Gen_2:4.........made/These are the generations of the heavens/and 1/1225
Gen_6:9.........LORD/These are the generations of Noah/Noah 2/1225
Gen_9:19......Canaan/These are the three/sons 3/1225
Gen_10:1.........Now/these are the generations of the sons/of 4/1225
Gen_10:5..........By/these were the isles/of 5/1225
Gen_10:20......Lasha/These are the sons of Ham/after 6/1225
Gen_10:29........all/these were the sons of Joktan And/their 7/1225
Gen_10:31.......east/These are the sons of Shem/after 8/1225
Gen_10:32....nations/These are the families of the sons of Noah/after 9/1225 were the nations/divided 10/1225 are the generations of Shem/Shem 11/1225
Gen_11:27........Now/these are the generations of Terah/Terah 12/1225
Gen_14:2........That/these made/war........ 13/1225
Gen_14:3.........All/these were joined/together 14/1225
Gen_14:13........and/these were confederate/with 15/1225
Gen_15:1.......After/these things the word/of 16/1225
Gen_15:10........all/these and divided/them 17/1225
Gen_19:8........unto/these men do/nothing.. 18/1225
Gen_20:8.........all/these things in their/ears 19/1225
Gen_21:29.......mean/these seven ewe lambs which/thou 20/1225
Gen_21:30........For/these seven ewe lambs shalt/thou 21/1225
Gen_22:1.......after/these things that God/did 22/1225
Gen_22:20......after/these things that it was/told 23/1225
Gen_22:23....Rebekah/these eight/Milcah.... 24/1225
Gen_23:1.........old/these were the years/of 25/1225 things And Rebekah/had 26/1225
Gen_25:4.........All/these were the children of Keturah/And 27/1225
Gen_25:7.........And/these are the days/of. 28/1225
Gen_25:12........Now/these are the generations of Ishmael/Abraham's 29/1225
Gen_25:13........And/these are the names of the sons of Ishmael/by 30/1225
Gen_25:16....Kedemah/These are the sons of Ishmael and/these 31/1225
Gen_25:16........and/these are their names by/their 32/1225
Gen_25:17........And/these are the years/of 33/1225
Gen_25:19........And/these are the generations of Isaac/Abraham's 34/1225
Gen_26:3.........all/these countries and I/will 35/1225
Gen_26:4.........all/these countries and in/thy 36/1225 two times/he.... 37/1225
Gen_27:42........And/these words of/Esau... 38/1225 which are of/the 39/1225
Gen_29:13........all/these things And Laban/said 40/1225
Gen_31:43......Jacob/These daughters/are... 41/1225
Gen_31:43........and/these children/are.... 42/1225
Gen_31:43........and/these cattle/are...... 43/1225
Gen_31:43.......unto/these my daughters/or. 44/1225
Gen_32:17........are/these before/thee..... 45/1225
Gen_33:8........said/These are to/find..... 46/1225
Gen_34:21.....saying/These men are peaceable/with 47/1225
Gen_35:26......Asher/these are the sons of Jacob/which 48/1225
Gen_36:1.........Now/these are the generations of Esau who/is 49/1225
Gen_36:5.......Korah/these are the sons of Esau which/were 50/1225
Gen_36:9.........And/these are the generations of Esau the/father 51/1225
Gen_36:10.......Seir/These are the names of Esau's/sons 52/1225
Gen_36:12.....Amalek/these were the sons of Adah Esau's/wife 53/1225
Gen_36:13........And/these are the sons of Reuel Nahath/and 54/1225
Gen_36:13.....Mizzah/these were the sons of Bashemath/Esau's 55/1225
Gen_36:14........And/these were the sons of Aholibamah/the 56/1225
Gen_36:15......Korah/These were dukes/of... 57/1225
Gen_36:16.....Amalek/these are the dukes that came of Eliphaz/in 58/1225
Gen_36:16.......Edom/these were the sons of Adah And/these 59/1225
Gen_36:17........And/these are the sons of Reuel Esau's/son 60/1225
Gen_36:17.....Mizzah/these are the dukes that came of Reuel/in 61/1225
Gen_36:17.......Edom/these are the sons of Bashemath/Esau's 62/1225
Gen_36:18........And/these are the sons of Aholibamah/Esau's 63/1225
Gen_36:18......Korah/these were the dukes/that 64/1225
Gen_36:19.......wife/These are the sons of Esau who/is 65/1225
Gen_36:19........and/these are their dukes/These 66/1225
Gen_36:20......dukes/These are the sons of Seir/the 67/1225
Gen_36:21.....Dishan/these are the dukes of the/Horites 68/1225
Gen_36:23.......were/these Alvan/and....... 69/1225
Gen_36:24........And/these are the children of Zibeon/both 70/1225
Gen_36:25.......were/these Dishon/and...... 71/1225
Gen_36:26........And/these are the children of Dishon/Hemdan 72/1225
Gen_36:27........are/these Bilhan/and...... 73/1225
Gen_36:28........are/these Uz/and.......... 74/1225
Gen_36:29.......Aran/These are the dukes that came of the/Horites 75/1225
Gen_36:30.....Dishan/these are the dukes that came of Hori/among 76/1225
Gen_36:31........And/these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom before there/reigned 77/1225
Gen_36:40........And/these are the names of the dukes/that 78/1225
Gen_36:43.......Iram/these be the dukes/of. 79/1225
Gen_37:2......Canaan/These are the generations of Jacob/Joseph 80/1225
Gen_38:25......whose/these are am/I........ 81/1225
Gen_38:25........are/these the signet/and.. 82/1225
Gen_39:7.......after/these things that his master's/wife 83/1225 words saying The/Hebrew 84/1225
Gen_40:1.......after/these things that the butler/of 85/1225
Gen_42:36........all/these things are against/me 86/1225
Gen_43:7..........of/these words could/we.. 87/1225
Gen_43:16......Bring/these men home/and.... 88/1225
Gen_43:16........for/these men shall/dine.. 89/1225
Gen_44:6........them/these same words/And.. 90/1225
Gen_44:7........lord/these words God/forbid 91/1225
Gen_45:6.........For/these two years/hath.. 92/1225
Gen_46:8.........And/these are the names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt Jacob/and 93/1225
Gen_46:15....Jahleel/These be the sons/of.. 94/1225
Gen_46:18...Malchiel/These are the sons of Zilpah/whom 95/1225
Gen_46:18........and/these she/bare........ 96/1225
Gen_46:22........Ard/These are the sons of Rachel/which 97/1225
Gen_46:25....Shillem/These are the sons of Bilhah/which 98/1225
Gen_46:25.......bare/these unto Jacob/all.. 99/1225
Gen_48:1.......after/these things that one/told 100/1225
Gen_48:8.........are/these And Joseph/said 101/1225
Gen_49:28........All/these are the twelve/tribes 102/1225
Exo_1:1..........Now/these are the names of the children of Israel which came into Egypt every/man 103/1225
Exo_4:9.........also/these two signs/neither 104/1225
Exo_6:14.......Egypt/These be the heads/of 105/1225
Exo_6:14.......Carmi/these be the families/of 106/1225
Exo_6:15.......woman/these are the families of Simeon/And 107/1225
Exo_6:16.........And/these are the names of the sons of Levi/according 108/1225
Exo_6:19.......Mushi/these are the families of Levi/according 109/1225
Exo_6:24....Abiasaph/these are the families of the Korhites/And 110/1225
Exo_6:25....Phinehas/these are the heads of the fathers of the Levites/according 111/1225
Exo_6:26....families/These are that Aaron/and 112/1225
Exo_6:27......armies/These are they which spake/to 113/1225
Exo_6:27.......Egypt/these are that Moses/and 114/1225
Exo_10:1........shew/these my signs/before 115/1225
Exo_11:8.........all/these thy servants shall/come 116/1225
Exo_11:10........all/these wonders before/Pharaoh 117/1225 so that/the.... 118/1225
Exo_15:26.........of/these diseases/upon.. 119/1225
Exo_19:6......nation/These are the words which thou/shalt 120/1225
Exo_19:7.........all/these words which the/LORD 121/1225
Exo_20:1.........all/these words saying I/am 122/1225
Exo_21:1.........Now/these are the judgments/which 123/1225
Exo_21:11........not/these three unto/her. 124/1225
Exo_24:8.........all/these words Then went/up 125/1225
Exo_25:39........all/these vessels And/look 126/1225
Exo_28:4.........And/these are the garments/which 127/1225
Exo_30:34...galbanum/these sweet/spices... 128/1225
Exo_32:4........said/These be thy gods O Israel which brought/thee 129/1225
Exo_32:8........said/These be thy gods O Israel which have/brought 130/1225
Exo_33:4.......heard/these evil tidings/they 131/1225
Exo_34:1........upon/these tables/the..... 132/1225
Exo_34:27.......thou/these words for/after 133/1225
Exo_34:27.........of/these words I have/made 134/1225
Exo_35:1........them/These are the words which the/LORD 135/1225
Lev_2:8...........of/these things unto the LORD/and 136/1225
Lev_5:4...........of/these And it shall be when/he 137/1225
Lev_5:5...........of/these things that he/shall 138/1225
Lev_5:13..........of/these and it shall be forgiven/him 139/1225
Lev_5:17..........of/these things which are/forbidden 140/1225
Lev_6:3..........all/these that a/man..... 141/1225
Lev_11:2......saying/These are the beasts which ye shall eat among/all 142/1225
Lev_11:4Nevertheless/these shall ye not/eat 143/1225 shall ye eat/of 144/1225
Lev_11:13........And/these are they which ye/shall 145/1225
Lev_11:21........Yet/these may ye/eat..... 146/1225
Lev_11:22.......Even/these of them/ye..... 147/1225
Lev_11:24........for/these ye shall be/unclean 148/1225 also shall/be.. 149/1225
Lev_11:31.......mole/These are unclean/to. 150/1225
Lev_16:4.....attired/these are holy/garments 151/1225
Lev_18:24.........of/these things for in/all 152/1225
Lev_18:24........all/these the nations/are 153/1225
Lev_18:26.........of/these abominations neither/any 154/1225
Lev_18:27........all/these abominations have/the 155/1225
Lev_18:29.........of/these abominations even/the 156/1225
Lev_18:30.........of/these abominable/customs 157/1225
Lev_20:23........all/these things and therefore/I 158/1225
Lev_21:14.....harlot/these shall he not/take 159/1225
Lev_22:22......offer/these unto the/LORD.. 160/1225
Lev_22:25.........of/these because/their.. 161/1225
Lev_23:2........even/these are my feasts/Six 162/1225
Lev_23:4...dwellings/These are the feasts of the LORD even/holy 163/1225
Lev_23:37....therein/These are the feasts of the LORD which/ye 164/1225 years then/he.. 165/1225
Lev_26:14........all/these commandments And/if 166/1225 things but will/walk 167/1225
Lev_26:46.......LORD/These are the statutes and judgments and/laws 168/1225
Lev_27:34...redeemed/These are the commandments which/the 169/1225
Num_1:5..........And/these are the names of the men that/shall 170/1225
Num_1:16........Enan/These were the renowned/of 171/1225
Num_1:17........took/these men which are expressed/by 172/1225
Num_1:44.....hundred/These are those that/were 173/1225
Num_2:9.......armies/These shall first/set 174/1225
Num_2:32...standards/These are those which/were 175/1225
Num_3:1......fathers/These also are the generations/of 176/1225
Num_3:2..........And/these are the names of the sons of Aaron Nadab/the 177/1225
Num_3:3......Ithamar/These are the names of the sons of Aaron the/priests 178/1225
Num_3:17.........And/these were the sons of Levi by/their 179/1225
Num_3:18.........And/these are the names of the sons of Gershon/by 180/1225
Num_3:20.......Mushi/These are the families of the Levites according to the/house 181/1225
Num_3:21....Shimites/these are the families of the Gershonites/Those 182/1225
Num_3:27..Uzzielites/these are the families of the Kohathites/In 183/1225
Num_3:33....Mushites/these are the families of Merari/And 184/1225
Num_3:35.....Abihail/these shall pitch/on. 185/1225
Num_4:15.........die/These things are the/burden 186/1225
Num_4:37.......fifty/These were they that/were 187/1225
Num_4:41......thirty/These are they that were numbered of the families/of 188/1225
Num_4:45.....hundred/These be those/that.. 189/1225
Num_5:23.......write/these curses in/a.... 190/1225
Num_13:4.........And/these were their names/of 191/1225
Num_13:16......Machi/These are the names of the men which Moses/sent 192/1225 ten times and/have 193/1225
Num_14:39.......told/these sayings unto/all 194/1225 things after/this 195/1225
Num_15:22........all/these commandments which the/LORD 196/1225
Num_16:14.........of/these men we will/not 197/1225
Num_16:26.........of/these wicked/men..... 198/1225
Num_16:28........all/these works for/I.... 199/1225
Num_16:29.........If/these men die/the.... 200/1225
Num_16:30.......that/these men have provoked/the 201/1225
Num_16:31........all/these words that the ground/clave 202/1225
Num_16:38.........of/these sinners/against 203/1225
Num_21:25........all/these cities and Israel/dwelt 204/1225
Num_22:9.........are/these with thee/And.. 205/1225 three times And Balaam/said 206/1225
Num_22:32........ass/these three times behold/I 207/1225 three times unless/she 208/1225
Num_24:10.......them/these three times Therefore/now 209/1225
Num_26:7....Carmites/These are the families of the Reubenites/and 210/1225
Num_26:14..Shaulites/These are the families of the Simeonites/twenty 211/1225
Num_26:18...Arelites/These are the families of the children/of 212/1225
Num_26:22..Hamulites/These are the families of Judah/according 213/1225
Num_26:25Shimronites/These are the families of Issachar/according 214/1225
Num_26:27Jahleelites/These are the families of the Zebulunites/according 215/1225
Num_26:30.Gileadites/These are the sons of Gilead/of 216/1225
Num_26:34.....Tirzah/These are the families of Manasseh/and 217/1225
Num_26:35....hundred/These are the sons of Ephraim/after 218/1225
Num_26:36........And/these are the sons of Shuthelah/of 219/1225
Num_26:37...Eranites/These are the families of the sons of Ephraim/according 220/1225
Num_26:37....hundred/These are the sons of Joseph/after 221/1225
Num_26:41...Naamites/These are the sons of Benjamin after/their 222/1225
Num_26:42....hundred/These are the sons of Dan/after 223/1225
Num_26:42.Shuhamites/These are the families of Dan/after 224/1225
Num_26:47......Sarah/These are the families of the sons of Asher/according 225/1225
Num_26:50Shillemites/These are the families of Naphtali/according 226/1225
Num_26:51....hundred/These were the numbered/of 227/1225
Num_26:53.......Unto/these the land/shall. 228/1225
Num_26:57........And/these are they that were numbered of the Levites/after 229/1225
Num_26:58..Merarites/These are the families of the Levites the/family 230/1225
Num_26:63.....Israel/These are they that were numbered by/Moses 231/1225
Num_26:64......among/these there/was...... 232/1225
Num_27:1.........and/these are the names of his daughters Mahlah Noah/and 233/1225
Num_28:23......offer/these beside/the..... 234/1225
Num_29:39...offering/These things ye shall do/unto 235/1225
Num_30:16...iniquity/These are the statutes which/the 236/1225
Num_31:16.....Behold/these caused/the..... 237/1225 are the journeys/of 238/1225
Num_33:2.........and/these are their journeys/according 239/1225
Num_34:17.....saying/These are the names of the men which shall/divide 240/1225
Num_34:19........are/these Of the tribe/of 241/1225
Num_34:29....Ammihud/These are they whom the LORD commanded/to 242/1225
Num_35:13.........of/these cities which ye/shall 243/1225
Num_35:15.....refuge/These six cities/shall 244/1225 judgments And the/congregation 245/1225
Num_35:29.........So/these things shall be for/a 246/1225
Num_36:13.....father/These are the commandments and/the 247/1225
Deu_1:1......Jericho/These be the words/which 248/1225
Deu_1:35..........of/these men of this/evil 249/1225
Deu_2:7...wilderness/these forty years the/LORD 250/1225
Deu_3:5..........All/these cities were fenced/with 251/1225
Deu_3:21........unto/these two kings/so... 252/1225
Deu_4:6..........all/these statutes and say/Surely 253/1225
Deu_4:30.........all/these things are come upon thee even/in 254/1225
Deu_4:42..........of/these cities he/might 255/1225
Deu_4:45......Israel/These are the testimonies/and 256/1225
Deu_5:22.neighbour's/These words the LORD/spake 257/1225
Deu_6:1..........Now/these are the commandments the/statutes 258/1225
Deu_6:6..........And/these words which I command thee this/day 259/1225
Deu_6:24.........all/these statutes to fear/the 260/1225
Deu_6:25.........all/these commandments before/the 261/1225 judgments and keep/and 262/1225
Deu_7:17.......heart/These nations are more/than 263/1225
Deu_8:2.........thee/these forty years in/the 264/1225
Deu_8:4........swell/these forty years Thou/shalt 265/1225
Deu_9:4...........of/these nations the LORD doth/drive 266/1225
Deu_9:5...........of/these nations the LORD thy/God 267/1225
Deu_10:21.......thee/these great and/terrible 268/1225
Deu_11:18.........up/these my words in/your 269/1225
Deu_11:22........all/these commandments which I command you/to 270/1225
Deu_11:23........all/these nations from before you and/ye 271/1225 are the statutes and judgments which/ye 272/1225
Deu_12:28........all/these words which I command thee that/it 273/1225
Deu_12:30........did/these nations serve/their 274/1225
Deu_14:4.......thing/These are the beasts which ye shall eat the/ox 275/1225
Deu_14:7Nevertheless/these ye shall not/eat 276/1225
Deu_14:9.....carcase/These ye shall eat/of 277/1225
Deu_14:12........But/these are they of/which 278/1225
Deu_15:5.........all/these commandments which I command thee/this 279/1225 statutes Thou/shalt 280/1225
Deu_17:19........and/these statutes to do/them 281/1225 things are an/abomination 282/1225
Deu_18:12.........of/these abominations the/LORD 283/1225
Deu_18:14........For/these nations which/thou 284/1225
Deu_19:9.........all/these commandments to/do 285/1225
Deu_19:9......beside/these three That/innocent 286/1225
Deu_19:11.........of/these cities Then/the 287/1225
Deu_20:15.........of/these nations But/of. 288/1225
Deu_20:16.........of/these people/which... 289/1225
Deu_22:17........yet/these are the tokens/of 290/1225
Deu_23:18.......both/these are abomination/unto 291/1225
Deu_25:3.......above/these with many/stripes 292/1225 statutes and judgments/thou 293/1225
Deu_27:4..........up/these stones which/I. 294/1225
Deu_27:12.....saying/These shall stand upon mount Gerizim/to 295/1225
Deu_27:13........And/these shall stand upon mount Ebal/to 296/1225
Deu_28:2.........all/these blessings/shall 297/1225
Deu_28:15........all/these curses shall come upon thee and overtake/thee 298/1225
Deu_28:45........all/these curses shall come upon thee and shall/pursue 299/1225
Deu_28:65......among/these nations shalt/thou 300/1225 are the words of the covenant/which 301/1225
Deu_29:18.........of/these nations lest/there 302/1225
Deu_30:1.........all/these things are come upon thee the/blessing 303/1225
Deu_30:7.........all/these curses upon/thine 304/1225
Deu_31:1.......spake/these words unto all Israel/And 305/1225
Deu_31:3.....destroy/these nations from before thee/and 306/1225
Deu_31:17........not/these evils/come..... 307/1225
Deu_31:28......speak/these words in their/ears 308/1225
Deu_32:45........all/these words to/all... 309/1225
Jos_2:11.......heard/these things our hearts/did 310/1225 stones Then ye shall answer/them 311/1225
Jos_4:7..........and/these stones shall/be 312/1225
Jos_4:21........mean/these stones Then ye shall let/your 313/1225
Jos_9:13.........And/these bottles/of..... 314/1225
Jos_9:13.........and/these our/garments... 315/1225
Jos_10:16........But/these five/kings..... 316/1225
Jos_10:24.........of/these kings And they/came 317/1225
Jos_10:42........all/these kings and their/land 318/1225
Jos_11:5.........all/these kings were/met. 319/1225
Jos_11:14.........of/these cities and the cattle/the 320/1225
Jos_12:1.........Now/these are the kings of the land/which 321/1225
Jos_12:7.........And/these are the kings of the country/which 322/1225
Jos_13:12........for/these did Moses/smite 323/1225
Jos_13:32...families/These are the countries which Moses/did 324/1225
Jos_14:1.........And/these are the countries which the/children 325/1225
Jos_14:10.......said/these forty and/five. 326/1225
Jos_17:2.....Shemida/these were the male/children 327/1225
Jos_17:3.........and/these are the names of his daughters Mahlah and/Noah 328/1225
Jos_17:9.......river/these cities of/Ephraim 329/1225
Jos_19:8.......about/these cities to/Baalathbeer 330/1225
Jos_19:16...families/these cities with their villages And/the 331/1225
Jos_19:31...families/these cities with their villages The/sixth 332/1225
Jos_19:48...families/these cities with their villages When/they 333/1225
Jos_19:51....therein/These are the inheritances/which 334/1225
Jos_20:9....Manasseh/These were the cities/appointed 335/1225
Jos_21:3........LORD/these cities and their/suburbs 336/1225
Jos_21:8.....Levites/these cities with their suburbs as/the 337/1225
Jos_21:9......Simeon/these cities which are here/mentioned 338/1225
Jos_21:42....suburbs/These cities were every/one 339/1225
Jos_21:42........all/these cities And the LORD/gave 340/1225
Jos_22:3....brethren/these many days/unto. 341/1225
Jos_23:3.........all/these nations because/of 342/1225
Jos_23:4.........lot/these nations that remain/to 343/1225
Jos_23:7.......among/these nations these/that 344/1225
Jos_23:7.....nations/these that remain among you neither/make 345/1225
Jos_23:12.........of/these nations even/these 346/1225
Jos_23:12.......even/these that remain among you and/shall 347/1225
Jos_23:13.........of/these nations from before you but/they 348/1225
Jos_24:26......wrote/these words in the book/of 349/1225
Jos_24:29......after/these things that Joshua/the 350/1225
Jdg_2:4........spake/these words unto all the/children 351/1225
Jdg_3:1..........Now/these are the nations/which 352/1225
Jdg_9:3..........all/these words and their/hearts 353/1225
Jdg_13:23........all/these things nor/would 354/1225 And the woman/bare 355/1225 three times and hast/not 356/1225 houses/an...... 357/1225
Jdg_18:18........And/these went into/Micah's 358/1225
Jdg_19:13.........of/these places/to...... 359/1225
Jdg_20:17........all/these were men of war/And 360/1225
Jdg_20:25........all/these drew the sword Then/all 361/1225
Jdg_20:35........all/these drew the sword So/the 362/1225
Jdg_20:44........all/these were men of valour And/they 363/1225
Jdg_20:46........all/these were men of valour But/six 364/1225
Rut_3:17........said/These six measures/of 365/1225
Rut_4:18.........Now/these are the generations of Pharez/Pharez 366/1225
1Sa_4:8...........of/these mighty Gods/these 367/1225
1Sa_4:8.........Gods/these are the Gods/that 368/1225
1Sa_6:17.........And/these are the golden/emerods 369/1225
1Sa_10:7........when/these signs are/come. 370/1225
1Sa_14:6..........of/these uncircumcised it/may 371/1225
1Sa_14:8........unto/these men and we/will 372/1225
1Sa_14:49.......were/these the name/of.... 373/1225
1Sa_16:10.....chosen/these And Samuel/said 374/1225
1Sa_17:17........and/these ten loaves/and. 375/1225
1Sa_17:18......carry/these ten cheeses/unto 376/1225
1Sa_17:39.......with/these for I/have..... 377/1225
1Sa_18:26......David/these words it/pleased 378/1225
1Sa_21:5.......about/these three days/since 379/1225
1Sa_21:12.........up/these words in his/heart 380/1225
1Sa_23:2.......smite/these Philistines/And 381/1225
1Sa_24:7........with/these words and suffered/them 382/1225
1Sa_24:16...speaking/these words unto Saul/that 383/1225
1Sa_25:37........him/these things that his heart/died 384/1225 Hebrews/here... 385/1225 days or/these.. 386/1225
1Sa_29:3..........or/these years and/I.... 387/1225
1Sa_29:4..........of/these men Is/not..... 388/1225
1Sa_31:4........lest/these uncircumcised come and thrust/me 389/1225
2Sa_3:5.........wife/These were born to/David 390/1225
2Sa_3:39.........and/these men the/sons... 391/1225
2Sa_5:14.........And/these be the names of those/that 392/1225
2Sa_7:17.........all/these words and according to all this vision so did Nathan speak unto David Then/went 393/1225
2Sa_7:21.........all/these great things to/make 394/1225
2Sa_13:21........all/these things he was very/wroth 395/1225
2Sa_14:19........all/these words in the mouth/of 396/1225 And Ziba/said.. 397/1225
2Sa_21:22........him/These four were born/to 398/1225
2Sa_23:1.........Now/these be the last/words 399/1225 be the names of the mighty/men 400/1225 things did these three mighty/men 401/1225
2Sa_23:17........did/these three mighty/men 402/1225
2Sa_23:22......spear/These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among three/mighty 403/1225
2Sa_24:17........but/these sheep what have they done let thine hand I pray thee be/against 404/1225
2Sa_24:23........All/these things did Araunah/as 405/1225
1Ki_4:2..........And/these were the princes which/he 406/1225
1Ki_4:8..........And/these are their names The/son 407/1225
1Ki_7:9..........All/these were of costly/stones 408/1225
1Ki_7:45.........all/these vessels which/Hiram 409/1225
1Ki_8:59.........let/these my words wherewith/I 410/1225
1Ki_9:13.........are/these which thou/hast 411/1225
1Ki_9:23....horsemen/These were the chief of the officers/that 412/1225
1Ki_10:8.........are/these thy servants which stand continually before thee and that/hear 413/1225 which the/queen 414/1225
1Ki_11:2........unto/these in/love........ 415/1225
1Ki_17:1........rain/these years but/according 416/1225
1Ki_17:17......after/these things that the son/of 417/1225
1Ki_18:36........all/these things at/thy.. 418/1225
1Ki_20:19.........So/these young/men...... 419/1225
1Ki_21:1.......after/these things that Naboth/the 420/1225
1Ki_22:11.......With/these shalt/thou..... 421/1225
1Ki_22:17.......said/These have no master let them return every/man 422/1225
1Ki_22:23........all/these thy prophets and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning/thee 423/1225 words And they answered/him 424/1225
2Ki_1:13..........of/these fifty/thy...... 425/1225
2Ki_2:21......healed/these waters there/shall 426/1225
2Ki_3:10......called/these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab But/Jehoshaphat 427/1225
2Ki_3:13......called/these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab And/Elisha 428/1225
2Ki_6:20..........of/these men that they may/see 429/1225
2Ki_7:8.........when/these lepers/came.... 430/1225
2Ki_10:9.........all/these Know/now....... 431/1225
2Ki_17:41.........So/these nations feared/the 432/1225
2Ki_18:27......speak/these words hath he not sent me to the men which/sit 433/1225
2Ki_20:14.......said/these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 434/1225
2Ki_21:11.......done/these abominations and/hath 435/1225
2Ki_23:16.proclaimed/these words Then he/said 436/1225
2Ki_23:17.proclaimed/these things that thou/hast 437/1225
2Ki_25:16........all/these vessels was without weight The/height 438/1225
2Ki_25:17.......unto/these had the/second. 439/1225
2Ki_25:20.......took/these and brought/them 440/1225
1Ch_1:23.........All/these were the sons of Joktan Shem/Arphaxad 441/1225
1Ch_1:29.....Ishmael/These are their generations/The 442/1225
1Ch_1:31.....Kedemah/These are the sons of Ishmael Now/the 443/1225
1Ch_1:33.........All/these are the sons of Keturah/And 444/1225
1Ch_1:43.........Now/these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom before any/king 445/1225
1Ch_1:54........Iram/These are the dukes of Edom/These 446/1225
1Ch_2:1.........Edom/These are the sons of Israel/Reuben 447/1225
1Ch_2:18.........are/these Jesher/and..... 448/1225
1Ch_2:23.........All/these belonged/to.... 449/1225
1Ch_2:33........Zaza/These were the sons of Jerahmeel/Now 450/1225
1Ch_2:50.......Achsa/These were the sons of Caleb/the 451/1225
1Ch_2:55.Suchathites/These are the Kenites/that 452/1225
1Ch_3:1..........Now/these were the sons of David/which 453/1225
1Ch_3:4.........wife/These six were/born.. 454/1225
1Ch_3:5..........And/these were born unto him/in 455/1225
1Ch_3:9.........nine/These were all/the... 456/1225
1Ch_4:2........Lahad/These are the families of the Zorathites/And 457/1225
1Ch_4:3..........And/these were of the father/of 458/1225
1Ch_4:4.......Hushah/These are the sons of Hur/the 459/1225
1Ch_4:6..Haahashtari/These were the sons of Naarah/And 460/1225
1Ch_4:12....Irnahash/These are the men of/Rechah 461/1225
1Ch_4:18.........And/these are the sons of Bithiah/the 462/1225
1Ch_4:22.........And/these are ancient/things 463/1225
1Ch_4:23......things/These were the potters/and 464/1225
1Ch_4:31....Shaaraim/These were their cities/unto 465/1225
1Ch_4:33........Baal/These were their habitations/and 466/1225
1Ch_4:38....Shemaiah/These mentioned/by... 467/1225
1Ch_4:41.........And/these written/by..... 468/1225 are the children of Abihail/the 469/1225
1Ch_5:17.........All/these were reckoned by genealogies/in 470/1225
1Ch_5:24.........And/these were the heads/of 471/1225
1Ch_6:17.........And/these be the names of the sons/of 472/1225
1Ch_6:19.........And/these are the families of the Levites according to their/fathers 473/1225
1Ch_6:31.........And/these are they whom David/set 474/1225
1Ch_6:33.........And/these are they that waited/with 475/1225
1Ch_6:50.........And/these are the sons of Aaron/Eleazar 476/1225
1Ch_6:54.........Now/these are their dwelling/places 477/1225
1Ch_6:64.....Levites/these cities with their suburbs And/they 478/1225
1Ch_6:65....Benjamin/these cities which are called/by 479/1225
1Ch_7:8..........All/these are the sons of Becher/And 480/1225
1Ch_7:11.........All/these the sons/of.... 481/1225
1Ch_7:17.......Bedan/These were the sons of Gilead/the 482/1225
1Ch_7:29..........In/these dwelt the/children 483/1225
1Ch_7:33.....Ashvath/These are the children of Japhlet/And 484/1225
1Ch_7:40.........All/these were the children of Asher/heads 485/1225
1Ch_8:6..........And/these are the sons of Ehud/these 486/1225
1Ch_8:6.........Ehud/these are the heads of the fathers of the inhabitants/of 487/1225
1Ch_8:10.......Mirma/These were his/sons.. 488/1225
1Ch_8:28.....Jeroham/These were heads/of.. 489/1225 dwelt in/Jerusalem 490/1225
1Ch_8:32.........And/these also dwelt/with 491/1225
1Ch_8:38.........are/these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan All/these 492/1225
1Ch_8:38.........All/these were the sons of Azel And/the 493/1225
1Ch_8:40.........All/these are of/the..... 494/1225
1Ch_9:9..........All/these men were chief/of 495/1225
1Ch_9:22.........All/these which were/chosen 496/1225
1Ch_9:22......twelve/These were reckoned by their/genealogy 497/1225
1Ch_9:26.........For/these Levites/the.... 498/1225
1Ch_9:33.........And/these are the singers/chief 499/1225
1Ch_9:34.......night/These chief/fathers.. 500/1225
1Ch_9:34.generations/these dwelt at/Jerusalem 501/1225
1Ch_9:44.........are/these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan these/were 502/1225
1Ch_9:44.......Hanan/these were the sons of Azel Now/the 503/1225
1Ch_10:4........lest/these uncircumcised come and abuse/me 504/1225
1Ch_11:10........him/These also are the chief/of 505/1225
1Ch_11:19.........of/these men that have/put 506/1225 things did these three mightiest/And 507/1225
1Ch_11:19........did/these three mightiest/And 508/1225
1Ch_11:24......spear/These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among the/three 509/1225
1Ch_12:1.........Now/these are they that came/to 510/1225
1Ch_12:14...eleventh/These were of the sons/of 511/1225
1Ch_12:15...thousand/These are they that went/over 512/1225
1Ch_12:23........And/these are the numbers of the/bands 513/1225
1Ch_12:38........All/these men of war/that 514/1225
1Ch_14:4.........Now/these are the names of his children/which 515/1225
1Ch_17:15........all/these words and according to all this vision so did Nathan speak unto David And/David 516/1225
1Ch_17:19........all/these great things O/LORD 517/1225
1Ch_18:11........all/these nations from Edom/and 518/1225
1Ch_20:8.........him/These were born unto the/giant 519/1225
1Ch_21:17........for/these sheep what have they done let thine hand I pray thee O/LORD 520/1225
1Ch_23:9.......three/These were the chief of the fathers/of 521/1225
1Ch_23:10.....Beriah/These four were the/sons 522/1225
1Ch_23:24......three/These were the sons of Levi after/the 523/1225
1Ch_24:1.........Now/these are the divisions of the sons/of 524/1225
1Ch_24:19....Maaziah/These were the orderings/of 525/1225
1Ch_24:20.......were/these Of the sons of Amram/Shubael 526/1225
1Ch_24:30...Jerimoth/These were the sons of the/Levites 527/1225
1Ch_24:31....fathers/These likewise/cast.. 528/1225
1Ch_25:5.........All/these were the sons of Heman/the 529/1225
1Ch_25:6.........All/these were under/the. 530/1225
1Ch_26:8.........All/these of the sons of Obededom/they 531/1225
1Ch_26:12......Among/these were the divisions/of 532/1225
1Ch_26:19.....Parbar/These are the divisions of the porters/among 533/1225
1Ch_27:22....Jeroham/These were the princes of/the 534/1225
1Ch_27:31........All/these were the rulers/of 535/1225
1Ch_29:17........all/these things and now have/I 536/1225
1Ch_29:19........all/these things and to build/the 537/1225
2Ch_3:3..........Now/these are the things wherein/Solomon 538/1225
2Ch_3:13..........of/these cherubims/spread 539/1225
2Ch_4:18.........all/these vessels in/great 540/1225
2Ch_5:5...tabernacle/these did the/priests 541/1225
2Ch_8:10.........And/these were the chief of king/Solomon's 542/1225
2Ch_9:7..........are/these thy servants which stand continually before thee and hear/thy 543/1225 cities and make/about 544/1225
2Ch_14:8.........all/these were mighty/men 545/1225
2Ch_15:8.......heard/these words and the/prophecy 546/1225
2Ch_17:14........And/these are the numbers of them/according 547/1225
2Ch_17:19........war/These waited/on...... 548/1225
2Ch_18:10.......With/these thou/shalt..... 549/1225
2Ch_18:16.......said/These have no master let them return therefore/every 550/1225
2Ch_18:22.........of/these thy prophets and the LORD hath spoken evil against/thee 551/1225
2Ch_21:2.........all/these were the sons of Jehoshaphat/king 552/1225
2Ch_24:26........And/these are they that conspired/against 553/1225
2Ch_29:32........all/these were for/a..... 554/1225
2Ch_32:1.......After/these things and the establishment/thereof 555/1225
2Ch_35:7....bullocks/these were of the king's/substance 556/1225
2Ch_36:18........all/these he brought/to.. 557/1225
Ezr_1:11.........All/these did Sheshbazzar/bring 558/1225
Ezr_2:1..........Now/these are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity of those which/had 559/1225
Ezr_2:59.........And/these were they which went up from/Telmelah 560/1225 sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy but they/were 561/1225
Ezr_4:21.......cause/these men to/cease... 562/1225
Ezr_5:9...........up/these walls/We....... 563/1225
Ezr_5:11.....builded/these many years ago/which 564/1225
Ezr_5:15........Take/these vessels go/carry 565/1225
Ezr_6:8...........of/these Jews/for....... 566/1225
Ezr_6:8.........unto/these men that they be/not 567/1225
Ezr_7:1........after/these things in the reign/of 568/1225 are now/the.... 569/1225
Ezr_8:13.........are/these Eliphelet/Jeiel 570/1225
Ezr_9:1.........when/these things were done the/princes 571/1225
Ezr_9:14..........of/these abominations wouldest/not 572/1225
Ezr_10:44........All/these had taken/strange 573/1225
Neh_1:4........heard/these words that I/sat 574/1225
Neh_1:10.........Now/these are thy/servants 575/1225 feeble/Jews.... 576/1225
Neh_5:6..........and/these words Then I/consulted 577/1225 words And thou hast/also 578/1225 words Come/now. 579/1225 their/works.... 580/1225
Neh_6:16.........saw/these things they were much/cast 581/1225
Neh_7:6......therein/These are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity of those that/had 582/1225
Neh_7:61.........And/these were they which went up also/from 583/1225 sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy but it/was 584/1225
Neh_10:8....Shemaiah/these were the priests/And 585/1225
Neh_11:3.........Now/these are the chief/of 586/1225
Neh_11:7.........And/these are the sons of Benjamin Sallu/the 587/1225
Neh_12:1.........Now/these are the priests/and 588/1225
Neh_12:7.....Jedaiah/These were the chief of the priests/and 589/1225
Neh_12:26......gates/These were in/the.... 590/1225 things yet/among 591/1225
Est_1:5.........when/these days were/expired 592/1225
Est_2:1........After/these things when/the 593/1225
Est_3:1........After/these things did king/Ahasuerus 594/1225
Est_4:11........king/these thirty/days.... 595/1225
Est_9:20.......wrote/these things and sent/letters 596/1225
Est_9:26......called/these days Purim/after 597/1225
Est_9:27........keep/these two days/according 598/1225
Est_9:28........that/these days should be/remembered 599/1225
Est_9:28........that/these days of Purim should/not 600/1225
Est_9:31.....confirm/these days of Purim in/their 601/1225
Est_9:32...confirmed/these matters of/Purim 602/1225
Job_8:2........speak/these things and how/long 603/1225
Job_10:13........And/these things hast thou hid/in 604/1225 I/am........... 605/1225
Job_12:9.........all/these that the/hand.. 606/1225
Job_19:3.......words/These ten times have/ye 607/1225
Job_26:14.........Lo/these are parts/of... 608/1225
Job_32:1..........So/these three men ceased/to 609/1225
Job_32:5..........of/these three men then/his 610/1225
Job_33:29........all/these things worketh/God 611/1225
Job_42:7......spoken/these words unto Job/the 612/1225
Psa_15:5.......doeth/these things shall never/be 613/1225
Psa_42:4....remember/these things I pour/out 614/1225
Psa_50:21........son/These things hast thou done/and 615/1225
Psa_57:1.......until/these calamities/be.. 616/1225
Psa_73:12.....Behold/these are the ungodly/who 617/1225
Psa_104:27...therein/These wait/all....... 618/1225
Psa_107:24....waters/These see/the........ 619/1225
Psa_107:43...observe/these things even/they 620/1225
Pro_6:16......remedy/These six things/doth 621/1225
Pro_24:23.......both/These things also/belong 622/1225 are also/proverbs 623/1225
Ecc_7:10........than/these for thou/dost.. 624/1225
Ecc_11:9.........all/these things God will/bring 625/1225 my son/be...... 626/1225
Isa_7:4...........of/these smoking/firebrands 627/1225
Isa_34:16.........of/these shall fail/none 628/1225
Isa_36:12......speak/these words hath he not sent me to the men that/sit 629/1225
Isa_36:20.........of/these lands that/have 630/1225 things men/live 631/1225
Isa_38:16........all/these things is the/life 632/1225
Isa_39:3........said/these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 633/1225
Isa_40:26....created/these things that bringeth/out 634/1225
Isa_42:16...straight/These things will I do/unto 635/1225
Isa_44:21...Remember/these O/Jacob........ 636/1225
Isa_45:7.........all/these things Drop/down 637/1225
Isa_47:7.........lay/these things to thy/heart 638/1225
Isa_47:9.........But/these two things shall/come 639/1225
Isa_47:13.......from/these things that shall come upon/thee 640/1225
Isa_48:14...declared/these things The LORD hath/loved 641/1225
Isa_49:12.....Behold/these shall come/from 642/1225
Isa_49:12.........lo/these from the north/and 643/1225
Isa_49:12........and/these from the land/of 644/1225
Isa_49:18........all/these gather/themselves 645/1225 seeing/I....... 646/1225
Isa_49:21.........up/these Behold/I....... 647/1225
Isa_49:21......alone/these where/had...... 648/1225
Isa_51:19.........up/These two things are/come 649/1225 Upon/a......... 650/1225
Isa_60:8.........are/these that fly/as.... 651/1225
Isa_64:12........for/these things O/LORD.. 652/1225
Isa_65:5........thou/These are a/smoke.... 653/1225
Jer_2:34.........all/these Yet/thou....... 654/1225
Jer_3:7..........all/these things Turn/thou 655/1225
Jer_3:12....proclaim/these words toward/the 656/1225
Jer_4:18....procured/these things unto thee this/is 657/1225
Jer_5:4.......Surely/these are poor/they.. 658/1225
Jer_5:5..........but/these have altogether/broken 659/1225
Jer_5:9..........for/these things saith the LORD and/shall 660/1225
Jer_5:19.........all/these things unto us/then 661/1225
Jer_5:25........away/these things and your/sins 662/1225
Jer_5:29.........for/these things saith the LORD shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this A/wonderful 663/1225 gates to/worship 664/1225
Jer_7:4..........are/these For if/ye...... 665/1225
Jer_7:10.........all/these abominations Is/this 666/1225
Jer_7:13.........all/these works saith/the 667/1225
Jer_7:27.........all/these words unto them but/they 668/1225
Jer_9:9..........for/these things saith the LORD shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this For/the 669/1225 things I delight/saith 670/1225
Jer_9:26.........all/these nations are uncircumcised/and 671/1225
Jer_10:11......under/these heavens/He..... 672/1225
Jer_11:6.........all/these words in the cities/of 673/1225
Jer_13:22.......come/these things upon/me. 674/1225
Jer_14:22........all/these things Then said/the 675/1225
Jer_16:10........all/these words and they shall/say 676/1225 gates Thus saith the LORD Take/heed 677/1225
Jer_20:1..prophesied/these things Then Pashur/smote 678/1225 gates Thus saith the LORD Execute/ye 679/1225
Jer_22:5........hear/these words I swear/by 680/1225
Jer_23:21.......sent/these prophets/yet... 681/1225
Jer_24:5........Like/these good/figs...... 682/1225
Jer_25:9.........all/these nations round/about 683/1225
Jer_25:11........and/these nations shall/serve 684/1225
Jer_25:30........all/these words and say/unto 685/1225
Jer_26:7....speaking/these words in the house/of 686/1225
Jer_26:10......heard/these things then they/came 687/1225
Jer_26:15........all/these words in your/ears 688/1225
Jer_27:6.........all/these lands into/the. 689/1225
Jer_27:12........all/these words saying Bring/your 690/1225
Jer_28:14........all/these nations that they/may 691/1225
Jer_29:1.........Now/these are the words of the letter/that 692/1225
Jer_30:4.........And/these are the words that/the 693/1225
Jer_30:15.......done/these things unto thee Therefore/all 694/1225 thy cities/How. 695/1225
Jer_32:14.......Take/these evidences/this. 696/1225
Jer_34:6.........all/these words unto Zedekiah/king 697/1225
Jer_34:7.........for/these defenced/cities 698/1225
Jer_36:16........all/these words And they asked/Baruch 699/1225
Jer_36:17........all/these words at/his... 700/1225
Jer_36:18........all/these words unto me/with 701/1225
Jer_36:24........all/these words Nevertheless/Elnathan 702/1225
Jer_38:9........king/these men have done/evil 703/1225 old/cast....... 704/1225
Jer_38:16.........of/these men that seek/thy 705/1225
Jer_38:24.........of/these words and thou shalt/not 706/1225
Jer_38:27........all/these words that the king/had 707/1225
Jer_43:1.........all/these words Then spake/Azariah 708/1225
Jer_43:10.......upon/these stones that/I.. 709/1225
Jer_45:1.....written/these words in a/book 710/1225
Jer_51:60........all/these words that are/written 711/1225
Jer_51:61........all/these words Then shalt/thou 712/1225
Jer_52:20........all/these vessels was without weight And/concerning 713/1225
Jer_52:22.......unto/these And there/were. 714/1225
Lam_1:16.........For/these things I weep/mine 715/1225
Lam_4:9..........for/these pine/away...... 716/1225
Lam_5:17.........for/these things our eyes/are 717/1225
Eze_1:21........went/these went and/when.. 718/1225
Eze_1:21.......stood/these stood and when those/were 719/1225
Eze_8:15........than/these And he brought/me 720/1225
Eze_10:17......stood/these stood and when they/were 721/1225
Eze_10:17.........up/these lifted/up...... 722/1225 are the men that/devise 723/1225 men have set/up 724/1225
Eze_14:14.....Though/these three men Noah/Daniel 725/1225
Eze_14:16.....Though/these three men were in it as I live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters they/only 726/1225
Eze_14:18.....Though/these three men were in it as I live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but/they 727/1225
Eze_16:5..........of/these unto thee/to... 728/1225
Eze_16:20........and/these hast/thou...... 729/1225
Eze_16:30........all/these things the work/of 730/1225
Eze_16:43........all/these things behold therefore/I 731/1225
Eze_17:12.......what/these things mean tell/them 732/1225
Eze_17:18........all/these things he shall/not 733/1225
Eze_18:10.........of/these things And that/doeth 734/1225
Eze_18:13........all/these abominations he/shall 735/1225
Eze_23:10......doted/These discovered/her. 736/1225 things unto thee because/thou 737/1225
Eze_24:19.......what/these things are to/us 738/1225 were they thy/merchants 739/1225
Eze_27:24..merchants/These were thy/merchants 740/1225
Eze_30:17........and/these cities shall/go 741/1225
Eze_35:10.......said/These two nations/and 742/1225
Eze_35:10........and/these two countries/shall 743/1225
Eze_36:20.......them/These are the people/of 744/1225
Eze_37:3.........can/these bones live/And. 745/1225
Eze_37:4........upon/these bones and/say.. 746/1225
Eze_37:5........unto/these bones Behold/I. 747/1225
Eze_37:9........upon/these slain/that..... 748/1225 bones are/the.. 749/1225 Say unto/them.. 750/1225 measures And there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about like/those 751/1225 measures And the little chambers thereof and the posts thereof and the arches thereof according/to 752/1225 measures and there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about it/was 753/1225 measures And the little chambers thereof and the posts thereof and the arches thereof were/according 754/1225 measures and there were windows therein/and 755/1225 measures The/little 756/1225
Eze_40:46......altar/these are the sons of Zadok/among 757/1225
Eze_42:5........than/these than/the....... 758/1225
Eze_42:9.......under/these chambers/was... 759/1225
Eze_43:13........And/these are the measures/of 760/1225
Eze_43:18........GOD/These are the ordinances/of 761/1225
Eze_43:27.......when/these days are/expired 762/1225
Eze_46:22......broad/these four corners/were 763/1225 are the places/of 764/1225 waters issue/out 765/1225
Eze_47:9.....because/these waters shall/come 766/1225
Eze_48:1.........Now/these are the names of the tribes/From 767/1225
Eze_48:1.........for/these are his/sides.. 768/1225
Eze_48:16........And/these shall be/the... 769/1225
Eze_48:29........and/these are their portions/saith 770/1225
Eze_48:30........And/these are the goings/out 771/1225
Dan_1:6........among/these were of the children/of 772/1225
Dan_1:17.........for/these four children/God 773/1225
Dan_2:28.........are/these As for/thee.... 774/1225
Dan_2:40.........all/these shall it break/in 775/1225
Dan_2:44..........of/these kings shall/the 776/1225
Dan_2:44.........all/these kingdoms and/it 777/1225
Dan_3:12....Abednego/these men O/king..... 778/1225
Dan_3:13.....brought/these men before/the. 779/1225
Dan_3:21........Then/these men were bound/in 780/1225
Dan_3:23.........And/these three men Shadrach/Meshach 781/1225
Dan_3:27.........saw/these men upon/whose. 782/1225
Dan_6:2.........over/these three presidents/of 783/1225
Dan_6:5.........said/these men We shall/not 784/1225
Dan_6:6.........Then/these presidents/and. 785/1225
Dan_6:11........Then/these men assembled and/found 786/1225
Dan_6:14.......heard/these words was/sore. 787/1225
Dan_6:15........Then/these men assembled unto/the 788/1225
Dan_7:17......things/These great beasts/which 789/1225 things but Michael/your 790/1225 times/But...... 791/1225
Dan_11:27.........of/these kings' hearts/shall 792/1225
Dan_11:41........but/these shall escape/out 793/1225
Dan_12:6..........of/these wonders And/I.. 794/1225
Dan_12:7.........all/these things shall be finished/And 795/1225
Dan_12:8..........of/these things And he said/Go 796/1225
Hos_2:12........said/These are my rewards/that 797/1225
Hos_14:9..understand/these things prudent/and 798/1225
Amo_6:2.........than/these kingdoms or/their 799/1225
Mic_2:7..........are/these his/doings..... 800/1225
Hab_2:6..........all/these take/up........ 801/1225
Hag_2:13..........of/these shall it be/unclean 802/1225
Zec_1:9..........are/these And the angel/that 803/1225
Zec_1:9.........what/these be And the/man. 804/1225
Zec_1:10........said/These are they whom the LORD hath/sent 805/1225
Zec_1:12.indignation/these threescore/and. 806/1225 And he answered/me 807/1225 are the horns which have scattered Judah Israel/and 808/1225
Zec_1:21........come/these to/do.......... 809/1225
Zec_1:21......saying/These are the horns which have scattered Judah so/that 810/1225
Zec_1:21.........but/these are come/to.... 811/1225
Zec_3:7........among/these that stand/by.. 812/1225
Zec_4:4..........are/these my lord Then/the 813/1225
Zec_4:5.........what/these be And I said No my lord Then he/answered 814/1225
Zec_4:11.........are/these two olive trees/upon 815/1225 two olive branches/which 816/1225
Zec_4:13........what/these be And I said No my lord Then said/he 817/1225
Zec_4:14..........he/These are the two anointed/ones 818/1225 bear/the....... 819/1225
Zec_6:4..........are/these my lord And/the 820/1225 are the four/spirits 821/1225
Zec_6:8.......Behold/these that go/toward. 822/1225
Zec_7:3.........done/these so many/years.. 823/1225 days should it/also 824/1225 days these/words 825/1225
Zec_8:9.........days/these words by/the... 826/1225
Zec_8:10......before/these days there/was. 827/1225
Zec_8:12.........all/these things And it/shall 828/1225 days to/do..... 829/1225
Zec_8:16.........not/These are the things that/ye 830/1225
Zec_8:17.........all/these are things/that 831/1225
Zec_13:6.........are/these wounds/in...... 832/1225 tents/as....... 833/1225
Mat_1:20..........on/these things behold the/angel 834/1225
Mat_2:3........heard/these things he was troubled/and 835/1225
Mat_3:9...........of/these stones to raise up children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees therefore/every 836/1225
Mat_4:3.........that/these stones be/made. 837/1225
Mat_4:9..........All/these things will I give/thee 838/1225
Mat_5:19..........of/these least/commandments 839/1225
Mat_5:37........than/these cometh/of...... 840/1225
Mat_6:29..........of/these Wherefore/if... 841/1225
Mat_6:32.........all/these things do the Gentiles/seek 842/1225
Mat_6:32.........all/these things But seek/ye 843/1225
Mat_6:33.........all/these things shall be added unto you Take/therefore 844/1225
Mat_7:24.....heareth/these sayings of mine and doeth them I/will 845/1225
Mat_7:26.....heareth/these sayings of mine and doeth them not/shall 846/1225
Mat_7:28.......ended/these sayings the/people 847/1225
Mat_9:18.......spake/these things unto them behold/there 848/1225
Mat_10:2.........are/these The first/Simon 849/1225
Mat_10:5.........him/These twelve/Jesus... 850/1225
Mat_10:42.........of/these little ones a/cup 851/1225
Mat_11:25........hid/these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered unto/me 852/1225
Mat_13:34........All/these things spake Jesus unto/the 853/1225
Mat_13:51........all/these things They say/unto 854/1225
Mat_13:53...finished/these parables/he.... 855/1225
Mat_13:54........and/these mighty works/Is 856/1225
Mat_13:56........all/these things And they were/offended 857/1225
Mat_15:20blasphemies/These are the things which/defile 858/1225
Mat_18:6..........of/these little ones which/believe 859/1225
Mat_18:10.........of/these little ones for/I 860/1225
Mat_18:14.........of/these little ones should/perish 861/1225
Mat_19:1....finished/these sayings he departed/from 862/1225
Mat_19:20........All/these things have I kept/from 863/1225
Mat_20:12.....Saying/These last have/wrought 864/1225
Mat_20:21.......that/these my two/sons.... 865/1225
Mat_21:16.......what/these say And/Jesus.. 866/1225
Mat_21:23.......thou/these things and who gave thee this authority And/Jesus 867/1225 things The baptism of John whence/was 868/1225 things But what/think 869/1225
Mat_22:22......heard/these words they/marvelled 870/1225
Mat_22:40.........On/these two commandments/hang 871/1225 ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone Ye/blind 872/1225
Mat_23:36........All/these things shall come upon/this 873/1225
Mat_24:2.........all/these things verily I/say 874/1225
Mat_24:3.......shall/these things be and what shall be the sign of/thy 875/1225
Mat_24:6.........all/these things must come/to 876/1225
Mat_24:8.........All/these are the beginning/of 877/1225
Mat_24:33........all/these things know/that 878/1225
Mat_24:34........all/these things be fulfilled/Heaven 879/1225
Mat_25:40.........of/these my brethren/ye. 880/1225
Mat_25:45.........of/these ye did/it...... 881/1225
Mat_25:46........And/these shall go/away.. 882/1225
Mat_26:1.........all/these sayings he said/unto 883/1225
Mat_26:62......which/these witness against thee But Jesus/held 884/1225 things in your/hearts 885/1225
Mar_4:11.........all/these things are done/in 886/1225
Mar_4:15.........And/these are they by/the 887/1225
Mar_4:16.........And/these are they likewise/which 888/1225
Mar_4:18.........And/these are they which are sown among/thorns 889/1225
Mar_4:20.........And/these are they which are sown on/good 890/1225 things and what/wisdom 891/1225
Mar_7:23.........All/these evil things/come 892/1225
Mar_8:4......satisfy/these men with/bread. 893/1225
Mar_9:42..........of/these little ones that/believe 894/1225
Mar_10:20........all/these have I observed/from 895/1225
Mar_11:28.......thou/these things and who gave thee this authority to/do 896/1225 things And Jesus/answered 897/1225 things The baptism of John was/it 898/1225 things And he began/to 899/1225
Mar_12:31.......than/these And the scribe/said 900/1225
Mar_12:40....prayers/these shall receive/greater 901/1225
Mar_13:2........thou/these great buildings/there 902/1225
Mar_13:4.......shall/these things be and what shall be the sign when/all 903/1225
Mar_13:4.........all/these things shall be fulfilled/And 904/1225
Mar_13:8....troubles/these are the beginnings/of 905/1225
Mar_13:29........see/these things come to pass know that/it 906/1225
Mar_13:30........all/these things be done/Heaven 907/1225
Mar_14:60......which/these witness against thee But he/held 908/1225
Mar_16:17........And/these signs shall/follow 909/1225
Luk_1:19........thee/these glad/tidings... 910/1225
Luk_1:20........that/these things shall be performed/because 911/1225
Luk_1:65.........all/these sayings were/noised 912/1225
Luk_2:19.........all/these things and pondered/them 913/1225
Luk_2:51.........all/these sayings in/her. 914/1225
Luk_3:8...........of/these stones to raise up children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees every/tree 915/1225
Luk_4:28.......heard/these things were filled/with 916/1225
Luk_5:27.......after/these things he went/forth 917/1225
Luk_7:9........heard/these things he marvelled/at 918/1225
Luk_7:18.........all/these things And John/calling 919/1225
Luk_8:8.........said/these things he cried/He 920/1225
Luk_8:13.........and/these have no root/which 921/1225
Luk_8:21.........are/these which hear/the. 922/1225
Luk_9:28.......after/these sayings he took/Peter 923/1225
Luk_9:44.........Let/these sayings sink/down 924/1225
Luk_10:1.......After/these things the LORD appointed/other 925/1225
Luk_10:21........hid/these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight All things are delivered to/me 926/1225
Luk_10:36.........of/these three thinkest/thou 927/1225
Luk_11:27......spake/these things a/certain 928/1225
Luk_11:42........God/these ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone Woe/unto 929/1225
Luk_11:53.......said/these things unto them the/scribes 930/1225
Luk_12:27.........of/these If/then........ 931/1225
Luk_12:30........all/these things do the nations/of 932/1225
Luk_12:30.........of/these things But rather/seek 933/1225
Luk_12:31........all/these things shall be added unto you Fear/not 934/1225
Luk_13:2........that/these Galilaeans/were 935/1225
Luk_13:7......Behold/these three years/I.. 936/1225
Luk_13:16.........lo/these eighteen/years. 937/1225
Luk_13:17.......said/these things all/his. 938/1225 things And he put/forth 939/1225
Luk_14:15......heard/these things he said unto him Blessed/is 940/1225
Luk_14:21.......lord/these things Then the/master 941/1225
Luk_15:26.......what/these things meant/And 942/1225
Luk_15:29.........Lo/these many years do/I 943/1225
Luk_16:14........all/these things and they derided/him 944/1225
Luk_17:2..........of/these little ones Take/heed 945/1225
Luk_18:21........All/these have I kept/from 946/1225
Luk_18:22......heard/these things he said unto him Yet/lackest 947/1225
Luk_18:34.........of/these things and this/saying 948/1225
Luk_19:11......heard/these things he added/and 949/1225
Luk_19:15..commanded/these servants/to.... 950/1225
Luk_19:40.........if/these should hold/their 951/1225
Luk_20:2........thou/these things or/who.. 952/1225 things Then began/he 953/1225
Luk_20:16....destroy/these husbandmen/and. 954/1225
Luk_21:4.........all/these have of/their.. 955/1225
Luk_21:6.........for/these things which ye behold/the 956/1225
Luk_21:7.......shall/these things be and what sign/will 957/1225
Luk_21:7........when/these things shall come to/pass 958/1225
Luk_21:9.........for/these things must first/come 959/1225
Luk_21:12........all/these they/shall..... 960/1225
Luk_21:22........For/these be the days/of. 961/1225
Luk_21:28.......when/these things begin/to 962/1225
Luk_21:31........see/these things come to pass know ye/that 963/1225
Luk_21:36........all/these things that shall come to/pass 964/1225 things in a/green 965/1225
Luk_23:49..beholding/these things And behold there/was 966/1225
Luk_24:9.........all/these things unto the eleven/and 967/1225
Luk_24:10.......told/these things unto the apostles/And 968/1225
Luk_24:14........all/these things which had/happened 969/1225
Luk_24:17........are/these that ye have/one 970/1225 days And/he.... 971/1225
Luk_24:21......since/these things were done Yea/and 972/1225
Luk_24:26...suffered/these things and to enter/into 973/1225
Luk_24:44.......them/These are the words which I/spake 974/1225
Luk_24:48.........of/these things And behold I/send 975/1225
Joh_1:28.....unloose/These things were done in/Bethabara 976/1225
Joh_1:50........than/these And he saith/unto 977/1225
Joh_2:16........Take/these things hence/make 978/1225
Joh_2:18.......doest/these things Jesus answered/and 979/1225 miracles/that.. 980/1225
Joh_3:9..........can/these things be Jesus/answered 981/1225
Joh_3:10.........not/these things Verily verily/I 982/1225
Joh_3:22.......After/these things came Jesus/and 983/1225
Joh_5:3...........In/these lay/a.......... 984/1225
Joh_5:16........done/these things on/the.. 985/1225
Joh_5:19.......doeth/these also doeth/the. 986/1225
Joh_5:20........than/these that ye may/marvel 987/1225
Joh_5:34.........but/these things I say/that 988/1225
Joh_6:1........After/these things Jesus went/over 989/1225
Joh_6:5.........that/these may eat/And.... 990/1225
Joh_6:59........ever/These things said he in/the 991/1225
Joh_7:1........After/these things Jesus walked/in 992/1225 things shew/thyself 993/1225
Joh_7:9.........said/these words unto them he/abode 994/1225
Joh_7:31........than/these which this/man. 995/1225
Joh_8:20........also/These words spake Jesus in/the 996/1225
Joh_8:28.......speak/these things And he that/sent 997/1225
Joh_8:30.......spake/these words many/believed 998/1225
Joh_9:22.....himself/These words spake his/parents 999/1225
Joh_9:40.......heard/these words and said/unto 1000/1225
Joh_10:19........for/these sayings And/many 1001/1225
Joh_10:21.......said/These are not the words/of 1002/1225
Joh_11:11........him/These things said he and/after 1003/1225
Joh_12:16.......colt/These things understood/not 1004/1225
Joh_12:16.......that/these things were written/of 1005/1225
Joh_12:16.......done/these things unto him/The 1006/1225
Joh_12:36......light/These things spake Jesus and/departed 1007/1225
Joh_12:41.......them/These things said Esaias/when 1008/1225
Joh_13:17.......know/these things happy/are 1009/1225
Joh_14:12.......than/these shall he do/because 1010/1225 things have I spoken unto you being/yet 1011/1225 things have I spoken unto you that my/joy 1012/1225 things I command/you 1013/1225
Joh_15:21........all/these things will they do unto you for/my 1014/1225
Joh_16:1...beginning/These things have I spoken unto you that ye/should 1015/1225
Joh_16:3.........And/these things will they do unto you because/they 1016/1225
Joh_16:4.........But/these things have I told/you 1017/1225
Joh_16:4.........And/these things I said/not 1018/1225
Joh_16:6........said/these things unto you/sorrow 1019/1225
Joh_16:25.......full/These things have I spoken unto you in/proverbs 1020/1225 things I have/spoken 1021/1225 words spake Jesus and/lifted 1022/1225
Joh_17:11........but/these are in/the.... 1023/1225
Joh_17:13........and/these things I speak/in 1024/1225
Joh_17:20........for/these alone/but..... 1025/1225
Joh_17:25........and/these have known/that 1026/1225
Joh_18:1......spoken/these words he/went. 1027/1225
Joh_18:8.........let/these go/their...... 1028/1225
Joh_19:24.......lots/These things therefore/the 1029/1225
Joh_19:36........For/these things were done that/the 1030/1225
Joh_20:18.....spoken/these things unto her/Then 1031/1225
Joh_20:31........But/these are written/that 1032/1225
Joh_21:1.......After/these things Jesus shewed/himself 1033/1225
Joh_21:15.......than/these He saith/unto. 1034/1225
Joh_21:24.........of/these things and wrote/these 1035/1225
Joh_21:24......wrote/these things and we/know 1036/1225
Act_1:9.......spoken/these things while/they 1037/1225
Act_1:14.......James/These all continued/with 1038/1225
Act_1:21..........of/these men which have/companied 1039/1225
Act_1:24..........of/these two thou/hast. 1040/1225
Act_2:7..........all/these which speak/Galilaeans 1041/1225
Act_2:13........said/These men are full/of 1042/1225
Act_2:15.........For/these are not drunken/as 1043/1225
Act_2:22........hear/these words Jesus/of 1044/1225
Act_3:24..........of/these days Ye/are... 1045/1225 men for that/indeed 1046/1225
Act_5:5......hearing/these words fell/down 1047/1225
Act_5:5........heard/these things And the young/men 1048/1225
Act_5:11.......heard/these things And by/the 1049/1225
Act_5:24.......heard/these things they doubted/of 1050/1225
Act_5:32..........of/these things and so/is 1051/1225
Act_5:35....touching/these men For before/these 1052/1225
Act_5:36......before/these days rose/up.. 1053/1225
Act_5:38........from/these men and let/them 1054/1225
Act_7:1..........Are/these things so/And. 1055/1225
Act_7:50.........all/these things Ye stiffnecked/and 1056/1225
Act_7:54.......heard/these things they were cut/to 1057/1225
Act_8:24..........of/these things which ye have/spoken 1058/1225
Act_10:8.........all/these things unto them he/sent 1059/1225
Act_10:44......spake/these words the Holy/Ghost 1060/1225
Act_10:47.......that/these should not/be. 1061/1225
Act_11:12...Moreover/these six brethren/accompanied 1062/1225
Act_11:18......heard/these things they held/their 1063/1225
Act_11:22.........of/these things came unto/the 1064/1225 days came/prophets 1065/1225
Act_12:17.......shew/these things unto James/and 1066/1225
Act_13:42.......that/these words might/be 1067/1225 things We also/are 1068/1225
Act_14:15.......from/these vanities/unto. 1069/1225
Act_14:18.......with/these sayings scarce/restrained 1070/1225
Act_15:17........all/these things Known/unto 1071/1225
Act_15:28.......than/these necessary/things 1072/1225
Act_16:17.....saying/These men are the/servants 1073/1225
Act_16:20.....saying/These men being/Jews 1074/1225
Act_16:38.......told/these words unto the/magistrates 1075/1225
Act_17:6......crying/These that have/turned 1076/1225
Act_17:7.........and/these all do/contrary 1077/1225
Act_17:8.......heard/these things And when/they 1078/1225
Act_17:11.......Jews/These were more/noble 1079/1225
Act_17:20.......what/these things mean For/all 1080/1225
Act_18:1.......After/these things Paul/departed 1081/1225
Act_19:21......After/these things were ended/Paul 1082/1225
Act_19:28......heard/these sayings they/were 1083/1225
Act_19:36.......that/these things cannot/be 1084/1225
Act_19:37.....hither/these men which are neither/robbers 1085/1225
Act_20:5...Trophimus/These going/before.. 1086/1225
Act_20:24.........of/these things move/me 1087/1225
Act_20:34.......that/these hands/have.... 1088/1225
Act_21:12......heard/these things both/we 1089/1225
Act_21:38.....before/these days madest/an 1090/1225
Act_23:22.....shewed/these things to me/And 1091/1225
Act_24:8.........all/these things whereof we/accuse 1092/1225
Act_24:9........that/these things were so/Then 1093/1225
Act_24:20........let/these same here/say. 1094/1225
Act_24:22......heard/these things having/more 1095/1225
Act_25:9..........of/these things before me/Then 1096/1225
Act_25:11.........of/these things whereof these/accuse 1097/1225
Act_25:11....whereof/these accuse/me..... 1098/1225
Act_25:20.........of/these matters But/when 1099/1225
Act_26:16.........of/these things which thou/hast 1100/1225
Act_26:21........For/these causes/the.... 1101/1225
Act_26:26.........of/these things before whom/also 1102/1225
Act_26:26.........of/these things are hidden/from 1103/1225
Act_26:29.....except/these bonds/And..... 1104/1225
Act_27:31.....Except/these abide/in...... 1105/1225
Act_28:29.......said/these words the Jews/departed 1106/1225 having/not.... 1107/1225 things If/God. 1108/1225
Rom_8:37.........all/these things we are/more 1109/1225
Rom_9:8........flesh/these are not the children/of 1110/1225
Rom_11:24......shall/these which be/the.. 1111/1225
Rom_11:31.......have/these also now/not.. 1112/1225 things serveth/Christ 1113/1225 parts/and..... 1114/1225
Rom_15:23.....desire/these many years to/come 1115/1225
1Co_4:6..........And/these things brethren/I 1116/1225
1Co_4:14.........not/these things to shame/you 1117/1225
1Co_9:8............I/these things as/a... 1118/1225
1Co_9:15..........of/these things neither/have 1119/1225
1Co_9:15.....written/these things that it should/be 1120/1225
1Co_10:6.........Now/these things were our/examples 1121/1225
1Co_10:11........all/these things happened/unto 1122/1225
1Co_12:2........unto/these dumb/idols.... 1123/1225
1Co_12:11........all/these worketh/that.. 1124/1225
1Co_12:23.......upon/these we/bestow..... 1125/1225 three but/the. 1126/1225
1Co_13:13.........of/these is charity/Follow 1127/1225
2Co_2:16.........for/these things For we/are 1128/1225
2Co_7:1....therefore/these promises/dearly 1129/1225
2Co_13:10......write/these things being/absent 1130/1225
Gal_2:6...........of/these who/seemed.... 1131/1225
Gal_4:24.........for/these are the two covenants/the 1132/1225
Gal_5:17.........and/these are contrary/the 1133/1225
Gal_5:19.........are/these Adultery/fornication 1134/1225
Eph_5:6...........of/these things cometh/the 1135/1225
Php_4:8...........on/these things Those/things 1136/1225
Col_3:8..........all/these anger/wrath... 1137/1225
Col_3:14.........all/these things put on/charity 1138/1225
Col_4:11circumcision/These only/are...... 1139/1225 afflictions/for 1140/1225
1Th_4:18........with/these words But/of.. 1141/1225 things And now ye/know 1142/1225
1Ti_3:10.........let/these also first/be. 1143/1225
1Ti_3:14.......Jesus/These things write I unto thee/hoping 1144/1225
1Ti_4:6...........of/these things thou/shalt 1145/1225
1Ti_4:11.....believe/These things command/and 1146/1225
1Ti_4:15........upon/these things give thyself/wholly 1147/1225
1Ti_5:7..........And/these things give in/charge 1148/1225
1Ti_5:21.....observe/these things without/preferring 1149/1225
1Ti_6:2......benefit/These things teach/and 1150/1225
1Ti_6:11........flee/these things and follow/after 1151/1225
2Ti_1:12......suffer/these things nevertheless/I 1152/1225
2Ti_2:14..........Of/these things put them/in 1153/1225
2Ti_2:21........from/these he shall/be... 1154/1225 also resist/the 1155/1225 things speak/and 1156/1225
Tit_3:8..........and/these things I will/that 1157/1225 things are good/and 1158/1225 last days/spoken 1159/1225
Heb_7:13........whom/these things are spoken/pertaineth 1160/1225
Heb_9:6.........when/these things were thus/ordained 1161/1225
Heb_9:23........with/these but/the....... 1162/1225
Heb_9:23........than/these For Christ/is. 1163/1225
Heb_10:18.........of/these is there/is... 1164/1225
Heb_11:13innumerable/These all died/in... 1165/1225
Heb_11:39........And/these all having/obtained 1166/1225
Jam_3:10....brethren/these things ought/not 1167/1225 last times/for 1168/1225 ye might/be... 1169/1225
2Pe_1:8...........if/these things be in/you 1170/1225
2Pe_1:9......lacketh/these things is blind/and 1171/1225 things ye shall never/fall 1172/1225
2Pe_1:12..........of/these things though/ye 1173/1225
2Pe_1:15........have/these things always/in 1174/1225
2Pe_2:12.........But/these as natural/brute 1175/1225
2Pe_2:17.....prophet/These are wells/without 1176/1225
2Pe_3:11.........all/these things shall be dissolved/what 1177/1225
2Pe_3:16..........of/these things in which/are 1178/1225
2Pe_3:17........know/these things before beware/lest 1179/1225
1Jn_1:4..........And/these things write we/unto 1180/1225
1Jn_2:1.....children/these things write I unto you/that 1181/1225 things have I written unto you concerning/them 1182/1225
1Jn_5:7..........and/these three are/one. 1183/1225
1Jn_5:8..........and/these three agree/in 1184/1225 things have I written unto you that/believe 1185/1225
Jud_1:8.........also/these filthy/dreamers 1186/1225
Jud_1:10.........But/these speak/evil.... 1187/1225
Jud_1:12........Core/These are spots/in.. 1188/1225
Jud_1:14..........of/these saying/Behold. 1189/1225
Jud_1:16.........him/These are murmurers/complainers 1190/1225
Jud_1:19.......lusts/These be they/who... 1191/1225
Rev_2:1........write/These things saith he that holdeth/the 1192/1225
Rev_2:8........write/These things saith the first/and 1193/1225
Rev_2:12.......write/These things saith he which/hath 1194/1225
Rev_2:18.......write/These things saith the Son/of 1195/1225
Rev_3:1........write/These things saith he that hath/the 1196/1225
Rev_3:7........write/These things saith he that is/holy 1197/1225
Rev_3:14.......write/These things saith the Amen/the 1198/1225
Rev_7:1........after/these things I saw four/angels 1199/1225
Rev_7:13.........are/these which are arrayed/in 1200/1225 are they which came/out 1201/1225
Rev_9:18..........By/these three was/the. 1202/1225 plagues yet/repented 1203/1225
Rev_11:4...sackcloth/These are the two olive/trees 1204/1225
Rev_11:6......killed/These have power/to. 1205/1225
Rev_11:10....because/these two prophets/tormented 1206/1225 are they which were/not 1207/1225
Rev_14:4.....virgins/These are they which follow/the 1208/1225
Rev_14:4.......goeth/These were redeemed/from 1209/1225
Rev_16:9........over/these plagues and/they 1210/1225
Rev_17:13......beast/These have one/mind. 1211/1225
Rev_17:14......beast/These shall make/war 1212/1225
Rev_17:16......beast/these shall hate/the 1213/1225
Rev_18:1.......after/these things I saw another/angel 1214/1225
Rev_18:15.........of/these things which were/made 1215/1225
Rev_19:1.......after/these things I heard/a 1216/1225 are the true/sayings 1217/1225
Rev_19:20......image/These both/were..... 1218/1225
Rev_21:5.........for/these words are/true 1219/1225 sayings are/faithful 1220/1225
Rev_22:8.........saw/these things and heard/them 1221/1225 things Then saith/he 1222/1225 things in the churches/I 1223/1225
Rev_22:18.......unto/these things God shall/add 1224/1225
Rev_22:20.testifieth/these things saith Surely/I 1225/1225
Act_20:4.........the/Thessalonians Aristarchus/and 1/3
1Th_1:1..........the/Thessalonians which/is.... 2/3
2Th_1:1..........the/Thessalonians in/God...... 3/3 where/was.... 1/6 in/that...... 2/6
Act_17:13.........of/Thessalonica had/knowledge 3/6
Act_27:2..........of/Thessalonica being/with... 4/6 ye/sent...... 5/6
2Ti_4:10........unto/Thessalonica Crescens/to.. 6/6
