a day's journey and/they 1188/1400
1Ki_19:4......himself/went a day's journey into/the 673/1400
Deu_33:2.........hand/went a fiery/law..... 241/1400
Mat_26:39..........he/went a little/farther 1122/1400
Exo_2:1.........there/went a man/of........ 111/1400
1Ki_22:36.......there/went a proclamation/throughout 690/1400
Rev_1:16........mouth/went a sharp/twoedged 1394/1400
Jdg_8:33..........and/went a whoring after Baalim/and 342/1400
Jdg_2:17.........they/went a whoring after other/gods 321/1400
1Ch_5:25..........and/went a whoring after the/gods 787/1400
Psa_106:39........and/went a whoring with/their 919/1400
Jdg_9:50.........Then/went Abimelech/to.... 355/1400
Act_21:2...........we/went aboard/and..... 1361/1400
Mat_4:23........Jesus/went about all Galilee/teaching 1066/1400
Mat_9:35........Jesus/went about all the/cities 1074/1400
Num_11:8.......people/went about and/gathered 176/1400
Act_10:38.........who/went about doing/good 1337/1400
Jos_16:6.......border/went about eastward/unto 286/1400
2Ch_23:2.........they/went about in/Judah.. 850/1400
2Ki_3:25.....slingers/went about it/and.... 712/1400
Act_13:11..........he/went about seeking/some 1342/1400
Son_5:7..........that/went about the/city.. 926/1400
2Ch_17:9..........and/went about throughout/all 835/1400
Ecc_2:20............I/went about to cause/my 925/1400
Act_21:31........they/went about to kill him/tidings 1366/1400
Act_26:21.........and/went about to kill me/Having 1374/1400
Act_9:29.........they/went about to slay/him 1330/1400
Mat_9:26.......hereof/went abroad into/all 1072/1400
Psa_77:17........also/went abroad The/voice 915/1400
1Ki_11:5......Solomon/went after Ashtoreth/the 639/1400
1Ki_19:21.........and/went after Elijah/and 676/1400
1Sa_25:42........that/went after her and/she 508/1400
Hos_2:13..........she/went after her lovers/and 1041/1400
Jdg_19:3..........and/went after her to/speak 394/1400
Mar_1:20..........and/went after him/And.. 1134/1400
Gen_37:17......Joseph/went after his brethren/and 87/1400
Jdg_13:11.........and/went after his wife/and 364/1400
Jer_11:10........they/went after other/gods 941/1400
2Ki_17:15.........and/went after the heathen/that 770/1400
1Ki_13:14.........And/went after the man of God/and 649/1400
Num_25:8...........he/went after the man of Israel/into 209/1400
1Sa_25:42.........she/went after the messengers/of 509/1400
Eze_20:16.......heart/went after their/idols 1007/1400
2Ki_7:15.........they/went after them unto Jordan/and 739/1400
1Sa_6:12..Philistines/went after them unto the/border 439/1400
1Sa_25:12.........and/went again and/came.. 506/1400
Joh_19:9..........And/went again into/the. 1305/1400
2Ki_4:31...........he/went again to/meet... 718/1400
2Ki_23:29......Josiah/went against him/and. 780/1400
Jdg_1:10........Judah/went against the Canaanites/that 312/1400
Jdg_1:11...........he/went against the inhabitants/of 313/1400
1Sa_23:28.........and/went against the Philistines/therefore 498/1400
1Ki_20:27.........and/went against them/and 682/1400 all night and they/came 531/1400
1Sa_31:12.........and/went all night and took/the 523/1400
2Sa_16:13......Shimei/went along on the hill's/side 577/1400
Jos_17:7.......border/went along on the right/hand 290/1400
1Sa_6:12..........and/went along the/highway 437/1400
Jdg_11:18........they/went along through/the 360/1400
2Sa_20:14.........and/went also after/him.. 608/1400
2Sa_3:19........Abner/went also to/speak... 533/1400
Heb_9:6.......priests/went always/into.... 1386/1400 among/men....... 466/1400
Jos_24:17..........we/went and among/all... 308/1400
Hab_3:11.........they/went and at/the..... 1056/1400
Mar_6:27...........he/went and beheaded/him 1154/1400
Act_8:27..........and/went and behold/a... 1324/1400
1Ki_2:40.......Shimei/went and brought his/servants 629/1400
2Sa_6:12........David/went and brought up/the 541/1400
Exo_2:8..........maid/went and called/the.. 112/1400
2Sa_4:5........Baanah/went and came about/the 535/1400
Rut_2:3...........she/went and came and gleaned/in 416/1400
2Sa_11:22...messenger/went and came and shewed/David 554/1400
Jos_2:1..........they/went and came into/an 243/1400
Num_13:26........they/went and came to/Moses 181/1400
2Ki_4:25..........she/went and came unto the man/of 717/1400
Jos_2:22.........they/went and came unto the mountain/and 246/1400
Mat_18:30.........but/went and cast/him... 1095/1400
1Ki_1:50..........and/went and caught hold/on 624/1400
Jdg_15:4.......Samson/went and caught three/hundred 374/1400
2Sa_8:14...........he/went And David reigned/over 546/1400
2Sa_8:6............he/went And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadadezer/and 545/1400
1Ch_18:6...........he/went And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer/and 810/1400
Job_42:9...Naamathite/went and did according as/the 908/1400
1Ki_17:15.........she/went and did according to/the 662/1400
1Ki_17:5...........he/went and did according unto/the 659/1400
Mat_21:6....disciples/went and did as/Jesus 1102/1400 and digged/in.. 1118/1400
Jdg_1:16.........they/went and dwelt among/the 315/1400
1Ki_17:5...........he/went and dwelt by/the 660/1400
Gen_38:11.......Tamar/went and dwelt in her/father's 91/1400
Jdg_8:29........Joash/went and dwelt in his/own 341/1400
1Sa_19:18......Samuel/went and dwelt in Naioth/And 481/1400
Luk_9:52.........they/went and entered into a/village 1224/1400
Act_23:16..........he/went and entered into the/castle 1369/1400
Job_1:4..........sons/went and feasted/in.. 901/1400
Gen_50:18........also/went and fell/down... 110/1400
Gen_27:14..........he/went and fetched/and.. 59/1400
Gen_21:19.........she/went and filled/the... 39/1400
1Sa_19:12..........he/went and fled/and.... 480/1400
1Sa_17:13.......Jesse/went and followed/Saul 467/1400
Luk_22:13........they/went and found as/he 1250/1400
1Ki_13:28..........he/went and found his/carcase 651/1400
Exo_4:29........Aaron/went and gathered/together 117/1400
Mat_27:5..........and/went and hanged/himself 1127/1400
Mat_21:29.........and/went And he came/to. 1106/1400
Luk_24:28........they/went and he made/as. 1258/1400
2Ki_7:8...........and/went and hid it and/came 737/1400
Jer_13:5............I/went and hid it by/Euphrates 942/1400
2Ki_7:8...........and/went and hid it Then/they 738/1400
Mat_25:25.........and/went and hid thy/talent 1119/1400
Num_14:24..........he/went and his/seed.... 183/1400 And I/will..... 1017/1400
Jer_41:6...........he/went and it/came..... 960/1400
2Ki_10:23........Jehu/went and Jehonadab/the 757/1400
Luk_15:15..........he/went and joined/himself 1234/1400
1Sa_3:5............he/went and lay down And/the 431/1400
1Sa_3:9........Samuel/went and lay down in/his 434/1400
Gen_35:22......Reuben/went and lay with/Bilhah 84/1400
Jdg_9:6...........and/went and made Abimelech/king 345/1400
Jos_9:4...........and/went and made as/if.. 264/1400
Mat_27:66........they/went and made the/sepulchre 1130/1400
Joh_11:20......coming/went and met him but/Mary 1286/1400
Exo_4:27...........he/went and met him in/the 116/1400
Est_2:14..........she/went and on/the...... 890/1400 and passed/through 293/1400
Jer_3:8...........but/went and played/the.. 939/1400
Rev_16:2........first/went and poured/out. 1399/1400
1Pe_3:19...........he/went and preached/unto 1390/1400
Deu_31:14......Joshua/went and presented/themselves 240/1400
Isa_37:37.........and/went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 933/1400
2Ki_19:36.........and/went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 776/1400
1Sa_17:15.......David/went and returned from/Saul 469/1400
Num_24:25.........and/went and returned to his/place 207/1400
Exo_4:18........Moses/went and returned to Jethro/his 115/1400
Jdg_21:23........they/went and returned unto/their 409/1400
Dan_2:24...........he/went and said/thus.. 1035/1400
Gen_21:16.........she/went and sat/her...... 38/1400
2Ki_3:7............he/went and sent/to..... 708/1400
1Ki_16:31.........and/went and served Baal/and 658/1400
Deu_29:26........they/went and served other/gods 238/1400
Jdg_3:13..........and/went and smote/Israel 323/1400
Mat_13:46.......price/went and sold/all... 1086/1400
Deu_31:1........Moses/went and spake/these. 239/1400
Jdg_9:7............he/went and stood in/the 346/1400
2Ki_2:7......prophets/went and stood to/view 698/1400
Num_22:22..........he/went and the angel/of 198/1400
2Ki_3:9........Israel/went and the king/of. 709/1400
Eze_10:11........they/went And their/whole. 998/1400
Gen_35:3............I/went And they gave/unto 82/1400
Eze_1:12.........they/went and they turned/not 971/1400
2Sa_16:13..........he/went and threw/stones 578/1400
Luk_8:34..........and/went and told it in/the 1216/1400
Mar_16:13........they/went and told it unto/the 1179/1400
Mat_14:12.........and/went and told Jesus/When 1087/1400
2Sa_17:21.........and/went and told king David and/said 584/1400
2Sa_17:17........they/went and told king David Nevertheless/a 581/1400
Act_22:26..........he/went and told the/chief 1368/1400
2Sa_17:17.......wench/went and told them and/they 580/1400
Mar_16:10.........she/went and told them that/had 1177/1400
Hos_1:3............he/went and took Gomer/the 1040/1400
Num_32:42.......Nobah/went and took Kenath/and 219/1400
2Sa_21:12.......David/went and took the bones/of 610/1400
Gen_22:13.....Abraham/went and took the ram/and 43/1400
Num_32:41....Manasseh/went and took the small/towns 218/1400
Mat_25:16.....talents/went and traded/with 1117/1400
1Sa_6:12.........they/went and turned/not.. 438/1400
1Sa_28:8...........he/went and two/men..... 514/1400
Joh_9:11............I/went and washed/and. 1284/1400
Eze_1:21........these/went and when/those.. 982/1400
1Ki_13:10..........he/went another way and/returned 646/1400
1Ki_18:6......Obadiah/went another way by/himself 665/1400
Eze_1:12.........they/went As for the/likeness 972/1400
Eze_1:17.........they/went As for their/rings 977/1400
Luk_22:39.........and/went as he/was...... 1251/1400
1Sa_17:20.........and/went as Jesse/had.... 470/1400
Luk_9:10..........and/went aside/privately 1222/1400
Eze_48:11.....Levites/went astray And/this 1030/1400
Eze_48:11......Israel/went astray as/the.. 1029/1400
Eze_44:10.......which/went astray away/from 1025/1400
Psa_119:67..........I/went astray but/now.. 921/1400
Eze_44:15......Israel/went astray from/me. 1026/1400
Eze_44:10......Israel/went astray which/went 1024/1400
Mat_26:44.........and/went away again and/prayed 1124/1400
Joh_10:40.........And/went away again beyond/Jordan 1285/1400
Mat_26:42..........He/went away again the/second 1123/1400
Joh_20:10...disciples/went away again unto/their 1311/1400
2Sa_18:9..........him/went away And a/certain 588/1400
Joh_12:11........Jews/went away and believed/on 1292/1400
Exo_12:28......Israel/went away and did/as. 129/1400
Jos_18:8..........and/went away and Joshua/charged 291/1400
Gen_38:19.........and/went away and laid/by. 93/1400
Mar_14:39..........he/went away and prayed/and 1173/1400
2Ki_5:11..........and/went away and said/Behold 726/1400
Jdg_19:2..........and/went away from him/unto 393/1400
2Ki_12:18..........he/went away from Jerusalem/And 763/1400
Mar_10:22.........and/went away grieved/for 1158/1400
2Ki_5:12..........and/went away in/a....... 727/1400
Mat_28:16...disciples/went away into/Galilee 1132/1400
Mat_19:22..........he/went away sorrowful/for 1096/1400
1Sa_28:25.........and/went away that/night. 515/1400
2Ch_9:12..........and/went away to/her..... 825/1400
Jdg_16:14.........and/went away with the/pin 381/1400
Act_10:23.......Peter/went away with them and/certain 1335/1400
Jdg_16:3..........and/went away with them bar/and 380/1400
2Ki_2:13..........and/went back and stood/by 702/1400
Joh_6:66....disciples/went back and walked/no 1276/1400
2Ki_8:29........Joram/went back to/be...... 746/1400
Jdg_18:26.........and/went back unto/his... 392/1400
1Ki_13:19..........he/went back with/him... 650/1400
Gen_9:23..........and/went backward and covered/the 14/1400
Joh_18:6.........they/went backward and fell/to 1298/1400
Jer_7:24..........and/went backward and not/forward 940/1400
2Sa_15:30..........he/went barefoot/and.... 573/1400
Mat_21:9.........that/went before and that/followed 1103/1400
Mar_11:9.........that/went before and they/that 1162/1400
Luk_19:28..........he/went before ascending/up 1243/1400
1Sa_17:7.......shield/went before him And he/stood 465/1400
1Sa_17:41......shield/went before him And when/the 472/1400
1Ti_1:18........which/went before on/thee. 1385/1400
Luk_18:39.......which/went before rebuked/him 1241/1400
2Sa_6:4..........Ahio/went before the ark/And 540/1400
Exo_14:19.......which/went before the camp/of 135/1400
Jos_3:6...........and/went before the people/And 248/1400
Psa_68:25.....singers/went before the players/on 913/1400 before the priests/that 251/1400
Luk_22:47......twelve/went before them and drew/near 1252/1400
1Ch_19:16...Hadarezer/went before them And it/was 813/1400
2Sa_20:8........Amasa/went before them And Joab's/garment 604/1400
Mar_10:32.......Jesus/went before them and they/were 1159/1400
2Sa_10:16...Hadarezer/went before them And when/it 547/1400 before them but/the 253/1400
Exo_13:21........LORD/went before them by/day 133/1400
Num_10:33........LORD/went before them in/the 174/1400
Mat_2:9..........east/went before them till/it 1063/1400
Act_20:13..........we/went before to/ship. 1360/1400
Job_18:20........that/went before were/affrighted 904/1400
Exo_14:19.........and/went behind/them..... 136/1400
Rut_4:1..........Then/went Boaz/up......... 421/1400
2Sa_17:18........they/went both of them away/quickly 582/1400
Gen_22:6.........they/went both of them together And Isaac/spake 41/1400
Gen_22:8.........they/went both of them together And they/came 42/1400
Act_14:1.........they/went both together/into 1344/1400
Eze_10:11........they/went but/to.......... 997/1400
Heb_11:8...........he/went By faith/he.... 1389/1400
Pro_24:30...........I/went by the field/of. 924/1400
2Ki_11:16.........she/went by the way by/the 760/1400
Jer_52:7.........they/went by the way of/the 967/1400 by the way Shimei/went 576/1400
Eze_10:16......wheels/went by them and when the cherubims/lifted 1000/1400
Eze_1:19.......wheels/went by them and when the living/creatures 979/1400
1Ch_19:5........there/went certain/and..... 812/1400
Isa_52:4.......people/went down aforetime/into 936/1400
Jdg_3:28.........they/went down after/him.. 328/1400
Num_16:33........them/went down alive/into. 186/1400
2Sa_23:20..........he/went down also/and... 615/1400
2Sa_23:13.......chief/went down and came/to 613/1400
1Ki_1:38...Pelethites/went down and caused/Solomon 622/1400
Jdg_15:8...........he/went down and dwelt/in 375/1400
Act_20:10........Paul/went down and fell/on 1359/1400
2Sa_21:15.......David/went down and his/servants 611/1400
Gen_15:17.........sun/went down and it/was.. 27/1400
1Ch_11:22..........he/went down and slew/a. 795/1400
Jdg_14:7...........he/went down and talked/with 368/1400
2Sa_17:18........they/went down And the/woman 583/1400
Joh_5:4.........angel/went down at/a...... 1269/1400
Act_8:38.........they/went down both/into. 1326/1400
Gen_38:1........Judah/went down from his/brethren 88/1400 down from Janohah/to 287/1400 down from Jerusalem/to 1227/1400
Act_12:19..........he/went down from Judaea/to 1341/1400
Jdg_4:14........Barak/went down from mount/Tabor 332/1400
Exo_32:15.........and/went down from the mount and/the 157/1400
Exo_19:14.......Moses/went down from the mount unto/the 150/1400
Act_14:25........they/went down into Attalia/And 1345/1400
Act_7:15........Jacob/went down into Egypt and died/he 1321/1400
Deu_26:5...........he/went down into Egypt and sojourned/there 237/1400
Num_20:15.....fathers/went down into Egypt and we/have 189/1400
Jos_24:4.....children/went down into Egypt I/sent 306/1400
Gen_12:10.......Abram/went down into Egypt to/sojourn 19/1400
Deu_10:22.....fathers/went down into Egypt with/threescore 236/1400
Eze_31:17........also/went down into hell/with 1014/1400
Jon_1:3...........and/went down into it/to 1049/1400
Son_6:11............I/went down into the garden/of 927/1400
Jer_36:12..........he/went down into the king's/house 950/1400
1Sa_22:1.........they/went down thither/to. 489/1400
2Ch_18:2...........he/went down to Ahab/to. 836/1400
Act_18:22..........he/went down to Antioch/And 1355/1400
Jdg_14:19..........he/went down to Ashkelon/and 372/1400
2Ki_2:2..........they/went down to Bethel/And 696/1400
Jos_15:10.........and/went down to Bethshemesh/and 281/1400
Gen_42:3.....brethren/went down to buy/corn. 98/1400
Joh_2:12...........he/went down to Capernaum/he 1260/1400
Gen_43:15.........and/went down to Egypt/and 99/1400
Jdg_1:9.........Judah/went down to fight/against 311/1400
2Ki_3:12.........Edom/went down to him And/Elisha 710/1400
1Ch_11:23..........he/went down to him with a staff and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and slew him with his own spear These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among the/three 796/1400
2Sa_23:21..........he/went down to him with a staff and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and slew him with his own spear These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and had the name among three/mighty 616/1400 down to his/house 1240/1400
Jon_1:3...........and/went down to Joppa/and 1048/1400
2Ch_22:6........Judah/went down to see Jehoram/the 848/1400
2Ki_8:29........Judah/went down to see Joram/the 747/1400
Jon_2:6.............I/went down to the bottoms/of 1050/1400
Act_8:5........Philip/went down to the city/of 1323/1400
Eze_31:15..........he/went down to the grave/I 1013/1400
2Sa_5:17..........and/went down to the hold/The 538/1400
Act_10:21.......Peter/went down to the men/which 1334/1400
1Sa_13:20..Israelites/went down to the Philistines/to 454/1400
Jer_18:3............I/went down to the potter's/house 944/1400
1Ch_11:15....captains/went down to the rock/to 794/1400
Psa_133:2........that/went down to the skirts/of 922/1400
Gen_24:16.........she/went down to the well/and 48/1400
1Sa_25:1..........and/went down to the wilderness of Paran/And 505/1400
1Sa_26:2..........and/went down to the wilderness of Ziph/having 510/1400
Jdg_14:1.......Samson/went down to Timnath/and 366/1400
Jos_18:18.........and/went down unto Arabah/And 301/1400
Act_25:6...........he/went down unto Caesarea/and 1372/1400
Rut_3:6...........she/went down unto the floor/and 418/1400
Exo_19:25.......Moses/went down unto the people/and 152/1400
Joh_6:16....disciples/went down unto the sea/And 1272/1400
Gen_24:45.........she/went down unto the well/and 49/1400
Jdg_14:10......father/went down unto the woman/and 370/1400
Jdg_19:14.........sun/went down upon/them.. 396/1400
Jdg_14:18.........sun/went down What/is.... 371/1400
2Sa_2:24..........sun/went down when/they.. 529/1400
Jdg_3:27.......Israel/went down with him from/the 327/1400
2Ki_1:15..........and/went down with him unto/the 694/1400
Luk_2:51...........he/went down with them/and 1189/1400
Hos_5:13.........then/went Ephraim/to..... 1042/1400
Gen_28:9.........Then/went Esau/unto........ 62/1400
1Ki_1:49..........and/went every man his/way 623/1400
Jdg_2:6........Israel/went every man unto/his 319/1400
Eze_1:9..........they/went every one straight forward As/for 969/1400
Eze_10:22........they/went every one straight forward Moreover/the 1002/1400
Eze_1:12.........they/went every one straight forward whither/the 970/1400
Act_8:4........abroad/went every where/preaching 1322/1400 evil/with....... 790/1400
1Ch_11:6......Zeruiah/went first/up........ 793/1400
1Ki_19:3..........and/went for/his......... 672/1400
Num_11:31.......there/went forth a/wind.... 179/1400
Joh_19:4....therefore/went forth again and/saith 1304/1400
Mar_2:13...........he/went forth again by/the 1139/1400
Jdg_20:25....Benjamin/went forth against/them 405/1400
Eze_16:14......renown/went forth among/the 1005/1400
2Sa_15:16........king/went forth and all his/household 568/1400
2Sa_15:17........king/went forth and all the/people 569/1400 forth and another/angel 1057/1400
Neh_8:16.......people/went forth and brought/them 882/1400
Mar_14:16...disciples/went forth and came/into 1170/1400
Joh_21:3.........They/went forth and entered/into 1312/1400
2Ki_18:7...........he/went forth and he/rebelled 771/1400
Gen_8:18.........Noah/went forth and his/sons 11/1400
1Sa_18:30.Philistines/went forth and it/came 477/1400
Mar_16:20........they/went forth and preached/every 1180/1400
Mar_6:24..........she/went forth and said unto her/mother 1153/1400 forth and said unto me/Lift 1059/1400
Joh_18:4..........him/went forth and said unto them/Whom 1297/1400
Mat_14:14.......Jesus/went forth and saw a great/multitude 1088/1400
Luk_5:27...........he/went forth and saw a publican/named 1197/1400
Eze_9:7..........they/went forth and slew/in 989/1400
Isa_37:36........LORD/went forth and smote/in 932/1400
Zec_6:7...........bay/went forth and sought/to 1060/1400
Mar_3:6.....Pharisees/went forth and straightway/took 1143/1400
Joh_20:3....therefore/went forth and that/other 1307/1400
2Ch_26:6...........he/went forth and warred/against 854/1400 forth Asshur/and. 15/1400
Hab_3:5.........coals/went forth at/his... 1055/1400
Mar_2:12..........and/went forth before/them 1138/1400
Amo_5:3.........which/went forth by/an.... 1046/1400
Rev_6:2............he/went forth conquering/and 1395/1400
Eze_47:3.........hand/went forth eastward/he 1027/1400
Jer_41:6....Nethaniah/went forth from Mizpah/to 959/1400
Job_1:12........Satan/went forth from the/presence 902/1400
Joh_19:17.......cross/went forth into a/place 1306/1400
Eze_3:23..........and/went forth into the plain/and 985/1400
2Ch_20:20.........and/went forth into the wilderness/of 843/1400
2Sa_20:8...........he/went forth it/fell... 605/1400
2Ch_20:20........they/went forth Jehoshaphat/stood 844/1400 forth lightning/And 974/1400
Gen_9:18.........that/went forth of/the..... 13/1400
Jdg_9:8.........trees/went forth on/a...... 347/1400
Jer_37:12....Jeremiah/went forth out of Jerusalem/to 953/1400
Isa_48:3.........they/went forth out of my/mouth 934/1400
Gen_8:19........kinds/went forth out of the ark/And 12/1400
Jer_52:7..........and/went forth out of the city by night by the way of the gate/between 966/1400
Jer_39:4..........and/went forth out of the city by night by the way of the king's/garden 956/1400
Jer_38:8...Ebedmelech/went forth out of the king's/house 954/1400
Num_26:4........which/went forth out of the land of Egypt Reuben/the 210/1400
Num_33:1........which/went forth out of the land of Egypt with/their 220/1400
Rut_1:7...........she/went forth out of the place/where 412/1400
Eze_27:33.......wares/went forth out of the seas/thou 1012/1400
Jer_22:11.......which/went forth out of this/place 945/1400
3Jn_1:7..........they/went forth taking/nothing 1393/1400
1Sa_18:30........they/went forth that David/behaved 478/1400
Dan_2:13.......decree/went forth that the/wise 1031/1400
Jdg_3:23.........Ehud/went forth through/the 326/1400
Luk_7:17..........him/went forth throughout/all 1205/1400
Gen_8:7.........which/went forth to and/fro. 10/1400 forth to battle expert in war forty/thousand 801/1400 forth to battle expert in war with/all 800/1400
2Ki_8:3...........she/went forth to cry/unto 742/1400
Jos_18:17.........and/went forth to Enshemesh/and 299/1400
Gen_12:5.........they/went forth to go/into. 18/1400
Luk_8:27...........he/went forth to land/there 1214/1400
1Sa_30:21........they/went forth to meet David/and 519/1400
Joh_12:13.........and/went forth to meet him/and 1293/1400
Mat_25:1..........and/went forth to meet the/bridegroom 1114/1400
Num_31:13congregation/went forth to meet them/without 211/1400
Est_4:6........Hatach/went forth to Mordecai/unto 893/1400
Mat_13:3........sower/went forth to sow/And 1083/1400
Jos_18:17.........and/went forth toward/Geliloth 300/1400
2Ki_2:21...........he/went forth unto/the.. 704/1400
Joh_18:1...........he/went forth with his disciples/over 1296/1400
2Ch_21:9......Jehoram/went forth with his princes/and 846/1400
Gen_11:31........they/went forth with them/from 16/1400
Mar_14:35..........he/went forward a/little 1172/1400
Gen_26:13.........and/went forward and/grew. 55/1400
2Ki_3:24.........they/went forward smiting/the 711/1400 from before/their 137/1400
Jdg_16:19....strength/went from him And she/said 382/1400
2Ki_4:5...........she/went from him and shut/the 713/1400
Dan_6:18........sleep/went from him Then/the 1038/1400
Num_33:33........they/went from Horhagidgad/and 225/1400
Num_33:23........they/went from Kehelathah/and 223/1400
Num_33:29........they/went from Mithcah/and 224/1400
1Ch_16:20........they/went from nation/to.. 807/1400
Psa_105:13.......they/went from one/nation. 917/1400
Num_20:6........Aaron/went from the/presence 188/1400
Hos_11:2.........they/went from them/they. 1044/1400
2Co_2:13............I/went from thence into/Macedonia 1377/1400
Jdg_18:11.......there/went from thence of/the 384/1400
2Ki_2:25...........he/went from thence to/mount 706/1400
1Sa_7:16...........he/went from year/to.... 442/1400
Num_22:26........LORD/went further/and..... 200/1400
Luk_14:25.......there/went great/multitudes 1233/1400
Est_5:9..........Then/went Haman/forth..... 895/1400
Jdg_9:52..........and/went hard/unto....... 356/1400
1Sa_19:22........Then/went he also to/Ramah 482/1400
Joh_7:10.........then/went he also up/unto 1277/1400
1Sa_18:27.........and/went he and his/men.. 476/1400
1Sa_30:9........David/went he and the/six.. 518/1400
2Ki_5:14.........Then/went he down and/dipped 728/1400
Jdg_7:11.........Then/went he down with/Phurah 337/1400
1Ki_13:12.........way/went he For/his...... 647/1400
Eze_41:3.........Then/went he inward/and.. 1022/1400
Joh_20:5..........yet/went he not/in...... 1308/1400
Gen_31:33........Then/went he out/of........ 74/1400
Joh_11:28.........she/went her way and called/Mary 1287/1400
1Sa_1:18........woman/went her way and did/eat 425/1400
Joh_4:28..........and/went her way into/the 1262/1400
Joh_4:50...........he/went his way And as/he 1267/1400
Luk_4:30.........them/went his way And came/down 1192/1400
Luk_22:4...........he/went his way and communed/with 1249/1400
Est_4:17.....Mordecai/went his way and did/according 894/1400
Act_9:17......Ananias/went his way and entered/into 1329/1400
Gen_24:61.........and/went his way And Isaac/came 50/1400
Num_24:25........also/went his way And Israel/abode 208/1400
Luk_8:39...........he/went his way and published/throughout 1219/1400
Gen_18:33........LORD/went his way as/soon.. 32/1400
Mat_13:25.........and/went his way But/when 1084/1400
Exo_18:27..........he/went his way into/his 148/1400
Jer_28:11....Jeremiah/went his way Then/the 948/1400
Joh_9:7............He/went his way therefore/and 1283/1400
Gen_25:34.........and/went his way thus/Esau 53/1400
1Sa_24:22........Saul/went home but/David.. 504/1400
1Sa_10:26........also/went home to/Gibeah.. 449/1400
Neh_12:32........them/went Hoshaiah/and.... 887/1400
Eze_1:24.........they/went I heard/the..... 983/1400
Neh_2:15.........Then/went I up in/the..... 877/1400
Gal_1:17......Neither/went I up to/Jerusalem 1379/1400 I wot/not....... 245/1400 ill/with........ 918/1400
Joh_13:30.........sop/went immediately/out 1295/1400
2Ch_26:17......priest/went in after him/and 857/1400
Jdg_3:22.........also/went in after the/blade 325/1400
Exo_14:23.........and/went in after them/to 139/1400
Joh_20:8.........Then/went in also that/other 1310/1400
Gen_29:30..........he/went in also unto/Rachel 68/1400
Jos_6:23........spies/went in and brought/out 255/1400
Dan_2:16.......Daniel/went in and desired/of 1032/1400
2Ki_4:37..........she/went in and fell/at.. 722/1400
Act_10:27..........he/went in and found/many 1336/1400
Gen_7:7..........Noah/went in and his/sons... 4/1400
2Sa_12:16.........and/went in and lay all/night 555/1400
Gen_19:33...firstborn/went in and lay with/her 37/1400
Jdg_6:19.......Gideon/went in and made/ready 335/1400
Act_1:21........Jesus/went in and out/among 1317/1400
Neh_9:24.....children/went in and possessed/the 884/1400
Luk_11:37..........he/went in and sat down/to 1230/1400
Mat_26:58.........and/went in and sat with/the 1125/1400
Eze_8:10............I/went in and saw/and.. 986/1400
1Ki_16:10.......Zimri/went in and smote/him 655/1400
2Ki_5:25...........he/went in and stood before/his 729/1400
Eze_9:2..........they/went in and stood beside the brasen/altar 988/1400
Eze_10:6...........he/went in and stood beside the wheels/And 993/1400 in and the cloud/filled 991/1400
Jdg_17:10......Levite/went in And the Levite/was 383/1400 in and told his/lord 725/1400
Exo_5:1.........Aaron/went in and told Pharaoh/Thus 118/1400
Mat_9:25...........he/went in and took/her 1071/1400
Gen_23:18........that/went in at the gate of his city And/after 46/1400
Gen_23:10........that/went in at the gate of his city saying/Nay 45/1400
Exo_34:34.......Moses/went in before/the... 161/1400
Eze_3:14............I/went in bitterness/in 984/1400
Mar_15:43.........and/went in boldly/unto. 1175/1400
Dan_6:19..........and/went in haste/unto.. 1039/1400
Jdg_19:15..........he/went in he/sat....... 397/1400
Eze_10:2...........he/went in in/my........ 990/1400
2Sa_23:17........that/went in jeopardy/of.. 614/1400 in male/and....... 8/1400
2Sa_3:21...........he/went in peace/And.... 534/1400
Gen_30:14......Reuben/went in the days/of... 70/1400
Jdg_18:20.........and/went in the midst/of. 390/1400
1Ki_19:8..........and/went in the strength/of 674/1400
Luk_9:57.........they/went in the way a/certain 1226/1400
Deu_1:33..........Who/went in the way before/you 230/1400
2Sa_15:11........they/went in their/simplicity 567/1400
2Ki_4:33...........He/went in therefore/and 719/1400
2Sa_17:25........that/went in to Abigail/the 585/1400
1Sa_24:3.........Saul/went in to cover/his. 501/1400
2Ch_29:18........they/went in to Hezekiah/the 860/1400
1Ch_7:23...........he/went in to his/wife.. 789/1400
2Ki_10:24........they/went in to offer/sacrifices 758/1400
Exo_34:35..........he/went in to speak/with 162/1400
Luk_24:29..........he/went in to tarry/with 1259/1400
1Ch_2:21.......Hezron/went in to the daughter/of 783/1400
Jer_36:20........they/went in to the king/into 951/1400
Gen_7:9.........There/went in two/and........ 5/1400
Dan_2:24.......Daniel/went in unto Arioch/whom 1034/1400
Gen_16:4...........he/went in unto Hagar/and 28/1400
Gen_30:4........Jacob/went in unto her And Bilhah/conceived 69/1400
Jdg_16:1..........and/went in unto her And it/was 379/1400
Gen_29:23..........he/went in unto her And Laban/gave 67/1400
2Sa_12:24.........and/went in unto her and lay/with 557/1400
Gen_38:2..........and/went in unto her And she/conceived 89/1400
Eze_23:44........they/went in unto her as/they 1008/1400
Rut_4:13...........he/went in unto her the/LORD 422/1400
Gen_38:9...........he/went in unto his brother's/wife 90/1400
2Sa_16:22.....Absalom/went in unto his father's/concubines 579/1400
Gen_7:15.........they/went in unto Noah/into. 6/1400
Exo_7:10........Aaron/went in unto Pharaoh/and 120/1400
1Ki_1:15....Bathsheba/went in unto the/king 621/1400
Act_17:2..........was/went in unto them/and 1353/1400
Gen_7:16.........that/went in went/in........ 7/1400
Mat_25:10.......ready/went in with him/to. 1116/1400
Exo_15:19.....Pharaoh/went in with his/chariots 140/1400
Joh_18:15.........and/went in with Jesus/into 1299/1400
Act_21:18........Paul/went in with us/unto 1365/1400
Luk_7:11...........he/went into a city/called 1203/1400
Luk_4:42..........and/went into a desert/place 1194/1400
Mar_12:1..........and/went into a far country And at/the 1166/1400
Mat_21:33.........and/went into a far country And when/the 1108/1400
Luk_20:9..........and/went into a far country for/a 1247/1400
Luk_19:12....nobleman/went into a far country to/receive 1242/1400
Mat_13:2...........he/went into a ship and/sat 1082/1400
Luk_8:22...........he/went into a ship with/his 1213/1400
Rom_10:18.......sound/went into all/the... 1376/1400
Mar_3:19.........they/went into an/house.. 1144/1400
Act_12:17.........and/went into another/place 1340/1400
Gal_1:17............I/went into Arabia/and 1380/1400
Jer_28:4.........that/went into Babylon/saith 947/1400
Mar_1:21.........they/went into Capernaum/and 1135/1400
Eze_25:3.........they/went into captivity Behold/therefore 1011/1400
Eze_39:23......Israel/went into captivity for/their 1018/1400
Nah_3:10..........she/went into captivity her/young 1053/1400
1Ch_6:15....Jehozadak/went into captivity when/the 788/1400
Jer_26:21.........and/went into Egypt/And.. 946/1400
Joh_4:43..........and/went into Galilee/For 1264/1400
Dan_6:10...........he/went into his house and/his 1036/1400
Exo_7:23..........and/went into his house neither/did 121/1400
Gen_31:33.......Laban/went into Jacob's/tent 73/1400
1Ti_1:3.............I/went into Macedonia/that 1384/1400
Jdg_18:18.......these/went into Micah's/house 389/1400
2Ki_7:8..........they/went into one/tent... 736/1400
1Ki_22:30.........and/went into the battle/But 689/1400
Mar_7:24..........and/went into the borders/of 1156/1400
Ezr_10:6..........and/went into the chamber/of 874/1400
Rut_2:18..........and/went into the city and her/mother 417/1400
Rut_3:15..........she/went into the city And when/she 420/1400
1Sa_20:42....Jonathan/went into the city Then/came 487/1400
Mar_16:12.........and/went into the country And/they 1178/1400
Gen_36:6..........and/went into the country from/the 85/1400
Num_22:23.........and/went into the field/and 199/1400
Mat_8:32.........they/went into the herd/of 1069/1400
Luk_1:39..........and/went into the hill/country 1182/1400
Mat_27:53.........and/went into the holy city/and 1128/1400
Lev_16:23..........he/went into the holy place/and 170/1400
2Ki_9:6...........and/went into the house and he/poured 749/1400
Mat_13:36.........and/went into the house and his/disciples 1085/1400
Amo_5:19...........or/went into the house and leaned/his 1047/1400 into the house of Baal/and 761/1400
Luk_6:4............he/went into the house of God and/did 1199/1400
Mar_2:26...........he/went into the house of God in/the 1142/1400
Luk_14:1...........he/went into the house of one/of 1232/1400
Jer_38:11.........and/went into the house of the king/under 955/1400
2Ki_19:1..........and/went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 773/1400
Isa_37:1..........and/went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 930/1400
1Ki_14:28........king/went into the house of the LORD that/the 653/1400
Jdg_9:27..........and/went into the house of their/god 351/1400
Gen_39:11......Joseph/went into the house to/do 94/1400
2Ch_29:16.....priests/went into the inner/part 859/1400 into the land/of 318/1400
Exo_24:18.......Moses/went into the midst of the cloud/and 156/1400
Exo_14:22......Israel/went into the midst of the sea/upon 138/1400
Est_7:7.........wrath/went into the palace garden/and 896/1400
1Ki_16:18..........he/went into the palace of/the 657/1400
Luk_7:36...........he/went into the Pharisee's/house 1209/1400
Ezr_5:8............we/went into the province/of 870/1400
Psa_73:17...........I/went into the sanctuary/of 914/1400
Joh_20:6..........and/went into the sepulchre/and 1309/1400
Act_19:8...........he/went into the synagogue and/spake 1357/1400
Act_17:10.....thither/went into the synagogue of/the 1354/1400
Act_13:14.........and/went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and sat/down 1343/1400
Luk_4:16...........he/went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood/up 1191/1400
Lev_9:23........Aaron/went into the tabernacle of the/congregation 167/1400
Num_17:8........Moses/went into the tabernacle of witness/and 187/1400
Mar_11:15.......Jesus/went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and/bought 1164/1400
Luk_19:45..........he/went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold therein/and 1246/1400
Mat_21:12.......Jesus/went into the temple of God/and 1104/1400
Luk_1:9............he/went into the temple of the Lord And/the 1181/1400
2Ch_26:16.........and/went into the temple of the LORD to/burn 856/1400
Exo_40:32........they/went into the tent/of 164/1400
Mat_12:9...........he/went into their/synagogue 1079/1400
Jer_40:6.........Then/went Jeremiah/unto... 958/1400 Jesus/out...... 1081/1400
2Sa_7:18.........Then/went king/David...... 542/1400
Job_30:28...........I/went mourning/without 906/1400
Lev_10:5.........they/went near and carried/them 169/1400
Gen_29:10.......Jacob/went near and rolled/the 66/1400
1Ki_22:24...Chenaanah/went near and smote/Micaiah 686/1400
Gen_27:22.......Jacob/went near unto/Isaac.. 60/1400
2Ki_5:25......servant/went no/whither...... 730/1400
Jdg_12:1..........and/went northward/and... 363/1400
Num_24:1...........he/went not as/at....... 206/1400
Mat_18:13.......which/went not astray Even/so 1093/1400
Eze_48:11.......which/went not astray when/the 1028/1400
2Sa_11:13.........but/went not down to his house And it/came 551/1400
2Sa_11:9..........and/went not down to his house And when/they 548/1400
2Sa_11:10.......Uriah/went not down unto/his 549/1400
1Ki_22:48........they/went not for/the..... 691/1400
Eze_24:12........scum/went not forth/out.. 1010/1400
1Ki_11:6..........and/went not fully/after. 640/1400
2Sa_20:3..........but/went not in/unto..... 600/1400
Joh_18:28..themselves/went not into/the... 1301/1400
2Ki_5:26..........him/Went not mine/heart.. 731/1400
Jos_8:17.........that/went not out after/Israel 263/1400
Job_31:34.........and/went not out of/the.. 907/1400
Num_11:26.........but/went not out unto/the 178/1400
1Sa_1:22.......Hannah/went not up for/she.. 427/1400
Deu_5:5...........and/went not up into/the. 234/1400
Mat_21:30.........and/went not Whether/of. 1107/1400
Joh_6:22........Jesus/went not with his/disciples 1275/1400
Act_15:38.........and/went not with them/to 1347/1400
1Sa_30:22........they/went not with us/we.. 521/1400
2Sa_20:13......people/went on after/Joab... 606/1400
2Ki_2:6...........two/went on And fifty/men 697/1400
2Sa_5:10........David/went on and grew/great 537/1400
1Sa_14:19.Philistines/went on and increased/and 457/1400
1Sa_19:23..........he/went on and prophesied/until 484/1400
2Ki_2:11........still/went on and talked/that 700/1400
1Sa_14:16........they/went on beating/down. 456/1400
Jos_6:13.........LORD/went on continually/and 252/1400
2Sa_13:19.........and/went on crying/And... 561/1400
Exo_15:19......Israel/went on dry/land..... 141/1400
Jdg_14:9..........and/went on eating/and... 369/1400
Isa_57:17..........he/went on frowardly/in. 937/1400
Gen_29:1........Jacob/went on his journey/and 65/1400
Gen_13:3...........he/went on his journeys/from 21/1400
1Sa_26:25.......David/went on his way and Saul/returned 512/1400
Gen_32:1........Jacob/went on his way and the/angels 75/1400
1Sa_24:7..........and/went on his way David/also 502/1400
Act_8:39...........he/went on his way rejoicing/But 1327/1400 on the right/hand 886/1400
Mat_12:1........Jesus/went on the sabbath/day 1078/1400
Rut_1:7..........they/went on the way/to... 413/1400
Act_10:9.........they/went on their journey/and 1332/1400
1Sa_30:2..........and/went on their way So/David 517/1400
Act_8:36.........they/went on their way they/came 1325/1400
1Sa_23:26........Saul/went on this/side.... 497/1400
2Sa_19:40........king/went on to Gilgal/and 597/1400
Neh_2:14............I/went on to the/gate.. 876/1400
2Sa_19:40.....Chimham/went on with/him..... 598/1400
2Ki_9:18........there/went one on/horseback 751/1400
1Ki_18:6.........Ahab/went one way/by...... 664/1400
Exo_40:36......Israel/went onward/in....... 165/1400
Neh_2:16............I/went or/what......... 878/1400
Act_21:5..........and/went our/way........ 1362/1400
1Sa_17:4........there/went out a champion/out 464/1400
Luk_2:1.........there/went out a decree/from 1183/1400
Luk_4:14........there/went out a fame/of.. 1190/1400
Mar_4:3.........there/went out a sower/to. 1146/1400
Mat_20:5...........he/went out about the sixth/and 1100/1400
Mat_20:3...........he/went out about the third/hour 1098/1400
Exo_15:20.......women/went out after her/with 142/1400
1Sa_17:35...........I/went out after him and/smote 471/1400
2Sa_20:7........there/went out after him Joab's/men 602/1400
2Ch_19:4...........he/went out again through/the 842/1400
Joh_18:38..........he/went out again unto/the 1303/1400
2Ch_14:10.........Asa/went out against him and/they 832/1400
2Ch_35:20......Josiah/went out against him But/he 866/1400
Num_21:23.........and/went out against Israel into/the 193/1400 out against Israel to/battle 262/1400
2Ki_9:21.........they/went out against Jehu/and 753/1400
Jdg_20:31....Benjamin/went out against the people/and 408/1400
1Sa_4:1........Israel/went out against the Philistines/to 435/1400
1Ch_14:8..........and/went out against them And/the 804/1400
Num_21:33......Bashan/went out against them he/and 195/1400
Lev_24:10....Egyptian/went out among the children/of 171/1400
Jer_37:4..........and/went out among the people/for 952/1400
Luk_21:37..........he/went out and abode/in 1248/1400
Mar_1:45...........he/went out and began/to 1137/1400
2Sa_24:20.....Araunah/went out and bowed/himself 620/1400
1Sa_18:13..........he/went out and came in before the/people 474/1400
1Sa_18:16..........he/went out and came in before them/And 475/1400
Mat_24:1........Jesus/went out and departed from/the 1113/1400
Mar_1:35...........he/went out and departed into/a 1136/1400
2Ki_4:37..........and/went out And Elisha/came 723/1400
Mar_5:13......spirits/went out and entered/into 1147/1400
1Ki_2:46........which/went out and fell/upon 630/1400
Act_12:9...........he/went out and followed/him 1338/1400 out and fought with Joab/and 552/1400
1Sa_19:8........David/went out and fought with the/Philistines 479/1400
Mat_18:28.....servant/went out and found one/of 1094/1400
Mat_20:6...........he/went out and found others/standing 1101/1400
Mat_12:14...Pharisees/went out and held/a. 1080/1400
Mar_8:27........Jesus/went out and his/disciples 1157/1400
2Sa_2:13........David/went out and met/together 527/1400
Jos_6:1..........none/went out and none/came 250/1400
Act_12:10........they/went out and passed/on 1339/1400
Mar_6:12.........they/went out and preached/that 1152/1400
Gen_43:31.........and/went out and refrained/himself 100/1400
2Ki_4:21..........and/went out And she/called 716/1400
2Ki_19:35........LORD/went out and smote in/the 775/1400
1Ki_20:21......Israel/went out and smote the/horses 680/1400
Gen_19:14.........Lot/went out and spake/unto 34/1400
2Ki_7:16.......people/went out and spoiled/the 740/1400
2Ki_10:9...........he/went out and stood and/said 756/1400
1Ki_19:13.........and/went out and stood in the entering in/of 675/1400
Jdg_9:35.........Ebed/went out and stood in the entering of/the 352/1400
Jdg_20:1.......Israel/went out and the/congregation 401/1400
Exo_5:10.......people/went out and their/officers 119/1400
Eze_10:7..........and/went out And there/appeared 994/1400
Num_11:24.......Moses/went out and told/the 177/1400
Luk_22:62.......Peter/went out and wept bitterly And/the 1253/1400
Mat_26:75..........he/went out and wept bitterly When/the 1126/1400
Rev_6:4.........there/went out another/horse 1396/1400
2Ki_9:24........arrow/went out at his/heart 754/1400
Jos_16:7..........and/went out at Jordan/The 288/1400
1Ki_20:16........they/went out at noon/But. 678/1400
Gen_19:6..........Lot/went out at the/door.. 33/1400
2Ch_20:21........they/went out before the army/and 845/1400
2Ch_28:9...........he/went out before the host/that 858/1400
Jdg_9:39.........Gaal/went out before the men/of 353/1400
Mat_9:32.........they/went out behold/they 1073/1400
Est_8:14.......camels/went out being hastened and/pressed 898/1400
Est_3:15........posts/went out being hastened by/the 891/1400
1Sa_9:26.........they/went out both of them he/and 447/1400
1Sa_20:11........they/went out both of them into/the 485/1400
Amo_5:3..........that/went out by a/thousand 1045/1400
Neh_2:13............I/went out by night/by. 875/1400
2Ki_9:21........Judah/went out each/in..... 752/1400
Mat_20:1........which/went out early/in... 1097/1400
2Sa_13:9.........they/went out every/man... 560/1400
Lev_10:2........there/went out fire/from... 168/1400
1Ki_20:17...provinces/went out first/and... 679/1400
Joh_11:31.........and/went out followed/her 1288/1400
Gen_28:10.......Jacob/went out from Beersheba/and 63/1400
Gen_47:10.........and/went out from before/Pharaoh 104/1400
Jdg_3:19..........him/went out from him/And 324/1400
2Ki_5:27...........he/went out from his/presence 732/1400
2Sa_2:12.........Saul/went out from Mahanaim/to 526/1400 out from me/and. 101/1400
Exo_8:30........Moses/went out from Pharaoh and intreated the LORD And the LORD did/according 123/1400
Exo_10:18..........he/went out from Pharaoh and intreated the LORD And the LORD turned/a 127/1400
Exo_8:12........Aaron/went out from Pharaoh and Moses/cried 122/1400
Exo_10:6..........and/went out from Pharaoh And Pharaoh's/servants 125/1400
Exo_11:8...........he/went out from Pharaoh in/a 128/1400
Jos_16:8.......border/went out from Tappuah/westward 289/1400
Exo_12:41........LORD/went out from the land/of 131/1400
Gen_41:46......Joseph/went out from the presence of Pharaoh/and 96/1400
Est_8:15.....Mordecai/went out from the presence of the king in/royal 899/1400 out from the presence of the king to/number 617/1400
Gen_4:16.........Cain/went out from the presence of the LORD/and 3/1400
1Ki_12:25.........and/went out from thence and built/Penuel 644/1400
Mar_6:1............he/went out from thence and came/into 1150/1400
Jdg_21:24........they/went out from thence every/man 410/1400
2Ki_13:5.........they/went out from under/the 764/1400
1Jn_2:19.........They/went out from us but/they 1391/1400
Act_15:24.......which/went out from us have/troubled 1346/1400
Rut_1:21............I/went out full/and.... 415/1400
1Sa_3:3...........God/went out in/the...... 430/1400
Luk_6:12...........he/went out into a/mountain 1200/1400
1Ch_14:17.......David/went out into all/lands 805/1400
Luk_4:37..........him/went out into every/place 1193/1400
2Sa_18:6.......people/went out into the field against/Israel 586/1400
Jdg_9:42.......people/went out into the field and/they 354/1400
1Sa_20:35....Jonathan/went out into the field at/the 486/1400 out into the field to/gather 724/1400
Jdg_9:27.........they/went out into the fields/and 350/1400
Mat_22:10....servants/went out into the highways/and 1110/1400
1Ki_20:39.....servant/went out into the midst of the battle/and 683/1400
Est_4:1...........and/went out into the midst of the city/and 892/1400
Mar_14:26........they/went out into the mount of Olives And/Jesus 1171/1400
Mat_26:30........they/went out into the mount of Olives Then/saith 1121/1400
Mar_14:68..........he/went out into the porch/and 1174/1400
Exo_15:22........they/went out into the wilderness/of 143/1400
1Ch_27:1..........and/went out month/by.... 817/1400
2Ch_15:5.........that/went out nor/to...... 834/1400
Heb_11:8...........he/went out not/knowing 1388/1400
Gen_2:10........river/went out of Eden/to.... 2/1400
1Ki_10:29.........and/went out of Egypt for/six 638/1400
Psa_114:1......Israel/went out of Egypt the/house 920/1400
Mar_10:46..........he/went out of Jericho/with 1160/1400
2Sa_19:19........king/went out of Jerusalem that the king/should 594/1400
1Ki_11:29....Jeroboam/went out of Jerusalem that the prophet/Ahijah 642/1400
2Sa_20:7.........they/went out of Jerusalem to/pursue 603/1400
Est_7:8..........word/went out of king's/mouth 897/1400
1Sa_7:11.......Israel/went out of Mizpeh/and 441/1400
2Ki_3:6.......Jehoram/went out of Samaria/the 707/1400
Luk_17:29.........Lot/went out of Sodom/it 1238/1400
Num_10:34........they/went out of the camp/And 175/1400
1Sa_24:8..........and/went out of the cave/and 503/1400
Joh_4:30.........they/went out of the city and came/unto 1263/1400
Mar_11:19..........he/went out of the city And in/the 1165/1400
Jon_4:5.........Jonah/went out of the city and sat/on 1052/1400
Act_16:13..........we/went out of the city by/a 1350/1400
Exo_9:33........Moses/went out of the city from/Pharaoh 124/1400
Mat_21:17.........and/went out of the city into/Bethany 1105/1400
Joh_11:55........many/went out of the country/up 1291/1400
Gen_34:24........that/went out of the gate of his city and every/male 79/1400
Gen_34:24........that/went out of the gate of his city And it/came 80/1400
Act_16:40........they/went out of the prison/and 1352/1400
Joh_8:59..........and/went out of the temple going/through 1282/1400
Mar_13:1...........he/went out of the temple one/of 1168/1400
1Ch_21:21.........and/went out of the threshingfloor/and 816/1400
Act_19:12.....spirits/went out of them/Then 1358/1400
Jos_18:15......border/went out on/the...... 297/1400
Joh_8:9....conscience/went out one/by..... 1281/1400
Zec_8:10.........that/went out or/came.... 1061/1400
Gen_41:45......Joseph/went out over/all..... 95/1400
Mar_16:8.........they/went out quickly/and 1176/1400
Exo_16:27.......there/went out some/of..... 145/1400
Joh_18:16........Then/went out that other/disciple 1300/1400
1Jn_2:19.........they/went out that they/might 1392/1400
Jdg_2:15.........they/went out the hand/of. 320/1400
Gen_14:8........there/went out the king/of.. 23/1400
Exo_2:13...........he/went out the second/day 114/1400
Gen_34:26.........and/went out The sons/of.. 81/1400
Jer_39:4...........he/went out the way/of.. 957/1400
Eze_10:19........they/went out the wheels/also 1001/1400
Jos_11:4.........they/went out they/and.... 270/1400
Psa_81:5...........he/went out through/the. 916/1400
Est_9:4..........fame/went out throughout/all 900/1400
Jdg_20:20......Israel/went out to battle against/Benjamin 403/1400
Num_31:27.........who/went out to battle and/between 213/1400
Num_31:28.......which/went out to battle one/soul 214/1400
Jdg_19:27.........and/went out to go/his... 400/1400
Mat_3:5..........Then/went out to him/Jerusalem 1064/1400
2Ki_4:18...........he/went out to his/father 714/1400
Mar_3:21.........they/went out to lay/hold 1145/1400
2Sa_11:13..........he/went out to lie/on... 550/1400
Gen_24:63.......Isaac/went out to meditate/in 51/1400
2Ch_15:2...........he/went out to meet Asa/and 833/1400
Gen_14:17.......Sodom/went out to meet him after/his 25/1400
Gen_30:16........Leah/went out to meet him and said Thou/must 71/1400
2Ch_19:2.........seer/went out to meet him and said to/king 841/1400
Zec_2:3.........angel/went out to meet him And said unto/him 1058/1400
1Sa_13:10........Saul/went out to meet him that/he 453/1400
Num_22:36..........he/went out to meet him unto/a 203/1400
Exo_18:7........Moses/went out to meet his/father 147/1400
Jdg_4:18.........Jael/went out to meet Sisera/and 333/1400
1Ch_12:17.......David/went out to meet them/and 798/1400
Gen_34:1........Jacob/went out to see the/daughters 77/1400
Mar_5:14.........they/went out to see what it/was 1148/1400
Luk_8:35.........they/went out to see what was/done 1217/1400
Luk_8:5.........sower/went out to sow/his. 1212/1400
2Ch_31:1......present/went out to the cities of Judah/and 863/1400
Jos_15:9..........and/went out to the cities of mount/Ephron 280/1400
Job_29:7............I/went out to the gate/through 905/1400
2Ki_24:12.......Judah/went out to the king/of 781/1400
1Sa_13:23.Philistines/went out to the passage/of 455/1400
2Sa_24:7.........they/went out to the south of/Judah 618/1400 out to the south side/to 272/1400
1Ch_5:18.........that/went out to the war/And 786/1400
Jos_18:15.........and/went out to the well/of 298/1400
Jdg_3:10..........and/went out to war and/the 322/1400
2Ch_26:11........that/went out to war by/bands 855/1400
Num_31:36........that/went out to war was/in 215/1400
Num_22:32...........I/went out to withstand/thee 201/1400
Jos_19:47.........Dan/went out too/little.. 303/1400
Jos_16:6.......border/went out toward/the.. 285/1400
Mar_11:11..........he/went out unto Bethany/with 1163/1400
Mar_1:5.........there/went out unto him/all 1133/1400
Exo_2:11...........he/went out unto his/brethren 113/1400
Jos_15:11.........and/went out unto Jabneel/and 283/1400
Gen_34:6......Shechem/went out unto Jacob/to 78/1400
Jos_15:4..........and/went out unto the river/of 274/1400
Jos_15:11......border/went out unto the side/of 282/1400
Exo_33:7.........LORD/went out unto the tabernacle of/the 158/1400
Exo_33:8........Moses/went out unto the tabernacle that/all 159/1400 out unto them and said unto/them 399/1400
Joh_18:29........then/went out unto them and said What/accusation 1302/1400 out whither/the. 244/1400
1Sa_18:5........David/went out whithersoever/Saul 473/1400
Exo_14:8.......Israel/went out with an high hand But/the 134/1400
Num_33:3.......Israel/went out with an high hand in/the 221/1400
Jdg_11:3..........and/went out with him/And 357/1400
2Ch_22:7...........he/went out with Jehoram/against 849/1400
2Sa_19:18.......there/went over a/ferry.... 593/1400
Neh_12:38......thanks/went over against/them 889/1400
Act_18:23.........and/went over all/the... 1356/1400
Jdg_6:33..........and/went over and pitched/in 336/1400
2Ki_2:14.......Elisha/went over And when/the 703/1400
Isa_51:23........that/went over Awake/awake 935/1400
2Sa_2:15..........and/went over by/number.. 528/1400
Jos_18:13......border/went over from/thence 296/1400
1Ch_29:30........that/went over him/and.... 818/1400 over Jordan and came/unto 307/1400
2Sa_19:39......people/went over Jordan And when/the 596/1400
2Sa_19:17........they/went over Jordan before/the 592/1400
1Ch_12:15........that/went over Jordan in/the 797/1400
1Sa_13:7......Hebrews/went over Jordan to/the 452/1400
2Sa_19:31.........and/went over Jordan with/the 595/1400
2Ki_2:8...........two/went over on/dry..... 699/1400
Deu_2:13...........we/went over the brook/Zered 232/1400
Joh_6:1.........Jesus/went over the sea of/Galilee 1270/1400
Joh_6:17..........and/went over the sea toward/Capernaum 1273/1400
Jdg_9:26..........and/went over to Shechem/and 349/1400
1Sa_26:13.......David/went over to the/other 511/1400
2Ki_8:21........Joram/went over to Zair/and 744/1400
Deu_1:43..........and/went presumptuously/up 231/1400
Mar_6:6............he/went round/about.... 1151/1400
Jdg_14:5.........Then/went Samson down/and. 367/1400
Jdg_16:1.........Then/went Samson to/Gaza.. 378/1400
Job_2:7............So/went Satan/forth..... 903/1400
Luk_8:2..........whom/went seven/devils... 1211/1400
1Ch_18:13..........he/went So/David........ 811/1400
1Ki_21:27.........and/went softly And/the.. 685/1400
Jdg_4:21..........and/went softly unto/him. 334/1400
2Ch_8:17.........Then/went Solomon/to...... 822/1400
1Sa_31:3.......battle/went sore against Saul and the archers hit him and he was sore/wounded 522/1400
1Ch_10:3.......battle/went sore against Saul and the archers hit him and he was wounded/of 791/1400 still/upward... 1023/1400
Luk_10:38........they/went that he/entered 1229/1400
Jos_8:13.......Joshua/went that night/into. 261/1400
Luk_24:13........them/went that same/day.. 1255/1400
Act_5:26.........Then/went the captain/with 1320/1400
Joh_6:21.........they/went The day/following 1274/1400
Luk_8:33.........Then/went the devils/out. 1215/1400
Heb_9:7........second/went the high/priest 1387/1400
Num_8:22.........that/went the Levites/in.. 172/1400
2Sa_1:4...........How/went the matter/I.... 524/1400
Luk_8:42...........he/went the people/thronged 1220/1400
Hab_3:5...........him/went the pestilence/and 1054/1400
Mat_22:15........Then/went the Pharisees/and 1111/1400
Gen_32:21..........So/went the present/over. 76/1400
1Ki_22:24.........way/went the Spirit of the LORD from me to speak unto thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see in/that 687/1400
2Ch_18:23.........way/went the Spirit of the LORD from me to speak unto thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see on/that 838/1400 the standard/of. 173/1400
Pro_7:8............he/went the way to/her.. 923/1400
2Ki_25:4.........king/went the way toward/the 782/1400
Eze_10:16...cherubims/went the wheels went by them and when the cherubims/lifted 999/1400
Eze_1:19....creatures/went the wheels went by them and when the living/creatures 978/1400
Mat_20:4.........they/went their way Again/he 1099/1400
Luk_19:32........sent/went their way and found even/as 1244/1400
Mar_11:4.........they/went their way and found the/colt 1161/1400
Jdg_19:14.........and/went their way and the/sun 395/1400
Mar_12:12.........and/went their way And they send/unto 1167/1400
Gen_14:11.........and/went their way And they took/Lot 24/1400
Jdg_18:26.........Dan/went their way and when/Micah 391/1400
Zec_10:2.........they/went their way as/a. 1062/1400
Mat_22:22.........and/went their way The/same 1112/1400
Neh_8:12.......people/went their way to/eat 881/1400
Mat_8:33..........and/went their ways into/the 1070/1400
Mat_22:5..........and/went their ways one/to 1109/1400
Joh_11:46........them/went their ways to/the 1289/1400
Mat_15:21.......Jesus/went thence and/departed 1091/1400
1Sa_22:3........David/went thence to/Mizpeh 490/1400
Joh_11:54.........but/went thence unto/a.. 1290/1400
Luk_5:15.........more/went there/a........ 1195/1400
Eze_36:21........they/went Therefore/say.. 1016/1400
Eze_1:21........those/went these/went...... 981/1400 they in/unto... 1009/1400
Eze_36:20........they/went they profaned/my 1015/1400
Luk_19:36..........he/went they spread/their 1245/1400
Eze_1:9..........they/went they went every/one 968/1400
Eze_1:17.........they/went they went upon their four sides and/they 975/1400
Eze_10:11........they/went they went upon their four sides they/turned 995/1400
Luk_17:14........they/went they were/cleansed 1237/1400
Joh_21:23........Then/went this/saying.... 1314/1400
Jdg_8:27.......Israel/went thither a/whoring 340/1400
1Sa_19:23..........he/went thither to/Naioth 483/1400
Eze_1:20.........they/went thither was/their 980/1400
Exo_15:22........they/went three days in/the 144/1400
Num_33:8..........and/went three days' journey/in 222/1400
2Sa_2:29..........and/went through all Bithron/and 530/1400
Deu_1:19...........we/went through all that/great 227/1400
2Sa_20:14..........he/went through all the/tribes 607/1400
Psa_66:12..........we/went through fire/and 912/1400
Act_15:41..........he/went through Syria/and 1348/1400
Luk_13:22..........he/went through the cities and/villages 1231/1400
Act_16:4.........they/went through the cities they/delivered 1349/1400
Luk_6:1............he/went through the corn fields and/his 1198/1400
Mar_2:23...........he/went through the corn fields on/the 1140/1400
Psa_66:6.........they/went through the flood/on 911/1400
Jos_3:2......officers/went through the host/And 247/1400
Neh_9:11.........they/went through the midst/of 883/1400
Luk_9:6...........and/went through the towns/preaching 1221/1400 through thee/I.. 938/1400
1Ch_21:4..........and/went throughout all Israel/and 814/1400
Mat_4:24.........fame/went throughout all Syria/and 1067/1400
Gen_41:46.........and/went throughout all the/land 97/1400
Luk_8:1............he/went throughout every/city 1210/1400
2Sa_18:33..........he/went thus/he......... 591/1400
1Sa_21:10.........and/went to Achish/the... 488/1400
Num_23:3...........he/went to an/high...... 205/1400
Luk_9:56.........they/went to another/village 1225/1400
2Sa_20:5........Amasa/went to assemble/the. 601/1400
Hos_9:10.........they/went to Baalpeor/and 1043/1400
Exo_38:26........that/went to be numbered/from 163/1400
Luk_2:3...........all/went to be taxed/every 1184/1400
Jdg_9:21..........and/went to Beer and/dwelt 348/1400
Num_21:16........they/went to Beer that/is. 191/1400
Jdg_19:18...........I/went to Bethlehemjudah/but 398/1400
1Ch_15:25...thousands/went to bring/up..... 806/1400
Jer_44:3.........they/went to burn/incense. 964/1400
2Ki_9:35.........they/went to bury/her..... 755/1400
Mat_25:10........they/went to buy/the..... 1115/1400
2Ch_18:12........that/went to call/Micaiah. 837/1400
Jer_31:2............I/went to cause/him.... 949/1400
1Ki_11:24........they/went to Damascus and/dwelt 641/1400
Act_22:5..........and/went to Damascus to bring/them 1367/1400
2Ki_16:10........Ahaz/went to Damascus to meet/Tiglathpileser 768/1400
Act_26:12...........I/went to Damascus with/authority 1373/1400
1Sa_23:16.........and/went to David/into... 493/1400
Jos_18:8.........that/went to describe/the. 292/1400
1Sa_3:8...........and/went to Eli and said Here am I for thou didst call me And Eli/perceived 433/1400
1Sa_3:6...........and/went to Eli and said Here am I for thou didst call me And he/answered 432/1400 to enquire of God/thus 443/1400
Gen_25:22.........she/went to enquire of the/LORD 52/1400
Jer_13:7............I/went to Euphrates/and 943/1400
Gen_37:12....brethren/went to feed/their.... 86/1400
Jdg_11:5.......Gilead/went to fetch/Jephthah 358/1400
Jer_41:12.........and/went to fight/with... 961/1400
1Ki_2:40..........and/went to Gath/to...... 628/1400
2Sa_14:23.........and/went to Geshur and brought/Absalom 564/1400
2Sa_13:38.........and/went to Geshur and was/there 563/1400
1Ki_3:4..........king/went to Gibeon/to.... 631/1400
Num_32:39....Manasseh/went to Gilead/and... 217/1400
1Sa_11:15......people/went to Gilgal/and... 451/1400
Joh_13:3..........and/went to God/He...... 1294/1400
2Ch_8:3.......Solomon/went to Hamathzobah/and 821/1400
2Sa_15:9..........and/went to Hebron/But... 565/1400
2Sa_13:8........Tamar/went to her brother/Amnon's 559/1400
1Ki_10:13.........and/went to her own/country 635/1400
Luk_10:34.........And/went to him and/bound 1228/1400
Gen_26:26...Abimelech/went to him from/Gerar 57/1400
2Sa_12:17.........and/went to him to/raise. 556/1400
Dan_2:17.......Daniel/went to his house and/made 1033/1400
1Ki_20:43......Israel/went to his house heavy/and 684/1400
1Sa_23:18....Jonathan/went to his house Then/came 494/1400
Dan_6:18.........king/went to his palace/and 1037/1400
2Ch_34:22...appointed/went to Huldah/the... 864/1400
Luk_2:41......parents/went to Jerusalem every/year 1186/1400
Luk_17:11..........he/went to Jerusalem that/he 1236/1400 to Jerusalem unto/the 536/1400
1Ch_11:4.......Israel/went to Jerusalem which/is 792/1400
1Ki_18:45.........and/went to Jezreel And/the 671/1400
2Ki_9:16..........and/went to Jezreel for/Joram 750/1400
Jos_9:6..........they/went to Joshua/unto.. 265/1400 to Keilah/and... 491/1400
Rut_3:7............he/went to lie down/at.. 419/1400
Jos_8:9..........they/went to lie in/ambush 258/1400
1Ki_2:8.............I/went to Mahanaim/but. 625/1400
Rev_12:17.........and/went to make/war.... 1398/1400
Num_21:18........they/went to Mattanah/And. 192/1400
1Ki_18:16.....Obadiah/went to meet Ahab/and 666/1400
1Ki_18:16........Ahab/went to meet Elijah/And 667/1400
2Ki_8:9........Hazael/went to meet him/and. 743/1400
Gen_24:10.........and/went to Mesopotamia/unto 47/1400 to mount/Seir... 785/1400 to one shield And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with pure/gold 827/1400 to one shield and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the/best 637/1400 to one target And he/made 636/1400 to one target And three/hundred 826/1400
Gen_28:5...........he/went to Padanaram/unto 61/1400
Mat_27:58..........He/went to Pilate/and.. 1129/1400
Mar_2:23.........they/went to pluck/the... 1141/1400
Act_16:16..........we/went to prayer/a.... 1351/1400
2Sa_12:29.........and/went to Rabbah/and... 558/1400
1Sa_15:34......Samuel/went to Ramah and/Saul 461/1400
1Sa_16:13.........and/went to Ramah But/the 463/1400
1Sa_2:11......Elkanah/went to Ramah to/his. 428/1400
2Ki_9:4.......prophet/went to Ramothgilead/And 748/1400
2Sa_8:3............he/went to recover/his.. 544/1400
2Sa_7:23..........God/went to redeem for/a. 543/1400
1Ch_17:21.........God/went to redeem to/be. 808/1400
Num_14:38........that/went to search/the... 184/1400
1Sa_24:2..........and/went to seek David/and 500/1400 to seek him/And. 496/1400
Gen_31:19.......Laban/went to shear/his..... 72/1400
1Ki_12:1.....Rehoboam/went to Shechem for all/Israel 643/1400
2Ch_10:1.....Rehoboam/went to Shechem for to/Shechem 829/1400
Jdg_9:1.....Jerubbaal/went to Shechem unto/his 343/1400
1Ki_18:2.......Elijah/went to shew/himself. 663/1400
1Ki_14:4..........and/went to Shiloh/and... 652/1400
Rut_1:1Bethlehemjudah/went to sojourn/in... 411/1400
Jdg_18:14........that/went to spy out the country/of 386/1400
Jdg_18:17........that/went to spy out the land/went 387/1400
1Ch_18:3...........he/went to stablish/his. 809/1400
2Sa_13:37.........and/went to Talmai/the... 562/1400
2Ch_9:21........ships/went to Tarshish/with 828/1400
Mat_28:9.........they/went to tell/his.... 1131/1400
Jer_41:15.........and/went to the Ammonites/Then 963/1400
2Ch_18:29........they/went to the battle Now/the 840/1400
Num_31:21.......which/went to the battle This/is 212/1400
1Sa_17:13........that/went to the battle were/Eliab 468/1400
2Ki_10:25.........and/went to the city/of.. 759/1400
1Ch_4:39.........they/went to the entrance/of 784/1400
Gen_27:5.........Esau/went to the field/to.. 58/1400
2Ch_1:3...........him/went to the high/place 819/1400
2Ch_23:17......people/went to the house/of. 851/1400 to the sepulchre/and 1257/1400
Jdg_15:11.......Judah/went to the top/of... 377/1400
2Ch_25:11.........and/went to the valley/of 852/1400
2Ki_6:23.........they/went to their master/So 734/1400
Act_4:23.........they/went to their own company/and 1319/1400
1Sa_14:46.Philistines/went to their own place/So 460/1400
2Ch_10:16......Israel/went to their tents/But 830/1400
1Ki_12:30......people/went to worship/before 645/1400
1Ki_17:10.........and/went to Zarephath/And 661/1400
1Ch_12:20..........he/went to Ziklag/there. 799/1400
1Sa_23:24.........and/went to Ziph/before.. 495/1400
Gen_22:19.........and/went together/to...... 44/1400
Gen_28:10.........and/went toward Haran/And. 64/1400
Act_28:14..........we/went toward Rome/And 1375/1400
Gen_18:22.........and/went toward Sodom/but. 31/1400
2Sa_15:11.....Absalom/went two/hundred..... 566/1400
2Sa_18:9.........mule/went under/the....... 587/1400
Rut_1:19..........two/went until they/came. 414/1400 until ye/came... 229/1400
Gen_26:1........Isaac/went unto Abimelech/king 54/1400
2Sa_20:22.......woman/went unto all/the.... 609/1400
Num_22:14........they/went unto Balak/and.. 196/1400
Num_16:25.........and/went unto Dathan/and. 185/1400
Joh_4:47...........he/went unto him and besought/him 1266/1400
Jos_5:13.......Joshua/went unto him and said/unto 249/1400
Jdg_9:5............he/went unto his father's/house 344/1400 unto his own/house 1279/1400
2Ki_22:14.....Asahiah/went unto Huldah/the. 777/1400
Jer_41:14.........and/went unto Johanan/the 962/1400
1Ki_2:19....therefore/went unto king/Solomon 626/1400
Jon_3:3...........and/went unto Nineveh/according 1051/1400 unto Pilate/and 1254/1400
Lev_9:8.....therefore/went unto the altar/and 166/1400
Rev_10:9............I/went unto the angel/and 1397/1400
Mat_26:14....Iscariot/went unto the chief priests And/said 1120/1400
Mar_14:10......twelve/went unto the chief priests to/betray 1169/1400
1Sa_9:10.........they/went unto the city/where 444/1400
Joh_4:45.........also/went unto the feast/So 1265/1400
Act_9:1..........Lord/went unto the high/priest 1328/1400
Joh_8:1.........Jesus/went unto the mount/of 1280/1400
Gen_22:3..........and/went unto the place/of 40/1400
Isa_8:3.............I/went unto the prophetess/and 929/1400
1Sa_2:20.........they/went unto their own/home 429/1400
1Ki_8:66..........and/went unto their tents joyful/and 633/1400
Jos_22:6.........they/went unto their tents Now/to 305/1400 unto them from/the 1235/1400
Mat_14:25.......Jesus/went unto them walking/on 1090/1400
2Co_8:17...........he/went unto you/And... 1378/1400
Gen_2:6.........there/went up a mist/from.... 1/1400
2Sa_22:9........There/went up a smoke out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth devoured coals were kindled by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly and/he 612/1400
Psa_18:8........There/went up a smoke out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth devoured coals were kindled by it He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet And he rode upon a cherub and did fly yea/he 909/1400
1Sa_25:13.......there/went up after/David.. 507/1400
Gal_2:1.............I/went up again/to.... 1382/1400
Jdg_1:22.........also/went up against Bethel/and 317/1400
2Ki_16:9......Assyria/went up against Damascus/and 767/1400
1Sa_7:7...Philistines/went up against Israel/And 440/1400
1Ki_15:17......Israel/went up against Judah/and 654/1400
Jdg_20:30......Israel/went up against the children/of 407/1400
2Ki_23:29.......Egypt/went up against the king/of 779/1400
Gen_50:7..........him/went up all/the...... 107/1400
Neh_7:61........which/went up also from/Telmelah 880/1400
Exo_12:38...multitude/went up also with/them 130/1400
1Ch_13:6........David/went up and all/Israel 802/1400
2Ki_6:24..........and/went up and besieged Samaria And there/was 735/1400
1Ki_20:1...........he/went up and besieged Samaria and warred/against 677/1400
2Ki_1:13........fifty/went up and came and/fell 693/1400 up and came in/thither 388/1400
2Ki_18:17........they/went up and came to/Jerusalem 772/1400
Jdg_20:26......people/went up and came unto/the 406/1400
Eze_19:6...........he/went up and down among the lions/he 1006/1400 up and down among the living/creatures 973/1400
Jos_8:11..........him/went up and drew nigh/and 260/1400
Joh_21:11.......Peter/went up and drew the/net 1313/1400
1Ki_2:34.....Jehoiada/went up and fell/upon 627/1400
2Ki_12:17.......Syria/went up and fought/against 762/1400
2Sa_15:30..........he/went up and had/his.. 572/1400
2Ki_14:11......Israel/went up and he/and... 765/1400 up and invaded/the 513/1400
2Ki_4:21..........she/went up and laid/him. 715/1400
2Ki_4:34...........he/went up and lay/upon. 720/1400
1Ki_18:43..........he/went up and looked/and 670/1400
2Sa_15:30........they/went up And one/told. 575/1400
Jdg_15:9..Philistines/went up and pitched in Judah/and 376/1400
Jdg_18:12........they/went up and pitched in Kirjathjearim/in 385/1400
Num_13:21........they/went up and searched/the 180/1400
2Ki_4:35..........and/went up and stretched/himself 721/1400
Jdg_1:4.........Judah/went up and the LORD delivered/the 310/1400
Exo_19:20.......Moses/went up And the LORD said/unto 151/1400
2Ch_25:21......Israel/went up and they/saw. 853/1400 up and viewed/Ai 256/1400
Jdg_20:23......Israel/went up and wept/before 404/1400
2Sa_24:19.........Gad/went up as the LORD/commanded 619/1400 up as the smoke/of 35/1400
1Ch_21:19.......David/went up at/the....... 815/1400
Act_1:10...........he/went up behold/two.. 1315/1400
2Ki_2:11.......Elijah/went up by a/whirlwind 701/1400
Gal_2:2.............I/went up by revelation/and 1383/1400
2Sa_15:30.......David/went up by the ascent/of 571/1400
Neh_12:37........they/went up by the stairs/of 888/1400
Jos_15:8.......border/went up by the valley/of 278/1400
Num_21:33.........and/went up by the way of Bashan/and 194/1400
Jdg_8:11.......Gideon/went up by the way of them/that 339/1400
Gen_17:22.........God/went up from Abraham/And 29/1400
2Sa_20:2.......Israel/went up from after/David 599/1400
Ezr_7:6..........Ezra/went up from Babylon/and 871/1400
Jos_10:36......Joshua/went up from Eglon/and 269/1400
1Sa_14:46........Saul/went up from following/the 459/1400
Luk_2:4..........also/went up from Galilee/out 1185/1400
1Ki_16:17........Omri/went up from Gibbethon/and 656/1400
Jos_10:9..........and/went up from Gilgal/all 267/1400
Gen_35:13.........God/went up from him/in... 83/1400
Eze_11:24........seen/went up from me/Then 1004/1400
Ezr_2:59........which/went up from Telmelah/Telharsa 868/1400
Eze_10:4.........LORD/went up from the cherub/and 992/1400
Eze_11:23........LORD/went up from the midst/of 1003/1400
Deu_34:1........Moses/went up from the plains/of 242/1400
1Sa_23:29.......David/went up from thence and/dwelt 499/1400
Gen_26:23..........he/went up from thence to/Beersheba 56/1400
2Ki_2:23...........he/went up from thence unto/Bethel 705/1400
2Ki_15:14........Gadi/went up from Tirzah/and 766/1400
Exo_13:18......Israel/went up harnessed/out 132/1400
Jos_8:10..........and/went up he/and....... 259/1400
Ezr_4:23.........they/went up in/haste..... 869/1400
Mat_15:29.........and/went up into a mountain and sat/down 1092/1400
Joh_6:3.........Jesus/went up into a mountain and there/he 1271/1400
Mat_5:1............he/went up into a mountain and when/he 1068/1400
Mat_14:23..........he/went up into a mountain apart/to 1089/1400
Luk_9:28..........and/went up into a mountain to/pray 1223/1400
Act_1:13.........they/went up into an/upper 1316/1400
Num_33:38......priest/went up into mount Hor at/the 226/1400
Num_20:27........they/went up into mount Hor in/the 190/1400
1Sa_9:14.........they/went up into the city and/when 446/1400
Jos_6:20.......people/went up into the city every/man 254/1400
2Ki_23:2.........king/went up into the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and all/the 778/1400
2Ch_34:30........king/went up into the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and the/inhabitants 865/1400
2Ki_19:14....Hezekiah/went up into the house of the LORD and spread/it 774/1400
2Ch_9:4............he/went up into the house of the LORD there/was 824/1400
Exo_24:15.......Moses/went up into the mount and/a 155/1400
Deu_10:3..........and/went up into the mount having/the 235/1400
Exo_24:13.......Moses/went up into the mount of/God 154/1400
Deu_1:24..........and/went up into the mountain/and 228/1400
Luk_8:37...........he/went up into the ship/and 1218/1400
Joh_7:14........Jesus/went up into the temple and/taught 1278/1400 up into the temple to/pray 1239/1400
Exo_24:9.........Then/went up Moses/and.... 153/1400
Rev_20:9.........they/went up on/the...... 1400/1400
Gen_45:25........they/went up out of Egypt and/came 102/1400
Gen_13:1........Abram/went up out of Egypt he/and 20/1400 up out of his/city 423/1400
Neh_7:6..........that/went up out of the captivity of those that/had 879/1400
Ezr_2:1..........that/went up out of the captivity of those which/had 867/1400 up out of the city/of 314/1400
Gen_19:30.........Lot/went up out of Zoar/and 36/1400
Exo_10:14......locust/went up over/all..... 126/1400
Ezr_7:7.........there/went up some/of...... 872/1400
Mat_3:16.....baptized/went up straightway/out 1065/1400
1Sa_9:11.........they/went up the hill/to.. 445/1400
Eze_40:6..........and/went up the stairs/thereof 1019/1400
Deu_3:1...........and/went up the way/to... 233/1400
Eze_8:11......incense/went up Then/said.... 987/1400
Jdg_8:8............he/went up thence to Penuel/and 338/1400
Jos_15:15..........he/went up thence to the/inhabitants 284/1400
Jos_10:5..........and/went up they/and..... 266/1400
2Sa_2:2.........David/went up thither and/his 525/1400
Jos_7:4.........there/went up thither of/the 257/1400
2Ch_1:6.......Solomon/went up thither to/the 820/1400
Jos_18:12.........and/went up through/the.. 295/1400
Jos_15:3..........and/went up to Adar/and.. 273/1400
1Ki_20:26.........and/went up to Aphek/to.. 681/1400
Jos_15:6.......border/went up to Bethhogla/and 275/1400
Gen_50:7.......Joseph/went up to bury/his.. 106/1400
1Ki_18:42........Ahab/went up to eat/and... 668/1400
Jos_19:47.........Dan/went up to fight/against 304/1400 up to heaven/And 436/1400
2Ki_1:9............he/went up to him/and... 692/1400
Jdg_14:19..........he/went up to his father's/house 373/1400
1Sa_15:34........Saul/went up to his house/to 462/1400
Eze_40:49........they/went up to it/and... 1021/1400
Luk_2:42.........they/went up to Jerusalem after/the 1187/1400
Joh_2:13........Jesus/went up to Jerusalem And/found 1261/1400
Act_24:11...........I/went up to Jerusalem for/to 1371/1400
Joh_5:1.........Jesus/went up to Jerusalem Now/there 1268/1400
Act_21:15.........and/went up to Jerusalem There/went 1363/1400
Gal_1:18............I/went up to Jerusalem to/see 1381/1400
1Sa_29:11.Philistines/went up to Jezreel/And 516/1400
Gen_46:29.........and/went up to meet/Israel 103/1400
Gen_49:4...........he/went up to my/couch.. 105/1400 up to offer/unto 426/1400
1Ki_22:29.......Judah/went up to Ramothgilead And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and enter/into 688/1400
2Ch_18:28.......Judah/went up to Ramothgilead And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and I/will 839/1400
2Ki_17:5..........and/went up to Samaria/and 769/1400
1Ch_14:8..Philistines/went up to seek/David 803/1400
2Sa_18:33.........and/went up to the chamber/over 590/1400
Jdg_20:18.........and/went up to the house of God/and 402/1400
2Ch_29:20.........and/went up to the house of the LORD And/they 861/1400
1Sa_1:7...........she/went up to the house of the LORD so/she 424/1400
2Sa_18:24....watchman/went up to the roof/over 589/1400
Jos_18:12......border/went up to the side/of 294/1400
Jos_15:6.......border/went up to the stone/of 276/1400
1Ki_18:42......Elijah/went up to the top of Carmel/and 669/1400
Exo_17:10.........Hur/went up to the top of the hill/And 146/1400
Jos_15:8.......border/went up to the top of the mountain/that 279/1400
Act_3:1..........John/went up together/into 1318/1400
Jos_15:7.......border/went up toward Debir/from 277/1400
Jdg_13:20.......flame/went up toward heaven/from 365/1400
Isa_7:1........Israel/went up toward Jerusalem/to 928/1400
Jos_19:11......border/went up toward the/sea 302/1400
2Sa_15:24....Abiathar/went up until/all.... 570/1400
Exo_19:3........Moses/went up unto God/and. 149/1400
Gen_38:12.........and/went up unto his/sheepshearers 92/1400
Eze_40:22........they/went up unto it/by.. 1020/1400
Exo_34:4..........and/went up unto mount/Sinai 160/1400
Isa_37:14....Hezekiah/went up unto the house of the LORD and/spread 931/1400
1Ki_10:5...........he/went up unto the house of the LORD there/was 634/1400
Num_32:9.........they/went up unto the valley/of 216/1400
Mar_6:51...........he/went up unto them/into 1155/1400
Act_10:9........Peter/went up upon/the.... 1333/1400
2Sa_15:30........they/went up weeping/as... 574/1400
Gen_50:9........there/went up with him both/chariots 108/1400
Jdg_4:10......Deborah/went up with him Now/Heber 331/1400
Num_13:31........that/went up with him said/We 182/1400
Gen_50:14........that/went up with him to/bury 109/1400
Ezr_8:1..........that/went up with me from/Babylon 873/1400
Jos_14:8.........that/went up with me made/the 271/1400
Jdg_4:10...........he/went up with ten/thousand 330/1400
1Sa_14:21.......which/went up with them/into 458/1400
1Ki_6:8..........they/went up with winding/stairs 632/1400
Neh_12:1.........that/went up with Zerubbabel/the 885/1400
Gen_7:18..........ark/went upon the face/of.. 9/1400
Luk_5:19.........they/went upon the housetop/and 1196/1400
Eze_1:17.........they/went upon their four sides and/they 976/1400
Eze_10:11........they/went upon their four sides they/turned 996/1400
Luk_6:19........there/went virtue/out..... 1201/1400
2Ch_12:12......things/went well/So......... 831/1400
1Ki_13:12.........God/went which/came...... 648/1400
1Sa_23:13.........and/went whithersoever/they 492/1400
Gen_13:5........which/went with Abram/had... 22/1400
2Sa_6:2...........and/went with all/the.... 539/1400
Num_22:39......Balaam/went with Balak/and.. 204/1400
Jdg_4:9...........and/went with Barak/to... 329/1400
1Sa_30:22........that/went with David/and.. 520/1400
2Ki_2:1........Elijah/went with Elisha/from 695/1400
2Sa_3:16......husband/went with her along/weeping 532/1400
Jdg_11:38.........she/went with her companions/and 361/1400
2Ki_8:2...........she/went with her household/and 741/1400
1Sa_10:26.......there/went with him a/band. 450/1400
Gen_12:4..........Lot/went with him and Abram/was 17/1400
Jdg_1:3........Simeon/went with him And Judah/went 309/1400
Mar_5:24........Jesus/went with him and much people followed/him 1149/1400
Luk_7:11....disciples/went with him and much people Now/when 1204/1400
Act_23:19.........and/went with him aside/privately 1370/1400
Jos_10:24.......which/went with him Come/near 268/1400
2Ch_22:5..........and/went with Jehoram/the 847/1400
2Ki_8:28...........he/went with Joram/the.. 745/1400
Gen_14:24.......which/went with me/Aner..... 26/1400
Jdg_1:17........Judah/went with Simeon/his. 316/1400
Jdg_11:11....Jephthah/went with the elders/of 359/1400
2Ch_30:6........posts/went with the letters/from 862/1400
Num_22:35......Balaam/went with the princes of Balak/And 202/1400
Num_22:21.........and/went with the princes of Moab/And 197/1400
2Ch_8:18.........they/went with the servants/of 823/1400
Luk_7:6.........Jesus/went with them And when he/was 1202/1400
2Ki_6:4............he/went with them And when they/came 733/1400
Luk_24:15.........and/went with them But/their 1256/1400
Gen_18:16.....Abraham/went with them to bring/them 30/1400
Psa_42:4............I/went with them to the/house 910/1400
Act_9:39..........and/went with them When/he 1331/1400
Act_21:16.......There/went with us/also... 1364/1400
Jer_51:59..........he/went with Zedekiah/the 965/1400
1Sa_10:14.....Whither/went ye And/he....... 448/1400
2Sa_11:21.........why/went ye nigh/the..... 553/1400
Mat_11:8.........what/went ye out for to see A man clothed in soft raiment behold they that/wear 1076/1400
Luk_7:25.........what/went ye out for to see A man clothed in soft raiment Behold they which/are 1207/1400
Mat_11:9.........what/went ye out for to see A prophet yea I say unto you and more/than 1077/1400
Luk_7:26.........what/went ye out for to see A prophet Yea I say unto you and much/more 1208/1400
Luk_7:24.........What/went ye out into the wilderness for/to 1206/1400
Mat_11:7.........What/went ye out into the wilderness to/see 1075/1400
Jdg_11:40......Israel/went yearly/to....... 362/1400
Jer_2:2..........thou/wentest after/me........ 11/14
2Sa_7:9..........thou/wentest and/have......... 5/14
Psa_68:7.........thou/wentest forth before/thy. 8/14
Hab_3:13.........Thou/wentest forth for/the... 13/14
Act_11:3.........Thou/wentest in/to........... 14/14
2Sa_19:25...Wherefore/wentest not/thou......... 7/14
Jdg_5:4..........thou/wentest out/of........... 2/14
2Sa_16:17.........why/wentest thou not/with.... 6/14
Isa_57:7......thither/wentest thou up/to....... 9/14
Jdg_8:1..........thou/wentest to fight/with.... 3/14
1Sa_10:2.........thou/wentest to seek/are...... 4/14
Isa_57:9.........thou/wentest to the/king..... 10/14
Jer_31:21........thou/wentest turn/again...... 12/14
Gen_49:4.........thou/wentest up/to............ 1/14
