Gen_14:2....made/war with Bera/king...... 1/225
Exo_1:10.....any/war they join/also...... 2/225
Exo_13:17....see/war and they return/to.. 3/225
Exo_15:3......of/war the LORD/is......... 4/225
Exo_17:16...have/war with Amalek/from.... 5/225
Exo_32:17.....of/war in the camp/And..... 6/225 in Israel thou/and.. 7/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 8/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 9/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 10/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 11/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 12/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 13/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 14/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 15/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 16/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 17/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 18/225 Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 19/225 in Israel Even/all. 20/225 in your land/against 21/225 in Israel And/Moses 22/225
Num_31:3.....the/war and let/them....... 23/225
Num_31:4.....the/war So there/were...... 24/225
Num_31:5.....for/war And Moses/sent..... 25/225
Num_31:6.....the/war a thousand/of...... 26/225
Num_31:6.....the/war with the holy/instruments 27/225
Num_31:21.....of/war which went to/the.. 28/225
Num_31:27....the/war upon them/who...... 29/225
Num_31:28.....of/war which went out/to.. 30/225
Num_31:32.....of/war had caught/was..... 31/225 was in number/three 32/225
Num_31:49.....of/war which are/under.... 33/225
Num_31:53.....of/war had taken/spoil.... 34/225 and shall/ye....... 35/225 And will go/all.... 36/225
Num_32:27....for/war before/the......... 37/225
Deu_1:41......of/war ye/were............ 38/225
Deu_2:14......of/war were wasted/out.... 39/225
Deu_2:16......of/war were consumed/and.. 40/225
Deu_3:18.....the/war But your/wives..... 41/225 and by/a........... 42/225
Deu_20:12...make/war against thee then/thou 43/225
Deu_20:19.making/war against it to/take. 44/225
Deu_20:20.maketh/war with thee until/it. 45/225 against thine/enemies 46/225 neither shall he/be 47/225
Jos_4:13.....for/war passed/over........ 48/225
Jos_5:4.......of/war died/in............ 49/225
Jos_5:6.......of/war which came/out..... 50/225
Jos_6:3.......of/war and go/round....... 51/225
Jos_8:1.......of/war with thee and arise/go 52/225
Jos_8:3.......of/war to go up/against... 53/225
Jos_8:11......of/war that were/with..... 54/225
Jos_10:5....made/war against it And/the. 55/225
Jos_10:7......of/war with him and all/the 56/225
Jos_10:24.....of/war which went with/him 57/225
Jos_11:7......of/war with him against/them 58/225
Jos_11:18...made/war a long/time........ 59/225
Jos_11:23...from/war Now these/are...... 60/225
Jos_14:11....for/war both/to............ 61/225
Jos_14:15...from/war This/then.......... 62/225
Jos_17:1......of/war therefore/he....... 63/225 against them And the/children 64/225
Jdg_3:2.....them/war at the/least....... 65/225 and the LORD/delivered 66/225
Jdg_5:8......was/war in the gates/was... 67/225
Jdg_11:4....made/war against Israel And/it 68/225
Jdg_11:5....made/war against Israel the/elders 69/225 against me the/LORD 70/225
Jdg_18:11.....of/war And they went/up... 71/225
Jdg_18:16.....of/war which were/of...... 72/225
Jdg_18:17.....of/war And these/went..... 73/225
Jdg_20:17.....of/war And the children/of 74/225
Jdg_21:22....the/war for ye/did......... 75/225
1Sa_8:12......of/war and instruments/of. 76/225
1Sa_14:52...sore/war against the Philistines/all 77/225
1Sa_16:18.....of/war and prudent/in..... 78/225
1Sa_17:33.....of/war from his/youth..... 79/225
1Sa_18:5......of/war and he/was......... 80/225
1Sa_19:8.....was/war again and/David.... 81/225 to go down/to...... 82/225
1Sa_28:15...make/war against me and/God. 83/225
2Sa_1:27......of/war perished/And....... 84/225
2Sa_3:1.....long/war between the house of Saul and the house of David but/David 85/225
2Sa_3:6......was/war between the house of Saul and the house of David that/Abner 86/225
2Sa_11:7.....the/war prospered/And...... 87/225
2Sa_11:18....the/war And charged/the.... 88/225
2Sa_11:19....the/war unto the king/And.. 89/225
2Sa_17:8......of/war and will not/lodge. 90/225
2Sa_21:15....yet/war again with Israel/and 91/225 so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy gentleness/hath 92/225
1Ki_2:5.......of/war in peace/and....... 93/225
1Ki_2:5.......of/war upon his/girdle.... 94/225
1Ki_9:22......of/war and his/servants... 95/225
1Ki_14:30....was/war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their/days 96/225
1Ki_15:6.....was/war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the/days 97/225
1Ki_15:7.....was/war between Abijam/and. 98/225
1Ki_15:16....was/war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel all their days And/Baasha 99/225
1Ki_15:32....was/war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel all their days In/the 100/225
1Ki_20:18....for/war take/them......... 101/225
1Ki_22:1.without/war between Syria/and. 102/225
2Ki_8:28.....the/war against Hazael king of Syria in/Ramothgilead 103/225 Three/times....... 104/225 and called/the.... 105/225 and they besieged/Ahaz 106/225
2Ki_18:20....the/war Now on whom dost thou trust that thou rebellest against me Now/behold 107/225
2Ki_24:16....for/war even them/the..... 108/225
2Ki_25:4......of/war fled by/night..... 109/225
2Ki_25:19.....of/war and five/men...... 110/225
1Ch_5:10....made/war with the Hagarites who/fell 111/225 were four/and..... 112/225
1Ch_5:18.....the/war And they made/war. 113/225
1Ch_5:19....made/war with the Hagarites with/Jetur 114/225
1Ch_5:22.....the/war was of/God........ 115/225
1Ch_7:4......for/war six/and........... 116/225
1Ch_7:11.....for/war and battle/Shuppim 117/225
1Ch_7:40.....the/war and to/battle..... 118/225
1Ch_12:1.....the/war They were/armed... 119/225
1Ch_12:8......of/war fit/for........... 120/225
1Ch_12:23....the/war and came/to....... 121/225
1Ch_12:24....the/war Of/the............ 122/225
1Ch_12:25....the/war seven/thousand.... 123/225 with all/instruments 124/225
1Ch_12:33.....of/war fifty/thousand.... 125/225 twenty/and........ 126/225 forty/thousand.... 127/225
1Ch_12:37.....of/war for the/battle.... 128/225
1Ch_12:38.....of/war that could keep/rank 129/225
1Ch_18:10....had/war with Tou/and...... 130/225
1Ch_20:4...arose/war at Gezer/with..... 131/225
1Ch_20:5.....was/war again with the/Philistines 132/225
1Ch_20:6.....was/war at Gath/where..... 133/225
1Ch_28:3......of/war and hast/shed..... 134/225 against their/enemies 135/225
2Ch_8:9.......of/war and chief/of...... 136/225
2Ch_13:2.....was/war between Abijah/and 137/225
2Ch_13:3......of/war even four/hundred. 138/225 in those/years.... 139/225
2Ch_15:19...more/war unto the five/and. 140/225 against Jehoshaphat/Also 141/225
2Ch_17:13.....of/war mighty/men........ 142/225
2Ch_17:18....the/war These/waited...... 143/225
2Ch_18:3.....the/war And Jehoshaphat/said 144/225 against Hazael king of Syria at/Ramothgilead 145/225 that could handle/spear 146/225 by bands/according 147/225
2Ch_26:13...made/war with mighty/power. 148/225
2Ch_28:12....the/war And said/unto..... 149/225
2Ch_32:6......of/war over/the.......... 150/225
2Ch_33:14.....of/war in all/the........ 151/225
2Ch_35:21...have/war for God/commanded. 152/225 from the/power.... 153/225
Job_10:17....and/war are against/me.... 154/225
Job_38:23....and/war By what/way....... 155/225 so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right/hand 156/225
Psa_27:3..though/war should/rise....... 157/225
Psa_55:21....but/war was in his/heart.. 158/225 Princes/shall..... 159/225
Psa_120:7....for/war I/will............ 160/225
Psa_140:2....for/war They have/sharpened 161/225 and my/fingers.... 162/225
Pro_20:18...make/war He that/goeth..... 163/225
Pro_24:6.....thy/war and in/multitude.. 164/225
Ecc_3:8.......of/war and a/time........ 165/225
Ecc_8:8.....that/war neither shall wickedness/deliver 166/225
Ecc_9:18......of/war but one/sinner.... 167/225 every/man......... 168/225
Isa_2:4....learn/war any more O/house.. 169/225
Isa_3:2.......of/war the judge/and..... 170/225
Isa_3:25.....the/war And her/gates..... 171/225 against it but/could 172/225
Isa_21:15.....of/war For thus/hath..... 173/225
Isa_36:5.....for/war now on whom dost thou trust that thou rebellest against me Lo/thou 174/225
Isa_37:9....make/war with thee And when/he 175/225
Isa_41:12...that/war against thee shall/be 176/225
Isa_42:13.....of/war he shall/cry...... 177/225
Jer_4:19......of/war Destruction/upon.. 178/225 against her/arise. 179/225
Jer_6:23.....for/war against thee O/daughter 180/225
Jer_21:2..maketh/war against us/if..... 181/225
Jer_21:4......of/war that are in your/hands 182/225
Jer_28:8......of/war and of/evil....... 183/225
Jer_38:4......of/war that remain/in.... 184/225
Jer_39:4......of/war then/they......... 185/225
Jer_41:3......of/war And it/came....... 186/225
Jer_41:16.....of/war and the women/and. 187/225 nor/hear.......... 188/225
Jer_48:14....the/war Moab/is........... 189/225
Jer_49:2......of/war to be/heard....... 190/225
Jer_49:26.....of/war shall be cut off in that day saith the LORD of/hosts 191/225
Jer_50:30.....of/war shall be cut off in that day saith the LORD Behold/I 192/225
Jer_51:20.....of/war for with/thee..... 193/225
Jer_51:32.....of/war are affrighted/For 194/225
Jer_52:7......of/war fled and/went..... 195/225
Jer_52:25.....of/war and seven/men..... 196/225
Eze_17:17....the/war by casting/up..... 197/225
Eze_26:9......of/war against thy/walls. 198/225
Eze_27:10.....of/war they hanged/the... 199/225
Eze_27:27.....of/war that are in thee/and 200/225
Eze_32:27.....of/war and they have/laid 201/225
Eze_39:20.....of/war saith/the......... 202/225
Dan_7:21....made/war with the saints and prevailed/against 203/225
Dan_9:26.....the/war desolations/are... 204/225
Joe_2:7.......of/war and they shall/march 205/225
Joe_3:9..Prepare/war wake/up........... 206/225
Joe_3:9.......of/war draw/near......... 207/225
Mic_2:8.....from/war The women/of...... 208/225
Mic_3:5..prepare/war against him Therefore/night 209/225
Mic_4:3....learn/war any more But/they. 210/225
Luk_14:31...make/war against another/king 211/225
Luk_23:11.....of/war set/him........... 212/225
2Co_10:3.....not/war after/the......... 213/225
1Ti_1:18mightest/war a good/warfare.... 214/225
Jam_4:1.....that/war in your members/Ye 215/225
Jam_4:2......and/war yet/ye............ 216/225
1Pe_2:11...which/war against the soul/Having 217/225
Rev_11:7....make/war against them and shall/overcome 218/225
Rev_12:7.....was/war in heaven/Michael. 219/225
Rev_12:17...make/war with the remnant/of 220/225
Rev_13:4....make/war with him And there/was 221/225
Rev_13:7....make/war with the saints and to/overcome 222/225
Rev_17:14...make/war with the Lamb/and. 223/225
Rev_19:11...make/war His/eyes.......... 224/225
Rev_19:19...make/war against him that/sat 225/225
