1Sa_18:21.the/twain And Saul/commanded. 1/17
2Ki_4:33.them/twain and prayed/unto.... 2/17
Isa_6:2..with/twain he covered his face/and 3/17
Isa_6:2..with/twain he covered his feet/and 4/17
Isa_6:2..with/twain he did/fly......... 5/17
Jer_34:18..in/twain and passed/between. 6/17
Eze_21:19both/twain shall come/forth... 7/17
Mat_5:41..him/twain Give/to............ 8/17
Mat_19:5.they/twain shall be one flesh Wherefore/they 9/17
Mat_19:6.more/twain but one flesh What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder They/say 10/17
Mat_21:31them/twain did/the........... 11/17
Mat_27:21.the/twain will/ye........... 12/17
Mat_27:51..in/twain from the top to the bottom and the/earth 13/17
Mar_10:8.they/twain shall be one flesh so/then 14/17
Mar_10:8.more/twain but one flesh What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder And/in 15/17
Mar_15:38..in/twain from the top to the bottom And when/the 16/17
Eph_2:15...of/twain one/new........... 17/17
