Gen_36:13..and/Zerah Shammah and Mizzah these/were 1/19
Gen_36:17.duke/Zerah duke/Shammah....... 2/19
Gen_36:33...of/Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his stead And Jobab/died 3/19
Num_26:13...Of/Zerah the family of the Zarhites of/Shaul 4/19
Num_26:20...of/Zerah the family of the Zarhites And/the 5/19
Jos_7:1.....of/Zerah of the tribe of Judah took/of 6/19
Jos_7:18....of/Zerah of the tribe of Judah was/taken 7/19
Jos_7:24....of/Zerah and the/silver..... 8/19
Jos_22:20...of/Zerah commit/a........... 9/19
1Ch_1:37Nahath/Zerah Shammah and Mizzah And/the 10/19
1Ch_1:44....of/Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his stead And when/Jobab 11/19
1Ch_2:4....and/Zerah All/the........... 12/19
1Ch_2:6.....of/Zerah Zimri/and......... 13/19
1Ch_4:24.Jarib/Zerah and Shaul/Shallum. 14/19
1Ch_6:21...son/Zerah his/son........... 15/19
1Ch_6:41....of/Zerah the son of Adaiah/The 16/19
1Ch_9:6.....of/Zerah Jeuel/and......... 17/19
2Ch_14:9..them/Zerah the Ethiopian/with 18/19
Neh_11:24...of/Zerah the son of Judah/was 19/19
1Ch_6:6..begat/Zerahiah and Zerahiah/begat 1/5
1Ch_6:6....and/Zerahiah begat/Meraioth... 2/5
1Ch_6:51...son/Zerahiah his/son.......... 3/5
Ezr_7:4.....of/Zerahiah the/son.......... 4/5
Ezr_8:4.....of/Zerahiah and with/him..... 5/5
