Gen_3:8..........the/voice of the LORD God/walking 1/505
Gen_3:10.........thy/voice in the garden/and. 2/505
Gen_3:17.........the/voice of thy wife/and... 3/505
Gen_4:10.........the/voice of thy brother's/blood 4/505 ye wives/of....... 5/505
Gen_16:2.........the/voice of Sarai/And...... 6/505
Gen_21:12........her/voice for in/Isaac...... 7/505
Gen_21:16........her/voice and wept And God/heard 8/505
Gen_21:17........the/voice of the lad and/the 9/505
Gen_21:17........the/voice of the lad where/he 10/505 So Abraham/returned 11/505 and kept/my...... 12/505 according to that/which 13/505 and go/fetch..... 14/505
Gen_27:22........The/voice is Jacob's/voice. 15/505
Gen_27:22....Jacob's/voice but the/hands.... 16/505
Gen_27:38........his/voice and wept And Isaac/his 17/505 arise/flee....... 18/505
Gen_29:11........his/voice and wept And Jacob/told 19/505 and hath/given... 20/505
Gen_39:14.......loud/voice And it came/to... 21/505 and cried that he left his garment with me and fled and/got 22/505 and cried that he left his garment with me and fled out/And 23/505
Exo_3:18.........thy/voice and thou/shalt... 24/505 for they/will.... 25/505
Exo_4:8..........the/voice of the first/sign 26/505
Exo_4:8..........the/voice of the latter/sign 27/505
Exo_4:9..........thy/voice that thou/shalt.. 28/505
Exo_5:2..........his/voice to let/Israel.... 29/505
Exo_15:26........the/voice of the LORD thy God and wilt/do 30/505 I will/give...... 31/505
Exo_18:24........the/voice of his father in/law 32/505 indeed/and....... 33/505
Exo_19:16........the/voice of the trumpet exceeding/loud 34/505
Exo_19:19........the/voice of the trumpet sounded/long 35/505
Exo_19:19..........a/voice And the LORD came/down 36/505
Exo_23:21........his/voice provoke/him...... 37/505
Exo_23:22........his/voice and do all/that.. 38/505 and said All/the. 39/505
Exo_32:18........the/voice of them that shout/for 40/505
Exo_32:18........the/voice of them that cry/for 41/505
Lev_5:1..........the/voice of swearing/and.. 42/505
Num_7:89.........the/voice of one speaking/unto 43/505
Num_14:1.......their/voice and cried and the/people 44/505 Surely/they...... 45/505
Num_20:16........our/voice and sent/an...... 46/505
Num_21:3.........the/voice of Israel/and.... 47/505
Deu_1:34.........the/voice of your words and/was 48/505
Deu_1:45........your/voice nor give/ear..... 49/505
Deu_4:12.........the/voice of the words but/saw 50/505
Deu_4:12...........a/voice And he declared/unto 51/505
Deu_4:30.........his/voice For the/LORD..... 52/505
Deu_4:33.........the/voice of God/speaking.. 53/505
Deu_4:36.........his/voice that he/might.... 54/505
Deu_5:22.......great/voice and he added/no.. 55/505
Deu_5:23.........the/voice out of the midst of the darkness/for 56/505
Deu_5:24.........his/voice out of the midst of the fire/we 57/505
Deu_5:25.........the/voice of the LORD our God any/more 58/505
Deu_5:26.........the/voice of the living/God 59/505
Deu_5:28.........the/voice of your words when/ye 60/505
Deu_5:28.........the/voice of the words of this/people 61/505
Deu_8:20.........the/voice of the LORD your God Hear/O 62/505
Deu_9:23.........his/voice Ye have/been..... 63/505
Deu_13:4.........his/voice and ye/shall..... 64/505
Deu_13:18........the/voice of the LORD thy God to keep all/his 65/505
Deu_15:5.........the/voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all these/commandments 66/505
Deu_18:16........the/voice of the LORD my God neither/let 67/505
Deu_21:18........the/voice of his father or/the 68/505
Deu_21:18........the/voice of his mother/and 69/505
Deu_21:20........our/voice he is/a.......... 70/505
Deu_26:7.........our/voice and looked/on.... 71/505
Deu_26:14........the/voice of the LORD my God and/have 72/505
Deu_26:17........his/voice And the LORD hath/avouched 73/505
Deu_27:10........the/voice of the LORD thy God and do/his 74/505
Deu_27:14.......loud/voice Cursed/be........ 75/505
Deu_28:1.........the/voice of the LORD thy God to observe and/to 76/505
Deu_28:2.........the/voice of the LORD thy God Blessed/shalt 77/505
Deu_28:15........the/voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his/commandments 78/505
Deu_28:45........the/voice of the LORD thy God to keep his commandments and his statutes which he/commanded 79/505
Deu_28:62........the/voice of the LORD thy God And it/shall 80/505
Deu_30:2.........his/voice according to all/that 81/505
Deu_30:8.........the/voice of the LORD and do/all 82/505
Deu_30:10........the/voice of the LORD thy God to keep his commandments and his statutes which are/written 83/505
Deu_30:20........his/voice and that thou/mayest 84/505
Deu_33:7.........the/voice of Judah/and..... 85/505
Jos_5:6..........the/voice of the LORD unto/whom 86/505
Jos_6:10........your/voice neither shall/any 87/505
Jos_10:14........the/voice of a man/for..... 88/505 in all that I/commanded 89/505
Jos_24:24........his/voice will/we.......... 90/505 why/have......... 91/505
Jdg_2:4........their/voice and wept And they called/the 92/505 I also/will...... 93/505 And there came/an 94/505
Jdg_9:7..........his/voice and cried and said/unto 95/505
Jdg_13:9.........the/voice of Manoah/and.... 96/505
Jdg_18:3.........the/voice of the young/man. 97/505
Jdg_18:25........thy/voice be/heard......... 98/505
Jdg_20:13........the/voice of their brethren/the 99/505
Rut_1:9........their/voice and wept And they said/unto 100/505
Rut_1:14.......their/voice and wept again/and 101/505
1Sa_1:13.........her/voice was not/heard... 102/505
1Sa_2:25.........the/voice of their father/because 103/505
1Sa_8:7..........the/voice of the people/in 104/505
1Sa_8:9........their/voice howbeit/yet..... 105/505
1Sa_8:19.........the/voice of Samuel/and... 106/505
1Sa_8:22.......their/voice and make/them... 107/505
1Sa_12:1........your/voice in all that ye/said 108/505
1Sa_12:14........his/voice and not/rebel... 109/505
1Sa_12:15........the/voice of the LORD but rebel/against 110/505
1Sa_15:1.........the/voice of the words of the/LORD 111/505
1Sa_15:19........the/voice of the LORD but didst/fly 112/505
1Sa_15:20........the/voice of the LORD and have/gone 113/505
1Sa_15:22........the/voice of the LORD Behold to/obey 114/505
1Sa_15:24......their/voice Now/therefore... 115/505
1Sa_19:6.........the/voice of Jonathan/and. 116/505
1Sa_24:16........thy/voice my son David And Saul/lifted 117/505
1Sa_24:16........his/voice and wept And he/said 118/505
1Sa_25:35........thy/voice and have/accepted 119/505
1Sa_26:17....David's/voice and said Is/this 120/505
1Sa_26:17........thy/voice my son David And David/said 121/505 my lord/O....... 122/505
1Sa_28:12.......loud/voice and the woman/spake 123/505
1Sa_28:18........the/voice of the LORD nor executedst/his 124/505
1Sa_28:21........thy/voice and I have/put.. 125/505
1Sa_28:22........the/voice of thine handmaid/and 126/505
1Sa_28:23......their/voice So he/arose..... 127/505
1Sa_30:4.......their/voice and wept until/they 128/505
2Sa_3:32.........his/voice and wept at/the. 129/505
2Sa_12:18........our/voice how/will........ 130/505
2Sa_13:14........her/voice but being/stronger 131/505
2Sa_13:36......their/voice and wept and the/king 132/505
2Sa_15:23.......loud/voice and all/the..... 133/505
2Sa_19:4........loud/voice O my/son........ 134/505
2Sa_19:35........the/voice of singing men/and 135/505 out of his temple and my cry did/enter 136/505
2Sa_22:14........his/voice And he sent/out. 137/505
1Ki_8:55........loud/voice saying Blessed/be 138/505
1Ki_17:22........the/voice of Elijah/and... 139/505 nor any that/answered 140/505
1Ki_18:29....neither/voice nor any to/answer 141/505
1Ki_19:12......small/voice And it was/so... 142/505
1Ki_19:13..........a/voice unto him/and.... 143/505
1Ki_20:25......their/voice and did/so...... 144/505
1Ki_20:36........the/voice of the LORD behold as/soon 145/505
2Ki_4:31.....neither/voice nor hearing/Wherefore 146/505
2Ki_7:10.....neither/voice of man/but...... 147/505 take/ye......... 148/505
2Ki_18:12........the/voice of the LORD their God but/transgressed 149/505
2Ki_18:28.......loud/voice in the Jews' language and spake/saying 150/505
2Ki_19:22........thy/voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 151/505
1Ch_15:16........the/voice with joy/So..... 152/505
2Ch_5:13.......their/voice with the trumpets/and 153/505
2Ch_15:14.......loud/voice and with/shouting 154/505
2Ch_20:19.......loud/voice on/high......... 155/505
2Ch_30:27......their/voice was heard and/their 156/505
2Ch_32:18.......loud/voice in the Jews' speech/unto 157/505
Ezr_3:12........loud/voice and many/shouted 158/505
Ezr_10:12.......loud/voice As thou/hast.... 159/505
Neh_9:4.........loud/voice unto the LORD their/God 160/505
Job_2:12.......their/voice and wept and they rent/every 161/505
Job_3:7.......joyful/voice come/therein.... 162/505
Job_3:18.........the/voice of the oppressor/The 163/505
Job_4:10.........the/voice of the fierce/lion 164/505
Job_4:16...........a/voice saying Shall/mortal 165/505 For he/breaketh. 166/505
Job_30:31........the/voice of them that weep/I 167/505
Job_33:8.........the/voice of thy words/saying 168/505
Job_34:16........the/voice of my words/Shall 169/505
Job_37:2.........his/voice and the sound/that 170/505
Job_37:4...........a/voice roareth he/thundereth 171/505
Job_37:4.........the/voice of his excellency/and 172/505
Job_37:4.........his/voice is heard/God.... 173/505
Job_37:5.........his/voice great/things.... 174/505
Job_38:34........thy/voice to the clouds/that 175/505
Job_40:9...........a/voice like him/Deck... 176/505 and he heard/me. 177/505
Psa_5:2..........the/voice of my cry/my.... 178/505
Psa_5:3...........My/voice shalt/thou...... 179/505
Psa_6:8..........the/voice of my weeping/The 180/505 out of his temple and my cry came/before 181/505
Psa_18:13........his/voice hail/stones..... 182/505
Psa_19:3.......their/voice is not/heard.... 183/505
Psa_26:7.........the/voice of thanksgiving and/tell 184/505 have/mercy...... 185/505
Psa_28:2.........the/voice of my supplications when I cry/unto 186/505
Psa_28:6.........the/voice of my supplications The/LORD 187/505
Psa_29:3.........The/voice of the LORD is upon/the 188/505
Psa_29:4.........The/voice of the LORD is powerful/the 189/505
Psa_29:4.........the/voice of the LORD is full/of 190/505
Psa_29:5.........The/voice of the LORD breaketh/the 191/505
Psa_29:7.........The/voice of the LORD divideth/the 192/505
Psa_29:8.........The/voice of the LORD shaketh/the 193/505
Psa_29:9.........The/voice of the LORD maketh/the 194/505
Psa_31:22........the/voice of my supplications when I cried/unto 195/505
Psa_42:4.........the/voice of joy and praise/with 196/505
Psa_44:16........the/voice of him that reproacheth/and 197/505
Psa_46:6.........his/voice the earth/melted 198/505
Psa_47:1.........the/voice of triumph/For.. 199/505
Psa_55:3.........the/voice of the enemy/because 200/505 He hath/delivered 201/505
Psa_58:5.........the/voice of charmers/charming 202/505 O God/in........ 203/505
Psa_66:8.........the/voice of his praise/to 204/505
Psa_66:19........the/voice of my prayer/Blessed 205/505
Psa_68:33........his/voice and that a/mighty 206/505
Psa_68:33.....mighty/voice Ascribe/ye...... 207/505
Psa_74:23........the/voice of thine enemies/the 208/505 even/unto....... 209/505 and he gave/ear. 210/505
Psa_77:18........The/voice of thy thunder was/in 211/505 and Israel/would 212/505
Psa_86:6.........the/voice of my supplications In/the 213/505
Psa_93:3.......their/voice the floods/lift. 214/505
Psa_95:7.........his/voice Harden not your heart/as 215/505
Psa_98:5.........the/voice of a psalm/With. 216/505
Psa_102:5........the/voice of my groaning/my 217/505
Psa_103:20.......the/voice of his word/Bless 218/505
Psa_104:7........the/voice of thy thunder they/hasted 219/505
Psa_106:25.......the/voice of the LORD Therefore/he 220/505 and my/supplications 221/505
Psa_118:15.......The/voice of rejoicing/and 222/505 according unto/thy 223/505 let/thine....... 224/505
Psa_130:2........the/voice of my supplications If/thou 225/505
Psa_140:6........the/voice of my supplications O/LORD 226/505 when I/cry...... 227/505 with my/voice... 228/505 unto the LORD did/I 229/505
Pro_1:20.........her/voice in the streets She/crieth 230/505
Pro_2:3..........thy/voice for understanding/If 231/505
Pro_5:13.........the/voice of my teachers/nor 232/505
Pro_8:1..........her/voice She standeth/in. 233/505 is to/the....... 234/505
Pro_27:14.......loud/voice rising/early.... 235/505
Ecc_5:3.......fool's/voice is known/by..... 236/505
Ecc_5:6..........thy/voice and destroy/the. 237/505
Ecc_10:20........the/voice and that which/hath 238/505
Ecc_12:4.........the/voice of the bird/and. 239/505
Son_2:8..........The/voice of my beloved behold/he 240/505
Son_2:12.........the/voice of the turtle/is 241/505
Son_2:14.........thy/voice for sweet/is.... 242/505
Son_2:14.........thy/voice and thy/countenance 243/505
Son_5:2..........the/voice of my beloved that/knocketh 244/505
Son_8:13.........thy/voice cause/me........ 245/505
Isa_6:4..........the/voice of him that cried/and 246/505
Isa_6:8..........the/voice of the Lord saying/Whom 247/505
Isa_10:30........thy/voice O daughter/of... 248/505
Isa_13:2.........the/voice unto them/shake. 249/505
Isa_15:4.......their/voice shall be heard/even 250/505
Isa_24:14......their/voice they shall/sing. 251/505 hearken/and..... 252/505
Isa_29:4.........thy/voice shall be as/of.. 253/505
Isa_30:19........the/voice of thy cry/when. 254/505
Isa_30:30...glorious/voice to be heard and/shall 255/505
Isa_30:31........the/voice of the LORD shall/the 256/505
Isa_31:4.......their/voice nor abase/himself 257/505 ye careless/daughters 258/505
Isa_36:13.......loud/voice in the Jews' language and said/Hear 259/505
Isa_37:23........thy/voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 260/505
Isa_40:3.........The/voice of him that crieth/in 261/505
Isa_40:6.........The/voice said Cry/And.... 262/505
Isa_40:9.........thy/voice with strength/lift 263/505
Isa_42:2.........his/voice to be heard in/the 264/505
Isa_42:11......their/voice the villages/that 265/505
Isa_48:20..........a/voice of singing declare/ye 266/505
Isa_50:10........the/voice of his servant/that 267/505
Isa_51:3.........the/voice of melody/Hearken 268/505
Isa_52:8.........the/voice with the voice/together 269/505
Isa_52:8.........the/voice together/shall.. 270/505
Isa_58:1.........thy/voice like a/trumpet.. 271/505
Isa_58:4........your/voice to be heard on/high 272/505
Isa_65:19........the/voice of weeping/shall 273/505
Isa_65:19........the/voice of crying There/shall 274/505
Isa_66:6...........A/voice of noise/from... 275/505
Isa_66:6...........a/voice from the temple/a 276/505
Isa_66:6...........a/voice of the LORD that/rendereth 277/505 saith/the....... 278/505
Jer_3:21...........A/voice was heard upon/the 279/505
Jer_3:25.........the/voice of the LORD our God If/thou 280/505
Jer_4:15...........a/voice declareth/from.. 281/505
Jer_4:16.......their/voice against the/cities 282/505
Jer_4:31...........a/voice as of a woman/in 283/505
Jer_4:31.........the/voice of the daughter/of 284/505
Jer_6:23.......their/voice roareth like/the 285/505 and I will/be... 286/505
Jer_7:28.........the/voice of the LORD their God nor/receiveth 287/505
Jer_7:34.........the/voice of mirth and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride for/the 288/505
Jer_7:34.........the/voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride for/the 289/505
Jer_7:34.........the/voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride for/the 290/505
Jer_7:34.........the/voice of the bride for/the 291/505
Jer_8:19.........the/voice of the cry of the daughter/of 292/505
Jer_9:10.........the/voice of the cattle/both 293/505 neither walked therein/But 294/505
Jer_9:19...........a/voice of wailing/is... 295/505
Jer_10:13........his/voice there is a multitude of waters in the heavens and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish in/his 296/505 and do them/according 297/505 Yet they/obeyed. 298/505
Jer_16:9.........the/voice of mirth and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride And/it 299/505
Jer_16:9.........the/voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride And/it 300/505
Jer_16:9.........the/voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride And/it 301/505
Jer_16:9.........the/voice of the bride And/it 302/505 then I/will..... 303/505
Jer_18:19........the/voice of them that contend/with 304/505
Jer_22:20........thy/voice in Bashan/and... 305/505 The wind/shall.. 306/505
Jer_25:10........the/voice of mirth and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the/sound 307/505
Jer_25:10........the/voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the sound/of 308/505
Jer_25:10........the/voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the sound/of 309/505
Jer_25:10........the/voice of the bride the sound/of 310/505
Jer_25:30........his/voice from his/holy... 311/505
Jer_25:36..........A/voice of the cry of the shepherds/and 312/505
Jer_26:13........the/voice of the LORD your God and the/LORD 313/505
Jer_30:5...........a/voice of trembling/of. 314/505
Jer_30:19........the/voice of them that make/merry 315/505
Jer_31:15..........A/voice was heard in/Ramah 316/505
Jer_31:16........thy/voice from weeping/and 317/505
Jer_32:23........thy/voice neither walked in/thy 318/505
Jer_33:11........The/voice of joy and the/voice 319/505
Jer_33:11........the/voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the voice/of 320/505
Jer_33:11........the/voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the voice/of 321/505
Jer_33:11........the/voice of the bride the voice/of 322/505
Jer_33:11........the/voice of them that shall/say 323/505
Jer_35:8.........the/voice of Jonadab/the.. 324/505
Jer_38:20........the/voice of the LORD which/I 325/505
Jer_40:3.........his/voice therefore this/thing 326/505
Jer_42:6.........the/voice of the LORD our God to whom/we 327/505
Jer_42:6.........the/voice of the LORD our God And/it 328/505
Jer_42:13........the/voice of the LORD your God Saying/No 329/505
Jer_42:21........the/voice of the LORD your God nor/any 330/505
Jer_43:4.........the/voice of the LORD to/dwell 331/505
Jer_43:7.........the/voice of the LORD thus/came 332/505
Jer_44:23........the/voice of the LORD nor walked/in 333/505
Jer_46:22........The/voice thereof/shall... 334/505
Jer_48:3...........A/voice of crying shall/be 335/505
Jer_48:34......their/voice from Zoar/even.. 336/505
Jer_50:28........The/voice of them that flee/and 337/505
Jer_50:42......their/voice shall roar/like. 338/505
Jer_51:16........his/voice there is a multitude of waters in the heavens and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish by/his 339/505
Jer_51:55......great/voice when her/waves.. 340/505
Jer_51:55......their/voice is uttered/Because 341/505 hide/not........ 342/505
Eze_1:24.........the/voice of the Almighty the/voice 343/505
Eze_1:24.........the/voice of speech/as.... 344/505
Eze_1:25...........a/voice from the firmament/that 345/505
Eze_1:28...........a/voice of one that/spake 346/505
Eze_3:12...........a/voice of a great rushing/saying 347/505
Eze_8:18........loud/voice yet will/I...... 348/505
Eze_9:1.........loud/voice saying Cause/them 349/505
Eze_10:5.........the/voice of the Almighty God/when 350/505
Eze_11:13.......loud/voice and said Ah/Lord 351/505
Eze_19:9.........his/voice should/no....... 352/505
Eze_21:22........the/voice with shouting/to 353/505
Eze_23:42..........a/voice of a multitude being/at 354/505
Eze_27:30......their/voice to be heard against/thee 355/505
Eze_33:32...pleasant/voice and can/play.... 356/505
Eze_43:2.........his/voice was like/a...... 357/505
Dan_4:31...........a/voice from heaven saying O/king 358/505
Dan_6:20..lamentable/voice unto Daniel/and. 359/505
Dan_7:11.........the/voice of the great/words 360/505's/voice between/the..... 361/505
Dan_9:10.........the/voice of the LORD our God to walk/in 362/505
Dan_9:11.........thy/voice therefore the/curse 363/505
Dan_9:14.........his/voice And now/O....... 364/505
Dan_10:6.........the/voice of his words like/the 365/505
Dan_10:6.........the/voice of a multitude And/I 366/505
Dan_10:9.........the/voice of his words and/when 367/505
Dan_10:9.........the/voice of his words then/was 368/505
Joe_2:11.........his/voice before/his...... 369/505
Joe_3:16.........his/voice from Jerusalem and the heavens/and 370/505
Amo_1:2..........his/voice from Jerusalem and the habitations/of 371/505 For thou/hadst.. 372/505
Jon_2:9..........the/voice of thanksgiving I/will 373/505
Mic_6:1..........thy/voice Hear/ye......... 374/505
Mic_6:9.......LORD's/voice crieth/unto..... 375/505
Nah_2:7..........the/voice of doves/tabering 376/505
Nah_2:13.........the/voice of thy messengers/shall 377/505
Hab_3:10.........his/voice and lifted up his/hands 378/505
Hab_3:16.........the/voice rottenness/entered 379/505
Zep_1:14.........the/voice of the day/of... 380/505
Zep_2:14.......their/voice shall sing/in... 381/505
Zep_3:2..........the/voice she received/not 382/505
Hag_1:12.........the/voice of the LORD their God and/the 383/505
Zec_6:15.........the/voice of the LORD your God And it/came 384/505
Zec_11:3...........a/voice of the howling/of 385/505
Zec_11:3...........a/voice of the roaring/of 386/505
Mat_2:18...........a/voice heard/lamentation 387/505
Mat_3:3..........The/voice of one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight And/the 388/505
Mat_3:17...........a/voice from heaven saying This/is 389/505
Mat_12:19........his/voice in the streets A/bruised 390/505
Mat_17:5...........a/voice out of the cloud which/said 391/505
Mat_27:46.......loud/voice saying Eli/Eli.. 392/505
Mat_27:50.......loud/voice yielded/up...... 393/505
Mar_1:3..........The/voice of one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight John/did 394/505
Mar_1:11...........a/voice from heaven saying Thou/art 395/505
Mar_1:26........loud/voice he came/out..... 396/505
Mar_5:7.........loud/voice and said What/have 397/505
Mar_9:7............a/voice came out of the cloud/saying 398/505
Mar_15:34.......loud/voice saying Eloi/Eloi 399/505
Mar_15:37.......loud/voice and gave/up..... 400/505
Luk_1:42........loud/voice and said Blessed/art 401/505
Luk_1:44.........the/voice of thy salutation/sounded 402/505
Luk_3:4..........The/voice of one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight Every/valley 403/505
Luk_3:22...........a/voice came from/heaven 404/505
Luk_4:33........loud/voice Saying Let/us... 405/505
Luk_8:28........loud/voice said What/have.. 406/505
Luk_9:35...........a/voice out of the cloud saying/This 407/505
Luk_9:36.........the/voice was past/Jesus.. 408/505
Luk_11:27........her/voice and said unto him/Blessed 409/505
Luk_17:15.......loud/voice glorified/God... 410/505
Luk_19:37.......loud/voice for all/the..... 411/505
Luk_23:46.......loud/voice he said/Father.. 412/505
Joh_1:23.........the/voice of one crying in the wilderness Make/straight 413/505
Joh_3:29bridegroom's/voice this/my......... 414/505
Joh_5:25.........the/voice of the Son/of... 415/505
Joh_5:28.........his/voice And shall/come.. 416/505
Joh_5:37.........his/voice at/any.......... 417/505
Joh_10:3.........his/voice and he calleth/his 418/505
Joh_10:4.........his/voice And a/stranger.. 419/505
Joh_10:5.........the/voice of strangers/This 420/505 and there shall/be 421/505 and I know/them. 422/505
Joh_11:43.......loud/voice Lazarus/come.... 423/505
Joh_12:28..........a/voice from heaven saying I/have 424/505
Joh_12:30.......This/voice came not/because 425/505 Pilate/saith.... 426/505
Act_2:14.........his/voice and said unto them/Ye 427/505
Act_4:24.......their/voice to God/with..... 428/505
Act_7:31.........the/voice of the LORD came/unto 429/505
Act_7:57........loud/voice and stopped/their 430/505
Act_7:60........loud/voice Lord/lay........ 431/505
Act_8:7.........loud/voice came out of many/that 432/505
Act_9:4............a/voice saying unto him/Saul 433/505
Act_9:7............a/voice but seeing/no... 434/505
Act_10:13..........a/voice to him Rise/Peter 435/505
Act_10:15........the/voice spake/unto...... 436/505
Act_11:7...........a/voice saying unto me Arise/Peter 437/505
Act_11:9.........the/voice answered/me..... 438/505
Act_12:14....Peter's/voice she opened/not.. 439/505
Act_12:22........the/voice of a god/and.... 440/505
Act_14:10.......loud/voice Stand/upright... 441/505
Act_16:28.......loud/voice saying Do/thyself 442/505 about/the....... 443/505
Act_22:7...........a/voice saying unto me Saul/Saul 444/505
Act_22:9.........the/voice of him that spake/to 445/505
Act_22:14........the/voice of his mouth/For 446/505 that I/cried.... 447/505 against them/And 448/505
Act_26:14..........a/voice speaking/unto... 449/505
Act_26:24.......loud/voice Paul/thou....... 450/505
1Co_14:11........the/voice I shall/be...... 451/505 I might/teach... 452/505 for I/stand..... 453/505
1Th_4:16.........the/voice of the archangel/and 454/505
Heb_3:7..........his/voice Harden not your hearts as in the provocation in/the 455/505
Heb_3:15.........his/voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation For/some 456/505
Heb_4:7..........his/voice harden not your hearts For/if 457/505
Heb_12:19........the/voice of words/which.. 458/505
Heb_12:19......which/voice they that/heard. 459/505
Heb_12:26......Whose/voice then shook/the.. 460/505
2Pe_1:17...........a/voice to him from/the. 461/505
2Pe_1:18........this/voice which came/from. 462/505's/voice forbad/the...... 463/505
Rev_1:10.......great/voice as of a trumpet/Saying 464/505
Rev_1:12.........the/voice that spake/with. 465/505
Rev_1:15.........his/voice as the/sound.... 466/505 and open/the.... 467/505
Rev_4:1........first/voice which I heard was/as 468/505
Rev_5:2.........loud/voice Who/is.......... 469/505
Rev_5:11.........the/voice of many angels/round 470/505
Rev_5:12........loud/voice Worthy/is....... 471/505
Rev_6:6............a/voice in the midst/of. 472/505
Rev_6:7..........the/voice of the fourth/beast 473/505
Rev_6:10........loud/voice saying How/long. 474/505
Rev_7:2.........loud/voice to the four/angels 475/505
Rev_7:10........loud/voice saying Salvation/to 476/505
Rev_8:13........loud/voice Woe/woe......... 477/505
Rev_9:13...........a/voice from the four/horns 478/505
Rev_10:3........loud/voice as when/a....... 479/505
Rev_10:4...........a/voice from heaven saying unto me Seal/up 480/505
Rev_10:7.........the/voice of the seventh/angel 481/505
Rev_10:8.........the/voice which I heard from/heaven 482/505
Rev_11:12......great/voice from heaven saying unto them/Come 483/505
Rev_12:10.......loud/voice saying in/heaven 484/505
Rev_14:2...........a/voice from heaven as/the 485/505
Rev_14:2.........the/voice of many waters and as the voice of a/great 486/505
Rev_14:2.........the/voice of a great thunder/and 487/505
Rev_14:2.........the/voice of harpers harping/with 488/505
Rev_14:7........loud/voice Fear/God........ 489/505
Rev_14:9........loud/voice If/any.......... 490/505
Rev_14:13..........a/voice from heaven saying unto me Write/Blessed 491/505
Rev_14:15.......loud/voice to him that/sat. 492/505
Rev_16:1.......great/voice out of the temple saying/to 493/505
Rev_16:17......great/voice out of the temple of/heaven 494/505
Rev_18:2......strong/voice saying Babylon/the 495/505
Rev_18:4.....another/voice from heaven saying Come/out 496/505
Rev_18:22........the/voice of harpers and/musicians 497/505
Rev_18:23........the/voice of the bridegroom and of/the 498/505
Rev_19:1.......great/voice of much/people.. 499/505
Rev_19:5...........a/voice came out of the throne/saying 500/505
Rev_19:6.........the/voice of a great multitude/and 501/505
Rev_19:6.........the/voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty/thunderings 502/505
Rev_19:6.........the/voice of mighty/thunderings 503/505
Rev_19:17.......loud/voice saying to/all... 504/505
Rev_21:3.......great/voice out of heaven/saying 505/505
Jdg_21:2.......their/voices and wept sore/And. 1/17
1Sa_11:4.......their/voices and wept And/behold 2/17
Luk_17:13......their/voices and said Jesus/Master 3/17
Luk_23:23.......loud/voices requiring/that.... 4/17
Luk_23:23........the/voices of them/and....... 5/17
Act_13:27........the/voices of the prophets/which 6/17
Act_14:11......their/voices saying/in......... 7/17
Act_22:22......their/voices and said Away/with 8/17
1Co_14:10.........of/voices in the/world...... 9/17
Rev_4:5..........and/voices and there/were... 10/17
Rev_8:5.........were/voices and thunderings and lightnings/and 11/17
Rev_8:13.......other/voices of the trumpet/of 12/17
Rev_10:3.......their/voices And when/the..... 13/17
Rev_10:4.......their/voices I/was............ 14/17
Rev_11:15......great/voices in heaven/saying. 15/17
Rev_11:19........and/voices and thunderings and an/earthquake 16/17
Rev_16:18.......were/voices and thunders/and. 17/17
