Gen_37:7....stood/upright and behold/your.. 1/68
Exo_15:8....stood/upright as an/heap....... 2/68
Lev_26:13......go/upright But if/ye........ 3/68
1Sa_29:6.....been/upright and thy/going.... 4/68
2Sa_22:24....also/upright before him and have/kept 5/68
2Sa_22:26.....the/upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury/And 6/68
2Sa_22:26.thyself/upright With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury/And 7/68
2Ch_29:34....more/upright in heart to/sanctify 8/68
Job_1:1.......and/upright and one/that..... 9/68 man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 10/68 man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 11/68
Job_8:6.......and/upright surely/now...... 12/68
Job_12:4.....just/upright man is/laughed.. 13/68
Job_17:8...shadow/Upright men/shall....... 14/68
Psa_7:10......the/upright in heart God/judgeth 15/68
Psa_11:2......the/upright in heart If/the. 16/68
Psa_11:7......the/upright Help/LORD....... 17/68
Psa_18:23....also/upright before him and I/kept 18/68 man thou wilt shew thyself upright With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward/For 19/68
Psa_18:25.thyself/upright With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward/For 20/68 and I/shall..... 21/68
Psa_20:8....stand/upright Save/LORD....... 22/68
Psa_25:8......and/upright is the/LORD..... 23/68
Psa_32:11.....are/upright in heart Rejoice in the LORD O/ye 24/68
Psa_33:1......the/upright Praise/the...... 25/68
Psa_36:10.....the/upright in heart Let/not 26/68
Psa_37:14......of/upright conversation/Their 27/68
Psa_37:18.....the/upright and their/inheritance 28/68
Psa_37:37.....the/upright for the/end..... 29/68
Psa_49:14.....the/upright shall have dominion/over 30/68
Psa_64:10.....the/upright in heart shall glory/Praise 31/68 he is/my........ 32/68
Psa_94:15.....the/upright in heart shall follow/it 33/68
Psa_97:11.....the/upright in heart Rejoice in the LORD ye/righteous 34/68
Psa_111:1.....the/upright and in/the...... 35/68
Psa_112:2.....the/upright shall be/blessed 36/68
Psa_112:4.....the/upright there/ariseth... 37/68
Psa_119:137...and/upright are/thy......... 38/68
Psa_125:4.....are/upright in their hearts/As 39/68
Psa_140:13....the/upright shall dwell in thy/presence 40/68
Pro_2:21......the/upright shall dwell in the/land 41/68
Pro_10:29.....the/upright but destruction/shall 42/68
Pro_11:3......the/upright shall guide/them 43/68
Pro_11:6......the/upright shall deliver them but/transgressors 44/68
Pro_11:11.....the/upright the/city........ 45/68
Pro_11:20.....are/upright in their way/are 46/68
Pro_12:6......the/upright shall deliver them The/wicked 47/68 in the way but/wickedness 48/68
Pro_14:11.....the/upright shall flourish/There 49/68
Pro_15:8......the/upright is his/delight.. 50/68
Pro_16:17.....the/upright is to/depart.... 51/68
Pro_21:18.....the/upright It/is........... 52/68
Pro_21:29.....the/upright he directeth/his 53/68
Pro_28:10.....the/upright shall have good/things 54/68
Pro_29:10.....the/upright but the/just.... 55/68 in the way is/abomination 56/68 but they/have... 57/68
Ecc_12:10.....was/upright even/words...... 58/68
Son_1:4.......the/upright love/thee....... 59/68
Isa_26:7.....most/upright dost/weigh...... 60/68
Jer_10:5......are/upright as the/palm..... 61/68 And he/said..... 62/68
Dan_10:11...stand/upright for unto/thee... 63/68
Dan_11:17.....and/upright ones/with....... 64/68
Mic_7:2......none/upright among/men....... 65/68
Mic_7:4......most/upright is sharper/than. 66/68
Hab_2:4.......not/upright in him/but...... 67/68
Act_14:10...Stand/upright on/thy.......... 68/68
Psa_15:2..walketh/uprightly and/worketh.... 1/12
Psa_58:1....judge/uprightly O ye/sons...... 2/12
Psa_75:2....judge/uprightly The/earth...... 3/12
Psa_84:11....walk/uprightly O LORD/of...... 4/12
Pro_2:7......walk/uprightly He keepeth/the. 5/12
Pro_10:9..walketh/uprightly walketh/surely. 6/12
Pro_15:21.walketh/uprightly Without/counsel 7/12
Pro_28:18.walketh/uprightly shall/be....... 8/12
Isa_33:15speaketh/uprightly he that/despiseth 9/12
Amo_5:10.speaketh/uprightly Forasmuch/therefore 10/12
Mic_2:7...walketh/uprightly Even/of....... 11/12
Gal_2:14......not/uprightly according/to.. 12/12
Deu_9:5.......the/uprightness of thine/heart 1/19 of heart with/thee 2/19 to do/according 3/19 As/for....... 4/19
1Ch_29:17.....the/uprightness of mine/heart 5/19
Job_4:6.......the/uprightness of thy/ways.. 6/19
Job_33:3......the/uprightness of my/heart.. 7/19
Job_33:23.....his/uprightness Then/he...... 8/19 The/LORD..... 9/19
Psa_25:21.....and/uprightness preserve/me. 10/19
Psa_111:8.....and/uprightness He/sent..... 11/19
Psa_119:7....with/uprightness of heart when/I 12/19
Psa_143:10.....of/uprightness Quicken/me.. 13/19
Pro_2:13.......of/uprightness to walk/in.. 14/19
Pro_14:2......his/uprightness feareth/the. 15/19
Pro_28:6......his/uprightness than/he..... 16/19 thou/most... 17/19
Isa_26:10......of/uprightness will/he..... 18/19
Isa_57:2......his/uprightness But/draw.... 19/19
Psa_139:2....mine/uprising/thou............. 1/1
