Psa_7:12...........will/whet his/sword............ 2/4
Deu_32:41.............I/whet my/glittering........ 1/4
Ecc_10:10...........not/whet the/edge............. 4/4
Psa_64:3............Who/whet their/tongue......... 3/4
Jer_30:6............see/whether a/man.......... 92/171 any do/enquire 157/171
1Ki_20:33.......observe/whether any thing/would 65/171
2Th_2:15.........taught/whether by/word....... 169/171
Mat_27:49...........see/whether Elias will come to save/him 108/171
Mar_15:36...........see/whether Elias will come to take/him 111/171
Job_37:13..........come/whether for/correction. 80/171
2Sa_12:22..........tell/whether GOD/will....... 61/171
Joh_9:25...........said/Whether he be a sinner/or 122/171
Exo_12:19........Israel/whether he be a stranger/or 10/171
Luk_14:31....consulteth/whether he be able/with 117/171
Eph_6:8............Lord/whether he be bond/or. 162/171
Num_15:30presumptuously/whether he be born/in.. 47/171
Deu_24:14.........needy/whether he be of/thy... 54/171
Ecc_5:12..........sweet/whether he eat/little.. 85/171
Mar_15:44...........him/whether he had/been... 112/171
Lev_5:1.........witness/whether he hath/seen... 19/171
Exo_21:31...........him/Whether he have gored/a 13/171
Exo_22:8............see/whether he have put/his 15/171
Luk_14:28..........cost/whether he have sufficient/to 116/171 he rage/or..... 83/171
Ecc_2:19........knoweth/whether he shall/be.... 84/171
Luk_3:15...........John/whether he were/the... 113/171
Act_25:20...........him/whether he would go/to 130/171
Mar_3:2.............him/whether he would heal him/on 110/171
Luk_6:7.............him/whether he would heal on/the 115/171
Lev_15:3..........issue/whether his flesh/run.. 29/171
Pro_20:11........doings/whether his work/be.... 81/171
1Co_1:16............not/whether I baptized/any 136/171
Php_1:27...........that/whether I come/and.... 165/171
2Ki_1:2...........Ekron/whether I shall/recover 66/171
Joh_7:17.............or/whether I speak/of.... 121/171
Lev_13:48.......woollen/whether in a/skin...... 26/171 in death/or.... 62/171
1Co_8:5............gods/whether in heaven/or.. 140/171
Php_1:18............way/whether in pretence/or 163/171 in tents/or.... 44/171
2Co_12:2............ago/whether in the body I/cannot 158/171 in the body or/out 160/171
Jdg_9:2.........Shechem/Whether is better/for.. 58/171
Mat_9:5.............For/whether is easier to say Thy sins be forgiven thee or to say Arise/and 102/171
Luk_5:23.........hearts/Whether is easier to say Thy sins be forgiven thee or to say Rise/up 114/171
Luk_22:27...........For/whether is greater he/that 118/171
Mat_23:19...........for/whether is greater the gift/or 105/171
Mat_23:17...........for/whether is greater the gold/or 104/171
Mar_2:9..........hearts/Whether is it/easier.. 109/171
Lev_5:2...........thing/whether it be a carcase/of 20/171
Lev_3:1............herd/whether it be a male/or 18/171 it be a woollen/garment 24/171
Lev_11:32.......unclean/whether it be any/vessel 22/171
Lev_13:55........inward/whether it be bare/within 28/171
Exo_19:13.......through/whether it be beast/or. 12/171
Php_1:20...........body/whether it be by/life. 164/171
Lev_22:28...........And/whether it be cow/or... 33/171
Job_34:29...........him/whether it be done/against 77/171
Ecc_12:14............or/whether it be evil The/song 89/171
Jer_42:6.............or/whether it be evil we/will 94/171 it be fat/or... 45/171
Exo_22:9.......trespass/whether it be for/ox... 16/171
Eze_44:31..........torn/whether it be fowl/or. 101/171 it be good or bad and/what 43/171 it be good or bad as the/priest 35/171 it be good or bad as thou/valuest 34/171
2Co_5:10...........done/whether it be good or bad Knowing/therefore 154/171 it be good or bad neither/shall 38/171
Ecc_12:14.........thing/whether it be good or whether it be evil The/song 88/171 it be good or whether it be evil we/will 93/171
Lev_13:48.......garment/Whether it be in/the... 25/171
Lev_7:26..........blood/whether it be of fowl/or 21/171
Joh_7:17.......doctrine/whether it be of God/or 120/171
Num_18:15..........LORD/whether it be of men/or 48/171
Lev_17:15........beasts/whether it be one of your own country or a stranger he/shall 31/171
Lev_16:29...........all/whether it be one of your own country or a stranger that/sojourneth 30/171
Lev_11:35.......unclean/whether it be oven/or.. 23/171
Exo_22:4..........alive/whether it be ox or ass/or 14/171
Deu_18:3......sacrifice/whether it be ox or sheep and/they 52/171 it be ox or sheep it/is 36/171
Act_4:19...........them/Whether it be right in/the 124/171
Pro_20:11...........and/whether it be right The/hearing 82/171
Ezr_5:17........Babylon/whether it be so/that.. 71/171 it be thy/son's. 6/171
1Pe_2:13...........sake/whether it be to/the.. 170/171
Ezr_7:26............him/whether it be unto/death 72/171
Gen_37:14...........see/whether it be well/with. 5/171
Num_9:21......journeyed/whether it was/by...... 39/171
1Co_15:11.....Therefore/whether it were I/or.. 149/171
Num_9:22.............Or/whether it were two/days 40/171
2Ch_15:13.........great/whether man or woman/And 69/171
Est_4:11......whosoever/whether man or women/shall 75/171
Est_3:4.............see/whether Mordecai's/matters 74/171 my/word........ 41/171
Rom_6:16...........obey/whether of sin/unto... 131/171 of the seed/of. 37/171
Mat_27:21..........them/Whether of the twain/will 107/171
Mat_21:31...........not/Whether of them/twain. 103/171
Act_1:24...........shew/whether of these/two.. 123/171
1Co_12:26...........And/whether one/member.... 144/171
Jdg_18:5...........know/whether our/way........ 59/171
2Co_12:2.............or/whether out/of........ 159/171
Exo_34:19........cattle/whether ox/or.......... 17/171
1Co_3:22.........your's/Whether Paul/or....... 137/171
1Co_14:7..........sound/whether pipe/or....... 148/171 poor/or........ 60/171
2Co_5:9............that/whether present/or.... 153/171 prophecy/let.. 132/171
Ecc_11:6............not/whether shall/prosper.. 86/171
Lev_18:9.........mother/whether she/be......... 32/171
Act_10:18.........asked/whether Simon/which... 127/171
2Ch_15:13.........death/whether small/or....... 68/171 stolen/by....... 4/171
Jos_24:15.........serve/whether the gods/which. 55/171
Gen_24:21...........wit/whether the LORD/had.... 2/171
Luk_23:6..........asked/whether the man/were.. 119/171
Son_7:12.......flourish/whether the tender/grape 91/171
Son_6:11............see/whether the vine/flourished 90/171
Act_19:2..........heard/whether there be any Holy/Ghost 129/171
Gen_42:16........proved/whether there be any truth/in 7/171
1Co_13:8..........cease/whether there be knowledge/it 147/171
1Co_13:8............but/whether there be prophecies/they 145/171 there be tongues/they 146/171
Num_13:20..........lean/whether there be wood/therein 46/171
Deu_4:32..........other/whether there hath/been 49/171
1Co_10:31........thanks/Whether therefore/ye.. 141/171
1Jn_4:1.........spirits/whether they are/of... 171/171
1Ki_20:18..........said/Whether they be come out for peace/take 63/171
1Ki_20:18............or/whether they be come out for war/take 64/171
Num_13:18.......therein/whether they be strong/or 42/171
Col_1:20............say/whether they be things/in 167/171
Col_1:16......invisible/whether they be thrones/or 166/171
Exo_4:18............see/whether they be yet/alive 9/171
Deu_22:6.........ground/whether they be young/ones 53/171
Ecc_11:6.............or/whether they both/shall 87/171
Gen_18:21...........see/whether they have/done.. 1/171
Act_9:2.............way/whether they were men/or 126/171
Ezr_2:59...........seed/whether they were of Israel The children of Delaiah the children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred fifty/and 70/171
Neh_7:61...........seed/whether they were of Israel The children of Delaiah the children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred forty/and 73/171
Eze_2:5..............or/whether they will forbear for they are a/rebellious 96/171
Eze_2:7..............or/whether they will forbear for they are most/rebellious 98/171
Eze_3:11.............or/whether they will forbear Then/the 100/171
Eze_2:5............they/whether they will hear or whether they will forbear for they are a/rebellious 95/171
Eze_2:7............them/whether they will hear or whether they will forbear for they are most/rebellious 97/171
Eze_3:11............GOD/whether they will hear or whether they will forbear Then/the 99/171
Jdg_2:22.........Israel/whether they will keep/the 56/171
Exo_16:4...........them/whether they will walk/in 11/171
Jdg_3:4............know/whether they would/hearken 57/171
Act_17:11.........daily/whether those/things.. 128/171
Est_4:14........knoweth/whether thou art/come.. 76/171
Gen_27:21...........son/whether thou be my/very. 3/171 thou be the/Christ 106/171
Job_34:33............or/whether thou choose/and 79/171 thou refuse/or. 78/171
1Co_7:16...........wife/whether thou shalt save thy husband/or 138/171 thou shalt save thy wife/But 139/171
Deu_8:2...........heart/whether thou wouldest/keep 50/171
Lev_13:52.......garment/whether warp/or........ 27/171
2Co_1:6.............And/whether we be afflicted/it 150/171
2Co_5:13............For/whether we be beside/ourselves 155/171
1Co_12:13......Gentiles/whether we be bond/or. 143/171
2Co_1:6..............or/whether we be comforted/it 151/171
1Co_12:13..........body/whether we be Jews/or. 142/171
2Co_5:13.............or/whether we be sober/it 156/171
Rom_14:8............and/whether we die/we..... 134/171
Rom_14:8...........Lord/whether we live therefore/or 135/171
Rom_14:8............For/whether we live we/live 133/171
1Th_5:10...........that/whether we wake/or.... 168/171 with/many...... 67/171
2Co_13:5.....yourselves/whether ye be in/the.. 161/171 ye be obedient/in 152/171 ye had/yet...... 8/171
Deu_13:3...........know/whether ye love/the.... 51/171 ye sold/the... 125/171
