he had formed/And.. 1/763
Gen_3:12.......woman/whom thou gavest/to..... 2/763
Gen_4:25........Abel/whom Cain/slew.......... 3/763 I have created/from 4/763
Gen_10:14.........of/whom came Philistim/and. 5/763
Gen_15:14.....nation/whom they shall serve/will 6/763
Gen_21:3.........him/whom Sarah/bare......... 7/763
Gen_22:2.......Isaac/whom thou lovest and/get 8/763
Gen_24:3.......among/whom I dwell/But........ 9/763 I shall say/Let... 10/763
Gen_24:40.....before/whom I walk/will....... 11/763
Gen_24:44......woman/whom the LORD hath appointed/out 12/763
Gen_24:47........son/whom Milcah/bare....... 13/763
Gen_25:12........son/whom Hagar/the......... 14/763
Gen_30:26........for/whom I have served/thee 15/763 the Spirit/of..... 16/763
Gen_43:27.........of/whom ye spake Is/he.... 17/763
Gen_43:29.........of/whom ye spake unto/me.. 18/763
Gen_44:10.......with/whom it is found/shall. 19/763
Gen_44:16.......with/whom the cup/is........ 20/763 ye sold/into...... 21/763
Gen_46:18.....Zilpah/whom Laban/gave........ 22/763
Gen_48:9........sons/whom God hath given me/in 23/763
Gen_48:15.....before/whom my fathers/Abraham 24/763
Gen_49:8..........he/whom thy brethren/shall 25/763
Exo_4:13.........him/whom thou wilt send And/the 26/763
Exo_6:5.......Israel/whom the Egyptians/keep 27/763 the LORD said/Bring 28/763
Exo_14:13..Egyptians/whom ye have seen/to... 29/763
Exo_18:9......Israel/whom he had delivered/out 30/763
Exo_22:9.........and/whom the judges/shall.. 31/763 thou shalt come/and 32/763
Exo_28:3.....hearted/whom I have filled/with 33/763 thou swarest/by... 34/763
Exo_33:12.......know/whom thou wilt send with/me 35/763 I will be gracious/and 36/763
Exo_33:19.........on/whom I will shew/mercy. 37/763 his spirit/made... 38/763
Exo_35:23.......with/whom was found blue/and 39/763
Exo_35:24.......with/whom was found shittim/wood 40/763 the LORD put/wisdom 41/763 it appertaineth/in 42/763 the plague/is..... 43/763 is the plague/of.. 44/763
Lev_15:18.......with/whom man shall/lie..... 45/763
Lev_16:32.....priest/whom he shall anoint/and 46/763
Lev_16:32........and/whom he shall consecrate/to 47/763
Lev_17:7.......after/whom they have gone/a.. 48/763
Lev_22:5..........of/whom he may take/uncleanness 49/763 he sold/it........ 50/763
Lev_25:55...servants/whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt I/am 51/763
Lev_26:45..ancestors/whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in/the 52/763
Lev_27:24.........of/whom it was bought/even 53/763 the possession/of. 54/763
Num_3:3.....anointed/whom he consecrated/to. 55/763
Num_4:41congregation/whom Moses and Aaron did/number 56/763
Num_4:45......Merari/whom Moses and Aaron numbered/according 57/763
Num_4:46.....Levites/whom Moses and Aaron and/the 58/763
Num_5:7......against/whom he hath trespassed/But 59/763
Num_11:16.....Israel/whom thou knowest to/be 60/763
Num_11:21......among/whom I am are/six...... 61/763
Num_12:1.......woman/whom he had married/for 62/763
Num_12:12.........of/whom the flesh/is...... 63/763
Num_16:5.........him/whom he hath chosen will/he 64/763 the LORD doth/choose 65/763
Num_17:5.........rod/whom I shall choose/shall 66/763
Num_22:6..........he/whom thou blessest/is.. 67/763
Num_22:6..........he/whom thou cursest/is... 68/763
Num_23:8.......curse/whom God hath not/cursed 69/763
Num_23:8........defy/whom the LORD hath not/defied 70/763
Num_26:5..........of/whom cometh/the........ 71/763
Num_26:59.......Levi/whom her/mother........ 72/763
Num_26:64.......them/whom Moses and Aaron the/priest 73/763 is the spirit and/lay 74/763
Num_34:29.......they/whom the LORD commanded to/divide 75/763 they think/best... 76/763
Deu_4:46.....Heshbon/whom Moses and the/children 77/763
Deu_7:19..........of/whom thou art afraid Moreover/the 78/763
Deu_9:2......Anakims/whom thou knowest and/of 79/763
Deu_9:2...........of/whom thou hast heard/say 80/763
Deu_17:15.......thee/whom the LORD thy/God.. 81/763
Deu_19:4..ignorantly/whom he hated/not...... 82/763
Deu_19:17....between/whom the controversy/is 83/763
Deu_21:8......Israel/whom thou hast redeemed and/lay 84/763 thou dost/lend.... 85/763
Deu_28:55...children/whom he shall eat/because 86/763
Deu_29:26.......gods/whom they knew not and/whom 87/763
Deu_29:26........and/whom he had not/given.. 88/763
Deu_31:4........them/whom he destroyed/And.. 89/763
Deu_32:17.......gods/whom they knew not to/new 90/763
Deu_32:17.........up/whom your/fathers...... 91/763 is no faith/They.. 92/763 they trusted/Which 93/763 thou didst prove/at 94/763
Deu_33:8........with/whom thou didst strive/at 95/763
Deu_34:10......Moses/whom the LORD knew/face 96/763
Jos_2:10..........Og/whom ye utterly/destroyed 97/763 he had prepared/of 98/763
Jos_5:6.........unto/whom the LORD sware/that 99/763
Jos_5:7.....children/whom he raised up/in.. 100/763
Jos_10:11.......they/whom the children of Israel slew/with 101/763
Jos_10:25....against/whom ye fight/And..... 102/763
Jos_13:8........With/whom the Reubenites/and 103/763
Jos_13:21....Heshbon/whom Moses smote/with. 104/763 ye will/serve.... 105/763
Jos_24:17....through/whom we passed/And.... 106/763 thou seekest And/when 107/763
Jdg_7:4...........of/whom I say/unto....... 108/763
Jdg_8:15........with/whom ye did/upbraid... 109/763
Jdg_8:18........they/whom ye slew at/Tabor. 110/763
Jdg_12:9...daughters/whom he sent/abroad... 111/763
Jdg_14:20..companion/whom he had used/as... 112/763
Jdg_21:23.....danced/whom they caught/and.. 113/763
Rut_2:19........with/whom she had/wrought.. 114/763
Rut_2:19........with/whom I wrought/to..... 115/763
Rut_4:1...........of/whom Boaz/spake....... 116/763
Rut_4:1.........unto/whom he said Ho/such.. 117/763
Rut_4:12......Pharez/whom Tamar/bare....... 118/763
1Sa_2:33.......thine/whom I shall not/cut.. 119/763 shall he go/up... 120/763 I spake to/thee.. 121/763
1Sa_9:20..........on/whom is all the/desire 122/763
1Sa_10:24........him/whom the LORD hath chosen/that 123/763
1Sa_12:3..........or/whom have I defrauded/whom 124/763
1Sa_12:3...defrauded/whom have I oppressed/or 125/763
1Sa_12:13.......king/whom ye have chosen/and 126/763
1Sa_12:13........and/whom ye have desired/and 127/763
1Sa_16:3.........him/whom I name/unto...... 128/763
1Sa_17:28.......with/whom hast thou left/those 129/763
1Sa_17:45.....Israel/whom thou hast defied/This 130/763
1Sa_21:9..Philistine/whom thou slewest/in.. 131/763
1Sa_24:14......After/whom is the king/of... 132/763
1Sa_24:14......after/whom dost thou pursue/after 133/763 I know/not....... 134/763
1Sa_25:25.......lord/whom thou didst send/Now 135/763
1Sa_28:8..........up/whom I shall name/unto 136/763
1Sa_28:11......woman/Whom shall I bring/up. 137/763
1Sa_29:5..........of/whom they sang/one.... 138/763
1Sa_30:13.........To/whom belongest/thou... 139/763
1Sa_30:21......David/whom they had made/also 140/763
2Sa_7:7.......Israel/whom I commanded to feed my people Israel/saying 141/763
2Sa_7:15........Saul/whom I put/away....... 142/763
2Sa_7:23......Israel/whom God went to redeem for/a 143/763 he slew and we/will 144/763
2Sa_15:33.......Unto/whom David said/If.... 145/763
2Sa_16:18........but/whom the LORD and/this 146/763
2Sa_16:19......again/whom should/I......... 147/763 thou seekest is/as 148/763
2Sa_19:10....Absalom/whom we anointed/over. 149/763
2Sa_20:3..concubines/whom he had left/to... 150/763
2Sa_21:6........Saul/whom the LORD did/choose 151/763
2Sa_21:8........Aiah/whom she bare unto/Saul 152/763
2Sa_21:8........Saul/whom she brought/up... 153/763 David had The/Tachmonite 154/763
2Sa_23:8.....hundred/whom he slew at/one... 155/763
1Ki_2:5.......Jether/whom he slew and shed/the 156/763
1Ki_5:5..........son/whom I will set/upon.. 157/763
1Ki_7:8.....daughter/whom he had taken/to.. 158/763 the children of Israel also/were 159/763
1Ki_10:26...horsemen/whom he bestowed in the cities/for 160/763
1Ki_11:20........son/whom Tahpenes/weaned.. 161/763
1Ki_11:34.......sake/whom I chose/because.. 162/763
1Ki_13:23....prophet/whom he had brought back/And 163/763
1Ki_17:1......before/whom I stand there/shall 164/763
1Ki_17:20.......with/whom I sojourn/by..... 165/763
1Ki_18:15.....before/whom I stand I will surely/shew 166/763
1Ki_18:31.......unto/whom the word of the LORD came saying/Israel 167/763
1Ki_20:14.........By/whom And/he........... 168/763 I appointed/to... 169/763
1Ki_21:25.......LORD/whom Jezebel/his...... 170/763
1Ki_21:26...Amorites/whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel And/it 171/763 we may enquire of the LORD but I hate him for he doth/not 172/763
2Ki_3:14......before/whom I stand surely/were 173/763
2Ki_5:16......before/whom I stand I will receive/none 174/763 ye seek But/he... 175/763
2Ki_6:22.......those/whom thou hast taken captive/with 176/763
2Ki_8:5..........son/whom Elisha/restored.. 177/763 I have brought/into 178/763
2Ki_16:3.....heathen/whom the LORD cast out from before the children of Israel And he/sacrificed 179/763
2Ki_17:8.....heathen/whom the LORD cast out from before the children of Israel and of/the 180/763
2Ki_17:11....heathen/whom the LORD carried/away 181/763
2Ki_17:15.concerning/whom the LORD had charged/them 182/763
2Ki_17:27....priests/whom ye brought/from.. 183/763
2Ki_17:28....priests/whom they had carried/away 184/763
2Ki_17:33....nations/whom they carried/away 185/763
2Ki_17:34......Jacob/whom he named/Israel.. 186/763
2Ki_17:35.......With/whom the LORD had made/a 187/763
2Ki_18:20.........on/whom dost thou trust that thou rebellest against me Now/behold 188/763
2Ki_19:4...Rabshakeh/whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to reproach the living God and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that are/left 189/763 thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 190/763
2Ki_19:22.......thee/Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 191/763
2Ki_19:22....against/whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 192/763
2Ki_21:2.....heathen/whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel For/he 193/763
2Ki_21:9.....nations/whom the LORD destroyed/before 194/763
2Ki_23:5.....priests/whom the kings of Judah/had 195/763
2Ki_25:22......Judah/whom Nebuchadnezzar king/of 196/763
1Ch_1:12..........of/whom came the/Philistines 197/763
1Ch_2:21......Gilead/whom he married/when.. 198/763
1Ch_5:6..........son/whom Tilgathpilneser/king 199/763 God destroyed/before 200/763
1Ch_6:31........they/whom David set/over... 201/763
1Ch_7:14.....Ashriel/whom she bare but/his. 202/763
1Ch_7:21.......Elead/whom the men/of....... 203/763
1Ch_9:22....villages/whom David and Samuel/the 204/763 David had who/strengthened 205/763 David had Jashobeam/an 206/763
1Ch_17:6......Israel/whom I commanded to feed my people saying/Why 207/763
1Ch_17:21.....Israel/whom God went to redeem to/be 208/763
1Ch_17:21.....people/whom thou hast redeemed out/of 209/763
1Ch_26:32....fathers/whom king/David....... 210/763
1Ch_29:1.........son/whom alone God/hath... 211/763
1Ch_29:8........with/whom precious/stones.. 212/763
2Ch_1:11........over/whom I have made/thee. 213/763
2Ch_2:7....Jerusalem/whom David my/father.. 214/763 the children of Israel consumed/not 215/763
2Ch_9:25....horsemen/whom he bestowed in the chariot/cities 216/763
2Ch_17:19......those/whom the king put/in.. 217/763 we may enquire of the LORD but I hate him for he never/prophesied 218/763
2Ch_20:10.......Seir/whom thou wouldest/not 219/763
2Ch_22:7......Nimshi/whom the LORD had anointed/to 220/763
2Ch_23:18....Levites/whom David had distributed/in 221/763
2Ch_28:3.....heathen/whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel He/sacrificed 222/763
2Ch_33:2.....heathen/whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel For/he 223/763
2Ch_33:9.....heathen/whom the LORD had destroyed/before 224/763
Ezr_2:1.........away/whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away unto/Babylon 225/763
Ezr_2:65..........of/whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and there/were 226/763
Ezr_4:10.....nations/whom the great/and.... 227/763
Ezr_5:14.Sheshbazzar/whom he had made/governor 228/763
Ezr_8:20...Nethinims/whom David and the/princes 229/763 they had children/The 230/763
Neh_1:10......people/whom thou hast redeemed by/thy 231/763
Neh_7:6.........away/whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away and came/again 232/763
Neh_7:67..........of/whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and they/had 233/763
Neh_8:10.........for/whom nothing/is....... 234/763
Neh_9:37.......kings/whom thou hast set over us/because 235/763
Est_2:6........Judah/whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away And he/brought 236/763
Est_2:7....beautiful/whom Mordecai/when.... 237/763
Est_4:5.chamberlains/whom he had appointed/to 238/763 the king shall/hold 239/763 the king delighteth to honour Now/Haman 240/763
Est_6:6...........To/whom would/the........ 241/763 the king delighteth to honour Let/the 242/763
Est_6:9.......withal/whom the king delighteth to honour and bring/him 243/763 the king delighteth to honour Then/the 244/763 the king delighteth to honour And Mordecai/came 245/763
Est_6:13......before/whom thou hast begun/to 246/763
Job_3:23.........and/whom God hath hedged/in 247/763 God correcteth/therefore 248/763
Job_9:15.........him/Whom though I/were.... 249/763
Job_15:19.......Unto/whom alone the/earth.. 250/763
Job_19:19.......they/whom I loved/are...... 251/763
Job_19:27........God/Whom I shall see/for.. 252/763
Job_25:3........upon/whom doth/not......... 253/763
Job_26:4..........To/whom hast thou uttered/words 254/763 old/age.......... 255/763
Psa_10:3....covetous/whom the LORD abhorreth/The 256/763 is all my/delight 257/763 I will trust/my.. 258/763
Psa_18:43.....people/whom I have not known/shall 259/763
Psa_27:1...salvation/whom shall I fear/the. 260/763
Psa_27:1..........of/whom shall I be/afraid 261/763
Psa_32:2........unto/whom the LORD imputeth/not 262/763
Psa_33:12.....people/whom he hath chosen for/his 263/763 I trusted/which.. 264/763
Psa_45:16...children/whom thou mayest/make. 265/763
Psa_47:4.......Jacob/whom he loved Selah/God 266/763 thou choosest/and 267/763
Psa_69:26........him/whom thou hast smitten/and 268/763
Psa_69:26......those/whom thou hast wounded/Add 269/763
Psa_73:25......glory/Whom have I in/heaven. 270/763 thou madest/strong 271/763
Psa_86:9.....nations/whom thou hast made shall/come 272/763
Psa_88:5.......grave/whom thou rememberest/no 273/763
Psa_89:21.......With/whom my hand/shall.... 274/763 vengeance belongeth O/God 275/763 vengeance belongeth shew/thyself 276/763 thou chastenest/O 277/763
Psa_95:11.......Unto/whom I sware/in....... 278/763
Psa_104:26.leviathan/whom thou hast made to/play 279/763
Psa_105:26.....Aaron/whom he had chosen They/shewed 280/763
Psa_106:34concerning/whom the LORD commanded them/But 281/763
Psa_106:38.daughters/whom they sacrificed/unto 282/763 he hath redeemed/from 283/763 I trust/who...... 284/763 there is no help/His 285/763
Pro_3:12.........For/whom the LORD loveth he correcteth/even 286/763 he delighteth/Happy 287/763 it is due/when... 288/763
Pro_25:7......prince/whom thine/eyes....... 289/763
Pro_30:31....against/whom there is no rising/up 290/763
Ecc_4:8..........For/whom do I/labour...... 291/763 God hath given riches and/wealth 292/763 God hath given riches wealth/and 293/763
Ecc_8:14........unto/whom it happeneth according to the work of the wicked/again 294/763 it happeneth according to the work of the righteous/I 295/763
Ecc_9:9.........wife/whom thou lovest all/the 296/763
Son_1:7.........thou/whom my soul loveth where/thou 297/763
Son_3:1..........him/whom my soul loveth I sought him but I found him not I/will 298/763
Son_3:2..........him/whom my soul loveth I sought him but I found him not The/watchmen 299/763 I said Saw/ye.... 300/763
Son_3:3..........him/whom my soul loveth It/was 301/763
Son_3:4..........him/whom my soul loveth I held/him 302/763
Isa_6:8.......saying/Whom shall I send/and. 303/763 this people/shall 304/763
Isa_8:18....children/whom the LORD hath given/me 305/763 will ye flee/for. 306/763 the LORD of/hosts 307/763
Isa_22:16........and/whom hast thou here/that 308/763
Isa_23:2........thou/whom the merchants/of. 309/763
Isa_28:9.......clean/Whom shall he teach/knowledge 310/763
Isa_28:9.........and/whom shall he make/to. 311/763
Isa_28:12.........To/whom he said This/is.. 312/763
Isa_31:6........from/whom the children of Israel have/deeply 313/763
Isa_36:5..........on/whom dost thou trust that thou rebellest against me Lo/thou 314/763
Isa_37:4...Rabshakeh/whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to reproach the living God and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is/left 315/763 thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 316/763
Isa_37:23.......thee/Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 317/763
Isa_37:23....against/whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 318/763
Isa_40:14.......With/whom took/he.......... 319/763
Isa_40:18.........To/whom then will ye liken God/or 320/763
Isa_40:25.........To/whom then will ye liken me/or 321/763
Isa_41:8.......Jacob/whom I have chosen the/seed 322/763
Isa_41:9........Thou/whom I have taken/from 323/763
Isa_42:1.....servant/whom I uphold/mine.... 324/763 my soul delighteth/I 325/763
Isa_42:24....against/whom we have sinned/for 326/763
Isa_43:10....servant/whom I have chosen that/ye 327/763
Isa_44:1......Israel/whom I have chosen Thus/saith 328/763
Isa_44:2.....Jesurun/whom I have chosen For/I 329/763
Isa_46:5..........To/whom will ye liken/me. 330/763
Isa_47:15.......with/whom thou hast laboured/even 331/763 I will be glorified/Then 332/763
Isa_49:7.........him/whom man despiseth/to. 333/763
Isa_49:7.........him/whom the nation/abhorreth 334/763
Isa_50:1.divorcement/whom I have put/away.. 335/763 I have sold/you.. 336/763
Isa_51:18.......sons/whom she hath/brought. 337/763 shall I comfort/thee 338/763 is the arm/of.... 339/763
Isa_57:4.....Against/whom do ye/sport...... 340/763
Isa_57:4.....against/whom make/ye.......... 341/763
Isa_57:11.........of/whom hast thou been/afraid 342/763 his mother/comforteth 343/763
Jer_1:2...........To/whom the word of the LORD came in/the 344/763
Jer_6:10..........To/whom shall I speak/and 345/763
Jer_7:9.........gods/whom ye know not And/come 346/763
Jer_8:2.......heaven/whom they have loved/and 347/763
Jer_8:2..........and/whom they have served/and 348/763
Jer_8:2........after/whom they have walked/and 349/763
Jer_8:2..........and/whom they have sought/and 350/763
Jer_8:2..........and/whom they have worshipped/they 351/763 the mouth/of..... 352/763
Jer_9:16.....heathen/whom neither they nor their fathers have known and/I 353/763
Jer_11:12.......unto/whom they offer/incense 354/763 they prophesy/shall 355/763
Jer_18:8.....against/whom I have pronounced/turn 356/763
Jer_19:4........gods/whom neither they nor their fathers have known nor/the 357/763 thou hast prophesied/lies 358/763 wine/hath........ 359/763
Jer_24:5.......Judah/whom I have sent out/of 360/763 I send/thee...... 361/763
Jer_25:17.......unto/whom the LORD had sent/me 362/763
Jer_26:5....prophets/whom I sent unto you both/rising 363/763
Jer_27:5........unto/whom it seemed/meet... 364/763
Jer_29:1......people/whom Nebuchadnezzar had/carried 365/763
Jer_29:3.....Hilkiah/whom Zedekiah/king.... 366/763
Jer_29:4....captives/whom I have caused/to. 367/763
Jer_29:20..captivity/whom I have sent from/Jerusalem 368/763
Jer_29:22.......Ahab/whom the king of Babylon roasted/in 369/763
Jer_30:9........king/whom I will raise/up.. 370/763
Jer_30:17.......Zion/whom no man seeketh/after 371/763 I have slain/in.. 372/763
Jer_34:11..handmaids/whom they had let/go.. 373/763
Jer_34:16...handmaid/whom he had set/at.... 374/763
Jer_37:1...Jehoiakim/whom Nebuchadrezzar king/of 375/763
Jer_38:9.....prophet/whom they have cast/into 376/763
Jer_39:17.........of/whom thou art afraid For/I 377/763
Jer_40:5.....Shaphan/whom the king of Babylon hath/made 378/763
Jer_41:2.........him/whom the king of Babylon had/made 379/763 he had slain/because 380/763
Jer_41:10.....Mizpah/whom Nebuzaradan/the.. 381/763
Jer_41:16.....people/whom he had recovered/from 382/763
Jer_41:16....eunuchs/whom he had brought again/from 383/763
Jer_41:18.....Ahikam/whom the king of Babylon made/governor 384/763 we send/thee..... 385/763
Jer_42:9........unto/whom ye sent/me....... 386/763
Jer_42:11.........of/whom ye are/afraid.... 387/763
Jer_44:3........gods/whom they knew not neither/they 388/763
Jer_50:20.......them/whom I reserve/Go..... 389/763
Jer_52:28.....people/whom Nebuchadrezzar carried/away 390/763
Lam_1:10...sanctuary/whom thou didst command/that 391/763
Lam_1:14........from/whom I am not/able.... 392/763 thou hast done/this 393/763
Lam_4:20..........of/whom we said/Under.... 394/763
Eze_9:6.........upon/whom is the mark/and.. 395/763
Eze_11:1.......among/whom I saw/Jaazaniah.. 396/763
Eze_11:7.......slain/whom ye have laid/in.. 397/763
Eze_11:15.......unto/whom the inhabitants/of 398/763
Eze_13:22........sad/whom I have not made/sad 399/763
Eze_16:20..daughters/whom thou hast borne/unto 400/763
Eze_16:37.......with/whom thou hast taken pleasure/and 401/763
Eze_20:9.......among/whom they were/in..... 402/763
Eze_23:7..........on/whom she doted with/all 403/763
Eze_23:9........upon/whom she doted These/discovered 404/763
Eze_23:22.......from/whom thy mind is alienated and I/will 405/763
Eze_23:28.......them/whom thou hatest/into. 406/763
Eze_23:28.......from/whom thy mind is alienated And they/shall 407/763
Eze_23:37.......sons/whom they bare/unto... 408/763
Eze_23:40.......unto/whom a messenger/was.. 409/763
Eze_23:40........for/whom thou didst wash/thyself 410/763
Eze_24:21..daughters/whom ye have left/shall 411/763
Eze_28:25......among/whom they are/scattered 412/763
Eze_31:2...multitude/Whom art thou like/in. 413/763
Eze_31:18.........To/whom art thou thus/like 414/763
Eze_32:19........pit/Whom dost thou pass/in 415/763
Eze_38:17.........of/whom I have spoken/in. 416/763 was no/blemish... 417/763
Dan_1:4..........and/whom they might/teach. 418/763
Dan_1:7.........Unto/whom the prince of the eunuchs gave/names 419/763
Dan_1:11......Melzar/whom the prince of the eunuchs had/set 420/763
Dan_2:24......Arioch/whom the king had/ordained 421/763
Dan_3:12........Jews/whom thou hast set over the/affairs 422/763
Dan_3:17.........God/whom we serve/is...... 423/763 is the spirit of the holy gods and before/him 424/763 is the spirit of the holy gods and in/the 425/763
Dan_5:11.........him/whom the king Nebuchadnezzar/thy 426/763
Dan_5:12......Daniel/whom the king named/Belteshazzar 427/763
Dan_5:13.......Judah/whom the king my/father 428/763
Dan_5:19.........him/whom he would he slew/and 429/763
Dan_5:19.........and/whom he would he kept/alive 430/763
Dan_5:19.........and/whom he would he set/up 431/763
Dan_5:19.........and/whom he would he put/down 432/763
Dan_6:2...........of/whom Daniel/was....... 433/763
Dan_6:16.........God/whom thou servest continually he/will 434/763
Dan_6:20.........God/whom thou servest continually able/to 435/763
Dan_7:8.......before/whom there were three/of 436/763
Dan_7:20......before/whom three/fell....... 437/763
Dan_9:21.....Gabriel/whom I had/seen....... 438/763 they shall not/give 439/763
Dan_11:38........god/whom his fathers/knew. 440/763
Dan_11:39........god/whom he shall acknowledge/and 441/763
Hos_13:10.........of/whom thou saidst/Give. 442/763
Joe_2:32.....remnant/whom the LORD shall call/For 443/763
Joe_3:2.......Israel/whom they have scattered/among 444/763 the house/of..... 445/763 shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this It/shall 446/763 shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this This/also 447/763
Nah_3:19........upon/whom hath not/thy..... 448/763 the reproach/of.. 449/763
Zec_1:4.........unto/whom the former/prophets 450/763
Zec_1:10........they/whom the LORD hath sent/to 451/763
Zec_7:14.....nations/whom they knew not Thus/the 452/763 they have pierced/and 453/763
Mal_1:4......against/whom the LORD hath indignation/for 454/763
Mal_2:14.....against/whom thou hast dealt/treacherously 455/763
Mal_3:1.........LORD/whom ye seek shall/suddenly 456/763
Mal_3:1.....covenant/whom ye delight/in.... 457/763
Mat_1:16..........of/whom was born/Jesus... 458/763 I am well pleased Then/was 459/763 if his/son....... 460/763
Mat_11:10.........of/whom it is written Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee Verily/I 461/763
Mat_12:18....servant/whom I have chosen my/beloved 462/763 my soul is/well.. 463/763 do your children/cast 464/763
Mat_16:13.....saying/Whom do men say that I the/Son 465/763
Mat_16:15........But/whom say ye that I am And Simon/Peter 466/763 I am well pleased hear/ye 467/763
Mat_17:25.........of/whom do the/kings..... 468/763 the offence/cometh 469/763 it is given/For.. 470/763
Mat_20:23........for/whom it is prepared of/my 471/763
Mat_23:35..Barachias/whom ye slew between/the 472/763
Mat_24:45....servant/whom his lord hath/made 473/763
Mat_24:46....servant/whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing Verily/I 474/763 the Son of man is betrayed it/had 475/763
Mat_27:9......valued/whom they of/the...... 476/763
Mat_27:15...prisoner/whom they would/And... 477/763
Mat_27:17.......them/Whom will ye that/I... 478/763 I am well pleased And immediately/the 479/763
Mar_3:13.........him/whom he would and/they 480/763
Mar_6:16........John/whom I beheaded/he.... 481/763
Mar_8:27........them/Whom do men say that I am/And 482/763
Mar_8:29.........But/whom say ye that I am And Peter/answereth 483/763
Mar_10:40........for/whom it is prepared And/when 484/763
Mar_13:20.......sake/whom he hath chosen he/hath 485/763 the Son of man is betrayed good/were 486/763
Mar_14:71.........of/whom ye speak/And..... 487/763
Mar_15:12........him/whom ye call/the...... 488/763
Mar_15:40......among/whom was Mary/Magdalene 489/763
Mar_16:9..........of/whom he had cast/seven 490/763
Luk_6:13......twelve/whom also he named/apostles 491/763
Luk_6:14.......Simon/whom he also/named.... 492/763
Luk_6:34..........of/whom ye hope/to....... 493/763 he is like/He.... 494/763
Luk_7:4..........for/whom he should/do..... 495/763
Luk_7:27..........of/whom it is written Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee For/I 496/763 he forgave/most.. 497/763 little/is........ 498/763
Luk_8:2...........of/whom went/seven....... 499/763
Luk_8:35..........of/whom the devils were departed sitting/at 500/763
Luk_8:38..........of/whom the devils were departed besought/him 501/763
Luk_9:9...........of/whom I hear/such...... 502/763
Luk_9:18......saying/Whom say the/people... 503/763
Luk_9:20.........But/whom say ye that I am Peter/answering 504/763 the Son will/reveal 505/763 do your sons/cast 506/763 ye shall/fear.... 507/763
Luk_12:37...servants/whom the lord when/he. 508/763
Luk_12:42....steward/whom his lord shall/make 509/763
Luk_12:43....servant/whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing Of/a 510/763 men/have......... 511/763
Luk_13:4........upon/whom the tower/in..... 512/763
Luk_13:16....Abraham/whom Satan/hath....... 513/763
Luk_17:1.....through/whom they come/It..... 514/763 he had given/the. 515/763 he is betrayed/And 516/763
Luk_23:25.....prison/whom they had desired/but 517/763
Joh_1:15..........of/whom I spake He/that.. 518/763 ye know not He/it 519/763
Joh_1:30..........of/whom I said After/me.. 520/763
Joh_1:33........Upon/whom thou shalt see/the 521/763
Joh_1:45..........of/whom Moses in/the..... 522/763 is no guile/Nathanael 523/763 thou barest/witness 524/763
Joh_3:34..........he/whom God hath sent/speaketh 525/763
Joh_4:18..........he/whom thou now/hast.... 526/763
Joh_5:21..quickeneth/whom he will For/the.. 527/763
Joh_5:38.........for/whom he hath sent him/ye 528/763 ye trust/For..... 529/763
Joh_6:29.........him/whom he hath sent They/said 530/763 shall we/go...... 531/763
Joh_7:25..........he/whom they seek/to..... 532/763
Joh_7:28........true/whom ye know not But/I 533/763
Joh_8:53........dead/whom makest/thou...... 534/763
Joh_8:54..........of/whom ye say/that...... 535/763
Joh_10:35.......unto/whom the word of God/came 536/763
Joh_10:36........him/whom the Father hath/sanctified 537/763
Joh_11:3..........he/whom thou lovest is/sick 538/763
Joh_12:1........dead/whom he raised from the dead There/they 539/763
Joh_12:9........also/whom he had raised/from 540/763 hath the/arm..... 541/763
Joh_13:18.......know/whom I have chosen but/that 542/763
Joh_13:22.........of/whom he spake Now/there 543/763
Joh_13:23..disciples/whom Jesus loved Simon/Peter 544/763
Joh_13:24.........of/whom he spake He/then. 545/763 I shall give/a... 546/763
Joh_14:17......truth/whom the world cannot/receive 547/763
Joh_14:26......Ghost/whom the Father will/send 548/763
Joh_15:26.......come/whom I will send/unto. 549/763
Joh_17:3......Christ/whom thou hast sent/I. 550/763
Joh_17:11......those/whom thou hast given me that/they 551/763
Joh_17:24.......also/whom thou hast given me be/with 552/763
Joh_18:4........them/Whom seek ye They/answered 553/763
Joh_18:7.......again/Whom seek ye And/they. 554/763 he loved he/saith 555/763
Joh_19:37........him/whom they pierced/And. 556/763
Joh_20:2....disciple/whom Jesus loved and/saith 557/763
Joh_20:15.......thou/whom seekest/thou..... 558/763
Joh_21:7....disciple/whom Jesus loved saith/unto 559/763
Joh_21:20...disciple/whom Jesus loved following/which 560/763
Act_1:2.....apostles/whom he had chosen To/whom 561/763
Act_1:3...........To/whom also he shewed/himself 562/763
Act_2:24.......slain/Whom God hath raised up/having 563/763
Act_2:36.......Jesus/whom ye have crucified/both 564/763
Act_3:2......carried/whom they laid/daily.. 565/763
Act_3:13.......Jesus/whom ye delivered/up.. 566/763 God hath raised from/the 567/763
Act_3:16......strong/whom ye see/and....... 568/763 the heaven/must.. 569/763
Act_4:10....Nazareth/whom ye crucified/whom 570/763
Act_4:10...crucified/whom God raised from/the 571/763
Act_4:22..........on/whom this miracle/of.. 572/763
Act_4:27.......Jesus/whom thou hast anointed/both 573/763 ye put/in........ 574/763
Act_5:30.......Jesus/whom ye slew and/hanged 575/763
Act_5:32.......Ghost/whom God hath given to/them 576/763 a number/of...... 577/763
Act_6:3.......wisdom/whom we may appoint/over 578/763
Act_6:6......Antioch/Whom they set/before.. 579/763 they shall be/in. 580/763
Act_7:35.......Moses/whom they refused/saying 581/763
Act_7:39..........To/whom our/fathers...... 582/763
Act_7:45....Gentiles/whom God drave/out.... 583/763
Act_7:52..........of/whom ye have been/now. 584/763
Act_8:10..........To/whom they all/gave.... 585/763
Act_8:34..........of/whom speaketh/the..... 586/763
Act_9:5........Jesus/whom thou persecutest it/is 587/763
Act_9:37........died/whom when they/had.... 588/763
Act_10:21.........he/whom ye seek what/is.. 589/763
Act_10:39..Jerusalem/whom they slew/and.... 590/763 also he gave/their 591/763
Act_13:25.......said/Whom think/ye......... 592/763
Act_13:37.........he/whom God raised again/saw 593/763
Act_14:23.........on/whom they believed/And 594/763
Act_15:17.......upon/whom my name/is....... 595/763 we gave no/such.. 596/763
Act_17:3.......Jesus/whom I preach/unto.... 597/763
Act_17:7........also/Whom Jason/hath....... 598/763
Act_17:23........GOD/Whom therefore/ye..... 599/763 he hath ordained/whereof 600/763
Act_18:26..synagogue/whom when Aquila/and.. 601/763
Act_19:13......Jesus/whom Paul preacheth/And 602/763 the evil/spirit.. 603/763
Act_19:25..craftsmen/Whom he called together/with 604/763
Act_19:27..destroyed/whom all Asia/and..... 605/763
Act_20:25......among/whom I have gone/preaching 606/763
Act_21:16.......with/whom we should/lodge.. 607/763
Act_21:29...Ephesian/whom they supposed/that 608/763
Act_22:5........from/whom also I received/letters 609/763
Act_22:8....Nazareth/whom thou persecutest And/they 610/763
Act_23:29....council/Whom I perceived/to... 611/763
Act_24:6......temple/whom we took/and...... 612/763
Act_24:8..........of/whom thyself/mayest... 613/763
Act_25:15......About/whom when I/was....... 614/763
Act_25:16.........To/whom I answered/It.... 615/763
Act_25:18....Against/whom when the/accusers 616/763
Act_25:19.......dead/whom Paul affirmed/to. 617/763
Act_25:24......about/whom all the multitude/of 618/763
Act_25:26.........Of/whom I have no/certain 619/763
Act_26:15......Jesus/whom thou persecutest But/rise 620/763
Act_26:17.......unto/whom now/I............ 621/763
Act_26:26.....before/whom also I speak/freely 622/763
Act_27:23........and/whom I serve Saying/Fear 623/763
Act_28:4....murderer/whom though he/hath... 624/763 Paul entered/in.. 625/763
Act_28:15....taverns/whom when Paul/saw.... 626/763 he expounded/and. 627/763
Rom_1:5...........By/whom we have received/grace 628/763
Rom_1:6........Among/whom are ye/also...... 629/763
Rom_1:9......witness/whom I serve with/my.. 630/763
Rom_3:25.......Jesus/Whom God hath set/forth 631/763
Rom_4:6.........unto/whom God imputeth/righteousness 632/763 the Lord will/not 633/763
Rom_4:17.........him/whom he believed/even. 634/763 it shall/be...... 635/763
Rom_5:2...........By/whom also we have access/by 636/763 we have now/received 637/763 ye yield/yourselves 638/763 ye obey/whether.. 639/763
Rom_8:29.........For/whom he did foreknow/he 640/763
Rom_8:30....Moreover/whom he did predestinate/them 641/763
Rom_8:30.........and/whom he called them/he 642/763
Rom_8:30.........and/whom he justified/them 643/763 pertaineth/the... 644/763
Rom_9:5...........of/whom as/concerning.... 645/763
Rom_9:15..........on/whom I will have mercy/and 646/763
Rom_9:15..........on/whom I will have compassion/So 647/763
Rom_9:18..........on/whom he will have/mercy 648/763
Rom_9:18.........and/whom he will he/hardeneth 649/763 he hath called/not 650/763 they have not believed/and 651/763
Rom_10:14.........of/whom they have not heard/and 652/763 be glory for ever Amen/I 653/763 tribute/is....... 654/763 custom/fear...... 655/763 fear/honour...... 656/763 honour/Owe....... 657/763
Rom_14:15........for/whom Christ died Let/not 658/763
Rom_15:21.........To/whom he was/not....... 659/763
Rom_16:4........unto/whom not/only......... 660/763 ye were/called... 661/763 ye believed/even. 662/763 she will/only.... 663/763
1Co_8:6...........of/whom are all things and we in/him 664/763 are all things and we by/him 665/763
1Co_8:11.........for/whom Christ died But/when 666/763
1Co_10:11.......upon/whom the ends/of...... 667/763
1Co_15:6..........of/whom the greater/part. 668/763
1Co_15:15.....Christ/whom he raised not/up. 669/763 we trust/that.... 670/763
2Co_2:3...........of/whom I ought/to....... 671/763
2Co_2:10..........To/whom ye forgive/any... 672/763 I forgave/it..... 673/763
2Co_4:4...........In/whom the god/of....... 674/763 we have oftentimes/proved 675/763
2Co_10:18........but/whom the Lord commendeth/Would 676/763
2Co_11:4.......Jesus/whom we have not/preached 677/763
2Co_12:17.......them/whom I sent unto you I/desired 678/763
Gal_1:5...........To/whom be glory for ever and ever Amen I/marvel 679/763
Gal_2:5...........To/whom we gave place/by. 680/763 the promise/was.. 681/763
Gal_4:19..........of/whom I travail/in..... 682/763 the world is/crucified 683/763
Eph_1:7...........In/whom we have redemption through his blood the/forgiveness 684/763
Eph_1:11..........In/whom also we have obtained/an 685/763
Eph_1:13..........In/whom ye also trusted/after 686/763 also after/that.. 687/763
Eph_2:3........Among/whom also we all/had.. 688/763
Eph_2:21..........In/whom all the building/fitly 689/763
Eph_2:22..........In/whom ye also are/builded 690/763
Eph_3:12..........In/whom we have boldness/and 691/763
Eph_3:15..........Of/whom the whole family/in 692/763
Eph_4:16........From/whom the whole body/fitly 693/763
Eph_6:22......things/Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose that ye/might 694/763
Php_2:15.......among/whom ye shine/as...... 695/763
Php_3:8..........for/whom I have suffered/the 696/763
Php_3:18..........of/whom I have told/you.. 697/763
Col_1:14..........In/whom we have redemption through his blood even/the 698/763
Col_1:27..........To/whom God would/make... 699/763
Col_1:28.......glory/Whom we preach/warning 700/763
Col_2:3...........In/whom are hid/all...... 701/763
Col_2:11..........In/whom also ye/are...... 702/763
Col_4:8.........Lord/Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose that he/might 703/763
Col_4:10....touching/whom ye received/commandments 704/763
1Th_1:10......heaven/whom he raised from the dead even/Jesus 705/763
2Th_2:8.....revealed/whom the Lord shall consume/with 706/763
1Ti_1:15..........of/whom I am chief/Howbeit 707/763
1Ti_1:20..........Of/whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander/whom 708/763
1Ti_1:20...Alexander/whom I have delivered/unto 709/763
1Ti_6:16........unto/whom no man hath/seen. 710/763 be honour/and.... 711/763
2Ti_1:3..........God/whom I serve from/my.. 712/763
2Ti_1:12........know/whom I have believed/and 713/763
2Ti_1:15..........of/whom are Phygellus/and 714/763
2Ti_2:17..........of/whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus/Who 715/763
2Ti_3:14..........of/whom thou hast learned/them 716/763
2Ti_4:15..........Of/whom be thou/ware..... 717/763 be glory for ever and ever Amen Salute/Prisca 718/763
Phl_1:10....Onesimus/whom I have begotten/in 719/763 I have sent again/thou 720/763
Phl_1:13......bowels/Whom I would/have..... 721/763
Heb_1:2..........Son/whom he hath appointed/heir 722/763 also he made/the. 723/763
Heb_2:10.........for/whom are all things and by/whom 724/763 are all things in/bringing 725/763
Heb_3:17........with/whom was he/grieved... 726/763 sware/he......... 727/763 it was first/preached 728/763
Heb_4:13........with/whom we have to/do.... 729/763
Heb_5:11..........Of/whom we have many/things 730/763 it is dressed/receiveth 731/763
Heb_7:2...........To/whom also Abraham/gave 732/763
Heb_7:4.........unto/whom even/the......... 733/763
Heb_7:8...........of/whom it is witnessed/that 734/763
Heb_7:13..........of/whom these/things..... 735/763
Heb_11:18.........Of/whom it was said/That. 736/763
Heb_11:38.........Of/whom the world was/not 737/763
Heb_12:6.........For/whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth/and 738/763
Heb_12:6.........son/whom he receiveth/If.. 739/763
Heb_12:7..........he/whom the father chasteneth/not 740/763 be glory for ever and ever Amen And/I 741/763
Heb_13:23.......with/whom if he/come....... 742/763
Jam_1:17........with/whom is no variableness/neither 743/763
1Pe_1:8.......Christ/Whom having/not....... 744/763 though now/ye.... 745/763
1Pe_1:12........Unto/whom it was revealed/that 746/763
1Pe_2:4...........To/whom coming/as........ 747/763 be praise/and.... 748/763
1Pe_5:8......seeking/whom he may devour/Whom 749/763
1Pe_5:9.......devour/Whom resist/stedfast.. 750/763 I am well pleased And this/voice 751/763
2Pe_2:2...........of/whom the way/of....... 752/763 the mist/of...... 753/763
2Pe_2:19..........of/whom a man/is......... 754/763 he hath seen/how. 755/763
1Jn_4:20.........God/whom he hath not/seen. 756/763
2Jn_1:1.....children/whom I love in the truth and/not 757/763
3Jn_1:1........Gaius/whom I love in the truth Beloved/I 758/763 if thou/bring.... 759/763 is reserved/the.. 760/763 it was given/to.. 761/763
Rev_17:2........With/whom the kings of the/earth 762/763
Rev_20:8..........of/whom is as/the........ 763/763
Gen_31:32.......With/whomsoever thou/findest.. 1/20
Gen_44:9........With/whomsoever of/thy........ 2/20
Lev_15:11........And/whomsoever he toucheth/that 3/20
Jdg_7:4...........of/whomsoever I say/unto.... 4/20
Jdg_11:24.........So/whomsoever the LORD/our.. 5/20 he will and setteth/up 6/20 he will And whereas/they 7/20 he will The/same 8/20 he will And thou/his 9/20 the Son/will. 10/20
Mat_21:44.........on/whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And when/the 11/20
Mat_26:48.....saying/Whomsoever I shall kiss that same is he hold/him 12/20
Mar_14:44.....saying/Whomsoever I shall kiss that same is he take/him 13/20
Mar_15:6....prisoner/whomsoever they/desired. 14/20 I will/I..... 15/20
Luk_12:48.......unto/whomsoever much/is...... 16/20
Luk_20:18.........on/whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And the/chief 17/20
Joh_13:20..receiveth/whomsoever I send/receiveth 18/20
Act_8:19..........on/whomsoever I lay/hands.. 19/20
1Co_16:3........come/whomsoever ye/shall..... 20/20
