Gen_14:23............a/thread even/to............ 1/7
Gen_38:28......scarlet/thread saying/This........ 2/7
Gen_38:30......scarlet/thread upon/his........... 3/7
Jos_2:18.......scarlet/thread in/the............. 4/7
Jdg_16:9.............a/thread of tow/is.......... 5/7
Jdg_16:12............a/thread And/Delilah........ 6/7
Son_4:3..............a/thread of scarlet/and..... 7/7
Act_4:17......straitly/threaten/them............. 1/1
Act_4:21.......further/threatened them/they...... 1/2
1Pe_2:23............he/threatened not/but........ 2/2
Eph_6:9.....forbearing/threatening/knowing....... 1/1
Act_4:29.........their/threatenings and grant/unto 1/2
Act_9:1............out/threatenings and slaughter/against 2/2
Gen_5:22....Methuselah/three hundred years and/begat 1/485
Gen_5:23..........were/three hundred sixty/and. 2/485
Gen_6:10.........begat/three sons Shem/Ham..... 3/485 hundred cubits/the 4/485
Gen_7:13...........the/three wives/of.......... 5/485
Gen_9:19...........the/three sons of Noah/and.. 6/485
Gen_9:28.........flood/three hundred and fifty/years 7/485
Gen_11:13..........and/three years and begat sons and daughters And Salah/lived 8/485
Gen_11:15..........and/three years and begat sons and daughters And Eber/lived 9/485 hundred and eighteen/and 10/485
Gen_15:9............of/three years old and a she/goat 11/485
Gen_15:9............of/three years old and a ram/of 12/485
Gen_15:9............of/three years old and a turtledove/and 13/485
Gen_18:2............lo/three men stood/by..... 14/485
Gen_18:6.......quickly/three measures of fine/meal 15/485
Gen_29:2..........were/three flocks/of........ 16/485
Gen_29:34..........him/three sons therefore/was 17/485
Gen_30:36..........set/three days' journey betwixt/himself 18/485
Gen_38:24........about/three months after/that 19/485
Gen_40:10.........were/three branches and/it.. 20/485
Gen_40:12..........The/three branches are/three 21/485
Gen_40:12..........are/three days Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine/head 22/485
Gen_40:13.......within/three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine/head 23/485
Gen_40:16..........had/three white/baskets.... 24/485
Gen_40:18..........The/three baskets/are...... 25/485
Gen_40:18..........are/three days Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy/head 26/485
Gen_40:19.......within/three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy/head 27/485
Gen_42:17.........ward/three days And Joseph/said 28/485
Gen_45:22.........gave/three hundred pieces/of 29/485
Gen_46:15..........and/three And the sons of Gad/Ziphion 30/485
Exo_2:2............him/three months And when she/could 31/485
Exo_3:18..........thee/three days' journey into the wilderness that/we 32/485
Exo_5:3...........thee/three days' journey into the desert/and 33/485
Exo_6:18...........and/three years And the sons/of 34/485
Exo_7:7............and/three years old when they/spake 35/485
Exo_8:27............go/three days' journey into the wilderness and/sacrifice 36/485
Exo_10:22........Egypt/three days They saw/not 37/485
Exo_10:23..........for/three days but all/the. 38/485
Exo_15:22.........went/three days in the/wilderness 39/485
Exo_21:11........these/three unto her/then.... 40/485
Exo_23:14........mouth/Three times thou/shalt. 41/485
Exo_23:17........field/Three items/in......... 42/485 branches of the candlestick out of the one side and/three 43/485
Exo_25:32..........and/three branches of the candlestick out of the other side Three/bowls 44/485
Exo_25:33.........side/Three bowls made like unto/almonds 45/485
Exo_25:33..........and/three bowls made like almonds in the/other 46/485 cubits And thou/shalt 47/485
Exo_27:14......pillars/three and their sockets three And on/the 48/485
Exo_27:14......sockets/three And on/the....... 49/485
Exo_27:15......pillars/three and their sockets three And for the gate/of 50/485
Exo_27:15......sockets/three And for the gate/of 51/485
Exo_32:28........about/three thousand men For/Moses 52/485
Exo_37:18......thereof/three branches of the candlestick out of the one side thereof/and 53/485
Exo_37:18..........and/three branches of the candlestick out of the other side thereof/Three 54/485
Exo_37:19......thereof/Three bowls made after/the 55/485
Exo_37:19..........and/three bowls made like almonds in another/branch 56/485
Exo_38:1...........and/three cubits the height thereof/And 57/485
Exo_38:14......pillars/three and their sockets three And for the other/side 58/485
Exo_38:14......sockets/three And for the other/side 59/485
Exo_38:15......pillars/three and their sockets three All/the 60/485
Exo_38:15......sockets/three All/the.......... 61/485
Exo_38:26..........and/three thousand and five hundred and fifty men/And 62/485
Lev_12:4.....purifying/three and thirty/days.. 63/485
Lev_14:10..........and/three tenth deals of fine/flour 64/485
Lev_19:23uncircumcised/three years shall/it... 65/485
Lev_25:21..........for/three years And ye/shall 66/485 shekels/of....... 67/485
Num_1:23...........and/three hundred Of the children/of 68/485
Num_1:43...........and/three thousand and four hundred These/are 69/485
Num_1:46...........and/three thousand and five hundred and fifty But the Levites after/the 70/485
Num_2:13...........and/three hundred Then/the. 71/485
Num_2:30...........and/three thousand and four hundred All/they 72/485
Num_2:32...........and/three thousand and five hundred and fifty But the Levites were/not 73/485
Num_3:50......thousand/three hundred and threescore and/five 74/485
Num_4:44..........were/three thousand and two/hundred 75/485
Num_10:33.........LORD/three days' journey and the/ark 76/485
Num_10:33..........the/three days' journey to/search 77/485 unto the/tabernacle 78/485
Num_12:4..........they/three came/out......... 79/485
Num_15:9............of/three tenth deals of flour mingled/with 80/485
Num_22:28........these/three times And Balaam/said 81/485
Num_22:32........these/three times behold/I... 82/485
Num_22:33........these/three times unless/she. 83/485
Num_24:10........these/three times Therefore/now 84/485
Num_26:7...........and/three thousand and seven hundred and thirty/And 85/485
Num_26:25..........and/three hundred Of the sons/of 86/485
Num_26:47..........and/three thousand and four hundred Of/the 87/485
Num_26:62..........and/three thousand all/males 88/485
Num_28:12..........And/three tenth deals of flour for/a 89/485
Num_28:20..........oil/three tenth deals shall/ye 90/485
Num_28:28..........oil/three tenth deals unto one/bullock 91/485
Num_29:3...........oil/three tenth deals for/a 92/485
Num_29:9...........oil/three tenth deals to/a. 93/485
Num_29:14..........oil/three tenth deals unto every/bullock 94/485
Num_31:36.......number/three hundred thousand and seven and/thirty 95/485
Num_31:43..........was/three hundred thousand and thirty/thousand 96/485
Num_33:8..........went/three days' journey in/the 97/485
Num_33:39..........and/three years old when he died/in 98/485
Num_35:14.........give/three cities on this side Jordan and/three 99/485
Num_35:14..........and/three cities shall/ye. 100/485
Deu_4:41.......severed/three cities on this side Jordan toward/the 101/485
Deu_14:28...........of/three years thou/shalt 102/485
Deu_16:16......rejoice/Three times in a year shall/all 103/485
Deu_17:6............or/three witnesses shall he/that 104/485
Deu_19:2......separate/three cities for thee in/the 105/485
Deu_19:3..........into/three parts that/every 106/485
Deu_19:7......separate/three cities for thee And/if 107/485
Deu_19:9...........add/three cities more/for. 108/485
Deu_19:9.........these/three That innocent/blood 109/485
Deu_19:15...........of/three witnesses shall the/matter 110/485
Jos_1:11........within/three days ye/shall... 111/485
Jos_2:16.........there/three days until the pursuers be/returned 112/485
Jos_2:22.........there/three days until the pursuers were/returned 113/485
Jos_3:2..........after/three days that/the... 114/485
Jos_7:3.............or/three thousand men go/up 115/485
Jos_7:4..........about/three thousand men and they/fled 116/485
Jos_9:16............of/three days after/they. 117/485
Jos_15:14..........the/three sons of Anak Sheshai/and 118/485
Jos_17:11.........even/three countries/Yet... 119/485 men for/each.... 120/485
Jos_21:32......suburbs/three cities All/the.. 121/485
Jdg_1:20...........the/three sons of Anak And/the 122/485
Jdg_7:6...........were/three hundred men but/all 123/485
Jdg_7:7............the/three hundred men that lapped/will 124/485
Jdg_7:8..........those/three hundred men and/the 125/485
Jdg_7:16...........the/three hundred men into/three 126/485
Jdg_7:16..........into/three companies and he/put 127/485
Jdg_7:20...........the/three companies blew/the 128/485
Jdg_7:22...........the/three hundred blew/the 129/485
Jdg_8:4............the/three hundred men that were/with 130/485
Jdg_9:22.......reigned/three years over Israel/Then 131/485
Jdg_9:43..........into/three companies and laid/wait 132/485
Jdg_10:2...........and/three years and died/and 133/485
Jdg_11:26........Arnon/three hundred years why/therefore 134/485 days expound/the 135/485
Jdg_15:4........caught/three hundred foxes/and 136/485
Jdg_15:11.........Then/three thousand men of Judah/went 137/485
Jdg_16:15........these/three times and hast/not 138/485
Jdg_16:27........about/three thousand men and women/that 139/485
Jdg_19:4...........him/three days so/they.... 140/485
1Sa_1:24..........with/three bullocks/and.... 141/485
1Sa_2:13............of/three teeth/in........ 142/485
1Sa_2:21..........bare/three sons and two/daughters 143/485
1Sa_9:20..........lost/three days ago/set.... 144/485
1Sa_10:3..........thee/three men going/up.... 145/485
1Sa_10:3......carrying/three kids/and........ 146/485
1Sa_10:3......carrying/three loaves of/bread. 147/485
1Sa_11:8..........were/three hundred thousand and the/men 148/485 companies and they/came 149/485
1Sa_13:2...........him/three thousand men of Israel/whereof 150/485 companies one/company 151/485
1Sa_17:13..........the/three eldest sons/of.. 152/485
1Sa_17:13..........his/three sons that/went.. 153/485
1Sa_17:14..........the/three eldest followed/Saul 154/485
1Sa_20:19.......stayed/three days then thou/shalt 155/485
1Sa_20:20........shoot/three arrows/on....... 156/485
1Sa_20:41......himself/three times and they/kissed 157/485
1Sa_21:5.........these/three days since/I.... 158/485
1Sa_24:2..........took/three thousand chosen men out/of 159/485
1Sa_25:2...........had/three thousand sheep and/a 160/485
1Sa_26:2........having/three thousand chosen men of/Israel 161/485
1Sa_30:12........water/three days and three nights And/David 162/485
1Sa_30:12..........and/three nights And/David 163/485
1Sa_30:13......because/three days agone/I.... 164/485
1Sa_31:6...........his/three sons and his/armourbearer 165/485
1Sa_31:8...........his/three sons fallen/in.. 166/485
2Sa_2:18..........were/three sons of Zeruiah/there 167/485
2Sa_2:31..........that/three hundred and threescore men/died 168/485
2Sa_5:5............and/three years over all/Israel 169/485
2Sa_6:11.......Gittite/three months and the LORD blessed Obededom/and 170/485
2Sa_13:38........there/three years And the soul/of 171/485
2Sa_14:27.........born/three sons and one/daughter 172/485
2Sa_18:14.........took/three darts/in........ 173/485
2Sa_20:4........within/three days and be/thou 174/485
2Sa_21:1.........David/three years year/after 175/485
2Sa_21:16......weighed/three hundred shekels of brass/in 176/485
2Sa_23:9...........the/three mighty men with/David 177/485
2Sa_23:13..........And/three of the thirty chief/went 178/485
2Sa_23:16..........the/three mighty men brake/through 179/485
2Sa_23:17........these/three mighty men And/Abishai 180/485
2Sa_23:18........among/three And he/lifted... 181/485
2Sa_23:18......against/three hundred and slew/them 182/485
2Sa_23:18........among/three Was he/not...... 183/485
2Sa_23:19...........of/three therefore/he.... 184/485
2Sa_23:19........first/three And Benaiah/the. 185/485
2Sa_23:22........among/three mighty men He/was 186/485
2Sa_23:23........first/three And David set him over his guard Asahel/the 187/485
2Sa_24:12.........thee/three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and told/him 188/485
2Sa_24:13.........flee/three months before/thine 189/485 days' pestilence/in 190/485
1Ki_2:11...........and/three years reigned he in Jerusalem Then/sat 191/485
1Ki_2:39............of/three years that two/of 192/485
1Ki_4:32.........spake/three thousand proverbs/and 193/485 thousand and three/hundred 194/485
1Ki_5:16...........and/three hundred which/ruled 195/485
1Ki_6:36..........with/three rows of hewed stone/and 196/485 rows and/light.. 197/485 ranks And all/the 198/485 ranks And he/made 199/485
1Ki_7:12..........with/three rows of hewed stones/and 200/485
1Ki_7:25..........oxen/three looking toward the north and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 201/485
1Ki_7:25...........and/three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 202/485
1Ki_7:25...........and/three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 203/485
1Ki_7:25...........and/three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 204/485
1Ki_7:27...........and/three cubits the height of/it 205/485
1Ki_9:25...........And/three times in a year did/Solomon 206/485
1Ki_10:17.........made/three hundred shields of/beaten 207/485 pound/of........ 208/485 years came/the.. 209/485
1Ki_11:3...........and/three hundred concubines/and 210/485
1Ki_12:5...........for/three days then come/again 211/485
1Ki_15:2.........Judah/Three years reigned he in Jerusalem and his/mother's 212/485
1Ki_17:21........child/three times and cried/unto 213/485
1Ki_22:1.....continued/three years without/war 214/485
2Ki_2:17........sought/three days but found/him 215/485
2Ki_3:10.........these/three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab But/Jehoshaphat 216/485
2Ki_3:13.........these/three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab And/Elisha 217/485
2Ki_9:32............or/three eunuchs/And..... 218/485
2Ki_12:6...........the/three and twentieth year of king/Jehoash 219/485
2Ki_13:1...........the/three and twentieth year of Joash/the 220/485
2Ki_13:25..........war/Three times did/Joash. 221/485 years In the/ninth 222/485
2Ki_18:10...........of/three years they took/it 223/485
2Ki_18:14........Judah/three hundred talents/of 224/485
2Ki_23:31..........and/three years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And his/mother's 225/485
2Ki_23:31......reigned/three months in Jerusalem And his/mother's 226/485
2Ki_24:1.......servant/three years then/he... 227/485
2Ki_24:8.....Jerusalem/three months And his/mother's 228/485
2Ki_25:17.....chapiter/three cubits and the/wreathen 229/485
2Ki_25:18..........the/three keepers of the door And/out 230/485
1Ch_2:3..........which/three were born/unto.. 231/485
1Ch_2:16........Asahel/three And Abigail/bare 232/485
1Ch_2:22...........had/three and twenty cities/in 233/485
1Ch_3:4............and/three years And these/were 234/485
1Ch_3:23.......Azrikam/three And the sons of Elioenai/were 235/485
1Ch_7:6........Jediael/three And the sons of Bela/Ezbon 236/485
1Ch_10:6...........his/three sons and all/his 237/485
1Ch_11:11......against/three hundred slain/by 238/485
1Ch_11:12..........the/three mighties He/was. 239/485
1Ch_11:15..........Now/three of the thirty captains/went 240/485
1Ch_11:18..........the/three brake/through... 241/485
1Ch_11:19........these/three mightiest/And... 242/485
1Ch_11:20..........the/three for/lifting..... 243/485
1Ch_11:20......against/three hundred he/slew. 244/485
1Ch_11:20..........the/three Of the three/he. 245/485
1Ch_11:21..........the/three he/was.......... 246/485
1Ch_11:21........first/three Benaiah/the..... 247/485
1Ch_11:24..........the/three mighties Behold/he 248/485
1Ch_11:25........first/three and David set him over his guard Also/the 249/485
1Ch_12:27.........were/three thousand and seven hundred And Zadok/a 250/485
1Ch_12:29.........Saul/three thousand for/hitherto 251/485
1Ch_12:39........David/three days eating/and. 252/485 months And the LORD blessed the/house 253/485
1Ch_21:10.........thee/three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and said/unto 254/485
1Ch_21:12.......Either/three years' famine/or 255/485
1Ch_21:12...........or/three months to be/destroyed 256/485
1Ch_21:12.........else/three days the/sword.. 257/485
1Ch_23:8..........Joel/three The sons/of..... 258/485
1Ch_23:9.........Haran/three These were the chief/of 259/485
1Ch_23:23.....Jeremoth/three These were the sons/of 260/485
1Ch_24:18..........The/three and twentieth to Delaiah/the 261/485
1Ch_25:5...........and/three daughters All/these 262/485
1Ch_25:30..........The/three and twentieth to Mahazioth/he 263/485
1Ch_29:4..........Even/three thousand talents/of 264/485
1Ch_29:27..........and/three years reigned he in Jerusalem And he/died 265/485
2Ch_2:2............and/three thousand and six hundred to/oversee 266/485
2Ch_2:17...........and/three thousand and six hundred And he/set 267/485
2Ch_2:18...........and/three thousand and six hundred overseers/to 268/485
2Ch_4:4...........oxen/three looking toward the north and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 269/485
2Ch_4:4............and/three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 270/485
2Ch_4:4............and/three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 271/485
2Ch_4:4............and/three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 272/485
2Ch_4:5...........held/three thousand baths/He 273/485
2Ch_6:13...........and/three cubits high and had/set 274/485
2Ch_7:10...........the/three and twentieth day of/the 275/485
2Ch_8:13........feasts/three times in the/year 276/485
2Ch_9:16...........And/three hundred shields made/he 277/485 hundred shekels of gold/went 278/485
2Ch_9:21.........every/three years once/came. 279/485
2Ch_10:5.........after/three days And the people/departed 280/485
2Ch_11:17.......strong/three years for three/years 281/485
2Ch_11:17..........for/three years they walked/in 282/485
2Ch_13:2.......reigned/three years in Jerusalem/His 283/485
2Ch_14:8.........Judah/three hundred thousand and out/of 284/485
2Ch_14:9...........and/three hundred chariots/and 285/485
2Ch_17:14.......valour/three hundred thousand And next/to 286/485
2Ch_20:25.........were/three days in gathering/of 287/485
2Ch_25:5..........them/three hundred thousand choice/men 288/485
2Ch_25:13........smote/three thousand of/them 289/485 hundred thousand and seven thousand/and 290/485
2Ch_29:33..........and/three thousand sheep But/the 291/485
2Ch_31:16.........from/three years old and upward/even 292/485
2Ch_35:7...........and/three thousand bullocks/these 293/485
2Ch_35:8...........and/three hundred oxen/Conaniah 294/485
2Ch_36:2...........and/three years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And the/king 295/485
2Ch_36:2.......reigned/three months in Jerusalem And the/king 296/485
2Ch_36:9.......reigned/three months and ten/days 297/485
Ezr_2:4.....Shephatiah/three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 298/485
Ezr_2:11...........and/three The children of Azgad/a 299/485
Ezr_2:17.........Bezai/three hundred twenty and three/The 300/485
Ezr_2:17...........and/three The children of Jorah/an 301/485
Ezr_2:19...........and/three The children of Gibbar/ninety 302/485
Ezr_2:21...........and/three The men of Netophah/fifty 303/485
Ezr_2:25...........and/three The children of Ramah/and 304/485
Ezr_2:28...........and/three The children of Nebo/fifty 305/485
Ezr_2:32.........Harim/three hundred and twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 306/485
Ezr_2:34.......Jericho/three hundred forty and five The children of Senaah/three 307/485
Ezr_2:35........Senaah/three thousand and six hundred and thirty/The 308/485
Ezr_2:36...........and/three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 309/485
Ezr_2:58..........were/three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up from/Telmelah 310/485
Ezr_2:64......thousand/three hundred and threescore Beside their servants/and 311/485
Ezr_2:65......thousand/three hundred thirty and seven and there/were 312/485
Ezr_6:4...........With/three rows of great/stones 313/485
Ezr_8:5............him/three hundred males/Of 314/485
Ezr_8:15.........tents/three days and I viewed/the 315/485
Ezr_8:32.........there/three days Now/on..... 316/485
Ezr_10:8........within/three days according/to 317/485
Ezr_10:9........within/three days It/was..... 318/485
Neh_2:11.........there/three days And I arose/in 319/485
Neh_7:9.....Shephatiah/three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 320/485
Neh_7:17......thousand/three hundred twenty and two/The 321/485
Neh_7:22........Hashum/three hundred twenty and eight/The 322/485
Neh_7:23.........Bezai/three hundred twenty and four/The 323/485
Neh_7:29...........and/three The men of Ramah/and 324/485
Neh_7:32...........and/three The men of the/other 325/485
Neh_7:35.........Harim/three hundred and twenty The children of Jericho/three 326/485
Neh_7:36.......Jericho/three hundred forty and five The children of Lod/Hadid 327/485
Neh_7:38........Senaah/three thousand nine/hundred 328/485
Neh_7:39...........and/three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 329/485
Neh_7:60..........were/three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up also/from 330/485
Neh_7:66......thousand/three hundred and threescore Beside their manservants/and 331/485
Neh_7:67......thousand/three hundred thirty and seven and they/had 332/485
Est_4:16.........drink/three days night/or... 333/485
Est_8:9............the/three and twentieth day thereof/and 334/485
Est_9:15..........slew/three hundred men at/Shushan 335/485
Job_1:2............and/three daughters His/substance 336/485
Job_1:3............and/three thousand camels/and 337/485
Job_1:4..........their/three sisters/to...... 338/485
Job_1:17...........out/three bands/and....... 339/485
Job_2:11.........Job's/three friends heard/of 340/485
Job_32:1.........these/three men ceased/to... 341/485
Job_32:3...........his/three friends was/his. 342/485
Job_32:5.........these/three men then/his.... 343/485
Job_42:13..........and/three daughters And/he 344/485
Pro_30:15..........are/three things that/are. 345/485 things which are/too 346/485
Pro_30:21..........For/three things the/earth 347/485 things which go/well 348/485
Isa_15:5............of/three years old for by/the 349/485
Isa_16:14.......Within/three years as/the.... 350/485
Isa_17:6............or/three berries/in...... 351/485 years for a/sign 352/485
Jer_25:3...........the/three and twentieth year the/word 353/485 or/four......... 354/485
Jer_48:34...........of/three years old for the/waters 355/485
Jer_52:24..........the/three keepers of the door He/took 356/485
Jer_52:28.........year/three thousand Jews/and 357/485
Jer_52:28..........and/three and twenty In/the 358/485
Jer_52:30..........the/three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar/Nebuzaradan 359/485
Eze_4:5...........days/three hundred and ninety days so/shalt 360/485
Eze_4:9...........side/three hundred and ninety days shalt/thou 361/485
Eze_14:14........these/three men Noah/Daniel. 362/485
Eze_14:16........these/three men were in it as I live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters they/only 363/485
Eze_14:18........these/three men were in it as I live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but/they 364/485
Eze_40:10.........were/three on this side and three on that side they/three 365/485
Eze_40:10..........and/three on that side they/three 366/485
Eze_40:10.........they/three were of/one..... 367/485
Eze_40:21.........were/three on this side and three on that side and/the 368/485
Eze_40:21..........and/three on that side and/the 369/485
Eze_40:48..........was/three cubits on this/side 370/485
Eze_40:48..........and/three cubits on that/side 371/485
Eze_41:6..........were/three one/over........ 372/485
Eze_41:16........their/three stories over/against 373/485
Eze_41:22..........was/three cubits high and the/length 374/485 stories And/before 375/485 stories but/had. 376/485
Eze_48:31.......Israel/three gates northward/one 377/485
Eze_48:32..........and/three gates and one/gate 378/485
Eze_48:33..........and/three gates one gate of Simeon/one 379/485
Eze_48:34........their/three gates one gate of Gad/one 380/485
Dan_1:5...........them/three years that at/the 381/485
Dan_3:23.........these/three men Shadrach/Meshach 382/485
Dan_3:24..........cast/three men bound/into.. 383/485
Dan_6:2..........these/three presidents/of... 384/485
Dan_6:10.........knees/three times a day and/prayed 385/485
Dan_6:13......petition/three times a day Then/the 386/485
Dan_7:5............had/three ribs/in......... 387/485
Dan_7:8...........were/three of the first/horns 388/485
Dan_7:20..........whom/three fell/even....... 389/485
Dan_7:24........subdue/three kings And/he.... 390/485
Dan_8:14...........and/three hundred days/then 391/485
Dan_10:2......mourning/three full/weeks...... 392/485
Dan_10:3..........till/three whole/weeks..... 393/485
Dan_11:2...........yet/three kings in/Persia. 394/485
Dan_12:12.....thousand/three hundred and five/and 395/485
Amo_1:3............For/three transgressions of Damascus/and 396/485
Amo_1:6............For/three transgressions of Gaza/and 397/485
Amo_1:9............For/three transgressions of Tyrus/and 398/485
Amo_1:11...........For/three transgressions of Edom/and 399/485
Amo_1:13...........For/three transgressions of the/children 400/485
Amo_2:1............For/three transgressions of Moab/and 401/485
Amo_2:4............For/three transgressions of Judah/and 402/485
Amo_2:6............For/three transgressions of Israel/and 403/485
Amo_4:4..........after/three years And offer/a 404/485
Amo_4:7............yet/three months to the/harvest 405/485
Amo_4:8.............or/three cities wandered/unto 406/485 days and three nights Then/Jonah 407/485
Jon_1:17...........and/three nights Then/Jonah 408/485
Jon_3:3.............of/three days' journey And Jonah/began 409/485
Zec_11:8.........flock/Three shepherds/also.. 410/485
Mat_12:40..........was/three days and three nights in the whale's/belly 411/485
Mat_12:40..........and/three nights in the whale's/belly 412/485 days and three nights in the heart/of 413/485
Mat_12:40..........and/three nights in the heart/of 414/485 measures of meal till the whole was leavened All/these 415/485 days and have nothing to eat and I/will 416/485 tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias While/he 417/485
Mat_18:16...........or/three witnesses every/word 418/485
Mat_18:20...........or/three are gathered/together 419/485 days And the high/priest 420/485 days save thyself If/thou 421/485
Mat_27:63........After/three days I will rise/again 422/485 days and have nothing to eat And if/I 423/485
Mar_8:31.........after/three days rise/again. 424/485
Mar_9:5...........make/three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 425/485
Mar_14:5..........than/three hundred pence and have/been 426/485
Mar_14:58.......within/three days I will build/another 427/485 days Save thyself and/come 428/485
Luk_1:56.........about/three months and returned/to 429/485
Luk_2:46.........after/three days they found/him 430/485
Luk_4:25............up/three years and six months when/great 431/485
Luk_9:33..........make/three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 432/485
Luk_10:36........these/three thinkest/thou... 433/485 loaves For/a.... 434/485
Luk_12:52......divided/three against/two..... 435/485
Luk_12:52......against/three The father/shall 436/485
Luk_13:7.........these/three years I come/seeking 437/485 measures of meal till the whole was leavened And/he 438/485
Joh_2:6.............or/three firkins/apiece.. 439/485 days I will raise/it 440/485 days But he/spake 441/485
Joh_12:5...........for/three hundred pence and given/to 442/485
Joh_21:11..........and/three and for all/there 443/485
Act_2:41.........about/three thousand souls/And 444/485
Act_5:7.............of/three hours/after..... 445/485 months And when he/was 446/485
Act_9:9............was/three days without/sight 447/485
Act_10:19.......Behold/three men seek/thee... 448/485
Act_11:10.........done/three times and all/were 449/485
Act_11:11.........were/three men already/come 450/485
Act_17:2...........and/three sabbath/days.... 451/485
Act_19:8............of/three months disputing/and 452/485
Act_20:3.........abode/three months And when the/Jews 453/485
Act_20:31...........of/three years I ceased/not 454/485
Act_25:1.........after/three days he/ascended 455/485 days courteously/And 456/485
Act_28:11........after/three months we/departed 457/485
Act_28:12........there/three days And from/thence 458/485
Act_28:15..........The/three taverns/whom.... 459/485
Act_28:17........after/three days Paul/called 460/485 and twenty thousand/Neither 461/485
1Co_13:13........these/three but/the......... 462/485 and that/by..... 463/485
1Co_14:29...........or/three and let/the..... 464/485
2Co_13:1............or/three witnesses shall every/word 465/485
Gal_1:18.........after/three years I went/up. 466/485
1Ti_5:19............or/three witnesses Them/that 467/485
Heb_10:28...........or/three witnesses Of/how 468/485
Heb_11:23..........hid/three months of/his... 469/485
Jam_5:17............of/three years and six months And/he 470/485
1Jn_5:7............are/three that bear record/in 471/485
1Jn_5:7..........these/three are one/And..... 472/485
1Jn_5:8............are/three that bear witness/in 473/485
1Jn_5:8..........these/three agree/in........ 474/485
Rev_6:6............and/three measures of barley/for 475/485
Rev_8:13...........the/three angels/which.... 476/485
Rev_9:18.........these/three was the/third... 477/485
Rev_11:9........bodies/three days and an half and/shall 478/485
Rev_11:11........after/three days and an half the/spirit 479/485
Rev_16:13..........saw/three unclean/spirits. 480/485
Rev_16:19.........into/three parts and/the... 481/485
Rev_21:13.........east/three gates on the north/three 482/485
Rev_21:13........north/three gates on the south/three 483/485
Rev_21:13........south/three gates and on/the 484/485
Rev_21:13.........west/three gates And the/wall 485/485
Ecc_4:12.............a/threefold/cord............ 1/1
Gen_25:7.......hundred/threescore and fifteen years/Then 1/93
Gen_25:26..........was/threescore years old when/she 2/93
Gen_46:26.........were/threescore and six And the/sons 3/93
Gen_46:27.........were/threescore and ten And he/sent 4/93
Gen_50:3...........him/threescore and ten days/And 5/93
Exo_15:27..........and/threescore and ten palm trees and they encamped/there 6/93
Exo_38:25..........and/threescore and fifteen shekels/after 7/93
Lev_12:5.....purifying/threescore and six days/And 8/93
Num_1:27..........were/threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred Of/the 9/93
Num_1:39..........were/threescore and two thousand and seven hundred Of/the 10/93
Num_2:4...........were/threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred And/those 11/93
Num_2:26..........were/threescore and two thousand and seven hundred And/those 12/93
Num_3:43...........and/threescore and thirteen And/the 13/93
Num_3:46...........and/threescore and thirteen of/the 14/93
Num_3:50...........and/threescore and five shekels/after 15/93
Num_26:22.........them/threescore and sixteen thousand/and 16/93
Num_26:25.........them/threescore and four thousand and three/hundred 17/93
Num_26:27.........them/threescore thousand and/five 18/93
Num_26:43.........were/threescore and four thousand and four/hundred 19/93
Num_31:33..........And/threescore and twelve thousand/beeves 20/93
Num_31:34..........And/threescore and one thousand asses/And 21/93
Num_31:37..........and/threescore and fifteen And/the 22/93
Num_31:38..........was/threescore and twelve And/the 23/93
Num_31:39..........was/threescore and one And/the 24/93
Num_33:9...........and/threescore and ten palm trees and they pitched/there 25/93
Deu_3:4...........them/threescore cities all the/region 26/93
Deu_10:22.........with/threescore and ten persons and/now 27/93
Jos_13:30.......Bashan/threescore cities And/half 28/93
Jdg_1:7...........said/Threescore and ten kings/having 29/93
Jdg_8:14..........even/threescore and seventeen/men 30/93
Jdg_8:30...........had/threescore and ten sons of his/body 31/93
Jdg_9:2............are/threescore and ten persons reign/over 32/93
Jdg_9:4............him/threescore and ten pieces/of 33/93
Jdg_9:5..........being/threescore and ten persons upon one stone notwithstanding/yet 34/93
Jdg_9:18..........sons/threescore and ten persons upon one stone and/have 35/93
Jdg_9:24...........the/threescore and ten sons of Jerubbaal/might 36/93
Jdg_12:14...........on/threescore and ten ass/colts 37/93
1Sa_6:19...........and/threescore and ten men/and 38/93
2Sa_2:31...........and/threescore men died/And. 39/93
1Ki_4:13........Bashan/threescore great/cities. 40/93
1Ki_4:22...........and/threescore measures/of.. 41/93
1Ki_5:15...........had/threescore and ten thousand that/bare 42/93
1Ki_6:2............was/threescore cubits and the breadth thereof twenty/cubits 43/93
1Ki_10:14......hundred/threescore and six talents of gold Beside that he/had 44/93
2Ki_25:19..........and/threescore men of the people of the land that were found in the city/And 45/93
1Ch_2:21...........was/threescore years old and/she 46/93
1Ch_2:23..........even/threescore cities All these/belonged 47/93
1Ch_5:18...........and/threescore that/went.... 48/93
1Ch_9:13...........and/threescore very/able.... 49/93
1Ch_16:38.....brethren/threescore and eight Obededom/also 50/93
1Ch_21:5.......hundred/threescore and ten thousand men that/drew 51/93
1Ch_26:8..........were/threescore and two of/Obededom 52/93
2Ch_2:2............out/threescore and ten thousand men to/bear 53/93
2Ch_2:18...........set/threescore and ten thousand of/them 54/93
2Ch_3:3............was/threescore cubits and the breadth twenty/cubits 55/93
2Ch_9:13...........and/threescore and six talents of gold Beside that which/chapmen 56/93
2Ch_11:21..........and/threescore concubines/and 57/93
2Ch_11:21..........and/threescore daughters/And 58/93
2Ch_12:3...........and/threescore thousand horsemen/and 59/93
2Ch_29:32..........was/threescore and ten bullocks/an 60/93
2Ch_36:21.......fulfil/threescore and ten years Now/in 61/93
Ezr_2:9............and/threescore The children of Bani/six 62/93
Ezr_2:64...........and/threescore Beside their servants/and 63/93 and one thousand drams/of 64/93
Ezr_6:3........thereof/threescore cubits and the breadth thereof threescore/cubits 65/93
Ezr_6:3........thereof/threescore cubits With/three 66/93
Ezr_8:10...........and/threescore males And/of. 67/93
Ezr_8:13..........them/threescore males Of/the. 68/93
Neh_7:14...........and/threescore The children of Binnui/six 69/93
Neh_7:18.......hundred/threescore and seven The children of Bigvai/two 70/93
Neh_7:19......thousand/threescore and seven The children of Adin/six 71/93
Neh_7:66...........and/threescore Beside their manservants/and 72/93
Neh_7:72...........and/threescore and seven priests'/garments 73/93
Neh_11:6.......hundred/threescore and eight valiant/men 74/93
Psa_90:10..........are/threescore years and/ten 75/93
Son_3:7......Solomon's/threescore valiant/men.. 76/93
Son_6:8............are/threescore queens/and... 77/93
Isa_7:8.........within/threescore and five years/shall 78/93
Jer_52:25..........and/threescore men of the people of the land that were found in the midst/of 79/93
Eze_40:14...........of/threescore cubits even/unto 80/93
Dan_3:1............was/threescore cubits and the breadth thereof six/cubits 81/93
Dan_5:31.........about/threescore and two years/old 82/93
Dan_9:25...........and/threescore and two weeks the/street 83/93
Dan_9:26.........after/threescore and two weeks shall/Messiah 84/93
Zec_1:12.........these/threescore and ten years And/the 85/93
Luk_24:13........about/threescore furlongs/And. 86/93
Act_7:14.......kindred/threescore and fifteen souls/So 87/93
Act_23:23.....horsemen/threescore and ten and spearmen/two 88/93
Act_27:37......hundred/threescore and sixteen souls/And 89/93
1Ti_5:9..........under/threescore years old having/been 90/93
Rev_11:3...........and/threescore days clothed/in 91/93
Rev_12:6...........and/threescore days And/there 92/93
Rev_13:18......hundred/threescore and six And I/looked 93/93
Isa_41:15........shalt/thresh the mountains/and.. 1/4 her/yet............ 2/4
Mic_4:13...........and/thresh O/daughter......... 3/4
Hab_3:12.........didst/thresh the heathen/in..... 4/4
Jdg_6:11........Gideon/threshed wheat/by......... 1/3
Isa_28:27..........not/threshed with/a........... 2/3
Amo_1:3...........have/threshed Gilead/with...... 3/3
1Co_9:10..........that/thresheth/in.............. 1/1
Lev_26:5..........your/threshing shall/reach.... 1/10
2Sa_24:22..........and/threshing instruments and/other 2/10 Now/the........ 3/10
1Ch_21:20..........was/threshing wheat/And...... 4/10
1Ch_21:23..........the/threshing instruments for/wood 5/10 and/the........ 6/10
Isa_28:27............a/threshing instrument neither/is 7/10 it/nor......... 8/10 instrument having/teeth 9/10
Amo_1:3...........with/threshing instruments of/iron 10/10
Gen_50:10..........the/threshingfloor of Atad/which 1/17
Num_15:20..........the/threshingfloor so/shall.. 2/17
Num_18:27..........the/threshingfloor and as the fulness/of 3/17
Num_18:30..........the/threshingfloor and as the increase/of 4/17
Rut_3:2............the/threshingfloor Wash/thyself 5/17
2Sa_6:6.......Nachon's/threshingfloor Uzzah/put. 6/17
2Sa_24:18..........the/threshingfloor of Araunah/the 7/17
2Sa_24:21..........the/threshingfloor of thee/to 8/17
2Sa_24:24..........the/threshingfloor and the/oxen 9/17
1Ch_13:9...........the/threshingfloor of Chidon/Uzza 10/17
1Ch_21:15..........the/threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite And David lifted/up 11/17
1Ch_21:18..........the/threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite And David went/up 12/17
1Ch_21:21..........the/threshingfloor and bowed/himself 13/17
1Ch_21:22.........this/threshingfloor that/I... 14/17
1Ch_21:28..........the/threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite then/he 15/17
2Ch_3:1............the/threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite And he/began 16/17
Jer_51:33............a/threshingfloor it/is.... 17/17
1Sa_23:1...........the/threshingfloors Therefore/David 1/2
Dan_2:35........summer/threshingfloors and/the... 2/2
2Sa_24:16..........the/threshingplace/of......... 1/1
Jdg_19:27..........the/threshold And/he......... 1/14
1Sa_5:4............the/threshold only/the....... 2/14
1Sa_5:5............the/threshold of Dagon/in.... 3/14
1Ki_14:17..........the/threshold of the door/the 4/14
Eze_9:3............the/threshold of the house And he/called 5/14
Eze_10:4...........the/threshold of the house and the/house 6/14
Eze_10:18..........the/threshold of the house and stood/over 7/14
Eze_40:6...........the/threshold of the gate which was one reed broad and the/other 8/14
Eze_40:6.........other/threshold of the gate which was one reed broad And every/little 9/14
Eze_40:7...........the/threshold of the gate by/the 10/14
Eze_43:8.........their/threshold by/my......... 11/14
Eze_46:2...........the/threshold of the gate then/he 12/14
Eze_47:1...........the/threshold of the house eastward/for 13/14
Zep_1:9............the/threshold which/fill.... 14/14
Neh_12:25..........the/thresholds of/the......... 1/3 and/their...... 2/3
Zep_2:14...........the/thresholds for/he......... 3/3
2Sa_16:13..........and/threw stones/at........... 1/6
2Ki_9:33..........they/threw her/down............ 2/6
2Ch_31:1...........and/threw down/the............ 3/6
Mar_12:42..........she/threw in/two.............. 4/6
Luk_9:42.........devil/threw him/down............ 5/6
Act_22:23..........and/threw dust/into........... 6/6
Neh_9:11..........thou/threwest/into............. 1/1
