:2..........I/sit in the seat/of..... 60/113
Eze_33:31......they/sit before thee as/my.. 61/113
Eze_44:3......shall/sit in it/to........... 62/113
Dan_7:9.........did/sit whose/garment...... 63/113
Dan_7:26......shall/sit and they/shall..... 64/113
Joe_3:12..........I/sit to/judge........... 65/113
Mic_4:4.......shall/sit every/man.......... 66/113
Mic_7:8...........I/sit in darkness the/LORD 67/113
Zec_3:8........that/sit before thee for/they 68/113
Zec_6:13......shall/sit and rule/upon...... 69/113
Mal_3:3.......shall/sit as a refiner/and... 70/113
Mat_8:11......shall/sit down with/Abraham.. 71/113 down on the grass/and 72/113 down on the ground And he took the seven loaves and the/fishes 73/113
Mat_19:28.....shall/sit in the throne/of... 74/113
Mat_19:28.....shall/sit upon twelve/thrones 75/113
Mat_20:21.......may/sit the/one............ 76/113 on my right hand and on my left is/not 77/113
Mat_22:44......Lord/Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool If/David 78/113
Mat_23:2..Pharisees/sit in Moses'/seat..... 79/113
Mat_25:31........he/sit upon the throne of his/glory 80/113
Mat_26:36.disciples/Sit ye here while I go/and 81/113
Mar_6:39........all/sit down by companies/upon 82/113 down on the ground and he took the seven loaves and gave/thanks 83/113
Mar_10:37.......may/sit one/on............. 84/113 on my right hand and on my left hand/is 85/113
Mar_12:36......Lord/Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool David therefore himself/calleth 86/113
Mar_14:32.disciples/Sit ye here while I shall/pray 87/113
Luk_1:79.......that/sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to/guide 88/113
Luk_9:14.......them/sit down by fifties/in. 89/113
Luk_9:15........all/sit down Then/he....... 90/113 down to meat and will come/forth 91/113
Luk_13:29.....shall/sit down in the kingdom/of 92/113 not/down........... 93/113
Luk_14:10.......and/sit down in the lowest/room 94/113
Luk_14:10......that/sit at meat with/thee.. 95/113
Luk_16:6........and/sit down quickly/and... 96/113
Luk_17:7........and/sit down to meat And will not/rather 97/113
Luk_20:42......Lord/Sit thou on my right hand Till I make thine enemies thy footstool David therefore calleth/him 98/113
Luk_22:30.......and/sit on thrones/judging. 99/113 on the right/hand. 100/113 down Now there/was 101/113 on his throne He/seeing 102/113
Act_2:34.......Lord/Sit thou on my right hand Until/I 103/113
Act_8:31........and/sit with him/The...... 104/113
1Co_8:10..knowledge/sit at meat in/the.... 105/113 together/in....... 106/113
Heb_1:13.......time/Sit on my right hand until/I 107/113
Jam_2:3.........him/Sit thou here/in...... 108/113
Jam_2:3..........or/sit here under/my..... 109/113 with me/in........ 110/113
Rev_17:3......woman/sit upon a/scarlet.... 111/113
Rev_18:7..........I/sit a/queen........... 112/113
Rev_19:18......that/sit on them/and....... 113/113
