Isa_63:15.......thy/zeal and/thy............. 9/16
Isa_59:17......with/zeal as/a................ 8/16 for the/LORD........ 2/16
Col_4:13......great/zeal for you/and........ 16/16
Psa_119:139......My/zeal hath consumed/me.... 5/16
2Co_9:2........your/zeal hath provoked/very. 14/16
Rom_10:2..........a/zeal of God/but......... 12/16
2Ki_19:31.......the/zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 3/16
Isa_37:32.......the/zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 7/16
Isa_9:7.........The/zeal of the LORD of hosts will/perform 6/16
Psa_69:9........the/zeal of thine house hath eaten me up and/the 4/16
Joh_2:17........The/zeal of thine house hath eaten me up Then/answered 11/16
Php_3:6..Concerning/zeal persecuting/the.... 15/16
2Sa_21:2........his/zeal to/the.............. 1/16 when/I............. 10/16
2Co_7:11.......what/zeal yea/what........... 13/16
Num_25:13.......was/zealous for his/God....... 2/8
Num_25:11.......was/zealous for my/sake....... 1/8
Tit_2:14.....people/zealous of good/works..... 7/8
1Co_14:12.......are/zealous of spiritual/gifts 5/8
Act_21:20.......all/zealous of the law/And.... 3/8
Gal_1:14exceedingly/zealous of the traditions/of 6/8 therefore/and..... 8/8
Act_22:3........was/zealous toward/God........ 4/8
Gal_4:17.......They/zealously affect/you...... 1/2 affected/always. 2/2
