2Sa_24:22.....for/wood All/these......... 79/140
Gen_22:9......the/wood And Abraham/stretched 6/140
Rev_18:12..thyine/wood and all/manner... 139/140
Psa_83:14.......a/wood and as/the....... 101/140
Hag_1:8.....bring/wood and build/the.... 134/140
1Ki_6:15.....with/wood and covered/the... 80/140
Jos_9:27.......of/wood and drawers of water for the congregation/and 64/140
Jos_9:23.......of/wood and drawers of water for the house/of 63/140
Jos_9:21.......of/wood and drawers of water unto/all 62/140
Num_31:20......of/wood And Eleazar/the... 51/140
1Ki_18:33.....the/wood And he said Do/it. 85/140
Eze_41:22......of/wood and he said unto/me 129/140
Deu_10:3..shittim/wood and hewed/two..... 55/140
Deu_19:5......hew/wood and his/hand...... 57/140
Num_19:6....cedar/wood and hyssop/and.... 50/140
Deu_10:1.......of/wood And I/will........ 54/140
Exo_7:19.......of/wood and in/vessels..... 7/140
Jer_5:14...people/wood and it/shall..... 117/140
1Sa_23:15.......a/wood And Jonathan Saul's/son 71/140
1Sa_23:18.....the/wood and Jonathan went/to 73/140
2Sa_18:17.....the/wood and laid/a........ 78/140
Zec_12:6......the/wood and like/a....... 135/140
Rev_18:12precious/wood and of brass/and. 140/140
2Ti_2:20.......of/wood and of earth/and. 137/140
Dan_5:4........of/wood and of stone/In.. 130/140
Exo_35:7..shittim/wood And oil/for....... 21/140
Exo_38:6..shittim/wood and overlaid them with brass/And 34/140
Exo_37:28.shittim/wood and overlaid them with gold And he made/the 32/140
Exo_37:4..shittim/wood and overlaid them with gold And he put/the 28/140
Exo_36:36.shittim/wood and overlaid them with gold their/hooks 26/140
Exo_37:15.shittim/wood and overlaid them with gold to/bear 30/140
Exo_27:6..shittim/wood and overlay them with brass/And 18/140
Exo_26:37.shittim/wood and overlay them with gold and their/hooks 16/140
Exo_30:5..shittim/wood and overlay them with gold And thou shalt put it/before 20/140
Exo_25:13.shittim/wood and overlay them with gold And thou shalt put the/staves 10/140
Exo_25:28.shittim/wood and overlay them with gold that/the 12/140
1Ki_18:23......on/wood and put no fire under And call/ye 82/140
1Ki_18:23......on/wood and put no fire under and I/will 81/140
1Ki_18:33.....the/wood and said/Fill..... 84/140
Lev_14:49...cedar/wood and scarlet and hyssop And he/shall 45/140
Lev_14:4....cedar/wood and scarlet and hyssop And the/priest 43/140
Deu_28:64....even/wood and stone And among/these 59/140
Deu_28:36....gods/wood and stone And thou/shalt 58/140
Eze_20:32...serve/wood and stone As/I... 124/140
Deu_29:17...idols/wood and stone silver/and 61/140
2Ki_19:18...hands/wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God I/beseech 89/140
Isa_37:19...hands/wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them Now therefore O LORD our God save/us 114/140
Deu_4:28....hands/wood and stone which neither/see 53/140
Dan_5:23.....iron/wood and stone which see/not 131/140
1Sa_23:16.....the/wood and strengthened/his 72/140
2Ki_2:24......the/wood and tare/forty.... 87/140
Jer_7:18...gather/wood and the fathers/kindle 118/140
Lev_14:51...cedar/wood and the hyssop/and 46/140
Lev_14:6....cedar/wood and the scarlet/and 44/140
1Ki_18:38.....the/wood and the stones/and 86/140
1Ch_21:23.....for/wood and the wheat/for. 91/140
1Sa_14:25.......a/wood and there/was..... 69/140
Jos_17:18.......a/wood and thou/shalt.... 66/140
Lev_14:52...cedar/wood and with/the...... 47/140
Isa_7:2.......the/wood are/moved........ 111/140
Hab_2:19......the/wood Awake/to......... 133/140
Eze_15:3....Shall/wood be/taken......... 123/140
1Sa_14:26.....the/wood behold/the........ 70/140
Isa_60:17.....for/wood brass/and........ 116/140
2Ki_6:4......down/wood But as/one........ 88/140
Jer_28:13......of/wood but thou/shalt... 119/140
Gen_22:7......the/wood but where/is....... 4/140
Jos_17:15.....the/wood country/and....... 65/140
2Sa_18:8......the/wood devoured/more..... 77/140
Psa_80:13.....the/wood doth/waste....... 100/140
2Sa_6:5.......fir/wood even/on........... 75/140
Exo_27:1..shittim/wood five cubits long/and 17/140
Exo_38:1..shittim/wood five cubits was/the 33/140
Exo_26:26.shittim/wood five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the side/of 14/140
Exo_36:31.shittim/wood five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle/for 25/140
Exo_35:24.shittim/wood for any/work...... 22/140
Gen_22:3......the/wood for the/burnt...... 2/140
1Ch_29:2......and/wood for things/of..... 93/140
1Co_3:12...stones/wood hay/stubble...... 136/140
Gen_22:9......the/wood in order and bound/Isaac 5/140
1Ki_18:33.....the/wood in order and cut/the 83/140
Lev_1:7.......the/wood in order upon/the. 35/140
1Sa_23:19.....the/wood in the hill/of.... 74/140
Mic_7:14......the/wood in the midst/of.. 132/140
Lam_5:4.......our/wood is sold/unto..... 121/140
Pro_26:20......no/wood is there/the..... 105/140
Eze_24:10......on/wood kindle/the....... 125/140
2Sa_18:6......the/wood of Ephraim/Where.. 76/140
Son_3:9.......the/wood of Lebanon/He.... 110/140
Gen_22:6......the/wood of the burnt/offering 3/140
1Sa_6:14......the/wood of the cart/and... 68/140
Jdg_6:26......the/wood of the grove/which 67/140
Isa_45:20.....the/wood of their/graven.. 115/140
Neh_13:31.....the/wood offering at/times. 98/140
Neh_10:34.....the/wood offering to/bring. 97/140
Exo_25:5..shittim/wood Oil/for............ 8/140
Lev_6:12.....burn/wood on/it............. 41/140
1Ch_29:2.......of/wood onyx/stones....... 94/140
Lev_11:32......of/wood or/raiment........ 42/140
2Ch_2:16......cut/wood out of Lebanon/as. 95/140
Eze_39:10......no/wood out of the/field. 126/140
Exo_26:32.shittim/wood overlaid/with..... 15/140
Psa_96:12.....the/wood rejoice/Before... 102/140
Gen_6:14...gopher/wood rooms/shalt........ 1/140
Eze_41:16....with/wood round/about...... 127/140
Ecc_10:9.cleaveth/wood shall be endangered/thereby 108/140
Lev_15:12......of/wood shall be rinsed/in 48/140
Exo_30:1..shittim/wood shalt/thou........ 19/140
1Ch_16:33.....the/wood sing/out.......... 90/140
Son_2:3.......the/wood so/is............ 109/140
Exo_26:15.shittim/wood standing up Ten/cubits 13/140
Exo_36:20.shittim/wood standing up The/length 24/140
Ecc_2:6.......the/wood that bringeth/forth 107/140
Lev_3:5.......the/wood that is on the fire it/is 39/140
Lev_1:12......the/wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar But he/shall 37/140
Lev_1:8.......the/wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar But his/inwards 36/140
Lev_1:17......the/wood that is upon/the.. 38/140
Job_41:27..rotten/wood The arrow/cannot.. 99/140
Isa_30:33....much/wood the breath/of.... 113/140
Lam_5:13......the/wood The elders/have.. 122/140
Exo_37:25.shittim/wood the length/of..... 31/140
Isa_10:15......no/wood Therefore/shall.. 112/140
Num_13:20......be/wood therein/or........ 49/140
Jer_46:22......of/wood They/shall....... 120/140
1Ch_22:4....cedar/wood to David/And...... 92/140
Pro_26:21.....and/wood to fire/so....... 106/140
Exo_35:33......of/wood to make/any....... 23/140
Exo_25:10.shittim/wood two cubits and a half shall/be 9/140
Exo_37:1..shittim/wood two cubits and a half was/the 27/140
Exo_25:23.shittim/wood two cubits shall/be 11/140
Exo_37:10.shittim/wood two cubits was/the 29/140
Deu_29:11.....thy/wood unto/the.......... 60/140
Psa_141:7cleaveth/wood upon/the......... 104/140
Eze_41:22......of/wood was/three........ 128/140
Psa_132:6.....the/wood We/will.......... 103/140
Num_35:18......of/wood wherewith/he...... 52/140
Rev_9:20.......of/wood which neither/can 138/140
Neh_8:4........of/wood which they/had.... 96/140
Lev_4:12......the/wood with fire/where... 40/140
Deu_19:5......the/wood with his/neighbour 56/140
Eze_34:25.....the/woods/And................. 1/1
