1Ch_9:9.........and/six All/these......... 117/202
Rev_13:18.......and/six And I/looked...... 201/202
Gen_46:26.......and/six And the sons of Joseph/which 7/202
1Ch_3:22....Shaphat/six And the sons of Neariah/Elioenai 110/202
2Ch_16:1........the/six and thirtieth/year 138/202
1Ch_7:4.........war/six and thirty/thousand 113/202
Exo_36:27......made/six boards And two boards made/he 29/202
Exo_26:22......make/six boards And two boards shalt/thou 21/202
Exo_37:21.......the/six branches going out of it/Their 32/202
Exo_37:19.......the/six branches going out of the candlestick/And 31/202
Exo_37:18.......And/six branches going out of the sides/thereof 30/202
Exo_25:32.......And/six branches shall/come 17/202
Exo_25:33.......the/six branches that come/out 18/202
Exo_25:35.......the/six branches that proceed/out 19/202
Act_11:12.....these/six brethren/accompanied 196/202
Neh_5:18........and/six choice/sheep...... 157/202
Num_35:6.........be/six cities for/refuge.. 60/202
Num_35:15.....These/six cities shall be/a.. 62/202
Num_35:13......give/six cities shall ye/have 61/202
Jos_15:62....Engedi/six cities with their villages As/for 71/202
Jos_15:59...Eltekon/six cities with their villages Kirjathbaal/which 70/202
Num_7:3........LORD/six covered/wagons..... 52/202
1Sa_17:4........was/six cubits and a/span.. 84/202
Eze_41:5......house/six cubits and the breadth of every/side 183/202
Eze_41:3.......door/six cubits and the breadth of the/door 182/202
1Ki_6:6.........was/six cubits broad and/the 95/202
Eze_41:1......posts/six cubits broad on the one/side 180/202
Eze_41:1........and/six cubits broad on the other/side 181/202
Dan_3:1.....thereof/six cubits he/set..... 188/202
Eze_40:5.........of/six cubits long/by.... 177/202
Eze_40:12.......and/six cubits on that/side 179/202
Eze_40:12......were/six cubits on this/side 178/202
Exo_36:16.......and/six curtains by themselves And he/made 28/202
Exo_26:9........and/six curtains by themselves and shalt/double 20/202
1Ch_4:27........and/six daughters/but..... 111/202
Jos_6:14........did/six days And it/came... 68/202
Jos_6:3..........do/six days And seven/priests 67/202
Exo_24:16........it/six days and the/seventh 16/202
Lev_12:5........and/six days And when/the.. 34/202
Joh_12:1......Jesus/six days before/the... 195/202
Luk_13:14.......are/six days in/which..... 192/202
Mat_17:1......after/six days Jesus taketh Peter/James 189/202
Mar_9:2.......after/six days Jesus taketh with/him 190/202
Exo_31:15....people/Six days may/work...... 24/202
Exo_35:2.......them/Six days shall work be done but on/the 27/202
Lev_23:3.....feasts/Six days shall work be done but the/seventh 35/202
Exo_20:9.......holy/Six days shalt/thou.... 11/202
Exo_31:17........in/six days the LORD made heaven and earth and/on 25/202
Exo_20:11........in/six days the LORD made heaven and earth the/sea 12/202
Exo_23:12.oliveyard/Six days thou shalt do/thy 15/202
Deu_16:8......tents/Six days thou shalt eat/unleavened 66/202
Deu_5:13.......thee/Six days thou shalt labour/and 63/202
Exo_34:21.....empty/Six days thou shalt work/but 26/202
Exo_16:26.....field/Six days ye/shall...... 10/202
2Sa_21:20......hand/six fingers/and........ 93/202
Eze_41:8.........of/six great/cubits...... 184/202
Num_2:15........and/six hundred and fifty All/that 46/202
Num_1:25...thousand/six hundred and fifty Of/the 40/202
Ezr_8:26.......hand/six hundred and fifty talents/of 155/202
2Ch_2:17........and/six hundred And he/set 130/202
Jer_52:30.......and/six hundred And it/came 175/202
1Ch_12:26.......and/six hundred And Jehoiada/was 120/202
1Ch_9:6....brethren/six hundred and ninety/And 116/202
1Ch_12:35.......and/six hundred And of/Asher 121/202
1Ch_7:2.........and/six hundred And the/sons 112/202
Ezr_2:35........and/six hundred and thirty The/priests 151/202
Num_4:40........and/six hundred and thirty These/are 51/202
Num_2:4.........and/six hundred And those/that 43/202
Num_31:37.......was/six hundred and threescore and fifteen/And 57/202
2Ch_9:13........was/six hundred and threescore and six/talents 133/202
2Ch_26:12.......and/six hundred And under/their 140/202
1Sa_23:13.....about/six hundred arose/and.. 86/202
Exo_14:7.......took/six hundred chosen/chariots 9/202
Neh_7:20.......Adin/six hundred fifty and five/The 162/202
Ezr_2:60.....Nekoda/six hundred fifty and two And/of 152/202
Neh_7:10.......Arah/six hundred fifty and two The/children 158/202
Neh_7:15.....Binnui/six hundred forty and eight/The 159/202
Neh_7:62.....Nekoda/six hundred forty and two And/of 164/202
Ezr_2:10.......Bani/six hundred forty and two The/children 143/202
Rev_14:20.......and/six hundred furlongs/And 202/202
Num_3:28........and/six hundred keeping/the 49/202
1Sa_14:2......about/six hundred men And Ahiah/the 83/202
1Sa_13:15.....about/six hundred men And Saul/and 82/202
Jdg_18:16.......the/six hundred men appointed with their/weapons 75/202
Jdg_18:11...Eshtaol/six hundred men appointed with weapons/of 74/202
Jdg_18:17.......the/six hundred men that were appointed/with 76/202
1Sa_30:9........the/six hundred men that were with him and/came 88/202
1Sa_27:2........the/six hundred men that were with him unto/Achish 87/202
Jdg_20:47.......But/six hundred men turned/and 78/202
2Sa_15:18..Gittites/six hundred men which/came 92/202
Jdg_3:31Philistines/six hundred men with/an 72/202
Num_1:27........and/six hundred Of/the..... 41/202
2Ch_2:18........and/six hundred overseers/to 131/202
2Ch_29:33......were/six hundred oxen/and.. 141/202
2Ch_9:15.......gold/six hundred shekels of beaten/gold 135/202
1Ch_21:25.....place/six hundred shekels of gold by/weight 124/202
1Ki_10:16......gold/six hundred shekels of gold went/to 98/202
1Sa_17:7....weighed/six hundred shekels of iron/and 85/202
2Ch_1:17........for/six hundred shekels of silver and an horse for an hundred and fifty and so brought/they 128/202
1Ki_10:29.......for/six hundred shekels of silver and an horse for an hundred and fifty and so for/all 101/202
Ezr_2:13...Adonikam/six hundred sixty/and. 145/202
2Ch_35:8........and/six hundred small/cattle 142/202
2Ch_3:8..........to/six hundred talents/And 132/202
Num_26:41.......and/six hundred These/are.. 54/202
Num_2:31........and/six hundred They/shall. 47/202
Num_26:51....Israel/six hundred thousand and a/thousand 55/202
Num_31:32.......was/six hundred thousand and seventy/thousand 56/202
Num_1:46.......were/six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty But the Levites after/the 42/202
Num_2:32.......were/six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty But the Levites were/not 48/202
Exo_38:26.......for/six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty men/And 33/202
Num_11:21.......are/six hundred thousand footmen/and 53/202
Exo_12:37.....about/six hundred thousand on/foot 8/202
Neh_7:18...Adonikam/six hundred threescore and seven/The 161/202
Rev_13:18........is/Six hundred threescore and six And/I 200/202
1Ki_10:14.......was/six hundred threescore and six talents/of 96/202
2Ch_2:2.........and/six hundred to/oversee 129/202
Neh_7:16......Bebai/six hundred twenty and eight/The 160/202
Neh_7:30.......Gaba/six hundred twenty and one The men of Michmas an hundred and/twenty 163/202
Ezr_2:26.......Gaba/six hundred twenty and one The men of Michmas an hundred twenty/and 149/202
Ezr_2:11......Bebai/six hundred twenty and three/The 144/202
Gen_7:6.........was/six hundred years/old... 1/202
Gen_8:13........the/six hundredth and/first. 3/202
Gen_7:11........the/six hundredth year/of... 2/202
Eze_46:6........and/six lambs and/a....... 187/202
Eze_46:4.........be/six lambs without/blemish 186/202
1Ch_26:17......were/six Levites/northward. 127/202
Rut_3:15...measured/six measures of barley and/laid 79/202
Rut_3:17......These/six measures of barley gave/he 80/202
Eze_9:2......behold/six men came/from..... 176/202
Jos_7:5.........and/six men for/they....... 69/202
2Sa_2:11........and/six months And Abner/the 89/202
2Ki_15:8....Samaria/six months And he did/that 107/202
Jam_5:17........and/six months And he prayed/again 198/202
1Ch_3:4.........and/six months and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years And/these 109/202
2Sa_5:5.........and/six months and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years over/all 90/202
1Ki_11:16.......For/six months did/Joab... 102/202
Act_18:11.......and/six months teaching/the 197/202
Luk_4:25........and/six months when/great. 191/202
Est_2:12........wit/six months with oil/of 167/202
Est_2:12........and/six months with sweet/odours 168/202
Exo_28:10.....other/six names/of........... 23/202
Exo_28:10....Israel/Six of/their........... 22/202
Lev_24:6.......rows/six on a/row........... 36/202
1Ch_20:6........and/six on each foot/and.. 123/202
1Ch_20:6.....twenty/six on each hand/and.. 122/202
2Sa_6:13.......gone/six paces/he........... 91/202
Jer_52:23.......and/six pomegranates/on... 174/202
Ezr_8:35........and/six rams/seventy...... 156/202
Gen_30:20.......him/six sons and/she........ 5/202
1Ch_8:38........had/six sons whose names are these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan All/these 115/202
1Ch_9:44........had/six sons whose names are these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan these/were 118/202
1Ki_10:19.......had/six steps and/the...... 99/202
1Ki_10:20.......the/six steps there was not the like made in any kingdom And all king/Solomon's 100/202
2Ch_9:19........the/six steps There was not the like made in any kingdom And all the/drinking 137/202
2Ch_9:18.......were/six steps to/the...... 136/202
1Ki_10:14.......and/six talents of gold Beside that he/had 97/202
2Ch_9:13........and/six talents of gold Beside that which/chapmen 134/202
Ezr_2:14........and/six The children of Adin/four 147/202
Ezr_2:13........and/six The children of Bigvai/two 146/202
Ezr_2:30........and/six The children of the/other 150/202
Ezr_2:22........and/six The men/of........ 148/202
Neh_7:68........and/six their mules two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five six/thousand 165/202
Ezr_2:66........and/six their mules two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five their/asses 153/202
Pro_6:16......These/six things/doth....... 171/202
1Ch_12:24......were/six thousand and eight/hundred 119/202
Num_2:11........and/six thousand and five hundred And/those 45/202
Num_1:21........and/six thousand and five hundred Of/the 39/202
Num_2:9.........and/six thousand and four/hundred 44/202
Num_3:34.......were/six thousand and two/hundred 50/202
Num_31:44.......and/six thousand beeves/And 59/202
Job_42:12.......and/six thousand camels/and 170/202
1Sa_13:5........and/six thousand horsemen/and 81/202
1Ch_7:40........and/six thousand men Now/Benjamin 114/202
Jdg_20:15.......and/six thousand men that/drew 77/202
Num_31:38.......and/six thousand of/which.. 58/202
2Ki_5:5.........and/six thousand pieces/of 104/202
Ezr_2:67......asses/six thousand seven hundred and twenty And/some 154/202
Neh_7:69.......five/six thousand seven hundred and twenty asses/And 166/202
1Ch_23:4........and/six thousand were/officers 125/202
2Ki_13:19........or/six times/then........ 106/202
2Sa_21:20......foot/six toes/four.......... 94/202
Job_5:19.........in/six troubles/yea...... 169/202
1Ch_25:3.Mattithiah/six under/the......... 126/202
Joh_2:6.......there/six waterpots/of...... 193/202
1Ch_3:4.......These/six were/born......... 108/202
Rev_4:8........them/six wings about/him... 199/202
Isa_6:2.........had/six wings with/twain.. 172/202
Eze_46:1........the/six working/days...... 185/202
2Ki_11:3.......LORD/six years And Athaliah did/reign 105/202
2Ch_22:12.......God/six years and Athaliah reigned/over 139/202
Deu_15:18......thee/six years and the/LORD. 65/202
Gen_31:41.......and/six years for/thy....... 6/202
Exo_21:2....servant/six years he/shall..... 13/202
Gen_16:16.......and/six years old/when...... 4/202
1Ki_16:23.....years/six years reigned/he.. 103/202
Jdg_12:7.....Israel/six years Then died/Jephthah 73/202
Deu_15:12......thee/six years then in/the.. 64/202
Jer_34:14......thee/six years thou shalt let/him 173/202
Lev_25:3........and/six years thou shalt prune/thy 38/202
Lev_25:3.......LORD/Six years thou shalt sow thy field/and 37/202
Exo_23:10.......And/six years thou shalt sow thy land/and 14/202
Joh_2:20........and/six years was/this.... 194/202
