Num_13:22......and/Talmai the children of Anak were/Now 1/6
Jos_15:14......and/Talmai the children of Anak And/he 2/6
Jdg_1:10.......and/Talmai And/from........... 3/6
2Sa_3:3.........of/Talmai king of Geshur And/the 4/6 the son/of......... 5/6
1Ch_3:2.........of/Talmai king of Geshur the/fourth 6/6
1Ch_9:17.......and/Talmon and Ahiman/and..... 1/5
Ezr_2:42........of/Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai in/all 2/5
Neh_7:45........of/Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai an/hundred 3/5
Neh_11:19....Akkub/Talmon and their/brethren. 4/5
Neh_12:25Meshullam/Talmon Akkub/were......... 5/5
