1Ch_20:2.......to/weigh a/talent............ 1/6
Ezr_8:29.......ye/weigh them/before......... 2/6
Psa_58:2.......ye/weigh the violence/of..... 3/6
Isa_26:7.....dost/weigh the path/of......... 4/6
Isa_46:6......and/weigh silver/in........... 5/6
Eze_5:1........to/weigh and/divide.......... 6/6
Gen_23:16.Abraham/weighed to/Ephron........ 1/17
Num_7:85..vessels/weighed two/thousand..... 2/17
1Sa_2:3.......are/weighed The bows/of...... 3/17
1Sa_17:7.....head/weighed six/hundred...... 4/17
2Sa_14:26......he/weighed the hair/of...... 5/17
2Sa_21:16...spear/weighed three/hundred.... 6/17
Ezr_8:25......And/weighed unto them/the.... 7/17
Ezr_8:26.....even/weighed unto their/hand.. 8/17
Ezr_8:33..vessels/weighed in the house/of.. 9/17
Job_6:2.throughly/weighed and/my.......... 10/17
Job_28:15......be/weighed for the/price... 11/17
Job_31:6.......be/weighed in an/even...... 12/17
Isa_40:12.....and/weighed the mountains/in 13/17
Jer_32:9......and/weighed him the money even/seventeen 14/17
Jer_32:10.....and/weighed him the money in/the 15/17
Dan_5:27......art/weighed in the balances/and 16/17
Zec_11:12....they/weighed for my/price.... 17/17
Job_28:25......he/weigheth the waters/by.... 1/2
Pro_16:2.....LORD/weigheth the spirits/Commit 2/2
Num_7:85...silver/weighing an/hundred....... 1/2
Num_7:86..incense/weighing ten/shekels...... 2/2
Gen_24:22..shekel/weight and two/bracelets. 1/58
Gen_24:22.shekels/weight of gold And/said.. 2/58
Gen_43:21....full/weight and we/have....... 3/58
Exo_30:34....like/weight And thou/shalt.... 4/58
Lev_19:35......in/weight or/in............. 5/58
Lev_26:26......by/weight and ye/shall...... 6/58
Num_7:13......the/weight thereof/was....... 7/58
Num_7:19......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon/of 8/58
Num_7:25......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 9/58
Num_7:31......the/weight of an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 10/58
Num_7:37......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 11/58
Num_7:43......the/weight of an hundred and thirty shekels a/silver 12/58
Num_7:49......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 13/58
Num_7:55......the/weight of an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 14/58
Num_7:61......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 15/58
Num_7:67......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 16/58
Num_7:73......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 17/58
Num_7:79......the/weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 18/58
Deu_25:15....just/weight a/perfect........ 19/58
Jos_7:21..shekels/weight then I/coveted... 20/58
Jdg_8:26......the/weight of the golden/earrings 21/58
1Sa_17:5......the/weight of the coat/was.. 22/58
2Sa_12:30.....the/weight whereof was a/talent 23/58
2Sa_14:26..king's/weight And unto/Absalom. 24/58
2Sa_21:16.....the/weight of whose/spear... 25/58
2Sa_21:16......in/weight he being/girded.. 26/58
1Ki_7:47......the/weight of the brass found/out 27/58
1Ki_10:14.....the/weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore/and 28/58
2Ki_25:16.without/weight The/height....... 29/58
1Ch_21:25......by/weight And David/built.. 30/58
1Ch_22:3..without/weight Also/cedar....... 31/58
1Ch_22:14.without/weight for it/is........ 32/58
1Ch_28:14......by/weight for things/of.... 33/58
1Ch_28:14......by/weight for all/instruments 34/58
1Ch_28:15.....the/weight for the candlesticks/of 35/58
1Ch_28:15......by/weight for every candlestick/and 36/58
1Ch_28:15......by/weight both/for......... 37/58
1Ch_28:16......by/weight he gave/gold..... 38/58
1Ch_28:17......by/weight for every bason and/likewise 39/58
1Ch_28:17......by/weight for every bason of/silver 40/58
1Ch_28:18......by/weight and gold/for..... 41/58
2Ch_3:9.......the/weight of the nails/was. 42/58
2Ch_4:18......the/weight of the brass could/not 43/58
2Ch_9:13......the/weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and/threescore 44/58
Ezr_8:30......the/weight of the silver/and 45/58
Ezr_8:34.......by/weight of every/one..... 46/58
Ezr_8:34......the/weight was/written...... 47/58
Job_28:25.....the/weight for the winds/and 48/58
Pro_11:1.....just/weight is/his........... 49/58
Pro_16:11....just/weight and balance/are.. 50/58
Jer_52:20.without/weight And concerning/the 51/58
Eze_4:10.......by/weight twenty/shekels... 52/58
Eze_4:16.......by/weight and with/care.... 53/58
Zec_5:8.......the/weight of lead/upon..... 54/58
Joh_19:39...pound/weight Then took/they... 55/58
2Co_4:17..eternal/weight of glory/While... 56/58
Heb_12:1....every/weight and the/sin...... 57/58
Rev_16:21.....the/weight of a/talent...... 58/58
Mat_23:23.....the/weightier/matters......... 1/1
Lev_19:36....just/weights a just/ephah...... 1/6
Deu_25:13..divers/weights a great/and....... 2/6
Pro_16:11.....the/weights of/the............ 3/6
Pro_20:10..Divers/weights and/divers........ 4/6
Pro_20:23..Divers/weights are/an............ 5/6
Mic_6:11deceitful/weights For/the........... 6/6
Pro_27:3.....sand/weighty but/a............. 1/2
2Co_10:10.....are/weighty and/powerful...... 2/2
