Psa_51:17....broken/spirit a broken/and... 105/505
Pro_15:4........the/spirit A fool/despiseth 120/505
Job_15:13.......thy/spirit against God/and. 89/505
Gal_5:17........the/Spirit against the/flesh 423/505
Rom_8:26........the/Spirit also/helpeth... 357/505
Phl_1:25.......your/spirit Amen God/who... 464/505
Gal_6:18.......your/spirit Amen Paul/an... 431/505
Rev_18:2.......foul/spirit and a cage/of.. 502/505 and a wife/of.. 175/505
Rev_4:2.........the/spirit and behold/a... 498/505
2Th_2:13........the/Spirit and belief/of.. 458/505
1Sa_28:8...familiar/spirit and bring/me.... 52/505
Mar_6:49..........a/spirit and cried/out.. 263/505
Mic_2:11........the/spirit and falsehood/do 230/505
Exo_6:9..........of/spirit and for/cruel.... 6/505
Eze_13:3........own/spirit and have/seen.. 206/505 and having/said 290/505
Mar_5:8.....unclean/spirit And he asked/him 262/505
Mar_1:23....unclean/spirit and he cried/out 257/505 And he kneeled/down 316/505
Luk_24:37.........a/spirit And he said/unto 291/505
Luk_9:42....unclean/spirit and healed/the. 284/505
Job_34:14.......his/spirit and his/breath.. 98/505
1Co_14:15.......the/spirit and I will pray/with 394/505 And I will shew/wonders 228/505
1Co_14:15.......the/spirit and I will sing/with 395/505 and in truth for/the 300/505 and in truth The/woman 302/505
Dan_5:12..excellent/spirit and knowledge/and 221/505
Num_27:18.......the/spirit and lay/thine... 22/505
Mal_2:15.......your/spirit and let/none... 243/505
Deu_2:30........his/spirit and made/his.... 23/505
Rom_2:29........the/spirit and not in the letter/whose 337/505
Rom_7:6..........of/spirit and not in the oldness/of 338/505
1Co_2:4.........the/Spirit and of power/That 364/505
Heb_4:12........and/spirit and of the/joints 465/505
Luk_1:17........the/spirit and power/of... 272/505
Php_3:3.........the/spirit and rejoice/in. 450/505 and said/I..... 286/505
Mar_8:12........his/spirit and saith/Why.. 265/505
1Th_5:23......whole/spirit and soul/and... 455/505
2Ch_18:20.........a/spirit and stood before the LORD and said I will entice/him 72/505
1Ki_22:21.........a/spirit and stood before the LORD and said I will persuade/him 58/505 and testified and/said 307/505
Act_18:5........the/spirit and testified to/the 326/505
Rev_22:17.......the/Spirit and the bride/say 505/505
Gal_5:17........the/Spirit and the Spirit/against 422/505
1Jn_5:8.........the/Spirit and the water/and 488/505
1Co_12:4.......same/Spirit And there are/differences 383/505
Ecc_2:11.........of/spirit and there was/no 134/505 And these/things 88/505
Joh_6:63........are/spirit and they are/life 304/505
Mat_14:26.........a/spirit and they cried/out 252/505 and they shall/prophesy 313/505
Joh_4:24..........a/Spirit and they that/worship 301/505
Isa_66:2...contrite/spirit and trembleth/at 187/505 and was in/the. 274/505
Joh_11:33.......the/spirit and was troubled/And 306/505
Eph_6:18........the/Spirit and watching/thereunto 446/505
1Jn_4:13........his/Spirit And we/have.... 485/505
2Co_3:17.......that/Spirit and where/the.. 405/505
Mal_2:15........the/spirit And wherefore/one 242/505
Mar_9:17.......dumb/spirit And wheresoever/he 266/505
2Ch_33:6...familiar/spirit and with/wizards 79/505
Gal_3:5.........the/Spirit and worketh/miracles 416/505
Isa_65:14........of/spirit And ye shall leave/your 186/505
Gal_5:16........the/Spirit and ye shall not/fulfil 421/505 and your's/therefore 398/505
Act_19:15......evil/spirit answered/and... 328/505 are we/all..... 390/505
Gal_3:3.........the/Spirit are ye/now..... 415/505
1Sa_28:7...familiar/spirit at/Endor........ 51/505
Act_11:12.......the/Spirit bade/me........ 320/505 Be not/hasty... 144/505
Isa_32:15.......the/spirit be poured/upon. 166/505
2Co_3:8.........the/spirit be rather/glorious 404/505 be troubled/Mark 91/505
2Ki_2:9.........thy/spirit be upon/me...... 62/505
Rom_8:27........the/Spirit because he/maketh 359/505 because I/found 400/505
Pro_16:18...haughty/spirit before/a....... 122/505
Jdg_9:23.......evil/spirit between/Abimelech 28/505
1Th_4:8........holy/Spirit But as/touching 453/505 but she/that... 380/505
1Pe_4:6.........the/spirit But the end/of. 475/505 but the hand/of 197/505
Act_23:8........nor/spirit but the Pharisees/confess 333/505
1Jn_4:1.......every/spirit but try/the.... 478/505
Jud_1:19........the/Spirit But ye/beloved. 489/505
Joh_3:34........the/Spirit by measure/unto 299/505
Zec_7:12........his/spirit by the former/prophets 238/505
Gal_3:2.........the/Spirit by the works/of 414/505
1Pe_3:18........the/Spirit By which also/he 474/505
Act_6:10........the/spirit by which he/spake 315/505 call/him....... 253/505
Jdg_15:19.......his/spirit came again and he/revived 34/505
Luk_8:55........her/spirit came again and she/arose 282/505
1Sa_30:12.......his/spirit came again to/him 53/505
Job_26:4......whose/spirit came from/thee.. 92/505
1Ch_12:18.......the/spirit came upon/Amasai 68/505
Pro_11:13..faithful/spirit concealeth/the. 118/505
Mar_9:26........the/spirit cried/and...... 270/505
1Sa_16:23......evil/spirit departed/from... 45/505
Joh_1:33........the/Spirit descending and/remaining 294/505
Joh_1:32........the/Spirit descending from/heaven 293/505
1Th_5:19........the/Spirit Despise/not.... 454/505
1Co_12:11..selfsame/Spirit dividing/to.... 389/505
Rom_8:13........the/Spirit do/mortify..... 350/505
Pro_17:22....broken/spirit drieth/the..... 125/505
Mar_1:12........the/spirit driveth/him.... 256/505
Eze_3:24........the/spirit entered into me and/set 198/505
Eze_2:2.........the/spirit entered into me when/he 194/505
Pro_17:27.excellent/spirit Even a/fool.... 126/505 even as/ye..... 440/505
Gal_4:29........the/Spirit even so/it..... 419/505
Rom_8:23........the/Spirit even we/ourselves 356/505
Pro_14:29........of/spirit exalteth/folly. 119/505 faileth/hide... 115/505 filled/with.... 276/505 Flee/fornication 378/505
Ecc_1:17.........of/spirit For in/much.... 133/505 For the body/is 391/505
Rom_8:1.........the/Spirit For the law/of. 339/505
2Co_3:6.........the/spirit for the letter/killeth 402/505
1Co_2:10........his/Spirit for the Spirit/searcheth 365/505 for theirs/is.. 247/505
Rom_8:4.........the/Spirit For they/that.. 341/505
Eph_2:22........the/Spirit For this cause I/Paul 436/505
Col_1:8.........the/Spirit For this cause we/also 451/505
Rom_8:5.........the/Spirit For to/be...... 343/505 for why/will... 207/505
1Sa_18:10......evil/spirit from God came/upon 46/505
1Sa_16:16......evil/spirit from God is/upon 43/505
1Sa_16:15......evil/spirit from God troubleth/thee 42/505
1Sa_16:23......evil/spirit from God was/upon 44/505
Psa_51:11......holy/spirit from me/Restore 103/505
1Sa_16:14......evil/spirit from the LORD troubled/him 41/505
1Sa_19:9.......evil/spirit from the LORD was/upon 47/505
Act_2:4.........the/Spirit gave/them...... 311/505
2Co_3:6.........the/spirit giveth/life.... 403/505
Ezr_1:5.......whose/spirit God/had......... 82/505
2Ti_4:22........thy/spirit Grace/be....... 463/505
Mar_1:26....unclean/spirit had/torn....... 258/505
Luk_24:39.........a/spirit hath not/flesh. 292/505 hath rejoiced/in 273/505
Isa_48:16.......his/Spirit hath sent/me... 174/505 have/judged.... 374/505
Joh_3:5.........the/Spirit he cannot/enter 295/505
Job_26:13.......his/spirit he hath/garnished 93/505
Act_18:25.......the/spirit he spake/and... 327/505
1Co_14:2........the/spirit he speaketh/mysteries 392/505
Mar_7:25....unclean/spirit heard/of....... 264/505
1Co_14:16.......the/spirit how/shall...... 396/505
1Co_15:45quickening/spirit Howbeit/that... 397/505
Mar_9:25.......deaf/spirit I charge/thee.. 269/505
Act_16:18.......the/spirit I command/thee. 324/505
1Sa_1:15..sorrowful/spirit I have/drunk.... 35/505 I will/complain. 87/505
Php_2:1.........the/Spirit if any/bowels.. 449/505
Rom_8:9.........the/Spirit if so/be....... 344/505 in faith/in.... 461/505
1Ki_10:5.......more/spirit in her And she said to the king It was a true report that/I 55/505
2Ch_9:4........more/spirit in her And she said to the king It was a true report which/I 70/505
Job_32:8..........a/spirit in man/and...... 95/505
2Co_1:22........the/Spirit in our/hearts.. 399/505
Eph_4:3.........the/Spirit in the bond/of. 439/505 in the gospel/of 336/505
Eph_3:16........his/Spirit in the inner/man 438/505 in the midst of/my 224/505
Isa_19:14..perverse/spirit in the midst thereof/and 158/505
1Ki_22:22.....lying/spirit in the mouth of all his prophets And he/said 59/505
2Ch_18:21.....lying/spirit in the mouth of all his prophets And the/Lord 73/505
1Ki_22:23.....lying/spirit in the mouth of all these/thy 60/505
2Ch_18:22.....lying/spirit in the mouth of these/thy 74/505 in the north/country 237/505
Jos_5:1.......there/spirit in them/any..... 25/505
Neh_9:30........thy/spirit in thy/prophets. 84/505 in you/and..... 212/505
Mat_26:41.......the/spirit indeed/is...... 254/505
Luk_4:14........the/Spirit into Galilee/and 278/505
Luk_2:27........the/Spirit into the temple/and 275/505
Rev_17:3........the/spirit into the wilderness and/I 501/505
Luk_4:1.........the/Spirit into the wilderness Being/forty 277/505
Mat_4:1.........the/spirit into the wilderness to/be 246/505 is better/than. 143/505
Pro_15:13.......the/spirit is broken/The.. 121/505
Jam_2:26........the/spirit is dead/so..... 468/505
1Co_12:7........the/Spirit is given/to.... 384/505
Mat_12:43...unclean/spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth/none 251/505
Luk_11:24...unclean/spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and finding/none 288/505
Psa_143:10......thy/spirit is good/lead... 116/505
Eph_5:9.........the/Spirit is in/all...... 443/505
Rom_8:10........the/Spirit is life/because 347/505
Pro_25:28.......own/spirit is like/a...... 130/505
Gal_5:22........the/Spirit is love/joy.... 425/505
Joh_3:6.........the/Spirit is spirit/Marvel 296/505
1Jn_5:6.........the/Spirit is truth/For... 487/505
Isa_34:16.......his/spirit it/hath........ 167/505
Rom_8:16........The/Spirit itself beareth/witness 354/505
Rom_8:26........the/Spirit itself maketh/intercession 358/505
Col_2:5.........the/spirit joying/and..... 452/505
Ecc_4:16.........of/spirit Keep/thy....... 141/505
Gal_5:25........the/Spirit let us also/walk 426/505
Gal_5:25........the/Spirit Let us not/be.. 427/505
Eze_11:1........the/spirit lifted me up and brought/me 201/505
Eze_3:14........the/spirit lifted me up and took/me 196/505
Eze_8:3.........the/spirit lifted me up between/the 199/505
Mar_1:10........the/Spirit like/a......... 255/505 made diligent/search 108/505
Exo_35:21.......his/spirit made willing/and. 9/505
Psa_34:18..contrite/spirit Many/are....... 101/505 Marvel/not..... 297/505
1Co_5:5.........the/spirit may/be......... 376/505
Ecc_8:8.........the/spirit neither/hath... 147/505
Joh_3:8.........the/Spirit Nicodemus/answered 298/505 nor by/word.... 456/505
Ecc_11:5........the/spirit nor how/the.... 149/505
Pro_18:14.......The/spirit of a/man....... 127/505
Rom_8:15........the/Spirit of adoption/whereby 353/505
Hag_1:14........the/spirit of all/the..... 234/505
Luk_4:33..........a/spirit of an/unclean.. 280/505
1Jn_4:3........that/spirit of antichrist/whereof 482/505
Rom_8:15........the/spirit of bondage/again 352/505
Isa_4:4.........the/spirit of burning/And. 152/505
Rom_8:9.........the/Spirit of Christ he/is 346/505
1Pe_1:11........the/Spirit of Christ which/was 471/505
Isa_11:2........the/spirit of counsel/and. 155/505
2Ch_36:22.......the/spirit of Cyrus king of Persia that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia All/the 80/505
Ezr_1:1.........the/spirit of Cyrus king of Persia that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia The/LORD 81/505
Isa_29:10.......the/spirit of deep/sleep.. 162/505
Act_16:16.........a/spirit of divination/met 323/505
Isa_19:3........the/spirit of Egypt/shall. 157/505
2Ki_2:15........The/spirit of Elijah/doth.. 63/505
1Jn_4:6.........the/spirit of error/Beloved 484/505
2Co_4:13.......same/spirit of faith/according 408/505
2Ti_1:7.........the/spirit of fear/but.... 462/505
1Pe_4:14........the/spirit of glory/and... 476/505
1Co_12:3........the/Spirit of God calleth/Jesus 382/505
2Ch_15:1........the/Spirit of God came upon Azariah/the 71/505
1Sa_10:10.......the/Spirit of God came upon him and he prophesied/among 37/505
Num_24:2........the/spirit of God came upon him And he took/up 21/505
1Sa_11:6........the/Spirit of God came upon Saul/when 38/505
2Ch_24:20.......the/Spirit of God came upon Zechariah/the 78/505
Mat_3:16........the/Spirit of God descending/like 245/505
Rom_8:9.........the/Spirit of God dwell/in 345/505
1Co_3:16........the/Spirit of God dwelleth/in 372/505
1Jn_4:2.........the/Spirit of God Every/spirit 479/505
1Co_2:14........the/Spirit of God for/they 371/505
Job_33:4........The/spirit of God hath/made 97/505
Exo_31:3........the/spirit of God in wisdom and/in 8/505
Exo_35:31.......the/spirit of God in wisdom in/understanding 10/505
Eze_11:24.......the/Spirit of God into/Chaldea 205/505
Gen_41:38.......the/Spirit of God is And/Pharaoh 4/505
Job_27:3........the/spirit of God is in/my. 94/505
Gen_1:2.........the/Spirit of God moved/upon 1/505
1Co_7:40........the/Spirit of God Now as/touching 381/505
1Co_2:11........the/Spirit of God Now we/have 368/505
Rom_15:19.......the/Spirit of God so/that. 362/505
Mat_12:28.......the/Spirit of God then/the 250/505
Rom_8:14........the/Spirit of God they/are 351/505
1Sa_19:23.......the/Spirit of God was upon him/also 49/505
1Sa_19:20.......the/Spirit of God was upon the/messengers 48/505
Eph_4:30.......holy/Spirit of God whereby/ye 442/505
Zec_12:10.......the/spirit of grace and/of 240/505
Heb_10:29.......the/Spirit of grace For/we 467/505
Isa_61:3........the/spirit of heaviness/that 182/505
Rom_8:11........the/Spirit of him/that.... 348/505
2Th_2:8.........the/spirit of his mouth/and 457/505
Gal_4:6.........the/Spirit of his Son/into 418/505
Rom_1:4.........the/spirit of holiness/by. 335/505
Luk_13:11.........a/spirit of infirmity/eighteen 289/505
Gen_45:27.......the/spirit of Jacob/their... 5/505
Num_5:14........the/spirit of jealousy come upon him and he be jealous of his wife and she be defiled/or 12/505
Num_5:14........the/spirit of jealousy come upon him and he be jealous of his wife and she be not/defiled 13/505
Num_5:30........the/spirit of jealousy cometh/upon 14/505
Php_1:19........the/Spirit of Jesus/Christ 447/505
Hag_1:14........the/spirit of Joshua/the.. 233/505
Isa_4:4.........the/spirit of judgment and/by 151/505
Isa_28:6..........a/spirit of judgment to/him 160/505
Isa_11:2........the/spirit of knowledge/and 156/505
Rev_11:11.......the/spirit of life from/God 499/505
Rom_8:2.........the/Spirit of life in/Christ 340/505
Pro_20:27.......The/spirit of man is/the.. 129/505
Ecc_3:21........the/spirit of man that/goeth 137/505
1Co_2:11........the/spirit of man which/is 367/505
Zec_12:1........the/spirit of man within/him 239/505
Gal_6:1.........the/spirit of meekness considering/thyself 428/505
1Co_4:21........the/spirit of meekness It/is 373/505
Job_20:3........the/spirit of my/understanding 90/505
1Co_6:11........the/Spirit of our/God..... 377/505
Psa_76:12.......the/spirit of princes/he.. 106/505
Eph_1:13.......holy/Spirit of promise/Which 432/505
Rev_19:10.......the/spirit of prophecy/And 503/505
1Ch_5:26........the/spirit of Pul/king..... 65/505
Rom_11:8........the/spirit of slumber/eyes 360/505
Ecc_3:21........the/spirit of the beast/that 138/505
1Ch_28:12.......the/spirit of the courts/of 69/505
Dan_5:14........the/spirit of the gods/is. 222/505
Dan_4:8.........the/spirit of the holy gods and before/him 217/505
Dan_5:11........the/spirit of the holy gods and in/the 220/505
Dan_4:9.........the/spirit of the holy gods is in thee and/no 218/505
Dan_4:18........the/spirit of the holy gods is in thee Then/Daniel 219/505
Isa_57:15.......the/spirit of the humble/and 177/505
Jer_51:11.......the/spirit of the kings/of 188/505
Eze_1:21........the/spirit of the living creature was in the wheels And/the 193/505
Eze_1:20........the/spirit of the living creature was in the wheels When/those 192/505
Eze_10:17.......the/spirit of the living creature was in them/Then 200/505
2Co_3:3.........the/Spirit of the living God/not 401/505
Mic_3:8.........the/spirit of the LORD and of/judgment 231/505
Eze_37:1........the/spirit of the LORD and set/me 211/505
Jdg_13:25.......the/Spirit of the LORD began/to 30/505
Act_5:9.........the/Spirit of the Lord behold/the 314/505
Isa_40:7........the/spirit of the LORD bloweth/upon 169/505
Jdg_14:6........the/Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him and he/rent 31/505
Jdg_15:14.......the/Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him and the/cords 33/505
1Sa_16:13.......the/Spirit of the LORD came upon David/from 39/505
Jdg_6:34........the/Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon/and 27/505
Jdg_3:10........the/Spirit of the LORD came upon him and he judged/Israel 26/505
Jdg_14:19.......the/Spirit of the LORD came upon him and he went/down 32/505
Jdg_11:29.......the/Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah/and 29/505
Act_8:39........the/Spirit of the Lord caught/away 318/505
Isa_63:14.......the/Spirit of the LORD caused/him 185/505
1Sa_16:14.......the/Spirit of the LORD departed/from 40/505
Eze_11:5........the/Spirit of the LORD fell/upon 202/505
1Ki_22:24.......the/Spirit of the LORD from me to speak unto thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see in/that 61/505
2Ch_18:23.......the/Spirit of the LORD from me to speak unto thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see on/that 75/505
Isa_61:1........The/Spirit of the Lord GOD/is 181/505
2Ki_2:16........the/Spirit of the LORD hath/taken 64/505
2Ch_20:14.......the/Spirit of the LORD in/the 76/505
2Co_3:17........the/Spirit of the Lord is there/is 406/505
Luk_4:18........The/Spirit of the Lord is upon/me 279/505
Isa_40:13.......the/Spirit of the LORD or/being 170/505
1Ki_18:12.......the/Spirit of the LORD shall carry/thee 56/505
Isa_59:19.......the/Spirit of the LORD shall lift/up 179/505
Isa_11:2........the/spirit of the LORD shall rest/upon 153/505
2Sa_23:2........The/Spirit of the LORD spake/by 54/505
Mic_2:7.........the/spirit of the LORD straitened/are 229/505
2Co_3:18........the/Spirit of the Lord Therefore/seeing 407/505
1Sa_10:6........the/Spirit of the LORD will/come 36/505
2Ch_21:16.......the/spirit of the Philistines/and 77/505
Ecc_10:4........the/spirit of the ruler/rise 148/505
1Co_2:12........the/spirit of the world/but 369/505
1Ch_5:26........the/spirit of Tilgathpilneser/king 66/505
1Jn_4:6.........the/spirit of truth and/the 483/505
Joh_16:13.......the/Spirit of truth is/come 310/505
Joh_15:26.......the/Spirit of truth which/proceedeth 309/505
Joh_14:17.......the/Spirit of truth whom/the 308/505
Hos_4:12........the/spirit of whoredoms hath/caused 225/505
Hos_5:4.........the/spirit of whoredoms is/in 226/505
Eph_1:17........the/spirit of wisdom and revelation/in 433/505
Isa_11:2........the/spirit of wisdom and understanding/the 154/505
Deu_34:9........the/spirit of wisdom for/Moses 24/505
Exo_28:3........the/spirit of wisdom that/they 7/505
Mat_10:20.......the/Spirit of your Father/which 248/505
Eph_4:23........the/spirit of your mind/And 441/505
Hag_1:14........the/spirit of Zerubbabel/the 232/505
Heb_9:14....eternal/Spirit offered/himself 466/505
Rev_1:10........the/Spirit on/the......... 490/505
Act_23:9..........a/spirit or an/angel.... 334/505
Lev_20:27..familiar/spirit or that/is...... 11/505
Psa_139:7.......thy/spirit or whither/shall 112/505
Isa_29:4...familiar/spirit out/of......... 161/505 overwhelmed/within 114/505
Job_4:15..........a/spirit passed/before... 85/505
2Co_7:1.........and/spirit perfecting/holiness 410/505 prayeth/but.... 393/505
Gal_6:8.........the/Spirit reap/life...... 430/505 remaineth/among 235/505
Num_11:26.......the/spirit rested upon them and/they 18/505
Num_11:25.......the/spirit rested upon them they/prophesied 17/505
Act_10:19.......the/Spirit said unto him/Behold 319/505
Act_8:29........the/Spirit said unto Philip/Go 317/505 saith the/LORD. 236/505
Rev_3:22........the/Spirit saith unto the churches After/this 497/505
Rev_3:6.........the/Spirit saith unto the churches And to/the 495/505
Rev_2:29........the/Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church in/Sardis 494/505
Rev_3:13........the/Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church of/the 496/505
Rev_2:11........the/Spirit saith unto the churches He/that 492/505
Rev_2:17........the/Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden/manna 493/505
Rev_2:7.........the/Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree/of 491/505
Mar_9:25.......foul/spirit saying/unto.... 268/505
1Co_2:10........the/Spirit searcheth/all.. 366/505
1Ti_3:16........the/Spirit seen/of........ 459/505 serving/the.... 361/505 shall come/to.. 163/505
Eze_21:7......every/spirit shall faint/and 208/505
Gen_6:3..........My/spirit shall not/always. 2/505
Gal_6:8.........the/Spirit shall of/the... 429/505
Ecc_12:7........the/spirit shall return/unto 150/505
Isa_57:16.......the/spirit should/fail.... 178/505
1Ki_21:5........thy/spirit so sad/that..... 57/505
Psa_106:33......his/spirit so that/he..... 111/505 so wilt/thou... 168/505
1Ti_4:1.........the/Spirit speaketh/expressly 460/505
Eph_5:18........the/Spirit Speaking/to.... 444/505
Act_16:7........the/Spirit suffered/them.. 322/505
Luk_9:39..........a/spirit taketh/him..... 283/505
Mar_9:20........the/spirit tare/him....... 267/505
Pro_16:32.......his/spirit than/he........ 124/505
1Jn_5:6.........the/Spirit that beareth/witness 486/505
1Jn_4:3.......every/spirit that confesseth not/that 481/505
1Jn_4:2.......Every/spirit that confesseth that/Jesus 480/505
Jam_4:5.........The/spirit that dwelleth in us/lusteth 469/505
Rom_8:11........his/Spirit that dwelleth in you/Therefore 349/505
Act_21:4........the/Spirit that he/should. 332/505
1Sa_28:7...familiar/spirit that I/may...... 50/505
Isa_59:21........My/spirit that is/upon... 180/505
Eph_2:2.........the/spirit that now/worketh 434/505
Joh_6:63........the/spirit that quickeneth/the 303/505
Eph_3:5.........the/Spirit That the/Gentiles 437/505
Act_11:28.......the/Spirit that there/should 321/505 that they may add/sin 164/505
Rev_14:13.......the/Spirit that they may rest/from 500/505
Mar_2:8.........his/spirit that they so/reasoned 259/505
Num_11:25.......the/spirit that was/upon... 16/505
Rom_8:16........our/spirit that we/are.... 355/505
Ecc_6:9..........of/spirit That which hath/been 142/505
Ecc_1:14.........of/spirit That which is/crooked 132/505
Mal_2:16.......your/spirit that ye deal/not 244/505
Rom_15:30.......the/Spirit that ye strive/together 363/505
Ecc_4:4..........of/spirit The fool/foldeth 139/505 the terrors/of.. 86/505
Rom_8:5.........the/Spirit the things/of.. 342/505
1Co_12:8........the/Spirit the word/of.... 385/505
Ecc_4:6..........of/spirit Then I/returned 140/505 Then will/I.... 104/505
Mar_3:30....unclean/spirit There came/then 260/505
Psa_32:2......whose/spirit there is/no.... 100/505
Isa_63:10......holy/Spirit therefore he/was 183/505
2Co_5:5.........the/Spirit Therefore we/are 409/505
Psa_104:30......thy/spirit they/are....... 110/505 thou/hast....... 99/505
Gal_3:14........the/Spirit through/faith.. 417/505
Rev_21:10.......the/spirit to a/great..... 504/505
1Co_12:8.......same/Spirit To another faith/by 386/505
1Co_12:9.......same/Spirit to another the gifts/of 387/505
1Co_12:9.......same/Spirit To another the working/of 388/505
Ecc_7:9.........thy/spirit to be/angry.... 145/505
Luk_8:29....unclean/spirit to come/out.... 281/505
1Ch_10:13..familiar/spirit to enquire/of... 67/505
Ecc_2:26.........of/spirit To every/thing. 136/505
Eze_1:20......their/spirit to go/and...... 191/505
Neh_9:20.......good/spirit to instruct/them 83/505
Zec_13:2....unclean/spirit to pass/out.... 241/505
Ecc_8:8.........the/spirit to retain/the.. 146/505
Isa_57:15....humble/spirit to revive/the.. 176/505
Luk_11:13......Holy/Spirit to them that ask/him 287/505
Isa_42:5........and/spirit to them that walk/therein 172/505
Eze_11:24.......the/spirit took me up and brought me in/a 204/505
Eze_43:5........the/spirit took me up and brought me into/the 214/505
Eze_3:12........the/spirit took me up and I/heard 195/505
Mar_14:38.......The/spirit truly/is....... 271/505
Act_20:22.......the/spirit unto Jerusalem/not 331/505
1Pe_1:2.........the/Spirit unto obedience/and 470/505 unto the/Father 435/505
1Pe_1:22........the/Spirit unto unfeigned/love 472/505 unto you/I..... 117/505 upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and/your 312/505 upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your/old 227/505 upon him and/he 249/505 upon him he/shall 171/505 upon the/house. 213/505
Num_11:29.......his/spirit upon them/And... 19/505 upon thy/seed.. 173/505
Gal_5:5.........the/Spirit wait/for....... 420/505
2Co_12:18......same/spirit walked/we...... 413/505
Dan_6:3...excellent/spirit was in/him..... 223/505
Act_19:16......evil/spirit was leaped/on.. 329/505
Psa_78:8......whose/spirit was not/stedfast 109/505 was overwhelmed Selah/Thou 107/505 was overwhelmed within/me 113/505
2Co_7:13........his/spirit was refreshed/by 411/505
Act_17:16.......his/spirit was stirred/in. 325/505
Eze_1:12........the/spirit was to go they went and/they 189/505
Eze_1:20........the/spirit was to go they went thither/was 190/505
Gen_41:8........his/spirit was troubled and he/sent 3/505
Dan_2:1.........his/spirit was troubled and his/sleep 215/505 was troubled to/know 216/505
Act_19:21.......the/spirit when he/had.... 330/505
Isa_31:3........not/spirit When the/LORD.. 165/505
1Co_6:20.......your/spirit which are/God's 379/505
1Jn_3:24........the/Spirit which he/hath.. 477/505
1Pe_3:4.......quiet/spirit which is in/the 473/505
1Co_2:12........the/spirit which is of/God 370/505
Eph_6:17........the/Spirit which is the/word 445/505
Num_11:17.......the/spirit which is upon/thee 15/505
Joh_7:39........the/Spirit which they/that 305/505
2Co_11:4....another/spirit which ye/have.. 412/505
Pro_18:14...wounded/spirit who can/bear... 128/505
Mar_5:2.....unclean/spirit Who had/his.... 261/505 Whoso/is....... 131/505 will/I......... 209/505
Num_14:24...another/spirit with him/and.... 20/505 with one/mind.. 448/505
Pro_16:19....humble/spirit with the lowly/than 123/505 with the power/of 375/505
Isa_63:11......holy/Spirit within him/That 184/505
Psa_51:10.....right/spirit within me Cast/me 102/505
Job_32:18.......the/spirit within me constraineth/me 96/505 within me will/I 159/505 within you and cause/you 210/505 within you and I/will 203/505
Gal_5:18........the/Spirit ye are not/under 424/505
Luk_9:55.........of/spirit ye are of/For.. 285/505
Ecc_2:17.........of/spirit Yea/I.......... 135/505
Lev_20:6...familiar/spirits and after/wizards 2/46
Mar_6:7.....unclean/spirits And commanded/them 21/46
1Ti_4:1....seducing/spirits and doctrines/of 34/46
Heb_1:7......angels/spirits and his/ministers 35/46
Luk_8:2........evil/spirits and infirmities/Mary 25/46
Heb_12:9.........of/spirits and live/For.... 37/46
2Ki_23:24..familiar/spirits and the wizards and/the 9/46
1Sa_28:3...familiar/spirits and the wizards out of the land And/the 6/46
1Sa_28:9...familiar/spirits and the wizards out of the land wherefore/then 7/46
Luk_4:36....unclean/spirits and they come/out 22/46
Mar_1:27....unclean/spirits and they do/obey 18/46
Luk_6:18....unclean/spirits and they were healed And/the 23/46
Act_5:16....unclean/spirits and they were healed every/one 28/46
Isa_19:3...familiar/spirits and to/the...... 13/46
Luk_7:21.......evil/spirits and unto many/that 24/46
Isa_8:19...familiar/spirits and unto wizards/that 12/46
2Ki_21:6...familiar/spirits and wizards/he... 8/46
Luk_10:20.......the/spirits are/subject..... 26/46
Pro_16:2........the/spirits Commit/thy...... 11/46
Act_8:7.....unclean/spirits crying/with..... 29/46
Psa_104:4....angels/spirits his/ministers... 10/46
1Pe_3:19........the/spirits in/prison....... 39/46
Rev_16:13...unclean/spirits like/frogs...... 45/46
Luk_11:26.....other/spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first And/it 27/46
Mat_12:45.....other/spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first Even/so 17/46
Lev_19:31..familiar/spirits neither/seek..... 1/46
Num_27:16.......the/spirits of all flesh set/a 4/46
Num_16:22.......the/spirits of all flesh shall/one 3/46
Rev_16:14.......the/spirits of devils/working 46/46 of God And before/the 43/46 of God and the/seven 42/46 of God sent/forth 44/46
Heb_12:23.......the/spirits of just/men..... 38/46
Zec_6:5........four/spirits of the heavens/which 14/46
1Co_14:32.......the/spirits of the prophets/are 33/46
Deu_18:11..familiar/spirits or/a............. 5/46
Heb_1:14ministering/spirits sent/forth...... 36/46
Act_19:13......evil/spirits the/name........ 31/46
1Co_12:10........of/spirits to another/divers 32/46
Mat_10:1....unclean/spirits to cast/them.... 16/46
Mar_5:13....unclean/spirits went out and/entered 20/46
Act_19:12......evil/spirits went out of/them 30/46
Mar_3:11....unclean/spirits when/they....... 19/46
1Jn_4:1.........the/spirits whether/they.... 40/46 which/are....... 41/46
Mat_8:16........the/spirits with/his........ 15/46
Eph_1:3.........all/spiritual blessings/in.. 22/28
1Co_15:44.........a/spiritual body And/so... 18/28
1Co_15:44.........a/spiritual body There/is. 17/28
1Co_3:1........unto/spiritual but as/unto.... 8/28 but I/am....... 3/28 but that/which 19/28
1Co_2:13.......with/spiritual But the/natural 6/28
1Co_10:4.......same/spiritual drink/for..... 11/28
Rom_1:11.......some/spiritual gift/to........ 2/28
1Co_12:1.concerning/spiritual gifts brethren/I 13/28
1Co_14:1.....desire/spiritual gifts but/rather 14/28
1Co_14:12........of/spiritual gifts seek/that 15/28
1Pe_2:5...........a/spiritual house/an...... 27/28 judgeth/all.... 7/28
1Co_14:37........or/spiritual let/him....... 16/28
Hos_9:7.........the/spiritual man/is......... 1/28
1Co_10:3.......same/spiritual meat/And...... 10/28
Gal_6:1.........are/spiritual restore/such.. 21/28
1Co_10:4.......that/spiritual Rock/that..... 12/28
1Pe_2:5..........up/spiritual sacrifices/acceptable 28/28
Eph_5:19........and/spiritual songs singing and/making 23/28
Col_3:16........and/spiritual songs singing with/grace 26/28 The/first..... 20/28 things is/it... 9/28
Rom_15:27.....their/spiritual things their/duty 4/28
1Co_2:13..comparing/spiritual things with/spiritual 5/28
Col_1:9.........and/spiritual understanding/That 25/28
Eph_6:12....against/spiritual wickedness/in. 24/28
1Co_2:14........are/spiritually discerned/But. 2/3
Rev_11:8......which/spiritually is/called..... 3/3 minded/is..... 1/3
