Gen_2:6...........went/up a mist/from......... 1/2380
Gen_2:21........closed/up the flesh/instead... 2/2380
Gen_4:8...........rose/up against Abel/his.... 3/2380
Gen_7:11........broken/up and the windows/of.. 4/2380
Gen_7:17..........bare/up the ark and it/was.. 5/2380
Gen_7:17..........lift/up above the/earth..... 6/2380
Gen_8:7..........dried/up from off the earth Also/he 7/2380
Gen_8:13.........dried/up from off the earth and/Noah 8/2380
Gen_13:1..........went/up out of Egypt he/and. 9/2380
Gen_13:10.......lifted/up his eyes and beheld/all 10/2380
Gen_13:14.........Lift/up now thine eyes and look/from 11/2380
Gen_14:22.........lift/up mine hand unto the LORD/the 12/2380
Gen_17:22.........went/up from Abraham/And... 13/2380
Gen_18:2..........lift/up his eyes and looked and lo/three 14/2380
Gen_18:16.........rose/up from thence and looked/toward 15/2380
Gen_19:1..........rose/up to meet them and he/bowed 16/2380
Gen_19:2..........rise/up early and go/on.... 17/2380
Gen_19:14.........said/Up get/you............ 18/2380
Gen_19:27..........gat/up early in the morning to/the 19/2380
Gen_19:28.........went/up as the smoke/of.... 20/2380
Gen_19:30.........went/up out of Zoar/and.... 21/2380
Gen_20:18.......closed/up all the wombs/of... 22/2380
Gen_21:14.........rose/up early in the morning and took bread/and 23/2380
Gen_21:16.........lift/up her voice and wept/And 24/2380
Gen_21:18.........lift/up the lad/and........ 25/2380
Gen_21:32.........rose/up and Phichol/the.... 26/2380
Gen_22:3..........rose/up early in the morning and saddled/his 27/2380
Gen_22:3..........rose/up and went unto the/place 28/2380
Gen_22:4........lifted/up his eyes and saw the place/afar 29/2380
Gen_22:13.......lifted/up his eyes and looked and behold behind/him 30/2380
Gen_22:13..........him/up for a burnt offering in/the 31/2380
Gen_22:19.........rose/up and went together/to 32/2380
Gen_23:3.........stood/up from before his/dead 33/2380
Gen_23:7.........stood/up and bowed/himself.. 34/2380
Gen_24:16.........came/up And the servant/ran 35/2380
Gen_24:54.........rose/up in the morning and he/said 36/2380
Gen_24:63.......lifted/up his eyes and saw and/behold 37/2380
Gen_24:64.......lifted/up her eyes/and....... 38/2380
Gen_25:8..........gave/up the ghost and died in/a 39/2380
Gen_25:17.........gave/up the ghost and died and was gathered unto his people And/they 40/2380
Gen_25:34.........rose/up and went his/way... 41/2380
Gen_26:23.........went/up from thence to/Beersheba 42/2380
Gen_26:31.........rose/up betimes in/the..... 43/2380
Gen_27:38.......lifted/up his voice and wept And Isaac/his 44/2380
Gen_28:12..........set/up on the earth/and... 45/2380
Gen_28:18.........rose/up early in the morning and took the/stone 46/2380 for a pillar and poured/oil 47/2380
Gen_29:11.......lifted/up his voice and wept And Jacob/told 48/2380
Gen_31:10.......lifted/up mine eyes and saw in/a 49/2380
Gen_31:12.........Lift/up now thine eyes and see all/the 50/2380
Gen_31:17.........rose/up and set his/sons... 51/2380
Gen_31:21.........rose/up and passed/over.... 52/2380
Gen_31:35.........rise/up before thee/for.... 53/2380 for a pillar And Jacob/said 54/2380
Gen_31:55.........rose/up and kissed/his..... 55/2380
Gen_32:22.........rose/up that night/and..... 56/2380
Gen_33:1........lifted/up his eyes and looked and behold Esau/came 57/2380
Gen_33:5........lifted/up his eyes and saw the women/and 58/2380
Gen_35:1............go/up to Bethel and dwell/there 59/2380
Gen_35:3............go/up to Bethel and I/will 60/2380
Gen_35:13.........went/up from him/in........ 61/2380
Gen_35:14..........set/up a pillar/in........ 62/2380
Gen_35:29.........gave/up the ghost and died and was gathered unto his people being/old 63/2380
Gen_37:25.......lifted/up their eyes and looked/and 64/2380
Gen_37:28.......lifted/up Joseph/out......... 65/2380
Gen_37:35.........rose/up to comfort/him..... 66/2380
Gen_38:8.........raise/up seed to/thy........ 67/2380
Gen_38:12.........went/up unto his sheepshearers/to 68/2380
Gen_38:13........goeth/up to Timnath/to...... 69/2380
Gen_39:15.......lifted/up my voice and cried that he left his garment with me and fled and/got 70/2380
Gen_39:16.........laid/up his garment by/her. 71/2380
Gen_39:18.......lifted/up my voice and cried that he left his garment with me and fled out/And 72/2380
Gen_40:13.........lift/up thine head/and..... 73/2380
Gen_40:19.........lift/up thy head/from...... 74/2380
Gen_40:20.......lifted/up the head of the/chief 75/2380
Gen_41:2..........came/up out of the river seven well/favoured 76/2380
Gen_41:3..........came/up after them out/of.. 77/2380 the seven/well..... 78/2380
Gen_41:5..........came/up upon one/stalk..... 79/2380
Gen_41:6........sprung/up after them And the seven/thin 80/2380
Gen_41:18.........came/up out of the river seven kine/fatfleshed 81/2380
Gen_41:19.........came/up after them poor/and 82/2380 the first/seven.... 83/2380
Gen_41:21.........them/up it could/not....... 84/2380
Gen_41:22.........came/up in one/stalk....... 85/2380
Gen_41:23.......sprung/up after them And the thin/ears 86/2380
Gen_41:27.........came/up after them are/seven 87/2380
Gen_41:34.........take/up the fifth/part..... 88/2380
Gen_41:35..........lay/up corn under/the..... 89/2380
Gen_41:44.........lift/up his hand or/foot... 90/2380
Gen_41:48.....gathered/up all the food/of.... 91/2380
Gen_41:48.........laid/up the food/in........ 92/2380
Gen_41:48...........he/up in the same/And.... 93/2380
Gen_43:2.........eaten/up the corn/which..... 94/2380
Gen_43:15.........rose/up and went down/to... 95/2380
Gen_43:29.......lifted/up his eyes and saw his/brother 96/2380
Gen_44:4.......steward/Up follow/after....... 97/2380 in peace unto/your. 98/2380
Gen_44:24.........came/up unto thy servant/my 99/2380
Gen_44:30........bound/up in the lad's/life. 100/2380
Gen_44:33...........go/up with his brethren For/how 101/2380
Gen_44:34...........go/up to my father and the/lad 102/2380
Gen_45:9............go/up to my father and say/unto 103/2380
Gen_45:25.........went/up out of Egypt and came/into 104/2380
Gen_46:4..........thee/up again and Joseph/shall 105/2380
Gen_46:5..........rose/up from Beersheba/and 106/2380
Gen_46:29.........went/up to meet Israel/his 107/2380
Gen_46:31...........go/up and shew/Pharaoh.. 108/2380
Gen_47:14.....gathered/up all the money/that 109/2380
Gen_48:17.........held/up his father's/hand. 110/2380
Gen_49:4.......wentest/up to thy/father's... 111/2380
Gen_49:4..........went/up to my couch/Simeon 112/2380
Gen_49:9..........gone/up he stooped/down... 113/2380
Gen_49:9...........him/up The sceptre/shall. 114/2380
Gen_49:33.....gathered/up his feet/into..... 115/2380
Gen_49:33......yielded/up the ghost and was/gathered 116/2380
Gen_50:5............go/up I pray/thee....... 117/2380
Gen_50:6............Go/up and bury/thy...... 118/2380
Gen_50:7..........went/up to bury his/father 119/2380
Gen_50:7..........went/up all the servants/of 120/2380
Gen_50:9..........went/up with him both/chariots 121/2380
Gen_50:14.........went/up with him to bury/his 122/2380
Gen_50:23......brought/up upon Joseph's/knees 123/2380
Gen_50:25........carry/up my bones from/hence 124/2380
Exo_1:8..........arose/up a new/king........ 125/2380
Exo_1:10..........them/up out of the land Therefore/they 126/2380
Exo_2:17.........stood/up and helped/them... 127/2380
Exo_2:23..........came/up unto God by/reason 128/2380
Exo_3:8...........them/up out of that/land.. 129/2380 out of the affliction/of 130/2380
Exo_7:12.....swallowed/up their rods/And.... 131/2380
Exo_7:20........lifted/up the rod/and....... 132/2380
Exo_8:3.............go/up and come into/thine 133/2380
Exo_8:4...........come/up both on/thee...... 134/2380
Exo_8:5...........come/up upon the land of Egypt And Aaron/stretched 135/2380
Exo_8:6...........came/up and covered the land/of 136/2380
Exo_8:7........brought/up frogs/upon........ 137/2380
Exo_8:20..........Rise/up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh lo/he 138/2380 toward heaven and/it 139/2380
Exo_9:13..........Rise/up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and/say 140/2380
Exo_9:16..........thee/up for to shew/in.... 141/2380
Exo_9:32.........grown/up And Moses went/out 142/2380
Exo_10:12.........come/up upon the land of Egypt and eat/every 143/2380
Exo_10:14.........went/up over all the/land. 144/2380 until the fourteenth/day 145/2380
Exo_12:30.........rose/up in the night he/and 146/2380
Exo_12:31.........Rise/up and get/you....... 147/2380
Exo_12:34........bound/up in their clothes/upon 148/2380
Exo_12:38.........went/up also with/them.... 149/2380
Exo_13:18.........went/up harnessed/out..... 150/2380
Exo_13:19........carry/up my bones away/hence 151/2380
Exo_14:10.......lifted/up their eyes and behold/the 152/2380
Exo_14:16.........thou/up thy rod/and....... 153/2380
Exo_15:7..........rose/up against thee thou/sentest 154/2380
Exo_16:13.........came/up and covered the camp/and 155/2380
Exo_16:14.........gone/up behold upon/the... 156/2380
Exo_16:23..........lay/up for you to/be..... 157/2380 till/the.......... 158/2380 before the LORD to/be 159/2380 before the Testimony/to 160/2380 out of Egypt to kill/us 161/2380
Exo_17:10.........went/up to the top of the hill/And 162/2380
Exo_17:11.........held/up his hand that/Israel 163/2380
Exo_17:12.......stayed/up his hands the/one. 164/2380
Exo_19:3..........went/up unto God and the/LORD 165/2380
Exo_19:12..........not/up into the mount or/touch 166/2380
Exo_19:13.........come/up to the mount/And.. 167/2380
Exo_19:20........Moses/up to the top of the mount/and 168/2380
Exo_19:20.........went/up And the LORD said/unto 169/2380
Exo_19:23.........come/up to mount Sinai/for 170/2380
Exo_19:24.........come/up thou and/Aaron.... 171/2380
Exo_19:24.........come/up unto the LORD lest/he 172/2380
Exo_20:25.........lift/up thy tool/upon..... 173/2380
Exo_20:26...........go/up by steps/unto..... 174/2380
Exo_22:2......breaking/up and be smitten/that 175/2380
Exo_24:1..........Come/up unto the LORD thou/and 176/2380
Exo_24:2............go/up with him And Moses/came 177/2380
Exo_24:4..........rose/up early in the morning and builded/an 178/2380
Exo_24:9..........went/up Moses/and......... 179/2380
Exo_24:12.........Come/up to me into/the.... 180/2380
Exo_24:13.........rose/up and his minister/Joshua 181/2380
Exo_24:13.........went/up into the mount of/God 182/2380
Exo_24:15.........went/up into the mount and a/cloud 183/2380
Exo_24:18..........him/up into the mount and Moses/was 184/2380
Exo_26:15.....standing/up Ten/cubits........ 185/2380
Exo_26:30.........rear/up the tabernacle according/to 186/2380
Exo_26:33.........hang/up the vail under/the 187/2380
Exo_29:27.......heaved/up of the ram/of..... 188/2380
Exo_32:1...........him/Up make/us........... 189/2380 out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And Aaron/said 190/2380
Exo_32:4..........thee/up out of the land of Egypt And when/Aaron 191/2380
Exo_32:6..........rose/up early on the morrow and offered/burnt 192/2380
Exo_32:6..........rose/up to play And/the... 193/2380
Exo_32:8..........thee/up out of the land of Egypt And the/LORD 194/2380 out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And I/said 195/2380
Exo_32:30...........go/up unto the LORD peradventure/I 196/2380
Exo_33:1............go/up hence thou/and.... 197/2380
Exo_33:1.......brought/up out of the land of Egypt unto the/land 198/2380
Exo_33:3............go/up in the midst of thee/for 199/2380
Exo_33:5..........come/up into the midst/of. 200/2380
Exo_33:8..........rose/up and stood/every... 201/2380
Exo_33:10.........rose/up and worshipped/every 202/2380
Exo_33:12........Bring/up this people and/thou 203/2380
Exo_33:15..........not/up hence For/wherein. 204/2380
Exo_34:2..........come/up in the morning unto/mount 205/2380
Exo_34:3..........come/up with thee/neither. 206/2380
Exo_34:4..........rose/up early in the morning and went/up 207/2380
Exo_34:4..........went/up unto mount Sinai/as 208/2380
Exo_34:24...........go/up to appear/before.. 209/2380
Exo_35:21..........him/up and every/one..... 210/2380
Exo_35:26.........them/up in wisdom/spun.... 211/2380
Exo_36:2...........him/up to come/unto...... 212/2380
Exo_36:20.....standing/up The length/of..... 213/2380
Exo_40:2...........set/up the tabernacle of the tent/of 214/2380
Exo_40:8...........set/up the court round about and/hang 215/2380
Exo_40:8..........hang/up the hanging at the court/gate 216/2380
Exo_40:17.......reared/up And Moses reared/up 217/2380
Exo_40:18.......reared/up the tabernacle and fastened/his 218/2380
Exo_40:18..........set/up the boards/thereof 219/2380
Exo_40:18.......reared/up his pillars/And... 220/2380
Exo_40:21..........set/up the vail of/the... 221/2380
Exo_40:28..........set/up the hanging at the door/of 222/2380
Exo_40:33.......reared/up the court round about the/tabernacle 223/2380
Exo_40:33..........set/up the hanging of/the 224/2380
Exo_40:36........taken/up from over/the..... 225/2380
Exo_40:37........taken/up then they/journeyed 226/2380
Exo_40:37........taken/up For the cloud/of.. 227/2380
Lev_6:10..........take/up the ashes which/the 228/2380
Lev_9:22........lifted/up his hand toward/the 229/2380 out of the land of Egypt to/be 230/2380
Lev_13:4..........shut/up him that hath the plague seven/days 231/2380
Lev_13:5...........him/up seven days more And the priest shall look on him/again 232/2380
Lev_13:11..........him/up for he/is......... 233/2380
Lev_13:21..........him/up seven days And if/it 234/2380
Lev_13:26..........him/up seven days And the/priest 235/2380
Lev_13:31.........shut/up him that hath the plague of/the 236/2380
Lev_13:33.........shut/up him that hath the scall/seven 237/2380
Lev_13:37........grown/up therein/the....... 238/2380
Lev_13:42.......sprung/up in his bald/head.. 239/2380
Lev_13:50.........shut/up it that/hath...... 240/2380 seven days more And the priest shall look on the/plague 241/2380
Lev_14:38.........shut/up the house seven/days 242/2380
Lev_14:46.........shut/up shall be unclean/until 243/2380
Lev_19:16...........go/up and down as a/talebearer 244/2380
Lev_19:32.........rise/up before the hoary/head 245/2380
Lev_22:30........eaten/up ye shall/leave.... 246/2380 a standing/image.. 247/2380
Lev_26:1...........set/up any image of/stone 248/2380 And they that are/left 249/2380 and the stranger/that 250/2380
Num_6:26..........lift/up his countenance/upon 251/2380
Num_7:1............set/up the tabernacle and had/anointed 252/2380
Num_9:15........reared/up the cloud/covered. 253/2380
Num_9:17.........taken/up from the tabernacle then/after 254/2380
Num_9:21.........taken/up in the morning then/they 255/2380
Num_9:21.........taken/up they journeyed Or/whether 256/2380
Num_9:22.........taken/up they journeyed At/the 257/2380
Num_10:11........taken/up from off the tabernacle/of 258/2380
Num_10:21..........set/up the tabernacle against/they 259/2380
Num_10:35.........Rise/up LORD/and.......... 260/2380
Num_11:32........stood/up all that day/and.. 261/2380 this way/southward 262/2380
Num_13:17...........go/up into the mountain And see/the 263/2380
Num_13:21.........went/up and searched/the.. 264/2380
Num_13:30...........go/up at once/and....... 265/2380
Num_13:31.........went/up with him said/We.. 266/2380
Num_13:31...........go/up against the people/for 267/2380
Num_13:32......brought/up an evil report/of. 268/2380
Num_13:32.......eateth/up the inhabitants/thereof 269/2380
Num_14:1........lifted/up their voice and cried/and 270/2380
Num_14:13...broughtest/up this people in/thy 271/2380
Num_14:36.....bringing/up a slander/upon.... 272/2380
Num_14:37........bring/up the evil/report... 273/2380
Num_14:40.........rose/up early in the morning and gat/them 274/2380
Num_14:40.........them/up into the top of the/mountain 275/2380
Num_14:40...........go/up unto the place/which 276/2380
Num_14:42..........not/up for the LORD is/not 277/2380
Num_14:44...........go/up unto the hill/top. 278/2380
Num_15:19........offer/up an heave offering unto/the 279/2380
Num_15:20........offer/up a cake/of......... 280/2380
Num_16:2..........rose/up before Moses/with. 281/2380 yourselves above/the 282/2380
Num_16:12.........come/up Is it/a........... 283/2380 out of a/land..... 284/2380
Num_16:14.........come/up And Moses was/very 285/2380 from about/the.... 286/2380
Num_16:25.........rose/up and went unto Dathan/and 287/2380
Num_16:27..........gat/up from the tabernacle of/Korah 288/2380
Num_16:30.........them/up with all/that..... 289/2380
Num_16:32.........them/up and their houses/and 290/2380 also And/there.... 291/2380
Num_16:37.........take/up the censers/out... 292/2380 from among this/congregation 293/2380
Num_17:4..........them/up in the tabernacle/of 294/2380
Num_17:7..........laid/up the rods/before... 295/2380
Num_18:26........offer/up an heave offering of/it 296/2380
Num_19:9........gather/up the ashes of/the.. 297/2380
Num_19:9..........them/up without the camp/in 298/2380
Num_20:4.......brought/up the congregation/of 299/2380
Num_20:5..........come/up out of Egypt to bring/us 300/2380
Num_20:11.......lifted/up his hand and/with. 301/2380
Num_20:25.........them/up unto mount Hor/And 302/2380
Num_20:27.........went/up into mount Hor in/the 303/2380
Num_21:3.....delivered/up the Canaanites/and 304/2380 out of Egypt to die/in 305/2380
Num_21:17.......Spring/up O well/sing....... 306/2380
Num_21:33.........went/up by the way of Bashan/and 307/2380
Num_22:4..........lick/up all that are/round 308/2380
Num_22:4.......licketh/up the grass/of...... 309/2380
Num_22:13.........rose/up in the morning and said/unto 310/2380
Num_22:14.........rose/up and they went/unto 311/2380
Num_22:20.........rise/up and go with/them.. 312/2380
Num_22:21.........rose/up in the morning and saddled/his 313/2380
Num_22:41..........him/up into the high places/of 314/2380
Num_23:7..........took/up his parable and said Balak/the 315/2380
Num_23:18.........took/up his parable and said Rise/up 316/2380
Num_23:18.........Rise/up Balak/and......... 317/2380
Num_23:24.........rise/up as a great/lion... 318/2380
Num_23:24.........lift/up himself as/a...... 319/2380
Num_24:2........lifted/up his eyes and he/saw 320/2380
Num_24:3..........took/up his parable and said Balaam the son of Beor hath said and the man whose eyes are open hath said He hath said which heard the words of God which/saw 321/2380 the nations/his... 322/2380
Num_24:9...........him/up Blessed is/he..... 323/2380
Num_24:15.........took/up his parable and said Balaam the son of Beor hath said and the man whose eyes are open hath said He hath said which heard the words of God and/knew 324/2380
Num_24:20.........took/up his parable and said Amalek/was 325/2380
Num_24:21.........took/up his parable and said Strong/is 326/2380
Num_24:23.........took/up his parable and said Alas/who 327/2380
Num_24:25.........rose/up and went and/returned 328/2380
Num_25:4..........them/up before the LORD against/the 329/2380
Num_25:7..........rose/up from among the/congregation 330/2380
Num_26:10.........them/up together with Korah/when 331/2380
Num_27:12.........thee/up into this mount/Abarim 332/2380
Num_31:52......offered/up to the LORD of/the 333/2380
Num_32:9..........went/up unto the valley/of 334/2380
Num_32:11.........came/up out of Egypt from twenty/years 335/2380
Num_32:14........risen/up in your/fathers'.. 336/2380
Num_33:38.........went/up into mount Hor at/the 337/2380
Deu_1:21............go/up and possess it/as. 338/2380
Deu_1:22............go/up and into/what..... 339/2380
Deu_1:24..........went/up into the mountain and came/unto 340/2380
Deu_1:26............go/up but rebelled/against 341/2380
Deu_1:28............go/up our brethren/have. 342/2380
Deu_1:28........walled/up to heaven and moreover/we 343/2380
Deu_1:41............go/up and fight/according 344/2380
Deu_1:41............go/up into the hill And the LORD/said 345/2380
Deu_1:42...........not/up neither fight/for. 346/2380
Deu_1:43presumptuously/up into the hill And the Amorites/which 347/2380
Deu_2:13..........rise/up said/I............ 348/2380 take your/journey. 349/2380
Deu_3:1...........went/up the way/to........ 350/2380
Deu_3:27..........thee/up into the top of Pisgah/and 351/2380
Deu_3:27..........lift/up thine eyes westward/and 352/2380
Deu_4:19..........lift/up thine eyes unto heaven/and 353/2380
Deu_5:5............not/up into the mount saying/I 354/2380
Deu_6:7.........risest/up And thou shalt bind/them 355/2380
Deu_8:14........lifted/up and thou forget/the 356/2380
Deu_9:1.........fenced/up to heaven A/people 357/2380
Deu_9:9...........gone/up into the mount to/receive 358/2380
Deu_9:23............Go/up and possess the/land 359/2380
Deu_10:1..........come/up unto me into/the.. 360/2380
Deu_10:3..........went/up into the mount having/the 361/2380
Deu_11:6..........them/up and their households/and 362/2380
Deu_11:17.........shut/up the heaven/that... 363/2380
Deu_11:18..........lay/up these my/words.... 364/2380
Deu_11:19.......risest/up And thou shalt write/them 365/2380
Deu_14:25.........bind/up the money/in...... 366/2380 within/thy........ 367/2380
Deu_16:22.........thee/up any image which/the 368/2380
Deu_17:8..........thee/up into the place/which 369/2380
Deu_17:20.......lifted/up above his/brethren 370/2380
Deu_18:15........raise/up unto thee a/Prophet 371/2380
Deu_18:18.........them/up a Prophet/from.... 372/2380
Deu_19:11.........rise/up against him and smite/him 373/2380
Deu_19:15.........rise/up against a/man..... 374/2380
Deu_19:16.........rise/up against any/man... 375/2380
Deu_20:1..........thee/up out of the land of Egypt And it shall be when/ye 376/2380
Deu_22:4..........them/up again The woman/shall 377/2380
Deu_22:14........bring/up an evil name upon her/and 378/2380
Deu_22:19......brought/up an evil name upon a/virgin 379/2380
Deu_23:14.........give/up thine enemies/before 380/2380
Deu_24:5.........cheer/up his wife/which.... 381/2380
Deu_25:7............go/up to the gate unto/the 382/2380
Deu_25:7.........raise/up unto his brother/a 383/2380 his brother's/house 384/2380
Deu_27:2..........thee/up great/stones...... 385/2380
Deu_27:4...........set/up these stones/which 386/2380
Deu_27:5..........lift/up any iron tool/upon 387/2380
Deu_28:7..........rise/up against thee to/be 388/2380 and thou shalt be/only 389/2380
Deu_28:43..........get/up above thee/very... 390/2380
Deu_29:22.........rise/up after you/and..... 391/2380
Deu_30:12...........go/up for us to/heaven.. 392/2380
Deu_31:5..........them/up before your/face.. 393/2380
Deu_31:16.........rise/up and go a/whoring.. 394/2380
Deu_32:11.....stirreth/up her nest/fluttereth 395/2380
Deu_32:17........newly/up whom your/fathers. 396/2380
Deu_32:30.........them/up For their/rock.... 397/2380
Deu_32:34.........laid/up in store with/me.. 398/2380
Deu_32:34.......sealed/up among my/treasures 399/2380
Deu_32:36.........shut/up or left/And....... 400/2380
Deu_32:38.........rise/up and help/you...... 401/2380
Deu_32:40.........lift/up my hand to/heaven. 402/2380
Deu_32:49.........thee/up into this mountain/Abarim 403/2380
Deu_32:50........goest/up and be gathered/unto 404/2380
Deu_33:2..........rose/up from Seir/unto.... 405/2380
Deu_34:1..........went/up from the plains/of 406/2380
Jos_2:6...........them/up to the roof of/the 407/2380
Jos_2:8...........came/up unto them upon/the 408/2380
Jos_2:10.........dried/up the water of/the.. 409/2380
Jos_3:6...........Take/up the ark of the covenant and pass/over 410/2380
Jos_3:6...........took/up the ark of the covenant and went/before 411/2380
Jos_3:16..........rose/up upon an heap/very. 412/2380 every man of/you.. 413/2380
Jos_4:8...........took/up twelve stones out/of 414/2380
Jos_4:9............set/up twelve stones in/the 415/2380
Jos_4:16..........come/up out of Jordan Joshua/therefore 416/2380 out of Jordan And/it 417/2380
Jos_4:18..........come/up out of the midst of Jordan/and 418/2380
Jos_4:18........lifted/up unto the dry/land. 419/2380
Jos_4:19..........came/up out of Jordan on/the 420/2380
Jos_4:23.........dried/up the waters of Jordan from before you/until 421/2380
Jos_4:23.........dried/up from before us/until 422/2380
Jos_5:1..........dried/up the waters of Jordan from before the/children 423/2380
Jos_5:7.........raised/up in their stead/them 424/2380
Jos_5:13........lifted/up his eyes and looked and behold there stood/a 425/2380
Jos_6:1...........shut/up because of the children/of 426/2380
Jos_6:5.........ascend/up every man straight/before 427/2380
Jos_6:6...........Take/up the ark of the covenant and let/seven 428/2380
Jos_6:12..........took/up the ark of the LORD And seven/priests 429/2380
Jos_6:20..........went/up into the city every/man 430/2380
Jos_6:26........riseth/up and buildeth/this. 431/2380
Jos_6:26...........set/up the gates of/it... 432/2380
Jos_7:2.............Go/up and view/the...... 433/2380
Jos_7:2...........went/up and viewed/Ai..... 434/2380
Jos_7:3.............go/up but let/about..... 435/2380
Jos_7:3.............go/up and smite/Ai...... 436/2380
Jos_7:4...........went/up thither of/the.... 437/2380
Jos_7:10..........thee/up wherefore liest/thou 438/2380 sanctify/the...... 439/2380
Jos_7:16..........rose/up early in the morning and brought/Israel 440/2380
Jos_8:1.............go/up to Ai/see......... 441/2380
Jos_8:3.............go/up against Ai/and.... 442/2380
Jos_8:7...........rise/up from the ambush/and 443/2380
Jos_8:10..........rose/up early in the morning and numbered/the 444/2380
Jos_8:10..........went/up he and/the........ 445/2380
Jos_8:11..........went/up and drew nigh/and. 446/2380
Jos_8:14..........rose/up early and the/men. 447/2380
Jos_8:20......ascended/up to heaven and they/had 448/2380
Jos_8:31..........lift/up any iron and/they. 449/2380
Jos_9:4..........bound/up And old/shoes..... 450/2380
Jos_10:4..........Come/up unto me and/help.. 451/2380
Jos_10:5..........went/up they and/all...... 452/2380
Jos_10:6..........come/up to us quickly/and. 453/2380
Jos_10:9..........went/up from Gilgal all/night 454/2380
Jos_10:10........goeth/up to Bethhoron/and.. 455/2380
Jos_10:12....delivered/up the Amorites/before 456/2380
Jos_10:33.........came/up to help/Lachish... 457/2380
Jos_10:36.........went/up from Eglon/and.... 458/2380
Jos_11:6..........them/up all slain/before.. 459/2380
Jos_11:17........goeth/up to Seir even/unto. 460/2380
Jos_12:7.........goeth/up to Seir which/Joshua 461/2380
Jos_14:8..........went/up with me made/the.. 462/2380
Jos_15:3......ascended/up on the south/side. 463/2380
Jos_15:3..........went/up to Adar/and....... 464/2380
Jos_15:6..........went/up to Bethhogla/and.. 465/2380
Jos_15:6..........went/up to the stone/of... 466/2380
Jos_15:7..........went/up toward Debir/from. 467/2380
Jos_15:7.........going/up to Adummim/which.. 468/2380
Jos_15:8..........went/up by the valley/of.. 469/2380
Jos_15:8..........went/up to the top of the mountain/that 470/2380
Jos_15:15.........went/up thence to the/inhabitants 471/2380
Jos_16:1.........goeth/up from Jericho/throughout 472/2380
Jos_17:15.........thee/up to the wood/country 473/2380
Jos_18:1...........set/up the tabernacle of the congregation/there 474/2380
Jos_18:11.........came/up according/to...... 475/2380
Jos_18:12.........went/up to the side/of.... 476/2380
Jos_18:12.........went/up through/the....... 477/2380
Jos_18:17........going/up of Adummim/and.... 478/2380
Jos_19:10.........came/up for the children/of 479/2380
Jos_19:11.........went/up toward the/sea.... 480/2380
Jos_19:12........goeth/up to Japhia/And..... 481/2380
Jos_19:47.........went/up to fight against Leshem/and 482/2380
Jos_20:5........slayer/up into his hand because/he 483/2380
Jos_22:12...........go/up to war/against.... 484/2380
Jos_22:33...........go/up against them in/battle 485/2380 and our/fathers... 486/2380 there under/an.... 487/2380
Jos_24:32......brought/up out of Egypt buried/they 488/2380
Jdg_1:1.............go/up for us against/the 489/2380
Jdg_1:2.............go/up behold I have/delivered 490/2380
Jdg_1:3...........Come/up with me into/my... 491/2380
Jdg_1:4...........went/up and the LORD delivered/the 492/2380
Jdg_1:16..........went/up out of the city of palm/trees 493/2380
Jdg_1:22..........went/up against Bethel/and 494/2380
Jdg_1:36.........going/up to Akrabbim/from.. 495/2380
Jdg_2:1...........came/up from Gilgal to/Bochim 496/2380
Jdg_2:1.............go/up out of Egypt and have/brought 497/2380
Jdg_2:4.........lifted/up their voice and wept And they called/the 498/2380
Jdg_2:16........raised/up judges which/delivered 499/2380
Jdg_2:18..........them/up judges then/the... 500/2380
Jdg_3:9.........raised/up a deliverer to/the 501/2380
Jdg_3:15..........them/up a deliverer Ehud/the 502/2380
Jdg_4:5...........came/up to her for/judgment 503/2380
Jdg_4:10..........went/up with ten/thousand. 504/2380
Jdg_4:10..........went/up with him Now/Heber 505/2380
Jdg_4:12..........gone/up to mount Tabor/And 506/2380
Jdg_4:14.........Barak/Up for this/is....... 507/2380
Jdg_6:3...........came/up and the Amalekites/and 508/2380
Jdg_6:3...........came/up against them And they/encamped 509/2380
Jdg_6:5...........came/up with their/cattle. 510/2380 from Egypt and brought/you 511/2380 from Egypt but/now 512/2380
Jdg_6:21..........rose/up fire/out.......... 513/2380
Jdg_6:35..........came/up to meet them And Gideon/said 514/2380
Jdg_6:38..........rose/up early on the morrow and thrust/the 515/2380
Jdg_7:1...........rose/up early and pitched/beside 516/2380
Jdg_8:8...........went/up thence to Penuel/and 517/2380
Jdg_8:11..........went/up by the way of them/that 518/2380
Jdg_8:13...........was/up And caught/a...... 519/2380
Jdg_8:20.....firstborn/Up and slay/them..... 520/2380
Jdg_8:28........lifted/up their heads/no.... 521/2380
Jdg_9:7.........lifted/up his voice and cried/and 522/2380
Jdg_9:18.........risen/up against my father's/house 523/2380
Jdg_9:32.....therefore/up by night thou/and. 524/2380 thou shalt rise/early 525/2380
Jdg_9:34..........rose/up and all the people that were/with 526/2380
Jdg_9:35..........rose/up and the people/that 527/2380
Jdg_9:43..........rose/up against them and smote/them 528/2380
Jdg_9:48...........him/up to mount Zalmon/he 529/2380
Jdg_9:51..........them/up to the top of the tower/And 530/2380
Jdg_11:2..........grew/up and they thrust/out 531/2380
Jdg_11:13.........came/up out of Egypt from Arnon/even 532/2380
Jdg_11:16.........came/up from Egypt and walked/through 533/2380 for a burnt offering So/Jephthah 534/2380
Jdg_11:37...........go/up and down upon/the. 535/2380
Jdg_12:3..........come/up unto me this/day.. 536/2380
Jdg_13:20.........went/up toward heaven from/off 537/2380
Jdg_14:2..........came/up and told/his...... 538/2380
Jdg_14:19.........went/up to his father's/house 539/2380
Jdg_15:5.........burnt/up both the shocks/and 540/2380
Jdg_15:6..........came/up and burnt/her..... 541/2380
Jdg_15:9..........went/up and pitched in Judah/and 542/2380
Jdg_15:10.........come/up against us And/they 543/2380
Jdg_15:10.........come/up to do to/him...... 544/2380
Jdg_15:13..........him/up from the rock/And. 545/2380
Jdg_16:3..........them/up to the top of an/hill 546/2380
Jdg_16:5..........came/up unto her and said/unto 547/2380
Jdg_16:8.......brought/up to her seven/green 548/2380
Jdg_16:18.........Come/up this once/for..... 549/2380
Jdg_16:18.........came/up unto her and brought/money 550/2380
Jdg_16:29........borne/up of the one/with... 551/2380
Jdg_16:31..........him/up and buried/him.... 552/2380
Jdg_18:9............go/up against them for/we 553/2380
Jdg_18:12.........went/up and pitched in Kirjathjearim/in 554/2380
Jdg_18:17.........went/up and came in/thither 555/2380
Jdg_18:30..........set/up the graven/image.. 556/2380
Jdg_18:31.........them/up Micah's/graven.... 557/2380
Jdg_19:5..........rose/up to depart and/the. 558/2380
Jdg_19:7..........rose/up to depart his/father 559/2380
Jdg_19:9..........rose/up to depart he/and.. 560/2380
Jdg_19:10.........rose/up and departed/and.. 561/2380
Jdg_19:17.......lifted/up his eyes he/saw... 562/2380
Jdg_19:27.........rose/up in the morning and opened/the 563/2380
Jdg_19:28..........her/Up and let us/be..... 564/2380
Jdg_19:28..........her/up upon an ass/and... 565/2380
Jdg_19:28.........rose/up and gat/him....... 566/2380
Jdg_19:30.........came/up out of the land of Egypt unto this/day 567/2380
Jdg_20:3..........gone/up to Mizpeh Then/said 568/2380
Jdg_20:9............go/up by lot/against.... 569/2380
Jdg_20:18.........went/up to the house of God and asked/counsel 570/2380
Jdg_20:18...........go/up first to/the...... 571/2380
Jdg_20:18...........go/up first And/the..... 572/2380
Jdg_20:19.........rose/up in the morning and encamped/against 573/2380
Jdg_20:23.........went/up and wept/before... 574/2380
Jdg_20:23...........go/up again to battle/against 575/2380
Jdg_20:23...........Go/up against him And the/children 576/2380
Jdg_20:26.........went/up and came unto/the. 577/2380
Jdg_20:28...........Go/up for to morrow/I... 578/2380
Jdg_20:30.........went/up against the children/of 579/2380
Jdg_20:31........goeth/up to the house of God and the/other 580/2380
Jdg_20:33.........rose/up out of their place/and 581/2380
Jdg_20:38.........rise/up out of the city And/when 582/2380
Jdg_20:40........arise/up out of the city with/a 583/2380
Jdg_20:40.....ascended/up to heaven And when/the 584/2380
Jdg_21:2........lifted/up their voices and wept sore/And 585/2380
Jdg_21:5...........not/up with the congregation/unto 586/2380
Jdg_21:5...........not/up to the LORD to/Mizpeh 587/2380
Jdg_21:8...........not/up to Mizpeh to/the.. 588/2380
Jdg_21:19........goeth/up from Bethel/to.... 589/2380
Rut_1:9.........lifted/up their voice and wept And they said/unto 590/2380
Rut_1:14........lifted/up their voice and wept again/and 591/2380
Rut_2:15.........risen/up to glean/Boaz..... 592/2380 and went into/the. 593/2380
Rut_3:14..........rose/up before one/could.. 594/2380
Rut_4:1...........Boaz/up to the gate and/sat 595/2380
Rut_4:5..........raise/up the name of the dead upon his inheritance And/the 596/2380
Rut_4:10.........raise/up the name of the dead upon his inheritance that/the 597/2380
1Sa_1:3...........went/up out of his city/yearly 598/2380
1Sa_1:5...........shut/up her womb And her/adversary 599/2380
1Sa_1:6...........shut/up her womb And as/he 600/2380
1Sa_1:7...........went/up to the house of the LORD so/she 601/2380
1Sa_1:9...........rose/up after they/had.... 602/2380
1Sa_1:19..........rose/up in the morning early/and 603/2380
1Sa_1:21..........went/up to offer unto/the. 604/2380
1Sa_1:22...........not/up for she/said...... 605/2380
1Sa_1:22............go/up until the child/be 606/2380
1Sa_1:24...........him/up with her with/three 607/2380
1Sa_2:6.......bringeth/up The LORD maketh/poor 608/2380
1Sa_2:7........lifteth/up He raiseth/up..... 609/2380
1Sa_2:8........raiseth/up the poor out of the dust and lifteth up/the 610/2380
1Sa_2:8........lifteth/up the beggar/from... 611/2380
1Sa_2:14.......brought/up the priest/took... 612/2380
1Sa_2:19..........came/up with her husband/to 613/2380 a faithful/priest. 614/2380
1Sa_5:12..........went/up to heaven And the/ark 615/2380
1Sa_6:9..........goeth/up by the way of his/own 616/2380
1Sa_6:10..........shut/up their calves/at... 617/2380
1Sa_6:13........lifted/up their eyes and saw/the 618/2380
1Sa_6:20............go/up from us And/they.. 619/2380 to you/And........ 620/2380
1Sa_7:1........fetched/up the ark of the LORD and brought/it 621/2380
1Sa_7:7...........went/up against Israel And when/the 622/2380
1Sa_7:10......offering/up the burnt/offering 623/2380
1Sa_8:8...........them/up out of Egypt even/unto 624/2380
1Sa_9:11..........went/up the hill/to....... 625/2380
1Sa_9:13............go/up to the high place to/eat 626/2380 for about/this.... 627/2380
1Sa_9:14..........went/up into the city and/when 628/2380
1Sa_9:14............go/up to the high place Now/the 629/2380
1Sa_9:19............go/up before me unto/the 630/2380
1Sa_9:24..........took/up the shoulder/and.. 631/2380
1Sa_9:26........saying/Up that I may send/thee 632/2380
1Sa_10:3.........going/up to God/to......... 633/2380
1Sa_10:18......brought/up Israel out of Egypt/and 634/2380 before the LORD And/Samuel 635/2380
1Sa_11:1..........came/up and encamped/against 636/2380
1Sa_11:4........lifted/up their voices and wept And/behold 637/2380
1Sa_12:6.......fathers/up out of the land of Egypt Now/therefore 638/2380
1Sa_13:5..........came/up and pitched in Michmash/eastward 639/2380
1Sa_13:15..........him/up from Gilgal unto/Gibeah 640/2380
1Sa_14:9............go/up unto them But/if.. 641/2380
1Sa_14:10.........Come/up unto us/then...... 642/2380
1Sa_14:10...........go/up for the LORD hath/delivered 643/2380
1Sa_14:12.........Come/up to us and/we...... 644/2380
1Sa_14:12.........Come/up after me/for...... 645/2380
1Sa_14:13......climbed/up upon his hands/and 646/2380
1Sa_14:21.........went/up with them into/the 647/2380
1Sa_14:46.........went/up from following/the 648/2380
1Sa_15:2..........came/up from Egypt Now/go. 649/2380
1Sa_15:6..........came/up out of Egypt So/the 650/2380
1Sa_15:11..........set/up Saul/to........... 651/2380
1Sa_15:12..........him/up a place/and....... 652/2380
1Sa_15:34.........went/up to his house/to... 653/2380
1Sa_16:13.........rose/up and went to/Ramah. 654/2380
1Sa_17:20.........rose/up early in the morning and left/the 655/2380
1Sa_17:23.........came/up the champion/the.. 656/2380
1Sa_17:25.........come/up surely/to......... 657/2380
1Sa_17:25.........come/up and it shall be/that 658/2380
1Sa_19:15..........him/up to me in/the...... 659/2380
1Sa_20:38.....gathered/up the arrows/and.... 660/2380
1Sa_21:12.........laid/up these words/in.... 661/2380
1Sa_22:8.......stirred/up my servant/against 662/2380 into his hand will/Saul 663/2380
1Sa_23:12.........thee/up Then David/and.... 664/2380
1Sa_23:19.........came/up the Ziphites/to... 665/2380
1Sa_23:29.........went/up from thence and dwelt/in 666/2380
1Sa_24:7..........rose/up out of the cave/and 667/2380
1Sa_24:16.......lifted/up his voice and wept And he/said 668/2380
1Sa_24:22.........them/up unto the hold/And. 669/2380 to Carmel/and..... 670/2380
1Sa_25:13.........went/up after David/about. 671/2380
1Sa_25:35...........Go/up in peace to/thine. 672/2380
1Sa_26:19.........thee/up against me let/him 673/2380
1Sa_27:8..........went/up and invaded/the... 674/2380
1Sa_28:8...........him/up whom I/shall...... 675/2380
1Sa_28:11........bring/up unto thee And/he.. 676/2380 Samuel/And........ 677/2380
1Sa_28:14.......cometh/up and he is/covered. 678/2380 And Saul/answered. 679/2380
1Sa_28:25.........rose/up and went away/that 680/2380
1Sa_29:9............go/up with us/to........ 681/2380
1Sa_29:10.........rise/up early in the morning with/thy 682/2380 early in the morning and have/light 683/2380
1Sa_29:11.........rose/up early to depart/in 684/2380
1Sa_29:11.........went/up to Jezreel/And.... 685/2380
1Sa_30:4........lifted/up their voice and wept until/they 686/2380
2Sa_2:1.............go/up into any/of....... 687/2380
2Sa_2:1.............Go/up And David/said.... 688/2380
2Sa_2:1.............go/up And he said Unto/Hebron 689/2380
2Sa_2:2...........went/up thither and/his... 690/2380
2Sa_2:3..........bring/up every man with/his 691/2380
2Sa_2:22..........hold/up my face to Joab/thy 692/2380
2Sa_2:27..........gone/up every one/from.... 693/2380
2Sa_2:32..........took/up Asahel/and........ 694/2380
2Sa_3:10...........set/up the throne/of..... 695/2380
2Sa_3:32........lifted/up his voice and wept at/the 696/2380
2Sa_4:4............him/up and fled/and...... 697/2380
2Sa_4:12..........them/up over the/pool..... 698/2380
2Sa_5:8........getteth/up to the gutter/and. 699/2380
2Sa_5:17..........came/up to seek David and David heard of it and went down/to 700/2380
2Sa_5:19............go/up to the Philistines/wilt 701/2380
2Sa_5:19............Go/up for I will doubtless/deliver 702/2380
2Sa_5:22..........came/up yet again/and..... 703/2380
2Sa_5:23............go/up but fetch/a....... 704/2380
2Sa_6:2..........bring/up from thence the ark/of 705/2380
2Sa_6:12.......brought/up the ark of God/from 706/2380
2Sa_6:15.......brought/up the ark of the LORD with/shouting 707/2380
2Sa_7:6........brought/up the children of Israel out of Egypt/even 708/2380
2Sa_7:12...........set/up thy seed after thee which shall proceed/out 709/2380
2Sa_12:3.....nourished/up and it grew/up.... 710/2380
2Sa_12:3..........grew/up together with him/and 711/2380
2Sa_12:11........raise/up evil against/thee. 712/2380
2Sa_12:17..........him/up from the earth but/he 713/2380
2Sa_13:29..........him/up upon his mule/and. 714/2380
2Sa_13:34.......lifted/up his eyes and looked and behold there came/much 715/2380
2Sa_13:36.......lifted/up their voice and wept and the/king 716/2380
2Sa_14:14.....gathered/up again neither/doth 717/2380
2Sa_15:2..........rose/up early and stood/beside 718/2380
2Sa_15:20...........go/up and down with/us.. 719/2380
2Sa_15:24.........went/up until all/the..... 720/2380
2Sa_15:30.........went/up by the ascent/of.. 721/2380
2Sa_15:30.........went/up and had/his....... 722/2380
2Sa_15:30.........went/up weeping/as........ 723/2380
2Sa_15:30.........went/up And one/told...... 724/2380
2Sa_17:16....swallowed/up and all the people that are/with 725/2380
2Sa_17:21.........came/up out of the well/and 726/2380
2Sa_18:9.........taken/up between the heaven/and 727/2380
2Sa_18:18.......reared/up for himself/a..... 728/2380
2Sa_18:24.........went/up to the roof over/the 729/2380
2Sa_18:24.......lifted/up his eyes and looked and behold a/man 730/2380
2Sa_18:28....delivered/up the men/that...... 731/2380
2Sa_18:28.......lifted/up their hand/against 732/2380
2Sa_18:31.........rose/up against thee And the king/said 733/2380
2Sa_18:33.........went/up to the chamber/over 734/2380
2Sa_19:34...........go/up with the king/unto 735/2380
2Sa_20:2..........went/up from after/David.. 736/2380
2Sa_20:3..........shut/up unto the day/of... 737/2380
2Sa_20:15.........cast/up a bank/against.... 738/2380
2Sa_20:19......swallow/up the inheritance/of 739/2380
2Sa_20:20......swallow/up or destroy/The.... 740/2380
2Sa_20:21.......lifted/up his hand against the king even/against 741/2380
2Sa_21:6..........them/up unto the LORD in/Gibeah 742/2380
2Sa_21:8.......brought/up for Adriel/the.... 743/2380
2Sa_21:13......brought/up from thence the bones/of 744/2380
2Sa_22:9..........went/up a smoke out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth devoured coals were kindled by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly and/he 745/2380
2Sa_22:40.........rose/up against me hast/thou 746/2380 on high above/them 747/2380
2Sa_22:49.........rose/up against me thou hast delivered me from the violent man Therefore I/will 748/2380
2Sa_23:1........raised/up on high the/anointed 749/2380
2Sa_23:8..........lift/up his spear against eight/hundred 750/2380
2Sa_23:18.......lifted/up his spear against three hundred and/slew 751/2380
2Sa_24:9..........gave/up the sum of/the.... 752/2380
2Sa_24:11..........was/up in the morning the/word 753/2380
2Sa_24:18...........Go/up rear/an........... 754/2380
2Sa_24:19.........went/up as the LORD/commanded 755/2380
2Sa_24:22........offer/up what seemeth/good. 756/2380
1Ki_1:35..........come/up after him that/he. 757/2380
1Ki_1:40..........came/up after him and/the. 758/2380
1Ki_1:45..........come/up from thence rejoicing/so 759/2380
1Ki_1:49..........rose/up and went every/man 760/2380
1Ki_2:19..........rose/up to meet her/and... 761/2380
1Ki_2:34..........went/up and fell/upon..... 762/2380
1Ki_3:15.......offered/up burnt/offerings... 763/2380
1Ki_6:8...........went/up with winding/stairs 764/2380
1Ki_7:21...........set/up the pillars in/the 765/2380
1Ki_7:21...........set/up the right pillar/and 766/2380
1Ki_7:21...........set/up the left/pillar... 767/2380
1Ki_8:1..........bring/up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David which is Zion And/all 768/2380
1Ki_8:3...........took/up the ark And they brought up the ark of/the 769/2380
1Ki_8:4........brought/up the ark of the LORD and the/tabernacle 770/2380
1Ki_8:4..........bring/up And king/Solomon.. 771/2380
1Ki_8:20.........risen/up in the room of David my father and sit/on 772/2380
1Ki_8:35..........shut/up and there is no rain because they have sinned against thee if/they 773/2380
1Ki_8:54........spread/up to heaven And he/stood 774/2380
1Ki_9:16..........gone/up and taken/Gezer... 775/2380
1Ki_9:24..........came/up out of the city of David/unto 776/2380
1Ki_10:5..........went/up unto the house of the LORD there/was 777/2380
1Ki_10:29.........came/up and went out/of... 778/2380
1Ki_11:14......stirred/up an adversary/unto. 779/2380
1Ki_11:15.........gone/up to bury the/slain. 780/2380
1Ki_11:23..........him/up another adversary/Rezon 781/2380
1Ki_11:26.......lifted/up his hand against the king And/this 782/2380
1Ki_11:27.......lifted/up his hand against the king Solomon/built 783/2380
1Ki_12:8.........grown/up with him and which/stood 784/2380
1Ki_12:10........grown/up with him spake unto him saying Thus shalt thou speak/unto 785/2380
1Ki_12:18..........him/up to his chariot to flee to Jerusalem So/Israel 786/2380
1Ki_12:24...........go/up nor fight against your brethren the/children 787/2380
1Ki_12:27...........go/up to do sacrifice/in 788/2380
1Ki_12:28...........go/up to Jerusalem behold/thy 789/2380
1Ki_12:28.........thee/up out of the land of Egypt And he/set 790/2380
1Ki_13:4.........dried/up so that he/could.. 791/2380
1Ki_13:29.........took/up the carcase/of.... 792/2380
1Ki_14:10.........shut/up and left in Israel and will take/away 793/2380
1Ki_14:14..........him/up a king/over....... 794/2380
1Ki_14:15.........root/up Israel out of this/good 795/2380
1Ki_14:16.......Israel/up because of the sins/of 796/2380
1Ki_14:25.........came/up against Jerusalem And he/took 797/2380
1Ki_15:4...........set/up his son after/him. 798/2380
1Ki_15:17.........went/up against Judah and built Ramah that/he 799/2380
1Ki_16:17.........went/up from Gibbethon/and 800/2380
1Ki_16:32.......reared/up an altar for/Baal. 801/2380
1Ki_16:34..........set/up the gates thereof/in 802/2380
1Ki_17:7.........dried/up because there/had. 803/2380
1Ki_17:19..........him/up into a loft/where. 804/2380
1Ki_18:38.......licked/up the water that/was 805/2380
1Ki_18:41.........thee/up eat/and........... 806/2380
1Ki_18:42.........went/up to eat/and........ 807/2380
1Ki_18:42.........went/up to the top of Carmel/and 808/2380
1Ki_18:43...........Go/up now look/toward... 809/2380
1Ki_18:43.........went/up and looked/and.... 810/2380
1Ki_18:44...........Go/up say/unto.......... 811/2380
1Ki_18:46.......girded/up his loins/and..... 812/2380
1Ki_20:1..........went/up and besieged Samaria and warred/against 813/2380
1Ki_20:22.........come/up against thee And the servants/of 814/2380
1Ki_20:26.........went/up to Aphek/to....... 815/2380
1Ki_20:33.........come/up into the chariot/And 816/2380
1Ki_21:16.........rose/up to go/down........ 817/2380
1Ki_21:21.........shut/up and left in Israel And will make/thine 818/2380
1Ki_21:25......stirred/up And he did/very... 819/2380
1Ki_22:6............Go/up for the LORD shall/deliver 820/2380
1Ki_22:12...........Go/up to Ramothgilead and prosper for the LORD shall deliver it into the king's/hand 821/2380
1Ki_22:20...........go/up and fall at Ramothgilead And one said/on 822/2380
1Ki_22:29.........went/up to Ramothgilead And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and enter/into 823/2380
1Ki_22:35.......stayed/up in his chariot against the Syrians and/died 824/2380
1Ki_22:38.......licked/up his blood/and..... 825/2380
2Ki_1:3.............go/up to meet the/messengers 826/2380
2Ki_1:4...........gone/up but shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 827/2380 to meet us/and.... 828/2380
2Ki_1:6...........gone/up but shalt surely die And he/said 829/2380
2Ki_1:7...........came/up to meet you/and... 830/2380
2Ki_1:9...........went/up to him and/behold. 831/2380
2Ki_1:13..........went/up and came and/fell. 832/2380
2Ki_1:14.........burnt/up the two/captains.. 833/2380
2Ki_1:16..........gone/up but shalt surely die So/he 834/2380
2Ki_2:1...........take/up Elijah/into....... 835/2380
2Ki_2:11..........went/up by a/whirlwind.... 836/2380
2Ki_2:13..........took/up also the mantle/of 837/2380
2Ki_2:16...........him/up and cast him upon/some 838/2380
2Ki_2:23..........went/up from thence unto/Bethel 839/2380
2Ki_2:23.........going/up by the way there/came 840/2380
2Ki_2:23............Go/up thou bald head go/up 841/2380
2Ki_2:23............go/up thou bald head And/he 842/2380
2Ki_3:7.............go/up I am as/thou...... 843/2380
2Ki_3:8.............go/up And he answered/The 844/2380
2Ki_3:21..........come/up to fight against them/they 845/2380
2Ki_3:22..........rose/up early in the morning and the/sun 846/2380
2Ki_3:24..........rose/up and smote/the..... 847/2380
2Ki_4:21..........went/up and laid/him...... 848/2380
2Ki_4:29..........Gird/up thy loins and take my/staff 849/2380
2Ki_4:34..........went/up and lay/upon...... 850/2380
2Ki_4:35..........went/up and stretched/himself 851/2380
2Ki_4:36..........Take/up thy son/Then...... 852/2380
2Ki_4:37..........took/up her son/and....... 853/2380 to thee/And....... 854/2380
2Ki_6:24..........went/up and besieged Samaria And there/was 855/2380
2Ki_7:5...........rose/up in the twilight/to 856/2380 their women/with.. 857/2380
2Ki_9:1...........Gird/up thy loins and take this/box 858/2380
2Ki_9:2..........arise/up from among his/brethren 859/2380
2Ki_9:8...........shut/up and left in Israel And I/will 860/2380
2Ki_9:25..........Take/up and cast him in/the 861/2380
2Ki_9:27.........going/up to Gur/which...... 862/2380
2Ki_9:32........lifted/up his face/to....... 863/2380
2Ki_10:1.......brought/up Ahab's/children... 864/2380
2Ki_10:5......bringers/up of the children/sent 865/2380
2Ki_10:6..........them/up And it came/to.... 866/2380
2Ki_10:15..........him/up to him into/the... 867/2380
2Ki_12:10.........came/up and they put/up... 868/2380
2Ki_12:10..........put/up in bags/and....... 869/2380
2Ki_12:17.........went/up and fought/against 870/2380
2Ki_12:17...........go/up to Jerusalem And Jehoash/king 871/2380
2Ki_13:21........stood/up on his/feet....... 872/2380
2Ki_14:10.........thee/up glory/of.......... 873/2380
2Ki_14:11.........went/up and he and/Amaziah 874/2380
2Ki_14:26.........shut/up nor any/left...... 875/2380
2Ki_15:14.........went/up from Tirzah/and... 876/2380
2Ki_15:16.......ripped/up In the nine/and... 877/2380
2Ki_16:5..........came/up to Jerusalem to war/and 878/2380
2Ki_16:7..........come/up and save me/out... 879/2380
2Ki_16:7..........rise/up against me And Ahaz/took 880/2380
2Ki_16:9..........went/up against Damascus/and 881/2380
2Ki_17:3..........came/up Shalmaneser/king.. 882/2380
2Ki_17:4...........him/up and bound/him..... 883/2380
2Ki_17:5..........came/up throughout/all.... 884/2380
2Ki_17:5..........went/up to Samaria/and.... 885/2380
2Ki_17:7..........them/up out of the land of Egypt from/under 886/2380
2Ki_17:10.........them/up images/and........ 887/2380 out of the land of Egypt with/great 888/2380
2Ki_18:9..........came/up against Samaria/and 889/2380
2Ki_18:13.........come/up against all the fenced/cities 890/2380
2Ki_18:17.........went/up and came to/Jerusalem 891/2380
2Ki_18:17.........come/up they came/and..... 892/2380
2Ki_18:25.........come/up without the LORD against this place/to 893/2380
2Ki_18:25...........Go/up against this land and destroy it Then said Eliakim the/son 894/2380
2Ki_19:4..........lift/up thy prayer for the remnant that are/left 895/2380
2Ki_19:14.........went/up into the house of the LORD and spread/it 896/2380
2Ki_19:22.......lifted/up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 897/2380
2Ki_19:23.........come/up to the height of the mountains to the sides of Lebanon and will/cut 898/2380
2Ki_19:24........dried/up all the rivers of besieged/places 899/2380
2Ki_19:26........grown/up But I know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore I/will 900/2380
2Ki_19:28.........come/up into mine ears therefore I/will 901/2380
2Ki_20:5............go/up unto the house of the LORD And I/will 902/2380
2Ki_20:8............go/up into the house of the LORD the/third 903/2380
2Ki_20:17.........laid/up in store unto/this 904/2380
2Ki_21:3.........built/up again the high/places 905/2380
2Ki_21:3........reared/up altars for Baal/and 906/2380
2Ki_22:4............Go/up to Hilkiah/the.... 907/2380
2Ki_23:2..........went/up into the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and all/the 908/2380
2Ki_23:9...........not/up to the altar/of... 909/2380
2Ki_23:29.........went/up against the king of Assyria/to 910/2380
2Ki_24:1..........came/up and Jehoiakim/became 911/2380
2Ki_24:10.........came/up against Jerusalem and the/city 912/2380
2Ki_25:4........broken/up and all the men of war fled by/night 913/2380
2Ki_25:6...........him/up to the king/of.... 914/2380
2Ki_25:27.........lift/up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out/of 915/2380
1Ch_5:26.......stirred/up the spirit of Pul/king 916/2380
1Ch_11:6.........first/up and was/chief..... 917/2380
1Ch_11:11.......lifted/up his spear against three hundred slain/by 918/2380
1Ch_11:20......lifting/up his spear against three hundred he/slew 919/2380
1Ch_13:6..........went/up and all Israel/to. 920/2380
1Ch_13:6.........bring/up thence the/ark.... 921/2380
1Ch_14:2........lifted/up on high because/of 922/2380
1Ch_14:8..........went/up to seek David And David heard of it and went out/against 923/2380
1Ch_14:10...........go/up against the Philistines/And 924/2380
1Ch_14:10...........Go/up for I will deliver/them 925/2380
1Ch_14:11.........came/up to Baalperazim/and 926/2380
1Ch_14:14..........not/up after them turn/away 927/2380
1Ch_15:3.........bring/up the ark of the LORD unto/his 928/2380
1Ch_15:12........bring/up the ark of the LORD God of Israel unto/the 929/2380
1Ch_15:14........bring/up the ark of the LORD God of Israel And/the 930/2380
1Ch_15:16......lifting/up the voice with joy/So 931/2380
1Ch_15:25........bring/up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house/of 932/2380
1Ch_15:28......brought/up the ark of the covenant of the LORD with/shouting 933/2380
1Ch_17:5.......brought/up Israel unto/this.. 934/2380
1Ch_17:11........raise/up thy seed after thee which shall be/of 935/2380
1Ch_21:1.........stood/up against Israel and provoked/David 936/2380
1Ch_21:16.......lifted/up his eyes and saw the angel/of 937/2380
1Ch_21:18...........go/up and set up/an..... 938/2380
1Ch_21:18..........set/up an altar unto/the. 939/2380
1Ch_21:19.........went/up at the saying/of.. 940/2380
1Ch_21:27..........put/up his sword/again... 941/2380
1Ch_25:5..........lift/up the horn And/God.. 942/2380
1Ch_26:16........going/up ward/against...... 943/2380
1Ch_28:2.........stood/up upon his feet/and. 944/2380
2Ch_1:4........brought/up from Kirjathjearim/to 945/2380
2Ch_1:6...........went/up thither to/the.... 946/2380
2Ch_1:17.......fetched/up and brought forth out/of 947/2380 to Jerusalem And Solomon/numbered 948/2380
2Ch_3:17........reared/up the pillars before/the 949/2380
2Ch_5:2..........bring/up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David which is Zion Wherefore/all 950/2380
2Ch_5:4...........took/up the ark And they brought up the ark and/the 951/2380
2Ch_5:5........brought/up the ark and the/tabernacle 952/2380
2Ch_5:5..........bring/up Also king/Solomon. 953/2380
2Ch_5:13........lifted/up their voice with/the 954/2380
2Ch_6:10.........risen/up in the room of David my father and am/set 955/2380
2Ch_6:26..........shut/up and there is no rain because they have sinned against thee yet/if 956/2380
2Ch_7:13..........shut/up heaven/that....... 957/2380
2Ch_7:20..........them/up by the roots out/of 958/2380
2Ch_8:11.......brought/up the daughter/of... 959/2380
2Ch_9:4...........went/up into the house of the LORD there/was 960/2380
2Ch_10:8.......brought/up with him that/stood 961/2380
2Ch_10:10......brought/up with him spake unto him saying Thus shalt thou answer/the 962/2380
2Ch_10:18..........him/up to his chariot to flee to Jerusalem And/Israel 963/2380
2Ch_11:4............go/up nor fight against your brethren return/every 964/2380
2Ch_12:2..........came/up against Jerusalem because/they 965/2380
2Ch_12:9..........came/up against Jerusalem and took/away 966/2380
2Ch_13:4.........stood/up upon mount/Zemaraim 967/2380
2Ch_13:6.........risen/up and hath rebelled/against 968/2380
2Ch_16:1..........came/up against Judah and built Ramah to/the 969/2380
2Ch_17:6........lifted/up in the ways/of.... 970/2380
2Ch_18:2............go/up with him to Ramothgilead/And 971/2380
2Ch_18:5............Go/up for God will/deliver 972/2380
2Ch_18:11...........Go/up to Ramothgilead and prosper for the LORD shall deliver it into the hand/of 973/2380 and prosper/and... 974/2380
2Ch_18:19...........go/up and fall at Ramothgilead And one spake/saying 975/2380
2Ch_18:28.........went/up to Ramothgilead And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and I/will 976/2380
2Ch_18:34......himself/up in his chariot against the Syrians until/the 977/2380
2Ch_20:16.........come/up by the cliff/of... 978/2380
2Ch_20:19........stood/up to praise/the..... 979/2380
2Ch_20:23........stood/up against the inhabitants/of 980/2380
2Ch_21:4.........risen/up to the kingdom/of. 981/2380
2Ch_21:9..........rose/up by night and/smote 982/2380
2Ch_21:16......stirred/up against Jehoram/the 983/2380
2Ch_21:17.........came/up into Judah/and.... 984/2380
2Ch_24:7........broken/up the house of God/and 985/2380
2Ch_24:23.........came/up against him and they/came 986/2380
2Ch_25:14.........them/up to be his/gods.... 987/2380
2Ch_25:19.........thee/up to boast/abide.... 988/2380
2Ch_25:21.........went/up and they saw/one.. 989/2380
2Ch_26:16.......lifted/up to his destruction/for 990/2380
2Ch_26:19.........rose/up in his forehead/before 991/2380
2Ch_28:9......reacheth/up unto heaven/And... 992/2380
2Ch_28:12........stood/up against them that/came 993/2380
2Ch_28:15.........rose/up and took the/captives 994/2380
2Ch_28:24.........shut/up the doors of the house/of 995/2380
2Ch_29:7..........shut/up the doors of the porch/and 996/2380
2Ch_29:20.........went/up to the house of the LORD And/they 997/2380
2Ch_30:7..........them/up to desolation/as.. 998/2380
2Ch_30:27.........came/up to his holy/dwelling 999/2380
2Ch_32:5.........built/up all the wall/that 1000/2380 to the towers/and 1001/2380
2Ch_32:25.......lifted/up therefore there/was 1002/2380
2Ch_33:3........reared/up altars for Baalim/and 1003/2380 a very/great..... 1004/2380
2Ch_33:19..........set/up groves/and....... 1005/2380
2Ch_34:30.........went/up into the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and the/inhabitants 1006/2380
2Ch_35:20.........came/up to fight against Charchemish/by 1007/2380
2Ch_36:6..........came/up Nebuchadnezzar/king 1008/2380
2Ch_36:15.......rising/up betimes and/sending 1009/2380
2Ch_36:22......stirred/up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia All/the 1010/2380
2Ch_36:23...........go/up Now in/the....... 1011/2380
Ezr_1:1........stirred/up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia The/LORD 1012/2380
Ezr_1:3.............go/up to Jerusalem which/is 1013/2380
Ezr_1:5...........rose/up the chief/of..... 1014/2380
Ezr_1:5.............go/up to build/the..... 1015/2380
Ezr_1:11.........bring/up with them of/the. 1016/2380
Ezr_1:11.......brought/up from Babylon unto/Jerusalem 1017/2380
Ezr_2:1...........went/up out of the captivity of those which/had 1018/2380
Ezr_2:59..........went/up from Telmelah/Telharsa 1019/2380
Ezr_2:63.........stood/up a priest with Urim and with/Thummim 1020/2380 in his place/They 1021/2380
Ezr_3:2..........stood/up Jeshua/the....... 1022/2380 hither But/Zerubbabel 1023/2380
Ezr_4:12..........came/up from thee/to..... 1024/2380
Ezr_4:12...........set/up the walls/thereof 1025/2380
Ezr_4:13...........set/up again then/will.. 1026/2380
Ezr_4:16...........set/up by this/means.... 1027/2380
Ezr_4:23..........went/up in haste to/Jerusalem 1028/2380
Ezr_5:2...........rose/up Zerubbabel/the... 1029/2380
Ezr_5:3...........make/up this wall/Then... 1030/2380
Ezr_5:9...........make/up these walls/We... 1031/2380
Ezr_5:11...........set/up But after/that... 1032/2380
Ezr_6:1...........laid/up in Babylon/And... 1033/2380
Ezr_6:11...........set/up let him/be....... 1034/2380
Ezr_7:6...........went/up from Babylon and he/was 1035/2380
Ezr_7:7...........went/up some of/the...... 1036/2380
Ezr_7:9.............go/up from Babylon and on/the 1037/2380
Ezr_7:13............go/up to Jerusalem go/with 1038/2380
Ezr_7:28............go/up with me These/are 1039/2380
Ezr_8:1...........went/up with me from/Babylon 1040/2380
Ezr_9:5..........arose/up from my/heaviness 1041/2380
Ezr_9:6...........lift/up my face to thee/my 1042/2380
Ezr_9:6..........grown/up unto the heavens/Since 1043/2380
Ezr_9:9............set/up the house of our/God 1044/2380
Ezr_10:6..........rose/up from before the/house 1045/2380
Ezr_10:10........stood/up and said unto them Ye/have 1046/2380
Neh_2:1...........took/up the wine/and..... 1047/2380
Neh_2:15.............I/up in the night by/the 1048/2380 the wall/of...... 1049/2380
Neh_2:18..........rise/up and build/So..... 1050/2380
Neh_3:1...........rose/up with his brethren the/priests 1051/2380
Neh_3:1............set/up the doors of it/even 1052/2380
Neh_3:3............set/up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof And next/unto 1053/2380
Neh_3:6............set/up the doors thereof and/the 1054/2380
Neh_3:13...........set/up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and a/thousand 1055/2380
Neh_3:14...........set/up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof But/the 1056/2380
Neh_3:15...........set/up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and the/wall 1057/2380
Neh_3:19.........going/up to the armoury/at 1058/2380
Neh_3:31.........going/up of the corner And/between 1059/2380
Neh_3:32.........going/up of the corner unto/the 1060/2380
Neh_4:3.............go/up he shall even/break 1061/2380
Neh_4:7...........made/up and that/the..... 1062/2380
Neh_4:14..........rose/up and said unto the/nobles 1063/2380
Neh_5:2...........take/up corn for/them.... 1064/2380
Neh_6:1............set/up the doors upon/the 1065/2380
Neh_6:10..........shut/up and he said Let/us 1066/2380
Neh_7:1............set/up the doors and/the 1067/2380
Neh_7:5...........came/up at the first/and. 1068/2380
Neh_7:6...........went/up out of the captivity of those that/had 1069/2380
Neh_7:61..........went/up also from/Telmelah 1070/2380
Neh_7:65.........stood/up a priest with Urim and Thummim/The 1071/2380
Neh_8:5..........stood/up And Ezra/blessed. 1072/2380
Neh_8:6........lifting/up their hands/and.. 1073/2380
Neh_9:3..........stood/up in their place/and 1074/2380
Neh_9:4..........stood/up upon the stairs/of 1075/2380
Neh_9:5..........Stand/up and bless/the.... 1076/2380
Neh_9:18..........thee/up out of Egypt and had/wrought 1077/2380
Neh_10:38........bring/up the tithe/of..... 1078/2380
Neh_12:1..........went/up with Zerubbabel/the 1079/2380
Neh_12:31......brought/up the princes of/Judah 1080/2380
Neh_12:37.........went/up by the stairs/of. 1081/2380
Neh_12:37........going/up of the wall/above 1082/2380
Est_2:7........brought/up Hadassah/that.... 1083/2380
Est_2:20.......brought/up with him In/those 1084/2380
Est_5:9............not/up nor moved/for.... 1085/2380
Est_7:7..........stood/up to make request/for 1086/2380
Job_1:5...........rose/up early in the morning and offered/burnt 1087/2380
Job_1:7........walking/up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 1088/2380
Job_1:16........burned/up the sheep/and.... 1089/2380
Job_2:2........walking/up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 1090/2380
Job_2:12........lifted/up their eyes afar/off 1091/2380
Job_2:12........lifted/up their voice and wept and they rent/every 1092/2380
Job_3:8..........raise/up their mourning/Let 1093/2380
Job_3:10...........not/up the doors of my/mother's 1094/2380
Job_3:11..........give/up the ghost when/I. 1095/2380
Job_4:15.........stood/up It stood/still... 1096/2380
Job_5:5.........eateth/up and taketh/it.... 1097/2380
Job_5:5.....swalloweth/up their substance/Although 1098/2380
Job_5:11...........set/up on high those/that 1099/2380
Job_5:18.......bindeth/up he woundeth/and.. 1100/2380
Job_6:3......swallowed/up For the arrows/of 1101/2380
Job_6:4.......drinketh/up my spirit/the.... 1102/2380
Job_7:9...........come/up no more He/shall. 1103/2380
Job_8:11..........grow/up without mire/can. 1104/2380
Job_9:7........sealeth/up the stars/Which.. 1105/2380
Job_10:15.........lift/up my head/I........ 1106/2380
Job_10:18........given/up the ghost and no/eye 1107/2380
Job_11:10.........shut/up or gather/together 1108/2380
Job_11:15.........lift/up thy face without/spot 1109/2380 of the ghost/And. 1110/2380
Job_12:14.....shutteth/up a man/and........ 1111/2380
Job_12:15..........dry/up also he/sendeth.. 1112/2380
Job_13:19.........give/up the ghost Only/do 1113/2380
Job_14:10.......giveth/up the ghost and where/is 1114/2380
Job_14:11.......drieth/up So man/lieth..... 1115/2380
Job_14:17.......sealed/up in a bag/and..... 1116/2380
Job_14:17.......sewest/up mine iniquity/And 1117/2380
Job_15:30..........dry/up his branches/and. 1118/2380
Job_16:4..........heap/up words/against.... 1119/2380
Job_16:8........rising/up in me/beareth.... 1120/2380 for his/mark..... 1121/2380
Job_17:8..........stir/up himself against/the 1122/2380
Job_18:16........dried/up beneath/and...... 1123/2380
Job_19:8........fenced/up my way/that...... 1124/2380
Job_19:12........raise/up their way/against 1125/2380
Job_20:6.........mount/up to the heavens/and 1126/2380
Job_20:15.........them/up again God/shall.. 1127/2380
Job_20:27.........rise/up against him The/increase 1128/2380
Job_21:19.......layeth/up his iniquity/for. 1129/2380
Job_22:22..........lay/up his words/in..... 1130/2380
Job_22:23........built/up thou shalt put/away 1131/2380
Job_22:24..........lay/up gold/as.......... 1132/2380
Job_22:26.........lift/up thy face unto/God 1133/2380
Job_22:29......lifting/up and he shall save/the 1134/2380
Job_24:22.......riseth/up and no/man....... 1135/2380
Job_26:8.......bindeth/up the waters in/his 1136/2380
Job_27:7........riseth/up against me as/the 1137/2380
Job_27:16.........heap/up silver as the dust and prepare/raiment 1138/2380
Job_28:4.........dried/up they are gone/away 1139/2380
Job_28:5........turned/up as it/were....... 1140/2380
Job_29:8.........stood/up The princes refrained/talking 1141/2380
Job_30:4...........cut/up mallows/by....... 1142/2380
Job_30:12........raise/up against me the ways/of 1143/2380
Job_30:20........stand/up and thou regardest/me 1144/2380 to the wind/thou. 1145/2380
Job_30:28........stood/up and I cried/in... 1146/2380
Job_31:14.......riseth/up and when he visiteth/what 1147/2380
Job_31:18......brought/up with me as/with.. 1148/2380
Job_31:21.......lifted/up my hand against/the 1149/2380
Job_31:29.......lifted/up myself when/evil. 1150/2380
Job_33:5.........stand/up Behold I am/according 1151/2380
Job_34:7......drinketh/up scorning/like.... 1152/2380
Job_36:13.........heap/up wrath/they....... 1153/2380
Job_37:7.......sealeth/up the hand/of...... 1154/2380
Job_37:20....swallowed/up And now/men...... 1155/2380
Job_38:3..........Gird/up now thy/loins.... 1156/2380
Job_38:8..........shut/up the sea with/doors 1157/2380
Job_38:10........brake/up for it my/decreed 1158/2380
Job_38:34.........lift/up thy voice to/the. 1159/2380
Job_39:4..........grow/up with corn/they... 1160/2380
Job_39:18......lifteth/up herself on/high.. 1161/2380
Job_39:27........mount/up at thy/command... 1162/2380
Job_39:30.........suck/up blood/and........ 1163/2380
Job_40:7..........Gird/up thy loins now/like 1164/2380
Job_40:23.....drinketh/up a river/and...... 1165/2380
Job_40:23.........draw/up Jordan/into...... 1166/2380
Job_41:10..........him/up who then/is...... 1167/2380
Job_41:15.........shut/up together as/with. 1168/2380
Job_41:25......raiseth/up himself the mighty/are 1169/2380
Job_42:8.........offer/up for yourselves a/burnt 1170/2380
Psa_3:1...........rise/up against me Many/there 1171/2380
Psa_3:3.........lifter/up of mine/head..... 1172/2380
Psa_4:6...........thou/up the light/of..... 1173/2380
Psa_5:3...........look/up For thou/art..... 1174/2380
Psa_7:6...........lift/up thyself because/of 1175/2380 from the gates/of 1176/2380
Psa_10:12.........lift/up thine hand/forget 1177/2380 my people as they eat bread and/call 1178/2380
Psa_15:3........taketh/up a reproach/against 1179/2380
Psa_16:4..........take/up their names/into. 1180/2380
Psa_17:5..........Hold/up my goings/in..... 1181/2380
Psa_17:7..........rise/up against them Keep/me 1182/2380
Psa_18:8..........went/up a smoke out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth devoured coals were kindled by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly yea/he 1183/2380 and thy/gentleness 1184/2380
Psa_18:39.........rose/up against me Thou hast also/given 1185/2380 above those/that. 1186/2380
Psa_18:48.........rise/up against me thou hast delivered me from the violent man Therefore will/I 1187/2380
Psa_20:5...........set/up our banners/the.. 1188/2380
Psa_21:9..........them/up in his wrath/and. 1189/2380
Psa_22:15........dried/up like a potsherd/and 1190/2380
Psa_24:4........lifted/up his soul/unto.... 1191/2380
Psa_24:7..........Lift/up your heads O ye gates and/be 1192/2380
Psa_24:7..........lift/up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in Who is this King of glory The LORD strong/and 1193/2380
Psa_24:9..........Lift/up your heads O ye gates even/lift 1194/2380
Psa_24:9..........them/up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in Who is this King of glory The LORD of/hosts 1195/2380
Psa_25:1..........lift/up my soul O/my..... 1196/2380 my flesh/they.... 1197/2380 upon a/rock...... 1198/2380
Psa_27:6........lifted/up above mine/enemies 1199/2380 Teach/me......... 1200/2380
Psa_27:12........risen/up against me and such/as 1201/2380
Psa_28:2..........lift/up my hands toward/thy 1202/2380
Psa_28:5..........them/up Blessed be/the... 1203/2380
Psa_28:9..........them/up for ever Give/unto 1204/2380 and hast/not..... 1205/2380
Psa_30:3.......brought/up my soul from/the. 1206/2380 into the hand of the enemy thou/hast 1207/2380
Psa_31:19.........laid/up for them that/fear 1208/2380
Psa_33:7........layeth/up the depth/in..... 1209/2380
Psa_35:2.........stand/up for mine/help.... 1210/2380
Psa_35:11.........rise/up they laid/to..... 1211/2380
Psa_35:23.........Stir/up thyself and/awake 1212/2380
Psa_35:25..........him/up Let them be/ashamed 1213/2380
Psa_39:6.......heapeth/up riches/and....... 1214/2380 also out/of...... 1215/2380
Psa_40:5......reckoned/up in order/unto.... 1216/2380
Psa_40:12.........look/up they are more/than 1217/2380
Psa_41:8..........rise/up no more Yea/mine. 1218/2380
Psa_41:9........lifted/up his heel against me But/thou 1219/2380 that I may requite/them 1220/2380
Psa_44:5..........rise/up against us For/I. 1221/2380
Psa_47:5..........gone/up with a/shout..... 1222/2380 my people as they eat bread they/have 1223/2380
Psa_54:3.........risen/up against me and oppressors/seek 1224/2380 he fighting/daily 1225/2380 for they/be...... 1226/2380 Selah/God........ 1227/2380
Psa_57:8.........Awake/up my glory/awake... 1228/2380
Psa_59:1..........rise/up against me Deliver/me 1229/2380
Psa_59:15.......wander/up and down for/meat 1230/2380
Psa_63:4..........lift/up my hands in/thy.. 1231/2380 and the reproaches/of 1232/2380 and let not/the.. 1233/2380 on high I/will... 1234/2380
Psa_71:6........holden/up from the womb/thou 1235/2380 again from/the... 1236/2380
Psa_74:3..........Lift/up thy feet/unto.... 1237/2380
Psa_74:4...........set/up their ensigns/for 1238/2380
Psa_74:5........lifted/up axes/upon........ 1239/2380
Psa_74:8........burned/up all the synagogues/of 1240/2380
Psa_74:15......driedst/up mighty/rivers.... 1241/2380
Psa_74:23.........rise/up against thee increaseth/continually 1242/2380
Psa_75:3..........bear/up the pillars of/it 1243/2380
Psa_75:4...........not/up the horn Lift/not 1244/2380
Psa_75:5...........not/up your horn/on..... 1245/2380
Psa_75:7.......setteth/up another For/in... 1246/2380
Psa_77:9..........shut/up his tender/mercies 1247/2380
Psa_78:21.........came/up against Israel Because/they 1248/2380
Psa_78:38.........stir/up all his/wrath.... 1249/2380
Psa_78:48.........gave/up their cattle/also 1250/2380
Psa_80:2..........stir/up thy strength/and. 1251/2380
Psa_81:3..........Blow/up the trumpet/in... 1252/2380
Psa_81:12.........them/up unto their/own... 1253/2380
Psa_83:2........lifted/up the head They/have 1254/2380
Psa_86:4..........lift/up my soul For/thou. 1255/2380
Psa_87:6.......writeth/up the people that/this 1256/2380
Psa_88:8..........shut/up and I cannot/come 1257/2380
Psa_88:15........youth/up while/I.......... 1258/2380
Psa_89:2.........built/up for ever thy/faithfulness 1259/2380 thy throne/to.... 1260/2380
Psa_89:42..........set/up the right hand/of 1261/2380
Psa_90:5.......groweth/up In the morning it/flourisheth 1262/2380
Psa_90:6.......groweth/up in the evening/it 1263/2380
Psa_91:12.........thee/up in their hands/lest 1264/2380
Psa_92:11.........rise/up against me The righteous/shall 1265/2380
Psa_93:3........lifted/up O LORD/the....... 1266/2380
Psa_93:3........lifted/up their voice the floods/lift 1267/2380
Psa_93:3..........lift/up their waves/The.. 1268/2380
Psa_94:2..........Lift/up thyself thou/judge 1269/2380
Psa_94:16.........rise/up for me against the evildoers/or 1270/2380
Psa_94:16........stand/up for me against the workers/of 1271/2380 In the multitude/of 1272/2380
Psa_97:3.......burneth/up his enemies/round 1273/2380 and cast me down/My 1274/2380 Zion he/shall.... 1275/2380
Psa_104:8...........go/up by the mountains/they 1276/2380 all the herbs/in. 1277/2380
Psa_106:9........dried/up so he/led........ 1278/2380
Psa_106:17...swallowed/up Dathan/and....... 1279/2380
Psa_106:18......burned/up the wicked/They.. 1280/2380
Psa_106:26......lifted/up his hand against them/to 1281/2380
Psa_106:30.......stood/up Phinehas/and..... 1282/2380
Psa_107:25.....lifteth/up the waves/thereof 1283/2380
Psa_107:26.......mount/up to the heaven/they 1284/2380
Psa_109:23......tossed/up and down as the/locust 1285/2380
Psa_110:7.........lift/up the head Praise/ye 1286/2380
Psa_113:7......raiseth/up the poor out of the dust and lifteth the/needy 1287/2380
Psa_119:48........lift/up unto thy commandments/which 1288/2380 and I shall/be... 1289/2380
Psa_121:1.........lift/up mine eyes unto the/hills 1290/2380
Psa_122:4...........go/up the tribes of the/LORD 1291/2380
Psa_123:1............I/up mine eyes O/thou. 1292/2380
Psa_124:2.........rose/up against us Then/they 1293/2380 quick/when....... 1294/2380
Psa_127:2.........rise/up early to sit/up.. 1295/2380
Psa_127:2..........sit/up late/to.......... 1296/2380
Psa_129:6......groweth/up Wherewith/the.... 1297/2380
Psa_132:3...........go/up into my/bed...... 1298/2380
Psa_134:2.........Lift/up your hands/in.... 1299/2380
Psa_139:8.......ascend/up into heaven thou/art 1300/2380
Psa_139:21........rise/up against thee I/hate 1301/2380
Psa_140:10.........not/up again Let/not.... 1302/2380
Psa_141:2......lifting/up of my/hands...... 1303/2380
Psa_143:8.........lift/up my soul unto/thee 1304/2380
Psa_144:12.......grown/up in their youth/that 1305/2380
Psa_145:14.....raiseth/up all those/that... 1306/2380 Jerusalem/he..... 1307/2380
Psa_147:3......bindeth/up their wounds/He.. 1308/2380
Psa_147:6......lifteth/up the meek/he...... 1309/2380
Pro_1:12..........them/up alive/as......... 1310/2380
Pro_2:3........liftest/up thy voice for/understanding 1311/2380
Pro_2:7.........layeth/up sound/wisdom..... 1312/2380
Pro_3:20........broken/up and the clouds/drop 1313/2380
Pro_7:1............lay/up my commandments/with 1314/2380
Pro_8:23...........set/up from everlasting/from 1315/2380
Pro_8:30.......brought/up with him and I/was 1316/2380
Pro_10:12.....stirreth/up strifes/but...... 1317/2380
Pro_10:14..........lay/up knowledge/but.... 1318/2380
Pro_13:22.........laid/up for the just/Much 1319/2380
Pro_15:1..........stir/up anger/The........ 1320/2380
Pro_15:18.....stirreth/up strife but he that is/slow 1321/2380
Pro_16:27......diggeth/up evil and/in...... 1322/2380 He that/followeth 1323/2380
Pro_22:6.........Train/up a child/in....... 1324/2380
Pro_23:8.........vomit/up and lose/thy..... 1325/2380
Pro_24:16.......riseth/up again but/the.... 1326/2380
Pro_25:7..........Come/up hither than/that. 1327/2380
Pro_26:9.........goeth/up into the hand of a/drunkard 1328/2380
Pro_26:24.......layeth/up deceit/within.... 1329/2380
Pro_28:25.....stirreth/up strife but he that putteth/his 1330/2380
Pro_29:21.....bringeth/up his servant/from. 1331/2380
Pro_29:22.....stirreth/up strife and a/furious 1332/2380
Pro_30:4......ascended/up into heaven or/descended 1333/2380
Pro_30:13.......lifted/up There is/a....... 1334/2380
Pro_30:31.......rising/up If thou/hast..... 1335/2380
Pro_30:32......lifting/up thyself or/if.... 1336/2380
Pro_31:28........arise/up and call/her..... 1337/2380
Ecc_2:26..........heap/up that he/may...... 1338/2380
Ecc_3:2..........pluck/up that which is planted/A 1339/2380 A time/to........ 1340/2380
Ecc_4:10..........lift/up his fellow/but... 1341/2380
Ecc_4:10...........him/up Again if/two..... 1342/2380
Ecc_4:15.........stand/up in his stead/There 1343/2380
Ecc_10:4..........rise/up against thee leave/not 1344/2380
Ecc_10:12......swallow/up himself The beginning/of 1345/2380
Ecc_12:4..........rise/up at the voice/of.. 1346/2380
Son_2:7............not/up nor awake my love till he please The/voice 1347/2380
Son_2:10..........Rise/up my love/my....... 1348/2380
Son_3:5............not/up nor awake my love till he please Who/is 1349/2380
Son_4:2...........came/up from the washing whereof every one bear/twins 1350/2380
Son_4:12..........shut/up a fountain/sealed 1351/2380
Son_5:5...........rose/up to open/to....... 1352/2380
Son_6:6.............go/up from the washing whereof every one beareth/twins 1353/2380
Son_7:8.............go/up to the palm/tree. 1354/2380
Son_7:12...........get/up early to the/vineyards 1355/2380
Son_7:13..........laid/up for thee/O....... 1356/2380
Son_8:4............not/up nor awake my love until/he 1357/2380
Son_8:5.........cometh/up from the wilderness leaning/upon 1358/2380
Son_8:5...........thee/up under/the........ 1359/2380
Isa_1:2........brought/up children and/they 1360/2380
Isa_1:6..........bound/up neither mollified/with 1361/2380
Isa_2:3.............go/up to the mountain of the LORD to/the 1362/2380
Isa_2:4...........lift/up sword/against.... 1363/2380
Isa_2:12........lifted/up and he shall be/brought 1364/2380
Isa_2:13........lifted/up and upon all/the. 1365/2380
Isa_2:14........lifted/up And upon every/high 1366/2380
Isa_3:13......standeth/up to plead/and..... 1367/2380
Isa_3:14.........eaten/up the vineyard/the. 1368/2380
Isa_5:5..........eaten/up and break/down... 1369/2380
Isa_5:6...........come/up briers/and....... 1370/2380
Isa_5:11..........rise/up early in the morning that/they 1371/2380
Isa_5:13.........dried/up with thirst/Therefore 1372/2380
Isa_5:24............go/up as dust/because.. 1373/2380
Isa_5:26..........lift/up an ensign to/the. 1374/2380
Isa_6:1.........lifted/up and his train/filled 1375/2380
Isa_7:1...........went/up toward Jerusalem/to 1376/2380
Isa_7:6.............go/up against Judah and vex/it 1377/2380
Isa_8:7.......bringeth/up upon them the/waters 1378/2380
Isa_8:7...........come/up over all his/channels 1379/2380
Isa_8:16..........Bind/up the testimony/seal 1380/2380
Isa_9:11...........set/up the adversaries/of 1381/2380
Isa_9:18.........mount/up like the lifting/up 1382/2380
Isa_9:18.......lifting/up of smoke/Through. 1383/2380 or as/if......... 1384/2380
Isa_10:15.........lift/up itself as/if..... 1385/2380
Isa_10:24.........lift/up his staff/against 1386/2380
Isa_10:26.........stir/up a scourge/for.... 1387/2380 after the/manner. 1388/2380
Isa_10:28.........laid/up his carriages/They 1389/2380
Isa_10:29........taken/up their lodging/at. 1390/2380
Isa_10:30.........Lift/up thy voice O/daughter 1391/2380
Isa_11:12..........set/up an ensign for/the 1392/2380
Isa_11:16.........came/up out of the land of Egypt And in/that 1393/2380 a banner/upon.... 1394/2380
Isa_13:14.......taketh/up they shall every/man 1395/2380
Isa_13:17.........stir/up the Medes/against 1396/2380
Isa_14:4..........take/up this proverb/against 1397/2380
Isa_14:8..........come/up against us Hell/from 1398/2380
Isa_14:9......stirreth/up the dead for/thee 1399/2380
Isa_14:9........raised/up from their/thrones 1400/2380
Isa_14:22.........rise/up against them saith/the 1401/2380
Isa_15:2..........gone/up to Bajith/and.... 1402/2380
Isa_15:5......mounting/up of Luhith with/weeping 1403/2380 for in the way/of 1404/2380
Isa_15:5.........raise/up a cry of/destruction 1405/2380
Isa_15:7..........laid/up shall they carry/away 1406/2380
Isa_18:3.......lifteth/up an ensign on/the. 1407/2380
Isa_19:5.........dried/up And they shall turn/the 1408/2380
Isa_19:6.........dried/up the reeds/and.... 1409/2380
Isa_21:2............Go/up O Elam/besiege... 1410/2380
Isa_22:1..........gone/up to the housetops/Thou 1411/2380
Isa_23:4.......nourish/up young/men........ 1412/2380
Isa_23:4.........bring/up virgins/As....... 1413/2380
Isa_23:13..........set/up the towers/thereof 1414/2380
Isa_23:13.......raised/up the palaces/thereof 1415/2380
Isa_23:18.........laid/up for her/merchandise 1416/2380
Isa_24:10.........shut/up that no/man...... 1417/2380
Isa_24:14.........lift/up their voice they/shall 1418/2380
Isa_24:18.......cometh/up out of the midst of the/pit 1419/2380
Isa_24:22.........shut/up in the prison/and 1420/2380
Isa_25:8.......swallow/up death/in......... 1421/2380
Isa_26:11.......lifted/up they will/not.... 1422/2380
Isa_27:9.........stand/up Yet the/defenced. 1423/2380 In that/day...... 1424/2380
Isa_28:7.....swallowed/up of wine/they..... 1425/2380
Isa_28:21.........rise/up as in/mount...... 1426/2380
Isa_30:26......bindeth/up the breach/of.... 1427/2380
Isa_32:9..........Rise/up ye women/that.... 1428/2380
Isa_32:13.........come/up thorns/and....... 1429/2380
Isa_33:3.......lifting/up of thyself/the... 1430/2380
Isa_33:10.........lift/up myself Ye/shall.. 1431/2380
Isa_33:12..........cut/up shall they be/burned 1432/2380
Isa_34:3..........come/up out of their carcases/and 1433/2380
Isa_34:10...........go/up for ever from/generation 1434/2380
Isa_34:13.........come/up in her palaces/nettles 1435/2380
Isa_35:9............go/up thereon/it....... 1436/2380
Isa_36:1..........came/up against all the defenced/cities 1437/2380
Isa_36:10.........come/up without the LORD against this land/to 1438/2380
Isa_36:10...........Go/up against this land and destroy it Then said Eliakim and/Shebna 1439/2380
Isa_37:4..........lift/up thy prayer for the remnant that is/left 1440/2380
Isa_37:14.........went/up unto the house of the LORD and spread/it 1441/2380
Isa_37:23.......lifted/up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 1442/2380
Isa_37:24.........come/up to the height of the mountains to the sides of Lebanon and I/will 1443/2380
Isa_37:25........dried/up all the rivers of the/besieged 1444/2380
Isa_37:27........grown/up But I know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore will/I 1445/2380
Isa_37:29.........come/up into mine ears therefore will/I 1446/2380
Isa_38:22...........go/up to the house of the LORD At/that 1447/2380
Isa_39:6..........laid/up in store until/this 1448/2380
Isa_40:9..........thee/up into the high mountain/O 1449/2380
Isa_40:9..........lift/up thy voice with/strength 1450/2380 be/not........... 1451/2380
Isa_40:15.......taketh/up the isles/as..... 1452/2380
Isa_40:26.........Lift/up your eyes on/high 1453/2380
Isa_40:31........mount/up with wings/as.... 1454/2380
Isa_41:2........raised/up the righteous/man 1455/2380
Isa_41:25.......raised/up one from/the..... 1456/2380
Isa_42:2..........lift/up nor cause/his.... 1457/2380
Isa_42:11.........lift/up their voice the villages/that 1458/2380
Isa_42:13.........stir/up jealousy/like.... 1459/2380
Isa_42:15..........dry/up all their/herbs.. 1460/2380
Isa_42:15..........dry/up the pools/And.... 1461/2380
Isa_43:6..........Give/up and to the/south. 1462/2380
Isa_44:4........spring/up as among/the..... 1463/2380
Isa_44:11........stand/up yet they/shall... 1464/2380
Isa_44:26........raise/up the decayed/places 1465/2380
Isa_44:27..........dry/up thy rivers/That.. 1466/2380
Isa_45:8........spring/up together I/the... 1467/2380
Isa_45:13..........him/up in righteousness/and 1468/2380
Isa_45:20..........set/up the wood/of...... 1469/2380
Isa_47:13........stand/up and save thee/from 1470/2380
Isa_48:13........stand/up together All/ye.. 1471/2380
Isa_49:6.........raise/up the tribes of Jacob/and 1472/2380
Isa_49:18.........Lift/up thine eyes round about and behold/all 1473/2380
Isa_49:19.........thee/up shall be far/away 1474/2380
Isa_49:21......brought/up these Behold/I... 1475/2380
Isa_49:22.........lift/up mine hand to the/Gentiles 1476/2380
Isa_49:22..........set/up my standard/to... 1477/2380
Isa_49:23.........lick/up the dust/of...... 1478/2380
Isa_50:2...........dry/up the sea I/make... 1479/2380
Isa_50:9..........them/up Who is among/you. 1480/2380
Isa_51:6..........Lift/up your eyes to/the. 1481/2380
Isa_51:8..........them/up like a garment/and 1482/2380
Isa_51:17........stand/up O Jerusalem/which 1483/2380
Isa_51:18......brought/up These two/things. 1484/2380
Isa_52:8..........lift/up the voice with the/voice 1485/2380
Isa_53:2..........grow/up before him/as.... 1486/2380
Isa_55:13.........come/up the fir/tree..... 1487/2380
Isa_55:13.........come/up the myrtle/tree.. 1488/2380
Isa_57:7..........thou/up to offer sacrifice/Behind 1489/2380
Isa_57:8...........set/up thy remembrance/for 1490/2380
Isa_57:8..........gone/up thou hast enlarged/thy 1491/2380 cast ye/up....... 1492/2380 prepare/the...... 1493/2380
Isa_57:14.........take/up the stumblingblock/out 1494/2380
Isa_57:20.........cast/up mire/and......... 1495/2380
Isa_58:1..........lift/up thy voice like/a. 1496/2380
Isa_58:12........raise/up the foundations/of 1497/2380
Isa_59:19.........lift/up a standard against/him 1498/2380
Isa_60:4..........Lift/up thine eyes round about and see/all 1499/2380
Isa_60:7..........come/up with acceptance/on 1500/2380 thy walls/and.... 1501/2380
Isa_61:1..........bind/up the brokenhearted/to 1502/2380
Isa_61:4.........raise/up the former/desolations 1503/2380
Isa_62:10.........cast/up cast up/the...... 1504/2380
Isa_62:10.........cast/up the highway/gather 1505/2380
Isa_62:10.........lift/up a standard for/the 1506/2380
Isa_63:11.........them/up out of the sea with/the 1507/2380
Isa_64:7......stirreth/up himself to/take.. 1508/2380
Isa_64:11.......burned/up with fire/and.... 1509/2380
Jer_1:17..........gird/up thy loins and arise/and 1510/2380 out of the land of Egypt that/led 1511/2380
Jer_2:24......snuffeth/up the wind at/her.. 1512/2380
Jer_3:2...........Lift/up thine eyes unto the/high 1513/2380
Jer_3:6...........gone/up upon every/high.. 1514/2380
Jer_4:3..........Break/up your fallow ground and/sow 1515/2380
Jer_4:6............Set/up the standard toward/Zion 1516/2380
Jer_4:7...........come/up from his/thicket. 1517/2380
Jer_4:13..........come/up as clouds/and.... 1518/2380
Jer_4:29.........climb/up upon the rocks/every 1519/2380 upon her/walls... 1520/2380 thine harvest/and 1521/2380 thy flocks/and... 1522/2380 thy vines/and.... 1523/2380
Jer_6:1............set/up a sign of/fire... 1524/2380
Jer_6:4.............go/up at noon/Woe...... 1525/2380
Jer_7:13........rising/up early and speaking/but 1526/2380
Jer_7:16..........lift/up cry/nor.......... 1527/2380
Jer_7:25........rising/up early and sending them Yet/they 1528/2380
Jer_7:29..........take/up a lamentation on/high 1529/2380
Jer_9:10..........take/up a weeping/and.... 1530/2380
Jer_9:10........burned/up so that none/can. 1531/2380
Jer_9:12........burned/up like a wilderness/that 1532/2380
Jer_9:18..........take/up a wailing/for.... 1533/2380
Jer_9:21..........come/up into our/windows. 1534/2380
Jer_10:17.......Gather/up thy wares/out.... 1535/2380
Jer_10:20..........set/up my curtains/For.. 1536/2380
Jer_10:25........eaten/up Jacob/and........ 1537/2380
Jer_11:7..........them/up out of the land of Egypt even/unto 1538/2380
Jer_11:13..........set/up altars to/that... 1539/2380
Jer_11:14.........lift/up a cry or/prayer.. 1540/2380
Jer_12:17........pluck/up and destroy/that. 1541/2380
Jer_13:19.........shut/up and none/shall... 1542/2380
Jer_13:20.........Lift/up your eyes and behold/them 1543/2380
Jer_14:2..........gone/up And their nobles/have 1544/2380
Jer_14:6.......snuffed/up the wind like/dragons 1545/2380
Jer_15:9.........given/up the ghost her/sun 1546/2380
Jer_16:14......brought/up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt But The LORD liveth that/brought 1547/2380
Jer_16:15......brought/up the children of Israel from/the 1548/2380
Jer_18:7.........pluck/up and to pull/down. 1549/2380
Jer_18:15.........cast/up To make their/land 1550/2380
Jer_18:21......deliver/up their children to/the 1551/2380
Jer_20:9..........shut/up in my bones/and.. 1552/2380
Jer_21:2............go/up from us Then/said 1553/2380
Jer_22:20...........Go/up to Lebanon/and... 1554/2380
Jer_22:20.........lift/up thy voice in/Bashan 1555/2380 all thy/pastors.. 1556/2380
Jer_23:4...........set/up shepherds/over... 1557/2380
Jer_23:7.......brought/up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt But The LORD liveth which/brought 1558/2380
Jer_23:8.......brought/up and which/led.... 1559/2380
Jer_23:10........dried/up and their course/is 1560/2380
Jer_24:6..........them/up And I will give/them 1561/2380
Jer_25:32.......raised/up from the coasts of the earth And/the 1562/2380
Jer_26:5........rising/up early and sending them but ye have/not 1563/2380
Jer_26:10.........came/up from the king's/house 1564/2380
Jer_26:17.........rose/up certain of the elders/of 1565/2380
Jer_27:22.........them/up and restore/them. 1566/2380 prophets/in...... 1567/2380
Jer_29:19.......rising/up early and sending them but ye would/not 1568/2380
Jer_29:22........taken/up a curse/by....... 1569/2380
Jer_30:9.........raise/up unto them Therefore/fear 1570/2380
Jer_30:13........bound/up thou hast no/healing 1571/2380
Jer_31:6............go/up to Zion/unto..... 1572/2380
Jer_31:21.........thee/up waymarks/make.... 1573/2380
Jer_31:28........pluck/up and to break/down 1574/2380
Jer_31:40......plucked/up nor thrown/down.. 1575/2380
Jer_32:2..........shut/up in the court of the prison which/was 1576/2380
Jer_32:3...........him/up saying Wherefore/dost 1577/2380
Jer_32:33.......rising/up early and teaching/them 1578/2380
Jer_33:1..........shut/up in the court of the prison saying Thus/saith 1579/2380
Jer_33:15.........grow/up unto David/and... 1580/2380
Jer_34:21.........gone/up from you Behold/I 1581/2380
Jer_35:11.........came/up into the land/that 1582/2380
Jer_35:15.......rising/up early and sending them saying/Return 1583/2380
Jer_36:5..........shut/up I cannot/go...... 1584/2380
Jer_36:20.........laid/up the roll/in...... 1585/2380
Jer_37:10.........rise/up every man in/his. 1586/2380
Jer_37:11.......broken/up from Jerusalem/for 1587/2380
Jer_38:10.........take/up Jeremiah the/prophet 1588/2380
Jer_38:13.........drew/up Jeremiah with/cords 1589/2380
Jer_38:13..........him/up out of the dungeon/and 1590/2380
Jer_39:2........broken/up And all the princes/of 1591/2380
Jer_39:5...........him/up to Nebuchadnezzar/king 1592/2380
Jer_39:15.........shut/up in the court of the prison saying Go/and 1593/2380 for I repent/me.. 1594/2380
Jer_45:4.........pluck/up even this/whole.. 1595/2380
Jer_46:4...........get/up ye horsemen/and.. 1596/2380
Jer_46:7........cometh/up as a flood/whose. 1597/2380
Jer_46:8........riseth/up like a flood/and. 1598/2380
Jer_46:8............go/up and will/cover... 1599/2380
Jer_46:9..........Come/up ye horses/and.... 1600/2380
Jer_46:11...........Go/up into Gilead/and.. 1601/2380
Jer_47:2..........rise/up out of the north/and 1602/2380
Jer_47:6...........put/up thyself into/thy. 1603/2380
Jer_48:5.........going/up of Luhith continual/weeping 1604/2380
Jer_48:5............go/up for in the going/down 1605/2380
Jer_48:15.........gone/up out of her/cities 1606/2380
Jer_48:44......getteth/up out of the pit/shall 1607/2380
Jer_49:5........gather/up him that wandereth/And 1608/2380
Jer_49:14.........rise/up to the battle/For 1609/2380
Jer_49:19.........come/up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against/the 1610/2380
Jer_49:22.........come/up and fly/as....... 1611/2380
Jer_49:28...........go/up to Kedar/and..... 1612/2380 unto the wealthy/nation 1613/2380
Jer_50:2...........set/up a standard publish/and 1614/2380
Jer_50:3........cometh/up a nation/against. 1615/2380
Jer_50:9..........come/up against Babylon an/assembly 1616/2380
Jer_50:21...........Go/up against the land/of 1617/2380
Jer_50:26..........her/up as heaps/and..... 1618/2380
Jer_50:32..........him/up and I will kindle/a 1619/2380
Jer_50:38........dried/up for it is/the.... 1620/2380
Jer_50:41.......raised/up from the coasts of the earth They/shall 1621/2380
Jer_50:44.........come/up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto/the 1622/2380
Jer_51:1.........raise/up against Babylon and/against 1623/2380
Jer_51:1..........rise/up against me a/destroying 1624/2380
Jer_51:3.......himself/up in his brigandine/and 1625/2380
Jer_51:9........lifted/up even to the/skies 1626/2380
Jer_51:11.......raised/up the spirit of the/kings 1627/2380
Jer_51:12..........Set/up the standard upon/the 1628/2380
Jer_51:12..........set/up the watchmen/prepare 1629/2380
Jer_51:14.........lift/up a shout/against.. 1630/2380 a standard in/the 1631/2380
Jer_51:27.........come/up as the rough/caterpillers 1632/2380 like a dragon/he. 1633/2380
Jer_51:36..........dry/up her sea/and...... 1634/2380
Jer_51:42.........come/up upon Babylon/she. 1635/2380
Jer_51:44....swallowed/up and the nations/shall 1636/2380
Jer_51:53........mount/up to heaven and though/she 1637/2380
Jer_52:7........broken/up and all the men of war fled and/went 1638/2380
Jer_52:9...........him/up unto the king/of. 1639/2380
Jer_52:31.......lifted/up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah and/brought 1640/2380
Lam_1:14..........come/up upon my neck/he.. 1641/2380
Lam_1:14..........rise/up The LORD hath/trodden 1642/2380
Lam_1:19..........gave/up the ghost in/the. 1643/2380
Lam_2:2......swallowed/up all the habitations/of 1644/2380
Lam_2:5......swallowed/up Israel he/hath... 1645/2380
Lam_2:5......swallowed/up all her/palaces.. 1646/2380
Lam_2:7..........given/up into the hand of the enemy the/walls 1647/2380
Lam_2:10..........cast/up dust upon their heads they have/girded 1648/2380
Lam_2:16...........her/up certainly/this... 1649/2380
Lam_2:17...........set/up the horn of/thine 1650/2380
Lam_2:19..........lift/up thy hands/toward. 1651/2380
Lam_2:22.......brought/up hath/mine........ 1652/2380
Lam_3:41..........lift/up our heart/with... 1653/2380
Lam_3:62..........rose/up against me and their/device 1654/2380
Lam_3:63........rising/up I am their/musick 1655/2380
Lam_4:5........brought/up in scarlet/embrace 1656/2380
Lam_5:12........hanged/up by their/hand.... 1657/2380
Eze_1:13..........went/up and down among the living/creatures 1658/2380
Eze_1:19........lifted/up from the earth the wheels were lifted up Whithersoever/the 1659/2380
Eze_1:19........lifted/up Whithersoever/the 1660/2380
Eze_1:20........lifted/up over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels When/those 1661/2380
Eze_1:21........lifted/up from the earth the wheels were lifted up over/against 1662/2380
Eze_1:21........lifted/up over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels And/the 1663/2380 and I heard/behind 1664/2380 and took me/away. 1665/2380
Eze_4:14.........youth/up even till/now.... 1666/2380
Eze_7:11.........risen/up into a rod/of.... 1667/2380 between the earth/and 1668/2380
Eze_8:5...........lift/up thine eyes now/the 1669/2380
Eze_8:5.........lifted/up mine eyes the/way 1670/2380
Eze_8:11..........went/up Then said he/unto 1671/2380
Eze_9:3...........gone/up from the cherub whereupon/he 1672/2380
Eze_10:4..........went/up from the cherub and/stood 1673/2380
Eze_10:15.......lifted/up This is/the...... 1674/2380
Eze_10:16.......lifted/up their wings to/mount 1675/2380
Eze_10:16........mount/up from the earth the same/wheels 1676/2380
Eze_10:17.......lifted/up these lifted/up.. 1677/2380
Eze_10:17.......lifted/up themselves/also.. 1678/2380
Eze_10:19.......lifted/up their wings and mounted/up 1679/2380
Eze_10:19......mounted/up from the earth in/my 1680/2380 and brought me unto/the 1681/2380
Eze_11:22.........lift/up their wings and the/wheels 1682/2380
Eze_11:23.........went/up from the midst/of 1683/2380 and brought me in/a 1684/2380
Eze_11:24.........went/up from me/Then..... 1685/2380
Eze_13:5..........gone/up into the gaps/neither 1686/2380
Eze_13:5..........made/up the hedge for/the 1687/2380
Eze_13:10........built/up a wall/and....... 1688/2380
Eze_14:3...........set/up their idols/in... 1689/2380
Eze_14:4.......setteth/up his idols in his heart and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to the/prophet 1690/2380
Eze_14:7.......setteth/up his idols in his heart and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to a/prophet 1691/2380
Eze_16:40........bring/up a company against/thee 1692/2380
Eze_17:9..........pull/up the roots/thereof 1693/2380 by the roots thereof/Yea 1694/2380
Eze_17:14.......itself/up but that/by...... 1695/2380
Eze_17:17......casting/up mounts/and....... 1696/2380
Eze_17:24........dried/up the green/tree... 1697/2380
Eze_18:6........lifted/up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel neither/hath 1698/2380
Eze_18:12.......lifted/up his eyes to the idols hath/committed 1699/2380
Eze_18:15.......lifted/up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel hath/not 1700/2380
Eze_19:1..........thou/up a lamentation for the/princes 1701/2380
Eze_19:3.......brought/up one of her/whelps 1702/2380
Eze_19:6..........went/up and down among the lions/he 1703/2380
Eze_19:12......plucked/up in fury/she...... 1704/2380
Eze_19:12........dried/up her fruit/her.... 1705/2380
Eze_20:5........lifted/up mine hand unto the seed/of 1706/2380
Eze_20:5........lifted/up mine hand unto them saying/I 1707/2380
Eze_20:6........lifted/up mine hand unto them to/bring 1708/2380
Eze_20:15.......lifted/up my hand unto/them 1709/2380
Eze_20:23.......lifted/up mine hand unto them also/in 1710/2380
Eze_20:28.......lifted/up mine hand to give it to them/then 1711/2380
Eze_20:42.......lifted/up mine hand to give it to your/fathers 1712/2380
Eze_21:15......wrapped/up for the slaughter/Go 1713/2380
Eze_21:22.........lift/up the voice with shouting/to 1714/2380
Eze_22:30.........make/up the hedge and/stand 1715/2380
Eze_23:22........raise/up thy lovers/against 1716/2380
Eze_23:27.........lift/up thine eyes unto them/nor 1717/2380
Eze_23:46........bring/up a company upon/them 1718/2380
Eze_23:47.........burn/up their houses/with 1719/2380
Eze_24:8..........come/up to take/vengeance 1720/2380
Eze_26:3..........come/up against thee as/the 1721/2380
Eze_26:3..........come/up And they shall destroy/the 1722/2380
Eze_26:8..........lift/up the buckler/against 1723/2380
Eze_26:17.........take/up a lamentation for thee and say/to 1724/2380
Eze_26:19........bring/up the deep/upon.... 1725/2380
Eze_27:2..........take/up a lamentation for Tyrus/And 1726/2380
Eze_27:30.........cast/up dust upon their heads they shall/wallow 1727/2380
Eze_27:32.........take/up a lamentation for thee and lament/over 1728/2380
Eze_28:2........lifted/up and thou hast/said 1729/2380
Eze_28:5........lifted/up because of thy riches/Therefore 1730/2380
Eze_28:12.........take/up a lamentation upon/the 1731/2380
Eze_28:12......sealest/up the sum full/of.. 1732/2380
Eze_28:14.......walked/up and down in the/midst 1733/2380
Eze_28:17.......lifted/up because of thy beauty/thou 1734/2380
Eze_29:4..........thee/up out of the midst of thy/rivers 1735/2380
Eze_30:21........bound/up to be healed/to.. 1736/2380
Eze_31:4...........him/up on high with/her. 1737/2380
Eze_31:10.......lifted/up thyself in/height 1738/2380
Eze_31:10.........shot/up his top/among.... 1739/2380
Eze_31:10.......lifted/up in his height/I.. 1740/2380
Eze_31:14........shoot/up their top/among.. 1741/2380
Eze_31:14........stand/up in their height/all 1742/2380
Eze_32:2..........take/up a lamentation for Pharaoh/king 1743/2380
Eze_32:3..........thee/up in my net/Then... 1744/2380
Eze_33:25.........lift/up your eyes toward/your 1745/2380
Eze_34:4.........bound/up that which was broken neither/have 1746/2380
Eze_34:16.........bind/up that which was broken and/will 1747/2380
Eze_34:18........eaten/up the good/pasture. 1748/2380
Eze_34:23..........set/up one shepherd/over 1749/2380
Eze_34:29........raise/up for them a/plant. 1750/2380 on every/side.... 1751/2380
Eze_36:3.........taken/up in the lips/of... 1752/2380
Eze_36:7........lifted/up mine hand Surely/the 1753/2380
Eze_36:13....devourest/up men/and.......... 1754/2380
Eze_37:6.........bring/up flesh/upon....... 1755/2380
Eze_37:8..........came/up upon them and/the 1756/2380
Eze_37:10........stood/up upon their/feet.. 1757/2380
Eze_37:12.........come/up out of your graves and bring/you 1758/2380 out of your graves And shall/put 1759/2380
Eze_38:11...........go/up to the land/of... 1760/2380
Eze_38:16.........come/up against my people/of 1761/2380
Eze_38:18.........come/up in my face/For... 1762/2380
Eze_39:2..........come/up from the north/parts 1763/2380
Eze_39:15..........set/up a sign by/it..... 1764/2380
Eze_40:6..........went/up the stairs/thereof 1765/2380
Eze_40:22.........went/up unto it/by....... 1766/2380
Eze_40:26...........go/up to it and the/arches 1767/2380
Eze_40:31........going/up to it had eight steps And he brought me into/the 1768/2380
Eze_40:34........going/up to it had eight steps And he brought me to/the 1769/2380
Eze_40:37........going/up to it had eight steps And the/chambers 1770/2380
Eze_40:40........goeth/up to the entry/of.. 1771/2380
Eze_40:49.........went/up to it and there/were 1772/2380
Eze_41:16.......ground/up to the windows/and 1773/2380 and brought me into/the 1774/2380
Eze_43:24.........them/up for a burnt offering unto/the 1775/2380
Eze_44:12.......lifted/up mine hand against/them 1776/2380
Eze_47:14.......lifted/up mine hand to give it unto/your 1777/2380
Dan_2:21.......setteth/up kings he/giveth.. 1778/2380
Dan_2:44...........set/up a kingdom/which.. 1779/2380 in the plain/of.. 1780/2380
Dan_3:2............set/up Then the princes/the 1781/2380
Dan_3:3............set/up and they stood/before 1782/2380
Dan_3:3............set/up Then an/herald... 1783/2380
Dan_3:5............set/up And whoso/falleth 1784/2380
Dan_3:7............set/up Wherefore at/that 1785/2380
Dan_3:12...........set/up Then Nebuchadnezzar/in 1786/2380
Dan_3:14...........set/up Now if/ye........ 1787/2380
Dan_3:18...........set/up Then was/Nebuchadnezzar 1788/2380
Dan_3:22..........took/up Shadrach/Meshach. 1789/2380
Dan_3:24..........rose/up in haste and/spake 1790/2380
Dan_4:17.......setteth/up over it/the...... 1791/2380
Dan_4:34........lifted/up mine eyes unto heaven/and 1792/2380
Dan_5:19...........set/up and whom/he...... 1793/2380
Dan_5:20........lifted/up and his mind/hardened 1794/2380
Dan_5:23........lifted/up thyself against/the 1795/2380
Dan_6:23........Daniel/up out of the den So/Daniel 1796/2380
Dan_6:23.........taken/up out of the den and/no 1797/2380
Dan_7:3...........came/up from the sea/diverse 1798/2380
Dan_7:4.........lifted/up from the earth and/made 1799/2380
Dan_7:5.........raised/up itself on/one.... 1800/2380
Dan_7:8...........came/up among them/another 1801/2380
Dan_7:8........plucked/up by the roots and/behold 1802/2380
Dan_7:20..........came/up and before/whom.. 1803/2380
Dan_8:3.........lifted/up mine eyes and saw and behold there/stood 1804/2380
Dan_8:3...........came/up last/I........... 1805/2380
Dan_8:8...........came/up four/notable..... 1806/2380
Dan_8:22.........stood/up for it four/kingdoms 1807/2380
Dan_8:22.........stand/up out of the nation/but 1808/2380
Dan_8:23.........stand/up And his power/shall 1809/2380
Dan_8:25.........stand/up against the Prince/of 1810/2380
Dan_8:26..........thou/up the vision for/it 1811/2380
Dan_8:27..........rose/up and did/the...... 1812/2380
Dan_9:24..........seal/up the vision and/prophecy 1813/2380
Dan_10:5........lifted/up mine eyes and looked and behold a certain/man 1814/2380
Dan_11:2.........stand/up yet three/kings.. 1815/2380
Dan_11:2..........stir/up all against/the.. 1816/2380
Dan_11:3.........stand/up that shall/rule.. 1817/2380
Dan_11:4.........stand/up his kingdom/shall 1818/2380
Dan_11:4.......plucked/up even for/others.. 1819/2380
Dan_11:6.........given/up and they that brought/her 1820/2380
Dan_11:7.........stand/up in his estate which/shall 1821/2380
Dan_11:10......stirred/up and shall assemble/a 1822/2380
Dan_11:10......stirred/up even to his/fortress 1823/2380
Dan_11:12.......lifted/up and he shall cast/down 1824/2380
Dan_11:14........stand/up against the king of the/south 1825/2380
Dan_11:15.........cast/up a mount/and...... 1826/2380
Dan_11:20........stand/up in his estate a/raiser 1827/2380
Dan_11:21........stand/up a vile/person.... 1828/2380
Dan_11:23.........come/up and shall become/strong 1829/2380
Dan_11:25.........stir/up his power/and.... 1830/2380
Dan_11:25......stirred/up to battle/with... 1831/2380
Dan_12:1.........stand/up the great/prince. 1832/2380
Dan_12:4..........shut/up the words/and.... 1833/2380
Dan_12:7..........held/up his right/hand... 1834/2380
Dan_12:9........closed/up and sealed/till.. 1835/2380
Dan_12:11..........set/up there shall/be... 1836/2380
Hos_1:11..........come/up out of the land for/great 1837/2380
Hos_2:6..........hedge/up thy way/with..... 1838/2380
Hos_2:15..........came/up out of the land of Egypt And it shall be at/that 1839/2380 the sin/of....... 1840/2380 to Bethaven/nor.. 1841/2380
Hos_4:19...........her/up in her wings/and. 1842/2380 After two/days... 1843/2380 and we/shall..... 1844/2380
Hos_8:4............set/up kings but/not.... 1845/2380 Israel is/swallowed 1846/2380
Hos_8:8......swallowed/up now shall/they... 1847/2380
Hos_8:9...........gone/up to Assyria/a..... 1848/2380
Hos_9:6...........them/up Memphis/shall.... 1849/2380
Hos_9:12.........bring/up their children yet/will 1850/2380
Hos_9:16.........dried/up they shall bear/no 1851/2380
Hos_10:4.....springeth/up as hemlock/in.... 1852/2380
Hos_10:8..........come/up on their/altars.. 1853/2380
Hos_10:12........break/up your fallow ground for/it 1854/2380
Hos_11:8..........thee/up Ephraim/how...... 1855/2380
Hos_13:12........bound/up his sin/is....... 1856/2380
Hos_13:15.........come/up from the wilderness and/his 1857/2380
Hos_13:15........dried/up he shall spoil/the 1858/2380
Hos_13:16.......ripped/up O israel/return.. 1859/2380
Joe_1:6...........come/up upon my land/strong 1860/2380
Joe_1:10.........dried/up the oil/languisheth 1861/2380
Joe_1:12.........dried/up and the fig/tree. 1862/2380
Joe_1:20.........dried/up and the fire/hath 1863/2380
Joe_2:9..........climb/up upon the houses/they 1864/2380
Joe_2:20..........come/up and his ill/savour 1865/2380
Joe_2:20..........come/up because he/hath.. 1866/2380
Joe_3:9...........wake/up the mighty/men... 1867/2380
Joe_3:9...........come/up Beat/your........ 1868/2380
Joe_3:12..........come/up to the valley/of. 1869/2380
Amo_1:6...........them/up to Edom/But...... 1870/2380
Amo_1:9......delivered/up the whole/captivity 1871/2380
Amo_1:13........ripped/up the women/with... 1872/2380 from the land of Egypt and/led 1873/2380
Amo_2:11........raised/up of your/sons..... 1874/2380
Amo_3:1........brought/up from the land of Egypt saying/You 1875/2380
Amo_3:5...........take/up a snare/from..... 1876/2380 violence/and..... 1877/2380
Amo_4:10..........come/up unto your/nostrils 1878/2380
Amo_5:1...........take/up against you even/a 1879/2380
Amo_5:2............her/up For thus/saith... 1880/2380
Amo_6:8........deliver/up the city/with.... 1881/2380
Amo_6:10...........him/up and he that/burneth 1882/2380
Amo_6:14.........raise/up against you a/nation 1883/2380
Amo_7:1.......shooting/up of the latter/growth 1884/2380 a part/Then...... 1885/2380
Amo_8:4........swallow/up the needy/even... 1886/2380
Amo_8:8...........rise/up wholly as/a...... 1887/2380
Amo_8:10.........bring/up sackcloth/upon... 1888/2380
Amo_8:14..........rise/up again I/saw...... 1889/2380
Amo_9:2..........climb/up to heaven thence/will 1890/2380
Amo_9:5...........rise/up wholly like/a.... 1891/2380
Amo_9:7........brought/up Israel out of the/land 1892/2380
Amo_9:11.........raise/up the tabernacle of David/that 1893/2380
Amo_9:11.........close/up the breaches/thereof 1894/2380
Amo_9:11.........raise/up his ruins/and.... 1895/2380
Amo_9:15........pulled/up out of their land/which 1896/2380
Oba_1:1...........rise/up against her in/battle 1897/2380
Oba_1:6.........sought/up All the men/of... 1898/2380
Oba_1:14.....delivered/up those of/his..... 1899/2380
Oba_1:21..........come/up on mount/Zion.... 1900/2380
Jon_1:2...........come/up before me But/Jonah 1901/2380
Jon_1:3...........rose/up to flee/unto..... 1902/2380 and cast me forth/into 1903/2380
Jon_1:15..........look/up Jonah and cast/him 1904/2380
Jon_1:17.......swallow/up Jonah And Jonah/was 1905/2380
Jon_2:6........brought/up my life/from..... 1906/2380
Jon_4:6...........come/up over Jonah/that.. 1907/2380
Jon_4:10..........came/up in a night/and... 1908/2380
Mic_2:4...........take/up a parable against you/and 1909/2380
Mic_2:8..........risen/up as an enemy/ye... 1910/2380
Mic_2:13..........come/up before them they/have 1911/2380
Mic_2:13........broken/up and have passed/through 1912/2380 Zion with/blood.. 1913/2380
Mic_4:2.............go/up to the mountain of the LORD and/to 1914/2380
Mic_4:3...........lift/up a sword/against.. 1915/2380
Mic_5:3...........them/up until the time/that 1916/2380
Mic_5:9.........lifted/up upon thine/adversaries 1917/2380
Mic_5:14.........pluck/up thy groves/out... 1918/2380
Mic_6:4...........thee/up out of the land of Egypt and redeemed/thee 1919/2380
Mic_6:14..........give/up to the sword/Thou 1920/2380 The best/of...... 1921/2380
Mic_7:6.........riseth/up against her mother/the 1922/2380
Nah_1:4.........drieth/up all the rivers Bashan/languisheth 1923/2380
Nah_1:9...........rise/up the second/time.. 1924/2380
Nah_2:1...........come/up before thy/face.. 1925/2380
Nah_2:7........brought/up and her/maids.... 1926/2380
Nah_3:3........lifteth/up both the bright/sword 1927/2380
Nah_3:15..........thee/up like the cankerworm/make 1928/2380
Hab_1:3..........raise/up strife and contention/Therefore 1929/2380
Hab_1:6..........raise/up the Chaldeans/that 1930/2380
Hab_1:9............sup/up as the east/wind. 1931/2380
Hab_1:15..........take/up all of/them...... 1932/2380
Hab_2:4.........lifted/up is not/upright... 1933/2380
Hab_2:6...........take/up a parable against him/and 1934/2380
Hab_2:7...........rise/up suddenly/that.... 1935/2380
Hab_3:10........lifted/up his hands on/high 1936/2380
Hab_3:16........cometh/up unto the people/he 1937/2380
Zep_2:4.........rooted/up Woe/unto......... 1938/2380
Zep_3:8...........rise/up to the prey/for.. 1939/2380
Hag_1:8.............Go/up to the mountain and/bring 1940/2380
Hag_1:14.......stirred/up the spirit of Zerubbabel/the 1941/2380
Zec_1:18.............I/up mine eyes and saw and behold four/horns 1942/2380
Zec_1:21..........lift/up his head/but..... 1943/2380
Zec_1:21........lifted/up their horn/over.. 1944/2380
Zec_2:1.........lifted/up mine eyes again/and 1945/2380
Zec_2:13........raised/up out of his holy/habitation 1946/2380
Zec_5:1.........lifted/up mine eyes and looked and behold a flying/roll 1947/2380
Zec_5:5...........Lift/up now thine eyes and see what/is 1948/2380
Zec_5:7.........lifted/up a talent/of...... 1949/2380
Zec_5:9..............I/up mine eyes and looked and behold there came out/two 1950/2380
Zec_5:9.........lifted/up the ephah/between 1951/2380
Zec_6:1.........lifted/up mine eyes and looked and behold there came four/chariots 1952/2380
Zec_6:12..........grow/up out of his place/and 1953/2380
Zec_9:3.........heaped/up silver as the dust and fine/gold 1954/2380
Zec_9:13........raised/up thy sons/O....... 1955/2380
Zec_9:16........lifted/up as an ensign/upon 1956/2380
Zec_10:11..........dry/up and the pride/of. 1957/2380
Zec_10:12.........walk/up and down in his/name 1958/2380
Zec_11:16........raise/up a shepherd/in.... 1959/2380
Zec_11:17........dried/up and his right/eye 1960/2380
Zec_14:10.......lifted/up and inhabited/in. 1961/2380
Zec_14:13.........rise/up against the hand/of 1962/2380
Zec_14:16...........go/up from year/to..... 1963/2380
Zec_14:17.........come/up of all/the....... 1964/2380
Zec_14:18..........not/up and come not/that 1965/2380
Zec_14:18..........not/up to keep the feast of tabernacles This/shall 1966/2380
Zec_14:19..........not/up to keep the feast of tabernacles In/that 1967/2380
Mal_3:15...........set/up yea/they......... 1968/2380
Mal_3:17..........make/up my jewels/and.... 1969/2380
Mal_4:1...........them/up saith/the........ 1970/2380
Mal_4:2...........grow/up as calves/of..... 1971/2380
Mat_3:9..........raise/up children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees therefore/every 1972/2380
Mat_3:12..........burn/up the chaff/with... 1973/2380
Mat_3:16..........went/up straightway/out.. 1974/2380
Mat_4:1............led/up of the spirit/into 1975/2380
Mat_4:5............him/up into the holy/city 1976/2380
Mat_4:6...........thee/up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 1977/2380
Mat_4:8............him/up into an exceeding/high 1978/2380
Mat_4:16........sprung/up From that/time... 1979/2380
Mat_5:1...........went/up into a mountain and when/he 1980/2380
Mat_6:19...........not/up for yourselves treasures upon/earth 1981/2380
Mat_6:20...........lay/up for yourselves treasures in/heaven 1982/2380
Mat_9:6...........take/up thy bed and go unto/thine 1983/2380 taketh from/the.. 1984/2380 to the councils/and 1985/2380 take no thought how/or 1986/2380
Mat_10:21......deliver/up the brother/to... 1987/2380
Mat_10:21.........rise/up against their parents and cause/them 1988/2380
Mat_11:5........raised/up and the poor/have 1989/2380
Mat_12:42.........rise/up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she/came 1990/2380
Mat_13:4..........them/up Some fell/upon... 1991/2380
Mat_13:5........sprung/up because they/had. 1992/2380
Mat_13:6...........was/up they were/scorched 1993/2380
Mat_13:7........sprung/up and choked them/But 1994/2380
Mat_13:26.......sprung/up and brought forth fruit/then 1995/2380
Mat_13:28.........them/up But he/said...... 1996/2380
Mat_13:29.......gather/up the tares/ye..... 1997/2380
Mat_13:29.........root/up also the wheat/with 1998/2380
Mat_14:12.........took/up the body/and..... 1999/2380
Mat_14:19......looking/up to heaven he blessed and/brake 2000/2380
Mat_14:20.........took/up of the fragments/that 2001/2380
Mat_14:23.........went/up into a mountain apart/to 2002/2380
Mat_15:13.......rooted/up Let them alone/they 2003/2380
Mat_15:29.........went/up into a mountain and sat/down 2004/2380
Mat_15:37.........took/up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full/And 2005/2380
Mat_16:9..........took/up Neither the/seven 2006/2380
Mat_16:10.........took/up How/is........... 2007/2380
Mat_16:24.........take/up his cross and follow me For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and/whosoever 2008/2380
Mat_17:1..........them/up into an high mountain apart And/was 2009/2380
Mat_17:8........lifted/up their eyes they/saw 2010/2380
Mat_17:27.........take/up the fish/that.... 2011/2380
Mat_17:27.......cometh/up and when thou/hast 2012/2380
Mat_19:20........youth/up what lack/I...... 2013/2380
Mat_20:17........going/up to Jerusalem took/the 2014/2380
Mat_20:18...........go/up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be betrayed/unto 2015/2380
Mat_22:7........burned/up their city/Then.. 2016/2380
Mat_22:24........raise/up seed unto his brother Now there were with/us 2017/2380
Mat_23:13.........shut/up the kingdom of/heaven 2018/2380 then the measure/of 2019/2380 to be afflicted/and 2020/2380
Mat_24:43.......broken/up Therefore be/ye.. 2021/2380
Mat_26:52..........Put/up again thy/sword.. 2022/2380
Mat_27:37..........set/up over his/head.... 2023/2380
Mat_27:50......yielded/up the ghost And behold/the 2024/2380
Mar_1:10........coming/up out of the water he/saw 2025/2380
Mar_1:31...........her/up and immediately the/fever 2026/2380
Mar_1:35........rising/up a great/while.... 2027/2380 they let/down.... 2028/2380
Mar_2:9...........take/up thy bed and walk But/that 2029/2380
Mar_2:11..........take/up thy bed and go thy/way 2030/2380
Mar_2:12..........took/up the bed/and...... 2031/2380 taketh away/from. 2032/2380
Mar_3:13.........goeth/up into a mountain and calleth/unto 2033/2380
Mar_3:26..........rise/up against himself/and 2034/2380 And some/fell.... 2035/2380
Mar_4:5.........sprang/up because it/had... 2036/2380
Mar_4:6............was/up it was/scorched.. 2037/2380
Mar_4:7...........grew/up and choked it/and 2038/2380
Mar_4:8.........sprang/up and increased/and 2039/2380
Mar_4:27..........grow/up he knoweth/not... 2040/2380
Mar_4:32.......groweth/up and becometh/greater 2041/2380
Mar_5:29.........dried/up and she/felt..... 2042/2380
Mar_6:29..........took/up his corpse/and... 2043/2380
Mar_6:41........looked/up to heaven and blessed/and 2044/2380
Mar_6:43..........took/up twelve baskets/full 2045/2380
Mar_6:51..........went/up unto them into/the 2046/2380
Mar_7:34.......looking/up to heaven he sighed/and 2047/2380
Mar_8:8...........took/up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets And/they 2048/2380 They say/unto.... 2049/2380 And they said/Seven 2050/2380
Mar_8:24........looked/up and said I/see... 2051/2380
Mar_8:25..........look/up and he was/restored 2052/2380
Mar_8:34..........take/up his cross and follow me For whosoever will save his life shall lose it but/whosoever 2053/2380
Mar_9:2...........them/up into an high mountain apart by/themselves 2054/2380
Mar_9:27...........him/up and he arose/And. 2055/2380
Mar_10:16.........them/up in his arms put/his 2056/2380
Mar_10:21.........take/up the cross/and.... 2057/2380
Mar_10:32........going/up to Jerusalem and Jesus/went 2058/2380
Mar_10:33...........go/up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be delivered/unto 2059/2380
Mar_11:20........dried/up from the roots/And 2060/2380
Mar_12:19........raise/up seed unto his brother Now there were seven/brethren 2061/2380 to councils/and.. 2062/2380 take no thought beforehand/what 2063/2380
Mar_13:12.........rise/up against their parents and shall/cause 2064/2380
Mar_13:16.........take/up his garment But/woe 2065/2380
Mar_14:42.........Rise/up let us/go........ 2066/2380
Mar_14:60........stood/up in the midst and/asked 2067/2380
Mar_15:37.........gave/up the ghost And the veil/of 2068/2380
Mar_15:39.........gave/up the ghost he/said 2069/2380
Mar_15:41.........came/up with him unto/Jerusalem 2070/2380
Mar_16:18.........take/up serpents/and..... 2071/2380
Mar_16:19.....received/up into heaven and sat/on 2072/2380
Luk_1:66..........them/up in their hearts/saying 2073/2380
Luk_1:69........raised/up an horn/of....... 2074/2380
Luk_2:4...........went/up from Galilee/out. 2075/2380
Luk_2:28...........him/up in his arms and/blessed 2076/2380
Luk_2:42..........went/up to Jerusalem after/the 2077/2380
Luk_3:8..........raise/up children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees every/tree 2078/2380
Luk_3:20..........shut/up John/in.......... 2079/2380
Luk_4:5............him/up into an high mountain shewed/unto 2080/2380
Luk_4:11..........thee/up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 2081/2380
Luk_4:16.......brought/up and as/his....... 2082/2380
Luk_4:16.........stood/up for to read/And.. 2083/2380
Luk_4:25..........shut/up three/years...... 2084/2380
Luk_4:29..........rose/up and thrust/him... 2085/2380
Luk_5:23..........Rise/up and walk But/that 2086/2380
Luk_5:24..........take/up thy couch/and.... 2087/2380
Luk_5:25..........rose/up before them and/took 2088/2380
Luk_5:25..........took/up that whereon/he.. 2089/2380
Luk_5:28..........rose/up and followed/him. 2090/2380
Luk_6:8...........Rise/up and stand/forth.. 2091/2380
Luk_6:20........lifted/up his eyes on/his.. 2092/2380
Luk_7:15...........sat/up and began/to..... 2093/2380
Luk_7:16.........risen/up among us/and..... 2094/2380
Luk_8:6.........sprung/up it withered/away. 2095/2380
Luk_8:7.........sprang/up with it/and...... 2096/2380
Luk_8:8.........sprang/up and bare/fruit... 2097/2380
Luk_8:37..........went/up into the ship/and 2098/2380
Luk_9:16.......looking/up to heaven he blessed them/and 2099/2380
Luk_9:17.........taken/up of fragments/that 2100/2380
Luk_9:23..........take/up his cross daily/and 2101/2380
Luk_9:28..........went/up into a mountain to/pray 2102/2380
Luk_9:51......received/up he stedfastly/set 2103/2380
Luk_10:25........stood/up and tempted/him.. 2104/2380
Luk_10:34........bound/up his wounds/pouring 2105/2380
Luk_11:27.......lifted/up her voice and said/unto 2106/2380
Luk_11:31.........rise/up in the judgment with the/men 2107/2380
Luk_11:32.........rise/up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for they/repented 2108/2380
Luk_12:19.........laid/up for many/years... 2109/2380
Luk_12:21.......layeth/up treasure/for..... 2110/2380
Luk_13:11.........lift/up herself And/when. 2111/2380
Luk_13:25........risen/up and hath shut/to. 2112/2380
Luk_14:10...........go/up higher/then...... 2113/2380
Luk_16:23.........lift/up his eyes being/in 2114/2380
Luk_17:6.......plucked/up by the root/and.. 2115/2380
Luk_17:13.......lifted/up their voices and said Jesus/Master 2116/2380
Luk_18:10.........went/up into the temple to/pray 2117/2380
Luk_18:13.........lift/up so much/as....... 2118/2380
Luk_18:21........youth/up Now when/Jesus... 2119/2380
Luk_18:31...........go/up to Jerusalem and all/things 2120/2380
Luk_19:4.......climbed/up into a sycomore/tree 2121/2380
Luk_19:5........looked/up and saw him/and.. 2122/2380
Luk_19:20.........laid/up in a napkin/For.. 2123/2380
Luk_19:21.......takest/up that thou/layedst 2124/2380
Luk_19:22.......taking/up that I laid/not.. 2125/2380
Luk_19:28....ascending/up to Jerusalem And it/came 2126/2380
Luk_20:28........raise/up seed unto his brother There/were 2127/2380
Luk_21:1........looked/up and saw the/rich. 2128/2380 to the synagogues/and 2129/2380
Luk_21:28.........look/up and lift/up...... 2130/2380
Luk_21:28.........lift/up your heads for/your 2131/2380
Luk_22:45.........rose/up from prayer/and.. 2132/2380
Luk_23:5......stirreth/up the people teaching/throughout 2133/2380
Luk_23:46.........gave/up the ghost Now/when 2134/2380
Luk_24:33.........rose/up the same/hour.... 2135/2380
Luk_24:50.......lifted/up his hands and/blessed 2136/2380
Luk_24:51......carried/up into heaven And they/worshipped 2137/2380
Joh_2:7...........them/up to the brim/And.. 2138/2380
Joh_2:13..........went/up to Jerusalem And found/in 2139/2380 Then answered/the 2140/2380 Then said the/Jews 2141/2380 in three/days.... 2142/2380
Joh_3:13......ascended/up to heaven but/he. 2143/2380
Joh_3:14........lifted/up the serpent/in... 2144/2380
Joh_3:14........lifted/up That whosoever/believeth 2145/2380
Joh_4:14.....springing/up into everlasting/life 2146/2380
Joh_4:35..........Lift/up your eyes and look/on 2147/2380
Joh_5:1...........went/up to Jerusalem Now/there 2148/2380
Joh_5:8...........take/up thy bed and walk And immediately/the 2149/2380
Joh_5:9...........took/up his bed/and...... 2150/2380
Joh_5:11..........Take/up thy bed and walk Then/asked 2151/2380
Joh_5:12..........Take/up thy bed and walk And he/that 2152/2380
Joh_5:21.......raiseth/up the dead and/quickeneth 2153/2380
Joh_6:3...........went/up into a mountain and there/he 2154/2380
Joh_6:5.........lifted/up his eyes and saw a/great 2155/2380
Joh_6:12........Gather/up the fragments/that 2156/2380 again at/the..... 2157/2380
Joh_6:40...........him/up at the last day The/Jews 2158/2380
Joh_6:44...........him/up at the last day It/is 2159/2380
Joh_6:54...........him/up at the last day For/my 2160/2380
Joh_6:62........ascend/up where/he......... 2161/2380 unto this/feast.. 2162/2380
Joh_7:8............not/up yet unto/this.... 2163/2380
Joh_7:10..........gone/up then went/he..... 2164/2380
Joh_7:10..........also/up unto the feast/not 2165/2380
Joh_7:14..........went/up into the temple and/taught 2166/2380
Joh_8:7.........lifted/up himself and said/unto 2167/2380
Joh_8:10........lifted/up himself and saw/none 2168/2380
Joh_8:28........lifted/up the Son/of....... 2169/2380
Joh_8:59..........they/up stones to/cast... 2170/2380
Joh_10:1......climbeth/up some other/way... 2171/2380
Joh_10:31.........took/up stones again/to.. 2172/2380
Joh_11:31.........rose/up hastily/and...... 2173/2380
Joh_11:41.......lifted/up his eyes and said/Father 2174/2380 to Jerusalem before/the 2175/2380
Joh_12:20.........came/up to worship at/the 2176/2380
Joh_12:32.......lifted/up from the earth will/draw 2177/2380
Joh_12:34.......lifted/up who is this/Son.. 2178/2380
Joh_13:18.......lifted/up his heel against me Now/I 2179/2380
Joh_17:1........lifted/up his eyes to heaven/and 2180/2380
Joh_18:11..........Put/up thy sword/into... 2181/2380
Joh_18:30..........him/up unto thee Then/said 2182/2380
Joh_19:30.........gave/up the ghost The/Jews 2183/2380
Joh_21:11.........went/up and drew the/net. 2184/2380
Act_1:2..........taken/up after that/he.... 2185/2380
Act_1:9..........taken/up and a/cloud...... 2186/2380
Act_1:10..........went/up behold two/men... 2187/2380
Act_1:11........gazing/up into heaven this/same 2188/2380
Act_1:11.........taken/up from you into/heaven 2189/2380
Act_1:13..........went/up into an upper/room 2190/2380
Act_1:15.........stood/up in the midst of the/disciples 2191/2380
Act_1:22.........taken/up from us must/one. 2192/2380
Act_2:14......standing/up with the eleven/lifted 2193/2380
Act_2:14........lifted/up his voice and said/unto 2194/2380
Act_2:24........raised/up having/loosed.... 2195/2380
Act_2:30.........raise/up Christ to/sit.... 2196/2380
Act_2:32........raised/up whereof/we....... 2197/2380
Act_3:1...........went/up together into/the 2198/2380
Act_3:6...........rise/up and walk And/he.. 2199/2380
Act_3:7............him/up and immediately his/feet 2200/2380
Act_3:8........leaping/up stood/and........ 2201/2380
Act_3:13.....delivered/up and denied/him... 2202/2380
Act_3:22.........raise/up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear in/all 2203/2380
Act_3:26........raised/up his Son Jesus/sent 2204/2380
Act_4:24........lifted/up their voice to/God 2205/2380
Act_4:26.........stood/up and the rulers/were 2206/2380
Act_5:5...........gave/up the ghost and great/fear 2207/2380
Act_5:6............him/up and carried/him.. 2208/2380
Act_5:10.......yielded/up the ghost and the young/men 2209/2380
Act_5:17..........rose/up and all they/that 2210/2380
Act_5:30........raised/up Jesus whom/ye.... 2211/2380
Act_5:34.........there/up one in/the....... 2212/2380
Act_5:36..........rose/up Theudas/boasting. 2213/2380
Act_5:37..........rose/up Judas/of......... 2214/2380
Act_6:12.......stirred/up the people and the/elders 2215/2380
Act_6:13...........set/up false/witnesses.. 2216/2380
Act_7:20.....nourished/up in his father's/house 2217/2380
Act_7:21...........him/up and nourished/him 2218/2380
Act_7:37.........raise/up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear This/is 2219/2380
Act_7:42..........them/up to worship the/host 2220/2380
Act_7:43..........took/up the tabernacle of Moloch/and 2221/2380
Act_7:55........looked/up stedfastly/into.. 2222/2380
Act_8:31..........come/up and sit/with..... 2223/2380
Act_8:39..........come/up out of the water the/Spirit 2224/2380
Act_9:40...........sat/up And he gave/her.. 2225/2380
Act_9:41...........her/up and when he had/called 2226/2380
Act_10:4..........come/up for a memorial/before 2227/2380
Act_10:9..........went/up upon the housetop/to 2228/2380
Act_10:16.....received/up again into heaven Now/while 2229/2380
Act_10:26..........him/up saying Stand/up.. 2230/2380
Act_10:26........Stand/up I myself/also.... 2231/2380
Act_10:40.......raised/up the third/day.... 2232/2380
Act_11:2..........come/up to Jerusalem they/that 2233/2380
Act_11:10........drawn/up again into heaven And/behold 2234/2380
Act_11:28........stood/up one of them/named 2235/2380
Act_12:7...........him/up saying Arise/up.. 2236/2380
Act_12:7.........Arise/up quickly/And...... 2237/2380
Act_12:23.........gave/up the ghost But/the 2238/2380
Act_13:1.......brought/up with Herod/the... 2239/2380
Act_13:16........stood/up and beckoning/with 2240/2380
Act_13:22.......raised/up unto them David/to 2241/2380
Act_13:31.........came/up with him from/Galilee 2242/2380
Act_13:33.......raised/up Jesus again/as... 2243/2380
Act_13:34..........him/up from the dead now/no 2244/2380
Act_13:43.......broken/up many/of.......... 2245/2380
Act_13:50......stirred/up the devout/and... 2246/2380
Act_14:2.......stirred/up the Gentiles/and. 2247/2380
Act_14:11.......lifted/up their voices saying/in 2248/2380
Act_14:20.........rose/up and came into/the 2249/2380
Act_15:2............go/up to Jerusalem unto/the 2250/2380
Act_15:5..........rose/up certain of the sect/of 2251/2380
Act_15:7..........rose/up and said unto them Men/and 2252/2380 That the residue/of 2253/2380
Act_16:22.........rose/up together against/them 2254/2380
Act_17:13......stirred/up the people And then/immediately 2255/2380
Act_18:22.........gone/up and saluted/the.. 2256/2380
Act_20:9.........taken/up dead/And......... 2257/2380
Act_20:11.........come/up again and had/broken 2258/2380 and to give/you.. 2259/2380
Act_21:4............go/up to Jerusalem And when/we 2260/2380
Act_21:12...........go/up to Jerusalem Then/Paul 2261/2380
Act_21:15.........took/up our carriages/and 2262/2380
Act_21:15.........went/up to Jerusalem There/went 2263/2380
Act_21:27......stirred/up all the people/and 2264/2380
Act_22:3.......brought/up in this/city..... 2265/2380
Act_22:13.......looked/up upon him/And..... 2266/2380
Act_22:22.......lifted/up their voices and said Away/with 2267/2380
Act_24:11.........went/up to Jerusalem for/to 2268/2380
Act_24:12......raising/up the people neither/in 2269/2380
Act_25:9............go/up to Jerusalem and there/be 2270/2380
Act_25:18........stood/up they brought/none 2271/2380
Act_26:10.........shut/up in prison/having. 2272/2380
Act_26:30.........rose/up and the governor/and 2273/2380
Act_27:15.........bear/up into the wind/we. 2274/2380
Act_27:17........taken/up they used/helps.. 2275/2380
Act_27:27.......driven/up and down in Adria/about 2276/2380
Act_27:40........taken/up the anchors/they. 2277/2380
Act_27:40.......hoised/up the mainsail/to.. 2278/2380
Rom_1:24..........them/up to uncleanness/through 2279/2380
Rom_1:26..........them/up unto vile/affections 2280/2380
Rom_2:5.....treasurest/up unto thyself/wrath 2281/2380
Rom_4:24........raised/up Jesus our/Lord... 2282/2380
Rom_6:4.........raised/up from the dead by/the 2283/2380
Rom_8:11........raised/up Jesus from/the... 2284/2380
Rom_8:11........raised/up Christ from/the.. 2285/2380
Rom_8:32...........him/up for us all/how... 2286/2380
Rom_9:17..........thee/up that I might/shew 2287/2380
Rom_10:7.........bring/up Christ again/from 2288/2380
Rom_14:4........holden/up for God is/able.. 2289/2380
Rom_15:16.....offering/up of the Gentiles/might 2290/2380
1Co_4:6.........puffed/up for one/against.. 2291/2380
1Co_4:18........puffed/up as though/I...... 2292/2380
1Co_4:19........puffed/up but the/power.... 2293/2380
1Co_5:2.........puffed/up and have not/rather 2294/2380
1Co_6:14........raised/up the Lord and/will 2295/2380
1Co_6:14.........raise/up us by/his........ 2296/2380
1Co_8:1........puffeth/up but charity/edifieth 2297/2380
1Co_10:7..........rose/up to play Neither/let 2298/2380
1Co_13:4........puffed/up Doth/not......... 2299/2380
1Co_15:15.......raised/up Christ whom/he... 2300/2380
1Co_15:15..........not/up if so/be......... 2301/2380
1Co_15:24....delivered/up the kingdom to/God 2302/2380
1Co_15:35.......raised/up and with/what.... 2303/2380
1Co_15:54....swallowed/up in victory/O..... 2304/2380
2Co_2:7......swallowed/up with overmuch/sorrow 2305/2380
2Co_4:14........raised/up the Lord Jesus/shall 2306/2380
2Co_4:14.........raise/up us also/by....... 2307/2380
2Co_5:4......swallowed/up of life/Now...... 2308/2380
2Co_9:5...........make/up beforehand/your.. 2309/2380
2Co_12:2........caught/up to the third/heaven 2310/2380
2Co_12:4........caught/up into paradise/and 2311/2380
2Co_12:14..........lay/up for the parents/but 2312/2380
Gal_1:17.............I/up to Jerusalem to them/which 2313/2380
Gal_1:18..........went/up to Jerusalem to see/Peter 2314/2380
Gal_2:1...........went/up again to Jerusalem/with 2315/2380
Gal_2:2...........went/up by revelation/and 2316/2380
Gal_3:23..........shut/up unto the faith/which 2317/2380 together and/made 2318/2380
Eph_4:8.......ascended/up on high he/led... 2319/2380
Eph_4:10......ascended/up far/above........ 2320/2380
Eph_4:15..........grow/up into him/in...... 2321/2380
Eph_6:4...........them/up in the nurture/and 2322/2380
Col_1:5...........laid/up for you in/heaven 2323/2380
Col_1:24..........fill/up that which is behind/of 2324/2380
Col_2:7..........built/up in him/and....... 2325/2380
Col_2:18........puffed/up by his/fleshly... 2326/2380
1Th_2:16..........fill/up their sins/alway. 2327/2380
1Th_4:17........caught/up together with them/in 2328/2380
1Ti_2:8........lifting/up holy/hands....... 2329/2380
1Ti_3:6.........lifted/up with pride/he.... 2330/2380
1Ti_3:16......received/up into glory/Now... 2331/2380
1Ti_4:6......nourished/up in the words/of.. 2332/2380
1Ti_5:10.......brought/up children if/she.. 2333/2380
1Ti_6:19........Laying/up in store for/themselves 2334/2380
2Ti_1:6...........stir/up the gift/of...... 2335/2380
2Ti_4:8...........laid/up for me a/crown... 2336/2380
Heb_1:12..........them/up and they shall be/changed 2337/2380
Heb_5:7........offered/up prayers/and...... 2338/2380
Heb_7:27.........offer/up sacrifice/first.. 2339/2380
Heb_7:27.......offered/up himself For/the.. 2340/2380
Heb_11:17......offered/up Isaac/and........ 2341/2380
Heb_11:17......offered/up his only/begotten 2342/2380
Heb_11:19..........him/up even from/the.... 2343/2380
Heb_12:12.........lift/up the hands/which.. 2344/2380
Heb_12:15....springing/up trouble/you...... 2345/2380 Speak/not........ 2346/2380
Jam_5:15...........him/up and if/he........ 2347/2380
1Pe_1:13..........gird/up the loins/of..... 2348/2380
1Pe_1:21...........him/up from the dead and/gave 2349/2380
1Pe_2:5..........built/up a spiritual/house 2350/2380
1Pe_2:5..........offer/up spiritual/sacrifices 2351/2380 by putting/you... 2352/2380
2Pe_3:1...........stir/up your pure/minds.. 2353/2380
2Pe_3:10........burned/up Seeing/then...... 2354/2380
1Jn_3:17......shutteth/up his bowels/of.... 2355/2380
Jud_1:12.......plucked/up by the roots Raging/waves 2356/2380
Jud_1:20......building/up yourselves on/your 2357/2380
Rev_4:1...........Come/up hither and I/will 2358/2380
Rev_8:4.......ascended/up before God/out... 2359/2380
Rev_8:7..........burnt/up and all green/grass 2360/2380
Rev_8:7..........burnt/up And the second/angel 2361/2380
Rev_10:4..........Seal/up those things/which 2362/2380
Rev_10:5........lifted/up his hand to/heaven 2363/2380 and it shall make/thy 2364/2380 and it was/in.... 2365/2380
Rev_11:12.........Come/up hither And they/ascended 2366/2380
Rev_11:12.....ascended/up to heaven in/a... 2367/2380
Rev_12:5........caught/up unto God and to/his 2368/2380
Rev_12:16....swallowed/up the flood/which.. 2369/2380
Rev_13:1..........rise/up out of the sea having/seven 2370/2380
Rev_13:11.......coming/up out of the earth/and 2371/2380
Rev_14:11....ascendeth/up for ever and ever and they/have 2372/2380
Rev_15:1........filled/up the wrath/of..... 2373/2380
Rev_16:12........dried/up that the way/of.. 2374/2380
Rev_18:21.........took/up a stone/like..... 2375/2380
Rev_19:3..........rose/up for ever and ever And the/four 2376/2380
Rev_20:3...........him/up and set a/seal... 2377/2380
Rev_20:9..........went/up on the breadth/of 2378/2380
Rev_20:13.........gave/up the dead which were in it/and 2379/2380
Rev_20:13....delivered/up the dead which were in them/and 2380/2380
