Isa_5:10..........Yea/ten acres/of.......... 178/248
Gen_24:55.......least/ten after/that.......... 6/248
Gen_46:27.........and/ten And he/sent........ 14/248
Psa_90:10.........and/ten and if/by......... 171/248
Ezr_1:10..........and/ten and other/vessels. 157/248
Act_23:23.........and/ten and spearmen/two.. 233/248
Exo_27:12.....sockets/ten And the/breadth.... 22/248
Exo_27:12.....pillars/ten and their sockets ten And/the 21/248
Exo_38:12.....pillars/ten and their sockets ten the/hooks 26/248
Jdg_12:14.........and/ten ass/colts.......... 78/248
Gen_45:23......manner/ten asses/laden........ 12/248
1Ki_7:37..........the/ten bases all/of...... 114/248
1Ki_7:43..........the/ten bases and/ten..... 117/248
1Ki_7:27.........made/ten bases of/brass.... 113/248
1Ki_7:38..........the/ten bases one/laver... 116/248
Eze_45:14.........for/ten baths are/an...... 192/248
Eze_45:14..........of/ten baths for/ten..... 191/248
Gen_42:3.....Joseph's/ten brethren/went...... 11/248
2Ch_29:32.........and/ten bullocks an/hundred 153/248 bullocks two/rams.. 48/248
Gen_32:15.........and/ten bulls/twenty........ 9/248
Gen_24:10........took/ten camels/of........... 4/248
2Ch_4:7..........made/ten candlesticks/of... 146/248
2Ki_5:5...........and/ten changes/of........ 124/248
2Ki_13:7..........and/ten chariots/and...... 125/248
1Sa_17:18.......these/ten cheeses/unto....... 89/248
Jos_21:5.....Manasseh/ten cities And the children/of 58/248
Luk_19:17........over/ten cities And the second/came 230/248
1Ch_6:61..........lot/ten cities And to/the. 136/248
Jos_15:57......Timnah/ten cities with/their.. 56/248
Luk_17:17.........not/ten cleansed/but...... 226/248
Deu_4:13.........even/ten commandments and he/wrote 50/248
Exo_34:28.........the/ten commandments And it/came 23/248
Deu_10:4..........the/ten commandments which/the 51/248
Rev_13:1........horns/ten crowns/and........ 243/248
1Ki_6:26..........was/ten cubits and so/was. 109/248
1Ki_7:10...........of/ten cubits and stones/of 110/248
Exo_36:21.........was/ten cubits and the breadth/of 25/248
Eze_40:11........gate/ten cubits and the length/of 185/248
1Ki_6:24.........were/ten cubits And the other/cherub 107/248
Eze_41:2..........was/ten cubits and the sides/of 186/248
1Ki_6:25..........was/ten cubits both/the... 108/248 cubits breadth/inward 187/248
2Ch_4:2............of/ten cubits from brim/to 143/248
1Ki_7:23..........sea/ten cubits from the/one 111/248
1Ki_6:23.........each/ten cubits high/And... 106/248
Exo_26:16..........up/Ten cubits shall/be.... 20/248
2Ch_4:1...........and/ten cubits the/height. 142/248
Zec_5:2.......thereof/ten cubits Then/said.. 216/248
1Ki_6:3...........and/ten cubits was/the.... 105/248
Exo_36:8.........made/ten curtains of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet with cherubims of cunning work made/he 24/248
Exo_26:1.........with/ten curtains of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet with cherubims of cunning work shalt/thou 19/248
1Sa_25:38.......about/ten days after/that.... 94/248
Dan_1:14.........them/ten days And at/the... 201/248
Dan_1:12.........thee/ten days and let/them. 200/248
Gen_50:3..........and/ten days And when/the.. 15/248
Rev_2:10..tribulation/ten days be/thou...... 238/248
Act_25:6.........than/ten days he/went...... 234/248
2Ch_36:9..........and/ten days in/Jerusalem. 155/248
Num_11:19.....neither/ten days nor/twenty.... 45/248 days store/of..... 161/248
Jer_42:7........after/ten days that/the..... 184/248
Dan_1:15...........of/ten days their/countenances 202/248
2Ki_20:9.........back/ten degrees And Hezekiah/answered 130/248
2Ki_20:10....backward/ten degrees And Isaiah/the 132/248
2Ki_20:11......shadow/ten degrees backward by/which 133/248
Isa_38:8.........Ahaz/ten degrees backward So/the 179/248
Isa_38:8.....returned/ten degrees by/which.. 180/248
2Ki_20:10........down/ten degrees nay/but... 131/248
2Ki_20:9......forward/ten degrees or/go..... 129/248
1Ki_4:23.........meal/Ten fat/oxen.......... 102/248
Gen_32:15.........and/ten foals/And.......... 10/248
Mar_10:41.........the/ten heard it they began/to 222/248
Mat_20:24.........the/ten heard it they were/moved 219/248
Num_11:32....gathered/ten homers/and......... 46/248
Rev_12:3..........and/ten horns and seven/crowns 241/248
Rev_17:3..........and/ten horns And the/woman 244/248
Rev_13:1..........and/ten horns and upon/his 242/248
Dan_7:7...........had/ten horns I/considered 204/248
Dan_7:24..........the/ten horns out/of...... 208/248
Dan_7:20..........the/ten horns that/were... 207/248
Rev_17:7..........and/ten horns The/beast... 245/248
Rev_17:12.........the/ten horns which thou sawest are/ten 246/248
Rev_17:16.........the/ten horns which thou sawest upon/the 248/248 in a cubit compassing the sea round about the/knops 112/248
2Ch_4:3.........about/ten in a cubit compassing the sea round about Two/rows 144/248
Jdg_1:7...........and/ten kings having/their. 63/248
Dan_7:24..........are/ten kings that/shall.. 209/248
Rev_17:12.........are/ten kings which/have.. 247/248
2Ch_4:6..........also/ten lavers and/put.... 145/248
1Ki_7:38...........he/ten lavers of/brass... 115/248
1Ki_7:43..........and/ten lavers on/the..... 118/248
1Ki_14:3.........thee/ten loaves and cracknels/and 122/248
1Sa_17:17.......these/ten loaves and run/to.. 88/248
Ezr_8:12..........and/ten males/And......... 158/248
1Sa_6:19..........and/ten men and/the........ 86/248
Amo_6:9........remain/ten men in/one........ 212/248
Jdg_20:10........take/ten men of an/hundred.. 80/248
Jdg_6:27.........took/ten men of his/servants 69/248
Rut_4:2..........took/ten men of the/elders.. 84/248
Zec_8:23.........that/ten men shall/take.... 217/248
Luk_17:12.........him/ten men that were lepers/which 225/248
Jer_41:2..........the/ten men that were with/him 182/248
Jer_41:8..........But/ten men were/found.... 183/248
2Ki_25:25.........and/ten men with him and/smote 135/248
Jer_41:1.........even/ten men with him came/unto 181/248
Ecc_7:19.........than/ten mighty/men........ 176/248
Ezr_8:24..........and/ten of/their.......... 159/248
Exo_15:27.........and/ten palm trees and they encamped/there 18/248
Num_33:9..........and/ten palm trees and they pitched/there 49/248
2Sa_19:43........have/ten parts/in.......... 100/248
Deu_10:22.........and/ten persons and/now.... 52/248
Jdg_9:2...........and/ten persons reign/over. 72/248
Jdg_9:18..........and/ten persons upon one stone and/have 75/248
Jdg_9:5...........and/ten persons upon one stone notwithstanding/yet 74/248
1Ki_11:31........thee/ten pieces for/thus... 119/248
Luk_15:8.......having/ten pieces of silver if/she 224/248
Jdg_9:4...........and/ten pieces of silver out/of 73/248
Jos_17:5.........fell/ten portions/to........ 57/248
Luk_19:16......gained/ten pounds And he/said 229/248
Luk_19:13........them/ten pounds and said/unto 228/248
Luk_19:24........hath/ten pounds And they/said 231/248
Luk_19:25........hath/ten pounds For/I...... 232/248
Jos_22:14.........him/ten princes/of......... 60/248
Luk_19:13.........his/ten servants/and...... 227/248
Gen_18:32Peradventure/ten shall/be............ 3/248
Gen_45:23.........and/ten she/asses.......... 13/248
Lev_27:5.......female/ten shekels And/if..... 30/248
Num_7:86.....weighing/ten shekels apiece/after 44/248
Lev_27:7.......female/ten shekels But/if..... 31/248
Num_7:62...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 40/248
Num_7:68...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 41/248
Num_7:80...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 43/248
Num_7:26...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 34/248
Num_7:44...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 37/248
Num_7:50...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 38/248
Num_7:32...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 35/248
Num_7:56...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 39/248
Num_7:20...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 33/248
Num_7:74...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 42/248
Num_7:38...........of/ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 36/248
Num_7:14...........of/ten shekels of gold/full 32/248
2Sa_18:11........thee/ten shekels of silver and/a 98/248
Jdg_17:10........thee/ten shekels of silver by/the 79/248
Gen_24:22..........of/ten shekels weight/of... 5/248
Est_9:13......Haman's/ten sons be/hanged.... 166/248
Est_9:14......Haman's/ten sons For/the...... 167/248
Est_9:10..........The/ten sons of Haman the/son 164/248
Est_9:12..........the/ten sons of Haman what/have 165/248
Jdg_8:30..........and/ten sons of his/body... 71/248
Jdg_9:24..........and/ten sons of Jerubbaal/might 76/248
1Sa_1:8..........than/ten sons So/Hannah..... 85/248
Psa_92:3...........of/ten strings and/upon.. 173/248
Psa_33:2...........of/ten strings Sing/unto. 170/248
Psa_144:9..........of/ten strings will/I.... 174/248
2Ch_4:8..........also/ten tables/and........ 147/248
Mat_25:28........hath/ten talents For/unto.. 221/248
2Ki_5:5...........him/ten talents of/silver. 123/248
Exo_38:12.....sockets/ten the/hooks.......... 27/248
1Ki_5:14......Lebanon/ten thousand a/month.. 103/248
Eze_45:3...........of/ten thousand and in/it 189/248
2Ch_25:11........Seir/ten thousand And other/ten 149/248
Jdg_7:3......remained/ten thousand And the/LORD 70/248
Eze_48:13.....breadth/ten thousand And they/shall 197/248
Rev_5:11........times/ten thousand and thousands/of 240/248
2Ki_14:7.........salt/ten thousand and took/Selah 127/248
Psa_91:7..........and/ten thousand at/thy... 172/248
2Ki_24:14........even/ten thousand captives/and 134/248
Jdg_20:34......Gibeah/ten thousand chosen/men 82/248
1Ch_29:7..........and/ten thousand drams/and 138/248 thousand eastward/and 198/248
2Ki_13:7..........and/ten thousand footmen/for 126/248
Son_5:10........among/ten thousand His/head. 177/248
Eze_48:13.........and/ten thousand in breadth all/the 196/248
Eze_48:9...........of/ten thousand in breadth And for/them 193/248
Eze_48:10........west/ten thousand in breadth and toward the east/ten 194/248
Eze_48:10........east/ten thousand in breadth and toward the south/five 195/248
1Co_4:15.........have/ten thousand instructers/in 235/248
2Ch_25:12.......other/ten thousand left/alive 150/248
2Ch_27:5..........and/ten thousand measures/of 151/248
Jdg_4:14..........and/ten thousand men after/him 68/248
Jdg_3:29........about/ten thousand men all/lusty 65/248
Jdg_1:4.........Bezek/ten thousand men And/they 62/248
Jdg_4:10.........with/ten thousand men at/his 67/248
1Sa_15:4..........and/ten thousand men of Judah/And 87/248
Jdg_4:6..........thee/ten thousand men of the/children 66/248
1Ch_21:5..........and/ten thousand men that/drew 137/248
2Ch_2:2...........and/ten thousand men to/bear 140/248
2Ch_27:5..........and/ten thousand of barley/So 152/248
Eze_45:5..........the/ten thousand of breadth/shall 190/248
2Ch_2:18..........and/ten thousand of them/to 141/248
2Sa_18:3........worth/ten thousand of us/therefore 97/248
2Ch_30:24.........and/ten thousand sheep/and 154/248
Dan_7:10........times/ten thousand stood/before 206/248
1Ch_29:7.......silver/ten thousand talents and/of 139/248
Mat_18:24.........him/ten thousand talents But/forasmuch 218/248 thousand talents of/silver 163/248
1Ki_5:15..........and/ten thousand that/bare 104/248 thousand This/shall 188/248
Rev_5:11..........was/ten thousand times ten thousand and/thousands 239/248
Dan_7:10..........and/ten thousand times ten thousand stood/before 205/248
Jdg_20:10..........of/ten thousand to fetch/victual 81/248
Lev_26:8..........put/ten thousand to flight and/your 28/248
Deu_32:30.........put/ten thousand to flight except/their 53/248
Luk_14:31........with/ten thousand to meet/him 223/248
Eze_48:18.........and/ten thousand westward/and 199/248
1Co_14:19........than/ten thousand words/in. 236/248
1Sa_21:11.........his/ten thousands And David/laid 92/248
1Sa_18:7..........his/ten thousands And Saul/was 90/248
1Sa_18:8........David/ten thousands and to/me 91/248
Dan_11:12........many/ten thousands but/he.. 210/248
Psa_144:13........and/ten thousands in/our.. 175/248
Deu_33:17.........the/ten thousands of Ephraim/and 55/248
Jud_1:14.........with/ten thousands of his/saints 237/248
Psa_3:6............of/ten thousands of people/that 169/248
Mic_6:7..........with/ten thousands of rivers/of 213/248
Deu_33:2.........with/ten thousands of saints/from 54/248
1Sa_29:5..........his/ten thousands Then/Achish 95/248
Num_14:22.......these/ten times and/have..... 47/248
Dan_1:20.........them/ten times better/than. 203/248
Gen_31:7........wages/ten times but/God....... 7/248
Gen_31:41.......wages/ten times Except/the.... 8/248 times From/all.... 160/248
Job_19:3........These/ten times have/ye..... 168/248
Neh_11:1...........of/ten to dwell/in....... 162/248
Amo_5:3.........leave/ten to the/house...... 211/248
1Ki_11:35........even/ten tribes And/unto... 121/248
1Ki_11:31........give/ten tribes to/thee.... 120/248
Mat_25:1.........unto/ten virgins/which..... 220/248
Hag_2:16..........but/ten when/one.......... 214/248
Jos_21:26........were/ten with/their......... 59/248
2Sa_20:3..........the/ten women his/concubines 101/248
Lev_26:26.......bread/ten women shall/bake... 29/248
2Sa_15:16........left/ten women which/were... 96/248
2Ch_14:1........quiet/ten years And Asa/did. 148/248
Jdg_12:11......Israel/ten years And Elon/the. 77/248
Gen_5:14..........and/ten years and he/died... 1/248
Gen_50:22.........and/ten years And Joseph/saw 16/248
Rut_1:4.........about/ten years And Mahlon/and 83/248
Zec_1:12..........and/ten years And the/LORD 215/248
2Ki_15:17.....reigned/ten years in Samaria/And 128/248
Gen_16:3........dwelt/ten years in the/land... 2/248
2Ch_36:21.........and/ten years Now/in...... 156/248
Jdg_2:8...........and/ten years old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres/in 64/248
Jos_24:29.........and/ten years old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah/which 61/248
Gen_50:26.........and/ten years old and they embalmed/him 17/248
1Sa_25:5..........out/ten young men and/David 93/248
2Sa_18:15.........And/ten young men that/bare 99/248
