Gen_12:4........had/spoken unto him and Lot/went 1/287
Gen_18:19......hath/spoken of him And the/LORD 2/287
Gen_19:21......hast/spoken Haste/thee....... 3/287
Gen_21:1........had/spoken For Sarah/conceived 4/287
Gen_21:2........had/spoken to him And Abraham/called 5/287
Gen_24:51......hath/spoken And it came to pass that when/Abraham's 6/287
Gen_28:15......have/spoken to thee/of....... 7/287
Gen_41:28......have/spoken unto Pharaoh/What 8/287
Gen_44:2........had/spoken As/soon.......... 9/287
Exo_4:10.......hast/spoken unto thy servant but/I 10/287
Exo_4:30........had/spoken unto Moses and did/the 11/287
Exo_9:12........had/spoken unto Moses And the/LORD 12/287
Exo_9:35........had/spoken by Moses/And.... 13/287
Exo_10:29......hast/spoken well/I.......... 14/287
Exo_19:8.......hath/spoken we will/do...... 15/287
Exo_32:13......have/spoken of will/I....... 16/287
Exo_32:34......have/spoken unto thee behold/mine 17/287
Exo_33:17......hast/spoken for thou/hast... 18/287
Exo_34:32.......had/spoken with him/in..... 19/287
Lev_10:11......hath/spoken unto them by/the 20/287
Num_1:48........had/spoken unto Moses saying/Only 21/287
Num_10:29......hath/spoken good concerning/Israel 22/287
Num_12:2.....indeed/spoken only/by......... 23/287
Num_12:2........not/spoken also by/us...... 24/287
Num_14:17......hast/spoken saying The LORD/is 25/287
Num_14:28......have/spoken in mine ears/so. 26/287
Num_15:22......hath/spoken unto Moses Even/all 27/287
Num_21:7.......have/spoken against the LORD/and 28/287
Num_23:2........had/spoken and Balak/and... 29/287
Num_23:17......LORD/spoken And he took/up.. 30/287
Num_23:19........he/spoken and shall/he.... 31/287
Deu_1:14.......hast/spoken is good/for..... 32/287
Deu_5:28.......have/spoken unto thee they/have 33/287
Deu_5:28.......have/spoken O/that.......... 34/287
Deu_6:19.......hath/spoken And when/thy.... 35/287
Deu_13:5.......hath/spoken to turn/you..... 36/287
Deu_18:17......well/spoken that which/they. 37/287
Deu_18:17......have/spoken I will/raise.... 38/287
Deu_18:21.......not/spoken When a/prophet.. 39/287
Deu_18:22.......not/spoken but the/prophet. 40/287
Deu_18:22......hath/spoken it presumptuously/thou 41/287
Deu_26:19......hath/spoken And Moses/with.. 42/287
Jos_6:8.........had/spoken unto the people/that 43/287
Jos_21:45.......had/spoken unto the house/of 44/287
Rut_2:13.......hast/spoken friendly/unto... 45/287
1Sa_1:16..........I/spoken hitherto/Then... 46/287
1Sa_3:12.......have/spoken concerning his/house 47/287
1Sa_20:23......have/spoken of behold/the... 48/287
1Sa_25:30......hath/spoken concerning thee/and 49/287
2Sa_2:27......hadst/spoken surely then/in.. 50/287
2Sa_3:18.......hath/spoken of David/saying. 51/287
2Sa_6:22.......hast/spoken of of/them...... 52/287
2Sa_7:19.......hast/spoken also of/thy..... 53/287
2Sa_7:25.......hast/spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house establish/it 54/287
2Sa_7:29.......hast/spoken it and with/thy. 55/287
2Sa_14:19......hath/spoken for thy/servant. 56/287
2Sa_17:6.......hath/spoken after this/manner 57/287
1Ki_2:23........not/spoken this word against/his 58/287
1Ki_12:9.......have/spoken to me saying Make/the 59/287
1Ki_13:3.......hath/spoken Behold the/altar 60/287
1Ki_13:11.......had/spoken unto the king them/they 61/287
1Ki_14:11......hath/spoken it Arise/thou... 62/287
1Ki_18:24......well/spoken And Elijah/said. 63/287
1Ki_21:4........had/spoken to him for/he... 64/287
1Ki_22:23......hath/spoken evil concerning/thee 65/287
1Ki_22:28.......not/spoken by me And he said Hearken O/people 66/287
2Ki_1:17........had/spoken And Jehoram/reigned 67/287 for to/the...... 68/287
2Ki_7:18........had/spoken to the/king..... 69/287
2Ki_19:21......hath/spoken concerning him The virgin the daughter of Zion hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 70/287
2Ki_20:9.......hath/spoken shall the/shadow 71/287
2Ki_20:19......hast/spoken And he said/Is.. 72/287
1Ch_17:17......also/spoken of thy/servant's 73/287
1Ch_17:23......hast/spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house be/established 74/287
2Ch_2:15.......hath/spoken of let/him...... 75/287
2Ch_6:10.......hath/spoken for I/am........ 76/287
2Ch_6:17.......hast/spoken unto thy servant David/But 77/287
2Ch_10:9.......have/spoken to me saying Ease/somewhat 78/287
2Ch_18:22......hath/spoken evil against/thee 79/287
2Ch_18:27......LORD/spoken by me And he said Hearken all/ye 80/287
2Ch_36:22......LORD/spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah/might 81/287
Ezr_8:22........had/spoken unto the king saying/The 82/287
Neh_2:18........had/spoken unto me And they/said 83/287
Est_6:10.......hast/spoken Then/took....... 84/287
Est_7:9.........who/spoken good for/the.... 85/287
Job_21:3.......have/spoken mock/on......... 86/287
Job_32:4........had/spoken because/they.... 87/287
Job_33:2.......hath/spoken in my mouth/My.. 88/287
Job_33:8.......hast/spoken in mine hearing/and 89/287
Job_34:35......hath/spoken without/knowledge 90/287
Job_40:5..........I/spoken but I/will...... 91/287
Job_42:7........had/spoken these words unto/Job 92/287
Job_42:7........not/spoken of me the thing that/is 93/287
Job_42:8........not/spoken of me the thing which/is 94/287
Psa_50:1.......hath/spoken and called/the.. 95/287
Psa_60:6.......hath/spoken in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide Shechem and mete out the valley of Succoth Gilead is mine and/Manasseh 96/287
Psa_62:11......hath/spoken once/twice...... 97/287
Psa_66:14......hath/spoken when I/was...... 98/287
Psa_87:3........are/spoken of thee/O....... 99/287
Psa_108:7......hath/spoken in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide Shechem and mete out the valley of Succoth Gilead is mine Manasseh/is 100/287
Psa_109:2......have/spoken against me/with 101/287
Psa_116:10........I/spoken I was/greatly.. 102/287
Pro_15:23......word/spoken in due/season.. 103/287
Pro_25:11.....fitly/spoken is like/apples. 104/287
Ecc_7:21........are/spoken lest/thou...... 105/287 for If/she..... 106/287
Isa_1:2........hath/spoken I have/nourished 107/287
Isa_1:20.......hath/spoken it How/is...... 108/287
Isa_16:13......hath/spoken concerning Moab/since 109/287
Isa_16:14......hath/spoken saying Within/three 110/287
Isa_21:17......hath/spoken it The burden of the/valley 111/287
Isa_22:25......hath/spoken it The burden of Tyre/Howl 112/287
Isa_23:4.......hath/spoken even/the....... 113/287
Isa_24:3.......hath/spoken this word The/earth 114/287
Isa_25:8.......hath/spoken it And it/shall 115/287
Isa_31:4.......LORD/spoken unto me Like/as 116/287
Isa_37:22......hath/spoken concerning him The virgin the daughter of Zion hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 117/287
Isa_38:7.......hath/spoken Behold I/will.. 118/287
Isa_38:15......both/spoken unto me and himself/hath 119/287
Isa_39:8.......hast/spoken He said/moreover 120/287
Isa_40:5.......hath/spoken it The voice/said 121/287
Isa_45:19.......not/spoken in secret in/a. 122/287
Isa_46:11......have/spoken it I will/also. 123/287
Isa_48:15......have/spoken yea/I.......... 124/287
Isa_48:16.......not/spoken in secret from/the 125/287
Isa_58:14......hath/spoken it Behold/the.. 126/287
Isa_59:3.......have/spoken lies your/tongue 127/287
Jer_3:5........hast/spoken and done/evil.. 128/287
Jer_4:28.......have/spoken it I have/purposed 129/287
Jer_9:12.......hath/spoken that he/may.... 130/287
Jer_13:15......hath/spoken Give glory/to.. 131/287
Jer_23:21.......not/spoken to them yet/they 132/287
Jer_23:35......LORD/spoken And the/burden. 133/287
Jer_23:37......LORD/spoken But since/ye... 134/287
Jer_25:3.......have/spoken unto you rising early and speaking but ye have/not 135/287
Jer_26:16......hath/spoken to us/in....... 136/287
Jer_27:13......hath/spoken against the nation/that 137/287
Jer_29:23......have/spoken lying/words.... 138/287
Jer_30:2.......have/spoken unto thee in/a. 139/287
Jer_32:24......hast/spoken is come/to..... 140/287
Jer_33:24......have/spoken saying The two/families 141/287
Jer_35:14......have/spoken unto you rising early and speaking but ye hearkened/not 142/287
Jer_35:17......have/spoken unto them but/they 143/287
Jer_36:2.......have/spoken unto thee against/Israel 144/287
Jer_36:4........had/spoken unto him upon/a 145/287
Jer_38:1........had/spoken unto all/the... 146/287
Jer_44:16......hast/spoken unto us in/the. 147/287
Jer_44:25......both/spoken with your/mouths 148/287
Jer_48:8.......hath/spoken Give wings/unto 149/287
Jer_51:62......hast/spoken against this/place 150/287
Eze_5:13.......have/spoken it in/my....... 151/287
Eze_5:15.......have/spoken it When/I...... 152/287
Eze_5:17.......have/spoken it And the/word 153/287
Eze_12:28......have/spoken shall be/done.. 154/287
Eze_13:7........not/spoken a lying/divination 155/287
Eze_13:7........not/spoken Therefore/thus. 156/287
Eze_13:8.......have/spoken vanity and seen/lies 157/287
Eze_14:9.......hath/spoken a thing/I...... 158/287
Eze_17:21......have/spoken it Thus saith the Lord GOD I will also take/of 159/287
Eze_17:24......have/spoken and have/done.. 160/287
Eze_21:32......have/spoken it Moreover/the 161/287
Eze_22:14......have/spoken it and will/do. 162/287
Eze_22:28.......not/spoken The people/of.. 163/287
Eze_23:34......have/spoken it saith the Lord GOD Therefore/thus 164/287
Eze_24:14......have/spoken it it/shall.... 165/287
Eze_26:5.......have/spoken it saith the Lord GOD and it/shall 166/287
Eze_26:14......have/spoken it saith the Lord GOD Thus/saith 167/287
Eze_28:10......have/spoken it saith the Lord GOD Moreover/the 168/287
Eze_30:12......have/spoken it Thus saith the Lord GOD I will also destroy/the 169/287
Eze_34:24......have/spoken it And I will make/with 170/287
Eze_35:12......hast/spoken against the mountains/of 171/287
Eze_36:5..........I/spoken against the residue/of 172/287
Eze_36:6.......have/spoken in my jealousy/and 173/287
Eze_36:36......have/spoken it and I will do/it 174/287
Eze_37:14......have/spoken it and performed/it 175/287
Eze_38:17......have/spoken in old/time.... 176/287
Eze_38:19.........I/spoken Surely in/that. 177/287
Eze_39:5.......have/spoken it saith the Lord GOD And I/will 178/287
Eze_39:8.......have/spoken And they/that.. 179/287 The kingdom/is. 180/287
Dan_10:11.......had/spoken this word unto/me 181/287
Dan_10:15.......had/spoken such/words..... 182/287
Dan_10:19.......had/spoken unto me I/was.. 183/287
Hos_7:13.......have/spoken lies against/me 184/287
Hos_10:4.......have/spoken words/swearing. 185/287
Hos_12:10......also/spoken by the prophets and/I 186/287
Joe_3:8........hath/spoken it Proclaim/ye. 187/287
Amo_3:1........hath/spoken against you/O.. 188/287
Amo_3:8........hath/spoken who/can........ 189/287
Amo_5:14.......have/spoken Hate/the....... 190/287
Oba_1:12.......have/spoken proudly/in..... 191/287
Oba_1:18.......hath/spoken it And they/of. 192/287
Mic_4:4........hath/spoken it For/all..... 193/287
Mic_6:12.......have/spoken lies and/their. 194/287
Zec_10:2.......have/spoken vanity and the/diviners 195/287
Mal_3:13.........we/spoken so much/against 196/287
Mat_1:22........was/spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying Behold/a 197/287
Mat_2:15........was/spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying Out/of 198/287
Mat_2:17........was/spoken by Jeremy the prophet saying In/Rama 199/287
Mat_2:23........was/spoken by the prophets He/shall 200/287
Mat_3:3.........was/spoken of by the/prophet 201/287
Mat_4:14........was/spoken by Esaias the prophet saying The/land 202/287
Mat_8:17........was/spoken by Esaias the prophet saying Himself/took 203/287
Mat_12:17.......was/spoken by Esaias the prophet saying Behold/my 204/287
Mat_13:35.......was/spoken by the prophet saying I/will 205/287
Mat_21:4........was/spoken by the prophet saying Tell/ye 206/287
Mat_22:31.......was/spoken unto you by/God 207/287
Mat_24:15desolation/spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand/in 208/287
Mat_26:65......hath/spoken blasphemy/what. 209/287
Mat_27:9........was/spoken by Jeremy the prophet saying And/they 210/287
Mat_27:35.......was/spoken by the prophet They/parted 211/287
Mar_1:42........had/spoken immediately/the 212/287
Mar_5:36........was/spoken he saith/unto.. 213/287
Mar_12:12.......had/spoken the parable/against 214/287
Mar_13:14desolation/spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing/where 215/287 of for a/memorial 216/287
Mar_16:19.......had/spoken unto them he/was 217/287
Luk_2:33.......were/spoken of him And Simeon/blessed 218/287 against Yea/a.. 219/287
Luk_12:3.......have/spoken in darkness/shall 220/287
Luk_12:3.......have/spoken in the ear/in.. 221/287
Luk_18:34......were/spoken And it came to pass that as/he 222/287
Luk_19:28......thus/spoken he went/before. 223/287
Luk_20:19.......had/spoken this parable/against 224/287
Luk_24:25......have/spoken Ought/not...... 225/287
Luk_24:40......thus/spoken he shewed/them. 226/287
Joh_4:50........had/spoken unto him and he/went 227/287
Joh_9:6........thus/spoken he spat/on..... 228/287
Joh_11:13.......had/spoken of taking/of... 229/287
Joh_11:43.......had/spoken he cried/with.. 230/287
Joh_12:48......have/spoken the same/shall. 231/287
Joh_12:49.......not/spoken of myself/but.. 232/287
Joh_14:25.........I/spoken unto you being/yet 233/287
Joh_15:3.......have/spoken unto you Abide/in 234/287
Joh_15:11.........I/spoken unto you that my/joy 235/287
Joh_15:22.......and/spoken unto them they/had 236/287
Joh_16:1..........I/spoken unto you that ye/should 237/287
Joh_16:25.........I/spoken unto you in/proverbs 238/287
Joh_16:33......have/spoken unto you that in/me 239/287
Joh_18:1........had/spoken these words he/went 240/287
Joh_18:22......thus/spoken one of/the..... 241/287
Joh_18:23......have/spoken evil bear/witness 242/287
Joh_20:18.......had/spoken these things unto/her 243/287
Joh_21:19.......had/spoken this he/saith.. 244/287
Act_1:9.........had/spoken these things while/they 245/287
Act_2:16........was/spoken by the prophet Joel/And 246/287
Act_3:21.......hath/spoken by the mouth of all/his 247/287
Act_3:24.......have/spoken have/likewise.. 248/287
Act_8:24.......have/spoken come/upon...... 249/287
Act_9:27........had/spoken to him and how/he 250/287 of in/the...... 251/287
Act_13:45......were/spoken by Paul contradicting/and 252/287
Act_13:46......been/spoken to you/but..... 253/287
Act_16:14......were/spoken of Paul/And.... 254/287 against ye/ought 255/287
Act_19:41......thus/spoken he dismissed/the 256/287
Act_20:36......thus/spoken he kneeled/down 257/287
Act_23:9.......hath/spoken to him let/us.. 258/287
Act_26:30......thus/spoken the king/rose.. 259/287
Act_27:11......were/spoken by Paul And/because 260/287
Act_27:35......thus/spoken he took/bread.. 261/287 against And/when 262/287
Act_28:24......were/spoken and some/believed 263/287
Act_28:25.......had/spoken one word/Well.. 264/287 of throughout/the 265/287
Rom_4:18........was/spoken So shall/thy... 266/287
Rom_14:16......evil/spoken of For the/kingdom 267/287
Rom_15:21.......not/spoken of they/shall.. 268/287
1Co_10:30......evil/spoken of for that/for 269/287 for ye/shall... 270/287
2Co_4:13..........I/spoken we also/believe 271/287
Heb_1:2........days/spoken unto us by/his. 272/287
Heb_2:2........word/spoken by angels/was.. 273/287 by the Lord/and 274/287 after But/Christ 275/287
Heb_4:8........have/spoken of another/day. 276/287
Heb_7:13........are/spoken pertaineth/to.. 277/287
Heb_8:1........have/spoken this is/the.... 278/287
Heb_9:19........had/spoken every/precept.. 279/287 to them any/more 280/287
Heb_13:7.......have/spoken unto you the/word 281/287
Jam_5:10.......have/spoken in the name/of. 282/287
1Pe_4:14.......evil/spoken of but/on...... 283/287
2Pe_2:2........evil/spoken of And/through. 284/287
2Pe_3:2........were/spoken before by/the.. 285/287
Jud_1:15.......have/spoken against him/These 286/287
Jud_1:17.......were/spoken before of/the.. 287/287
1Ki_7:33......their/spokes/were............... 1/1
Exo_4:16........thy/spokesman/unto............ 1/1
