Gen_12:18..........not/tell me that she/was.... 1/217
Gen_15:5...........and/tell the stars/if....... 2/217
Gen_21:26.........thou/tell me neither/yet..... 3/217
Gen_22:2..........will/tell thee of And/Abraham 4/217
Gen_24:23.........thou/tell me I pray thee is/there 5/217
Gen_24:49.......master/tell me and if/not...... 6/217
Gen_24:49..........not/tell me that I may turn/to 7/217
Gen_26:2.........shall/tell thee of Sojourn/in. 8/217
Gen_29:15.......nought/tell me what shall/thy.. 9/217
Gen_31:27..........not/tell me that I might/have 10/217 my lord that/I.... 11/217
Gen_32:29.........said/Tell me I pray thee thy/name 12/217
Gen_37:16.....brethren/tell me I pray thee where they/feed 13/217
Gen_40:8...........God/tell me them/I......... 14/217 the man whether/ye 15/217
Gen_43:22.......cannot/tell who/put........... 16/217
Gen_45:13........shall/tell my father/of...... 17/217
Gen_49:1...........may/tell you that which/shall 18/217
Exo_9:1............and/tell him Thus saith the LORD God/of 19/217
Exo_10:2........mayest/tell in/the............ 20/217
Exo_14:12..........did/tell thee in/Egypt..... 21/217
Exo_19:3...........and/tell the children/of... 22/217
Lev_14:35..........and/tell the priest/saying. 23/217
Num_14:14.........will/tell it to the inhabitants/of 24/217
Num_21:1.........heard/tell that Israel/came.. 25/217
Num_23:3..........will/tell thee And he/went.. 26/217
Deu_17:11........shall/tell thee thou shalt do/thou 27/217
Deu_32:7..........will/tell thee When/the..... 28/217
Jos_7:19...........and/tell me now/what....... 29/217
Jdg_14:16............I/tell it thee And/she... 30/217
Jdg_16:6........Samson/Tell me I pray thee wherein/thy 31/217 me I pray thee wherewith/thou 32/217
Jdg_16:13.........lies/tell me wherewith/thou. 33/217
Jdg_20:3........Israel/Tell us how/was........ 34/217
Rut_3:4...........will/tell thee what thou shalt/do 35/217
Rut_4:4...........then/tell me that I may know/for 36/217
1Sa_6:2...........LORD/tell us wherewith/we... 37/217 us our/way........ 38/217
1Sa_9:18..........said/Tell me I pray thee where the/seer's 39/217
1Sa_9:19..........will/tell thee all/that..... 40/217
1Sa_10:15.........said/Tell me I pray thee what/Samuel 41/217
1Sa_14:43.....Jonathan/Tell me what thou/hast. 42/217
1Sa_15:16.........will/tell thee what the/LORD 43/217
1Sa_17:55.......cannot/tell And the/king...... 44/217
1Sa_19:3..........will/tell thee And Jonathan/spake 45/217
1Sa_20:9.............I/tell it thee Then/said. 46/217
1Sa_20:10........shall/tell me or/what........ 47/217
1Sa_22:22.......surely/tell Saul/I............ 48/217
1Sa_23:11.........thee/tell thy servant/And... 49/217
1Sa_27:11.......should/tell on/us............. 50/217
2Sa_1:4...........thee/tell me And he answered/That 51/217
2Sa_1:20........fallen/Tell it not/in......... 52/217
2Sa_7:5............and/tell my servant/David.. 53/217 him that the child was/dead 54/217
2Sa_12:18...........we/tell him that the child is/dead 55/217
2Sa_12:22..........can/tell whether/GOD....... 56/217
2Sa_13:4...........not/tell me And Amnon/said. 57/217
2Sa_15:35........shalt/tell it to Zadok/and... 58/217
2Sa_17:16..........and/tell David saying Lodge/not 59/217
2Sa_18:21...........Go/tell the king what/thou 60/217
1Ki_1:20.....shouldest/tell them who/shall.... 61/217
1Ki_14:3.........shall/tell thee what shall/become 62/217
1Ki_14:7............Go/tell Jeroboam/Thus..... 63/217
1Ki_18:8............go/tell thy lord Behold Elijah is here And he said/What 64/217
1Ki_18:11...........Go/tell thy lord Behold Elijah is here And it/shall 65/217
1Ki_18:12..........and/tell Ahab/and.......... 66/217
1Ki_18:14...........Go/tell thy lord Behold Elijah is here and he shall/slay 67/217
1Ki_20:9......Benhadad/Tell my lord the/king.. 68/217
1Ki_20:11.........said/Tell him Let/not....... 69/217
1Ki_22:16.........thou/tell me nothing/but.... 70/217
1Ki_22:18..........not/tell thee that he would prophesy/no 71/217
2Ki_4:2...........thee/tell me what hast/thou. 72/217
2Ki_7:9............and/tell the king's/household 73/217
2Ki_8:4.........saying/Tell me I pray thee all/the 74/217
2Ki_9:12.........false/tell us now And/he..... 75/217 it in/Jezreel..... 76/217
2Ki_20:5...........and/tell Hezekiah/the...... 77/217
2Ki_22:15.......Israel/Tell the man that/sent. 78/217
1Ch_17:4...........and/tell David my/servant.. 79/217
1Ch_17:10............I/tell thee that the/LORD 80/217
1Ch_21:10..........and/tell David saying Thus/saith 81/217
2Ch_18:17..........not/tell thee that he would not/prophesy 82/217
2Ch_34:23.......Israel/Tell ye the man/that... 83/217 thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said The fire/of 84/217 thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said The Chaldeans/made 85/217 thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said Thy/sons 86/217 thee Then/Job..... 87/217
Job_8:10...........and/tell thee and utter/words 88/217
Job_12:7.........shall/tell thee Or/speak..... 89/217
Job_34:34understanding/tell me and let/a...... 90/217
Psa_22:17..........may/tell all/my............ 91/217
Psa_26:7...........and/tell of all/thy........ 92/217
Psa_48:12..........her/tell the towers/thereof 93/217
Psa_48:13..........may/tell it to the generation/following 94/217
Psa_50:12..........not/tell thee for/the...... 95/217
Pro_30:4.........canst/tell Every word/of..... 96/217
Ecc_6:12...........can/tell a man/what........ 97/217
Ecc_8:7............can/tell him when/it....... 98/217
Ecc_10:14.......cannot/tell what shall/be..... 99/217
Ecc_10:14..........can/tell him The/labour... 100/217
Ecc_10:20........shall/tell the matter/Cast.. 101/217
Son_1:7...........kept/Tell me O/thou........ 102/217 him that I/am.... 103/217
Isa_5:5...........will/tell you what/I....... 104/217
Isa_6:9............and/tell this people/Hear. 105/217
Isa_19:12.........them/tell thee now/and..... 106/217
Isa_42:9.............I/tell you of them/Sing. 107/217 ye and/bring..... 108/217 this utter/it.... 109/217
Jer_15:2.........shalt/tell them Thus saith the LORD Such/as 110/217
Jer_19:2.........shall/tell thee And say/Hear 111/217
Jer_23:27.........they/tell every man/to..... 112/217
Jer_23:28..........him/tell a dream/and...... 113/217 them and/cause... 114/217
Jer_28:13..........and/tell Hananiah/saying.. 115/217
Jer_34:2...........and/tell him Thus saith the LORD Behold/I 116/217
Jer_35:13..........and/tell the men/of....... 117/217
Jer_36:16.......surely/tell the king of/all.. 118/217
Jer_36:17.......saying/Tell us now How/didst. 119/217
Jer_48:20..........cry/tell ye it/in......... 120/217
Eze_3:11...........and/tell them Thus saith the Lord GOD/whether 121/217
Eze_12:23......faileth/Tell them therefore/Thus 122/217
Eze_17:12.........mean/tell them Behold/the.. 123/217
Eze_24:19..........not/tell us what/these.... 124/217
Dan_2:4...........ever/tell thy servants/the. 125/217
Dan_2:7...........king/tell his servants/the. 126/217
Dan_2:9......therefore/tell me the dream/and. 127/217
Dan_2:36..........will/tell the interpretation/thereof 128/217
Dan_4:9...........thee/tell me the visions/of 129/217
Joe_1:3........fathers/Tell ye your/children. 130/217
Joe_1:3.......children/tell their/children... 131/217
Jon_1:8............him/Tell us we/pray....... 132/217
Jon_3:9............can/tell if/God........... 133/217
Mat_8:4...........thou/tell no man but go thy/way 134/217
Mat_10:27............I/tell you in darkness/that 135/217
Mat_16:20.......should/tell no man that he/was 136/217
Mat_17:9........saying/Tell the vision/to.... 137/217
Mat_18:15..........and/tell him his/fault.... 138/217
Mat_18:17.........them/tell it unto/the...... 139/217
Mat_21:5........saying/Tell ye the daughter/of 140/217 me I in/like..... 141/217
Mat_21:24.........will/tell you by what authority I do these things The baptism of John whence/was 142/217
Mat_21:27.......cannot/tell And he/said...... 143/217
Mat_21:27......Neither/tell I you by what authority I do these things But/what 144/217
Mat_22:4........saying/Tell them which/are... 145/217 us therefore/What 146/217
Mat_24:3........saying/Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of/thy 147/217
Mat_26:63.........thou/tell us whether/thou.. 148/217
Mat_28:7...........and/tell his disciples that/he 149/217 his disciples behold/Jesus 150/217
Mat_28:10...........go/tell my brethren/that. 151/217
Mar_1:30..........they/tell him of/her....... 152/217
Mar_5:19...........and/tell them how/great... 153/217
Mar_7:36........should/tell no man but the/more 154/217
Mar_8:26...........nor/tell it to any/in..... 155/217
Mar_8:30........should/tell no man of/him.... 156/217
Mar_9:9.........should/tell no man what things/they 157/217 them what/things. 158/217
Mar_11:29.........will/tell you by what authority I do these things The baptism of John was/it 159/217
Mar_11:33.......cannot/tell And Jesus/answering 160/217
Mar_11:33............I/tell you by what authority I do these things And/he 161/217
Mar_13:4.....privately/Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign when/all 162/217
Mar_16:7...........way/tell his disciples and/Peter 163/217
Luk_4:25.............I/tell you of a truth many/widows 164/217 no man but go and/shew 165/217
Luk_7:22...........and/tell John/what........ 166/217
Luk_7:42..........both/Tell me therefore/which 167/217
Luk_8:56........should/tell no man what was/done 168/217 no man that thing/Saying 169/217
Luk_9:27.............I/tell you of a truth there/be 170/217
Luk_10:24............I/tell you that many/prophets 171/217
Luk_12:51............I/tell you Nay but rather/division 172/217
Luk_12:59............I/tell thee thou shalt not/depart 173/217
Luk_13:3.............I/tell you Nay but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Or/those 174/217
Luk_13:5.............I/tell you Nay but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish He/spake 175/217
Luk_13:27............I/tell you I/know....... 176/217
Luk_13:32..........and/tell that fox/Behold.. 177/217
Luk_17:34............I/tell you in that/night 178/217
Luk_18:8.............I/tell you that he/will. 179/217
Luk_18:14............I/tell you this/man..... 180/217
Luk_19:40............I/tell you that if/these 181/217
Luk_20:2........saying/Tell us by/what....... 182/217
Luk_20:7...........not/tell whence it was/And 183/217
Luk_20:8.......Neither/tell I you by what authority I do these things Then/began 184/217
Luk_22:34............I/tell thee Peter/the... 185/217
Luk_22:67.......Christ/tell us And/he........ 186/217
Luk_22:67............I/tell you ye/will...... 187/217
Joh_3:8............not/tell whence it cometh/and 188/217
Joh_3:12.............I/tell you of heavenly/things 189/217
Joh_4:25..........will/tell us all/things.... 190/217
Joh_8:14........cannot/tell whence I/come.... 191/217
Joh_8:45.............I/tell you the truth ye/believe 192/217
Joh_10:24.......Christ/tell us plainly/Jesus. 193/217
Joh_12:22.......Philip/tell Jesus/And........ 194/217
Joh_13:19............I/tell you before it/come 195/217
Joh_16:7.............I/tell you the truth It/is 196/217
Joh_16:18.......cannot/tell what he/saith.... 197/217
Joh_18:34.......others/tell it thee of/me.... 198/217
Joh_20:15........hence/tell me where/thou.... 199/217
Act_5:8............her/Tell me whether/ye.... 200/217
Act_10:6.........shall/tell thee what thou oughtest/to 201/217
Act_11:14........shall/tell thee words/whereby 202/217
Act_15:27.........also/tell you the same/things 203/217 or to/hear....... 204/217
Act_22:27..........him/Tell me art/thou...... 205/217 him So/he........ 206/217 me And he said/The 207/217
Act_23:22.........thou/tell no man that thou/hast 208/217
2Co_12:2........cannot/tell or whether/out... 209/217
2Co_12:2........cannot/tell God knoweth such/an 210/217
2Co_12:3........cannot/tell God knoweth How/that 211/217
Gal_4:16.............I/tell you the truth They/zealously 212/217 me ye/that....... 213/217
Gal_5:21.............I/tell you before as/I.. 214/217 you even/weeping. 215/217 of Gedeon/and.... 216/217
Rev_17:7..........will/tell thee the/mystery. 217/217
Psa_56:8..........Thou/tellest/my................ 1/1
2Sa_7:11..........LORD/telleth thee/that......... 1/7
2Ki_6:12........Israel/telleth the king/of....... 2/7
Psa_41:6............he/telleth it/All............ 3/7
Psa_101:7.........that/telleth lies/shall........ 4/7
Psa_147:4...........He/telleth the number/of..... 5/7
Jer_33:13.........that/telleth them/saith........ 6/7
Joh_12:22..........and/telleth Andrew/and........ 7/7
Jdg_7:15...........the/telling of/the............ 1/3
2Sa_11:19...........of/telling the matters/of.... 2/3
2Ki_8:5............was/telling the king/how...... 3/3
