Zec_1:7..........and/twentieth day of the eleventh/month 36/36
Dan_10:4.........and/twentieth day of the first/month 30/36
Ezr_10:9.........the/twentieth day of the month and/all 20/36
Exo_12:18........and/twentieth day of the month at/even 2/36
Hag_2:1..........and/twentieth day of the month came/the 32/36
Hag_2:20.........and/twentieth day of the month saying/Speak 35/36
Jer_52:31........and/twentieth day of the month that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the first/year 27/36
2Ki_25:27........and/twentieth day of the month that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the year/that 8/36
Gen_8:14.........and/twentieth day of the month was/the 1/36
Hag_2:18.........and/twentieth day of the ninth month even/from 34/36
Hag_2:10.........and/twentieth day of the ninth month in/the 33/36
Num_10:11........the/twentieth day of the second/month 3/36
2Ch_7:10.........and/twentieth day of the seventh/month 19/36
Hag_1:15.........and/twentieth day of the sixth/month 31/36
Est_8:9..........and/twentieth day thereof/and 24/36
1Ch_24:18........and/twentieth to Delaiah/the 12/36
1Ch_25:27........The/twentieth to Eliathah/he 14/36
1Ch_24:17........and/twentieth to Gamul/The.. 11/36
1Ch_25:29........and/twentieth to Giddalti/he 16/36
1Ch_25:28........and/twentieth to Hothir/he.. 15/36
1Ch_24:17........and/twentieth to Jachin/the. 10/36
1Ch_24:16........the/twentieth to Jehezekel/The 9/36
1Ch_24:18........and/twentieth to Maaziah/These 13/36
1Ch_25:30........and/twentieth to Mahazioth/he 17/36
1Ch_25:31........and/twentieth to Romamtiezer/he 18/36
Neh_1:1..........the/twentieth year as/I..... 21/36
Neh_5:14.........the/twentieth year even/unto 23/36
Eze_29:17........and/twentieth year in/the... 28/36
Neh_2:1..........the/twentieth year of Artaxerxes/the 22/36
1Ki_15:9.........the/twentieth year of Jeroboam/king 4/36
2Ki_13:1.........and/twentieth year of Joash/the 6/36
2Ki_15:30........the/twentieth year of Jotham/the 7/36
2Ki_12:6.........and/twentieth year of king/Jehoash 5/36
Jer_52:30........and/twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar/Nebuzaradan 26/36
Eze_40:1.........and/twentieth year of our/captivity 29/36
Jer_25:3.........and/twentieth year the/word. 25/36
Ezr_8:19........sons/twenty Also/of........ 215/293
Neh_11:8.....hundred/twenty and eight And Joel/the 233/293
Neh_11:14....hundred/twenty and eight and their/overseer 235/293
Exo_36:9.........was/twenty and eight cubits/and 22/293
Ezr_8:11.........him/twenty and eight males/And 214/293
2Ch_11:21......begat/twenty and eight sons/and 182/293
Neh_7:16.....hundred/twenty and eight The children of Azgad/two 219/293
Ezr_2:23.....hundred/twenty and eight The children of Azmaveth/forty 205/293
Neh_7:22.....hundred/twenty and eight The children of Bezai/three 221/293
Ezr_2:41.....hundred/twenty and eight The children of the/porters 211/293
Neh_7:27.....hundred/twenty and eight The men/of 223/293
1Ch_12:35........war/twenty and eight thousand/and 140/293
2Ki_10:36........was/twenty and eight years/And 120/293
Neh_6:15.........the/twenty and fifth/day.. 218/293
Ezr_2:33.....hundred/twenty and five The/children 210/293
Jdg_20:35........day/twenty and five thousand and/an 82/293
Jdg_20:46.......were/twenty and five thousand men/that 83/293
1Ki_22:42....reigned/twenty and five years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in all/the 117/293
2Ch_20:31....reigned/twenty and five years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in the/way 184/293
Num_8:24........from/twenty and five years old and/upward 57/293
2Ki_18:2.......reign/Twenty and five years old was/he 127/293
2Ch_36:5.........was/twenty and five years old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem and he/did 197/293
2Ki_23:36........was/twenty and five years old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem And his/mother's 131/293
2Ch_27:1.........was/twenty and five years old when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen/years 188/293
2Ch_25:1.........was/twenty and five years old when he began to reign and he reigned twenty/and 185/293
2Ki_14:2.........was/twenty and five years old when he began to reign and reigned/twenty 121/293
Num_7:88........were/twenty and four bullocks/the 56/293
Neh_7:23.....hundred/twenty and four The/children 222/293
Num_25:9........were/twenty and four thousand And/the 61/293
1Ch_27:15.......were/twenty and four thousand Furthermore/over 162/293
1Ch_27:2........were/twenty and four thousand Of/the 151/293
1Ch_27:1........were/twenty and four thousand Over/the 150/293
1Ch_27:10.......were/twenty and four thousand The eighth/captain 157/293
1Ch_27:13.......were/twenty and four thousand The eleventh/captain 160/293
1Ch_27:7........were/twenty and four thousand The fifth/captain 154/293
1Ch_27:11.......were/twenty and four thousand The ninth/captain 158/293
1Ch_27:9........were/twenty and four thousand The seventh/captain 156/293
1Ch_27:8........were/twenty and four thousand The sixth/captain 155/293
1Ch_27:12.......were/twenty and four thousand The tenth/captain 159/293
1Ch_27:4........were/twenty and four thousand The third/captain 152/293
1Ch_27:14.......were/twenty and four thousand The twelfth/captain 161/293
1Ch_27:5........were/twenty and four thousand This/is 153/293
1Ch_23:4.......which/twenty and four thousand were/to 147/293
1Ki_15:33.....Tirzah/twenty and four years/And 111/293
Neh_9:1..........the/twenty and fourth/day. 232/293
2Ch_3:4..........and/twenty and he/overlaid 170/293
Exo_38:24........was/twenty and nine talents/and 31/293
Jos_15:32........are/twenty and nine with/their 70/293
2Ch_25:1.....reigned/twenty and nine years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD but/not 186/293
2Ki_14:2.....reigned/twenty and nine years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD yet/not 122/293
2Ki_18:2.....reigned/twenty and nine years in Jerusalem His/mother's 128/293
Neh_7:37.....hundred/twenty and one The children/of 228/293
Neh_7:30.....hundred/twenty and one The men of Michmas an hundred and/twenty 224/293
Ezr_2:26.....hundred/twenty and one The men of Michmas an hundred twenty/and 206/293
2Ki_24:18........was/twenty and one years/old 132/293
Est_9:30.....hundred/twenty and seven provinces of/the 238/293
Est_8:9......hundred/twenty and seven provinces unto/every 237/293
1Ki_20:30.......upon/twenty and seven thousand/of 116/293
1Ki_16:10........the/twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah and/reigned 113/293
1Ki_16:15........the/twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah did/Zimri 114/293
2Ki_15:1.........the/twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam/king 123/293
1Ch_7:40.........was/twenty and six thousand men Now/Benjamin 137/293
Jdg_20:15.....cities/twenty and six thousand men that/drew 80/293
1Ki_16:8.........the/twenty and sixth/year. 112/293
Ezr_2:67.........and/twenty And some/of.... 212/293
Exo_38:10.......were/twenty and their brasen/sockets 26/293
Exo_38:11.......were/twenty and their sockets/of 28/293
Ezr_2:11.....hundred/twenty and three The children of Azgad/a 200/293
Ezr_2:19.....hundred/twenty and three The children of Gibbar/ninety 203/293
Ezr_2:17.....hundred/twenty and three The children of Jorah/an 202/293
Ezr_2:28.....hundred/twenty and three The children of Nebo/fifty 208/293
Ezr_2:21.....hundred/twenty and three The men of Netophah/fifty 204/293
Neh_7:32.....hundred/twenty and three The men of the/other 226/293
Num_26:62.......were/twenty and three thousand/all 65/293
Jdg_10:2......Israel/twenty and three years and/died 75/293
2Ki_23:31........was/twenty and three years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And his/mother's 130/293
2Ch_36:2.........was/twenty and three years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And the/king 196/293
Num_33:39........and/twenty and three years old when he died/in 67/293
Neh_11:12....hundred/twenty and two and/Adaiah 234/293
1Ch_12:28......house/twenty and two captains/And 138/293
Jos_19:30......Rehob/twenty and two cities/with 71/293
2Ch_13:21......begat/twenty and two sons/and 183/293
Ezr_2:12.....hundred/twenty and two The children of Adonikam six hundred sixty/and 201/293
Neh_7:17.....hundred/twenty and two The children of Adonikam six hundred threescore/and 220/293
Neh_7:31.........and/twenty and two The men of Bethel and Ai an/hundred 225/293
Ezr_2:27.....hundred/twenty and two The men of Bethel and Ai two/hundred 207/293
Num_3:39........were/twenty and two thousand And the/LORD 52/293
Jdg_7:3.......people/twenty and two thousand and there/remained 73/293
1Ch_7:7..genealogies/twenty and two thousand and thirty/and 135/293
Num_26:14.Simeonites/twenty and two thousand and two/hundred 64/293
Jdg_20:21........day/twenty and two thousand men/And 81/293
2Ch_7:5...........of/twenty and two thousand oxen/and 178/293
Num_3:43........were/twenty and two thousand two/hundred 53/293
1Ki_16:29....Samaria/twenty and two years And Ahab/the 115/293
Jdg_10:3......Israel/twenty and two years And he/had 76/293
2Ki_21:19........was/twenty and two years old/when 129/293
Neh_7:69.........and/twenty asses/And...... 229/293
Ezr_8:27........Also/twenty basons/of...... 217/293
Exo_36:25.......made/twenty boards And their forty sockets of silver two sockets under one board and two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he/made 25/293
Exo_26:20.........be/twenty boards And their forty sockets of silver two sockets under one board and two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou/shalt 14/293
Exo_36:23.tabernacle/twenty boards for/the.. 23/293
Exo_26:18.tabernacle/twenty boards on/the... 12/293
Exo_36:24........the/twenty boards two sockets under one board for his two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the other/side 24/293
Exo_26:19........the/twenty boards two sockets under one board for his two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the second/side 13/293
Eze_45:5.........for/twenty chambers/And... 261/293
Jdg_11:33.......even/twenty cities and/unto. 77/293
1Ki_9:11.......Hiram/twenty cities in the land of Galilee/And 107/293
1Ch_2:22.........and/twenty cities in the land of Gilead/And 133/293
2Ch_3:8......thereof/twenty cubits and he/overlaid 172/293
Eze_40:49........was/twenty cubits and the breadth eleven/cubits 252/293
Exo_26:2.........and/twenty cubits and the breadth of/one 11/293
Zec_5:2...........is/twenty cubits and the breadth thereof ten/cubits 281/293
2Ch_3:8........house/twenty cubits and the breadth thereof twenty/cubits 171/293
Eze_41:4.....thereof/twenty cubits and the breadth twenty/cubits 254/293
1Ki_6:2......thereof/twenty cubits and the height thereof/thirty 98/293
2Ch_3:4........house/twenty cubits and the height was/an 169/293
2Ch_3:3......breadth/twenty cubits And the porch/that 168/293
Eze_40:36........and/twenty cubits And the posts/thereof 251/293
Eze_40:21........and/twenty cubits And their/windows 246/293
Eze_40:25........and/twenty cubits And there/were 247/293
2Ch_3:13.......forth/twenty cubits and they/stood 174/293
Eze_41:4.....breadth/twenty cubits before/the 255/293
Eze_40:29........and/twenty cubits broad And the arches round/about 248/293
Eze_40:33........and/twenty cubits broad And the arches thereof/were 250/293
Eze_40:13........and/twenty cubits door/against 245/293
1Ki_6:20.........and/twenty cubits in breadth/and 102/293
1Ki_6:20.........was/twenty cubits in length/and 101/293
1Ki_6:20.........and/twenty cubits in the/height 103/293
Eze_40:30........and/twenty cubits long and/five 249/293
2Ch_3:11........were/twenty cubits long one/wing 173/293
Exo_27:16.........of/twenty cubits of/blue.. 19/293
1Ki_6:16.......built/twenty cubits on/the.. 100/293
Eze_41:10.........of/twenty cubits round/about 256/293
2Ch_4:1..........and/twenty cubits the breadth/thereof 176/293
2Ch_4:1........brass/twenty cubits the length/thereof 175/293
Eze_41:2.....breadth/twenty cubits Then/went 253/293
Exo_38:18........and/twenty cubits was the length and/the 30/293
1Ki_6:3........house/twenty cubits was the length thereof/according 99/293
Eze_42:3.........the/twenty cubits which/were 257/293
2Sa_24:8.........and/twenty days And/Joab... 94/293
Num_11:19........nor/twenty days But even/a. 58/293
Dan_10:13........and/twenty days but lo/Michael 278/293
Rev_19:4.........and/twenty elders and/the. 293/293
Rev_4:10.........and/twenty elders fall/down 289/293
Rev_5:14.........and/twenty elders fell down and/worshipped 291/293
Rev_5:8..........and/twenty elders fell down before/the 290/293
Rev_4:4..........and/twenty elders sitting/clothed 288/293
Rev_11:16........and/twenty elders which/sat 292/293
Act_27:28.........it/twenty fathoms/and.... 285/293
Gen_18:31.........be/twenty found/there...... 3/293
Exo_30:13.........is/twenty gerahs an/half.. 20/293
Num_3:47..........is/twenty gerahs And/thou. 54/293
Num_18:16.........is/twenty gerahs But/the.. 60/293
Lev_27:25..sanctuary/twenty gerahs shall/be. 36/293
Eze_45:12.........be/twenty gerahs twenty/shekels 263/293
Gen_32:14........and/twenty he/goats......... 7/293
Hag_2:16.........but/twenty I/smote........ 280/293
2Sa_21:20........and/twenty in number/and... 93/293
Jer_52:28........and/twenty In the/eighteenth 241/293
Ezr_1:9..........and/twenty knives/Thirty.. 199/293
2Ki_4:42.firstfruits/twenty loaves/of...... 118/293
1Ki_5:11.........and/twenty measures of/pure 97/293
Hag_2:16..........of/twenty measures there/were 279/293
Eze_11:1.........and/twenty men among/whom. 244/293
Act_1:15.........and/twenty Men and/brethren 284/293
2Sa_3:20.........and/twenty men with him/And 86/293
Eze_8:16.........and/twenty men with their/backs 243/293
1Sa_14:14......about/twenty men within/as... 85/293
Ezr_8:20.........and/twenty Nethinims/all.. 216/293
1Ch_15:6.........and/twenty Of the sons of Gershom/Joel 143/293
1Ch_15:5.........and/twenty Of the sons of Merari/Asaiah 142/293
Joh_6:19.........and/twenty or/thirty...... 283/293
1Ki_4:23.........and/twenty oxen/out........ 95/293
Gen_37:28........for/twenty pieces/of....... 10/293
Exo_27:11........his/twenty pillars and/their 17/293
Exo_27:10........the/twenty pillars thereof/and 15/293
2Ch_5:12.........and/twenty priests/sounding 177/293
Dan_6:1..........and/twenty princes/which.. 277/293
Est_1:1..........and/twenty provinces/That. 236/293
Gen_32:14........and/twenty rams/Thirty...... 8/293
Rev_4:4..........and/twenty seats/and...... 287/293
2Sa_9:10.........and/twenty servants Then/said 89/293
2Sa_19:17........his/twenty servants with/him 92/293
Gen_32:15......bulls/twenty she/asses........ 9/293
Eze_4:10......weight/twenty shekels a/day.. 242/293
Num_7:86.........and/twenty shekels All/the. 55/293
Lev_27:5........male/twenty shekels and/for. 35/293
Eze_45:12........and/twenty shekels fifteen/shekels 265/293
Eze_45:12.....gerahs/twenty shekels five/and 264/293
1Ch_20:6.........and/twenty six/on......... 146/293
Exo_27:11......their/twenty sockets of/brass 18/293
Exo_27:10......their/twenty sockets shall/be 16/293
1Ki_9:28.........and/twenty talents and/brought 108/293
2Ch_9:9..........and/twenty talents of gold and of spices great/abundance 181/293
1Ki_10:10........and/twenty talents of gold and of spices very/great 109/293
Neh_7:35.........and/twenty The children of Jericho/three 227/293
Ezr_2:32.........and/twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 209/293
Exo_38:11......brass/twenty the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of/silver 29/293
Exo_38:10....sockets/twenty the hooks of the pillars and their fillets were/of 27/293
1Ch_12:37........and/twenty thousand All/these 141/293
1Ch_12:30....Ephraim/twenty thousand and eight/hundred 139/293
1Ch_7:2..........and/twenty thousand and six/hundred 134/293
Eze_45:3.........and/twenty thousand and the breadth of/ten 259/293
Eze_48:13........and/twenty thousand and the breadth ten/thousand 271/293
1Ch_7:9..........was/twenty thousand and two/hundred 136/293
2Ch_2:10.........and/twenty thousand baths of oil/Then 167/293
2Ch_2:10.........and/twenty thousand baths of wine/and 166/293
Eze_48:20........and/twenty thousand by/five 273/293
Neh_7:71........work/twenty thousand drams of gold and two thousand and/two 230/293
Neh_7:72.........was/twenty thousand drams of gold and two thousand pound/of 231/293
Psa_68:17........are/twenty thousand even/thousands 239/293
2Sa_8:4..........and/twenty thousand footmen and David/houghed 87/293
2Sa_10:6........Zoba/twenty thousand footmen and of/king 90/293
1Ch_18:4.........and/twenty thousand footmen David/also 144/293
Eze_48:9.........and/twenty thousand in length and of/ten 267/293
Eze_48:13........and/twenty thousand in length and ten/thousand 270/293
Eze_48:10........and/twenty thousand in length and the/sanctuary 269/293
Eze_48:10........and/twenty thousand in length and toward/the 268/293
2Ch_28:6.........and/twenty thousand in one/day 191/293
Eze_45:6.........and/twenty thousand long/over 262/293
2Ch_2:10.........and/twenty thousand measures of barley/and 165/293
2Ch_2:10......timber/twenty thousand measures of beaten/wheat 164/293
1Ki_5:11.......Hiram/twenty thousand measures of wheat/for 96/293
2Sa_18:7..........of/twenty thousand men For/the 91/293
Jdg_8:10.........and/twenty thousand men that/drew 74/293
2Sa_8:5..........and/twenty thousand men Then David put garrisons in Syria/of 88/293
1Ch_18:5.........and/twenty thousand men Then David put garrisons in Syriadamascus/and 145/293
1Co_10:8.........and/twenty thousand Neither/let 286/293
Eze_45:5.........and/twenty thousand of length/and 260/293
Eze_48:21........and/twenty thousand of the/oblation 275/293
Luk_14:31.......with/twenty thousand Or/else 282/293
1Ki_8:63.........and/twenty thousand oxen/and 104/293
Eze_45:1.........and/twenty thousand reeds and/the 258/293
Eze_48:8.........and/twenty thousand reeds in/breadth 266/293
Eze_48:15........and/twenty thousand shall/be 272/293
1Ki_8:63.........and/twenty thousand sheep So the king and all the children/of 105/293
2Ch_7:5..........and/twenty thousand sheep so the king and all the people/dedicated 179/293
Eze_48:21........and/twenty thousand toward/the 276/293
Eze_48:20........and/twenty thousand ye/shall 274/293
1Sa_7:2..........was/twenty years and all/the 84/293
Gen_11:24........and/twenty years and begat/Terah 2/293
2Ki_15:27....reigned/twenty years And he did/that 124/293
1Ki_14:20........and/twenty years and he slept/with 110/293
Jdg_16:31.....Israel/twenty years And there/was 79/293
1Ch_23:24.........of/twenty years and upward/For 148/293
Gen_31:38.......This/twenty years have/I..... 5/293
Jdg_4:3..........and/twenty years he/mightily 72/293
2Ch_29:1.........and/twenty years in Jerusalem/And 193/293
Gen_31:41.......been/twenty years in thy/house 6/293
2Ch_25:5........from/twenty years old and above and/found 187/293
1Ch_23:27.......from/twenty years old and above Because/their 149/293
Exo_30:14.......from/twenty years old and above shall/give 21/293
2Ch_29:1.........and/twenty years old and he/reigned 192/293
1Ch_27:23.......from/twenty years old and under/because 163/293
Num_1:3.........From/twenty years old and upward all that are/able 37/293
Num_1:45........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war in/Israel 51/293
Num_1:40........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Asher/were 49/293
Num_1:36........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Benjamin/were 47/293
Num_1:38........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Dan/were 48/293
Num_1:32........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Ephraim/were 45/293
Num_1:24........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Gad/were 41/293
Num_1:28........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Issachar/were 43/293
Num_1:26........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Judah/were 42/293
Num_1:34........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Manasseh/were 46/293
Num_1:42........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Naphtali/were 50/293
Num_1:20........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Reuben/were 39/293
Num_1:22........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Simeon/were 40/293
Num_1:30........from/twenty years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war Those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of Zebulun/were 44/293
Num_26:4........from/twenty years old and upward as/the 63/293
Num_1:18........from/twenty years old and upward by/their 38/293
Exo_38:26.......from/twenty years old and upward for/six 32/293
2Ch_31:17.......from/twenty years old and upward in/their 194/293
Num_32:11.......from/twenty years old and upward shall/see 66/293
Num_26:2........from/twenty years old and upward throughout/their 62/293
Ezr_3:8.........from/twenty years old and upward to/set 213/293
Num_14:29.......from/twenty years old and upward which/have 59/293
Lev_27:3........from/twenty years old even/unto 33/293
Lev_27:5........unto/twenty years old then/thy 34/293
Gen_23:1.........and/twenty years old these/were 4/293
Deu_31:2.........and/twenty years old this/day 68/293
2Ki_16:2.......reign/Twenty years old was Ahaz/when 126/293
2Ki_8:26.........and/twenty years old was Ahaziah/when 119/293
2Ki_15:33........and/twenty years old was he/when 125/293
Jer_52:1.........and/twenty years old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven/years 240/293
2Ch_28:1.........was/twenty years old when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen/years 190/293
2Ch_36:11........and/twenty years old when he began to reign and reigned eleven/years 198/293
2Ch_27:8.........and/twenty years old when he began to reign and reigned sixteen/years 189/293
2Ch_33:21........and/twenty years old when he began to reign and reigned two/years 195/293
Deu_34:7.........and/twenty years old when he died/his 69/293
Jdg_15:20Philistines/twenty years Then/went. 78/293
Gen_6:3..........and/twenty years There/were. 1/293
1Ki_9:10..........of/twenty years when/Solomon 106/293
2Ch_8:1...........of/twenty years wherein/Solomon 180/293
Gen_18:31........for/twenty's/sake............. 1/1
