the heavens/and.... 1/737
Gen_6:22........them/Thus did Noah/according. 2/737
Gen_19:36......arose/Thus were both/the...... 3/737
Gen_20:16......other/thus she was/reproved... 4/737
Gen_21:32.......them/Thus they made/a........ 5/737
Gen_24:30.....saying/Thus spake the/man...... 6/737
Gen_25:22..........I/thus And she/went....... 7/737
Gen_25:34........way/thus Esau/despised...... 8/737
Gen_31:8........said/thus The speckled/shall. 9/737
Gen_31:8........said/thus The ringstraked/shall 10/737
Gen_31:9.ringstraked/Thus God hath/taken.... 11/737
Gen_31:40......night/Thus I was in/the...... 12/737
Gen_31:41.......eyes/Thus have I been/twenty 13/737
Gen_32:4......saying/Thus shall ye speak unto/my 14/737
Gen_32:4.......saith/thus I have/sojourned.. 15/737
Gen_36:8......cattle/Thus dwelt/Esau........ 16/737
Gen_37:35...mourning/Thus his/father........ 17/737
Gen_42:25........and/thus did he unto them/And 18/737
Gen_45:9.........him/Thus saith thy son/Joseph 19/737
Exo_3:14........said/Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I/AM 20/737
Exo_3:15.......Moses/Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel the/LORD 21/737
Exo_4:22.....Pharaoh/Thus saith the LORD Israel/is 22/737
Exo_5:1......Pharaoh/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Let/my 23/737
Exo_5:10......saying/Thus saith Pharaoh/I... 24/737
Exo_5:15........thou/thus with thy/servants. 25/737
Exo_7:17........hear/Thus saith the LORD In this/thou 26/737
Exo_8:1..........him/Thus saith the LORD Let my people go that they may serve me And/if 27/737
Exo_8:20.........him/Thus saith the LORD Let my people go that they may serve me Else/if 28/737
Exo_9:1..........him/Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews Let my people go that they may serve me For if/thou 29/737
Exo_9:13.........him/Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews Let my people go that they may serve me For I/will 30/737
Exo_10:3.........him/Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews How/long 31/737
Exo_11:4........said/Thus saith the LORD About/midnight 32/737
Exo_12:11........And/thus shall ye eat/it... 33/737 did all/the....... 34/737
Exo_14:11......dealt/thus with us/to........ 35/737
Exo_14:30.......left/Thus the LORD saved Israel/that 36/737
Exo_19:3......saying/Thus shalt thou say to the house/of 37/737
Exo_20:22......Moses/Thus thou shalt say/unto 38/737
Exo_26:17....another/thus shalt thou make/for 39/737
Exo_26:24.......ring/thus shall it be for/them 40/737
Exo_29:35........And/thus shalt thou do unto Aaron/and 41/737
Exo_32:27.......them/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Put/every 42/737
Exo_36:22....another/thus did he make/for... 43/737
Exo_36:29.......ring/thus he did/to......... 44/737
Exo_39:32......Moses/Thus was all/the....... 45/737
Exo_40:16generations/Thus did Moses/according 46/737
Lev_15:31uncleanness/Thus shall ye separate/the 47/737 shall Aaron/come.. 48/737
Num_4:19.........But/thus do/unto........... 49/737
Num_4:49......burden/thus were they numbered/of 50/737
Num_8:7..........And/thus shalt thou do unto them/to 51/737
Num_8:14........LORD/Thus shalt thou separate/the 52/737
Num_8:26.....service/Thus shalt thou do unto the/Levites 53/737
Num_10:28.......Enan/Thus were the journeyings/of 54/737 with me/kill...... 55/737
Num_15:11.......LORD/Thus shall it be done for/one 56/737
Num_18:26.....saying/Thus speak unto/the.... 57/737
Num_18:28..winepress/Thus ye also/shall..... 58/737
Num_20:14.......Edom/Thus saith thy brother/Israel 59/737
Num_20:21.......hand/Thus Edom/refused...... 60/737
Num_21:31.....Medeba/Thus Israel/dwelt...... 61/737
Num_22:16........him/Thus saith Balak/the... 62/737
Num_23:5.........and/thus thou shalt speak/And 63/737
Num_23:16........say/thus And when/he....... 64/737
Num_32:8........them/Thus did your/fathers.. 65/737
Deu_7:5..........But/thus shall ye deal/with 66/737 I fell/down....... 67/737
Deu_20:15.......thee/Thus shalt thou do unto all/the 68/737
Deu_29:24.......done/thus unto this land what/meaneth 69/737 requite/the....... 70/737
Jos_2:4.........said/thus There/came........ 71/737
Jos_6:3.........once/Thus shalt thou do six/days 72/737
Jos_7:10........thou/thus upon/thy.......... 73/737
Jos_7:13.........for/thus saith the LORD God of Israel There/is 74/737
Jos_7:20.........and/thus and thus have I done/When 75/737
Jos_7:20.........and/thus have I done/When.. 76/737
Jos_10:25........for/thus shall the LORD/do. 77/737
Jos_16:5.........was/thus even/the.......... 78/737
Jos_21:13.possession/Thus they gave/to...... 79/737
Jos_21:42.......them/thus were all/these.... 80/737
Jos_22:16.....saying/Thus saith the whole/congregation 81/737
Jos_24:2......people/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Your/fathers 82/737
Jdg_6:8.........them/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel I brought you/up 83/737 that/thou......... 84/737 was Midian/subdued 85/737 God rendered/the.. 86/737
Jdg_11:15........him/Thus saith Jephthah/Israel 87/737
Jdg_11:33..slaughter/Thus the children of Ammon/were 88/737
Jdg_13:18.......thou/thus after/my.......... 89/737
Jdg_18:4........them/Thus and thus dealeth/Micah 90/737
Jdg_18:4.........and/thus dealeth/Micah..... 91/737
Jdg_20:43.......them/Thus they inclosed/the. 92/737
1Sa_2:27.........him/Thus saith the LORD Did/I 93/737
1Sa_9:9..........God/thus he spake/Come..... 94/737
1Sa_10:18.....Israel/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel I brought up/Israel 95/737
1Sa_11:9........came/Thus shall ye say unto the/men 96/737
1Sa_14:9.........say/thus unto us/Tarry..... 97/737
1Sa_14:10........say/thus Come/up........... 98/737
1Sa_15:2........LORD/Thus saith the LORD of hosts I remember/that 99/737
1Sa_18:25.......said/Thus shall ye say to David/The 100/737
1Sa_20:7.........say/thus It is well/thy... 101/737
1Sa_20:22........say/thus unto the/young... 102/737
1Sa_25:6.........And/thus shall ye say to him that/liveth 103/737
1Sa_26:18.......lord/thus pursue/after..... 104/737
2Sa_6:22........than/thus and will/be...... 105/737
2Sa_7:5........David/Thus saith the LORD Shalt/thou 106/737
2Sa_7:8........David/Thus saith the LORD of hosts I took thee from the sheepcote from/following 107/737
2Sa_11:25..messenger/Thus shalt thou say unto Joab/Let 108/737 saith the LORD God of Israel I anointed/thee 109/737
2Sa_12:11.......wife/Thus saith the LORD Behold I will raise up evil/against 110/737
2Sa_12:31........and/thus did he unto all/the 111/737
2Sa_15:26.........he/thus say/I............ 112/737
2Sa_16:7.........And/thus said Shimei/when. 113/737
2Sa_17:15....priests/Thus and thus did/Ahithophel 114/737
2Sa_17:15........and/thus did Ahithophel/counsel 115/737
2Sa_17:15........and/thus and thus have I counselled/Now 116/737
2Sa_17:15........and/thus have I counselled/Now 117/737
2Sa_17:21........for/thus hath Ahithophel/counselled 118/737
2Sa_18:14......tarry/thus with thee/And.... 119/737
2Sa_18:33.......went/thus he said O/my..... 120/737
2Sa_24:12......David/Thus saith the LORD I offer thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and told/him 121/737
1Ki_1:48........also/thus said the king/Blessed 122/737
1Ki_2:30.........him/Thus saith the king Come/forth 123/737
1Ki_2:30......saying/Thus said Joab/and.... 124/737
1Ki_2:30.........and/thus he answered/me... 125/737
1Ki_3:22.........son/Thus they spake/before 126/737
1Ki_5:11.........oil/thus gave/Solomon..... 127/737
1Ki_9:8.........done/thus unto this land and to/this 128/737
1Ki_11:31........for/thus saith the LORD the God of Israel Behold/I 129/737
1Ki_12:10.....saying/Thus shalt thou speak/unto 130/737 shalt thou say unto them My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins And/now 131/737
1Ki_12:24.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the/children 132/737
1Ki_13:2.......altar/thus saith the LORD Behold a child/shall 133/737
1Ki_13:21.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed/the 134/737
1Ki_14:5........sick/thus and thus shalt/thou 135/737
1Ki_14:5.........and/thus shalt thou say unto her/for 136/737
1Ki_14:7....Jeroboam/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Forasmuch/as 137/737
1Ki_16:12....friends/Thus did Zimri/destroy 138/737
1Ki_17:14........For/thus saith the LORD God of Israel The/barrel 139/737
1Ki_20:2.........him/Thus saith Benhadad/Thy 140/737
1Ki_20:5........said/Thus speaketh Benhadad/saying 141/737
1Ki_20:13.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Hast thou seen/all 142/737
1Ki_20:14.......said/Thus saith the LORD Even by/the 143/737
1Ki_20:28.......said/Thus saith the LORD Because the/Syrians 144/737
1Ki_20:42........him/Thus saith the LORD Because thou/hast 145/737
1Ki_21:19.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Hast thou killed/and 146/737
1Ki_21:19.....saying/Thus saith the LORD In the/place 147/737
1Ki_22:11.......said/Thus saith the LORD With these shalt/thou 148/737
1Ki_22:27........say/Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I come/in 149/737
2Ki_1:4....therefore/thus saith the LORD Thou shalt not come/down 150/737
2Ki_1:6..........him/Thus saith the LORD Is/it 151/737
2Ki_1:11.........God/thus hath the king/said 152/737
2Ki_1:16.........him/Thus saith the LORD Forasmuch as thou hast sent/messengers 153/737
2Ki_2:21........said/Thus saith the LORD I have healed/these 154/737
2Ki_3:16........said/Thus saith the LORD Make/this 155/737
2Ki_3:17.........For/thus saith the LORD Ye shall not see/wind 156/737
2Ki_4:43.........for/thus saith the LORD They shall/eat 157/737
2Ki_5:4.......saying/Thus and thus said/the 158/737
2Ki_5:4..........and/thus said the maid/that 159/737
2Ki_7:1.........LORD/Thus saith the LORD To morrow/about 160/737
2Ki_9:3..........say/Thus saith the LORD I have anointed thee king over Israel Then open/the 161/737
2Ki_9:6..........him/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel I have/anointed 162/737
2Ki_9:12........said/Thus and thus spake/he 163/737
2Ki_9:12.........and/thus spake he/to...... 164/737
2Ki_9:12......saying/Thus saith the LORD I have anointed thee king over Israel Then they/hasted 165/737
2Ki_9:18........said/Thus saith the king Is it peace And Jehu said/What 166/737
2Ki_9:19........said/Thus saith the king Is it peace And Jehu answered/What 167/737 Jehu/destroyed... 168/737 did Urijah/the... 169/737
2Ki_18:19...Hezekiah/Thus saith the great king the king of Assyria What confidence is this wherein thou trustest Thou/sayest 170/737
2Ki_18:29....Assyria/Thus saith the king Let not Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you out/of 171/737
2Ki_18:31........for/thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and then/eat 172/737
2Ki_19:3.........him/Thus saith Hezekiah This day is a day of trouble and of rebuke and blasphemy/for 173/737
2Ki_19:6........them/Thus shall ye say to your/master 174/737
2Ki_19:6......master/Thus saith the LORD Be not afraid of the words which/thou 175/737
2Ki_19:10.....saying/Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah saying Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 176/737
2Ki_19:20.....saying/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel That/which 177/737
2Ki_19:32..Therefore/thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 178/737
2Ki_20:1.........him/Thus saith the LORD Set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live Then he/turned 179/737
2Ki_20:5......people/Thus saith the LORD the God of David thy father I have heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will heal/thee 180/737
2Ki_21:12..Therefore/thus saith the LORD God of Israel Behold I am/bringing 181/737
2Ki_22:15.......them/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Tell the/man 182/737 saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the words/of 183/737
2Ki_22:18.......LORD/thus shall ye say to him Thus/saith 184/737
2Ki_22:18........him/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel As/touching 185/737
1Ch_15:28......linen/Thus all Israel/brought 186/737
1Ch_17:4.....servant/Thus saith the LORD Thou shalt not build/me 187/737
1Ch_17:7...therefore/thus shalt thou say unto my/servant 188/737
1Ch_17:7.......David/Thus saith the LORD of hosts I took thee from the sheepcote even/from 189/737 the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went And/David 190/737
1Ch_18:13...servants/Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went So/David 191/737
1Ch_21:10.....saying/Thus saith the LORD I offer thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and said/unto 192/737
1Ch_21:11........him/Thus saith the LORD Choose/thee 193/737
1Ch_24:4.........and/thus were they divided Among/the 194/737
1Ch_24:5.....fathers/Thus were they divided by/lot 195/737
1Ch_29:26.....Israel/Thus David/the........ 196/737
2Ch_4:18..Zeredathah/Thus Solomon made/all. 197/737 all the/work..... 198/737
2Ch_7:11......people/Thus Solomon finished/the 199/737
2Ch_7:21........done/thus unto this land and unto/this 200/737
2Ch_10:10.....saying/Thus shalt thou answer/the 201/737 shalt thou say unto them My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins For/whereas 202/737
2Ch_11:4......saying/Thus saith the LORD Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren return/every 203/737
2Ch_12:5........them/Thus saith the LORD Ye have forsaken/me 204/737 the children of Israel/were 205/737
2Ch_18:10.......said/Thus saith the LORD With these thou/shalt 206/737
2Ch_18:26........say/Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return/in 207/737
2Ch_19:9......saying/Thus shall ye do/in... 208/737
2Ch_20:15Jehoshaphat/Thus saith the LORD unto you/Be 209/737
2Ch_21:12.....saying/Thus saith the LORD God of David/thy 210/737
2Ch_24:11......again/Thus they did/day..... 211/737
2Ch_24:20.......them/Thus saith God Why/transgress 212/737
2Ch_24:22.......LORD/Thus Joash/the........ 213/737
2Ch_31:20........And/thus did Hezekiah/throughout 214/737
2Ch_32:10.....saying/Thus saith Sennacherib/king 215/737
2Ch_32:22......sword/Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah/and 216/737
2Ch_34:23.......them/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Tell ye/the 217/737 saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the curses/that 218/737
2Ch_34:26........him/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel concerning/the 219/737
2Ch_36:23.....saying/Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia All/the 220/737
Ezr_1:2.......saying/Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia The/LORD 221/737
Ezr_5:3.........said/thus unto them Who/hath 222/737
Ezr_5:7......written/thus Unto Darius/the.. 223/737
Ezr_5:9.........them/thus Who/commanded.... 224/737
Ezr_5:11.........And/thus they returned/us. 225/737
Ezr_6:2.......record/thus written/In....... 226/737
Neh_5:13........even/thus be/he............ 227/737
Neh_13:18....fathers/thus and did/not...... 228/737
Neh_13:30....Levites/Thus cleansed/I....... 229/737
Est_1:18.......queen/Thus shall there/arise 230/737
Est_2:13........Then/thus came every/maiden 231/737
Est_6:9..........him/Thus shall it be done to/the 232/737
Est_6:11.........him/Thus shall it be done unto the/man 233/737
Est_9:5......greater/Thus the Jews/smote... 234/737
Job_1:5.......hearts/Thus did Job/continually 235/737 altogether/vain.. 236/737
Psa_38:14......mouth/Thus I was as/a....... 237/737
Psa_63:4........thee/Thus will I bless/thee 238/737
Psa_73:15......speak/thus behold I/should.. 239/737
Psa_73:21......image/Thus my/heart......... 240/737
Psa_106:20.....image/Thus they changed/their 241/737
Psa_106:29......dead/Thus they provoked/him 242/737
Psa_106:39.....blood/Thus were they defiled/with 243/737
Psa_128:4.......that/thus shall the man/be. 244/737
Isa_7:7.......Tabeal/Thus saith the Lord GOD It shall not/stand 245/737
Isa_8:11.......spake/thus to/me............ 246/737
Isa_10:24..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts O/my 247/737
Isa_21:6.........For/thus hath the LORD said unto me Go/set 248/737
Isa_21:16........For/thus hath the LORD said unto me Within/a 249/737
Isa_22:15......hosts/Thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts Go/get 250/737
Isa_24:13.......When/thus it shall/be...... 251/737
Isa_28:16..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I lay/in 252/737
Isa_29:22..Therefore/thus saith the LORD who/redeemed 253/737
Isa_30:12..Wherefore/thus saith the Holy One/of 254/737
Isa_30:15........For/thus saith the Lord GOD the Holy/One 255/737
Isa_31:4.........For/thus hath the LORD spoken/unto 256/737
Isa_36:4....Hezekiah/Thus saith the great king the king of Assyria What confidence is this wherein thou trustest I/say 257/737
Isa_36:14....Assyria/Thus saith the king Let not Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you Neither/let 258/737
Isa_36:16........for/thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat/ye 259/737
Isa_37:3.........him/Thus saith Hezekiah This day is a day of trouble and of rebuke and of/blasphemy 260/737
Isa_37:6........them/Thus shall ye say unto your master/Thus 261/737
Isa_37:6......master/Thus saith the LORD Be not afraid of the words that/thou 262/737
Isa_37:10.....saying/Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah saying Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 263/737
Isa_37:21.....saying/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Whereas/thou 264/737
Isa_37:33..Therefore/thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 265/737
Isa_38:1.........him/Thus saith the LORD Set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live Then Hezekiah/turned 266/737
Isa_38:5....Hezekiah/Thus saith the LORD the God of David thy father I have heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will add/unto 267/737 saith God the/LORD 268/737 saith the LORD that created thee/O 269/737 saith the LORD your/redeemer 270/737
Isa_43:16.......King/Thus saith the LORD which maketh/a 271/737
Isa_44:2......chosen/Thus saith the LORD that made/thee 272/737
Isa_44:6......Israel/Thus saith the LORD the King/of 273/737
Isa_44:24.....Israel/Thus saith the LORD thy redeemer and/he 274/737
Isa_45:1........laid/Thus saith the LORD to his/anointed 275/737
Isa_45:11......forth/Thus saith the LORD the Holy/One 276/737
Isa_45:14......hosts/Thus saith the LORD The labour/of 277/737
Isa_45:18........For/thus saith the LORD that created the/heavens 278/737 shall they be unto/thee 279/737 saith the LORD thy Redeemer the/Holy 280/737 saith the LORD the Redeemer/of 281/737
Isa_49:8........thee/Thus saith the LORD In an/acceptable 282/737
Isa_49:22.......been/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will lift/up 283/737
Isa_49:25........But/thus saith the LORD Even the captives/of 284/737
Isa_50:1.......Jacob/Thus saith the LORD Where/is 285/737 saith thy Lord/the 286/737
Isa_52:3.........For/thus saith the LORD Ye have sold/yourselves 287/737
Isa_52:4.........For/thus saith the Lord GOD My/people 288/737 saith the LORD Keep/ye 289/737
Isa_56:4.........For/thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs/that 290/737
Isa_57:15........For/thus saith the high/and 291/737
Isa_65:8.......bosom/Thus saith the LORD As the new/wine 292/737
Isa_65:13..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold my/servants 293/737
Isa_66:1........LORD/Thus saith the LORD The heaven/is 294/737
Isa_66:12........For/thus saith the LORD Behold I will extend/peace 295/737
Jer_2:2.......saying/Thus saith the LORD I remember/thee 296/737
Jer_2:5.......Israel/Thus saith the LORD What/iniquity 297/737
Jer_4:3..........For/thus saith the LORD to the/men 298/737
Jer_4:27.........For/thus hath the LORD said The/whole 299/737
Jer_5:13........them/thus shall it be done unto them/Wherefore 300/737
Jer_5:14...Wherefore/thus saith the LORD God of hosts Because/ye 301/737
Jer_6:6..........For/thus hath the LORD of/hosts 302/737
Jer_6:9....inhabited/Thus saith the LORD of hosts They shall throughly/glean 303/737
Jer_6:16........LORD/Thus saith the LORD Stand ye/in 304/737
Jer_6:21...Therefore/thus saith the LORD Behold I will lay/stumblingblocks 305/737
Jer_6:22......perish/Thus saith the LORD Behold a people/cometh 306/737
Jer_7:3.........LORD/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Amend/your 307/737
Jer_7:20...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold mine/anger 308/737
Jer_7:21....quenched/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Put/your 309/737
Jer_8:4.........them/Thus saith the LORD Shall/they 310/737
Jer_9:7....Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will melt/them 311/737
Jer_9:15...Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will feed/them 312/737
Jer_9:17........them/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Consider ye/and 313/737
Jer_9:22.......Speak/Thus saith the LORD Even the carcases/of 314/737
Jer_9:23........them/Thus saith the LORD Let not/the 315/737
Jer_10:2......Israel/Thus saith the LORD Learn/not 316/737
Jer_10:11indignation/Thus shall ye say unto them/The 317/737
Jer_10:18........For/thus saith the LORD Behold I will sling/out 318/737
Jer_11:3........them/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Cursed/be 319/737
Jer_11:11..Therefore/thus saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon them/which 320/737
Jer_11:21..Therefore/thus saith the LORD of the men/of 321/737
Jer_11:22..Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will punish/them 322/737
Jer_12:14.......LORD/Thus saith the LORD against/all 323/737
Jer_13:1........LORD/Thus saith the LORD unto me/Go 324/737
Jer_13:9......saying/Thus saith the LORD After/this 325/737
Jer_13:12.......word/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Every/bottle 326/737
Jer_13:13.......them/Thus saith the LORD Behold I will fill/all 327/737
Jer_14:10........not/Thus saith the LORD unto this/people 328/737
Jer_14:10.....people/Thus have they loved/to 329/737
Jer_14:15..Therefore/thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy/in 330/737
Jer_15:2........them/Thus saith the LORD Such/as 331/737
Jer_15:19..Therefore/thus saith the LORD If thou/return 332/737
Jer_16:3.........For/thus saith the LORD concerning the sons/and 333/737
Jer_16:5.........For/thus saith the LORD Enter/not 334/737
Jer_16:9.........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will cause/to 335/737
Jer_17:5........ever/Thus saith the LORD Cursed/be 336/737
Jer_17:19destruction/Thus said the LORD/unto 337/737
Jer_17:21......gates/Thus saith the LORD Take/heed 338/737
Jer_18:11.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Behold I frame/evil 339/737
Jer_18:13..Therefore/thus saith the LORD Ask/ye 340/737 with them/in..... 341/737
Jer_19:1.......anger/Thus saith the LORD Go and/get 342/737
Jer_19:3...Jerusalem/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring evil/upon 343/737
Jer_19:11.......them/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Even/so 344/737
Jer_19:12.......bury/Thus will I do unto this/place 345/737
Jer_19:15.....people/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring upon/this 346/737
Jer_20:4.........For/thus saith the LORD Behold I will make/thee 347/737
Jer_21:3........them/Thus shall ye say to Zedekiah/Thus 348/737
Jer_21:4....Zedekiah/Thus saith the LORD God of Israel Behold I will/turn 349/737
Jer_21:8.........say/Thus saith the LORD Behold I set/before 350/737
Jer_21:12......David/thus saith the LORD Execute judgment/in 351/737 saith the LORD Go down/to 352/737
Jer_22:3.......gates/Thus saith the LORD Execute ye/judgment 353/737
Jer_22:6.........For/thus saith the LORD unto the king's/house 354/737
Jer_22:8........done/thus unto this great/city 355/737
Jer_22:11........For/thus saith the LORD touching/Shallum 356/737
Jer_22:18..Therefore/thus saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim/the 357/737
Jer_22:30.......LORD/Thus saith the LORD Write/ye 358/737
Jer_23:2...Therefore/thus saith the LORD God of Israel against/the 359/737
Jer_23:15..Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets/Behold 360/737 saith the LORD of hosts Hearken/not 361/737 shall ye say every/one 362/737
Jer_23:37........God/Thus shalt thou say to the prophet/What 363/737
Jer_23:38..therefore/thus saith the LORD Because ye/say 364/737
Jer_24:5......saying/Thus saith the LORD the God of Israel Like/these 365/737
Jer_24:8......surely/thus saith the LORD So/will 366/737
Jer_25:8...Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts Because/ye 367/737
Jer_25:15........For/thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto/me 368/737
Jer_25:27.......them/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Drink/ye 369/737
Jer_25:28.......them/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Ye/shall 370/737
Jer_25:32.......LORD/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold evil/shall 371/737
Jer_26:2......saying/Thus saith the LORD Stand in/the 372/737
Jer_26:4........them/Thus saith the LORD If ye will/not 373/737
Jer_26:18.....saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Zion/shall 374/737
Jer_26:19.......them/Thus might/we......... 375/737
Jer_27:2......saying/Thus saith the LORD to me/Make 376/737
Jer_27:4.....masters/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Thus/shall 377/737
Jer_27:4......Israel/Thus shall ye say unto your masters/I 378/737
Jer_27:16.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Hearken/not 379/737
Jer_27:19........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the pillars/and 380/737
Jer_27:21........Yea/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel concerning/the 381/737
Jer_28:2......saying/Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts the God of Israel saying I/have 382/737
Jer_28:11.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Even so/will 383/737
Jer_28:13.....saying/Thus saith the LORD Thou hast broken/the 384/737
Jer_28:14........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel I/have 385/737
Jer_28:16..Therefore/thus saith the LORD Behold I will cast/thee 386/737
Jer_29:4......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel unto/all 387/737
Jer_29:8.........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Let/not 388/737
Jer_29:10........For/thus saith the LORD That after/seventy 389/737
Jer_29:16.......that/thus saith the LORD of the king/that 390/737
Jer_29:17..captivity/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will send/upon 391/737
Jer_29:21....Babylon/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel of/Ahab 392/737
Jer_29:24.......LORD/Thus shalt thou also/speak 393/737
Jer_29:25.....saying/Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts the God of Israel saying Because/thou 394/737
Jer_29:31.....saying/Thus saith the LORD concerning Shemaiah/the 395/737
Jer_29:32..Therefore/thus saith the LORD Behold I will punish/Shemaiah 396/737
Jer_30:2......saying/Thus speaketh the LORD God/of 397/737
Jer_30:5.........For/thus saith the LORD We/have 398/737
Jer_30:12........For/thus saith the LORD Thy bruise/is 399/737
Jer_30:18......after/Thus saith the LORD Behold I will bring again/the 400/737
Jer_31:2......people/Thus saith the LORD The people/which 401/737
Jer_31:7.........For/thus saith the LORD Sing/with 402/737
Jer_31:15.......LORD/Thus saith the LORD A/voice 403/737
Jer_31:16........not/Thus saith the LORD Refrain/thy 404/737
Jer_31:18....himself/thus Thou hast/chastised 405/737 saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel As yet/they 406/737
Jer_31:35.......more/Thus saith the LORD which giveth/the 407/737
Jer_31:37.......ever/Thus saith the LORD If heaven/above 408/737
Jer_32:3.........say/Thus saith the LORD Behold I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall take/it 409/737
Jer_32:14.....saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Take/these 410/737
Jer_32:15........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Houses/and 411/737
Jer_32:28..Therefore/thus saith the LORD Behold I will give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans/and 412/737
Jer_32:36..therefore/thus saith the LORD the God of Israel concerning this/city 413/737
Jer_32:42........For/thus saith the LORD Like/as 414/737
Jer_33:2......saying/Thus saith the LORD the maker/thereof 415/737
Jer_33:4.........For/thus saith the LORD the God of Israel concerning the/houses 416/737 saith the LORD Again/there 417/737
Jer_33:12.......LORD/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Again/in 418/737
Jer_33:17........For/thus saith the LORD David/shall 419/737
Jer_33:20.....saying/Thus saith the LORD If ye can/break 420/737 they have/despised 421/737
Jer_33:25.......them/Thus saith the LORD If my/covenant 422/737
Jer_34:2......saying/Thus saith the LORD the God of Israel Go/and 423/737
Jer_34:2.........him/Thus saith the LORD Behold I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon and he shall burn/it 424/737
Jer_34:4.......Judah/Thus saith the LORD of thee/Thou 425/737
Jer_34:13.....saying/Thus saith the LORD the God of Israel I/made 426/737
Jer_34:17..Therefore/thus saith the LORD Ye have not/hearkened 427/737
Jer_35:8...strangers/Thus have we/obeyed... 428/737
Jer_35:13.....saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Go/and 429/737
Jer_35:17..Therefore/thus saith the LORD God of hosts the/God 430/737
Jer_35:18.Rechabites/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Because/ye 431/737
Jer_35:19..Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Jonadab/the 432/737
Jer_36:29......Judah/Thus saith the LORD Thou hast burned/this 433/737
Jer_36:30..Therefore/thus saith the LORD of Jehoiakim/king 434/737
Jer_37:7......saying/Thus saith the LORD the God of Israel Thus/shall 435/737
Jer_37:7......Israel/Thus shall ye say to the/king 436/737 saith the LORD Deceive/not 437/737
Jer_37:21......spent/Thus Jeremiah/remained 438/737
Jer_38:2......saying/Thus saith the LORD He/that 439/737 saith the LORD This/city 440/737
Jer_38:4.........for/thus he weakeneth/the. 441/737
Jer_38:17...Zedekiah/Thus saith the LORD the God of hosts the God of Israel If/thou 442/737
Jer_39:16.....saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring my/words 443/737
Jer_42:9........them/Thus saith the LORD the God of Israel unto whom/ye 444/737
Jer_42:15......Judah/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel If/ye 445/737
Jer_42:18........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel As mine/anger 446/737
Jer_43:7........LORD/thus came they/even... 447/737
Jer_43:10.......them/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will send/and 448/737
Jer_44:2......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Ye/have 449/737 saith the LORD the God of hosts the God of Israel Wherefore/commit 450/737
Jer_44:11..Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will set/my 451/737
Jer_44:25......Egypt/Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel saying/Ye 452/737
Jer_44:30.......evil/Thus saith the LORD Behold I will give Pharaohhophra/king 453/737
Jer_45:2......saying/Thus saith the LORD the God of Israel unto thee/O 454/737 shalt thou say unto him/The 455/737
Jer_45:4.......saith/thus Behold that/which 456/737
Jer_47:2........Gaza/Thus saith the LORD Behold waters/rise 457/737
Jer_48:1........Moab/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Woe/unto 458/737
Jer_48:40........For/thus saith the LORD Behold he/shall 459/737
Jer_48:47.......LORD/Thus far is/the....... 460/737
Jer_49:1...Ammonites/thus saith the LORD Hath/Israel 461/737
Jer_49:7........Edom/thus saith the LORD of hosts Is/wisdom 462/737
Jer_49:12........For/thus saith the LORD Behold they/whose 463/737
Jer_49:28......smite/thus saith the LORD Arise/ye 464/737
Jer_49:35.....saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will break/the 465/737
Jer_50:18..Therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will punish/the 466/737
Jer_50:33........him/Thus saith the LORD of hosts The children/of 467/737
Jer_51:1.....nations/Thus saith the LORD Behold I will raise up against/Babylon 468/737 the slain/shall.. 469/737
Jer_51:33........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel The/daughter 470/737
Jer_51:36..Therefore/thus saith the LORD Behold I will plead/thy 471/737
Jer_51:58......hosts/Thus saith the LORD of hosts The broad/walls 472/737
Jer_51:64........say/Thus shall Babylon/sink 473/737
Jer_51:64......weary/Thus far are/the...... 474/737
Jer_52:27.....Hamath/Thus Judah/was........ 475/737
Eze_1:11.......eagle/Thus were their faces/and 476/737
Eze_2:4.........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD And/they 477/737
Eze_3:11........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD whether/they 478/737
Eze_3:27........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD He/that 479/737
Eze_4:13........Even/thus shall the children/of 480/737
Eze_5:5.......Israel/Thus saith the Lord GOD This is/Jerusalem 481/737
Eze_5:7....Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Because ye multiplied/more 482/737
Eze_5:8....Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I even I am/against 483/737
Eze_5:13........them/Thus shall mine/anger. 484/737
Eze_6:3..........GOD/Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains and to the hills to the rivers and to the valleys Behold/I 485/737
Eze_6:11........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Smite/with 486/737
Eze_6:12......famine/thus will I accomplish my fury/upon 487/737 saith the Lord GOD unto the land/of 488/737
Eze_7:5.........LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD An evil/an 489/737
Eze_11:5.......Speak/Thus saith the LORD Thus/have 490/737
Eze_11:5........LORD/Thus have ye said/O... 491/737
Eze_11:7...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Your/slain 492/737
Eze_11:16........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Although/I 493/737
Eze_11:17........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD I will even gather/you 494/737
Eze_12:10.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD This burden/concerneth 495/737 saith the Lord GOD of the inhabitants/of 496/737
Eze_12:23..therefore/Thus saith the Lord GOD I will make/this 497/737
Eze_12:28.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD There/shall 498/737
Eze_13:3........LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Woe unto/the 499/737
Eze_13:8...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Because ye have spoken/vanity 500/737
Eze_13:13..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD I will even rend/it 501/737
Eze_13:15.......LORD/Thus will I accomplish my wrath/upon 502/737
Eze_13:18........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Woe to the women/that 503/737
Eze_13:20..Wherefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against your/pillows 504/737
Eze_14:4........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Every/man 505/737
Eze_14:6......Israel/Thus saith the Lord GOD Repent/and 506/737
Eze_14:21........For/thus saith the Lord GOD How/much 507/737
Eze_15:6...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD As the/vine 508/737
Eze_16:3.........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem/Thy 509/737
Eze_16:13.......head/Thus wast/thou........ 510/737
Eze_16:19........and/thus it was/saith..... 511/737
Eze_16:36.......LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because thy/filthiness 512/737
Eze_16:59........For/thus saith the Lord GOD I will even deal/with 513/737
Eze_17:3.........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD A/great 514/737
Eze_17:9........thou/Thus saith the Lord GOD Shall/it 515/737
Eze_17:19..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD As I live surely mine/oath 516/737 saith the Lord GOD I will also take/of 517/737
Eze_20:3........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Are ye come/to 518/737
Eze_20:5........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD In the day when I/chose 519/737
Eze_20:27.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Yet/in 520/737
Eze_20:30.....Israel/Thus saith the Lord GOD Are ye polluted/after 521/737
Eze_20:39.....Israel/thus saith the Lord GOD Go/ye 522/737
Eze_20:47.......LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will kindle/a 523/737
Eze_21:3......Israel/Thus saith the LORD Behold I am/against 524/737
Eze_21:9.........say/Thus saith the LORD Say/A 525/737
Eze_21:24..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Because ye have made/your 526/737
Eze_21:26........end/Thus saith the Lord GOD Remove/the 527/737
Eze_21:28........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning the/Ammonites 528/737
Eze_22:3........thou/Thus saith the Lord GOD The city sheddeth/blood 529/737
Eze_22:19..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Because ye are/all 530/737
Eze_22:28.....saying/Thus saith the Lord GOD when the LORD/hath 531/737
Eze_23:4...daughters/Thus were their names/Samaria 532/737
Eze_23:7......horses/Thus she committed/her 533/737
Eze_23:21.....horses/Thus thou calledst/to. 534/737
Eze_23:22...Aholibah/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will raise/up 535/737
Eze_23:27.....jewels/Thus will I make thy/lewdness 536/737
Eze_23:28........For/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will deliver/thee 537/737
Eze_23:32.......hand/Thus saith the Lord GOD Thou shalt/drink 538/737
Eze_23:35..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast forgotten/me 539/737
Eze_23:39.........lo/thus have they done/in 540/737
Eze_23:46........For/thus saith the Lord GOD I will bring/up 541/737 will I cause/lewdness 542/737
Eze_24:3........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Set/on 543/737
Eze_24:6...Wherefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Woe to the bloody city to/the 544/737
Eze_24:9...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Woe to the bloody city I/will 545/737
Eze_24:21.....Israel/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will profane/my 546/737
Eze_24:24....another/Thus Ezekiel/is....... 547/737
Eze_25:3.........GOD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because thou saidst/Aha 548/737
Eze_25:6.........For/thus saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast clapped/thine 549/737
Eze_25:8........LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because that Moab/and 550/737
Eze_25:12.......LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because that Edom/hath 551/737
Eze_25:13..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD I will also stretch/out 552/737
Eze_25:15........GOD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because the Philistines/have 553/737
Eze_25:16..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will stretch/out 554/737
Eze_26:3...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Tyrus/and 555/737
Eze_26:7.........For/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will bring upon/Tyrus 556/737
Eze_26:15........GOD/Thus saith the Lord GOD to Tyrus/Shall 557/737
Eze_26:19........For/thus saith the Lord GOD When I shall make/thee 558/737
Eze_27:3.......isles/Thus saith the Lord GOD O Tyrus/thou 559/737
Eze_28:2.......Tyrus/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because thine/heart 560/737
Eze_28:6...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast set/thine 561/737
Eze_28:12........him/Thus saith the Lord GOD Thou sealest/up 562/737
Eze_28:22........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Zidon/and 563/737
Eze_28:25........GOD/Thus saith the Lord GOD When I shall have/gathered 564/737
Eze_29:3.........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee Pharaoh/king 565/737
Eze_29:8...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will bring a/sword 566/737
Eze_29:13........Yet/thus saith the Lord GOD At/the 567/737
Eze_29:19..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will give/the 568/737
Eze_30:2.........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Howl/ye 569/737
Eze_30:6.......sword/Thus saith the LORD They also/that 570/737
Eze_30:10.....cometh/Thus saith the Lord GOD I will also make/the 571/737 saith the Lord GOD I will also destroy/the 572/737
Eze_30:19..captivity/Thus will I execute/judgments 573/737
Eze_30:22..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against Pharaoh/king 574/737
Eze_31:7.....nations/Thus was he/fair...... 575/737
Eze_31:10..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Because thou hast lifted/up 576/737
Eze_31:15........pit/Thus saith the Lord GOD In the day when he/went 577/737
Eze_31:18.......thou/thus like/in.......... 578/737
Eze_32:3......rivers/Thus saith the Lord GOD I will therefore/spread 579/737
Eze_32:11........For/thus saith the Lord GOD The sword/of 580/737
Eze_33:10.....Israel/Thus ye speak/saying.. 581/737
Eze_33:25.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Ye/eat 582/737
Eze_33:27.......thou/thus unto them Thus/saith 583/737
Eze_33:27.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD As I live surely they/that 584/737
Eze_34:2........them/Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds/Woe 585/737
Eze_34:10.......LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against the/shepherds 586/737
Eze_34:11........For/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I even I will/both 587/737
Eze_34:17......flock/thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I judge/between 588/737
Eze_34:20..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD unto them/Behold 589/737
Eze_34:30.......more/Thus shall they know/that 590/737 saith the Lord GOD Behold O mount/Seir 591/737
Eze_35:7........thee/Thus will I make mount/Seir 592/737
Eze_35:13....consume/Thus with your/mouth.. 593/737
Eze_35:14.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD When the whole/earth 594/737
Eze_36:2........LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because the enemy/hath 595/737
Eze_36:3.........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Because they have/made 596/737
Eze_36:4.........GOD/Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains and to the hills to the rivers and to the valleys to/the 597/737
Eze_36:5...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Surely/in 598/737
Eze_36:6.....valleys/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I have/spoken 599/737
Eze_36:7...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD I have/lifted 600/737 saith the Lord GOD Because they say/unto 601/737
Eze_36:22.....Israel/thus saith the Lord GOD I do/not 602/737
Eze_36:33.....Israel/Thus saith the Lord GOD In the day that/I 603/737 saith the Lord GOD I will yet/for 604/737
Eze_37:5........LORD/Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these/bones 605/737
Eze_37:9........wind/Thus saith the Lord GOD Come/from 606/737
Eze_37:12.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold O my/people 607/737
Eze_37:19.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will take the stick/of 608/737
Eze_37:21.......them/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will take the children/of 609/737
Eze_38:3.........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and put/hooks 610/737
Eze_38:10.......thee/Thus saith the Lord GOD It shall also/come 611/737
Eze_38:14........Gog/Thus saith the Lord GOD In that/day 612/737
Eze_38:17.......eyes/Thus saith the Lord GOD Art/thou 613/737
Eze_38:23..brimstone/Thus will I magnify/myself 614/737
Eze_39:1.........say/Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and leave/but 615/737
Eze_39:16....Hamonah/Thus shall they cleanse/the 616/737 saith the Lord GOD Speak/unto 617/737 ye shall/be...... 618/737
Eze_39:25..Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD Now/will 619/737 saith the Lord GOD These/are 620/737
Eze_43:20......about/thus shalt thou cleanse/and 621/737
Eze_44:6......Israel/Thus saith the Lord GOD O ye/house 622/737
Eze_44:9..yourselves/Thus saith the Lord GOD No/stranger 623/737
Eze_45:9......tribes/Thus saith the Lord GOD Let/it 624/737
Eze_45:18.....Israel/Thus saith the Lord GOD In the first/month 625/737
Eze_46:1.........oil/Thus saith the Lord GOD The gate/of 626/737
Eze_46:15.......LORD/Thus shall they prepare/the 627/737
Eze_46:16...offering/Thus saith the Lord GOD If/the 628/737
Eze_47:13...medicine/Thus saith the Lord GOD This shall/be 629/737
Dan_1:16........meat/Thus Melzar/took...... 630/737
Dan_2:24........said/thus unto him Destroy/not 631/737
Dan_2:25........said/thus unto him I/have.. 632/737
Dan_4:10.....thereof/Thus were the visions/of 633/737
Dan_4:14........said/thus Hew/down......... 634/737
Dan_6:6.........said/thus unto him King/Darius 635/737
Dan_7:5.........said/thus unto it/Arise.... 636/737
Dan_7:23.....kingdom/Thus he said The/fourth 637/737
Dan_11:17........him/thus shall he do and/he 638/737
Dan_11:39.....things/Thus shall he do in/the 639/737
Hos_10:4....covenant/thus judgment/springeth 640/737
Amo_1:3.......wither/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Damascus/and 641/737
Amo_1:6.........LORD/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Gaza/and 642/737
Amo_1:9..........GOD/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Tyrus/and 643/737
Amo_1:11.....thereof/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Edom/and 644/737
Amo_1:13......Bozrah/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of the/children 645/737
Amo_2:1.........LORD/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Moab/and 646/737
Amo_2:4.........LORD/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Judah/and 647/737
Amo_2:6....Jerusalem/Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Israel/and 648/737
Amo_2:11........even/thus O/ye............. 649/737
Amo_3:11...Therefore/thus saith the Lord GOD An adversary/there 650/737
Amo_3:12.....spoiled/Thus saith the LORD As the shepherd/taketh 651/737
Amo_4:12...Therefore/thus will I do unto thee/O 652/737
Amo_5:3..........For/thus saith the Lord GOD The city that/went 653/737
Amo_5:4..........For/thus saith the LORD unto the house/of 654/737
Amo_5:16.......saith/thus Wailing/shall.... 655/737
Amo_7:1...wilderness/Thus hath the Lord GOD shewed unto me and behold he/formed 656/737
Amo_7:4.........LORD/Thus hath the Lord GOD shewed unto me and behold the/Lord 657/737
Amo_7:7..........GOD/Thus he shewed/me..... 658/737
Amo_7:11.........For/thus Amos/saith....... 659/737
Amo_7:17...Therefore/thus saith the LORD Thy wife/shall 660/737 hath the Lord GOD shewed unto me and behold a/basket 661/737
Oba_1:1......Obadiah/Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom/We 662/737
Mic_2:3....Therefore/thus saith the LORD Behold against/this 663/737
Mic_3:5.......doings/Thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that make/my 664/737
Mic_5:6......thereof/thus shall he deliver/us 665/737
Nah_1:12..counsellor/Thus saith the LORD Though/they 666/737
Nah_1:12.........yet/thus shall they be cut/down 667/737
Hag_1:2.......saying/Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts saying This/people 668/737
Hag_1:5....therefore/thus saith the LORD of hosts Consider your ways Ye/have 669/737
Hag_1:7........holes/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Consider your ways Go/up 670/737
Hag_2:6..........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts Yet/once 671/737
Hag_2:11......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Ask/now 672/737
Zec_1:3.........them/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Turn ye unto/me 673/737
Zec_1:4.......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Turn ye now/from 674/737
Zec_1:14......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts I am/jealous 675/737
Zec_1:16...Therefore/thus saith the LORD I am returned to/Jerusalem 676/737
Zec_1:17......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts My/cities 677/737
Zec_2:8..........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts After/the 678/737
Zec_3:7.......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts If thou/wilt 679/737
Zec_6:12......saying/Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts saying Behold/the 680/737
Zec_7:9.......saying/Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts saying Execute/true 681/737
Zec_7:14.........not/Thus the land/was..... 682/737
Zec_8:2.......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts I was/jealous 683/737
Zec_8:3.........fury/Thus saith the LORD I am returned unto/Zion 684/737
Zec_8:4.....mountain/Thus saith the LORD of hosts There/shall 685/737
Zec_8:6......thereof/Thus saith the LORD of hosts If it/be 686/737
Zec_8:7........hosts/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold I will save/my 687/737
Zec_8:9righteousness/Thus saith the LORD of hosts Let/your 688/737
Zec_8:14.........For/thus saith the LORD of hosts As/I 689/737
Zec_8:19......saying/Thus saith the LORD of hosts The fast/of 690/737
Zec_8:20.......peace/Thus saith the LORD of hosts It/shall 691/737
Zec_8:23........LORD/Thus saith the LORD of hosts In/those 692/737
Zec_11:4.....spoiled/Thus saith the LORD my/God 693/737
Mal_1:4.......places/thus saith the LORD of hosts They shall build/but 694/737
Mal_1:13........sick/thus ye brought/an.... 695/737
Mat_2:5..........for/thus it is written by/the 696/737
Mat_3:15.........for/thus it becometh/us... 697/737 have ye made/the. 698/737
Mat_26:54.......that/thus it must/be....... 699/737 speak blasphemies/who 700/737
Luk_1:25......saying/Thus hath the Lord dealt/with 701/737
Luk_2:48........thou/thus dealt/with....... 702/737
Luk_9:34..........he/thus spake there/came. 703/737
Luk_11:45.....Master/thus saying/thou...... 704/737
Luk_17:30.......Even/thus shall it be in/the 705/737
Luk_18:11.....prayed/thus with himself/God. 706/737
Luk_19:28........had/thus spoken he went/before 707/737
Luk_19:31........him/thus shall ye say unto him/Because 708/737 far And/he....... 709/737
Luk_23:46.......said/thus he gave/up....... 710/737
Luk_24:36.......they/thus spake Jesus/himself 711/737
Luk_24:40........had/thus spoken he shewed/them 712/737
Luk_24:46.......them/Thus it is written and/thus 713/737
Luk_24:46........and/thus it behoved/Christ 714/737
Joh_4:6..........sat/thus on/the........... 715/737
Joh_9:6..........had/thus spoken he spat/on 716/737
Joh_11:43.........he/thus had/spoken....... 717/737
Joh_11:48........him/thus alone/all........ 718/737
Joh_13:21........had/thus said he/was...... 719/737
Joh_18:22........had/thus spoken one/of.... 720/737
Joh_20:14........had/thus said she/turned.. 721/737
Act_19:41........had/thus spoken he dismissed/the 722/737
Act_20:36........had/thus spoken he kneeled/down 723/737
Act_21:11.......said/Thus saith the Holy Ghost/So 724/737
Act_26:24.........he/thus spake for/himself 725/737
Act_26:30........had/thus spoken the/king.. 726/737
Act_27:35........had/thus spoken he took/bread 727/737 Hath not/the..... 728/737
1Co_14:25........And/thus are/the.......... 729/737
2Co_1:17.........was/thus minded did/I..... 730/737
2Co_5:14..........we/thus judge/that....... 731/737 minded and/if.... 732/737
Heb_6:9...........we/thus speak For/God.... 733/737
Heb_9:6.........were/thus ordained/the..... 734/737
Rev_9:17.........And/thus I saw/the........ 735/737
Rev_16:5......judged/thus For/they......... 736/737
Rev_18:21.....saying/Thus with violence/shall 737/737
