with thee/than..... 1/26 unto/thee.......... 2/26
1Ki_16:25.........did/worse than all/that...... 3/26
2Ki_14:12.........the/worse before Israel and they fled every man to their/tents 4/26
1Ch_19:16.........the/worse before Israel they sent/messengers 5/26
1Ch_19:19.........the/worse before Israel they made/peace 6/26
2Ch_6:24..........the/worse before the/enemy... 7/26
2Ch_25:22.........the/worse before Israel and they fled every man to his/tent 8/26 than the heathen/whom 9/26
Jer_7:26..........did/worse than their/fathers 10/26
Jer_16:12........done/worse than your/fathers. 11/26
Dan_1:10........faces/worse liking/than....... 12/26
Mat_9:16.........made/worse Neither/do........ 13/26 than the first Even/so 14/26 than the first Pilate/said 15/26
Mar_2:21.........made/worse And no/man........ 16/26
Mar_5:26.........grew/worse When/she.......... 17/26 than the first And/it 18/26 but thou/hast..... 19/26
Joh_5:14............a/worse thing/come........ 20/26
1Co_8:8...........the/worse But take/heed..... 21/26
1Co_11:17.........the/worse For/first......... 22/26 than an/infidel... 23/26
2Ti_3:13..........wax/worse and worse/deceiving 24/26
2Ti_3:13..........and/worse deceiving/and..... 25/26 with them/than.... 26/26
Gen_22:5..........and/worship and come/again.. 1/108
Exo_24:1..........and/worship ye afar/off..... 2/108
Exo_34:14.......shalt/worship no/other........ 3/108 them and serve/them 4/108
Deu_8:19..........and/worship them I/testify.. 5/108
Deu_11:16.........and/worship them And then/the 6/108
Deu_26:10.........and/worship before the LORD/thy 7/108
Deu_30:17.........and/worship other/gods...... 8/108
Jos_5:14..........did/worship and said/unto... 9/108 and to sacrifice/unto 10/108
1Sa_15:25.........may/worship the LORD And/Samuel 11/108
1Sa_15:30.........may/worship the LORD thy God So/Samuel 12/108
1Ki_9:6...........and/worship them Then will I cut/off 13/108 before the one/even 14/108 there/and...... 15/108 and to him/shall 16/108
2Ki_18:22.......shall/worship before this altar in/Jerusalem 17/108
1Ch_16:29.........him/worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness Fear before him all the earth the/world 18/108
2Ch_7:19..........and/worship them Then will I pluck/them 19/108
2Ch_32:12.......shall/worship before one/altar 20/108
Psa_5:7.............I/worship toward thy holy temple Lead/me 21/108
Psa_22:27.......shall/worship before thee For the/kingdom 22/108
Psa_22:29.........and/worship all/they....... 23/108 the LORD in the beauty of holiness The/voice 24/108
Psa_45:11.........and/worship thou/him....... 25/108
Psa_66:4........shall/worship thee/and....... 26/108
Psa_81:9.........thou/worship any strange/god 27/108
Psa_86:9..........and/worship before thee O/Lord 28/108 and bow/down... 29/108
Psa_96:9............O/worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness fear before him all the earth Say/among 30/108
Psa_97:7........idols/worship him all/ye..... 31/108
Psa_99:5..........and/worship at his footstool for/he 32/108
Psa_99:9..........and/worship at his holy/hill 33/108
Psa_132:7........will/worship at his footstool Arise/O 34/108
Psa_138:2........will/worship toward thy holy temple and/praise 35/108
Isa_2:8..........they/worship the work of their/own 36/108 to/the......... 37/108
Isa_27:13.......shall/worship the LORD in the holy/mount 38/108
Isa_36:7........shall/worship before this altar Now/therefore 39/108
Isa_46:6.........they/worship They/bear...... 40/108
Isa_49:7........shall/worship because/of..... 41/108 before me/saith 42/108 the LORD Thus/saith 43/108 them shall/even 44/108 them and provoke/me 45/108 in the LORD's/house 46/108 her/and........ 47/108
Eze_46:2........shall/worship at the threshold/of 48/108
Eze_46:3........shall/worship at the door/of. 49/108 shall/go....... 50/108
Dan_3:5...........and/worship the golden image that/Nebuchadnezzar 51/108
Dan_3:10..........and/worship the golden image And/whoso 52/108
Dan_3:12..........nor/worship the golden image which thou hast set up Then Nebuchadnezzar/in 53/108
Dan_3:14..........nor/worship the golden image which I/have 54/108
Dan_3:15..........and/worship the image which/I 55/108 not/ye......... 56/108
Dan_3:18..........nor/worship the golden image which thou hast set up Then was/Nebuchadnezzar 57/108
Dan_3:28..........nor/worship any god/except. 58/108
Mic_5:13.........more/worship the work of thine/hands 59/108
Zep_1:5..........that/worship the host of heaven upon/the 60/108
Zep_1:5..........that/worship and that/swear. 61/108
Zep_2:11........shall/worship him every/one.. 62/108 the King the LORD of hosts and/to 63/108 the King the LORD of hosts even/upon 64/108 him When/Herod. 65/108
Mat_2:8...........and/worship him also/When.. 66/108
Mat_4:9...........and/worship me Then/saith.. 67/108
Mat_4:10........shalt/worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Then/the 68/108 me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men And/he 69/108
Mar_7:7..........they/worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men For/laying 70/108
Luk_4:7..........wilt/worship me all/shall... 71/108
Luk_4:8.........shalt/worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve And/he 72/108
Luk_14:10........have/worship in the presence/of 73/108 Jesus/saith.... 74/108
Joh_4:21....Jerusalem/worship the Father Ye/worship 75/108
Joh_4:22...........Ye/worship ye know/not.... 76/108
Joh_4:22...........we/worship for/salvation.. 77/108
Joh_4:23........shall/worship the Father in/spirit 78/108 him God/is..... 79/108
Joh_4:24.........that/worship him must/worship 80/108
Joh_4:24.........must/worship him in/spirit.. 81/108 at the feast/The 82/108 the host of heaven as/it 83/108 them and I/will 84/108 Was/returning.. 85/108
Act_17:23..ignorantly/worship him declare/I.. 86/108 God contrary/to 87/108 And they/neither 88/108 I/the.......... 89/108
1Co_14:25........will/worship God and report/that 90/108
Php_3:3.........which/worship God in/the..... 91/108
Col_2:23.........will/worship and humility/and 92/108
Heb_1:6...........God/worship him And of/the. 93/108
Rev_3:9...........and/worship before thy/feet 94/108
Rev_4:10..........and/worship him that liveth/for 95/108
Rev_9:20..........not/worship devils/and..... 96/108
Rev_11:1.........that/worship therein/But.... 97/108
Rev_13:8........shall/worship him whose/names 98/108 the first/beast 99/108
Rev_13:15.........not/worship the image of/the 100/108
Rev_14:7..........and/worship him that made/heaven 101/108 the beast and his image and receive/his 102/108
Rev_14:11.........who/worship the beast and his image and whosoever/receiveth 103/108
Rev_15:4..........and/worship before thee for thy/judgments 104/108 him And he/said 105/108
Rev_19:10.......Jesus/worship God for/the... 106/108 before the feet/of 107/108 God And he/saith 108/108
Gen_24:26.........and/worshipped the LORD And he/said 1/70
Gen_24:48.........and/worshipped the LORD and blessed/the 2/70
Gen_24:52..........he/worshipped the LORD bowing/himself 3/70
Exo_4:31..........and/worshipped And afterward/Moses 4/70
Exo_12:27.........and/worshipped And the children/of 5/70
Exo_32:8.........have/worshipped it/and........ 6/70
Exo_33:10.........and/worshipped every/man..... 7/70
Exo_34:8..........and/worshipped And he/said... 8/70
Deu_17:3..........and/worshipped them either/the 9/70
Deu_29:26.........and/worshipped them gods/whom 10/70
Jdg_7:15...........he/worshipped and returned/into 11/70
1Sa_1:19..........and/worshipped before/the... 12/70
1Sa_1:28...........he/worshipped the LORD there/And 13/70
1Sa_15:31........Saul/worshipped the LORD Then/said 14/70
2Sa_12:20.........and/worshipped then he/came. 15/70
2Sa_15:32..........he/worshipped God behold/Hushai 16/70
1Ki_9:9..........have/worshipped them and served them therefore hath the/LORD 17/70
1Ki_11:33........have/worshipped Ashtoreth/the 18/70
1Ki_16:31.........and/worshipped him And he/reared 19/70
1Ki_22:53.........and/worshipped him and provoked/to 20/70
2Ki_17:16.........and/worshipped all the host of heaven and served Baal/And 21/70
2Ki_21:3..........and/worshipped all the host of heaven and served them And/he 22/70
2Ki_21:21.........and/worshipped them And he/forsook 23/70
1Ch_29:20.........and/worshipped the LORD and the/king 24/70
2Ch_7:3...........and/worshipped and praised/the 25/70
2Ch_7:22..........and/worshipped them and served them therefore hath he/brought 26/70
2Ch_29:28congregation/worshipped and the singers/sang 27/70
2Ch_29:29.........and/worshipped Moreover/Hezekiah 28/70
2Ch_29:30.........and/worshipped Then Hezekiah/answered 29/70
2Ch_33:3..........and/worshipped all the host of heaven and served them Also/he 30/70
Neh_8:6...........and/worshipped the LORD with/their 31/70
Neh_9:3...........and/worshipped the LORD their/God 32/70
Job_1:20..........and/worshipped And said/Naked 33/70
Psa_106:19........and/worshipped the molten/image 34/70
Jer_1:16..........and/worshipped the works/of. 35/70
Jer_8:2..........have/worshipped they/shall... 36/70
Jer_16:11........have/worshipped them and have/forsaken 37/70
Jer_22:9..........and/worshipped other/gods... 38/70
Eze_8:16.........they/worshipped the sun/toward 39/70
Dan_2:46..........and/worshipped Daniel/and... 40/70
Dan_3:7...........and/worshipped the golden/image 41/70
Mat_2:11..........and/worshipped him and when they had opened/their 42/70
Mat_8:2...........and/worshipped him saying Lord if/thou 43/70
Mat_9:18..........and/worshipped him saying My/daughter 44/70
Mat_14:33.........and/worshipped him saying Of/a 45/70
Mat_15:25.........and/worshipped him saying Lord help/me 46/70
Mat_18:26.........and/worshipped him saying Lord have/patience 47/70
Mat_28:9..........and/worshipped him Then/said 48/70
Mat_28:17........they/worshipped him but some/doubted 49/70
Mar_5:6...........and/worshipped him And cried/with 50/70
Mar_15:19.......knees/worshipped him And when they had mocked/him 51/70
Luk_24:52........they/worshipped him and returned/to 52/70
Joh_4:20......fathers/worshipped in/this...... 53/70
Joh_9:38...........he/worshipped him And Jesus/said 54/70
Act_10:25.........and/worshipped him But Peter/took 55/70
Act_16:14.......which/worshipped God heard/us. 56/70 with/men's... 57/70
Act_18:7.........that/worshipped God whose/house 58/70
Rom_1:25..........and/worshipped and served/the 59/70 so/that...... 60/70
Heb_11:21.........and/worshipped leaning/upon. 61/70
Rev_5:14..........and/worshipped him that/liveth 62/70
Rev_7:11..........and/worshipped God Saying Amen/Blessing 63/70
Rev_11:16.........and/worshipped God Saying We/give 64/70
Rev_13:4.........they/worshipped the dragon/which 65/70
Rev_13:4.........they/worshipped the beast saying/Who 66/70
Rev_16:2........which/worshipped his image And/the 67/70
Rev_19:4..........and/worshipped God that/sat. 68/70
Rev_19:20........that/worshipped his image These/both 69/70
Rev_20:4..........not/worshipped the beast neither/his 70/70
Joh_9:31............a/worshipper of God/and..... 1/2
Act_19:35...........a/worshipper of the/great... 2/2
2Ki_10:19.........the/worshippers of Baal And Jehu/said 1/7
2Ki_10:21.........the/worshippers of Baal came/so 2/7
2Ki_10:22.........the/worshippers of Baal And he/brought 3/7
2Ki_10:23.........the/worshippers of Baal Search/and 4/7
2Ki_10:23.........the/worshippers of Baal only/And 5/7
Joh_4:23.........true/worshippers shall/worship. 6/7
Heb_10:2..........the/worshippers once/purged... 7/7
Neh_9:6........heaven/worshippeth thee/Thou..... 1/6
Isa_44:15.........and/worshippeth it he/maketh.. 2/6
Isa_44:17.........and/worshippeth it and/prayeth 3/6
Dan_3:6...........and/worshippeth shall/the..... 4/6
Dan_3:11..........and/worshippeth that/he....... 5/6 And/when...... 6/6
2Ki_19:37.........was/worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 1/5
2Ch_20:18........LORD/worshipping the/LORD...... 2/5
Isa_37:38.........was/worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 3/5
Mat_20:20........sons/worshipping him/and....... 4/5
Col_2:18..........and/worshipping of/angels..... 5/5
Eze_7:24..........the/worst/of.................. 1/1
