Jos_21:30...her/suburbs Abdon/with..... 43/115
Jos_21:23...her/suburbs Aijalon/with... 31/115
1Ch_6:60....her/suburbs All/their...... 76/115
Jos_21:17...her/suburbs Anathoth/with.. 22/115
1Ch_6:74....her/suburbs and Abdon/with. 92/115
1Ch_6:68....her/suburbs And Aijalon/with 81/115
Jos_21:15...her/suburbs And Ain/with... 17/115
1Ch_6:60....her/suburbs and Alemeth/with 74/115
Jos_21:18...her/suburbs and Almon/with. 23/115
1Ch_6:60....her/suburbs and Anathoth/with 75/115
1Ch_6:73....her/suburbs and Anem/with.. 90/115
1Ch_6:58....her/suburbs And Ashan/with. 71/115
1Ch_6:71....her/suburbs and Ashtaroth/with 86/115
1Ch_6:68....her/suburbs and Bethhoron with her suburbs And/Aijalon 80/115
Jos_21:22...her/suburbs and Bethhoron with her suburbs four/cities 28/115
1Ch_6:59....her/suburbs and Bethshemesh with her suburbs And/out 72/115
Jos_21:16...her/suburbs and Bethshemesh with her suburbs nine/cities 19/115
1Ch_6:70....her/suburbs and Bileam/with 84/115
2Ki_23:11...the/suburbs and burned/the. 65/115
Jos_21:15...her/suburbs and Debir/with. 16/115
Jos_21:14...her/suburbs and Eshtemoa/with 14/115
1Ch_6:69....her/suburbs and Gathrimmon with her suburbs And/out 82/115
Jos_21:25...her/suburbs and Gathrimmon with her suburbs two/cities 34/115
1Ch_6:76....her/suburbs and Hammon/with 96/115
1Ch_6:80....her/suburbs And Heshbon/with 106/115
1Ch_6:57..their/suburbs And Hilen/with. 69/115
Jos_21:14...her/suburbs And Holon/with. 15/115
1Ch_6:74....her/suburbs And Hukok/with. 93/115
Jos_21:36...her/suburbs and Jahazah/with 55/115
1Ch_6:78....her/suburbs and Jahzah/with 101/115
1Ch_6:57....her/suburbs and Jattir and/Eshtemoa 68/115
Jos_21:13...her/suburbs And Jattir with/her 13/115
1Ch_6:81....her/suburbs and Jazer/with 107/115
1Ch_6:67....her/suburbs And Jokmeam/with 79/115
Jos_21:16...her/suburbs and Juttah/with 18/115
Jos_21:34...her/suburbs and Kartah/with 51/115
Jos_21:32...her/suburbs and Kartan/with 48/115
Jos_21:21...her/suburbs And Kibzaim/with 27/115
1Ch_6:76....her/suburbs and Kirjathaim/with 97/115
1Ch_6:80....her/suburbs and Mahanaim/with 105/115
1Ch_6:79....her/suburbs and Mephaath with her suburbs And/out 103/115
Jos_21:37...her/suburbs and Mephaath with her suburbs four/cities 57/115
1Ch_6:77....her/suburbs And on/the.... 100/115
1Ch_6:69....her/suburbs And out of the half/tribe 83/115
1Ch_6:73....her/suburbs And out of the tribe of Asher/Mashal 91/115
1Ch_6:59....her/suburbs And out of the tribe of Benjamin/Geba 73/115
1Ch_6:79....her/suburbs And out of the tribe of Gad/Ramoth 104/115
1Ch_6:71....her/suburbs And out of the tribe of Issachar/Kedesh 87/115
1Ch_6:75....her/suburbs And out of the tribe of Naphtali/Kedesh 95/115
1Ch_6:72....her/suburbs And Ramoth/with 89/115
1Ch_6:75....her/suburbs and Rehob with her suburbs And/out 94/115
Jos_21:31...her/suburbs and Rehob with her suburbs four/cities 45/115
Num_35:7..their/suburbs And the cities/which 6/115
Eze_48:15...for/suburbs and the city/shall 114/115
Jos_21:19.their/suburbs And the families/of 25/115
Jos_21:3..their/suburbs And the lot/came 9/115
2Ch_11:14.their/suburbs and their/possession 110/115
1Ch_6:64..their/suburbs And they/gave.. 77/115
Jos_21:33.their/suburbs And unto/the... 50/115
Jos_21:8..their/suburbs as/the......... 10/115
Jos_21:28...her/suburbs Dabareh/with... 39/115
1Ch_6:72....her/suburbs Daberath/with.. 88/115
1Ch_6:58....her/suburbs Debir/with..... 70/115
Jos_21:34...her/suburbs Dimnah/with.... 52/115
Jos_21:29...her/suburbs Engannim/with.. 41/115
Num_35:2Levites/suburbs for the cities/round 2/115
Jos_21:26.their/suburbs for the families/of 36/115
1Ch_6:70....her/suburbs for the family/of 85/115
Jos_14:4..their/suburbs for their/cattle 7/115
Jos_21:18...her/suburbs four cities All/the 24/115
Jos_21:24...her/suburbs four cities And out of the half/tribe 33/115
Jos_21:29...her/suburbs four cities And out of the tribe of Asher/Mishal 42/115
Jos_21:22...her/suburbs four cities And out of the tribe of Dan/Eltekeh 29/115
Jos_21:37...her/suburbs four cities And out of the tribe of Gad/Ramoth 58/115
Jos_21:31...her/suburbs four cities And out of the tribe of Naphtali/Kedesh 46/115
Jos_21:35...her/suburbs four cities And out of the tribe of Reuben/Bezer 54/115
Jos_21:39...her/suburbs four cities in/all 62/115
Jos_21:24...her/suburbs Gathrimmon/with 32/115
Jos_21:17...her/suburbs Geba/with...... 21/115
Jos_21:23...her/suburbs Gibbethon/with. 30/115
Jos_21:30...her/suburbs Helkath/with... 44/115
Jos_21:38...her/suburbs Heshbon/with... 60/115
Jos_21:21...her/suburbs in/mount....... 26/115
Jos_21:28...her/suburbs Jarmuth/with... 40/115
Jos_21:39...her/suburbs Jazer/with..... 61/115
1Ch_6:78....her/suburbs Kedemoth also/with 102/115
Jos_21:36...her/suburbs Kedemoth with/her 56/115
Jos_21:35...her/suburbs Nahalal/with... 53/115
Jos_21:16...her/suburbs nine/cities.... 20/115
1Ch_6:81....her/suburbs Now/the....... 108/115
1Ch_5:16....the/suburbs of Sharon/upon. 66/115
Num_35:5....the/suburbs of the cities And/among 5/115
Num_35:4....the/suburbs of the cities which/ye 4/115
Eze_48:17...the/suburbs of the city/shall 115/115
2Ch_31:19...the/suburbs of their cities in/every 111/115
Lev_25:34...the/suburbs of their cities may/not 1/115
Num_35:3....the/suburbs of them/shall... 3/115
Jos_21:42.their/suburbs round/about.... 64/115
Eze_27:28...The/suburbs shall/shake... 112/115
1Ch_6:77....her/suburbs Tabor/with..... 99/115
1Ch_13:2....and/suburbs that/they..... 109/115
Eze_45:2....the/suburbs thereof And/of 113/115
Jos_21:2....the/suburbs thereof for/our. 8/115
Jos_21:11...the/suburbs thereof round about it But the fields of the city and the villages thereof gave/they 11/115
1Ch_6:55....the/suburbs thereof round about it But the fields of the city and the villages thereof they/gave 67/115
Jos_21:41.their/suburbs These/cities... 63/115
1Ch_6:67....her/suburbs they/gave...... 78/115
Jos_21:32...her/suburbs three/cities... 49/115
Jos_21:27...her/suburbs to be a city of refuge for the slayer and Beeshterah/with 37/115
Jos_21:32...her/suburbs to be a city of refuge for the slayer and Hammothdor/with 47/115
Jos_21:13...her/suburbs to be a city of refuge for the slayer and Libnah/with 12/115
Jos_21:38...her/suburbs to be a city of refuge for the slayer and Mahanaim/with 59/115
Jos_21:25...her/suburbs two cities All/the 35/115
Jos_21:27...her/suburbs two cities And/out 38/115
1Ch_6:76....her/suburbs Unto/the....... 98/115
