Exo_32:29......upon/you a blessing/this.. 170/2614
Mar_9:41.......give/you a cup/of........ 1548/2614
Col_1:7.........for/you a faithful/minister 2351/2614
Jer_14:14......unto/you a false/vision.. 1038/2614
Exo_6:7..........to/you a God/and........ 101/2614
Deu_4:23.......make/you a graven image or/the 447/2614
Deu_4:16.......make/you a graven image the/similitude 443/2614
1Sa_12:17....asking/you a king/So........ 771/2614
Luk_22:29......unto/you a kingdom/as.... 1734/2614
Exo_12:21......take/you a lamb/according. 131/2614
Jos_24:13.....given/you a land/for....... 677/2614
Mar_14:15......shew/you a large upper room furnished and/prepared 1580/2614
Luk_22:12......shew/you a large upper room furnished there/make 1726/2614
1Sa_18:23........to/you a light/thing.... 784/2614
Gal_5:8.....calleth/you A little leaven/leaveneth 2289/2614
Joh_16:15......unto/you A little while/and 1888/2614
Mar_14:13......meet/you a man bearing/a. 1579/2614
1Sa_17:8.....choose/you a man for/you.... 781/2614
Deu_7:21......among/you a mighty/God..... 470/2614
Deu_9:16.......made/you a molten/calf.... 476/2614
1Co_12:31......unto/you a more/excellent 2112/2614
Luk_21:15......give/you a mouth/and..... 1721/2614
1Co_15:51......shew/you a mystery/We.... 2126/2614
Zep_3:20.......make/you a name/and...... 1329/2614
Amo_6:14....against/you a nation/O...... 1310/2614
Joh_13:33........to/you A new commandment/I 1818/2614
Eze_36:25...cleanse/you A new heart also/will 1237/2614
Eze_18:31......make/you a new heart and/a 1185/2614
Deu_15:7......among/you a poor/man....... 524/2614
Gen_45:7...preserve/you a posterity/in.... 63/2614
Deu_13:1......among/you a prophet/or..... 510/2614
1Pe_3:15.....asketh/you a reason/of..... 2530/2614
Joe_2:19.......make/you a reproach/among 1283/2614
Deu_29:18.....among/you a root/that...... 563/2614
Lev_23:32......unto/you a sabbath/of..... 248/2614
Col_4:12.........of/you a servant/of.... 2374/2614
Eze_24:24......unto/you a sign according/to 1214/2614
Isa_7:14.......give/you a sign Behold/a.. 966/2614
Jos_4:5..........of/you a stone/upon..... 603/2614
1Sa_14:12......shew/you a thing/And...... 777/2614
Deu_1:11.......make/you a thousand/times. 394/2614
Joh_15:3.......unto/you Abide/in........ 1846/2614
Deu_10:15......even/you above/all........ 485/2614
Neh_1:8.....scatter/you abroad among/the. 907/2614
Zec_2:6......spread/you abroad as/the... 1342/2614
2Pe_1:11.......unto/you abundantly/into. 2552/2614
Job_32:21......pray/you accept/any....... 936/2614
Exo_12:25......give/you according as/he.. 134/2614
Deu_1:30........for/you according to all/that 407/2614
Rom_16:25..stablish/you according to my/gospel 2038/2614
2Co_10:15........by/you according to our/rule 2216/2614
Jer_21:14....punish/you according to the fruit/of 1049/2614
Eph_3:16......grant/you according to the riches/of 2306/2614
Eze_47:21......unto/you according to the tribes/of 1265/2614
Lev_26:21......upon/you according to your sins/I 287/2614
Num_14:29........of/you according to your whole/number 321/2614
Rev_2:23.........of/you according to your works/But 2607/2614
Jam_5:13......among/you afflicted/let... 2513/2614
Job_13:11......make/you afraid and his/dread 924/2614
Lev_26:6.......make/you afraid and I/will 266/2614
Jos_24:20...consume/you after that/he.... 681/2614
Job_42:8.......with/you after your folly/in 939/2614
Eze_36:11....settle/you after your old/estates 1228/2614
Luk_6:38.........to/you again And he/spake 1616/2614
Luk_10:6.........to/you again And in/the 1630/2614
Mat_7:2..........to/you again And why/beholdest 1405/2614
Joh_16:22.......see/you again and your/heart 1890/2614
Zep_3:20......bring/you again even/in... 1327/2614
Jer_29:14.....bring/you again into/the.. 1094/2614
Php_1:26.........to/you again Only/let.. 2326/2614
Gen_48:21.....bring/you again unto/the.... 74/2614
Heb_5:12......teach/you again which/be.. 2478/2614
Deu_20:4........for/you against/your..... 533/2614
Eze_36:2....against/you Aha/even........ 1220/2614
2Sa_15:27......with/you Ahimaaz/thy...... 806/2614
Rom_15:33......with/you all Amen I/commend 2026/2614
Rev_22:21......with/you all Amen /the... 2614/2614
Heb_13:25......with/you all Amen James/a 2498/2614
Rom_16:24......with/you all Amen Now/to. 2037/2614
Tit_3:15.......with/you all Amen Paul a/prisoner 2471/2614
2Co_13:14......with/you all Amen Paul an apostle not/of 2256/2614
2Th_3:18.......with/you all Amen Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment/of 2468/2614
Php_4:23.......with/you all Amen Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will/of 2345/2614
Act_3:16.........of/you all And now/brethren 1919/2614
1Sa_6:4..........on/you all and on/your.. 739/2614
Act_4:10.......unto/you all and to/all.. 1926/2614
Php_2:26......after/you all and was/full 2335/2614
Jos_23:14concerning/you all are/come..... 655/2614
Php_1:7..........of/you all because/I... 2321/2614
Eph_4:6..........in/you all But/unto.... 2308/2614
1Sa_22:7.......make/you all captains/of.. 787/2614
Job_17:10.......for/you all do/ye........ 929/2614
Jos_23:15......upon/you all evil/things.. 659/2614
2Co_7:13.........by/you all For if/I.... 2186/2614
2Co_2:3..........of/you all For out/of.. 2157/2614
Php_2:17.......with/you all For the/same 2332/2614
Php_1:25.......with/you all for your/furtherance 2325/2614
Jer_25:4.......unto/you all his/servants 1062/2614
2Co_7:15.........of/you all how/with.... 2190/2614
Joh_13:18........of/you all I/know...... 1812/2614
1Co_16:24......with/you all in Christ/Jesus 2140/2614
Php_1:8.......after/you all in the/bowels 2323/2614
1Th_1:2.........for/you all making mention/of 2382/2614
Php_1:4.........for/you all making request/with 2319/2614
Mat_12:31......unto/you All manner/of... 1443/2614
Jer_7:25.......unto/you all my servants the prophets daily/rising 1032/2614
Jer_44:4.......unto/you all my servants the prophets rising early/and 1139/2614
Jer_35:15......unto/you all my servants the prophets rising up/early 1106/2614
Lam_1:18.......pray/you all people/and.. 1155/2614
Mar_3:28.......unto/you All sins/shall.. 1534/2614
2Co_2:5..overcharge/you all Sufficient/to 2160/2614
1Pe_5:14.......with/you all that are/in. 2548/2614
2Co_2:3..........in/you all that my/joy. 2156/2614
Rom_1:8.........for/you all that your/faith 1986/2614
Act_20:27......unto/you all the counsel/of 1963/2614
Eze_36:10......upon/you all the house/of 1226/2614
Jos_9:24.......give/you all the land/and. 618/2614
Php_4:21......greet/you All the saints/salute 2343/2614
2Th_3:16.......with/you all The salutation/of 2467/2614
Luk_9:48......among/you all the same/shall 1628/2614
Mat_23:36......unto/you All these/things 1496/2614
Joh_14:26.....teach/you all things and/bring 1837/2614
Gen_9:3.......given/you all things But flesh/with 6/2614
Mar_13:23..foretold/you all things But in/those 1573/2614
Act_20:35....shewed/you all things how/that 1969/2614
Joh_16:14......unto/you All things that/the 1887/2614
Col_4:9........unto/you all things which/are 2371/2614
Eph_6:21.........to/you all things Whom/I 2315/2614
2Th_1:3..........of/you all toward/each. 2438/2614
Col_2:13...forgiven/you all trespasses/Blotting 2363/2614
Lam_1:12.........to/you all ye/that..... 1154/2614
Eze_18:31......from/you all your/transgressions 1184/2614
Joh_9:27.......told/you already/and..... 1798/2614
Rom_1:13......among/you also even/as.... 1995/2614
Jer_27:15......unto/you Also I/spake.... 1078/2614
Lev_26:28......unto/you also in fury/and. 296/2614
2Co_10:14........to/you also in preaching/the 2215/2614
2Co_6:1.....beseech/you also that/ye.... 2171/2614
Luk_11:46......unto/you also ye/lawyers. 1657/2614
Mat_28:20......with/you alway/even...... 1530/2614
Mar_14:7.......with/you always and/whensoever 1577/2614
Php_1:3..........of/you Always in every/prayer 2318/2614
Rom_1:9..........of/you always in my/prayers 1987/2614
2Pe_1:12........put/you always in remembrance/of 2553/2614
Col_4:12...saluteth/you always labouring/fervently 2375/2614
Lev_21:8...sanctify/you am/holy.......... 237/2614
2Ti_4:22.......with/you Amen Paul a/servant 2469/2614
1Th_5:28.......with/you Amen Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus unto the church of the Thessalonians in/God 2435/2614
Col_4:18.......with/you Amen Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus unto the church of the Thessalonians which/is 2380/2614
Rom_16:20......with/you Amen Timotheus/my 2032/2614
Lev_11:31........to/you among all/that... 195/2614
Lev_11:29......unto/you among the creeping/things 194/2614
Lev_26:33...scatter/you among the heathen/and 299/2614
Deu_4:27....scatter/you among the nations/and 449/2614
Eze_47:22......with/you among the tribes/of 1270/2614
Mat_11:11......unto/you Among them/that. 1431/2614
Luk_7:28.......unto/you Among those/that 1620/2614
Jos_22:19..building/you an altar beside/the 634/2614
Jos_22:16...builded/you an altar that/ye. 633/2614
Heb_3:12.........of/you an evil/heart... 2475/2614
Joh_13:15.....given/you an example/that. 1809/2614
Jer_29:11......give/you an expected/end. 1089/2614
Eze_36:26......give/you an heart of/flesh 1240/2614
Deu_29:4......given/you an heart to/perceive 557/2614
Exo_35:2.........to/you an holy/day...... 171/2614
Act_20:32......give/you an inheritance/among 1968/2614
Php_4:18.......from/you an odour/of..... 2342/2614
Exo_35:5......among/you an offering/unto. 172/2614
Num_15:15......with/you an ordinance/for. 331/2614
Eze_36:26......give/you and a new/spirit 1238/2614
Jer_23:40......upon/you and a perpetual/shame 1060/2614
2Pe_1:8..........in/you and abound/they. 2550/2614
Gen_22:5.........to/you And Abraham/took.. 26/2614
Jdg_9:17........for/you and adventured/his 713/2614
Jdg_15:7.........of/you and after/that... 724/2614
Hag_2:19......bless/you And again/the... 1340/2614
Deu_21:21.....among/you and all Israel/shall 537/2614
Heb_13:24......over/you and all the/saints 2496/2614
1Th_5:12......among/you and are/over.... 2427/2614
Mar_11:2....against/you and as/soon..... 1558/2614
Gen_35:2......among/you and be clean/and.. 41/2614
Deu_32:38......help/you and be your/protection 573/2614
Deu_7:8.......loved/you and because/he... 466/2614
Jer_44:10....before/you and before/your. 1142/2614
Exo_24:14......unto/you and behold Aaron/and 161/2614
Job_32:12......unto/you and behold there/was 934/2614
Jos_23:13.....given/you And behold this/day 654/2614
Deu_1:10.multiplied/you and behold ye/are 393/2614
Eze_22:21....gather/you and blow/upon... 1210/2614
2Jn_1:10.......unto/you and bring not/this 2592/2614
Gen_48:21......with/you and bring you again/unto 73/2614
Gen_50:24.....visit/you and bring you out/of 80/2614
Deu_4:20......taken/you and brought/you.. 444/2614
Luk_6:22...reproach/you and cast/out.... 1602/2614
Jer_42:12......upon/you and cause you to return/to 1130/2614
Eze_36:27....within/you and cause you to walk/in 1241/2614
Deu_1:44....against/you and chased/you... 416/2614
Eze_37:6.......upon/you and cover/you... 1251/2614
Jdg_7:7........save/you and deliver the/Midianites 698/2614
Mar_13:11......lead/you and deliver you/up 1569/2614
Num_33:52....before/you and destroy all/their 377/2614
Deu_7:4.....against/you and destroy thee/suddenly 463/2614
Jer_18:11...against/you and devise/a.... 1043/2614
Gen_19:8.......unto/you and do/ye......... 24/2614
Rev_18:6...rewarded/you and double/unto. 2611/2614
Jdg_6:9...oppressed/you and drave/them... 694/2614
Jam_2:6.....oppress/you and draw/you.... 2501/2614
Jos_23:5.....before/you and drive/them... 641/2614
Gen_23:9....amongst/you And Ephron/dwelt.. 29/2614
Lev_26:9...multiply/you and establish/my. 273/2614
Gen_9:15........and/you and every living creature of/all 15/2614
Gen_9:12........and/you and every living creature that/is 13/2614
Deu_31:29.commanded/you and evil/will.... 571/2614
Jud_1:3........unto/you and exhort/you.. 2597/2614
Col_1:24........for/you and fill/up..... 2355/2614
Num_15:16.......for/you and for the/stranger 332/2614
Col_2:1.........for/you and for them/at. 2358/2614
Lev_11:23......unto/you And for these/ye. 190/2614
1Sa_6:5.........off/you and from/off..... 740/2614
Jdg_6:9......before/you and gave/you..... 695/2614
Num_14:25......turn/you and get/you...... 318/2614
Jdg_8:23.......over/you And Gideon/said.. 705/2614
Mat_21:43......from/you and given/to.... 1482/2614
Exo_3:14.......unto/you And God/said...... 84/2614
Jer_49:30...against/you and hath conceived/a 1150/2614
1Ch_22:18......with/you and hath he/not.. 858/2614
Jos_9:24.........of/you and have done/this 620/2614
Jos_23:16.commanded/you and have gone/and 662/2614
Eze_5:7.......about/you and have not/walked 1156/2614
Jos_22:2..commanded/you and have obeyed/my 628/2614
Act_20:20....shewed/you and have taught/you 1960/2614
Num_11:20.....among/you and have wept/before 315/2614
Deu_13:13.....among/you and have withdrawn/the 517/2614
Php_1:24........for/you And having/this. 2324/2614
Jdg_8:19.......slay/you And he said unto Jether/his 702/2614
Luk_17:21....within/you And he said unto the/disciples 1703/2614
Luk_12:14......over/you And he said unto them/Take 1667/2614
Deu_11:17...against/you and he shut/up... 491/2614
Gen_17:11.......and/you And he that/is.... 18/2614
Luk_10:8.....before/you And heal/the.... 1632/2614
Eze_33:30......pray/you and hear/what... 1216/2614
Act_2:14.......unto/you and hearken/to.. 1912/2614
Jos_2:16.......meet/you and hide/yourselves 592/2614
1Sa_12:5....against/you and his/anointed. 763/2614
Deu_11:4......after/you and how the/LORD. 486/2614
1Th_1:9........unto/you and how ye/turned 2387/2614
2Sa_2:6........unto/you and I also/will.. 798/2614
1Sa_12:2.....before/you and I am/old..... 759/2614
Deu_3:22........for/you And I besought/the 429/2614
Deu_3:20......given/you And I commanded/Joshua 428/2614
Jos_24:8.......with/you and I gave/them.. 668/2614
1Sa_12:2.......with/you and I have/walked 760/2614
1Co_11:18.....among/you and I partly/believe 2100/2614
Jer_29:31......unto/you and I sent/him.. 1099/2614
Deu_9:16..commanded/you And I took/the... 477/2614
Eze_20:33......over/you And I will bring/you 1190/2614
Mal_2:2........upon/you and I will curse/your 1363/2614
Eze_6:3........upon/you and I will destroy/your 1161/2614
Jer_23:39....forget/you and I will forsake/you 1056/2614
Eze_5:16....destroy/you and I will increase/the 1158/2614
Lev_26:30.....abhor/you And I will make/your 298/2614
Eze_36:29......upon/you And I will multiply/the 1244/2614
2Co_12:14........to/you and I will not/be 2234/2614
Eze_36:26....within/you and I will take away/the 1239/2614
Eze_11:19....within/you and I will take the/stony 1176/2614
Jer_3:14.......unto/you and I will take you/one 1014/2614
Eze_36:9........for/you and I will turn/unto 1224/2614
Lev_26:11.....abhor/you And I will walk/among 276/2614
Lev_20:14.....among/you And if a/man..... 228/2614
Lev_11:38......unto/you And if any/beast. 197/2614
Joh_14:2........for/you And if I/go..... 1822/2614
Lev_26:17..pursueth/you And if ye/will... 285/2614
Joh_16:22......from/you And in/that..... 1891/2614
Jos_24:23.....among/you and incline/your. 684/2614
Gen_43:5.......with/you And Israel/said... 53/2614
Jos_3:4.....between/you and it about/two. 593/2614
Eze_11:12.....about/you And it came to pass when I/prophesied 1171/2614
Jdg_2:3........unto/you And it came to pass when the/angel 690/2614
Jer_25:27.....among/you And it shall be/if 1065/2614
1Sa_23:23......with/you and it shall come to pass if/he 791/2614
Act_3:22.......unto/you And it shall come to pass that every/soul 1922/2614
Num_17:4.......with/you And it shall come to pass that the/man's 349/2614
Jer_5:18.......with/you And it shall come to pass when/ye 1021/2614
1Sa_11:10......unto/you And it was/so.... 757/2614
2Ch_20:17......with/you And Jehoshaphat/bowed 882/2614
Jos_23:16......unto/you And Joshua gathered/all 664/2614
Jos_3:5.......among/you And Joshua spake/unto 594/2614
Exo_5:21.......upon/you and judge because/ye 96/2614
Act_13:46......from/you and judge yourselves/unworthy 1945/2614
2Th_3:3....stablish/you and keep/you.... 2455/2614
Act_3:14.......unto/you And killed/the.. 1918/2614
Mic_2:4.....against/you and lament/with. 1316/2614
Mat_11:29......upon/you and learn/of.... 1439/2614
Jos_4:3........with/you and leave/them... 601/2614
1Sa_17:8........for/you and let him come/down 782/2614
Gen_42:16........of/you and let him fetch/your 47/2614
Mat_28:20.commanded/you and lo/I........ 1529/2614
2Co_9:5........unto/you and make up/beforehand 2203/2614
Deu_4:23.......with/you and make you a/graven 446/2614
Isa_32:11.....strip/you and make you bare/and 980/2614
Lev_26:9.......unto/you and make you fruitful/and 271/2614
1Co_11:30.....among/you and many/sleep.. 2108/2614
Col_4:10...saluteth/you and Marcus/sister's 2372/2614
Rom_1:12.........of/you and me/Now...... 1992/2614
Mat_11:9.......unto/you and more/than... 1430/2614
Exo_10:24......with/you And Moses said Thou/must 117/2614
Lev_9:6........unto/you And Moses said unto/Aaron 178/2614
Num_17:5....against/you And Moses spake/unto 350/2614
Luk_7:26.......unto/you and much/more... 1619/2614
Joe_2:26.......with/you and my people/shall 1289/2614
Lev_26:11.....among/you and my soul/shall 275/2614
Jos_23:14......unto/you and not one/thing 656/2614
Jer_42:10.....plant/you and not pluck/you 1123/2614
Jer_42:10.....build/you and not pull/you 1121/2614
2Co_10:16....beyond/you and not to/boast 2217/2614
Jer_40:3.......upon/you And now behold I/loose 1115/2614
1Sa_12:1.......over/you And now behold the/king 758/2614
2Co_1:16.......unto/you and of/you...... 2147/2614
Joh_15:16....chosen/you and ordained/you 1858/2614
Jos_22:27.......and/you and our generations/after 636/2614
1Th_3:5.....tempted/you and our labour/be 2406/2614
Jud_1:2........unto/you and peace and/love 2595/2614
1Pe_1:2........unto/you and peace be/multiplied 2516/2614
2Co_1:2..........to/you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be God/even 2141/2614
Eph_1:2..........to/you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be the/God 2298/2614
1Co_1:3........unto/you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God always/on 2039/2614
Php_1:2........unto/you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God upon/every 2317/2614
Rom_1:7..........to/you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ First/I 1985/2614
Phl_1:3..........to/you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ I/thank 2472/2614
2Th_1:2........unto/you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We are/bound 2436/2614
1Th_1:1........unto/you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God always/for 2381/2614
Col_1:2........unto/you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God and/the 2346/2614
Gal_1:3..........to/you and peace from God the/Father 2257/2614
Rev_1:4........unto/you and peace from him/which 2604/2614
Jer_29:10.....visit/you and perform/my.. 1085/2614
Mat_5:11.....revile/you and persecute you and/shall 1379/2614
Luk_21:12........on/you and persecute you delivering/you 1717/2614
Mat_5:44........use/you and persecute you That/ye 1393/2614
Mat_5:44.......hate/you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute/you 1392/2614
Luk_6:28......curse/you and pray for them which despitefully use you And unto/him 1610/2614
Act_14:15......with/you and preach/unto. 1946/2614
1Sa_7:3.......among/you and prepare/your. 742/2614
Rom_16:23..saluteth/you and Quartus/a... 2036/2614
Deu_1:22.........of/you and said/We...... 403/2614
1Sa_10:15......unto/you And Saul/said.... 751/2614
2Ki_1:6........sent/you and say/unto..... 829/2614
Jos_23:13......unto/you and scourges/in.. 653/2614
2Ki_5:7........pray/you and see how he/seeketh 833/2614
1Ki_20:7.......pray/you and see how this/man 827/2614
Exo_3:16....visited/you and seen/that..... 86/2614
Job_16:4....against/you and shake/mine... 926/2614
Joh_14:17......with/you and shall be/in. 1830/2614
Jam_5:3.....against/you and shall eat/your 2510/2614
2Ch_7:19.....before/you and shall go/and. 861/2614
Jos_23:12.....among/you and shall make/marriages 650/2614
Lev_23:10......unto/you and shall reap/the 242/2614
Mat_5:11..persecute/you and shall say all/manner 1380/2614
Gen_46:33......call/you and shall say What/is 69/2614
1Pe_5:13...saluteth/you and so doth/Marcus 2547/2614
2Co_11:9.......unto/you and so will/I... 2225/2614
2Jn_1:12.......unto/you and speak/face.. 2594/2614
Act_25:26....before/you and specially/before 1975/2614
Mat_21:2....against/you and straightway/ye 1472/2614
Heb_13:17......over/you and submit/yourselves 2487/2614
1Co_5:1.......among/you and such/fornication 2071/2614
Luk_9:41.......with/you and suffer/you.. 1626/2614
Deu_1:7........Turn/you and take your journey and/go 389/2614
Deu_1:40.......turn/you and take your journey into/the 413/2614
Deu_31:19.......for/you and teach/it..... 569/2614
1Th_4:6..forewarned/you and testified/For 2418/2614
Jos_3:10......among/you and that he/will. 595/2614
Exo_20:20.....prove/you and that his/fear 155/2614
2Co_12:21.....among/you and that I/shall 2247/2614
1Ch_13:2.......unto/you and that it/be... 857/2614
2Th_3:1........with/you And that we/may. 2454/2614
Eze_20:31........by/you And that which/cometh 1189/2614
Lev_18:30....before/you and that ye defile/not 219/2614
Deu_5:33.......with/you and that ye may/prolong 458/2614
Joh_15:11........in/you and that your/joy 1852/2614
Mat_10:20........in/you And the brother/shall 1424/2614
Gen_40:8.......pray/you And the chief/butler 43/2614
Jer_23:39...forsake/you and the city/that 1057/2614
Lev_11:4.......unto/you And the coney/because 181/2614
Gen_9:2..........of/you and the dread of you shall/be 3/2614
Deu_11:25........of/you and the dread of you upon/all 496/2614
Jos_24:7....between/you and the Egyptians/and 666/2614
Isa_52:12....before/you and the God/of.. 1001/2614
Lev_11:5.......unto/you And the hare/because 182/2614
Lev_18:27....before/you and the land is defiled That/the 216/2614
Lev_18:24....before/you And the land is defiled therefore/I 214/2614
2Th_3:4.....command/you And the Lord direct/your 2458/2614
1Th_3:11.......unto/you And the Lord make/you 2411/2614
Num_15:16......with/you And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel and/say 333/2614
Num_9:8..concerning/you And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying/If 306/2614
Lev_22:25.......for/you And the LORD spake unto Moses saying When/a 239/2614
1Sa_8:18.....chosen/you and the LORD will/not 746/2614
1Sa_6:21.........to/you And the men/of... 741/2614
Deu_20:4.......save/you And the officers/shall 534/2614
Isa_33:11....devour/you And the people shall be/as 982/2614
Exo_16:4........for/you and the people shall go/out 143/2614
Exo_12:13......over/you and the plague/shall 125/2614
Num_22:13......with/you And the princes/of 359/2614
Luk_3:13..appointed/you And the soldiers/likewise 1594/2614
Deu_29:22.....after/you and the stranger/that 564/2614
Deu_14:7.......unto/you And the swine because/it 519/2614
Lev_11:6.......unto/you And the swine though/he 183/2614
Eze_22:22......upon/you And the word/of. 1212/2614
Mat_9:29.......unto/you And their/eyes.. 1415/2614
Col_4:13........for/you and them/that... 2377/2614
Joh_7:33.......with/you and then/I...... 1783/2614
2Ki_10:2.......with/you and there are/with 837/2614
Jer_37:10...against/you and there remained/but 1111/2614
Deu_4:27.......lead/you And there ye/shall 450/2614
Heb_12:15...trouble/you and thereby/many 2484/2614
Isa_30:18......unto/you and therefore/will 976/2614
Lev_11:12......unto/you And these/are.... 188/2614
Jos_1:15......given/you and they also/have 583/2614
Rut_2:4........with/you And they answered him/The 734/2614
2Sa_21:4........for/you And they answered the/king 816/2614
Lev_9:4........unto/you And they brought/that 177/2614
Gen_45:4.......pray/you And they came/near 60/2614
2Ch_24:20..forsaken/you And they conspired/against 884/2614
Mat_26:15......unto/you And they covenanted/with 1516/2614
Mat_28:7.......told/you And they departed/quickly 1527/2614
Lev_10:7.......upon/you And they did/according 179/2614
Mar_10:3....command/you And they said Moses/suffered 1550/2614
1Sa_12:3.........it/you And they said Thou/hast 762/2614
Jos_9:7........with/you And they said unto/Joshua 613/2614
Gen_26:27......from/you And they said We/saw 30/2614
Eze_47:22.....among/you and they shall be/unto 1268/2614
Exo_3:13.......unto/you and they shall say/to 83/2614
Exo_13:19......with/you And they took/their 140/2614
Mar_16:7.......unto/you And they went out/quickly 1588/2614
Mat_20:4.......give/you And they went their/way 1467/2614
Deu_19:20.....among/you And thine/eye.... 531/2614
Heb_6:9..........of/you and things/that. 2479/2614
Zec_6:15.......unto/you And this/shall.. 1347/2614
Deu_19:19.....among/you And those/which.. 530/2614
Luk_10:14.......for/you And thou Capernaum which art exalted to/heaven 1639/2614
Mat_11:22.......for/you And thou Capernaum which art exalted unto/heaven 1436/2614
Lev_19:34.....among/you and thou shalt/love 225/2614
Gen_17:10.......and/you and thy seed/after 16/2614
Deu_29:5.......upon/you and thy shoe/is.. 559/2614
Deu_28:63...destroy/you and to bring/you. 554/2614
1Th_3:2...establish/you and to comfort/you 2402/2614
Jer_42:11......save/you and to deliver/you 1127/2614
Col_1:9.........for/you and to desire/that 2352/2614
1Th_5:12...admonish/you And to esteem/them 2429/2614
Act_28:20.......see/you and to speak/with 1982/2614
Eze_47:22......unto/you and to the/strangers 1266/2614
2Th_1:6.....trouble/you And to you/who.. 2440/2614
Act_2:39.......unto/you and to your children/and 1917/2614
Jer_7:14.........to/you and to your fathers as/I 1028/2614
Jer_35:15........to/you and to your fathers but/ye 1107/2614
Jer_25:5.......unto/you and to your fathers for/ever 1063/2614
1Sa_12:7.........to/you and to your fathers When/Jacob 765/2614
2Ki_1:7........meet/you and told/you..... 830/2614
Mar_7:14.........of/you and understand/There 1542/2614
Deu_3:20.......unto/you and until/they... 427/2614
Luk_6:28........use/you And unto him/that 1611/2614
Mar_4:24.........to/you and unto you/that 1536/2614
2Ch_19:10......upon/you and upon/your.... 877/2614
Deu_28:54.....among/you and very/delicate 548/2614
2Co_11:9.......with/you and wanted/I.... 2224/2614
2Co_8:17.......unto/you And we have/sent 2196/2614
Gen_34:16......with/you and we will become/one 40/2614
Gen_34:16......unto/you and we will take/your 39/2614
Joh_20:21.........I/you And when he had said/this 1907/2614
Joh_20:19......unto/you And when he had so/said 1905/2614
Act_27:34........of/you And when he had thus/spoken 1980/2614
Joh_16:7.......unto/you And when he is/come 1883/2614
Act_13:41......unto/you And when the/Jews 1943/2614
Act_22:1.......unto/you And when they heard/that 1970/2614
Luk_6:22.......hate/you and when they shall/separate 1600/2614
2Sa_21:3........for/you and wherewith/shall 815/2614
Lev_22:20.......for/you And whosoever offereth/a 238/2614
Mat_10:13........to/you And whosoever shall/not 1416/2614
2Co_6:17....receive/you And will be a/Father 2173/2614
Lev_26:12.....among/you and will be your/God 277/2614
Eze_5:16.......upon/you and will break/your 1159/2614
Eze_37:6.......upon/you and will bring/up 1250/2614
Num_9:14......among/you and will keep/the 308/2614
Num_15:2.......unto/you And will make/an. 327/2614
Lev_26:24......unto/you and will punish/you 291/2614
Eze_13:18......unto/you And will ye/pollute 1180/2614
Gen_9:9.......after/you And with every/living 9/2614
Gen_9:9........with/you and with your/seed. 8/2614
Gal_1:7.....trouble/you and would/pervert 2259/2614
Deu_1:13.......over/you And ye answered/me 398/2614
Joh_10:25......told/you and ye believed/not 1801/2614
Jdg_10:12...oppress/you and ye cried/to.. 717/2614
Luk_7:32.......unto/you and ye have not danced we have mourned to/you 1621/2614
Mat_11:17......unto/you and ye have not danced we have mourned unto/you 1432/2614
Mat_11:17......unto/you and ye have not lamented/For 1433/2614
Luk_7:32.........to/you and ye have not wept/For 1622/2614
1Jn_2:14.........in/you and ye have overcome/the 2577/2614
1Sa_10:18.oppressed/you And ye have this/day 753/2614
2Th_1:12.........in/you and ye in/him... 2445/2614
1Jn_2:27.........in/you and ye need/not. 2583/2614
Lev_23:27......unto/you and ye shall afflict your souls and/offer 246/2614
Lev_16:31......unto/you and ye shall afflict your souls by/a 204/2614
Zec_8:13.......save/you and ye shall be a/blessing 1349/2614
Eze_36:25......upon/you and ye shall be clean/from 1236/2614
Isa_66:13...comfort/you and ye shall be comforted/in 1010/2614
Lev_26:25.....among/you and ye shall be delivered/into 294/2614
Mat_24:9.......kill/you and ye shall be hated/of 1502/2614
2Co_6:18.......unto/you and ye shall be my/sons 2174/2614
Lev_26:17...against/you and ye shall be slain/before 282/2614
Eze_36:9.......unto/you and ye shall be tilled/and 1225/2614
Act_1:8........upon/you and ye shall be witnesses/unto 1910/2614
Eze_23:49......upon/you and ye shall bear/the 1213/2614
Exo_13:19.....visit/you and ye shall carry up my bones away/hence 139/2614
Gen_50:25.....visit/you and ye shall carry up my bones from/hence 82/2614
1Sa_11:10......unto/you and ye shall do/with 756/2614
Gen_34:9.......unto/you And ye shall dwell/with 34/2614
Joe_2:25......among/you And ye shall eat in/plenty 1288/2614
Lev_26:9.......with/you And ye shall eat old/store 274/2614
Num_14:43....before/you and ye shall fall/by 325/2614
Lev_26:17......over/you and ye shall flee/when 284/2614
Exo_14:14.......for/you and ye shall hold/your 142/2614
Num_18:4.......unto/you And ye shall keep/the 351/2614
Eze_6:7..........of/you and ye shall know/that 1162/2614
Eze_37:14........in/you and ye shall live and I shall/place 1257/2614
Eze_37:5.......into/you and ye shall live And I will/lay 1249/2614
Eze_37:6.........in/you and ye shall live and ye/shall 1253/2614
Jdg_2:1........with/you And ye shall make/no 688/2614
Exo_12:16........of/you And ye shall observe the/feast 130/2614
Exo_12:23.....smite/you And ye shall observe this/thing 133/2614
Num_29:1.......unto/you And ye shall offer a/burnt 367/2614
Lev_23:36......unto/you and ye shall offer an/offering 249/2614
Jos_23:16...against/you and ye shall perish/quickly 663/2614
Deu_11:23....before/you and ye shall possess greater/nations 494/2614
Deu_11:31....giveth/you and ye shall possess it/and 502/2614
Lev_25:10......unto/you and ye shall return/every 253/2614
Eze_14:22......unto/you and ye shall see/their 1181/2614
Jer_29:12......unto/you And ye shall seek/me 1090/2614
Gen_47:23.......for/you and ye shall sow/the 72/2614
Gen_45:12......unto/you And ye shall tell/my 65/2614
Deu_1:43.......unto/you and ye would/not. 415/2614
Joh_14:9.......with/you and yet/hast.... 1825/2614
Psa_115:14.....more/you and your children/Ye 945/2614
Jer_23:39......gave/you and your fathers/and 1058/2614
Isa_59:2....between/you and your God/and 1004/2614
Lev_26:33.....after/you and your land/shall 300/2614
Gen_50:21...nourish/you and your little/ones 79/2614
Joh_14:16......give/you another/Comforter 1828/2614
Deu_23:10.....among/you any man/that..... 541/2614
Jos_7:12.......with/you any more/except.. 609/2614
Deu_18:10.....among/you any one/that..... 529/2614
1Co_16:19....salute/you Aquila/and...... 2136/2614
Act_25:5......among/you are able/go..... 1974/2614
Psa_82:6.........of/you are children/of.. 943/2614
Gal_5:4..........of/you are justified/by 2287/2614
1Co_9:12.......over/you are not/we...... 2087/2614
1Co_14:37......unto/you are the/commandments 2120/2614
1Co_6:2..........by/you are ye/unworthy. 2076/2614
Jer_49:30...against/you Arise/get....... 1151/2614
Num_32:21........of/you armed over/Jordan 370/2614
Num_32:30......with/you armed they/shall. 375/2614
Psa_62:3.........of/you as a bowing/wall. 942/2614
Isa_30:13........to/you as a breach/ready 974/2614
Amo_2:13......under/you as a cart/is.... 1293/2614
2Co_11:2....present/you as a chaste/virgin 2220/2614
1Th_2:11.........of/you as a father/doth 2397/2614
Num_18:7.......unto/you as a service/of.. 353/2614
1Th_5:4....overtake/you as a thief/Ye... 2425/2614
2Pe_3:15.......unto/you As also/in...... 2561/2614
Jer_44:23......unto/you as at/this...... 1144/2614
Eph_5:3.......among/you as becometh/saints 2311/2614
Deu_1:44.....chased/you as bees/do....... 417/2614
Eze_47:22......unto/you as born/in...... 1269/2614
1Pe_2:12....against/you as evildoers/they 2528/2614
Jer_26:13...against/you As for me behold I am/in 1068/2614
Jer_40:9.......with/you As for me behold I will/dwell 1116/2614
Amo_4:11.........of/you as God/overthrew 1304/2614
Gal_3:27.........of/you as have/been.... 2271/2614
Lev_8:33.consecrate/you As he hath done/this 175/2614
Deu_1:11......bless/you as he hath promised you How/can 395/2614
Jos_23:10.......for/you as he hath promised you Take/good 648/2614
Luk_22:27.....among/you as he that/serveth 1733/2614
Deu_24:8......teach/you as I commanded/them 544/2614
Jos_1:3........unto/you as I said/unto... 576/2614
1Pe_5:12.......unto/you as I suppose/I.. 2545/2614
Num_33:56......unto/you as I thought/to.. 381/2614
Exo_10:10......with/you as I will/let.... 113/2614
2Co_13:2...foretell/you as if/I......... 2250/2614
Col_1:6........unto/you as it is in/all. 2349/2614
Rom_2:24....through/you as it is written/For 1997/2614
1Sa_12:15...against/you as it was/against 770/2614
Joh_20:21......unto/you as my/Father.... 1906/2614
1Pe_3:16.........of/you as of/evildoers. 2532/2614
Lev_19:34......unto/you as one/born...... 224/2614
1Pe_2:11....beseech/you as strangers/and 2527/2614
Joh_15:4.........in/you As the branch/cannot 1847/2614
Isa_29:11......unto/you as the words/of.. 972/2614
Jer_18:6.......with/you as this/potter.. 1042/2614
Num_18:27......unto/you as though it/were 355/2614
1Pe_4:12........try/you as though some/strange 2534/2614
Lev_20:25......from/you as unclean/And... 235/2614
Heb_12:5.......unto/you as unto children/My 2482/2614
1Co_3:1........unto/you as unto spiritual/but 2054/2614
Luk_22:31......sift/you as wheat/But.... 1736/2614
Heb_12:7.......with/you as with/sons.... 2483/2614
Rut_1:8........with/you as ye have dealt/with 731/2614
Amo_5:14.......with/you as ye have spoken/Hate 1306/2614
Act_2:22.........of/you as ye yourselves/also 1914/2614
Luk_11:9.......unto/you Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 1648/2614
Mat_7:6........rend/you Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 1406/2614
Joh_16:5.........of/you asketh/me....... 1878/2614
Jer_14:13......give/you assured/peace... 1037/2614
Act_20:18......with/you at all/seasons.. 1958/2614
Pro_1:23.......Turn/you at my/reproof.... 950/2614
Deu_1:18..commanded/you at that time all/the 401/2614
Deu_1:9........unto/you at that time saying I/am 391/2614
Deu_3:18..commanded/you at that time saying The/LORD 424/2614
Deu_5:5.........and/you at that time to/shew 453/2614
Joh_16:4.......unto/you at the beginning/because 1876/2614
Gal_4:13.......unto/you at the first/And 2275/2614
1Pe_1:13.......unto/you at the revelation/of 2521/2614
Act_7:43......carry/you away beyond/Babylon 1934/2614
2Sa_4:11.......take/you away from the earth/And 802/2614
Deu_13:5.......turn/you away from the LORD/your 512/2614
2Ki_18:32......take/you away to a land like your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards a/land 851/2614
Isa_36:17......take/you away to a land like your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards Beware/lest 988/2614
Amo_4:2........take/you away with hooks/and 1298/2614
Mal_2:3........take/you away with it/And 1364/2614
Mat_27:17......unto/you Barabbas/or..... 1524/2614
Isa_32:11......make/you bare/and......... 981/2614
Gal_4:12....beseech/you be as/I......... 2274/2614
Eze_36:32......unto/you be ashamed/and.. 1245/2614
Gen_34:15........of/you be circumcised/Then 38/2614
Exo_23:13......unto/you be circumspect/and 159/2614
2Sa_13:28.commanded/you be courageous/and 805/2614
Gen_18:4.......pray/you be fetched/and.... 20/2614
Jos_9:23.........of/you be freed/from.... 617/2614
Heb_3:13.........of/you be hardened/through 2476/2614
2Ch_20:15......unto/you Be not afraid nor/dismayed 880/2614
Jer_42:10......unto/you Be not afraid of/the 1125/2614
Jam_5:6......resist/you Be patient/therefore 2512/2614
1Co_4:6..........of/you be puffed/up.... 2060/2614
Rom_15:32......with/you be refreshed/Now 2025/2614
1Pe_5:7.........for/you Be sober/be..... 2542/2614
Deu_31:5..commanded/you Be strong/and.... 568/2614
1Pe_5:5..........of/you be subject/one.. 2540/2614
Isa_30:16....pursue/you be swift/One..... 975/2614
1Co_4:16....beseech/you be ye followers/of 2065/2614
Gen_9:7.........And/you be ye fruitful/and. 7/2614
Eph_4:32...forgiven/you Be ye therefore followers/of 2310/2614
Jos_23:5.......unto/you Be ye therefore very/courageous 642/2614
Luk_22:10......meet/you bearing/a....... 1725/2614
Pro_1:23.......unto/you Because I/have... 952/2614
Deu_32:47.......for/you because it/is.... 575/2614
Hos_10:15......unto/you because of/your. 1280/2614
Act_28:20......with/you because that for/the 1983/2614
Num_11:20......unto/you because that ye/have 314/2614
1Jn_2:8..........in/you because the/darkness 2569/2614
Joh_16:3.......unto/you because they/have 1873/2614
1Co_6:7.......among/you because ye go/to 2078/2614
Hos_5:1......toward/you because ye have been/a 1276/2614
Joh_16:27....loveth/you because ye have loved/me 1899/2614
1Jn_2:21.......unto/you because ye know/not 2578/2614
Deu_7:7......choose/you because ye were/more 465/2614
Joh_8:58.......unto/you Before Abraham/was 1797/2614
2Co_13:2.......told/you before and/foretell 2249/2614
Gal_5:21.......tell/you before as/I..... 2293/2614
Luk_22:15......with/you before I/suffer. 1727/2614
Joh_13:19......tell/you before it come that/when 1813/2614
Joh_14:29......told/you before it come to/pass 1844/2614
1Th_3:4........told/you before that we/should 2405/2614
2Co_1:15.......unto/you before that ye/might 2145/2614
Zep_2:2........upon/you before the day/of 1324/2614
Eze_20:41........in/you before the heathen/And 1203/2614
Jam_2:6........draw/you before the judgment/seats 2502/2614
Jos_18:8........for/you before the LORD in/Shiloh 625/2614
1Sa_12:7.......with/you before the LORD of/all 764/2614
Lev_23:28.......for/you before the LORD your God For/whatsoever 247/2614
Deu_29:10........of/you before the LORD your God your/captains 560/2614
Eze_36:23........in/you before their/eyes 1232/2614
Mat_24:25......told/you before Wherefore/if 1504/2614
Gal_1:20.......unto/you behold before/God 2264/2614
Isa_50:1.......sold/you Behold for/your.. 997/2614
Mat_24:26......unto/you Behold he/is.... 1505/2614
Jos_23:3........for/you Behold I have/divided 639/2614
Deu_11:25......unto/you Behold I set/before 498/2614
Jer_34:21......from/you Behold I will command/saith 1104/2614
Jer_42:4......heard/you behold I will pray/unto 1117/2614
Col_2:13........And/you being dead/in... 2362/2614
Rom_6:17..delivered/you Being then/made. 1999/2614
Joh_14:25......unto/you being yet/present 1835/2614
Mal_1:9........pray/you beseech/God..... 1359/2614
Num_29:5........for/you Beside/the....... 368/2614
2Sa_18:4....seemeth/you best/I........... 812/2614
Exo_26:33......unto/you between/the...... 163/2614
Isa_5:3........pray/you betwixt/me....... 963/2614
Rom_12:14.persecute/you bless and/curse. 2009/2614
Luk_6:27.......hate/you Bless them/that. 1609/2614
Mal_3:12.......call/you blessed/for..... 1371/2614
Gen_27:45........of/you both in/one....... 31/2614
Jer_26:5.......unto/you both rising/up.. 1067/2614
Php_2:13.........in/you both to/will.... 2331/2614
1Th_4:1.....beseech/you brethren and/exhort 2414/2614
2Th_1:3.........for/you brethren as/it.. 2437/2614
2Th_2:13........for/you brethren beloved/of 2450/2614
2Th_2:1.....beseech/you brethren by the coming/of 2446/2614
1Co_1:10....beseech/you brethren by the name/of 2043/2614
Gen_19:7.......pray/you brethren do/not... 22/2614
Rom_15:30...beseech/you brethren for/the 2023/2614
2Th_3:6.....command/you brethren in/the. 2459/2614
Rom_16:17...beseech/you brethren mark/them 2030/2614
Heb_13:22...beseech/you brethren suffer/the 2493/2614
Gal_1:11....certify/you brethren that the/gospel 2263/2614
1Th_4:10....beseech/you brethren that ye increase/more 2420/2614
1Co_11:2.....praise/you brethren that ye remember/me 2094/2614
1Th_5:12....beseech/you brethren to/know 2426/2614
1Th_5:14.....exhort/you brethren warn/them 2430/2614
1Co_16:15...beseech/you brethren ye/know 2135/2614
Lev_1:2..........of/you bring an/offering 174/2614
Mat_17:17....suffer/you bring him hither/to 1452/2614
Mar_9:19.....suffer/you bring him unto/me 1547/2614
Deu_1:17........for/you bring it/unto.... 400/2614
Gen_19:8.......pray/you bring them/out.... 23/2614
Luk_9:41.....suffer/you Bring thy/son... 1627/2614
Act_4:11.........of/you builders/which.. 1928/2614
1Jn_2:7........unto/you but an/old...... 2567/2614
2Ch_28:10......unto/you but are/there.... 885/2614
1Co_4:14......shame/you but as my/beloved 2062/2614
1Jn_2:27......teach/you but as the/same. 2584/2614
Luk_22:20.......for/you But behold/the.. 1731/2614
2Co_10:1......among/you but being/absent 2209/2614
1Co_1:14.........of/you but Crispus/and. 2049/2614
Rom_10:19.....anger/you But Esaias/is... 2005/2614
1Co_7:35.......upon/you but for/that.... 2084/2614
2Co_5:12.......unto/you but give/you.... 2167/2614
1Ki_9:6......before/you but go and/serve. 818/2614
Mat_25:9........and/you but go ye/rather 1508/2614
Act_20:20......unto/you but have/shewed. 1959/2614
Joh_8:26.........of/you but he/that..... 1787/2614
2Co_10:1.....toward/you But I beseech/you 2210/2614
Job_12:2.......with/you But I have/understanding 918/2614
Joh_8:55.......unto/you but I know/him.. 1796/2614
Php_4:9........with/you But I rejoiced/in 2341/2614
Luk_10:11......unto/you But I say/unto.. 1636/2614
1Co_4:18.........to/you But I will come/to 2068/2614
1Sa_12:23.......for/you but I will teach/you 773/2614
1Co_11:2.........to/you But I would have/you 2095/2614
Jos_24:9......curse/you But I would not/hearken 670/2614
Job_16:4.........at/you But I would strengthen/you 927/2614
Deu_22:24.....among/you But if a/man..... 539/2614
2Co_2:4........unto/you But if any/have. 2159/2614
Joh_16:7.......unto/you but if I/depart. 1882/2614
Act_18:14......with/you But if it/be.... 1955/2614
Jdg_9:19.........in/you But if not/let... 715/2614
1Ch_12:17......unto/you but if ye be/come 856/2614
Mat_6:14....forgive/you But if ye forgive/not 1398/2614
2Ch_15:2.........of/you but if ye forsake/him 872/2614
1Sa_12:24.......for/you But if ye shall/still 775/2614
Luk_10:9.......unto/you But into/whatsoever 1633/2614
2Ki_25:24......with/you But it/came...... 855/2614
Jer_26:14......unto/you But know/ye..... 1069/2614
Joh_7:7........hate/you but me it/hateth 1779/2614
Mat_26:11......with/you but me ye have not always For/in 1514/2614
Joh_12:8.......with/you but me ye have not always Much/people 1804/2614
Gal_4:17.....affect/you but not/well.... 2278/2614
Jos_9:12.......unto/you but now behold/it 615/2614
Rom_15:22........to/you But now having/no 2016/2614
Joh_16:4.......with/you But now I/go.... 1877/2614
Act_27:22.....among/you but of the/ship. 1978/2614
Gal_2:5........with/you But of these/who 2265/2614
Luk_10:20......unto/you but rather/rejoice 1644/2614
1Pe_4:12.......unto/you But rejoice/inasmuch 2535/2614
Act_13:46........to/you but seeing/ye... 1944/2614
1Sa_25:19.....after/you But she/told..... 793/2614
1Co_10:13.....taken/you but such/as..... 2089/2614
Luk_24:49......upon/you but tarry/ye.... 1748/2614
1Co_1:10......among/you but that/ye..... 2044/2614
1Jn_2:26.....seduce/you But the anointing/which 2582/2614
Joh_14:25......with/you But the Comforter/which 1836/2614
Deu_9:19....destroy/you But the LORD/hearkened 479/2614
Hag_1:6......clothe/you but there/is.... 1331/2614
Jer_7:23.......unto/you But they hearkened/not 1031/2614
Num_14:43......with/you But they presumed/to 326/2614
Jdg_2:3......before/you but they shall be as/thorns 689/2614
Jos_23:13....before/you but they shall be snares/and 652/2614
Luk_24:36......unto/you But they were/terrified 1745/2614
1Co_7:28......spare/you But this/I...... 2082/2614
Jdg_19:24......unto/you but unto/this.... 728/2614
Rom_1:13.......unto/you but was/let..... 1994/2614
Deu_12:9.....giveth/you But when/ye...... 504/2614
Luk_17:6.......obey/you But which/of.... 1700/2614
Mat_20:26.....among/you but whosoever will be great among you let/him 1468/2614
Mar_10:43.....among/you but whosoever will be great among you shall/be 1555/2614
Luk_11:41......unto/you But woe/unto.... 1653/2614
Jer_7:13.....called/you but ye answered/not 1027/2614
1Co_6:11.........of/you but ye are/washed 2079/2614
Joh_16:12......unto/you but ye cannot/bear 1884/2614
Jer_42:21........to/you but ye have/not. 1137/2614
Deu_4:3.......among/you But ye that/did.. 434/2614
2Th_2:3.....deceive/you by any means/for 2447/2614
2Co_12:17........of/you by any of/them.. 2241/2614
Mat_22:31......unto/you by God/saying... 1483/2614
1Co_1:4.......given/you by Jesus Christ/That 2040/2614
Act_19:13....adjure/you by Jesus whom/Paul 1957/2614
2Co_10:9....terrify/you by letters/For.. 2212/2614
Jos_23:4.......unto/you by lot/these..... 640/2614
Act_2:22......among/you by miracles/and. 1913/2614
2Ki_17:13........to/you by my/servants... 842/2614
2Th_2:14.....called/you by our/gospel... 2452/2614
Mat_6:27.........of/you by taking/thought 1401/2614
Job_27:11.....teach/you by the hand of God/that 932/2614
Num_15:23.commanded/you by the hand of Moses from/the 335/2614
Jos_20:2.......unto/you by the hand of Moses That/the 627/2614
1Th_4:2........gave/you by the Lord Jesus For/this 2416/2614
1Th_4:1......exhort/you by the Lord Jesus that/as 2415/2614
1Th_5:27.....charge/you by the Lord that/this 2434/2614
2Co_10:1....beseech/you by the meekness/and 2208/2614
Rom_1:12.......with/you by the mutual/faith 1991/2614
Lev_26:7.....before/you by the sword And/five 267/2614
Lev_26:8.....before/you by the sword For/I 270/2614
1Th_4:15.......unto/you by the word/of.. 2423/2614
1Pe_1:12.......unto/you by them/that.... 2519/2614
2Co_1:19......among/you by us even/by... 2150/2614
2Co_5:20....beseech/you by us we/pray... 2169/2614
Mar_11:33......tell/you by what authority I do these things And/he 1565/2614
Mat_21:27.........I/you by what authority I do these things But/what 1477/2614
Mar_11:29......tell/you by what authority I do these things The baptism of John was/it 1564/2614
Mat_21:24......tell/you by what authority I do these things The baptism of John whence/was 1476/2614
Luk_20:8..........I/you by what authority I do these things Then/began 1715/2614
Deu_1:33.......shew/you by what way/ye... 411/2614
1Co_2:1..........to/you came/not........ 2050/2614
Luk_16:26........to/you cannot/neither.. 1699/2614
Deu_1:15.......over/you captains/over.... 399/2614
Neh_1:9..........of/you cast/out......... 908/2614
Col_4:16......among/you cause/that...... 2379/2614
Num_16:6.......Take/you censers/Korah.... 339/2614
2Ki_10:2.......with/you chariots/and..... 838/2614
Php_4:22.....salute/you chiefly/they.... 2344/2614
Gal_6:13.......have/you circumcised/that 2297/2614
Joh_7:22.......unto/you circumcision/not 1782/2614
Num_35:12......unto/you cities for refuge/from 387/2614
Num_32:24.....Build/you cities for your/little 372/2614
Jos_20:2........for/you cities of/refuge. 626/2614
Num_35:11...appoint/you cities to/be..... 385/2614
Isa_1:16.......make/you clean/put........ 962/2614
Amo_4:6.......given/you cleanness/of.... 1300/2614
Jam_4:8..........to/you Cleanse/your.... 2507/2614
Jam_4:1.......among/you come they/not... 2505/2614
Num_10:29........it/you come thou/with... 312/2614
Joh_14:18.....leave/you comfortless/I... 1832/2614
Exo_24:8.......with/you concerning all/these 160/2614
Mat_16:11........to/you concerning bread/that 1448/2614
1Jn_2:26.......unto/you concerning them/that 2581/2614
1Th_3:2.....comfort/you concerning your/faith 2403/2614
Hag_2:15.......pray/you consider/from... 1338/2614
Mal_2:9........made/you contemptible/and 1366/2614
1Sa_12:14......over/you continue following/the 769/2614
Joh_15:9......loved/you continue ye/in.. 1850/2614
Joh_8:46.........of/you convinceth/me... 1794/2614
Joe_2:19.......send/you corn/and........ 1282/2614
2Ch_19:11....before/you Deal/courageously 879/2614
Jer_29:8.........of/you deceive/you..... 1082/2614
Luk_21:12.persecute/you delivering/you.. 1718/2614
Mat_7:23.......knew/you depart/from..... 1412/2614
Eze_36:3.......made/you desolate and swallowed/you 1221/2614
Luk_13:35......unto/you desolate and verily/I 1686/2614
Mat_23:38......unto/you desolate For/I.. 1497/2614
Luk_10:16.despiseth/you despiseth/me.... 1641/2614
2Th_3:11......among/you disorderly/working 2465/2614
Gen_41:55........to/you do And/the........ 44/2614
Jam_5:19.........of/you do err/from..... 2515/2614
Mat_5:44......curse/you do good/to...... 1391/2614
Joh_2:5........unto/you do it/And....... 1751/2614
Jdg_19:23......pray/you do not/so........ 727/2614
Heb_6:11.........of/you do shew/the..... 2480/2614
Luk_6:31.........to/you do ye also/to... 1612/2614
Mat_7:12.........to/you do ye even/so... 1410/2614
Gal_3:5.......among/you doeth/he........ 2270/2614
Jer_42:10......pull/you down and/I...... 1122/2614
Joe_3:13........get/you down for/the.... 1290/2614
1Sa_15:6........get/you down from/among.. 779/2614
Gen_42:2........get/you down thither/and.. 45/2614
Jam_4:7........from/you Draw/nigh....... 2506/2614
Deu_1:29.......unto/you Dread/not........ 405/2614
Gen_34:10....before/you dwell and/trade... 35/2614
Num_14:30......make/you dwell therein/save 322/2614
Jdg_19:9........get/you early/on......... 726/2614
Joh_3:12.......told/you earthly/things.. 1752/2614
1Co_10:27....before/you eat asking/no... 2092/2614
Lev_17:12.....among/you eat blood/And.... 210/2614
Luk_10:8....receive/you eat such/things. 1631/2614
1Co_14:6.........to/you either by/revelation 2115/2614
Jdg_9:2.........for/you either that/all.. 708/2614
Num_34:17......unto/you Eleazar/the...... 384/2614
Mal_4:5........send/you Elijah/the...... 1373/2614
2Ch_23:4.........of/you entering/on...... 883/2614
1Co_3:3.......among/you envying/and..... 2056/2614
Php_2:25.........to/you Epaphroditus/my. 2334/2614
Rom_16:23..saluteth/you Erastus/the..... 2035/2614
Eze_39:17.......for/you even a great/sacrifice 1259/2614
Amo_5:1.....against/you even a lamentation/O 1305/2614
1Th_2:7.......among/you even as a/nurse. 2391/2614
Gen_9:3.........for/you even as the/green.. 5/2614
1Th_2:18.......unto/you even I/Paul..... 2401/2614
Joh_5:45...accuseth/you even Moses/in... 1763/2614
Eze_36:12......upon/you even my/people.. 1230/2614
Isa_55:3.......with/you even the sure/mercies 1002/2614
Jos_24:12....before/you even the two/kings 676/2614
Php_3:18.......tell/you even weeping/that 2340/2614
Mic_2:10....destroy/you even with a/sore 1317/2614
2Ch_28:10......with/you even with you/sins 886/2614
Gen_1:29......given/you every herb/bearing. 1/2614
Gen_17:12.....among/you every man child/in 19/2614
Jdg_21:21.....catch/you every man his/wife 730/2614
Eze_33:20.....judge/you every one after/his 1215/2614
Exo_31:14......unto/you every one that defileth/it 169/2614
Lev_11:26......unto/you every one that toucheth/them 191/2614
2Co_13:4.....toward/you Examine/yourselves 2252/2614
Joh_12:24......unto/you Except a/corn... 1805/2614
1Co_14:6.....profit/you except I/shall.. 2114/2614
Mat_18:3.......unto/you Except ye be converted/and 1455/2614
2Co_13:5.........in/you except ye be reprobates/But 2253/2614
Joh_6:53.......unto/you Except ye eat/the 1771/2614
Tit_2:8..........of/you Exhort/servants. 2470/2614
Deu_5:4........with/you face to face in/the 452/2614
Eze_20:35......with/you face to face Like/as 1194/2614
Mat_5:11....against/you falsely/for..... 1381/2614
Eze_5:17.......upon/you famine/and...... 1160/2614
Eze_11:15.......Get/you far from the/LORD 1172/2614
Jer_27:10....remove/you far from your/land 1073/2614
Jer_49:30.......get/you far off/dwell... 1149/2614
1Jn_2:14.......unto/you fathers because ye have known him that is from the beginning I have/written 2575/2614
1Jn_2:13.......unto/you fathers because ye have known him that is from the beginning I write/unto 2572/2614
Jud_1:24....present/you faultless/before 2603/2614
Jer_16:13......shew/you favour/Therefore 1041/2614
Luk_12:5.......unto/you Fear him/Are.... 1663/2614
Luk_12:31......unto/you Fear not little/flock 1672/2614
Gen_43:23........to/you fear not your/God. 55/2614
Hag_2:5.......among/you fear ye/not..... 1337/2614
Act_13:26.....among/you feareth/God..... 1936/2614
Jud_1:12.......with/you feeding/themselves 2600/2614
Lev_26:22......make/you few/in........... 290/2614
1Sa_22:7.........of/you fields/and....... 786/2614
Act_3:26.......Unto/you first God/having 1923/2614
1Co_15:3.......unto/you first of/all.... 2124/2614
Mat_4:19.......make/you fishers/of...... 1378/2614
Num_11:18......give/you flesh/and........ 313/2614
Num_15:39......unto/you for a fringe/that 336/2614
Exo_12:14......unto/you for a memorial and/ye 128/2614
Num_10:10........to/you for a memorial before/your 311/2614
Lev_14:34........to/you for a possession/and 199/2614
1Th_2:17.......from/you for a short/time 2400/2614
Isa_31:7.......unto/you for a sin/Then... 979/2614
Luk_21:13........to/you for a testimony/Settle 1720/2614
Exo_12:13........to/you for a token/upon. 124/2614
1Th_3:9.........for/you for all the/joy. 2410/2614
Lev_18:26.....among/you For all these/abominations 215/2614
2Co_4:14.......with/you For all things/are 2166/2614
Amo_3:2......punish/you for all your/iniquities 1296/2614
Jer_5:25.......from/you For among/my.... 1022/2614
Exo_6:8..........it/you for an heritage/I 104/2614
Num_34:2.......unto/you for an inheritance/even 382/2614
Num_10:8.........to/you for an ordinance/for 309/2614
Gal_5:12....trouble/you For brethren/ye. 2292/2614
1Ch_28:8......after/you for ever And/thou 860/2614
Joh_14:16......with/you for ever Even/the 1829/2614
Luk_11:9.......unto/you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 1650/2614
Mat_7:7........unto/you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 1408/2614
Lev_20:8...sanctify/you For every one that curseth/his 227/2614
Jer_44:11...against/you for evil and/to. 1143/2614
Jer_44:29...against/you for evil Thus/saith 1147/2614
2Ch_13:8.......made/you for gods/Have.... 868/2614
Isa_36:14...deceive/you for he shall not be able to deliver you Neither/let 985/2614
2Ki_18:29...deceive/you for he shall not be able to deliver you out/of 848/2614
Zec_2:8.....spoiled/you for he that toucheth/you 1343/2614
Joh_12:35......upon/you for he that walketh/in 1807/2614
Joh_6:27.......unto/you for him hath/God 1765/2614
Job_42:8........for/you for him will/I... 938/2614
Gen_42:38......with/you for his brother/is 51/2614
1Jn_2:12...forgiven/you for his name's/sake 2571/2614
Jer_3:12.......upon/you for I am/merciful 1013/2614
Isa_51:2.......bare/you for I called/him. 999/2614
Jer_27:14......unto/you For I have not/sent 1076/2614
2Co_7:3.....condemn/you for I have said/before 2175/2614
Jon_1:12.......unto/you for I know that/for 1312/2614
2Co_9:1..........to/you For I know the/forwardness 2199/2614
Rom_1:10.......unto/you For I long/to... 1988/2614
2Co_12:14........to/you for I seek/not.. 2235/2614
1Co_4:8........with/you For I think/that 2061/2614
Rom_15:24........to/you for I trust/to.. 2018/2614
1Co_5:2.......among/you For I verily/as. 2072/2614
Zep_3:20.....gather/you for I will/make. 1328/2614
2Ch_30:8.......from/you For if/ye........ 891/2614
2Co_12:11........of/you for in/nothing.. 2231/2614
2Co_8:16........for/you For indeed/he... 2195/2614
Eze_47:14......unto/you for inheritance/And 1264/2614
Mat_21:31....before/you For John/came... 1479/2614
Hab_1:5........told/you For lo/I........ 1323/2614
Mar_13:5....deceive/you For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And when/ye 1567/2614
Mat_24:4....deceive/you For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And ye/shall 1500/2614
Isa_28:19......take/you for morning/by... 970/2614
Joh_15:21......unto/you for my name's sake because/they 1868/2614
Eze_20:44......with/you for my name's sake not/according 1205/2614
Lev_16:29.....among/you For on/that...... 201/2614
Gen_9:12.......with/you for perpetual/generations 14/2614
Jer_34:16......unto/you for servants/and 1101/2614
Rom_16:2.........of/you for she/hath.... 2028/2614
Luk_6:26.........of/you for so/did...... 1607/2614
1Ki_11:2.......unto/you for surely/they.. 819/2614
2Co_12:14.......but/you for the children/ought 2236/2614
2Co_9:14......after/you for the exceeding/grace 2206/2614
Joh_16:26.......for/you For the Father/himself 1898/2614
Jos_9:11.......with/you for the journey/and 614/2614
Isa_30:18......upon/you for the LORD is/a 977/2614
Deu_15:4......among/you for the LORD shall/greatly 523/2614
Deu_6:14......about/you For the LORD thy/God 460/2614
Jos_2:11.........of/you for the LORD your God he/is 588/2614
Jos_23:3.........of/you for the LORD your God is/he 638/2614
Deu_11:25....before/you for the LORD your God shall/lay 495/2614
Jos_18:7......among/you for the priesthood/of 624/2614
Joh_14:30......with/you for the prince/of 1845/2614
Col_4:8........unto/you for the same purpose that he/might 2369/2614
Eph_6:22.......unto/you for the same purpose that ye/might 2316/2614
1Co_9:2..........to/you for the seal/of. 2085/2614
Lev_25:6........for/you for thee/and..... 252/2614
Jer_29:27........to/you For therefore/he 1098/2614
Lev_20:23....before/you for they/committed 231/2614
2Co_13:3.........in/you For though he/was 2251/2614
1Co_4:14.......warn/you For though ye/have 2063/2614
Deu_4:1.......teach/you for to/do........ 430/2614
2Co_10:14......unto/you for we are/come. 2214/2614
Jos_2:9..........of/you For we have heard how/the 586/2614
Zec_8:23.......with/you for we have heard that/God 1352/2614
Ezr_4:2........with/you for we seek/your. 902/2614
2Co_10:13......unto/you For we stretch/not 2213/2614
Zec_4:9........unto/you For who hath despised/the 1345/2614
Jer_23:17......upon/you For who hath stood/in 1053/2614
Joh_5:38.........in/you for whom/he..... 1759/2614
Lev_18:28....before/you For whosoever/shall 218/2614
Rom_6:14.......over/you for ye are/not.. 1998/2614
Luk_11:47......unto/you for ye build/the 1658/2614
Dan_2:9.........for/you for ye have/prepared 1271/2614
1Th_4:9........unto/you for ye yourselves/are 2419/2614
Gen_47:16......give/you for your cattle/if 70/2614
1Th_1:5.......among/you for your sake/And 2385/2614
1Th_5:1........unto/you For yourselves/know 2424/2614
2Co_12:13........to/you forgive/me...... 2233/2614
Luk_10:3.......send/you forth as lambs/among 1629/2614
Mat_10:16......send/you forth as sheep/in 1419/2614
Exo_12:31.......get/you forth from among/my 136/2614
Exo_16:32...brought/you forth from the/land 151/2614
Jdg_6:8.....brought/you forth out of the house/of 692/2614
Deu_4:20....brought/you forth out of the iron/furnace 445/2614
Lev_26:13...brought/you forth out of the land of Egypt that/ye 278/2614
Lev_25:38...brought/you forth out of the land of Egypt to/give 257/2614
Eze_11:7......bring/you forth out of the midst/of 1164/2614
Deu_29:5........led/you forty years in/the 558/2614
Amo_2:10........led/you forty years through/the 1292/2614
Joh_8:32.......make/you free They/answered 1788/2614
Joh_8:36.......make/you free ye/shall... 1790/2614
Joh_15:15....called/you friends/for..... 1856/2614
Gen_9:10.......with/you from all that/go.. 11/2614
Jer_29:14....gather/you from all the/nations 1092/2614
Eze_36:33..cleansed/you from all your iniquities/I 1246/2614
Eze_36:29......save/you from all your uncleannesses/and 1243/2614
Eze_36:24......take/you from among/the.. 1233/2614
2Th_3:3........keep/you from evil/And... 2456/2614
Jud_1:24.......keep/you from falling/and 2602/2614
Jer_5:15.......upon/you from far/O...... 1020/2614
Exo_20:22......with/you from heaven/Ye... 156/2614
Jer_42:11...deliver/you from his hand/And 1128/2614
Act_3:26.........of/you from his iniquities/And 1925/2614
Deu_9:23.......sent/you from Kadeshbarnea/saying 480/2614
1Sa_12:2.....before/you from my childhood/unto 761/2614
Joh_10:32....shewed/you from my Father/for 1803/2614
Jos_23:15.destroyed/you from off/this.... 660/2614
Lev_20:26...severed/you from other people that/ye 236/2614
Lev_20:24.separated/you from other people Ye/shall 234/2614
Neh_13:21........on/you From that/time... 913/2614
Isa_40:21......told/you from the beginning have/ye 990/2614
Joh_8:25.......unto/you from the beginning I/have 1786/2614
Num_16:9..separated/you from the congregation/of 343/2614
Jdg_10:11...deliver/you from the Egyptians/and 716/2614
Amo_6:14....afflict/you from the entering/in 1311/2614
Joh_15:26......unto/you from the Father/even 1869/2614
Mat_25:34.......for/you from the foundation/of 1511/2614
Exo_10:5.......unto/you from the hail/and 111/2614
Lev_23:15......unto/you from the morrow/after 244/2614
Eze_11:17....gather/you from the people/and 1173/2614
Num_16:26......pray/you from the tents/of 347/2614
Luk_6:22...separate/you from their/company 1601/2614
Num_18:26.....given/you from them/for.... 354/2614
Lev_26:9.......make/you fruitful/and..... 272/2614
Eph_3:1.........for/you Gentiles If/ye.. 2304/2614
Rom_11:13........to/you Gentiles inasmuch/as 2006/2614
Gen_44:17.......for/you get/you........... 57/2614
Gen_34:8.......pray/you give her/him...... 33/2614
Gen_23:4.......with/you give me/a......... 27/2614
Jos_18:3......given/you Give out/from.... 621/2614
Act_13:32......unto/you glad/tidings.... 1938/2614
Exo_3:20........let/you go And I/will..... 90/2614
Exo_9:28........let/you go and ye/shall.. 110/2614
Exo_10:10.......let/you go and your/little 114/2614
Exo_11:1........let/you go he/shall...... 119/2614
Exo_11:1........let/you go hence/when.... 118/2614
Deu_1:8......before/you go in/and........ 390/2614
Exo_3:19........let/you go no/not......... 89/2614
2Ki_2:18.......unto/you Go not/And....... 832/2614
Act_16:36.......let/you go now/therefore 1952/2614
Exo_8:28........let/you go that/ye....... 108/2614
Lev_26:13......made/you go upright/But... 279/2614
Jos_22:28.......and/you God forbid/that.. 637/2614
Act_17:23......unto/you God that/made... 1954/2614
Exo_20:23......unto/you gods/of.......... 157/2614
Jos_24:20......done/you good And the/people 682/2614
Deu_28:63........do/you good and to/multiply 551/2614
Pro_4:2........give/you good doctrine/forsake 954/2614
Luk_6:38.......unto/you good measure/pressed 1615/2614
Luk_2:10......bring/you good tidings/of. 1589/2614
Heb_13:24....salute/you Grace/be........ 2497/2614
2Co_7:3........with/you Great is my boldness/of 2176/2614
2Co_7:4......toward/you great is my glorying/of 2177/2614
Jos_23:9.....before/you great nations/and 644/2614
2Sa_7:23........for/you great things/and. 803/2614
Joh_15:12.....loved/you Greater/love.... 1853/2614
2Co_13:11......with/you Greet one/another 2254/2614
1Co_16:20.....greet/you Greet ye/one.... 2138/2614
Mat_11:21........in/you had/been........ 1434/2614
Exo_9:8..........to/you handfuls/of...... 109/2614
1Co_14:26........of/you hath a/psalm.... 2117/2614
Eph_2:1.........And/you hath he/quickened 2302/2614
1Sa_22:8.........of/you have conspired/against 788/2614
Luk_23:14....before/you have found/no... 1742/2614
1Co_6:1..........of/you having a matter/against 2075/2614
Luk_17:7.........of/you having a servant/plowing 1701/2614
Luk_15:4.........of/you having an/hundred 1692/2614
2Pe_2:13.......with/you Having eyes/full 2559/2614
Rev_12:12......unto/you having great/wrath 2610/2614
Mat_18:13......unto/you he rejoiceth/more 1457/2614
Deu_1:30.....before/you he shall fight/for 406/2614
Mat_10:42......unto/you he shall in/no.. 1429/2614
Jer_21:9....besiege/you he shall live/and 1048/2614
Mar_9:41.......unto/you he shall not/lose 1549/2614
Joh_6:47.......unto/you He that believeth on me hath/everlasting 1770/2614
Joh_14:12......unto/you He that believeth on me the/works 1827/2614
1Jn_3:7.....deceive/you he that doeth/righteousness 2587/2614
Joh_10:1.......unto/you He that entereth/not 1799/2614
Joh_14:20........in/you He that hath/my. 1834/2614
Joh_5:24.......unto/you He that heareth/my 1757/2614
Rom_8:11.........in/you he that raised/up 2002/2614
Joh_13:20......unto/you He that receiveth/whomsoever 1814/2614
1Sa_8:11.......over/you He will/take..... 745/2614
Luk_10:16...heareth/you heareth/me...... 1640/2614
Jer_27:16......unto/you Hearken/not..... 1080/2614
Jos_4:3........Take/you hence out/of..... 600/2614
Zec_6:7.........Get/you hence walk/to... 1346/2614
Joh_15:14...command/you Henceforth/I.... 1854/2614
Jos_18:6........for/you here/before...... 623/2614
Mat_26:64......unto/you Hereafter shall/ye 1523/2614
Joh_1:51.......unto/you Hereafter ye/shall 1750/2614
Joh_15:7.......unto/you Herein/is....... 1849/2614
Num_16:17........of/you his censer/And... 345/2614
Deu_4:13.......unto/you his covenant/which 439/2614
1Sa_12:22......make/you his people/Moreover 772/2614
Mic_1:11.........of/you his standing/For 1315/2614
Joh_16:23........it/you Hitherto/have... 1893/2614
Col_1:22....present/you holy/and........ 2354/2614
Deu_1:11...promised/you How can/I........ 396/2614
Mat_17:17......with/you how long shall I suffer you bring him hither/to 1451/2614
Mar_9:19.......with/you how long shall I suffer you bring him unto/me 1546/2614
1Sa_14:29......pray/you how mine/eyes.... 778/2614
Mat_17:20......unto/you Howbeit/this.... 1454/2614
Jos_24:20........do/you hurt and/consume. 680/2614
Gen_31:29........do/you hurt but/the...... 32/2614
Mar_7:6..........of/you hypocrites/as... 1541/2614
Joh_5:42.........in/you I am come/in.... 1761/2614
2Co_7:4..........of/you I am filled/with 2178/2614
2Co_7:14.........of/you I am not ashamed/but 2187/2614
Job_12:3.........as/you I am not inferior/to 919/2614
Joh_10:7.......unto/you I am the door/of 1800/2614
Lev_19:28......upon/you I am the LORD Do/not 222/2614
Jdg_6:10.......unto/you I am the LORD your/God 697/2614
2Co_1:23......spare/you I came/not...... 2152/2614
Gal_4:19.........in/you I desire/to..... 2281/2614
2Co_12:17......unto/you I desired/Titus. 2242/2614
2Co_7:12.......unto/you I did/it........ 2183/2614
1Pe_5:1.......among/you I exhort/who.... 2538/2614
Joh_14:28......unto/you I go away/and... 1842/2614
Joh_14:2.......told/you I go to/prepare. 1821/2614
Isa_46:4......carry/you I have made/and.. 995/2614
Mat_8:10.......unto/you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel And I/say 1413/2614
Luk_7:9........unto/you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel And they/that 1618/2614
Isa_41:24..chooseth/you I have raised/up. 991/2614
Mat_25:12......unto/you I know you not Watch/therefore 1509/2614
Luk_13:27......tell/you I know you not whence ye are depart/from 1683/2614
Luk_13:25......unto/you I know you not whence ye are Then/shall 1681/2614
Dan_6:25.......unto/you I make/a........ 1275/2614
1Co_11:17......unto/you I praise/you.... 2098/2614
Deu_9:25....destroy/you I prayed/therefore 483/2614
Rev_2:24.......unto/you I say and/unto.. 2608/2614
Mar_13:37......unto/you I say unto/all.. 1576/2614
Rom_15:29......unto/you I shall/come.... 2022/2614
Joh_14:10......unto/you I speak not/of.. 1826/2614
Joh_8:37.........in/you I speak that/which 1791/2614
Rom_16:21....salute/you I Tertius/who... 2033/2614
Num_12:6......among/you I the/LORD....... 316/2614
Dan_4:1........unto/you I thought/it.... 1274/2614
2Th_2:5........with/you I told/you...... 2448/2614
Joh_14:3........for/you I will come/again 1823/2614
Jer_42:4.....answer/you I will declare/it 1118/2614
Mar_14:25......unto/you I will drink/no. 1583/2614
Lev_26:16......unto/you I will even/appoint 280/2614
Jer_42:4.......unto/you I will keep/nothing 1119/2614
Pro_1:23.......unto/you I will make/known 951/2614
Luk_22:16......unto/you I will not any/more 1728/2614
Mat_26:29......unto/you I will not drink henceforth/of 1519/2614
Luk_22:18......unto/you I will not drink of/the 1729/2614
Joh_14:17........in/you I will not leave/you 1831/2614
2Ch_10:11......upon/you I will put/more.. 862/2614
Lev_26:36........of/you I will send/a.... 301/2614
2Jn_1:12.......unto/you I would/not..... 2593/2614
Deu_22:21.....among/you If a man be/found 538/2614
2Co_11:20........of/you if a man exalt/himself 2229/2614
Joh_8:51.......unto/you If a man keep/my 1795/2614
2Co_11:20....devour/you if a man take/of 2228/2614
1Co_3:16.........in/you If any man defile/the 2057/2614
Exo_24:14......with/you if any man have/any 162/2614
Rom_15:24........by/you if first/I...... 2020/2614
Act_18:21......unto/you if God/will..... 1956/2614
Job_6:28.......unto/you if I/lie......... 916/2614
1Co_16:7.......with/you if the/Lord..... 2131/2614
Deu_17:7......among/you If there/arise... 527/2614
Joh_15:20.persecute/you if they/have.... 1867/2614
Deu_13:11.....among/you If thou shalt/hear 516/2614
Gen_43:3.......with/you If thou wilt/send. 52/2614
1Pe_3:13.......harm/you if ye be/followers 2529/2614
Jdg_14:12......unto/you if ye can/certainly 722/2614
Job_13:10...reprove/you if ye do/secretly 923/2614
Mat_18:35......unto/you if ye from/your. 1461/2614
Mat_21:21......unto/you If ye have faith and/doubt 1474/2614
Mat_17:20......unto/you If ye have faith as/a 1453/2614
Joh_14:28......unto/you If ye loved/me.. 1843/2614
2Ch_30:9.......from/you if ye return/unto 892/2614
Joh_15:18.....hated/you If ye were/of... 1863/2614
Gen_34:15......unto/you If ye will be/as.. 37/2614
1Sa_12:13......over/you If ye will fear/the 768/2614
Mal_2:1.........for/you If ye will not/hear 1362/2614
Rom_1:13.......have/you ignorant brethren/that 1993/2614
2Co_1:8........have/you ignorant of/our. 2143/2614
1Co_12:1.......have/you ignorant Ye/know 2109/2614
Zec_7:10.........of/you imagine evil against/his 1348/2614
Zec_8:17.........of/you imagine evil in/your 1351/2614
2Ch_19:11......over/you in all matters/of 878/2614
1Th_3:7........over/you in all our/affliction 2409/2614
2Co_12:12.....among/you in all patience/in 2232/2614
2Co_11:6......among/you in all things Have/I 2221/2614
2Co_7:16.........in/you in all things Moreover/brethren 2191/2614
1Co_5:9........unto/you in an/epistle... 2073/2614
2Pe_3:1........unto/you in both/which... 2560/2614
Jer_29:10....toward/you in causing/you.. 1086/2614
2Co_1:21.......with/you in Christ and/hath 2151/2614
Phl_1:6..........in/you in Christ Jesus/For 2473/2614
2Co_5:20.......pray/you in Christ's/stead 2170/2614
Mat_10:27......tell/you in darkness/that 1427/2614
1Pe_5:6.......exalt/you in due/time..... 2541/2614
Exo_3:16.........to/you in Egypt And/I.... 87/2614
Deu_1:30........for/you in Egypt before your eyes And/in 408/2614
Deu_4:34........for/you in Egypt before your eyes Unto/thee 451/2614
2Th_2:17...stablish/you in every/good... 2453/2614
Heb_13:22......unto/you in few/words.... 2494/2614
Col_1:5.........for/you in heaven/whereof 2348/2614
2Co_2:1..........to/you in heaviness/For 2153/2614
Deu_4:15.......unto/you in Horeb/out..... 442/2614
Col_2:16......judge/you in meat/or...... 2364/2614
Rom_15:15...putting/you in mind/because. 2015/2614
Eze_22:20....gather/you in mine/anger... 1207/2614
Mat_26:29......with/you in my Father's/kingdom 1520/2614
Php_1:7........have/you in my heart/inasmuch 2322/2614
Rom_15:24.......see/you in my journey/and 2019/2614
Jer_29:21......unto/you in my name Behold/I 1097/2614
Jer_29:9.......unto/you in my name I/have 1084/2614
Eph_1:16.........of/you in my prayers/That 2300/2614
1Th_1:2..........of/you in our/prayers.. 2383/2614
Eph_5:33.........of/you in particular/so 2313/2614
Psa_50:22......tear/you in pieces/and.... 941/2614
Col_4:12........for/you in prayers/that. 2376/2614
Joh_16:25......unto/you in proverbs but I/shall 1895/2614
Joh_16:25......unto/you in proverbs but the/time 1894/2614
2Pe_1:13....putting/you in remembrance Knowing/that 2555/2614
Jud_1:5.........put/you in remembrance though/ye 2599/2614
2Sa_1:24....clothed/you in scarlet/with.. 797/2614
Deu_1:44..destroyed/you in Seir/even..... 418/2614
Mat_7:15.........to/you in sheep's/clothing 1411/2614
Rom_15:15......unto/you in some/sort.... 2014/2614
1Sa_8:18.......hear/you in that day/Nevertheless 747/2614
Mar_13:11.....given/you in that hour/that 1571/2614
Luk_17:34......tell/you in that night/there 1705/2614
Deu_23:16.....among/you in that place/which 542/2614
Mat_10:19.....given/you in that same/hour 1423/2614
Eze_11:11.....judge/you in the border of Israel And ye shall know that I am the LORD for/ye 1170/2614
Eze_11:10.....judge/you in the border of Israel and ye shall know that I am the LORD This/city 1169/2614
2Th_1:4..........in/you in the churches/of 2439/2614
Jdg_9:2........pray/you in the ears of all/the 707/2614
Gen_50:4.......pray/you in the ears of Pharaoh/saying 77/2614
Exo_16:8.......give/you in the evening/flesh 145/2614
Eze_22:21......upon/you in the fire/of.. 1211/2614
2Ch_12:5.......left/you in the hand/of... 867/2614
Rut_1:9..........of/you in the house/of.. 733/2614
2Ch_19:6.......with/you in the judgment/Wherefore 874/2614
Est_8:8......liketh/you in the king's/name 915/2614
Num_32:30.....among/you in the land of/Canaan 376/2614
Num_33:55.......vex/you in the land wherein/ye 380/2614
Gen_49:1.....befall/you in the last/days.. 76/2614
Deu_31:29....befall/you in the latter/days 572/2614
1Th_5:12.......over/you in the Lord and/admonish 2428/2614
Rom_16:22....salute/you in the Lord Gaius/mine 2034/2614
Num_25:18..beguiled/you in the matter/of. 362/2614
Jos_7:13......among/you In the morning/therefore 611/2614
Deu_9:10.......with/you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly And it/came 475/2614
Deu_10:4.......unto/you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly and the/LORD 484/2614
2Co_13:1.........to/you In the mouth/of. 2248/2614
Act_2:38.........of/you in the name of Jesus/Christ 1916/2614
Psa_129:8.....bless/you in the name of the/LORD 949/2614
Deu_16:11.....among/you in the place/which 525/2614
Luk_12:12.....teach/you in the same/hour 1666/2614
2Co_7:12........for/you in the sight/of. 2184/2614
Lev_25:21......upon/you in the sixth/year 256/2614
Col_2:5........with/you in the spirit/joying 2360/2614
Mar_14:49......with/you in the temple teaching/and 1585/2614
Luk_22:53......with/you in the temple ye/stretched 1739/2614
Jdg_10:14...deliver/you in the time/of... 720/2614
Mat_21:32......unto/you in the way/of... 1480/2614
Luk_19:30...against/you in the which/at. 1711/2614
Deu_11:5.......unto/you in the wilderness until/ye 487/2614
Exo_16:32.......fed/you in the wilderness when/I 150/2614
Mat_10:17...scourge/you in their/synagogues 1421/2614
Mat_10:23.persecute/you in this city/flee 1425/2614
1Co_11:22....praise/you in this I/praise 2104/2614
1Sa_30:24......unto/you in this matter/but 794/2614
Jer_44:29....punish/you in this place/that 1146/2614
Gal_5:21.......told/you in time/past.... 2294/2614
2Co_7:14.........to/you in truth/even... 2188/2614
Act_3:26......bless/you in turning/away. 1924/2614
Exo_6:8.......bring/you in unto/the...... 103/2614
1Co_2:3........with/you in weakness/and. 2053/2614
1Th_1:5........unto/you in word/only.... 2384/2614
Num_15:14.....among/you in your generations/and 329/2614
Eze_37:14.....place/you in your own/land 1258/2614
Mat_25:45......unto/you Inasmuch as ye did/it 1513/2614
Mat_25:40......unto/you Inasmuch as ye have/done 1512/2614
Luk_14:28........of/you intending/to.... 1690/2614
Jer_2:7.....brought/you into a/plentiful 1011/2614
Joh_16:13.....guide/you into all/truth.. 1885/2614
2Co_11:20.....bring/you into bondage/if. 2227/2614
Jer_29:16......with/you into captivity/Thus 1096/2614
Luk_16:9....receive/you into everlasting/habitations 1696/2614
Mar_14:28....before/you into Galilee But/Peter 1584/2614
Mat_26:32....before/you into Galilee Peter/answered 1521/2614
Mar_16:7.....before/you into Galilee there shall ye see him as/he 1587/2614
Mat_28:7.....before/you into Galilee there shall ye see him lo/I 1526/2614
Act_1:11.......from/you into heaven/shall 1911/2614
Jos_3:11.....before/you into Jordan/Now.. 597/2614
2Co_1:16.........by/you into Macedonia/and 2146/2614
1Sa_17:47......give/you into our/hands... 783/2614
Rev_2:10.........of/you into prison/that 2605/2614
1Co_4:17......bring/you into remembrance/of 2067/2614
Isa_55:12....before/you into singing/and 1003/2614
Rom_15:28........by/you into Spain/And.. 2021/2614
Eze_20:37.....bring/you into the bond/of 1197/2614
Gal_1:6......called/you into the grace/of 2258/2614
Eze_11:9....deliver/you into the hands/of 1167/2614
Eze_37:12.....bring/you into the land of Israel And/ye 1255/2614
Eze_20:42.....bring/you into the land of Israel into/the 1204/2614
Jos_24:8....brought/you into the land of the/Amorites 667/2614
Eze_22:19....gather/you into the midst/of 1206/2614
Num_14:25.......get/you into the wilderness by/the 319/2614
Eze_20:35.....bring/you into the wilderness of/the 1193/2614
Num_22:13.......Get/you into your land/for 358/2614
Eze_36:24.....bring/you into your own/land 1235/2614
Gen_19:2.......pray/you into your servant's/house 21/2614
Deu_5:30........Get/you into your tents/again 455/2614
Joh_6:70.........of/you is a/devil...... 1778/2614
Luk_2:11.......unto/you is born/this.... 1590/2614
Act_17:3.......unto/you is Christ/And... 1953/2614
1Pe_1:15.....called/you is holy/so...... 2522/2614
Jdg_8:2..........of/you Is not/the....... 699/2614
Hag_1:10.......over/you is stayed/from.. 1332/2614
2Co_1:7..........of/you is stedfast/knowing 2142/2614
Act_13:26........to/you is the/word..... 1937/2614
Ezr_7:21.........of/you it be/done....... 905/2614
Dan_3:4..........To/you it is commanded/O 1272/2614
Mat_19:24......unto/you It is easier/for 1465/2614
Php_1:29.......unto/you it is given in/the 2329/2614
Luk_8:10.......Unto/you it is given to know the mysteries/of 1623/2614
Mar_4:11.......Unto/you it is given to know the mystery/of 1535/2614
Php_3:1.........for/you it is safe/Beware 2337/2614
Gen_1:29.........to/you it shall be for/meat 2/2614
Mar_6:11.......unto/you It shall be more tolerable for Sodom/and 1540/2614
Mat_10:15......unto/you It shall be more tolerable for the/land 1418/2614
Mat_11:22......unto/you It shall be more tolerable for Tyre/and 1435/2614
Luk_11:51......unto/you It shall be required/of 1659/2614
Lev_19:23......unto/you it shall not/be.. 220/2614
Jos_8:8...commanded/you Joshua/therefore. 612/2614
Joh_7:19.........of/you keepeth/the..... 1781/2614
Jam_5:4..........of/you kept/back....... 2511/2614
Jos_2:12.....shewed/you kindness/that.... 590/2614
Jos_23:12........to/you Know for/a....... 651/2614
1Co_11:3.......have/you know that/the... 2096/2614
1Co_9:23.......with/you Know ye/not..... 2088/2614
Gal_4:11.......upon/you labour/in....... 2273/2614
Jam_1:5..........of/you lack/wisdom..... 2499/2614
Luk_11:52......unto/you lawyers/for..... 1660/2614
1Co_16:2.........of/you lay/by.......... 2127/2614
Gal_4:11.........of/you lest I/have..... 2272/2614
Deu_6:15......among/you lest the/anger... 461/2614
2Co_2:3........unto/you lest when/I..... 2155/2614
Deu_1:42......among/you lest ye be/smitten 414/2614
Jos_24:27......unto/you lest ye deny/your 685/2614
Gal_1:8........unto/you let him be accursed/As 2261/2614
Luk_22:26.....among/you let him be as/the 1732/2614
Mat_20:26.....among/you let him be your minister/And 1469/2614
Mat_20:27.....among/you let him be your servant/Even 1470/2614
Jam_5:14......among/you let him call/for 2514/2614
Joh_8:7.......among/you let him first/cast 1784/2614
Jam_3:13......among/you let him shew/out 2504/2614
Job_6:29.......pray/you let it/not....... 917/2614
Rut_2:7........pray/you let me/glean..... 735/2614
Joh_14:27......unto/you Let not/your.... 1841/2614
Neh_5:10.......pray/you let us/leave..... 910/2614
Deu_30:19....before/you life/and......... 567/2614
Joh_4:35.......unto/you Lift/up......... 1754/2614
1Co_16:13......quit/you like/men........ 2134/2614
1Jn_2:13.......unto/you little children because ye/have 2574/2614
1Jn_2:12.......unto/you little children because your/sins 2570/2614
Rom_12:18........in/you live/peaceably.. 2010/2614
Mar_13:21........to/you Lo here is Christ or lo/he 1572/2614
Mat_24:23......unto/you Lo here is Christ or there/believe 1503/2614
Jdg_8:5........pray/you loaves/of........ 701/2614
Mat_5:44.......unto/you Love/your....... 1390/2614
1Sa_9:12.....before/you make haste/now... 748/2614
Luk_16:9.......unto/you Make to/yourselves 1695/2614
Isa_1:16.......Wash/you make you/clean... 961/2614
Eph_1:16........for/you making/mention.. 2299/2614
Eze_36:11......upon/you man and beast/and 1227/2614
Jer_44:7.......from/you man and woman/child 1140/2614
Deu_29:18.....among/you man or/woman..... 562/2614
Mat_23:35......upon/you may/come........ 1495/2614
2Jn_1:3........with/you mercy and/peace. 2591/2614
Gen_43:14......give/you mercy before/the.. 54/2614
Job_32:6.......shew/you mine/opinion..... 933/2614
Psa_115:14.increase/you more and/more.... 944/2614
Act_4:19.......unto/you more than/unto.. 1929/2614
Heb_9:20.......unto/you Moreover/he..... 2481/2614
Joh_6:32.......unto/you Moses/gave...... 1766/2614
Exo_30:36......unto/you most/holy........ 166/2614
Num_34:7........for/you mount/Hor........ 383/2614
1Co_16:19....salute/you much/in......... 2137/2614
1Co_1:11.........of/you my brethren by/them 2045/2614
Rom_15:14........of/you my brethren that/ye 2013/2614
Job_17:10.....among/you My days/are...... 930/2614
Luk_12:4.......unto/you my friends/Be... 1661/2614
Gal_4:18.......with/you My little/children 2280/2614
1Co_16:23......with/you My love/be...... 2139/2614
Joh_14:27......with/you my peace/I...... 1839/2614
Joh_10:26......unto/you My sheep/hear... 1802/2614
Deu_1:9........bear/you myself alone/The. 392/2614
2Sa_18:2.......with/you myself also/But.. 811/2614
Luk_13:5.......tell/you Nay but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish He/spake 1678/2614
Luk_13:3.......tell/you Nay but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Or/those 1677/2614
Luk_12:51......tell/you Nay but rather/division 1676/2614
1Co_12:21........of/you Nay much/more... 2111/2614
Num_16:9......bring/you near/to.......... 344/2614
2Th_3:7.......among/you Neither did/we.. 2460/2614
Jer_29:8....deceive/you neither hearken/to 1083/2614
Isa_36:14...deliver/you Neither let/Hezekiah 986/2614
Jos_23:7......among/you neither make/mention 643/2614
Gen_9:11.......with/you neither shall all/flesh 12/2614
Jdg_8:23.......over/you neither shall my/son 703/2614
Deu_4:2.....command/you neither shall ye/diminish 432/2614
Lev_11:35......unto/you Nevertheless a/fountain 196/2614
2Co_12:16....burden/you nevertheless being/crafty 2239/2614
Jon_1:12.......upon/you Nevertheless the/men 1313/2614
Php_3:15.......unto/you Nevertheless whereto/we 2338/2614
Deu_13:7......about/you nigh/unto........ 515/2614
Act_15:28......upon/you no greater/burden 1951/2614
Jer_25:6.........do/you no hurt/Yet..... 1064/2614
Lev_26:1.......make/you no idols/nor..... 263/2614
Jos_23:9........for/you no man/hath...... 645/2614
Exo_12:16........to/you no manner/of..... 129/2614
Jdg_10:13...deliver/you no more/Go....... 719/2614
1Co_6:5.......among/you no not/one...... 2077/2614
Luk_4:24.......unto/you No prophet/is... 1597/2614
2Ki_10:23......with/you none of/the...... 839/2614
Rev_2:24.......upon/you none other/burden 2609/2614
Jer_44:7......leave/you none to/remain.. 1141/2614
Jer_37:19...against/you nor against/this 1113/2614
Deu_7:7........upon/you nor choose/you... 464/2614
Hos_5:13.......heal/you nor cure/you.... 1277/2614
2Sa_1:21.......upon/you nor fields/of.... 796/2614
Mar_6:11....receive/you nor hear you/when 1538/2614
Mat_10:14...receive/you nor hear your/words 1417/2614
2Ch_32:15...deceive/you nor persuade/you. 895/2614
1Th_2:6..........of/you nor yet/of...... 2390/2614
Deu_2:3........turn/you northward/And.... 420/2614
Joh_14:27......unto/you not as/the...... 1840/2614
2Th_3:8..........of/you Not because/we.. 2461/2614
1Co_11:22....praise/you not For I/have.. 2105/2614
1Co_7:5.......tempt/you not for your/incontinency 2081/2614
Luk_10:10...receive/you not go/your..... 1634/2614
2Co_11:11......love/you not God/knoweth. 2226/2614
Lev_20:22......spue/you not out/And...... 230/2614
Joh_15:15......call/you not servants/for 1855/2614
Exo_10:10....before/you Not so/go........ 115/2614
Act_20:29.....among/you not sparing/the. 1965/2614
Joh_6:32.......gave/you not that bread/from 1767/2614
1Co_11:17....praise/you not that ye/come 2099/2614
1Th_2:8........unto/you not the/gospel.. 2393/2614
Deu_20:18.....teach/you not to do/after.. 535/2614
1Co_5:11.......unto/you not to keep/company 2074/2614
Rom_12:3......among/you not to think/of. 2008/2614
Mat_25:12......know/you not Watch/therefore 1510/2614
Luk_13:27......know/you not whence ye are depart/from 1684/2614
Luk_13:25......know/you not whence ye are Then/shall 1682/2614
Deu_23:4........met/you not with/bread... 540/2614
Gal_5:2......profit/you nothing/For..... 2285/2614
Luk_10:11...against/you notwithstanding be/ye 1635/2614
Luk_10:19......hurt/you Notwithstanding in/this 1643/2614
Gal_4:20.......with/you now and/to...... 2282/2614
1Co_16:7........see/you now by/the...... 2130/2614
2Ch_15:2....forsake/you Now for/a........ 873/2614
Rom_16:16....salute/you Now I/beseech... 2029/2614
Rom_8:9..........in/you Now if/any...... 2000/2614
Job_42:8.......unto/you now seven/bullocks 937/2614
2Sa_3:17.......over/you Now then/do...... 800/2614
Jdg_20:12.....among/you Now therefore deliver/us 729/2614
Exo_10:16...against/you Now therefore forgive/I 116/2614
Jer_42:21......unto/you Now therefore know/certainly 1138/2614
1Co_1:11......among/you Now this/I...... 2046/2614
Zep_2:5.....against/you O Canaan/the.... 1326/2614
Amo_3:1.....against/you O children of Israel against/the 1294/2614
2Ch_13:12...against/you O children of Israel fight/ye 870/2614
Son_5:8......charge/you O daughters of Jerusalem if/ye 958/2614
Son_8:4......charge/you O daughters of Jerusalem that/ye 959/2614
Mic_3:1........pray/you O heads/of...... 1318/2614
Eze_20:31........by/you O house of Israel As/I 1188/2614
Eze_18:30.....judge/you O house of Israel every/one 1183/2614
Eze_20:39.......for/you O house of Israel thus saith the Lord GOD/Go 1199/2614
Jer_10:1.......unto/you O house of Israel Thus saith the LORD Learn/not 1035/2614
2Ch_20:17......with/you O Judah/and...... 881/2614
Jer_15:14......upon/you O LORD/thou..... 1039/2614
Pro_8:4........Unto/you O men/I.......... 955/2614
Eze_34:17.......for/you O my/flock...... 1218/2614
Zec_11:7.......even/you O poor/of....... 1355/2614
Mal_1:6........unto/you O priests/that.. 1358/2614
Eze_45:9....suffice/you O princes/of.... 1263/2614
Amo_4:5......liketh/you O ye children/of 1299/2614
Son_2:7......charge/you O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please The/voice 956/2614
Son_3:5......charge/you O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please Who/is 957/2614
Luk_12:28....clothe/you O ye of little faith And/seek 1671/2614
Mat_6:30.....clothe/you O ye of little faith Therefore/take 1403/2614
Jer_42:19concerning/you O ye remnant/of. 1135/2614
Hag_1:4.........for/you O ye to/dwell... 1330/2614
Mat_23:3........bid/you observe that/observe 1484/2614
Deu_12:32...command/you observe to/do.... 509/2614
2Co_5:12.......give/you occasion/to..... 2168/2614
1Co_14:25........in/you of a truth How/is 2116/2614
Luk_4:25.......tell/you of a truth many/widows 1598/2614
Luk_9:27.......tell/you of a truth there/be 1625/2614
Deu_14:10......unto/you Of all clean/birds 521/2614
Ezr_1:3.......among/you of all his people his/God 901/2614
2Ch_36:23.....among/you of all his people The/LORD 900/2614
1Jn_2:27...teacheth/you of all things/and 2585/2614
Eze_44:6....suffice/you of all your/abominations 1262/2614
Joh_3:12.......tell/you of heavenly/things 1753/2614
Php_1:28.........to/you of salvation/and 2328/2614
Jud_1:3........unto/you of the common/salvation 2596/2614
Num_15:15.......for/you of the congregation/and 330/2614
Gen_9:10.......with/you of the fowl/of.... 10/2614
Act_2:29.......unto/you of the patriarch/David 1915/2614
1Sa_30:26.......for/you of the spoil/of.. 795/2614
Num_1:5........with/you of the tribe/of.. 305/2614
Lev_11:7.........to/you Of their flesh/shall 184/2614
Deu_2:5........give/you of their land/no. 422/2614
Joh_16:4.......told/you of them And/these 1875/2614
Lev_25:45.....among/you of them shall ye buy and/of 260/2614
Lev_25:44.....about/you of them shall ye buy bondmen/and 259/2614
Isa_42:9.......tell/you of them Sing/unto 992/2614
Act_3:22.......unto/you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear in/all 1921/2614
Act_7:37.......unto/you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear This/is 1933/2614
2Ch_19:10........to/you of your brethren that/dwell 876/2614
Lev_26:22.......rob/you of your children/and 289/2614
Col_2:18....beguile/you of your reward/in 2365/2614
Hos_5:13.......cure/you of your wound/For 1278/2614
Php_3:18.......told/you often/and....... 2339/2614
Exo_19:4.......bare/you on eagles'/wings. 153/2614
Rev_18:20...avenged/you on her/And...... 2612/2614
2Co_11:20.....smite/you on the face/I... 2230/2614
Lev_23:40......take/you on the first/day. 250/2614
Lev_23:11.......for/you on the morrow/after 243/2614
Jos_22:4.......gave/you on the other/side 631/2614
Luk_13:15........of/you on the sabbath/loose 1679/2614
Exo_16:29....giveth/you on the sixth/day. 149/2614
1Pe_4:14.......upon/you on their/part... 2536/2614
2Ch_32:15..persuade/you on this manner/neither 896/2614
Jos_1:14.......gave/you on this side Jordan but/ye 582/2614
Jos_1:15.......gave/you on this side Jordan toward/the 584/2614
Joh_18:39......unto/you one at/the...... 1902/2614
1Ki_18:25....Choose/you one bullock/for.. 826/2614
Jer_3:14.......take/you one of a city/and 1015/2614
Deu_1:23.........of/you one of a tribe/And 404/2614
Mar_14:18......unto/you One of you/which 1581/2614
Mar_11:29........of/you one question/and 1563/2614
Luk_20:3........ask/you one thing and/answer 1714/2614
Luk_6:9.........ask/you one thing Is/it. 1599/2614
Mat_21:24.......ask/you one thing which/if 1475/2614
Deu_29:14......with/you only do/I........ 561/2614
Amo_3:2......saying/You only have/I..... 1295/2614
1Co_14:36......unto/you only If/any..... 2119/2614
Deu_7:14......among/you or among/your.... 469/2614
1Co_14:36......from/you or came/it...... 2118/2614
Php_1:27........see/you or else be/absent 2327/2614
Gen_42:16........in/you or else by/the.... 48/2614
Mat_12:28......unto/you Or else how/can. 1442/2614
2Co_3:1..........to/you or letters/of... 2163/2614
1Co_4:3..........of/you or of man's/judgment 2059/2614
Num_9:10.........of/you or of your/posterity 307/2614
2Co_8:23.concerning/you or our/brethren. 2198/2614
Jdg_9:2........over/you or that/one...... 709/2614
1Co_1:13........for/you or were/ye...... 2048/2614
Num_15:14......with/you or whosoever/be.. 328/2614
2Co_6:11.......unto/you our/heart....... 2172/2614
Mal_3:10.......pour/you out a blessing/that 1370/2614
Deu_1:33.....search/you out a place/to... 410/2614
Lev_18:28.......not/you out also/when.... 217/2614
Jos_24:5....brought/you out And I/brought 665/2614
Jer_27:15.....drive/you out and that/ye. 1077/2614
Jer_27:10.....drive/you out and ye/should 1074/2614
Num_32:23......find/you out Build/you.... 371/2614
Isa_66:5.......cast/you out for/my...... 1009/2614
Exo_16:6....brought/you out from the land/of 144/2614
Eze_20:41.....bring/you out from the people and gather/you 1201/2614
Eze_20:34.....bring/you out from the people and will/gather 1191/2614
Exo_13:3....brought/you out from this/place 138/2614
Exo_6:7....bringeth/you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians And I will bring/you 102/2614
Exo_6:6.......bring/you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will rid/you 97/2614
Exo_11:1.....thrust/you out hence/altogether 120/2614
Eze_36:24....gather/you out of all countries/and 1234/2614
1Sa_10:19.....saved/you out of all your/adversities 754/2614
1Pe_2:9......called/you out of darkness/into 2526/2614
Jos_24:10.delivered/you out of his hand And/you 672/2614
2Ki_18:29...deliver/you out of his hand Neither/let 849/2614
2Ch_32:15...deliver/you out of mine hand And/his 897/2614
2Ch_32:14...deliver/you out of mine hand Now/therefore 894/2614
Dan_3:15....deliver/you out of my hands/Shadrach 1273/2614
Jer_23:39......cast/you out of my presence/And 1059/2614
Jer_7:15.......cast/you out of my sight/as 1029/2614
Eze_11:17..assemble/you out of the countries where/ye 1174/2614
Eze_20:34....gather/you out of the countries wherein ye are/scattered 1192/2614
Eze_20:41....gather/you out of the countries wherein ye have/been 1202/2614
Exo_10:5........for/you out of the field/And 112/2614
2Ki_17:39...deliver/you out of the hand of all/your 846/2614
Jdg_9:17..delivered/you out of the hand of Midian/And 714/2614
1Sa_10:18.delivered/you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all kingdoms/and 752/2614
Jdg_6:9...delivered/you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all that/oppressed 693/2614
Exo_18:10.delivered/you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh/who 152/2614
1Sa_7:3.....deliver/you out of the hand of the Philistines/Then 743/2614
1Sa_12:11.delivered/you out of the hand of your/enemies 766/2614
Deu_13:5...redeemed/you out of the house of bondage/to 514/2614
Deu_7:8....redeemed/you out of the house of bondmen/from 468/2614
Psa_118:26..blessed/you out of the house of the/LORD 946/2614
Deu_13:5....brought/you out of the land of Egypt and/redeemed 513/2614
Lev_19:36...brought/you out of the land of Egypt Therefore/shall 226/2614
Lev_22:33...brought/you out of the land of Egypt to be your God I am the LORD And/the 241/2614
Num_15:41...brought/you out of the land of Egypt to be your God I am the LORD your/God 337/2614
Deu_4:12.......unto/you out of the midst of/the 438/2614
Eze_11:9......bring/you out of the midst thereof/and 1166/2614
Joh_16:2........put/you out of the synagogues/yea 1871/2614
Isa_30:11.......Get/you out of the way/turn 973/2614
Joh_15:19....chosen/you out of the world/therefore 1864/2614
Exo_6:6.........rid/you out of their bondage/and 98/2614
Jdg_10:12.delivered/you out of their hand/Yet 718/2614
Jer_16:13......cast/you out of this land into/a 1040/2614
Gen_50:24.....bring/you out of this land unto/the 81/2614
Gen_19:14.......get/you out of this place/for 25/2614
Job_13:9.....search/you out or/as........ 922/2614
Deu_7:8.....brought/you out with/a....... 467/2614
Num_32:29......with/you over Jordan/every 373/2614
Deu_2:13........get/you over the/brook... 423/2614
Act_20:28......made/you overseers/to.... 1964/2614
Jer_3:15.......give/you pastors/according 1017/2614
2Th_3:16.......give/you peace always/by. 2466/2614
Joh_14:26......unto/you Peace I/leave... 1838/2614
Heb_13:21......Make/you perfect in/every 2491/2614
1Pe_5:10.......make/you perfect stablish/strengthen 2543/2614
Luk_11:43......unto/you Pharisees for ye love/the 1655/2614
Luk_11:42......unto/you Pharisees for ye tithe/mint 1654/2614
Rom_16:1.......unto/you Phebe/our....... 2027/2614
Joh_16:25......shew/you plainly/of...... 1896/2614
Gen_34:10.......get/you possessions/therein 36/2614
Luk_10:19......unto/you power/to........ 1642/2614
Heb_13:17.......for/you Pray/for........ 2488/2614
1Sa_23:22......pray/you prepare/yet...... 790/2614
2Ch_13:9.......made/you priests/after.... 869/2614
Mat_23:34......unto/you prophets/and.... 1494/2614
Act_20:20....taught/you publickly/and... 1961/2614
1Th_5:18.concerning/you Quench/not...... 2431/2614
1Sa_4:9..........to/you quit/yourselves.. 736/2614
Lev_26:4.......give/you rain/in.......... 265/2614
Col_4:10.......unto/you receive/him..... 2373/2614
Gal_3:2..........of/you Received/ye..... 2268/2614
Mat_10:40.receiveth/you receiveth/me.... 1428/2614
Gal_4:15.......bear/you record/that..... 2276/2614
Act_5:38.......unto/you Refrain/from.... 1931/2614
Jdg_9:2........over/you remember also/that 710/2614
Joh_15:19....hateth/you Remember the/word 1865/2614
Jos_1:13......given/you rest and/hath.... 580/2614
Deu_12:10....giveth/you rest from/all.... 506/2614
1Ch_22:18.....given/you rest on/every.... 859/2614
Mat_11:28......give/you rest Take/my.... 1438/2614
Jer_18:11...against/you return/ye....... 1044/2614
Col_3:16.........in/you richly/in....... 2367/2614
Jer_25:3.......unto/you rising early and speaking but ye have/not 1061/2614
Jer_35:14......unto/you rising early and speaking but ye hearkened/not 1105/2614
Jer_7:13.......unto/you rising up/early. 1026/2614
1Co_1:12.........of/you saith I/am...... 2047/2614
Jer_23:33...forsake/you saith the LORD And as/for 1054/2614
Jer_29:14....driven/you saith the LORD and I will bring/you 1093/2614
Jer_29:14........of/you saith the LORD and I will turn/away 1091/2614
Hag_1:13.......with/you saith the LORD And the/LORD 1333/2614
Jer_2:9........with/you saith the LORD and with/your 1012/2614
Eze_11:8.......upon/you saith the Lord GOD And I will bring/you 1165/2614
Eze_20:36......with/you saith the Lord GOD And I will cause/you 1195/2614
Eze_13:8....against/you saith the Lord GOD And mine/hand 1177/2614
Eze_43:27....accept/you saith the Lord GOD Then/he 1261/2614
Hag_2:4........with/you saith the LORD of hosts According/to 1335/2614
Zec_1:3........unto/you saith the LORD of hosts Be/ye 1341/2614
Mal_3:7........unto/you saith the LORD of hosts But/ye 1368/2614
Mal_1:10.........in/you saith the LORD of hosts neither/will 1361/2614
Jer_44:29......unto/you saith the LORD that/I 1145/2614
Jer_29:11....toward/you saith the LORD thoughts/of 1088/2614
Jer_34:17.......for/you saith the LORD to/the 1102/2614
Jer_8:17.......bite/you saith the LORD When/I 1034/2614
Mal_1:2.......loved/you saith the LORD Yet/ye 1357/2614
Heb_13:23.......see/you Salute all/them. 2495/2614
Col_4:14......greet/you Salute the/brethren 2378/2614
1Pe_5:13.......with/you saluteth/you.... 2546/2614
1Co_2:2.......among/you save/Jesus...... 2052/2614
Jam_2:16.........of/you say unto/them... 2503/2614
Luk_17:10.commanded/you say We/are...... 1702/2614
Jer_27:16......unto/you saying Behold/the 1079/2614
Gen_42:22......unto/you saying Do/not..... 49/2614
Jer_6:17.......over/you saying Hearken/to 1023/2614
Exo_7:9........unto/you saying Shew/a.... 106/2614
Jer_37:19......unto/you saying The king/of 1112/2614
2Ki_18:32persuadeth/you saying The LORD will deliver us Hath any of the gods of the nations delivered at/all 852/2614
Isa_36:18..persuade/you saying the LORD will deliver us Hath any of the gods of the nations delivered his/land 989/2614
Jos_1:13..commanded/you saying The LORD your/God 579/2614
Mat_15:7.........of/you saying This/people 1447/2614
1Sa_10:2........for/you saying What/shall 750/2614
Gen_42:14......unto/you saying Ye are/spies 46/2614
Jer_23:38......unto/you saying Ye shall not say/The 1055/2614
Jer_27:14......unto/you saying Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon for they prophesy a lie unto you For/I 1075/2614
Jer_27:9.......unto/you saying Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon For they prophesy a lie unto you to/remove 1071/2614
Mat_23:29......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because/ye 1493/2614
Luk_11:44......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are as/graves 1656/2614
Mat_23:27......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are like/unto 1492/2614
Mat_23:15......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye compass/sea 1488/2614
Mat_23:14......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye devour/widows' 1487/2614
Mat_23:25......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye make/clean 1491/2614
Mat_23:23......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye pay/tithe 1490/2614
Mat_23:13......unto/you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye shut/up 1486/2614
1Pe_1:10.......unto/you Searching/what.. 2518/2614
Luk_17:23........to/you See/here........ 1704/2614
Num_16:3.......upon/you seeing all/the... 338/2614
2Ki_10:2.........to/you seeing your/master's 836/2614
Luk_11:9......given/you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 1649/2614
Mat_7:7.......given/you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 1407/2614
Isa_8:19.......unto/you Seek unto/them... 967/2614
Zep_2:2........upon/you Seek ye/the..... 1325/2614
Jam_1:26......among/you seem/to......... 2500/2614
1Co_3:18......among/you seemeth/to...... 2058/2614
2Co_11:8.........do/you service/And..... 2223/2614
Act_6:3.......among/you seven men/of.... 1932/2614
Lev_26:28..chastise/you seven times for/your 297/2614
Lev_26:18....punish/you seven times more/for 286/2614
Mat_18:19........of/you shall agree/on.. 1460/2614
Lev_18:6.........of/you shall approach/to 213/2614
Jer_50:12......bare/you shall be ashamed/behold 1153/2614
Gen_17:10.....among/you shall be circumcised/And 17/2614
Lev_19:34......with/you shall be unto/you 223/2614
Gen_9:2..........of/you shall be upon/every 4/2614
Mar_10:43.....among/you shall be your minister/And 1556/2614
Mat_23:11.....among/you shall be your servant/And 1485/2614
Gal_5:10..troubleth/you shall bear/his.. 2291/2614
Mat_26:21........of/you shall betray me And/they 1518/2614
Joh_13:21........of/you shall betray me Then/the 1816/2614
Jos_23:10........of/you shall chase a/thousand 647/2614
Lev_26:8.........of/you shall chase an/hundred 268/2614
Exo_35:10.....among/you shall come/and... 173/2614
Lev_17:12........of/you shall eat/blood.. 209/2614
Exo_12:22........of/you shall go/out..... 132/2614
Luk_11:5.........of/you shall have a/friend 1646/2614
Luk_14:5.........of/you shall have an/ass 1688/2614
1Co_11:22........to/you shall I/praise.. 2103/2614
Eze_36:36.....about/you shall know/that. 1248/2614
Lev_26:39........of/you shall pine/away.. 303/2614
Lev_26:8.........of/you shall put/ten.... 269/2614
Lev_26:17......hate/you shall reign/over. 283/2614
Eze_6:9..........of/you shall remember/me 1163/2614
Jer_37:7.......help/you shall return/to. 1110/2614
Luk_21:16........of/you shall they/cause 1722/2614
Lev_18:3......bring/you shall ye/not..... 212/2614
1Co_4:19.........to/you shortly/if...... 2069/2614
2Co_9:3..........of/you should be/in.... 2201/2614
1Th_4:4..........of/you should know/how. 2417/2614
Heb_4:1..........of/you should seem/to.. 2477/2614
Jos_6:10........bid/you shout/then....... 607/2614
Col_1:6..........in/you since the/day... 2350/2614
Col_1:3.........for/you Since we/heard.. 2347/2614
2Ch_28:10......with/you sins/against..... 887/2614
Mar_13:36......find/you sleeping/And.... 1575/2614
2Sa_13:28......unto/you Smite/Amnon...... 804/2614
Col_3:13....forgave/you so also/do...... 2366/2614
Jos_23:15..promised/you so shall the/LORD 658/2614
Jer_11:4....command/you so shall ye/be.. 1036/2614
1Co_1:6..........in/you So that/ye...... 2041/2614
1Ki_22:28........of/you So the king/of... 828/2614
Deu_28:63..multiply/you so the LORD/will. 552/2614
Mat_28:14....secure/you So they/took.... 1528/2614
Deu_1:45.......unto/you So ye/abode...... 419/2614
Rom_1:11.......unto/you some/spiritual.. 1990/2614
Joh_16:6.......unto/you sorrow/hath..... 1879/2614
2Co_7:8........made/you sorry though/it. 2181/2614
2Co_2:2........make/you sorry who/is.... 2154/2614
2Co_7:8........made/you sorry with/a.... 2180/2614
1Th_1:8........from/you sounded/out..... 2386/2614
Exo_12:2.........to/you Speak/ye......... 123/2614
1Co_14:6.......unto/you speaking/with... 2113/2614
1Co_9:11.......unto/you spiritual/things 2086/2614
Deu_4:5......taught/you statutes and judgments even/as 436/2614
Deu_4:14......teach/you statutes and judgments that/ye 441/2614
Jos_24:10...blessed/you still/so......... 671/2614
Exo_5:10.......give/you straw Go/ye....... 93/2614
Exo_5:11........get/you straw where/ye.... 94/2614
2Co_12:20......find/you such as I/would. 2245/2614
2Co_12:20......unto/you such as ye/would 2246/2614
1Pe_4:15.........of/you suffer/as....... 2537/2614
Job_13:2.......unto/you Surely/I......... 921/2614
Mat_5:34.......unto/you Swear not/at.... 1388/2614
Jos_2:12.......pray/you swear unto/me.... 589/2614
Jos_23:10..promised/you Take good/heed... 649/2614
2Ch_19:7.......upon/you take heed and/do. 875/2614
Deu_24:7......among/you Take heed in/the. 543/2614
Deu_12:12......with/you Take heed to/thyself 508/2614
Luk_12:22......unto/you Take no thought for your life what ye shall eat neither/for 1668/2614
Mat_6:25.......unto/you Take no thought for your life what ye shall eat or/what 1400/2614
Mat_6:33.......unto/you Take therefore/no 1404/2614
Deu_2:4..........of/you take ye/good..... 421/2614
1Pe_5:2.......among/you taking/the...... 2539/2614
Jdg_19:9.......pray/you tarry all/night.. 725/2614
Num_22:19......pray/you tarry ye/also.... 360/2614
Mat_26:55......with/you teaching/in..... 1522/2614
Gal_4:20.........of/you Tell/me......... 2283/2614
Lev_26:16......over/you terror/consumption 281/2614
Eze_36:11......unto/you than at/your.... 1229/2614
1Jn_4:4..........in/you than he/that.... 2589/2614
Gal_1:8........unto/you than that which/we 2260/2614
Gal_1:9........unto/you than that ye/have 2262/2614
2Co_1:13.......unto/you than what/ye.... 2144/2614
2Co_9:14.........in/you Thanks/be....... 2207/2614
Mat_19:23......unto/you That a/rich..... 1464/2614
Luk_24:44......with/you that all/things. 1747/2614
Rom_1:15.........to/you that are at/Rome 1996/2614
2Ch_30:6.........of/you that are escaped/out 890/2614
Luk_6:25.......unto/you that are full/for 1604/2614
Luk_6:24.......unto/you that are rich/for 1603/2614
1Th_2:10......among/you that believe As/ye 2396/2614
1Th_2:13.........in/you that believe For/ye 2399/2614
Joh_6:64.........of/you that believe not/For 1775/2614
1Jn_5:13.......unto/you that believe on/the 2590/2614
Lev_22:32....hallow/you That brought/you. 240/2614
Isa_66:5......hated/you that cast/you... 1008/2614
Job_32:12........of/you that convinced/Job 935/2614
Amo_5:18.......unto/you that desire/the. 1307/2614
Lev_17:10.....among/you that eateth/any.. 207/2614
Mat_17:12......unto/you That Elias is come/already 1450/2614
Mar_9:13.......unto/you That Elias is indeed/come 1545/2614
2Ki_11:5.........of/you that enter/in.... 840/2614
1Jn_1:2........unto/you that eternal/life 2562/2614
Mat_6:29.......unto/you That even/Solomon 1402/2614
Mat_12:36......unto/you That every/idle. 1444/2614
Mat_5:20.......unto/you That except/your 1384/2614
Mal_4:2........unto/you that fear/my.... 1372/2614
Isa_50:10.....among/you that feareth/the. 998/2614
Luk_14:33........of/you that forsaketh/not 1691/2614
2Ki_11:7........all/you that go/forth.... 841/2614
Luk_3:8........unto/you That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees every/tree 1593/2614
Mat_3:9........unto/you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees therefore/every 1375/2614
1Jn_1:5........unto/you that God is light/and 2565/2614
Act_26:8.......with/you that God should/raise 1976/2614
Jer_42:12......unto/you that he may have/mercy 1129/2614
Luk_22:31......have/you that he may sift/you 1735/2614
Luk_12:37......unto/you that he shall gird/himself 1674/2614
Mat_24:47......unto/you That he shall make/him 1507/2614
Luk_18:8.......tell/you that he will avenge/them 1706/2614
Luk_12:44......unto/you that he will make/him 1675/2614
Isa_59:2.......from/you that he will not/hear 1005/2614
Amo_4:2........upon/you that he will take/you 1297/2614
Mar_4:24.......unto/you that hear/shall. 1537/2614
Php_2:19.......unto/you that I also/may. 2333/2614
Joh_18:8.......told/you that I am/he.... 1901/2614
Joh_16:7........for/you that I go/away.. 1881/2614
Deu_30:19...against/you that I have/set.. 566/2614
Gen_23:4.......with/you that I may bury/my 28/2614
Rom_1:11........see/you that I may impart/unto 1989/2614
Exo_7:4........unto/you that I may lay/my 105/2614
2Co_10:2....beseech/you that I may not/be 2211/2614
1Sa_11:2.......with/you that I may thrust/out 755/2614
Joh_16:26......unto/you that I will/pray 1897/2614
1Co_11:14.....teach/you that if a/man... 2097/2614
2Th_3:10..commanded/you that if any/would 2464/2614
Luk_19:40......tell/you that if these/should 1713/2614
Mat_18:19......unto/you That if two/of.. 1459/2614
Gal_5:2........unto/you that if ye/be... 2284/2614
Mat_18:10......unto/you That in heaven/their 1456/2614
Joh_16:33......unto/you that in me/ye... 1900/2614
Lev_16:29......unto/you that in the/seventh 200/2614
Mat_12:6.......unto/you That in this/place 1440/2614
Luk_11:11........of/you that is a/father 1651/2614
1Sa_22:8.........of/you that is sorry/for 789/2614
Jer_7:23..commanded/you that it may/be.. 1030/2614
Mat_11:24......unto/you That it shall be more tolerable for/the 1437/2614
Luk_10:12......unto/you that it shall be more tolerable in/that 1637/2614
1Th_2:1........unto/you that it was/not. 2388/2614
Luk_6:25.......unto/you that laugh/now.. 1605/2614
Luk_15:7.......unto/you that likewise/joy 1693/2614
Luk_10:24......tell/you that many prophets and kings/have 1645/2614
Mat_13:17......unto/you That many prophets and righteous/men 1446/2614
Mat_8:11.......unto/you That many shall/come 1414/2614
Mal_2:4........unto/you that my covenant/might 1365/2614
Joh_15:11......unto/you that my joy/might 1851/2614
Exo_11:9.......unto/you that my wonders/may 121/2614
Joh_6:65.......unto/you that no/man..... 1776/2614
Luk_14:24......unto/you That none/of.... 1689/2614
Lev_17:8......among/you that offereth/a.. 206/2614
Mat_26:21......unto/you that one of you shall betray me And/they 1517/2614
Joh_13:21......unto/you that one of you shall betray me Then/the 1815/2614
2Th_1:11........for/you that our/God.... 2443/2614
Hag_2:3.......among/you that saw/this... 1334/2614
Gen_45:8........not/you that sent/me...... 64/2614
Lev_26:25......upon/you that shall avenge/the 293/2614
Mat_12:11.....among/you that shall have/one 1441/2614
Luk_12:27......unto/you that Solomon/in. 1670/2614
Zec_11:9.......feed/you that that/dieth. 1356/2614
Num_16:9.......unto/you that the God/of.. 342/2614
1Co_11:23......unto/you That the Lord/Jesus 2106/2614
Mat_21:31......unto/you That the publicans/and 1478/2614
Act_28:28......unto/you that the salvation/of 1984/2614
Num_35:11.......for/you that the slayer/may 386/2614
Mar_9:1........unto/you That there be/some 1544/2614
1Co_15:12.....among/you that there is/no 2125/2614
1Co_11:19.....among/you that they/which. 2101/2614
Mar_13:30......unto/you that this generation/shall 1574/2614
Luk_21:3.......unto/you that this poor widow hath cast in/more 1716/2614
Mar_12:43......unto/you That this poor widow hath cast more/in 1566/2614
Luk_22:37......unto/you that this that/is 1738/2614
Ezr_7:24....certify/you that touching/any 906/2614
Luk_19:26......unto/you That unto/every. 1710/2614
Col_1:21........And/you that were/sometime 2353/2614
Joh_16:4.......told/you that when the/time 1874/2614
Jos_4:6.......among/you that when your/children 604/2614
Heb_13:21........in/you that which is wellpleasing/in 2492/2614
Luk_16:12......give/you that which is your/own 1697/2614
Gen_49:1.......tell/you that which shall/befall 75/2614
Mat_5:22.......unto/you That whosoever is/angry 1385/2614
Mat_5:28.......unto/you That whosoever looketh/on 1386/2614
Mat_5:32.......unto/you That whosoever shall put/away 1387/2614
Mar_11:23......unto/you That whosoever shall say/unto 1560/2614
Mal_1:10......among/you that would/shut. 1360/2614
Joh_6:36.......unto/you That ye also have/seen 1769/2614
Joh_13:34.....loved/you that ye also love/one 1820/2614
1Jn_1:3........unto/you that ye also may/have 2563/2614
2Co_9:8......toward/you that ye always/having 2204/2614
Num_14:42.....among/you that ye be/not... 324/2614
2Th_3:4....touching/you that ye both/do. 2457/2614
Joh_5:42.......know/you that ye have/not 1760/2614
Joh_13:34......unto/you That ye love one another as/I 1819/2614
Joh_15:17...command/you that ye love one another If/the 1861/2614
Lev_16:30...cleanse/you that ye may be clean/from 203/2614
Mat_5:44..persecute/you That ye may be the/children 1394/2614
1Co_16:6.......with/you that ye may bring/me 2129/2614
Rut_1:9.......grant/you that ye may find/rest 732/2614
Eze_20:20.......and/you that ye may know that I am/the 1187/2614
Joh_19:4.........to/you that ye may know that I find/no 1904/2614
Deu_5:33..commanded/you that ye may live/and 457/2614
1Th_4:11..commanded/you That ye may walk/honestly 2421/2614
Gal_4:17....exclude/you that ye might affect/them 2279/2614
Deu_6:1.......teach/you that ye might do/them 459/2614
Mat_5:39.......unto/you That ye resist/not 1389/2614
Joh_8:24.......unto/you that ye shall die/in 1785/2614
2Pe_1:8........make/you that ye shall neither/be 2551/2614
Mic_3:6........unto/you that ye shall not divine/and 1321/2614
Mic_3:6........unto/you that ye shall not have/a 1320/2614
Joh_16:20......unto/you That ye shall weep/and 1889/2614
Jud_1:3......exhort/you that ye should earnestly/contend 2598/2614
Joh_15:16..ordained/you that ye should go/and 1859/2614
Joh_16:1.......unto/you that ye should not be/offended 1870/2614
Gal_3:1...bewitched/you that ye should not obey the truth before/whose 2266/2614
Gal_5:7......hinder/you that ye should not obey the truth This/persuasion 2288/2614
Act_5:28....command/you that ye should not teach/in 1930/2614
Act_14:15......unto/you that ye should turn/from 1947/2614
1Jn_2:1........unto/you that ye sin/not. 2566/2614
Eph_4:1.....beseech/you that ye walk/worthy 2307/2614
Mat_19:28......unto/you That ye which/have 1466/2614
2Co_2:8.....beseech/you that ye would confirm/your 2161/2614
Jdg_8:24.........of/you that ye would give/me 706/2614
1Jn_1:4........unto/you that your/joy... 2564/2614
Jos_24:11...against/you the Amorites/and. 674/2614
Exo_12:2.......unto/you the beginning/of. 122/2614
Rom_8:10.........in/you the body/is..... 2001/2614
Isa_30:20......give/you the bread/of..... 978/2614
Isa_21:10......unto/you The burden of Dumah/He 968/2614
Zec_8:23.......with/you The burden of the/word 1353/2614
Jos_3:10.....before/you the Canaanites/and 596/2614
Jos_6:16......given/you the city/And..... 608/2614
Amo_5:18........for/you the day/of...... 1308/2614
Jer_23:2.......upon/you the evil/of..... 1050/2614
Psa_34:11.....teach/you the fear/of...... 940/2614
Act_13:38......unto/you the forgiveness/of 1941/2614
Joe_2:23......given/you the former/rain. 1285/2614
1Sa_12:23.....teach/you the good and/the. 774/2614
Gen_45:18......give/you the good of/the... 67/2614
2Co_11:7.........to/you the gospel of God freely/I 2222/2614
1Th_2:2........unto/you the gospel of God with/much 2389/2614
1Th_2:9........unto/you the gospel of God Ye/are 2395/2614
1Co_15:1.......unto/you the gospel which/I 2121/2614
2Co_13:13....salute/you The grace/of.... 2255/2614
Col_1:27.........in/you the hope/of..... 2357/2614
Joh_5:25.......unto/you The hour/is..... 1758/2614
Lev_19:25......unto/you the increase/thereof 221/2614
Mar_15:9.......unto/you the King of the Jews For/he 1586/2614
Joh_18:39......unto/you the King of the Jews Then/cried 1903/2614
Mat_21:43......unto/you The kingdom of/God 1481/2614
Luk_12:32......give/you the kingdom Sell/that 1673/2614
Jos_2:9.......given/you the land and/that 585/2614
Lev_25:38......give/you the land of Canaan/and 258/2614
Eze_11:17......give/you the land of Israel/And 1175/2614
Num_33:53.....given/you the land to/possess 378/2614
Joh_7:19.......give/you the law/and..... 1780/2614
2Co_12:15......love/you the less/I...... 2238/2614
Mic_1:2.....against/you the LORD from/his 1314/2614
Jdg_8:23.......over/you the LORD shall/rule 704/2614
Jos_24:22....chosen/you the LORD to/serve 683/2614
Isa_61:6.......call/you the Ministers/of 1006/2614
Joe_2:20.......from/you the northern/army 1284/2614
Amo_4:10......among/you the pestilence/after 1303/2614
2Pe_1:16.......unto/you the power/and... 2556/2614
Deu_11:14......give/you the rain of/your. 490/2614
Joe_2:23........for/you the rain the/former 1286/2614
Heb_13:19...beseech/you the rather/to... 2489/2614
Eze_20:38.....among/you the rebels/and.. 1198/2614
Exo_16:29.....given/you the sabbath/therefore 148/2614
2Co_8:6..........in/you the same grace/also 2193/2614
Act_15:27......tell/you the same things/by 1950/2614
Joh_15:20......unto/you The servant is not greater than his lord If/they 1866/2614
Joh_13:16......unto/you The servant is not greater than his lord neither/he 1811/2614
1Ki_1:33.......with/you the servants/of.. 817/2614
Joh_5:19.......unto/you The Son/can..... 1756/2614
Heb_13:19........to/you the sooner/Now.. 2490/2614
Gal_3:5..........to/you the Spirit and/worketh 2269/2614
Isa_29:10......upon/you the spirit of deep/sleep 971/2614
Eph_1:17.......unto/you the spirit of wisdom/and 2301/2614
Act_13:34......give/you the sure/mercies 1939/2614
1Co_2:1........unto/you the testimony/of 2051/2614
Jdg_9:7........unto/you The trees/went... 711/2614
Joh_6:32.....giveth/you the true/bread.. 1768/2614
Joh_16:7.......tell/you the truth It/is. 1880/2614
Gal_4:16.......tell/you the truth They/zealously 2277/2614
Joh_8:40.......told/you the truth which/I 1792/2614
Joh_8:45.......tell/you the truth ye/believe 1793/2614
Eze_13:15......unto/you The wall/is..... 1179/2614
Jer_21:8.....before/you the way/of...... 1047/2614
Eph_6:13.......unto/you the whole/armour 2314/2614
Mal_3:10.......open/you the windows/of.. 1369/2614
Heb_13:7.......unto/you the word of God/whose 2486/2614
Deu_5:5........shew/you the word of the/LORD 454/2614
Joe_2:25.........to/you the years/that.. 1287/2614
Jdg_6:9........gave/you their/land....... 696/2614
Jos_24:8.....before/you Then Balak/the... 669/2614
2Ch_28:11......upon/you Then certain/of.. 888/2614
Jdg_9:15.......over/you then come/and.... 712/2614
2Sa_17:21...against/you Then David/arose. 810/2614
Deu_9:9........with/you then I/abode..... 474/2614
Num_15:18.....bring/you Then it shall be/that 334/2614
Num_33:55....before/you then it shall come/to 379/2614
Isa_36:12......with/you Then Rabshakeh stood and cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language and said/Hear 984/2614
2Ki_18:27......with/you Then Rabshakeh stood and cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language and spake/saying 847/2614
1Sa_6:3........from/you Then said/they... 738/2614
Joh_20:26......unto/you Then saith/he... 1908/2614
Lev_25:2.......give/you then shall the/land 251/2614
Pro_1:27.......upon/you Then shall they/call 953/2614
Isa_35:4.......save/you Then the/eyes.... 983/2614
Jdg_8:3..........of/you Then their/anger. 700/2614
Jer_42:4.......from/you Then they/said.. 1120/2614
Exo_7:9.........for/you then thou shalt say unto Aaron/Take 107/2614
Deu_6:20..commanded/you Then thou shalt say unto thy/son 462/2614
Jer_38:5....against/you Then took/they.. 1114/2614
1Sa_14:9.........to/you then we/will..... 776/2614
Deu_9:23......given/you then ye rebelled/against 481/2614
Num_10:9.oppresseth/you then ye shall blow/an 310/2614
Num_32:29....before/you then ye shall give/them 374/2614
Eze_22:20.....leave/you there and/melt.. 1208/2614
Mat_16:28......unto/you There be/some... 1449/2614
Jer_42:16.....after/you there in Egypt/and 1133/2614
Jer_42:16..overtake/you there in the/land 1132/2614
Luk_16:26.......and/you there is a/great 1698/2614
Luk_15:10......unto/you there is joy/in. 1694/2614
Mar_10:29......unto/you There is no man that hath left house or brethren/or 1553/2614
Luk_18:29......unto/you There is no man that hath left house or parents/or 1709/2614
Phl_1:22.......unto/you There salute/thee 2474/2614
Num_1:4........with/you there shall be/a. 304/2614
Mar_8:12.......unto/you There shall no/sign 1543/2614
Mat_24:2.......unto/you There shall not/be 1499/2614
Jud_1:18.......told/you there should/be. 2601/2614
Rom_12:1....beseech/you therefore brethren by/the 2007/2614
Rom_8:11.........in/you Therefore brethren we are/debtors 2003/2614
1Th_3:6.........see/you Therefore brethren we were/comforted 2408/2614
Act_13:38......unto/you therefore men/and 1940/2614
Neh_4:12.......upon/you Therefore set/I.. 909/2614
Lev_8:34........for/you Therefore shall ye abide/at 176/2614
Deu_11:17....giveth/you Therefore shall ye lay/up 492/2614
Eze_5:7.......about/you Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD/Behold 1157/2614
Jer_35:18.commanded/you Therefore thus saith the LORD of/hosts 1108/2614
2Co_7:12.......unto/you Therefore we were comforted/in 2185/2614
Jos_9:24.....before/you therefore we were sore/afraid 619/2614
1Pe_2:7........Unto/you therefore which/believe 2525/2614
Isa_43:12.....among/you therefore ye/are. 994/2614
Lev_11:28......unto/you These also/shall. 193/2614
Deu_28:68.......buy/you These are/the.... 556/2614
Lev_11:8.........to/you These shall/ye... 185/2614
2Th_2:5........told/you these things And/now 2449/2614
Joh_15:16........it/you These things I/command 1860/2614
Rev_22:16......unto/you these things in/the 2613/2614
2Ki_1:7........told/you these words/And.. 831/2614
Num_18:6.........to/you they are given/as 352/2614
Joh_6:63.......unto/you they are spirit/and 1774/2614
Luk_10:13........in/you they had/a...... 1638/2614
Mat_6:16.......unto/you They have their reward But thou when thou fastest/anoint 1399/2614
Mat_6:5........unto/you They have their reward But thou when thou prayest/enter 1397/2614
Mat_6:2........unto/you They have their reward But when/thou 1396/2614
Jer_23:16......unto/you they make/you... 1051/2614
Mat_27:21......unto/you They said Barabbas/Pilate 1525/2614
Mar_10:36.......for/you They said unto/him 1554/2614
Mat_20:32......unto/you They say/unto... 1471/2614
Lev_11:10......unto/you They shall be/even 186/2614
Eze_36:7......about/you they shall bear/their 1223/2614
Col_4:9..........of/you They shall make/known 2370/2614
Deu_14:19......unto/you they shall not/be 522/2614
Joh_16:13......shew/you things/to....... 1886/2614
Jdg_14:12......give/you thirty/sheets.... 723/2614
Deu_11:26....before/you this day a/blessing 499/2614
Deu_11:27...command/you this day And a/curse 500/2614
Deu_27:1....command/you this day And it/shall 546/2614
Act_24:21........by/you this day And when/Felix 1973/2614
Gen_47:23....bought/you this day and your/land 71/2614
Deu_4:4..........of/you this day Behold/I 435/2614
Jer_42:19admonished/you this day For/ye. 1136/2614
Deu_27:4....command/you this day in/mount 547/2614
Deu_4:8......before/you this day Only/take 437/2614
Deu_11:8....command/you this day that ye may/be 488/2614
Deu_4:26....against/you this day that ye shall soon/utterly 448/2614
Deu_30:18......unto/you this day that ye shall surely perish and/that 565/2614
Deu_8:19....against/you this day that ye shall surely perish As/the 471/2614
Deu_11:32....before/you this day These/are 503/2614
Deu_11:28...command/you this day to go/after 501/2614
Deu_11:13...command/you this day to love/the 489/2614
Deu_32:46.....among/you this day which/ye 574/2614
Jos_24:15....choose/you this day whom/ye. 679/2614
Deu_31:27......with/you this day ye/have. 570/2614
1Co_11:24.......for/you this do in remembrance of me After/the 2107/2614
Luk_22:19.......for/you this do in remembrance of me Likewise/also 1730/2614
Gen_37:6.......pray/you this dream/which.. 42/2614
Luk_21:32......unto/you This generation shall not pass away/till 1723/2614
Mat_24:34......unto/you This generation shall not pass till/all 1506/2614
Exo_3:15.......unto/you this is my/name... 85/2614
1Co_10:28......unto/you This is offered/in 2093/2614
2Sa_2:6.....requite/you this kindness/because 799/2614
Deu_3:18......given/you this land to/possess 425/2614
Jos_1:13......given/you this land Your/wives 581/2614
Luk_18:14......tell/you this man/went... 1707/2614
Gal_3:1.......among/you This only/would. 2267/2614
Mar_10:5......wrote/you this precept/But 1551/2614
2Th_3:10.......with/you this we/commanded 2463/2614
Eze_36:13......unto/you Thou land/devourest 1231/2614
Deu_13:14.....among/you Thou shalt/surely 518/2614
Luk_11:8.......unto/you Though he/will.. 1647/2614
2Co_12:15.......for/you though the/more. 2237/2614
Jos_18:4......among/you three/men........ 622/2614
Col_2:8.......spoil/you through philosophy/and 2361/2614
1Co_4:15...begotten/you through the gospel/Wherefore 2064/2614
2Pe_1:2........unto/you through the knowledge/of 2549/2614
Gal_5:10.........in/you through the Lord/that 2290/2614
Num_35:29......unto/you throughout your generations in/all 388/2614
Exo_31:13.......and/you throughout your generations that/ye 167/2614
Exo_12:49.....among/you Thus did/all..... 137/2614
Deu_9:24.......knew/you Thus I/fell...... 482/2614
Eze_39:19.......for/you Thus ye/shall... 1260/2614
Mat_5:18.......unto/you Till heaven/and. 1383/2614
Job_27:5....justify/you till I die/I..... 931/2614
1Sa_22:3.......with/you till I know/what. 785/2614
Isa_22:14......from/you till ye/die...... 969/2614
1Co_4:17.......unto/you Timotheus/who... 2066/2614
1Co_10:27.......bid/you to a/feast...... 2091/2614
2Co_1:16.........of/you to be brought/on 2148/2614
Jer_29:14....caused/you to be carried away captive/Because 1095/2614
Jer_29:7.....caused/you to be carried away captives/and 1081/2614
Gal_6:12..constrain/you to be circumcised/only 2296/2614
1Th_4:13.......have/you to be ignorant/brethren 2422/2614
Exo_16:23.......for/you to be kept/until. 147/2614
Rom_15:5......grant/you to be likeminded/one 2011/2614
Act_27:22....exhort/you to be of/good... 1977/2614
Jer_34:17......make/you to be removed/into 1103/2614
1Co_10:13....suffer/you to be tempted/above 2090/2614
Lev_10:17........it/you to bear/the...... 180/2614
Mar_1:17.......make/you to become/fishers 1533/2614
Ezr_5:9...commanded/you to build this house and to make up these/walls 904/2614
Ezr_5:3...commanded/you to build this house and to make up this/wall 903/2614
2Sa_15:28......from/you to certify/me.... 807/2614
Lev_16:30.......for/you to cleanse/you... 202/2614
Eze_37:12.....cause/you to come/up...... 1254/2614
Exo_14:13........to/you to day/for....... 141/2614
Deu_28:63......over/you to destroy you and/to 553/2614
Deu_9:19....against/you to destroy you But/the 478/2614
Exo_12:13......upon/you to destroy you when/I 126/2614
Neh_13:27......unto/you to do all/this... 914/2614
Deu_11:22...command/you to do them/to.... 493/2614
Deu_28:63......over/you to do you/good... 550/2614
Eze_36:33.....cause/you to dwell in the/cities 1247/2614
Jer_7:7.......cause/you to dwell in this place in/the 1025/2614
Jer_7:3.......cause/you to dwell in this place Trust/ye 1024/2614
Lev_20:22.....bring/you to dwell therein/spue 229/2614
Exo_16:15.....given/you to eat/This...... 146/2614
2Ch_34:26......sent/you to enquire of the LORD so/shall 899/2614
2Ki_22:18......sent/you to enquire of the LORD thus/shall 854/2614
Deu_20:4.......with/you to fight/for..... 532/2614
Mat_3:7......warned/you to flee from the wrath to come Bring forth therefore fruits meet/for 1374/2614
Luk_3:7......warned/you to flee from the wrath to come Bring forth therefore fruits worthy/of 1592/2614
2Th_3:9........unto/you to follow/us.... 2462/2614
Col_1:25........for/you to fulfil/the... 2356/2614
2Ch_32:11..persuade/you to give/over..... 893/2614
Amo_5:27......cause/you to go into/captivity 1309/2614
Jdg_2:1........made/you to go up out/of.. 686/2614
1Ki_12:28.......for/you to go up to/Jerusalem 825/2614
Act_20:32...commend/you to God/and...... 1966/2614
Deu_9:8........with/you to have destroyed/you 472/2614
Eze_34:18......unto/you to have eaten/up 1219/2614
Jer_26:4.....before/you To hearken/to... 1066/2614
Luk_23:15......sent/you to him and/lo... 1743/2614
1Pe_5:10.....settle/you To him be/glory. 2544/2614
1Th_3:12.......make/you to increase/and. 2412/2614
Deu_12:10....giveth/you to inherit and/when 505/2614
Lev_25:46.....after/you to inherit them/for 262/2614
Rom_10:19...provoke/you to jealousy/by.. 2004/2614
Mal_3:5..........to/you to judgment/and. 1367/2614
Mic_3:1.........for/you to know judgment/Who 1319/2614
Mat_13:11......unto/you to know the mysteries/of 1445/2614
Act_1:7.........for/you to know the times/or 1909/2614
Deu_13:3....proveth/you to know whether/ye 511/2614
Jos_22:5....charged/you to love/the...... 632/2614
Lev_16:34......unto/you to make/an....... 205/2614
Exo_6:7........take/you to me for/a...... 100/2614
Php_3:1..........to/you to me indeed/is. 2336/2614
2Ch_34:23......sent/you to me Thus saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the curses/that 898/2614
2Ki_22:15......sent/you to me Thus saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the words/of 853/2614
Act_23:15......unto/you to morrow/as.... 1972/2614
Deu_28:63.....bring/you to nought/and.... 555/2614
2Co_11:2...espoused/you to one/husband.. 2219/2614
Eze_20:37.....cause/you to pass/under... 1196/2614
Deu_4:13..commanded/you to perform/even.. 440/2614
Lev_20:24......unto/you to possess it a/land 233/2614
Jos_1:11.....giveth/you to possess it And/to 578/2614
Gen_45:5.....before/you to preserve life/For 61/2614
Gen_45:7.....before/you to preserve you/a. 62/2614
Mat_19:8...suffered/you to put/away..... 1462/2614
Joh_4:38.......sent/you to reap/that.... 1755/2614
Act_20:26......take/you to record/this.. 1962/2614
Jer_27:10......unto/you to remove/you... 1072/2614
Jer_29:10...causing/you to return to this/place 1087/2614
Jer_42:12.....cause/you to return to your/own 1131/2614
Psa_127:2.......for/you to rise/up....... 947/2614
2Th_2:13.....chosen/you to salvation/through 2451/2614
Jer_42:11......with/you to save/you..... 1126/2614
Act_22:25.......for/you to scourge/a.... 1971/2614
Deu_1:33.....before/you to search/you.... 409/2614
Act_28:20.......for/you to see/you...... 1981/2614
Jos_24:15......unto/you to serve/the..... 678/2614
Jer_26:15......unto/you to speak all/these 1070/2614
Exo_29:42......meet/you to speak there/unto 164/2614
2Ch_29:11....chosen/you to stand/before.. 889/2614
Act_27:34......pray/you to take/some.... 1979/2614
1Th_3:12.....toward/you To the end/he... 2413/2614
Joh_5:45.....accuse/you to the Father/there 1762/2614
2Ki_6:19......bring/you to the man/whom.. 834/2614
Jos_2:16........Get/you to the mountain/lest 591/2614
Zec_9:12.......Turn/you to the strong/hold 1354/2614
Isa_65:12....number/you to the sword/and 1007/2614
Neh_5:11.......pray/you to them even/this 911/2614
2Co_9:2..........of/you to them of/Macedonia 2200/2614
Jer_29:31....caused/you to trust/in..... 1100/2614
1Co_12:3.......give/you to understand/that 2110/2614
Eze_36:27.....cause/you to walk/in...... 1242/2614
Isa_7:13........for/you to weary/men..... 965/2614
Luk_6:47.......shew/you to whom he/is... 1617/2614
Isa_46:4....deliver/you To whom will/ye.. 996/2614
2Co_8:1..........do/you to wit/of....... 2192/2614
Jer_3:14......bring/you to Zion/And..... 1016/2614
Zec_2:8....toucheth/you toucheth/the.... 1344/2614
Gen_43:23.....given/you treasure/in....... 56/2614
2Ki_18:30......make/you trust in the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us and/this 850/2614
Isa_36:15......make/you trust in the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us this/city 987/2614
Deu_1:40........for/you turn/you......... 412/2614
Joh_6:70.....chosen/you twelve and/one.. 1777/2614
Jos_4:2........Take/you twelve men out of the people/out 599/2614
Jos_3:12.......take/you twelve men out of the tribes/of 598/2614
Luk_21:34......upon/you unawares/For.... 1724/2614
1Co_15:2.......unto/you unless/ye....... 2123/2614
2Co_9:4........find/you unprepared/we... 2202/2614
Deu_3:19......given/you Until the/LORD... 426/2614
Jos_4:23.....before/you until ye/were.... 605/2614
1Th_2:12.....called/you unto his/kingdom 2398/2614
2Sa_20:16......pray/you unto Joab/Come... 814/2614
Jer_37:7.......sent/you unto me/to...... 1109/2614
Exo_19:4....brought/you unto myself Now/therefore 154/2614
Joh_14:3....receive/you unto myself that/where 1824/2614
1Co_1:8.....confirm/you unto the end/that 2042/2614
Gen_45:17.......get/you unto the land of/Canaan 66/2614
Jdg_2:1.....brought/you unto the land which/I 687/2614
1Sa_7:5.........for/you unto the LORD/And 744/2614
Luk_12:11.....bring/you unto the synagogues/and 1665/2614
Jos_23:9.....before/you unto this/day.... 646/2614
1Th_3:6........from/you unto us/and..... 2407/2614
Exo_5:4.........get/you unto your burdens/And 92/2614
Jos_22:4........get/you unto your tents/and 630/2614
Lev_26:1.......rear/you up a/standing.... 264/2614
Lev_26:38.......eat/you up And they/that. 302/2614
Act_20:32.....build/you up and to/give.. 1967/2614
2Pe_1:13.......stir/you up by/putting... 2554/2614
Jos_4:5........take/you up every/man..... 602/2614
1Sa_9:13........get/you up for about/this 749/2614
Jer_42:10.....pluck/you up for I/repent. 1124/2614
Num_16:24.......Get/you up from about/the 346/2614
Num_16:45.......Get/you up from among/this 348/2614
Jdg_6:8.....brought/you up from Egypt/and 691/2614
Amo_2:10....brought/you up from the/land 1291/2614
Gen_44:17.......get/you up in/peace....... 58/2614
Eze_36:3..swallowed/you up on/every..... 1222/2614
Exo_3:17......bring/you up out of the affliction/of 88/2614
Lev_11:45..bringeth/you up out of the land of Egypt to/be 198/2614
2Ki_17:36...brought/you up out of the land of Egypt with/great 843/2614
Eze_37:13...brought/you up out of your/graves 1256/2614
Jos_7:12......among/you Up sanctify/the.. 610/2614
Jam_4:10.......lift/you up Speak/not.... 2508/2614
Mar_13:11...deliver/you up take no thought beforehand/what 1570/2614
Mat_10:19...deliver/you up take no thought how/or 1422/2614
Num_13:17.......Get/you up this/way...... 317/2614
Mat_24:9....deliver/you up to be/afflicted 1501/2614
1Sa_25:5........Get/you up to Carmel/and. 792/2614
Mar_13:9....deliver/you up to councils/and 1568/2614
Mat_10:17...deliver/you up to the councils/and 1420/2614
Luk_21:12delivering/you up to the synagogues/and 1719/2614
Jer_49:31.......get/you up unto/the..... 1152/2614
Deu_11:25........of/you upon all/the..... 497/2614
Lev_17:11........to/you upon the/altar... 208/2614
Jer_23:16......make/you vain/they....... 1052/2614
Joh_13:15........to/you Verily/verily... 1810/2614
Jos_1:11....Prepare/you victuals/for..... 577/2614
Gen_45:19......take/you wagons/out........ 68/2614
Joh_12:35......with/you Walk/while...... 1806/2614
2Co_12:18........of/you walked/we....... 2243/2614
2Th_1:10......among/you was believed/in. 2442/2614
2Co_1:18.....toward/you was not/yea..... 2149/2614
Num_20:10.....fetch/you water/out........ 356/2614
Psa_129:8......upon/you we bless/you..... 948/2614
2Co_4:12.........in/you We having/the... 2165/2614
1Jn_3:13.......hate/you We know/that.... 2588/2614
1Th_2:9..........of/you we preached/unto 2394/2614
2Co_12:19......unto/you we speak/before. 2244/2614
1Th_3:4........with/you we told/you..... 2404/2614
1Th_2:8..........of/you we were/willing. 2392/2614
Jos_24:11.......And/you went/over........ 673/2614
Joh_6:61.....offend/you What and/if..... 1773/2614
Isa_5:5........tell/you what I/will...... 964/2614
Exo_12:26......unto/you What mean/ye..... 135/2614
Mat_5:46.......love/you what reward/have 1395/2614
Luk_6:33.........to/you what thank have ye for sinners also do/even 1614/2614
Luk_6:32.......love/you what thank have ye for sinners also love/those 1613/2614
2Ki_7:12.......shew/you what the/Syrians. 835/2614
Mar_11:24......unto/you What things/soever 1561/2614
2Sa_16:20.....among/you what we/shall.... 809/2614
Exo_4:15......teach/you what ye/shall..... 91/2614
Joh_16:23......unto/you Whatsoever ye shall ask/the 1892/2614
Mat_18:18......unto/you Whatsoever ye shall bind/on 1458/2614
Luk_11:20......upon/you When a/strong... 1652/2614
Luk_6:26.......unto/you when all/men.... 1606/2614
2Co_7:7..........in/you when he told/us. 2179/2614
Luk_24:6.......unto/you when he was/yet. 1744/2614
1Co_16:5.......unto/you when I shall/pass 2128/2614
Exo_12:13...destroy/you when I smite/the. 127/2614
Deu_9:8...destroyed/you When I was/gone.. 473/2614
Amo_4:7........from/you when there/were. 1301/2614
Deu_26:11.....among/you When thou hast/made 545/2614
Deu_21:9......among/you when thou shalt/do 536/2614
Jos_2:10........for/you when ye came out of Egypt and/what 587/2614
Hag_2:5........with/you when ye came out of Egypt so/my 1336/2614
1Co_11:19.....among/you When ye come/together 2102/2614
Mar_6:11.......hear/you when ye depart/thence 1539/2614
Jos_9:22.......from/you when ye dwell/among 616/2614
Luk_9:5.....receive/you when ye go/out.. 1624/2614
Jos_23:15.....given/you When ye have/transgressed 661/2614
Eze_14:23...comfort/you when ye see/their 1182/2614
Jer_42:18......upon/you when ye shall/enter 1134/2614
Zec_8:14.....punish/you when your/fathers 1350/2614
Rom_15:23......unto/you Whensoever/I.... 2017/2614
Eze_13:12......unto/you Where is/the.... 1178/2614
Rev_2:13......among/you where Satan/dwelleth 2606/2614
1Pe_1:25.......unto/you Wherefore laying/aside 2524/2614
Jos_5:9.........off/you Wherefore the/name 606/2614
Mat_26:13......unto/you Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in/the 1515/2614
Mar_14:9.......unto/you Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout/the 1578/2614
2Co_8:22.........in/you Whether any/do.. 2197/2614
2Co_2:9..........of/you whether ye/be... 2162/2614
1Co_15:1.......unto/you which also/ye... 2122/2614
Jos_24:12....before/you which drave/them. 675/2614
Mar_14:18........of/you which eateth/with 1582/2614
Luk_6:27.......unto/you which hear/Love. 1608/2614
Lev_17:13.....among/you which hunteth/and 211/2614
Act_13:40......upon/you which is spoken/of 1942/2614
Eph_3:13........for/you which is your/glory 2305/2614
2Co_9:14........for/you which long/after 2205/2614
Eze_47:22.....among/you which shall beget/children 1267/2614
Lev_26:22.....among/you which shall rob/you 288/2614
Jos_23:15......upon/you which the/LORD... 657/2614
Lev_25:45......with/you which they/begat. 261/2614
1Jn_2:8........unto/you which thing/is.. 2568/2614
Php_2:5..........in/you which was/also.. 2330/2614
Eph_2:17.........to/you which were/afar. 2303/2614
Jer_8:17......among/you which will/not.. 1033/2614
Deu_28:56.....among/you which would/not.. 549/2614
1Jn_2:24.........in/you which ye have heard/from 2579/2614
1Co_6:19.........in/you which ye have of/God 2080/2614
Luk_24:44......unto/you while I/was..... 1746/2614
2Ch_15:2.......with/you while ye/be...... 871/2614
2Co_7:15.....toward/you whilst/he....... 2189/2614
1Th_5:24....calleth/you who also/will... 2433/2614
1Pe_1:4.........for/you Who are kept/by. 2517/2614
2Th_1:7..........to/you who are troubled/rest 2441/2614
Isa_51:12comforteth/you who art/thou.... 1000/2614
1Pe_1:20........for/you Who by/him...... 2523/2614
2Co_8:10........for/you who have begun/before 2194/2614
Heb_13:7.......over/you who have spoken/unto 2485/2614
Col_4:7........unto/you who is/a........ 2368/2614
2Pe_2:1.......among/you who privily/shall 2557/2614
1Pe_4:4..........of/you Who shall/give.. 2533/2614
Act_4:10.....before/you whole/This...... 1927/2614
1Th_5:23...sanctify/you wholly/and...... 2432/2614
Mat_7:9..........of/you whom if/his..... 1409/2614
Act_3:20.......unto/you Whom the/heaven. 1920/2614
Joh_1:26......among/you whom ye know/not 1749/2614
Luk_12:5...forewarn/you whom ye shall/fear 1662/2614
2Pe_2:3..........of/you whose/judgment.. 2558/2614
Joh_6:53.........in/you Whoso eateth/my. 1772/2614
Lev_11:27......unto/you whoso toucheth/their 192/2614
Joh_8:34.......unto/you Whosoever committeth/sin 1789/2614
Exo_30:32......unto/you Whosoever compoundeth/any 165/2614
Gal_5:4........unto/you whosoever of/you 2286/2614
Luk_12:8.......unto/you Whosoever shall confess/me 1664/2614
Mar_10:15......unto/you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he/shall 1552/2614
Luk_18:17......unto/you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall/in 1708/2614
Mat_19:9.......unto/you Whosoever shall put/away 1463/2614
Luk_19:31.......ask/you Why do ye loose/him 1712/2614
Mar_11:3.......unto/you Why do ye this/say 1559/2614
1Sa_6:3..........to/you why his/hand..... 737/2614
Mar_10:44........of/you will be/the..... 1557/2614
Isa_42:23.....among/you will give/ear.... 993/2614
Php_1:6..........in/you will perform/it. 2320/2614
Luk_13:24......unto/you will seek/to.... 1680/2614
Joh_16:2....killeth/you will think/that. 1872/2614
Eze_20:3.........by/you Wilt/thou....... 1186/2614
Deu_1:13.......Take/you wise men/and..... 397/2614
Rom_16:19......have/you wise unto/that.. 2031/2614
1Ki_12:11......lade/you with a heavy/yoke 820/2614
1Co_4:21.......unto/you with a rod/or... 2070/2614
Exo_6:6......redeem/you with a stretched/out 99/2614
Rom_15:13......fill/you with all joy/and 2012/2614
Eph_4:31.......from/you with all malice/And 2309/2614
Jer_21:5....against/you with an/outstretched 1046/2614
Amo_4:9.....smitten/you with blasting and mildew/when 1302/2614
Hag_2:17......smote/you with blasting and with/mildew 1339/2614
Col_2:4.....beguile/you with enticing/words 2359/2614
2Co_11:2.......over/you with godly/jealousy 2218/2614
2Co_12:16....caught/you with guile/Did.. 2240/2614
Rom_15:32......unto/you with joy/by..... 2024/2614
Jer_3:15.......feed/you with knowledge/and 1018/2614
2Co_2:4........unto/you with many/tears. 2158/2614
1Pe_3:15.........in/you with meekness/and 2531/2614
1Co_3:2.........fed/you with milk/and... 2055/2614
Gal_6:11.......unto/you with mine/own... 2295/2614
Job_16:5.strengthen/you with my/mouth.... 928/2614
Act_15:25......unto/you with our/beloved 1949/2614
2Sa_3:31.......gird/you with sackcloth and/mourn 801/2614
Jer_4:8........gird/you with sackcloth lament and howl/for 1019/2614
Jer_49:3.......gird/you with sackcloth lament and run/to 1148/2614
2Ch_10:11..chastise/you with scorpions So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam on/the 864/2614
1Ki_12:11..chastise/you with scorpions So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the/third 822/2614
2Ch_10:14..chastise/you with scorpions So the/king 866/2614
1Ki_12:14..chastise/you with scorpions Wherefore/the 824/2614
Eze_37:6......cover/you with skin/and... 1252/2614
Luk_12:25........of/you with taking/thought 1669/2614
1Co_16:12......unto/you with the brethren/but 2133/2614
Mar_1:8.....baptize/you with the Holy Ghost And it/came 1532/2614
Mat_3:11....baptize/you with the Holy Ghost and with fire Whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather/his 1377/2614
Luk_3:16....baptize/you with the Holy Ghost and with fire Whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and will/gather 1596/2614
1Pe_1:12.......unto/you with the Holy Ghost sent/down 2520/2614
Exo_22:24......kill/you with the sword/and 158/2614
Eze_34:3.....clothe/you with the wool/ye 1217/2614
Num_25:18.......vex/you with their/wiles. 361/2614
1Sa_15:6....destroy/you with them/for.... 780/2614
Eph_5:6.....deceive/you with vain/words. 2312/2614
Mar_1:8....baptized/you with water but he/shall 1531/2614
Luk_3:16....baptize/you with water but one/mightier 1595/2614
Mat_3:11....baptize/you with water unto/repentance 1376/2614
2Ch_10:11.chastised/you with whips but I will chastise you with scorpions So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam on/the 863/2614
1Ki_12:11.chastised/you with whips but I will chastise you with scorpions So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the/third 821/2614
2Ch_10:14.chastised/you with whips but I will chastise you with scorpions So the/king 865/2614
1Ki_12:14.chastised/you with whips but I will chastise you with scorpions Wherefore/the 823/2614
Act_15:24..troubled/you with words/subverting 1948/2614
Eze_20:41....accept/you with your/sweet. 1200/2614
Deu_17:2......among/you within/any....... 526/2614
Num_28:31......unto/you without blemish and their drink/offerings 366/2614
Num_28:19......unto/you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 363/2614
Num_29:8.......unto/you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 369/2614
1Co_7:32.......have/you without carefulness/He 2083/2614
1Co_16:10......with/you without fear/for 2132/2614
Act_10:29......unto/you without gainsaying/as 1935/2614
Luk_22:35......sent/you without purse/and 1737/2614
Jer_21:4....besiege/you without the/walls 1045/2614
Num_22:8......bring/you word/again....... 357/2614
Hos_14:2.......with/you words/and....... 1281/2614
2Th_1:11......count/you worthy/of....... 2444/2614
1Jn_2:24.........in/you ye also/shall... 2580/2614
Deu_1:20.......unto/you Ye are come/unto. 402/2614
2Co_3:1........from/you Ye are our/epistle 2164/2614
Mat_5:12.....before/you Ye are the/salt. 1382/2614
Mat_23:16......unto/you ye blind/guides. 1489/2614
Joh_13:12........to/you Ye call/me...... 1808/2614
Jos_22:25.......and/you ye children/of... 635/2614
Jdg_12:2.....called/you ye delivered/me.. 721/2614
Joh_15:15......unto/you Ye have not chosen/me 1857/2614
Jos_22:2..commanded/you Ye have not left/your 629/2614
Hos_10:12......upon/you Ye have plowed/wickedness 1279/2614
Mic_3:9........pray/you ye heads/of..... 1322/2614
Joh_15:18......hate/you ye know/that.... 1862/2614
1Sa_12:12...against/you ye said/unto..... 767/2614
Joh_6:26.......unto/you Ye seek/me...... 1764/2614
1Jn_2:27.....taught/you ye shall abide/in 2586/2614
Joh_15:7.........in/you ye shall ask/what 1848/2614
Lev_23:21......unto/you ye shall do/no... 245/2614
Lev_25:12......unto/you ye shall eat/the. 255/2614
Eze_11:9......among/you Ye shall fall/by 1168/2614
Luk_2:12.......unto/you Ye shall find/the 1591/2614
Deu_17:16......unto/you Ye shall henceforth/return 528/2614
Lev_20:24......unto/you Ye shall inherit/their 232/2614
Exo_31:13..sanctify/you Ye shall keep/the 168/2614
Deu_4:1......giveth/you Ye shall not add/unto 431/2614
Lev_11:11......unto/you ye shall not eat of their flesh but/ye 187/2614
Deu_14:8.......unto/you ye shall not eat of their flesh nor/touch 520/2614
2Ki_17:38......with/you ye shall not forget/neither 845/2614
Mat_10:23......unto/you Ye shall not have/gone 1426/2614
Mat_23:39......unto/you Ye shall not see me henceforth/till 1498/2614
Luk_13:35......unto/you Ye shall not see me until/the 1687/2614
Lev_25:11......unto/you ye shall not sow/neither 254/2614
Deu_5:32..commanded/you ye shall not turn/aside 456/2614
2Ki_17:37.......for/you ye shall observe/to 844/2614
Num_28:30.......for/you Ye shall offer them/beside 365/2614
Num_28:22.......for/you Ye shall offer these/beside 364/2614
Mat_21:3.......unto/you ye shall say/The 1473/2614
Gen_44:23......with/you ye shall see/my... 59/2614
Joh_13:33......with/you Ye shall seek/me 1817/2614
Num_16:7.......upon/you ye sons of Levi And/Moses 340/2614
Num_16:8.......pray/you ye sons of Levi Seemeth/it 341/2614
2Sa_16:10......with/you ye sons of Zeruiah so/let 808/2614
2Sa_19:22......with/you ye sons of Zeruiah that/ye 813/2614
Gen_50:20.......for/you ye thought/evil... 78/2614
Luk_22:68.......ask/you ye will not answer/me 1741/2614
Luk_22:67......tell/you ye will not believe/And 1740/2614
Eze_22:20......melt/you Yea I/will...... 1209/2614
2Co_7:11.........in/you yea what/clearing 2182/2614
Isa_1:15.......from/you yea when/ye...... 960/2614
Job_12:3.........to/you yea who/knoweth.. 920/2614
Joh_14:18........to/you Yet a/little.... 1833/2614
Lev_26:24....punish/you yet seven/times.. 292/2614
Exo_5:18......given/you yet shall/ye...... 95/2614
Lev_11:20......unto/you Yet these/may.... 189/2614
Neh_6:3..........to/you Yet they/sent.... 912/2614
1Jn_2:14.......unto/you young men because ye are/strong 2576/2614
1Jn_2:13.......unto/you young men because ye have/overcome 2573/2614
Lev_26:26...deliver/you your bread/again. 295/2614
Gen_42:34...deliver/you your brother/and.. 50/2614
Deu_12:11...command/you your burnt/offerings 507/2614
Num_14:28........to/you Your carcases shall/fall 320/2614
Num_14:32.......for/you your carcases they/shall 323/2614
Deu_4:2.....command/you Your eyes/have... 433/2614
Job_13:11......upon/you Your remembrances/are 925/2614
Jam_5:1........upon/you Your riches/are. 2509/2614
Mar_11:25...forgive/you your trespasses/But 1562/2614
Luk_13:28.......and/you yourselves/thrust 1685/2614
