Mar_14:47.....and/smote a/servant....... 218/229
2Sa_11:21.....Who/smote Abimelech/the... 109/229
2Sa_18:15.....and/smote Absalom/and..... 112/229
Deu_4:46...Israel/smote after/they....... 28/229
2Ch_14:14....they/smote all the cities/round 162/229
Jdg_20:37.....and/smote all the city/with 73/229
Gen_14:7......and/smote all the country of the Amalekites/and 2/229
Jos_10:40..Joshua/smote all the country of the hills/and 45/229
Psa_78:51.....And/smote all the firstborn in Egypt/the 181/229
Exo_12:29....LORD/smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt from/the 11/229
Num_3:13........I/smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt I/hallowed 13/229
1Ki_15:29......he/smote all the house/of 120/229
Jos_11:11....they/smote all the souls/that 50/229
Est_9:5......Jews/smote all their/enemies 176/229
Psa_105:36.....He/smote also all/the.... 184/229
2Sa_8:3.....David/smote also Hadadezer/the 107/229
2Ch_14:15....They/smote also the/tents.. 163/229
Jos_12:1...Israel/smote and/possessed.... 54/229
Num_32:4.....LORD/smote before/the....... 24/229
Jdg_20:35....LORD/smote Benjamin/before.. 72/229
Neh_13:25.....and/smote certain/of...... 175/229
Psa_78:31.....and/smote down/the........ 180/229
Psa_136:10...that/smote Egypt/in........ 187/229
Jdg_12:4...Gilead/smote Ephraim/because.. 69/229
Num_8:17........I/smote every firstborn/in 14/229
Exo_9:25.....hail/smote every herb/of..... 9/229
Jer_47:1..Pharaoh/smote Gaza/Thus....... 206/229
2Ki_25:25.....and/smote Gedaliah that/he 148/229
Jer_41:2......and/smote Gedaliah the/son 204/229
Psa_136:17..which/smote great kings/for. 188/229
Psa_135:10....Who/smote great nations/and 186/229
1Ch_18:3....David/smote Hadarezer/king.. 157/229
1Sa_22:19.priests/smote he/with.......... 91/229
Num_22:25......he/smote her/again........ 21/229
2Sa_24:10...heart/smote him after/that.. 116/229
2Ch_28:5.....they/smote him and carried/away 172/229
1Sa_17:35.....and/smote him and delivered/it 86/229
2Ki_12:21servants/smote him and he died/and 135/229
2Ch_28:23...which/smote him and he said/Because 174/229
Jos_10:33..Joshua/smote him and his people/until 41/229
Deu_2:33.......we/smote him and his sons and all his people And/we 26/229
Num_21:35....they/smote him and his sons and all his people until/there 19/229
1Ki_16:10.....and/smote him and killed/him 121/229
Jer_37:15.....and/smote him and put/him. 203/229
2Sa_4:7......they/smote him and slew him and beheaded/him 101/229
2Ki_15:30.....and/smote him and slew him and reigned/in 143/229
1Sa_17:35.....and/smote him and slew him Thy/servant 87/229
Luk_22:63.....and/smote him And when/they 222/229
1Ki_15:27..Baasha/smote him at/Gibbethon 119/229
Exo_21:19....that/smote him be/quit...... 12/229
Act_12:23....Lord/smote him because he gave/not 229/229
1Sa_24:5....heart/smote him because he had/cut 93/229
1Ch_13:10......he/smote him because he put/his 152/229
2Ki_15:10.....and/smote him before/the.. 138/229
Isa_57:17.....and/smote him I/hid....... 199/229
2Ch_21:18....LORD/smote him in his/bowels 168/229
2Ki_15:25.....and/smote him in Samaria/in 142/229
Mat_27:30.....and/smote him on the head And/after 217/229
Mar_15:19....they/smote him on the head with/a 219/229
Isa_27:7.....that/smote him or/is....... 194/229
Num_35:21....that/smote him shall/surely. 25/229 him so/that..... 123/229
2Sa_1:15.......he/smote him that/he...... 97/229
2Sa_6:7.......God/smote him there for/his 104/229
2Sa_3:27......and/smote him there under/the 99/229
2Sa_20:10......he/smote him therewith/in 113/229
2Sa_4:6......they/smote him under the fifth rib and/Rechab 100/229
2Sa_2:23....spear/smote him under the fifth rib that/the 98/229
Deu_3:3........we/smote him until/none... 27/229
2Ch_28:5......who/smote him with a/great 173/229
Num_21:24..Israel/smote him with the edge/of 18/229
Mat_26:67..others/smote him with the palms/of 215/229
Isa_37:38....sons/smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 197/229
2Ki_19:37....sons/smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 146/229
Joh_19:3.....they/smote him with their/hands 226/229
2Sa_14:7.....that/smote his brother/that 111/229
Psa_78:66......he/smote his enemies/in.. 182/229
Num_24:10......he/smote his hands/together 23/229
Jos_20:5.......he/smote his neighbour/unwittingly 58/229
1Ki_15:20.....and/smote Ijon and Dan and Abelbethmaachah/and 118/229
2Ch_16:4.....they/smote Ijon and Dan and Abelmaim/and 164/229
Isa_37:36.....and/smote in the camp of the Assyrians a/hundred 196/229
2Ki_19:35.....and/smote in the camp of the Assyrians an/hundred 145/229
Jer_46:2..Babylon/smote in the fourth/year 205/229
1Ch_21:7.......he/smote Israel And David/said 159/229
Jdg_3:13......and/smote Israel and possessed/the 60/229
2Ki_15:16......he/smote it and all/the.. 141/229
2Ki_3:25......and/smote it And when/the. 129/229
Jdg_7:13......and/smote it that/it....... 64/229
Jos_10:32.....and/smote it with the edge of the sword and all the souls that were therein according/to 40/229
Jos_10:30......he/smote it with the edge of the sword and all the souls that were therein he let/none 39/229
Jos_10:35.....and/smote it with the edge of the sword and all the souls that were therein he utterly/destroyed 42/229
Jos_19:47.....and/smote it with the edge of the sword and possessed/it 57/229
Jos_8:24......and/smote it with the edge of the sword And so/it 34/229
Jos_10:37.....and/smote it with the edge of the sword and the king thereof and/all 43/229
Jos_10:28.....and/smote it with the edge of the sword and the king thereof he/utterly 38/229
2Ki_9:24......and/smote Jehoram/between. 132/229
Jer_20:2...Pashur/smote Jeremiah/the.... 201/229
2Ch_13:15.....God/smote Jeroboam/and.... 160/229
Job_2:7.......and/smote Job/with........ 178/229
2Ch_22:5..Syrians/smote Joram/And....... 169/229
Son_5:7......they/smote me/they......... 189/229
1Ki_22:24.....and/smote Micaiah on/the.. 124/229
2Ch_18:23.....and/smote Micaiah upon/the 165/229
Gen_36:35.....who/smote Midian in the field of Moab reigned in his stead and the name of his city was Avith And Hadad/died 5/229
1Ch_1:46....which/smote Midian in the field of Moab reigned in his stead and the name of his city was Avith And when/Hadad 149/229
2Sa_8:2........he/smote Moab and measured/them 106/229
1Ch_18:2.......he/smote Moab and the/Moabites 156/229
1Sa_25:38....LORD/smote Nabal/that....... 94/229
2Ch_25:11.....and/smote of the children/of 170/229
1Sa_6:19.......he/smote of the people/fifty 80/229
Jos_7:5........Ai/smote of them/about.... 31/229
Mat_26:51.....and/smote off his ear/Then 214/229
Jdg_5:26......she/smote off his head/when 63/229
Jos_12:7...Israel/smote on/this.......... 55/229
Dan_5:6.....knees/smote one/against..... 210/229
Act_12:7.......he/smote Peter/on........ 228/229
1Ch_20:1.....Joab/smote Rabbah/and...... 158/229
2Ki_15:14.....and/smote Shallum/the..... 139/229
2Sa_10:18.....and/smote Shobach/the..... 108/229
Jdg_5:26......she/smote Sisera/she....... 62/229
1Sa_14:48.....and/smote the Amalekites and/delivered 84/229
1Sa_15:7.....Saul/smote the Amalekites from/Havilah 85/229
Isa_41:7.....that/smote the anvil/saying 198/229
Num_22:23..Balaam/smote the ass to/turn.. 20/229
Num_22:27......he/smote the ass with/a... 22/229
Jdg_1:25.....they/smote the city/with.... 59/229
Exo_8:17......and/smote the dust/of....... 7/229
2Ki_8:21......and/smote the Edomites which compassed him about/and 131/229
2Ch_21:9......and/smote the Edomites which compassed him in/and 167/229
Act_7:24......and/smote the Egyptian/For 227/229
Exo_12:27......he/smote the Egyptians and/delivered 10/229
1Sa_4:8......that/smote the Egyptians with/all 75/229
2Ch_14:12....LORD/smote the Ethiopians/before 161/229
Psa_135:8.....Who/smote the firstborn/of 185/229
Job_1:19......and/smote the four/corners 177/229
1Sa_13:3.Jonathan/smote the garrison/of.. 82/229 the gourd/that.. 212/229
Joh_18:10.....and/smote the high/priest's 225/229
Deu_25:18.....and/smote the hindmost/of.. 29/229
1Ki_20:21.....and/smote the horses/and.. 122/229
Jdg_8:11......and/smote the host for/the. 65/229
1Ch_14:16....they/smote the host of/the. 154/229
Dan_2:35.....that/smote the image became/a 209/229
Dan_2:34....which/smote the image upon/his 208/229
1Sa_19:10......he/smote the javelin/into. 90/229
2Ch_18:33.....and/smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness therefore/he 166/229
1Ki_22:34.....and/smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness wherefore/he 125/229
2Ki_15:5.....LORD/smote the king so/that 137/229
Jos_11:10.....and/smote the king thereof/with 49/229
1Sa_27:9....David/smote the land/and..... 95/229
1Sa_6:19.......he/smote the men of Bethshemesh/because 79/229
1Sa_5:9........he/smote the men of the/city 77/229
Gen_19:11....they/smote the men that/were. 4/229
2Ki_3:24......and/smote the Moabites/so. 128/229
Jdg_4:21......and/smote the nail/into.... 61/229 the other/and... 110/229
2Sa_24:17....that/smote the people and/said 117/229
Isa_14:6......who/smote the people in/wrath 191/229
Num_11:33....LORD/smote the people with/a 15/229
2Sa_21:17.....and/smote the Philistine and killed/him 114/229
1Sa_17:50.....and/smote the Philistine and slew/him 89/229
1Sa_17:49.....and/smote the Philistine in/his 88/229
2Sa_8:1.....David/smote the Philistines and subdued them and David/took 105/229
1Ch_18:1....David/smote the Philistines and subdued them and took/Gath 155/229
2Ki_18:8.......He/smote the Philistines even/unto 144/229
2Sa_5:25......and/smote the Philistines from/Geba 103/229
1Sa_14:31....they/smote the Philistines that/day 83/229
2Sa_23:10.....and/smote the Philistines until/his 115/229
Dan_8:7.......and/smote the ram/and..... 211/229
Gen_14:5......and/smote the Rephaims/in... 1/229
1Ch_4:43.....they/smote the rest/of..... 151/229
Psa_78:20......he/smote the rock that/the 179/229
Num_20:11......he/smote the rock twice/and 17/229
Luk_22:50....them/smote the servant/of.. 221/229
2Ki_2:14......and/smote the waters and said/Where 127/229
2Ki_2:8.......and/smote the waters and they/were 126/229
Exo_7:20......and/smote the waters that/were 6/229
Luk_22:64....that/smote thee And/many... 223/229
Isa_60:10.......I/smote thee but/in..... 200/229
Isa_14:29....that/smote thee is/broken.. 192/229
Mat_26:68....that/smote thee Now/Peter.. 216/229
Luk_23:48....done/smote their breasts/and 224/229
1Ch_4:41......and/smote their tents/and. 150/229
Psa_105:33.....He/smote their vines/also 183/229
Jdg_9:43......and/smote them And Abimelech/and 66/229
Jos_11:8......who/smote them and chased/them 47/229
Num_14:45.....and/smote them and discomfited/them 16/229
Gen_14:15.....and/smote them and pursued/them 3/229
Jer_52:27.Babylon/smote them and put/them 207/229
Jos_10:26..Joshua/smote them and slew them and/hanged 37/229
2Ki_25:21.Babylon/smote them and slew them at/Riblah 147/229
Jos_11:17.....and/smote them and slew them Joshua/made 53/229
Deu_29:7.......we/smote them And we/took. 30/229
Isa_10:20....that/smote them but/shall.. 190/229
Jdg_11:33......he/smote them from Aroer/even 68/229
Jos_10:41..Joshua/smote them from Kadeshbarnea/even 46/229
1Sa_30:17...David/smote them from the/twilight 96/229
Jdg_15:8.......he/smote them hip/and..... 70/229
2Ki_10:32..Hazael/smote them in all/the. 134/229
Jos_7:5.......and/smote them in the/going 32/229
Jos_9:18...Israel/smote them not/because. 35/229
Jdg_11:21....they/smote them so Israel/possessed 67/229
Jos_8:22.....they/smote them so that/they 33/229
2Sa_5:20....David/smote them there and/said 102/229
1Ch_14:11...David/smote them there Then/David 153/229
Jos_10:10.....and/smote them to/Azekah... 36/229
1Sa_7:11......and/smote them until they came/under 81/229
Jos_11:8.....they/smote them until they left/them 48/229
1Sa_23:5......and/smote them with a/great 92/229
2Ki_6:18.......he/smote them with blindness/according 130/229
1Sa_5:6.......and/smote them with emerods/even 76/229
Jdg_18:27....they/smote them with the edge of the sword and burnt/the 71/229
Jos_11:12.....and/smote them with the edge of the sword and he/utterly 51/229
2Ki_10:25....they/smote them with the edge of the sword and the/guard 133/229
Jos_10:39....they/smote them with the edge of the sword and utterly/destroyed 44/229
Jdg_20:48.....and/smote them with the edge of the sword as/well 74/229
Isa_27:7.......he/smote those/that...... 193/229
2Ch_25:13.....and/smote three/thousand.. 171/229
2Ki_13:18......he/smote thrice/and...... 136/229
Exo_9:25.....hail/smote throughout/all.... 8/229
2Ki_15:16.Menahem/smote Tiphsah/and..... 140/229
Luk_18:13.....but/smote upon his/breast. 220/229
Jer_31:19.......I/smote upon my/thigh... 202/229
1Sa_6:9......that/smote us/it............ 78/229
Isa_30:31...which/smote with a/rod...... 195/229
Jos_11:14....they/smote with the edge/of. 52/229
Jos_13:21...Moses/smote with the princes/of 56/229
Hag_2:17........I/smote you/with........ 213/229
Exo_17:5.....thou/smotest/the............... 1/1
